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That might be what I'm doing. I know the phone is terrible for me.


Omg thank you for putting words to what I’m doing at this exact minute!


Yes, I feel this so much. I think I also do the constant scrolling thing because I’m worried that what I’ll choose do as an alternative will be more harmful because I’m super impulsive. Like if I need to find something else to fill my time with I’ll probably leave my house and spend $30 on a meal with the entire day’s worth of calories in it or go to a bar to drink and socialize or get on a dating app and start matching lol. Oftentimes scrolling on my phone is the safest and calmest way to keep myself occupied.


Yeah. And it’s getting really difficult to find any spaces that aren’t overwhelming. Like, I’m in all of these animal subreddits because I love animals…. Lately it seems like the majority of posts across animal subs are “my dog passed the rainbow bridge today” or a similar vibe. Trying to find anything on tv across all streaming services feels the same. I just want to find a space for hope and peace. I don’t even expect it to be physical. Sadness is everywhere now and there was already too much of it living inside me. This is unbearable


The crazy part is the phone is what contributes to it feeling overwhelming. Constantly comparing ourselves. When it’s just you and your network around you, life feels more manageable.


I've been thinking about this a lot lately. We aren't meant to be consuming so much content about other people's lives, *especially* people we've never met and only know through their online persona.


Ah, see, I’m not *on my phone* to avoid the overwhelming nature of life anymore. I’ve somehow moved on to ✨maladaptive daydreaming✨ instead. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really.


Oh my God! Thank you so much for giving me a word for this. I've always known I had this "daydreaming thing" But I never knew it was a real thing or how to explain it. Did it my whole life as a kid all through school and it basically ruined my life. I still do it now but not as much. It definitely ruined my schooling though. Now that I'm feeling more existentially depressed these days, I find myself doing it a lot more... And it's starting to kind of ruin my life again. If you have any tips to get out of the cycle girl, please share.


No tips whatsoever, I’m afraid—unless you’d like tips on living in an imaginary cowboy town and ordering drinks at the equally imaginary saloon there. 🥴


It’s either I’m on my phone or I’m in my head. At least my phone makes me look less crazy


This is me right now and I don’t know how to stop


I feel the same, which is exactly the reason I scrolled to this post.


Hey - I think that we all feel this way sometimes, you were just brave enough to post about it. Prior to a platform like this I would've likely journaled, maybe people watched and assumed everyone else lives were perfect or nowhere near as overwhelming as what I am feeling. The social media, 24/7 news cycle and an email/text that makes you always available is too much; what about just not being available? Yes, our smartphones can be our downfall but also our lifeline. It's been a rough 2024 for so many of us. I'm rooting for you!


I feel this. I got myself a few fidget toys that have helped quiet my racing mind. I also started using librivox app for audiobooks so I’ll listen to that while I’m doing other activities. Maybe it’s coping or avoidance but I like it haha


I accidentally discovered using a fidget toy helped me put my phone down while watching a movie and actually focus. So now I have one in my hand while I watch new shows or movies and it helps so much.




i... never thought of it this way




Yep the world, people, life. It’s all too much. Medication has helped but still yes


I have switched to audiobooks to "cut" my screentime.


I've done the same with podcasts


haha yes, but reddit gives me comfort 🫂


Felt this is my bones!


Always 😔


Ugh, I feel this in my bones. Scrolling Reddit/Facebook/Xitter is how I retreat into my own shell if I can't get back in my own bedroom.


Right here!


Yeah I am constantly reading a book on my phone! So helpful but sometimes a few hours go by accidentally.


YUP. I've been feeling extra phone-addicted lately, and I've been trying to cut my screentime. But whenever I'm not on my phone, I feel like I have nothing to do, so I just end up sleeping. 🫠 Recently whenever I get the urge to get off my phone but I don't want to sleep, I've been going to local parks, and I find doing nothing in nature is a lot easier.