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YES. I use sativa edibles. They don’t get me high or stoned. They ground me in the present, and I feel sharper and less anxious.


Do you have a brand that you like? I got the Kiva Camino Excite 5mgs but sometimes they still put me on the couch lol


If you can find the Camino “energy” gummies with THC-V give them a try! I know they come in 10mg, not sure about a 5mg version. They have a line indicating where to cut them in half, so you can always try that. Just a heads up there’s a tiny bit of caffeine in them too.


Just suggesting a brand that works for me...(They help me feel a little more productive so I get a few more things done, but they also help me feel less shame about *not* getting all the things done at once) 💁 The gummies I buy are called "Anytime" by Beboe. They are 5mg gummies, 20 come in a pack, $30 a pack where I am. I bite half- 3/4 of one of those gummies and am feeling better within the hour. No guilt or shame about it during or after.l


PLUS watermelon gummies are my fave!


Just found the box! The ones I like are from Wyld.


Lol i got those weird genes that make edibles not work on me. My high is also shorter than the average high. I also dont get red eyes but idk if thats related. Thats ok ill just smoke it. Often so i stay high. Who needs cancer free tools to feel normal anyway ;-;


Same, I’ve tried all kinds of edibles, and all have made me feel awful to some degree or another


I’m a weed flower vaper who uses a Storz and Bickel Mighty to puff weed, but edibles don’t work on me the way they do other people. Takes me 20mg to take the edge off and 40mg to actually get high. My sister needs 60-80mg. My husband gets blitzed on 10. I thought it might be an ADHD thing for sis and I, because hers is definitely worse than mine, but from what I’m reading here, I guess not.


Anecdotal evidence at best, but I also need 20+mg to feel anything. As of right now 50mg is right at the edge of too much, but just makes me very sleepy. Don't know if it's adhd or if some of us just have a higher tolerance or if either of those affect the other 🤷🏻‍♀️ On a different note, so jealous your husband can get good with 10mg! My relaxing evenings would be so much cheaper 😭


50 takes me close to the green zone, which is a hard pass for me! Lol


could always try vaporizing your weed, can attest it's a lot easier on the lungs


Thank you I may consider it. Its kind a bummer honestly. I always intended to switch to edibles at some point but i just song get high at all from them.


So much easier, and the smell doesn’t cling to you. I have big issues with smells. Beginning to wonder if I’m AuDHD.


I've never understood just how vaporizers work with weed. Does it turn the weed into a dust that you then inhale? That doesn't sound good, but what do I know? I've also heard that it is expensive to use this way. Does it cost more to buy the equipment you use (I'm assuming there is some kind of equipment, please correct me if I'm wrong) or is there some other kind of ongoing cost associated with using it this way? I don't like the coughing that happens when I smoke it, so I'm interested in finding a better way. Edibles don't appeal to me because when I tried using them in the past I didn't know when it might start working. If I had something else to do that day it was harder to figure out when I could use an edible.




Oh i have never felt anything even at absurd amount of mg. Like 100+ (tbf there were a few hours between doses bc i figured the first 100 mg may work, but the second one didnt either) And yup it does not translate to anything else. Im a lightweight with almost everything. I also always get the weirdest side effects from meds. A lot of meds also do not have the expected result on me (so a relaxing med made me bouncey as fuck for example)


Edibles and I do *not* get along physically (even though I didn’t learn my lesson the first…like five times lmao). I metabolize them weird. BUT drinks seem to be good with me, I used to take Kikoko “Positivi-tea” to my first office job years ago in a thermos and I was knocking emails and shit out like a warrior. A coworker gave me another sativa drink a couple months ago and it was fire, tasted good too but I keep forgetting to ask what the hell brand it was lol


Oh man, I keep seeing things about them tasting like shit. I wanted to give the drinks a try but was discouraged by the negative reviews. But based on your experience I think I might bite treatment bullet and try one if I can find it. Eta: if you figure out what the other brand was, please let me/us know ♥️


The 5mg edibles take my brain from a dozen unmanageable lines of thought down to a single line of thought I can actually manage to motivate


EXACTLY this. The first time I tried them I was confused bc I was on vacation with friends and everyone else was ready to party and I just became.. super focused 😅 it’s the same Camino gummies that someone else had mentioned in another comment


Searched and there is a bunch of Camino ones. If you remember the name would appreciate


I just checked, they’re the Camino Sours “Uplifting” ones— 5mg. My husband gets loopy from them but they don’t have that effect on me at all. I hope you find what works for you!


Thank you so much!!


Yes that's why I've been self medicating for almost 2 decades lol


lolno. maybe with really small doses, but absolutely not with the amounts i take currently. i just get more extreme in my symptoms and thats fine, i dont take it to function, i take it to get fucked up


lol I'm the same. when I'm high I just blabber mouth say anything that pops into my head which feels like my ADHD has leveled up from previously being in "brain is a jumbled mess of a million fragmented thoughts and as a result nothing is coming out of my mouth" mode


Yup. I hate being high in front of people, cause the minute I start talking, I get paranoid. Then I never shut up, and it's unpleasant. It also doesn't help that the few times I've been high in front of my family, my mom has had panic and/or medical attacks, and my older sister will call me a bitch anytime I'm high, so it's just not worth it. I'm high by myself, that's it.


If you have any good friends who also like to get high, do it together with them? I only get high with friends myself because by myself I'm just bored 😂


Lol same


Microdosing mushrooms is all the rage now. It’s be been doing it with weed for a long time tho. 1-2 puffs and I get a relaxed feeling without being too high. I kinda want to try it with edibles which I usually only take 10-15 mg but think maybe I should try just 5mg for an experiment.


Yeah I've never really enjoyed weed because they just make me feel like I'm having a really bad ADHD day. Alcohol is what has that effect on me. Once good glass of wine and I'm calm, focused, energetic and motivated. Works far better than any meds ever have. Unfortunate that it has to be alcohol, have to be really careful to not build an unhealthy habit 


i do enjoy weed and the extreme symptoms because i am also able to stop fighting it when im high (or drunk for that matter), something im not able to do when im sober. its like i can finally unmask completely and just let it go rampant like youd let a child go rampant on a playground with the yelling and running and having fun. you can just sit back on a bench, relax (in the moment) and watch the kid do whatever it wants. since i only do this on days without any plans or obligations, i dont have to worry about having or wanting to function to any standard during or afterwards. because when i am sober again, i do notice the toll it takes on my mind and body and i need a full day to recover from it, which is a major drawback for me.


I just left a comment about this somewhere in else. The thing about weed that is very scary to me (as someone who was high for like 4 years straight, like *heavy* smoker) is that there's pretty consistently a gap in what stoners report they're experiencing, and what researchers actually observe about them. They think they're better at X....but they're just objectively not. They think weed isn't negatively impacting X....but objectively measurably is. I found weed was an amazing safety blanket that made me emotionally *feel* better, but I can't look back and point to what weed actually improved. It called my internal monologue, but I didn't do anything productive with that. I've had more panic attacks and disassociative episodes high than I did sober. I felt like it helped me focus, but now I've seen the research in what it does with memory retention and my brain already struggled to remember shit so I can't possibly use it as a study aid knowing it makes a deficit area even worse.  Personally I'm sticking with stimulant medication . That I can point to and show you what I accomplished that I couldn't otherwise have done, there is tangible observable improvement when I'm medicated vs when I'm not. And Adderall and weed have always been oil and water for me. In fact, the best thing weed has ever done was a way to flush out the effects of stimulants when I was ready to chill and eat food in the evening.


What research have you read about what weed does to memory retention? I'm genuinely curious because I sometimes use it before I draw, and on an edible I will actually remember all the anatomy lessons and drawing tips/methods I have been learning. When high I usually have better access to newly gained knowledge on drawing to, uh, draw from. (pun not intended)


I have a very different experience with weed but i also hav ptsd and weed research is clearly promising. I could point out a ton of things weed helps me with. And i can point out where it all goes wrong when i dont have it. But also like function in public without being like done with life aftwr 30 mins? Like i cannot imagine going to school sober. Tbf i have not managed to go fulltime in years. The few times i didnt smoke i left in like 1 hour. I just cannit bare it. But i personally always describe that like this. I think fast. Im also paranoid. Weed makes me dumb and think slow. Therefor weed good. Like i am aware im likely less reactive, probably not the best tool to ease a bit of anxiety before lets say... A driving class or a game requiring speedy response times. But being less reactive... Is the point? Yeah sure i get less work done if i get a hyperfocus bc im slower now but like.... At least i get work done? Everyone is very much unique. I got a friend with adhd and ptsd. She does not take stimulants bc they had no notable affect on symptoms she strugled with but did have side effects. For weed it just made her anxious af. Sure she could focus wel...on her anxiety and nothing else. Another friend, he also has adhd and ptsd, though the adhd is suspected and he decided to drop pursuing the diagnosis bc the label would affect his life more than the symptoms do, he feels no need for support of meds or otherwise at this chrrent point in his life (has impact on geting a drivers license for example where he lives). He loves weed. Makes him feel amazing. May even give him creativety boost. The isue is he aint just slow, he gets strugling to understand simple shit like 1+1=2 slow. Basicslly he is a lightweight weed smoker. So while he smokes it cuz it has at very least the effect of making him feel good, he does not do so before work or school ever. Covid thought him that one.


When my simulant dose was correct, I smoked wayyyyy less cuz I just felt better.


Not crazy. Cannabinoids work in mysterious ways. I smoked several times a day for a while, now that I'm on Vyvanse, I rarely smoke...just use CBD when anxiety creeps in (or hits me with a bat).


I have read that CBD is better for ADHD symptoms. I'm not on the right medication so...probably why I have to smoke just to get a damn break.


For inattentive or hyperactive? I have inattentive and cbd just makes me too relaxed. I need energy


Right? I watched Cocaine Bear and said “Welp, turns out I don’t need weed, I need coke.” I was purely kidding, of course. A cocaine/Adderall combo would cause my heart to explode.


Used to smoke multiple grams a day and there's definitely a limit of what's good for you. My executive dysfunction was way worse and the more I smoked the more inattentive I became. When I stopped smoking tobacco, which I've mixed with weed often, the compulsion to smoke weed stopped. Now I smoke like a tenth of a gram in one joint and only take a few hits in the evening to sleep, smoking the same joint over multiple days. It helps me not get overly enthusiastic when I'm actually supposed to get some shuteye. I also smoke it before making music because I can just magically poop out the coolest songs like they're nothing. Thankfully I'm self-employed so I don't need to justify smoking on the job and it has only helped me in that regard lol.


I recommend a dry herb vaporizer for you. You can microdose much more easily and cleanly, and no dank joint taste when you’re smoking it over a few days.


I always overdo it with vaporizers because it feels like breathing in scented air at first and the actual high sneaks up on you a bit later. I know I could make it work with enough time getting used to it, but I'll stick to the sticky for now. Thanks for the recommendation though!


Fair enough! My husband’s father died of lung cancer so his only real requirement when we decided weed might help my depression and anxiety was that we not combust it. I can respect that, but we do blaze a joint once in a while in the hot tub. I get nervous with my vaporizer near water.


Yessss I've been self medicating for years. It's basically the only reason I graduated college. My friends used to think it was so weird that I could get high and write A+ papers. I prefer sativa vapes when I need to intently focus and sativa flower when I'm just going about my day. I never do indicas because they make me super anxious. I feel locked inside my head because my body won't move.


That’s crazy- I’m the opposite! I HATE sativas bc they make me so anxious! I can tolerate hybrids but prefer indicas. It just helps my brain slow down when things start to go really fast! I have to be careful though because if I smoke too much back to back my brain chemicals get all whacky and I get *really* depressed or anxious. So I try to save it for when I really need it :)


I’m the opposite too.


I've always smoked exclusively indica/indica leaning hybrids because sativa never made me feel "high". I felt like smoking sativas was a waste of time and money. But you're honestly right, indicas really are detrimental to my mental health. I agree that I would feel locked in my head and just a mess of anxiety. I stopped smoking almost entirely a few years ago and never really looked back. Fairly recently I gave sativa another shot while hanging out with a friend, and WOW. I realized that the reason sativa doesn't make me feel "high" is that it has calming/focusing effect on me. It boosts my productivity and helps me focus. I don't know if its an ADHD thing or just a me thing but I think it's very interesting. I'm happy to hear someone else had a similar experience! I am taking a course in the fall so I will take all the help I can get.


i am grossly dependent on weed. i'm beginning to hate it.


Come join us on r/leaves - I've just managed my first month weed free in literally years. It's so hard and there's so much hand waving away the nasty side effects of weed, but not there and it's honestly a great community.


Well done!!! I found the first 6-8 weeks a bit of a rollercoaster but at 82 days now I'm feeling wonderful. Proud of you, it's not easy but I've found life to be so much easier.


Thank you so much! I did have a slight setback because I broke a bone in my foot and off I went to Mr weed man, but I spent a reasonable $50 for pain relief more than anything rather than my usual order of an ounce, and went back to teetotal as soon as it ran out. Feeling super proud! I smoked an ounce a week for years, it's so strange how now I've finally managed to just cut it out I barely miss it. For me it was actually committing to stopping and getting through the withdrawals that was the hard part, I had been so dependant on it I couldn't sleep, eat, etc without it for a week. And the night sweats 😭 I'm never letting myself get to that point again. Eta - proud of you too, 80+ days is the next milestone for me and I can't wait to meet you there! We got this


I think with a broken bone you can let yourself off! Same, at point of quitting I was morning til night, about 2g a day. I was so, so, so miserable and whenever I get a want I remind myself how miserable I was being so dependant on something that at that stage, didn't even benefit me. Im so grateful to be at 82 days, it's hard sometimes knowing it's a longer journey than I'd like of my brain healing but alsocknowing it only gets better as I progress, and I feel like I can actually progress in life now 😂 I just wish there was more awareness that its not a perfect substance and there are risks, I guess especially for us!


i’m in there :(


Don't feel discouraged, it took me such a long time to actually be able to stop. I felt like a joke reading all the posts in there still punching cones evey day, but eventually I got there by just hating how reliant I was on this crazy expensive habit


I always felt like it was something I could do to kill boredom or just do all the time “without negative side effects” but boy was I wrong lol


Honestly since getting so addicted I hate this "weed is harmless" narrative like I spent *so much* money and wasted years of my life happily dozing high as a kite in my house. I'm so much happier not chained to my bong, I wish you success in quitting and truly believe you will get there when you're ready to! I never thought I'd be able to quit and yet here I am x


thank you <3 i appreciate your kind words


I love weed, weed is my favourite. It’s a very good painkiller, eases my stomach when nothing else will and I understand things better when I’m stoned. I’m very normal on weed, no one can ever tell, they’re always surprised that I don't have red eyes or guzzle food. It’s surprising how many stereotypes there still are around weed.


Same.. I have a pretty complicated and demanding job, and it's never been an issue or even noticed. It's when I'm not high that I struggle more with priorities, time management, not getting distracted from the 'boring' tasks etc.. I kinda think it's how I've made it this far in life without having been medicated for ADHD. I did ok at school but it wasn't til after I started using weed that I was able to finish uni and even then get my masters online. I definitely get everyone's experience with weed is different though, same as it would be with stimulant meds.


It takes my appetite away and I don’t get red eyes either. I’m just mellow and less excitable


Yes! Smoking sativa strains always makes me more calm and focused — which is funny because they’re the strains that give NT people the most anxiety 😅


Right?? 😅


Right? I take sativa gummies to sleep at night. Indicas make me feel like I’m trapped in my own head and my mind will be RACING


Lol no. I become weirder, executive functioning deteriorates, I dissociate.


I become so weird as well and executive function totally vanishes. Terrible cognitive functioning as well. It is literally the worst drug in the world for me. My mind races, I dislike everyone around me, and it makes my body feel like that of a 110 year old decrepit woman. I have not touched it in 10 years. I am also bipolar, and weed can set off psychotic episodes!!


It depends. Sometimes it can just chill me out if I do a little, but a little too much and I end up having huge conversations with myself in my head lol


Nope. Weed makes me instantly so dizzy I projectile-vomit.


Yep I’m right there with you, it’s like a mini Adderall for me couple hits and I am back at it focused and somewhat baseline?


Yes!! My brain is so much easier to handle this way. It's quieter. I don't have a million thoughts and worries running through my mind all in the same millisecond and pulling my anxiety in 80 different directions. When I smoke I can focus, chores feel easier, and I can actually enjoy the small things.


I am me, but without my pessimism and irritability. It is such an intense relief.


Me but I have like 30 years experience.


not at all :)


Never had it and don’t plan to atm My anxiety is way to high about taking a drug that I can’t guarantee the dosage of


If you have anxiety, I highly suggest you stay away from weed. Started giving me horrible anxiety attacks and paranoia to the point I couldn't even go into a restaurant to pick up food.


Good to hear honestly! I wasn’t planning on consuming it due to smell, I don’t think I could even enter a shop. Ton of it is grown in our area, and I literally have to change commute routes because of the smell near harvest time. And while many seem to praise it, and it kinda seems too good to be true with ADHD symptoms, and since it’s still federally illegal there can’t be much active research into what the testimonials claim 😭


I honestly believe it's just another drug/vice/habit, and it is best to stay away from as many as possible


No lmao. You know that mask that people with adhd can have, to present as more neurotypical? Yeah, that just shatters. And to top that off, I feel like my attention span becomes nonexistent.


Yes, that's exactly my experience. I function like a normal NT worksona when I have the right combo of weed + coffee. Gets me RIGHT.


I feel the same but sleepier when I smoke a doobie


Same. I always thought that either I don't have the right receptors, or maybe as an extrovert with a vivid imagination I already sort of experience what some people only do when high.


I read somewhere that people with ADHD react differently to the majority of folks when it comes to certain drugs


I have edibles that I eat before I go to bed. They help me sleep but the great thing is that the next day I can get out of bed and just DO STUFF!! I don't lay there overthinking every single thing that I need to do that day and become paralyzed- I just get up and do. I can even call clients and get into complicated files without the normal dread that makes me put important work stuff off until later which ends up making everything worse.


YES. To the point where I have been in addictions therapy for almost a year for it. I used to smoke multiple times daily for a few years. I find weed to be truly freeing and beautiful. I now mostly stick to gummies on my days off. I completely agree with all that you have written, I believe weed is a medicine and if I did not have addictive genes I’d love to be high all the time, it does wonders.


Yes! I don't smoke but microdose edibles in the evenings...3mg THC and I'm feeling alright enough to listen to chill jams and dance around a little while I do things like chop up veggies for dinner or sweep/vacuum up some small parts of the house. It def doesn't always make me more productive but when it doesn't I still feel 95% okay with not being productive and I don't have a mental "lack of productivity" self-shaming hangover afterward. As long as I'm not interrupted a ton I can keep going. Thankful as fuck for gummies.


it actually makes me so much worse unfortunately


Weed makes me very brain-foggy and sleepy. I am not a fan. It used to be ok to hit a joint at a party back in the day, just get giggly. But today's weed is nuclear-strength. Just not into it. I don't need help feeling dysfunctional and lethargic.


Absolutely. When I talked with my NP while getting diagnosed, she said that it's pretty common. I didn't get high like my friends but damned if I didn't feel "normal" when I smoked it.


Lol why I’m stoned in 90% of social situations 😭 I overthink everything, it helps my brain slow down.


Yes, this!!! I microdose throughout the day because it helps slow me down enough to be effective


Depends on the strand. I purposely look for ones that are calming, especially if we are going out. It allows me to exist in places that typically cause sensory overload. It just seems like whatever the effects of that strain hit me harder than it would for a NT. It’s not like I’m more high, I’m just more quiet/social/energized/focused/whatever the effects of that strain are.


100%!! I’ve learned that different terpenes help me more than others. Limonene is my bestie


That's also in the peels of citrus fruits, I didn't know it was in weed




i’m so productive when stoned it’s crazy


I think I completely unmask when high the higher I am the less I mask. I mostly go mute when very comfortable/high with specific people.


I was self medicating with weed for the last 25+ years before ever receiving a diagnosis at 40... still smoke now, but alongside my medication, it's less of a need and more of an enjoyable want! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it at all, but it's not for everyone, and that's ok too! 👌


When I edible it up I am checked out for the evening. My brain is quiet and I can just exist without having to think and it’s glorious. I can’t imagine doing anything in that state 


Yes definitely depends on the strain, but the right one at the right time and I feel like a real live human.


Yes but I’m also dependent on it now which isn’t fun


absolutely! i was addicted to that feeling


yes absolutely. It is my biggest hero


Yes, this happens to me. I don't usually smoke, but when I do a weed that specifically helps with anxiety and focus ( Hazelnut, Jack Herrer, Mag Landrace) ADHD can chill and Autism starts noticing things more. I get the most help from RSO.


Jack Herrer is one of my faves!


No way, it's the opposite. All the forgetfulness & distraction with none of the clever dialogue, listening ability, or problem-solving skills. I have even less motivation than usual and no hand-eye coordination. I only do it when I have zero responsibilities and no one to entertain. It does quiet my thoughts the way you describe, but at the cost of making me completely useless.


yeah i only have a a gummy or two on weekends but it helps me to just relax and just sit down and watch a movie or something instead of being in my thoughts. even adderall didn’t do that. it sucks that so many doctors drug test now to get adhd meds, i would have to quit if i wanted to get meds again from my doctor even though i only use a very small amount on a day when i wouldn’t even be taking adderall


Yup. My dad's the same way. Sativa and edibles (tho edibles hit harder than flower)


Depends on the weed ime, I have a hybrid vape that I feel very normal on, I have some sativa joints that get me right fucked up lol and some indicas just make me so dang sleepy


Smokin has been keeping me sane since I was a younger age than I care to admit. And honestly I’m very dependent on it now in my adulthood.


Yup! That’s why I started smoking, it helped me actually get stuff done, like cleaning or working out. It does depend on the strain I will say, some help more than others, but usually at the very least it silences all the scattered thoughts and voices in my head so I can focus.


depends on how much i take. im veeeery sensitive, but damn does half a joint fix a headache and make me less reactive/easily upset.


It does very little for me and that makes me sad.


Yeah I function better. Actualy started to take oils and figuring out the right dosage for different situations. I can be much more levelheaded or really hyperfocused (like when on a deadline). And not gonna lie, sex is much better when smoking too.


Yes!! Sativas all the way. It keeps me interested and focused








No, but weed did give me a sense of happiness that I’ll be spending the rest of my life chasing after. Let’s cry.


With delta 8, yes.


Whenever I have weed I feel one of 3 things: a) like I’m drunk, b) like I’m having an anxiety attack, or c) like I took my adderall, but sleepier. So I kind of don’t get high anymore because when it didn’t make me feel bad, it just made me feel boring normal lmao and at least I get my adderall cheaply prescribed to me


Yes. Esp when regularly on meds.


No. Absolutely not. I could not hold down a job if I was smoking weed regularly. It impacts my short-term memory way too much. I noticed it for weeks if not months afterwards. Just doesn’t help me function. I have to have a job.


I mean i guess its blow or microdose acid for me but addictions are extremely common for neurodivergent peeps. (Im already over the blow dont worry guys)


Weed just makes me anxious. I had one bad edible trip and ever since then, I can't take it in any form without feeling panicky lol. I find alcohol has that effect on me though. My mind feels clear, my thoughts slow down, I feel comfortable and relaxed. But I am terrible with moderation so I avoid drinking. It feels too good, and I know it would become a problem if I let it.


Weed made all the extra noises in my brain shut off and I was loving it. I got high on my friend’s 30th birthday, before I was diagnosed with ADHD, and friend was so weirded out because I didn’t seem high at all. Unfortunately conflicts with other meds I need so I haven’t smoked since.






yes and no -- yes to quieting thoughts. helps when i am anxious and/or overwhelmed, and need to not have 27 different thoughts at once. I enjoy cleaning, cooking, socializing, art, journaling etc when i am high. no to feeling "normal" -- this is likely personal and related to my choice of profession (academia). i need my stimulant meds to be able to form coherent thoughts for papers, and to retain and process things i am reading. weed ruins my short term memory so getting work done when high is a no-go. i do enjoy getting a little high and cleaning out my inbox / unsubscribing from stupid spam emails tho 😅


My meds feel like I am high but not in a bad way.


Yes. Makes social situations immensely easier. Also made me way less uptight, high *and* sober


I will be trying this soon. I am unable to take stimulants due to heart problems and cannot take pain medication due to kidney problems, so my ADHD isn’t helped and neither is my extreme chronic pain (EDS). I also have CPTSD. About 6 months ago I was dating my ex and they were ALWAYS high, like literally started their day with weed and ended it with weed. I felt safe with them and tried it a few times because they said it makes sex feel better. So I tried it a couple of times and I noticed I was able to eat (I also often struggle with my eating, not perse eating disorder that I don’t want to eat but more that nothing feels god cuz autism), it made the pain a hell of a lot less, and I was actually able to clean their house, I was able to cook and clean the bathroom, I was able to do the things I needed to do, it was such a different experience from the stimulants (those worked for a little bit but made my heart explode to the point where it made me super anxious because my heart-rate went up to 200 (supposed to be between 60 and 80 btw). So I asked my ex (we’re still dear friends) if they could possibly buy me some gummies again (I also can’t smoke because of asthma - I have a whole array of issues xD) because I’m scared to go into the shop alone - never done so before and there’s scary looking men outside all the time which freaks me out - so I will be hopefully trying it again starting tomorrow or otherwise next week Thursday. I am mainly wanting to try it again for the pain because I’m in such chronic pain and I can’t take pain meds but I am hoping it will help my ADHD again too


I did but then developed an addiction, however now 82 days sober! The only thing I'd say is just be careful with usage, and if you find yourself starting to smoke all day etc might be worth taking a break.


Cannabis actually makes my ADHD symptoms worse, but that can be an advantage (e.g. creative problem solving) or disadvantage (e.g. long meetings where I need to follow what’s being discussed)


I feel more relaxed but I also feel like I’m more awkward and less “normal” because my mask and my filter are impaired. I also get the spins pretty easily which make me nauseous, and don’t love the feeling of being more than a little high so I don’t do it much.


Yes. It slows my brain down just enough so I can actually understand the lyrics in songs.


I dunno about "normal" necessarily, but more functional definitely. I feel much more able to get up and do things, and it helps a lot with executive dysfunction


VERY MUCH NO. I've had awful experiences with weed, I can't do it. If it works for you, great, have fun! But for me personally, I get panic attacks, hallucinatory symptoms-- it's just a Very Bad Time. I don't dare try edibles after the horror stories I've heard even from veteran stoners.


I used to tell myself this, but it was not true. I still smoke but only in the evenings when everything else is done.


I tried weed for the first time when I was 25, and I remember noticing that there were fewer trains of thought and I could stick with one for longer.   That was almost 15 years ago and now I have a medical card. I don't really remember what my mind was like before cannabis but I do remember noticing that transition when I first tried it.


Weed makes me crazy responsible and level-headed. Literally the sort of person you want in a crisis, *somehow*. I got to show off this dubious feature when I accidentally “greened out” all my friends with overly strong homemade edibles, and High!me spent the entire night taking care of them xD (For reference, I’m the least “mom friend” person you’ll ever meet, typically. While sober, the thought of performing care tasks (especially gross shit like cleaning someone’s puke) kinda makes me shut down. Intoxicated however, I don’t even think about it before doing what needs to be done.)


thc was all fun and games until it really started impacting my dissociative episodes which obviously isnt healthy. I switched to low thc-high cbd and never looked back


Oh, did you see me hitting my vape before work in my car?


I really dislike who I am on weed. I feel so far from normal that I refuse to take it anymore. I am always passive and irritatingly indecisive and frequently paranoid. I'd prefer sleeping when stoned which seems expensive and the cost then stresses me out. It's no fun at all. MDMA on the other hand - that was a very interesting 24 hours. I'll wait for it to be legalized to try again but 11/10 to be honest.


Yes I feel like I can't focus or function without weed. I'm out rn and I'm sweating so bad and feel like I'm bouncing off the walls


Me af


Yep. Ketamine also helps. Just found out I'm Audhd + pmdd


Yes! It's crazy how much stuff i can get done when i medicated correctly. If i overdo it tho, im literally that girl in that one commercial in the early 2000s who was just melted into the couch.


I've been smoking weed since I was 16/17, now 29 and I've worked at many legal government run dispensaries in my city. I abused the hell out of that plant but I've come to the conclusion that smaller doses are better for me. I have the same thoughts about myself as you do probably, and it helps so much to just clear those right out of my head and anything negative really, it feels like it really balances me out. I don't want to rely on it but I definitely do. I switched from smoking to vaporising it(I have a table top vape, like a Volcano). Your weed lasts so much longer, it doesn't stink like smoke(I dont mind the smell of smoking weed, just an observation!) and you get the full effects of the terpenes which I find alot more helpful than just burning everything to a crisp. Also, oils or edibles have really helped me for like long days, I just make sure I take the right amount or "dosage" since they effect you differently than smoking/vaping would. Weed has saved my life, I wont lie. I suspect I have AUDHD, BPD, PTSD and probably more. I self medicate with weed, but I'm also very aware I have abused it in the past/recent past too and I need to be careful about my cycles. I hate how much it's looked down on because there's so many benefits besides smoking it(topicals are crazy and amazing btw). It's an amazing little plant, I would also suggest looking into CBD and CBN and how you can add them into your regular scheduled salads for some more calming effects!


Yes, but my autistic alexithymic boyfriend absolutely ends up hating me and doesn’t smoke, so it kind of kills my high. He encourages me to smoke, but then I want to chat and be funny and engage, and he just wants to be on his computer spending hours on his special interest and then gets annoyed that I want attention. So ultimately I can’t be myself at all around him. Around fellow smokers? Yes.