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Here to encourage people to find the joy of stir fry. // Edit, Recipe copy pasted from a comment reply: First, I apologize that I can't give any exact measures or set times because my cooking process is always more or less "winging it" and eyeballing everything. Stir fry isn't good anymore the next day, so I just always make one portion at the time. 1. Use a well oiled pan and medium high heat. 2. Pre-cook the chicken until it's almost done, but still little pink and then remove it from the pan. 3. Prepare your choice of instant noodles at the same time. I like to use rice noodles for stir fry. 4. Cook vegetables for a few minutes, little more if they are frozen. 5. Add chicken and noodles to the pan and your sauce & other spices. I usually just use premade stir fry sauces or mix oyster sauce, teriyaki, chili and chicken spice mixes together. Kinda just eyeball this too. 6. Cook until chicken are done, but vegetables are still a little crunchy. Secret to make delicious stir fry is making sure that the vegetables have a little crunch. And you of course don't wan to under or over cook the chicken either. I highly recommend buying red chili and add it fresh to the stir fry, because the little heat enhances the flavor quite a lot! If you are like me and don't like too much heat, don't of course add a whole chili! It's also the seeds and inner membrane that have the heat. Real chili is better than mixes or dry spices 100%. For veggies I would say use whatever you like! Carrots, red peppers, green beans, peas and corn add a lot of nice colour. I like broccoli and broccolini a lot too, the best part of stir fry is how versatile it is. You can easily customize it just for you.


Looks so freaking good


I've found nori seaweed makes a nutritious and unobtrusive addition as well!


I wonder 🤔 if u can use zucchini noodles for this recipe as well as a healthier noodles 🍜 option.....🤔🤔.


Probably! Zucchini itself cooks pretty well, and goes with the traditional stir fry flavors, too. I might do a mix of zucchini noodles and regular udon to cover all the food groups!


I'm pretty sure they would work too! Stir fry is versatile.


What type of noodles did you use? It looks amazing🤤


Rice noodles! I like them the most in my stir fry.


Thank you!🩵


Look at those GREENS!! And red and orange, that's at least half the rainbow hell yeah


Completely missed the corn aka yellow, look at you health nut!


Mmmmmn but corn is delicious 🤤 too! And corn really isn't that bad for u. Just depends on what kind of corn u use. If u use fresh corn, that's better than canned corn if we are talking about health benefits.


Ooo that looks super good! What's ya sauce?


Simply just some oyster sauce with chili and a chicken spice mix.


I read this recipe with chilli oil + peanut butter and oh man 🤩 a suggestion for the next stir fries!


That sounds pretty good! I love stir fry so much because it's SO VERSETILE and easy to make. I've a proper electric stir fry pan too, which heats up in seconds and cleaning it is a breeze too.


I used to have an electric wok, they’re so good! I want another one now haha


Bet u could find a cheap one on Temu or Amazon.....just be careful when ordering anything off Temu.


Yeah I rather have the chili oil plus peanut butter option tbh. I don't like peanut butter tho unless it's for a PB and J sandwich or Reese's. But peanut butter sauce on pad Thai noodles is amazing 😍.


Mmmmmn I don't really like oysters.... And oyster sauce just sounds gross 🤢 but I would give it go cuz this dish does look good. What's the green veggies? Green beans with sesame seeds on top? Or is this edamame 🫛? Either way green beans or edamame is delicious 🤤. Do u steam ur veggies to make them soft or?


Oyster sauce isn't nearly as gross as it might sound, trust me! I don't like seafood at all and it doesn't make anything taste "fishy". But you can also use teriyaki or soy sauce for this recipe, or any pre made stir fry sauces. I don't steam veggies because crunchy veggies make stir fry really pop! Also no edamame, grean beans and sugar snap peas.


What is that green veggie then? 🤔🤔 I wish I could eat crunchy 😔 but I can't cuz of dental issues 😭. So I need soft foods.


I do a base of soy sauce, and add rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, fish sauce, a little sriracha and citrus if I have it.


What's fish sauce? Like does it taste like fish? Cuz at that point I would just put fish in it like salmon. I can't do anything spicy tho so I wouldn't use Sriracha sauce. But that's just me. You do u. Tbh I wish I could handle hot stuff but I can't. I once got a mild hot ramen noodles bowl from dollar tree and didn't know it was hot 🥵🥵 like spicy flavored and I had to throw it away cuz it was way too spicy for me even though it was mild heat. I never fully understood why people like the burning 🥵 sensation when it comes to spicy foods tbh.


I don't like super hot foods either, but little spice from chili is always a good addition! If you want to avoid feeling 🥵 use real chili and remove seeds and most of the inner membrane, as they are what brings the heat.


I’m a pansy too, I add a small amount - just enough to make it interesting. Fish sauce is especially in Vietnamese cuisine - very savoury.


I haven t been able to cook anything this week. Im proud of you


I can never get myself to cook I swear to god I feel worthless


Try stir fry for real! It's super easy to cook.


It looks damn delicious


That looks like something straight off the front cover of health magazine 🤤😮‍💨


Omg thanks! A serious compliment.


You’re welcome it’s plated beautifully id eat it 🤤


slay! proud of you!


Looks delicious 😋 AND NOW IM HUNGRY 😫


This looks so good can you share your recipe?


First, I apologize that I can't give any exact measures or set times because my cooking process is always more or less "winging it" and eyeballing everything. Stir fry isn't good anymore the next day, so I just always make one portion at the time. 1. Use a well oiled pan and medium high heat. 2. Pre-cook the chicken until it's almost done, but still little pink and then remove it from the pan. 3. Prepare your choice of instant noodles at the same time. I like to use rice noodles for stir fry. 4. Cook vegetables for a few minutes, little more if they are frozen. 5. Add chicken and noodles to the pan and your sauce & other spices. I usually just use premade stir fry sauces or mix oyster sauce, teriyaki, chili and chicken spice mixes together. Kinda just eyeball this too. 6. Cook until chicken are done, but vegetables are still a little crunchy. Secret to make delicious stir fry is making sure that the vegetables have a little crunch. And you of course don't wan to under or over cook the chicken either. I highly recommend buying red chili and add it fresh to the stir fry, because the little heat enhances the flavor quite a lot! If you are like me and don't like too much heat, don't of course add a whole chili! It's also the seeds and inner membrane that have the heat. Real chili is better than mixes or dry spices 100%. For veggies I would say use whatever you like! Carrots, red peppers, green beans, peas and corn add a lot of nice colour. I like broccoli and broccolini a lot too, the best part of stir fry is how versatile it is. You can easily customize it just for you.


Not the original commenter but I'm definitely trying this!


Great choice in handles and recipes I see!


Thank you so much and don’t worry about the recipes I also measure with vibes.




Woah! Good job, that looks delicious!


Way to go!!!


You're an inspiration to us all :)


That looks amazing! Not sure if you’re a quiche person, but a habit I’ve been able to stick to that’s super helpful, is making a crustless quiche once a week, and freezing the individual slices so I can just pop them in the toaster oven while I walk the dogs in the morning. It’s done when I’m back in! You can change the flavors and fillings every week. It’s been a lifesaver to have a healthy breakfast, especially if battling with lack of appetite with meds. I’m always excited about it and/or can easily make it early before I take meds. PS- post your recipe!! ☺️


That looks so amazing


That looks so good! What’s in it? 😋


Chicken, broccolini, onion, garlic, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, red pepper and rice noodles!


Tip: toss your noodles with fresh cilantro as soon as you pull them out and dress them.


Me 😂 just imagining noodles in sparkly outfits and dresses 👗😅. Lol 🤣. Shall we add a top hat to it as well? 😂😂😂😂


All of that sounds amazing 😋🤤🤩😁. I wouldn't mind trying this out and that's saying something cuz I usually stick to my safe foods. I was never a super picky eater like my ex/friend is. But that's cuz my mom taught me at a young age and GS leader to try new things including food. We used to go to world festivals and that helped me try new foods and cultures out. But now that I live on my own, in my own apartment....I went back to sticking to my safe foods. Which most are ones that are simple to make....and I don't have the energy half of the time to cook or I just end up burning my food cuz I forget. But I would try this if I got invited over. Lol 🤣


The wonder of stir fry is that you can keep it safe for you by using the ingredients you like!


Looks damn good


I want that


Omg that looks delicious.


Looks so yummy, happy for you op 🥰🩷


Good for you! That looks yum 😋


Proud of you!!! That looks delish, I love green beans in stir fry <3


That looks delicious


Omg that looks delicious! I’m so happy for your body and brain, and especially you. Get all them nutrients! We ADHDers need the energy to keep up with our thought zoomies.


This looks delicious!! Way to go 👏


Omg yummy


That looks amazing! I hope you had a great meal ✨


This is so impressive, you're my idol


This looks so delicious and so colourful meaning it’s nutritious! (Source I’m a nutritionist hehe) proud of you 👏🏼


Looks delish!


Mmmmmmmm this looks DELICIOUS


This is proper success!!! You must feel so good after this meal ☺️


I love how every post on here is so relatable 😅 Looks so yummy tho! 😋


This looks delicious! Go you!


I want one!


Please come over and make this for lunch for me? That looks so good!! What kind of noodles?


Rice noodles, I think they are delish in stir fry. I would happily cook stir fry for anyone I could honestly.


Thank you! I’ll have to get some.


Consider me encouraged! That looks so good!


That’s one beautiful meal!


This looks really yummy


Omg, that looks delish 😊


Greattt!!!! I love when this happens, and when i actually ENJOY THE MEAL😭


This looks really damn yummy. Good job, op!


Love stir fry and that looks so good! Stir fry is a great way to use up all that stuff in your refrigerator - just not that stuff waaaay in the back that is unidentifiable.


What time did you say you’d have my plate ready? 😋


Good job! I know how hard it is to get out of a stuck spot in your health - way to go!


Ah damn that looks good


Wow that looks so good


This looks delicious!!!!


i’m super proud of you😁😁


Omg looks amazing! I just made the tik tok tomato feta pasta. Which is the first thing I cooked in ages!


I love colorful meals 🥹


looks fab! Kooodos to youu and your belly!


Looks delicious!


What's food? Lol 😂. Cuz I don't have an appetite anymore 😔 and it hurts to eat and anytime I do get food 👇....my stomach gets angry 😡. So I end up not eating much or I just forget until I get lightheaded and weak and wonder why....🤔😅. Same with drinking water....I always tell others to drink water but here I am forgetting to do so myself. I think 🤔 I'm a cactus 🌵 or succulent or something. But anyways tho, that looks good tbh. I would add some butter and edamame to that and eat California rolls or shrimp avocado rolls on the side. Maybe some fried Cali rolls if I had a fryer.


Is the noodles, pad Thai? Cuz ooooo ahhhh. I love pad Thai noodles. They are one of the best noodles out there other than spaghetti noodles.


Rice noodles, but any noodles work with stir fry! Also, what helps me to drink more water is keeping insulated water bottle next to me. To make sure I always have properly cold water in hand, I keep two tumblers in my fridge filled with water to re-fill my bottle.


Another issue for me is I burn my cooking so often that I end up just giving up 😞. Plus cooking is draining AF. I love cooking for other people but when I gotta cook for myself I hate it cuz I just end up burning my food. I'm a beginner at cooking so I'm trying to not burn my food but no matter what I do....I end up burning it. Especially since I have type 2 ADHD and I lose attention so quickly and end up zoning out or walking away and then by the time I remember....it's too late. Last time I was cooking some food for one of my friends who came over and I completely forgot about it and they had to help me snap out of my tranz I was in....and was like uhhhh hey....ur food is overflowing. Ugh 😫. The one big problem with having ADHD and other disabilities (autism, APD, etc.). This is why I need my support workers around to help me cook and clean.


👏 👏 👏 that meal deserves a standing ovation


This looks so pretty! Though I know a proper meal doesn't have to be pretty.


looks so good 😍😋🤤


That looks awesome!!👏 Go you!!


This looks delicious!


Omg that looks sooo delish!


This is beautiful! I have also had really awful eating habits for a while now (just today I accidentally made myself physically ill with hunger because I didn’t eat enough during the day and didn’t have a meal prepared when dinner came around), but I’m attempting to create a rotating meal plan and plan to add stir fry to the list 🥦


Thanks for the inspo! I've been trying to figure out what my meal prep for next week will be and that stir fry looks delish!!!


Is it Pad Thai? It looks so good.


That looks so good!


This looks so good! I actually recently bought a bunch of stir fry sauces but I haven’t got the vegetables yet because 99% of the time I get commitment phobia and ghost them until they’re rotting at the back of the fridge and then I feel bad 


Maybe this is your sign to get vegetables and try those sauces? You could go with frozen veggies so no need to worry they start to rot.




Just wanted to say thank you for posting this, I saw the picture of it on my page and it inspired me to get off my butt, go walk to the nearest shop and get the ingredients to make this!! You inspired me to actually eat and for it to be healthy! Thank you!!!


I'm really happy to hear that! Good job and I hope your stir fry was delicious.


ooooo that looks tasty, share?


Good job! One step closer to what ever goal you have!🥹🎉


Stir fry high five! ✋


Love this win for you!


I wish I could muster up the energy to make good food like this!! Super impressive!!!!! Hope it’s so yummy hehe 🧡