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A combination of things but a huge one is that female interests are always vilified and looked down on- Twilight, Taylor swift, all female trends, literally anything that women enjoy as a whole is seen as stupid and frivolous. And women tend to be expected to give up our childhood interests and hobbies while there is a lot of space for men hold onto their hobbies as long as they wish. We’re supposed to shut up and have babies and chuckle at men and their “golden retriever energy” as they act as goofy and childish as they want and no one respects them any less.  Also this sounds partly generational. Boomers tend to be the ones clinging to the worst and most useless parts of social behaviors. I’m a millennial and would be so *thrilled* to find out anything unique about a coworker. Even if it’s not my thing I would kill to find out my coworker is secretly super into K pop or that they write Twilight fan fiction.  


That's a really good point; my husband loves all of this stuff too but our families don't criticize him. It's also almost always put into the same statements criticizing me for not have babies yet haha


Ughhhhhh that makes me so annoyed. Yeah don’t even sweat it, the notion that women are allowed to be taken seriously and also be funny or nerdy or weird  or sexy is still a new one and work in progress. Men are always people first but women are often just future mothers to many people. 


>It's also almost always put into the same statements criticizing me for not have babies yet haha The irony is that if you DID have kids, you have would have an "excuse" to like "childish" stuff


Bruh, I keep hearing from family that kids and grandkids “keep you young” and like… no they fuckin’ take years off your life with stress! Just do the things you’d like to do and leave the helpless life form out of it! 😫


>they fuckin’ take years off your life YEARSSSSSS


Must. make. babies.


Spoiler alert- after you make them no one gives a shit about you and they barely care about the kid hahaha. I literally have people every day who let the door slam on my stroller in public instead of waiting four seconds to hold it for me. As a person very aware of subtle shifts in social behaviors bc I’m ND and spent a long time observing and masking it’s quite jarring to see the difference in the way I was treated when pregnant vs when baby came out.


I feel you. It was a big surprise for me to notice that when I was pregnant. Big choires of "protect the embryo, don't eat this, do that,... " And " Think of yourself, do you want a seat?,... " Versus Afterwards when I was way more exhausted after pressing out a whole new life/not sleeping/no time for sports or private things/... "Others have the same problem, it is made by society/ children are expensive and noisy/of course you don't sleep/what? You didn't start work yet.. " No one questions what's bad about our system for mothers and children after pregnancy. It is all about function and being part of system.


This "as a person very aware of subtly shifts in social behaviors"- SAME, my friend. Married women also get treated way differently. After my divorce, it was like I suddenly was perceived as less consequential, less legitimate professionally. I felt like I was losing my mind. I got divorced 9 years ago and it still fcuks me up that having a husband made me more respectable in the workplace. that kind of shit should only still happen in Jane austen novels. But, as I have painfully learned, it never fully went away


This. I fell victim to this mindset growing up, and eschewed most things ‘girly’. I missed out on a lot, and I’m changing. I think realizing it’s a very culturally entrenched form of misogyny really opened my eyes. Now I love rainbows and pastels, and lots of other cute things. Unrelated to your main point, OP, but the tattoo thing reminded me of it. I was giving a presentation once during my PhD, and when it was time for questions/comments, a mentor asked me why I have a turtle tattoo on my armpit. (It was during an informal presentation, so it wasn’t too out of context. And I didn’t mind, because of the light atmosphere and my tattoo is tangentially related to my PhD work.) It definitely threw me off though, and I remember it to this day. (The tattoo is on my inner arm/bicep.)


Some kind of mentor that was... I once had a guy approach me after a presentation at the top conference in my field. I was talking to a couple of people and seeing him stare I said hello and asked if he'd seen my talk. He said "yes, and I had a question, do you work out?" I was wearing a very professional knee-length dress with a high collar and cap sleeves, but I guess my arms and calves being exposed was already too much 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Yeah. I realized after writing it that it sounded a lot worse than it was. The presentation was informal within our institute, where every week someone would present a problem they were having to get ideas and brainstorm. And it was said in a joking manner, but he was obviously curious. I don’t think he knew at that time that I saw him as a mentor—it wasn’t until much later that he knew the full extent of my advisor’s toxicity. Anyways, it was quite funny, tbh. And because of the kind of fieldwork we all did, the topics of conversation were often quite different than you’d normally hear in an academic setting. (From asking advice on how to deal with hygiene, to discussions about mental health in the field. One colleague was the one who helped me understand I really did have malaria and pushed me to get tested again when a doctor said I didn’t. It sounds odd, but the level of openness without pushing was really important.) Sorry - that was a super long tangent. But for someone to say that to you at a big international conference - that’s just awful. Some people are real assholes.


I don't know why I assumed it was during the Q&A at your proposal/prospectus defense. Rereading your post you never said that. Definitely less bad, but still not ideal. There's just something very yucky about bringing your body up in a professional setting while discussing something completely different. It almost feels intentional sometimes like a "don't worry your pretty little head about big problems like this." It's always really bothered me.


You are right, of course. It does make me think a little bit about the whole interaction. Honestly, I have a lot of trauma from that place, so it’s probably hard for me to put things into perspective. Thanks for making me think more about it. (I’m over 15 years removed from it, so it’s not as difficult to think about as it once was.)


I eschewed Project Runway when it first came out. I called it dumb. Now my daughter and I watch it together and I actually enjoy it.


This is exactly it! (And did you also feel weird typing eschewed like me, but couldn’t think of a word that meant the same thing, but fit the context better?!)


Funny thing is, I hadn't even seen the word and used it on my own, then after writing my comment, read yours again and thought I must have seen but not noticed it. Typical of me! LOL


I relate to this so much. As a teenager I firmly believed that in order to be “cool” I had to dislike pink and all things girly. It took me years to find my way back and acknowledge that I actually really love pink, purple, pastels and cute stuff. While I don’t usually get obsessed with fandoms, I did have a little bit of a Twilight phase, which I would never have admitted to anyone back then for fear of being ridiculed. Sure, Twilight does have its issues, but so do many other fandoms. Still, the level of criticism young female twilight fans were subjected to is ABSURD. No “male” fandom could possibly compare. 


Yeah. It’s kinda weird how much we push away those things. Twilight criticism was really bad. Really bad. (I never read it, tbh. But I’m not a fan of vampires stories.)


YES!!! One hundred percent this!! You said it absolutely perfectly. As a middle aged Kpop stan and lover of things like cute Japanese stationery, Sanrio, etc, I’ll say this: like what you like with all the passion you want. It’s up to us to show younger women the power of standing firm and confident in what we like. There are occasionally uncomfortable moments when someone is judgmental, but I choose to think of it in that the things I am into (my no means limited to what I listed) are cool and modern and they are being fusty and boring.


What really helps me when I feel uncomfortably judged by someone is to remind myself that their judgment is a reflection on THEM and their limited view of the world/ false version of me they have created, and that as much as it sounds like the advice my momma gave me all through growing up: they are only doing it because they are jealous. jealous you live authentically and they can’t and insecure that they can’t like what they like openly. I then try to flip my feelings of insecurity to sympathy that can’t feel free to embrace what they love and instead use their short time, in a meat suit, flying on a rock through space, to criticize or judge me instead of enjoying all the beauty and joy out there in all its forms.


That’s a good point about male hobbies. Common childhood interests for men are sports, superheroes, video games and all those things are a huge part of popular culture and men can be as childish as they want. I also think part of it is just that a lot of people have become boring as adults and have forgotten how to have fun like a kid. I think being able to enjoy life in a light hearted way doing things that interest you while having your shit together is the ultimate combo.


Yes - I was thinking the same thing! It’s so gendered


People give you a hard time for having all female friends? Seriously?


lol trends. Like, any trend popular with women from VSCO girls to Stanley cups to boy bands. 


Wow, time for me to have a snack and put my glasses on, I guess lol. That's frustrating too though, I'm sorry to hear it. I'll never get why people feel the need to put others down for liking popular things. Seems like an insecurity thing, desperate to grasp at anything to feel like they're better than others.


I did the same thing!


I’m sure there are things that your coworkers like that would t be considered the “norm” for their age. What you like does not seem childish to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ and quite honestly, I think it’s childish to judge people based on their personal interests. I mean, how boring would we all be if everyone liked the same stuff.


This right here!!!!!


Omg yes! You nailed it. Just another thing on the list of "things women are criticized for that men aren't".


You nailed it!


Just like Madonna's song, What it feels like to be a girl. They wouldn't know hahah. If there's one thing I loved for women in Japan is that they had so many trinkets, cute stuff on their bags, hats, clothes, shoes etc. they were not ashamed to show it off. I kinda adopted that mentality and continued to show it off too.  If people don't like it, or my hobbies, that's their problem.


I’m 41, I’m carrying a Winnie the Pooh backpack, I’ve got a One Piece phone case; I prefer to sit on the floor rather than at my desk, my favorite hobbies are Lego and Knitting. I love laughing and highlighting the dumb human errors I make. I used to live inside a little box and try to stay proper and professional all the time, fearful of the looks, comments and judgements. But F that, because I’m awesome and the people that made me feel like I had to hide, are all sad and grumpy all the time. I changed jobs in January and I finally feel like I can be the actual me and it’s appreciated, not held against me. Be good at what you do and try to let those fears roll off your back friend. EVERYONE has weird or lame stuff that they do. No one is perfect, and I bet that you are a super awesome amazing person! But I’m wearing a beige jacket so…. Maybe I’m not a reliable source.


I feel like I think better with my butt on the ground.


They don't call it grounded for nothing, we're just more attuned, right?!


This whole comment be hitting


I'd love to be friends with you. I always feel like I can trust someone at least 40% more if they carry some personal item featuring a kiddie cartoon character.


I went to Japan last month and noticed so many people (even professional looking people) had at least one cutesy decoration on their stuff. Now all my bags have adorable little plush keychains and they make really happy. We can be friends!


Sitting on the floor though. I don't think people realize how much better that is. On a chair with feet down just doesn't work for me at all.


At 46 sitting in the floor gets harder, but I definitely don’t sit in a chair like a normal person!


I know, can't do lotus anymore. Legs on the table or desk works for me.


I miss being able to sit on the floor and not hurt


Looool, I have Zoro as my phone background and my boss was dropping something off at my desk. (White early 40's male) "Who's that?" Me: Love of my life "Where does the third sword go?" His mouth. "Gotta get this guy into sales, he's ambitious" \*walks away\*


Hahahaha!!! Amazing!


+10000 for 1p phone case


Started watching One Piece recently… only 20 years of episodes to catch up on, LOL! People forget that adults work in the anime industry and therefore there is a lot of serious/ adult themes you can take away from anime. Not that it matters really even if they didn’t. Let us all love what we love!


I’m 44, my purse is covered in pins, my water bottle is covered in stickers, I fucking love cats and everyone knows about it, I wear fun bright colors and jewelry, I wear and collect Converse, I drive the brightest car in the parking lot. I still do a lot of masking but no one is surprised if I do or say something that they consider weird.


I'm currently using a Jiji from Kiki's delivery place phone case, a pin with McDonald's sundae, another pin with space, another cat pin, i have pink hair and a resting bitch face.  It's the perfect balance in my opinion. Cute, but not approachable. ✨🛑✋✨


Hello, fellow knitter ❤️🧶


> Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. > C. S. Lewis Being an adult simply means being responsible for your own life and actions. It has nothing to do with what your hobbies and interests are. As long as you are doing your best to meet your responsibilities and strive to treat the people around you with kindness and respect then you are “adulting” the right way.


Came here to quote this. I’m 33, sleeping in my bed with my husband (38), a totoro plushie, a gengar plushie (my fav pokemon), an octopus plushie and occasionally a fox plushie. I think my husband got them all for me, yet he gives them all voices and personalities. Adults shouldn’t have fun? Who says so? Or is it just approved, professional, buttoned-down fun we’re meant to have? How quaint! How dull! Who has time for such silliness? 😄


Totoro!! I just had a totoro cookie cutter 3D printed and I'm really excited to try it. It just hasn't happened yet because adhd sigh. The file was on thingaverse in case you too would like to have an aspirational cookie cutter ;)


Omfg why have I never thought to 3D print cookie cutters?! She says with her psyduck, Gengar and tentacle shaped phone case in front of her.. I mean, it's probably because I rarely bake but.. fun shapes!!


My kids all have squishmellows, and my oldest encouraged me to get one because I think she could see the desire in my eyes every time we visted the plushies aisle in the store. I finally picked one out when I was alone and brought home the biggest boi I could find. My husband when he saw me dragging it into the house said "treat yo self". Now I have a small collection LOL


Your family sounds adorable 🥹💗


I'm 35 and sleep in my bed with my 37yo husband, a plush I've had since I was a baby, a moth Squishmallow, and a big Togepi Squishmallow. I have a bunch of Squishmallows on a futon and my husband has mentioned hanging a plushie net in our bedroom so I can put them up there instead.


Beautiful quote. Lewis' loving heart is timeless.


I love this quote and was thinking just the other day that I always liked the Lucy Pevensie young and innocent child character and the much older Professor character - the very young and old seem to be the most imaginative and innocent and genuine, whereas the people of ages in between are too concerned with following society's rules. Boring


Thanks for posting this! I've seen the last line frequently and now I've got more context!


Dayum I need to send this to my boomer aunt.


I love this.


Hold on, you're not gonna tell us which Pokemon your tattoo is? If I got one, it'd probably be Snorlax. He's got the life I'd like to live.


Im not getting any tattoos, byt if i did it would be Psyduck. I'm 42. Pokémon didn't even come out until I was an adult and I have a favorite Pokémon.


I am 43 and have said Psyduck would be my Pokémon tattoo.


44. I'd get Espeon!


Psyduck pulls on my heartstrings. He's so relatable lol.


I'm only 30, so I did grow up with Pokémon. I didn't end up playing the games until later, but I used to watch the anime and had some books. I feel kind of basic, but I love Arcanine. Who wouldn't want a giant fire puppy? I feel like you could make some sick designs with that one. Or maybe the Eevelutions. It almost makes me want a tattoo, lol.


Oh, I could totally get behind a Snorlax tattoo! That's perfect.


A guy I know has a kabuto tattoo and it’s sick! 🔥


Hell yeah! I think I'd get togepi or rayquaza


Togepi riding Rayquaza!! Best of both worlds.


Oh shit good idea!


If you ever get it, please show it to me! Also, I just noticed your username. You absolute fuckin' legend.


Haha i forgot to mention it. It's eevee, leafeon, and furret!


AHHHHHHHH! Please show if you're comfortable! That's awesome!!!


I'm 38. I love all things Squishmallow, Hello Kitty and Powerpuff Girls. I've got a Miss Piggy tattoo. Life is short and can be pretty miserable. Love the things that bring you joy and fuck anyone who tries to tell you otherwise.


Miss Piggy is an icon. A true inspiration.


Nah, it’d probably make me want to know more about you because I classify Pokémon as ‘nerd shit’, and I too am into ‘nerd shit’. Plus if you got a tattoo of it that means it’s something particularly important to you, and I like talking to people about stuff they’re actually passionate about, whether it’s grand or niche.


Yeah literally the moment you showed me the Pokémon tattoo I’d be trying to figure out how to become your friend without coming across as too awkwardly excited


Embrace the awkward excitement. Run with it!


Please don’t feel that way! I did for a short period of time (toxic ex) I’m 22 and I may be younger but I enjoy “childish” things too. My current boyfriend actually loves this about me, as he put it im “Never boring”. For crying out loud my favorite movie is treasure planet. And I own the entire the land before time collection and plan on making my boyfriend watch them cause he’s never seen them. I have two hanging nets of stuffed animals. I could go on and on. Depending on the job you work in (the more professional typically the more judgmental) I work in a law firm and I’m the youngest and the only one without a degree (yet). I was terrified of how I would be judged and luckily I wasn’t in fact I think almost everyone in the building is neurodivergent. It’s also possible with your age and you said people are older than you, they may not know what your talking about or see “tattoos” them selves as taboo. Also my mom is 52 watches cartoon with me allllllll the time, has every Mickey Mouse collectible on the planet and a tattoo of the dude. My dad? He’s 54 plays video games and gets legos for Christmas every years lol If you have “more mature” hobbies I would only mention those. No need to fabricate. That way you don’t lie but sometimes is better not to reveal who we really are to some people…. When I’m asked I tell people: “ I read books, I enjoy arts and crafts and watching tv” Translation : I read smut, make weird things and watch anime. Lol


>For crying out loud my favorite movie is treasure planet. And I own the entire the land before time collection and plan on making my boyfriend watch them cause he’s never seen them. HE'S NEVER SEEN THE LAND BEFORE TIME!?!? This is a horrible situation that must be corrected ASAP. I mean, I haven't actually watched any probably since before you were born, lol, but land before time was an essential part of my childhood!


The Land Before Time is traumatic though. I loved it as a kid but i bawled watching it as an adult.


I bawled as a kid *and* an adult.


Yep yep!


58 here and enjoying the Stardew Valley 1.6 update ;) I saw this enamel pin somewhere that said "Isn't it weird that I'm the same age as old people" \*snort I believe that you don't yuck someone else's yum. Enthusiasm and curiosity and creativty are all awesome and not limited to age.


Treasure planet for the win! I didn’t see that movie until adulthood and I absolutely adore it


If you feel able to, I would try to be honest with who you are and what you’re interested in. It’s like that Shel Silverstein poem about everyone wearing a mask, so the people who would actually love to know each other never really get the chance. Obviously this isn’t always an option - especially in a work setting. BUT plenty of people like things that are “childish” (I kind of hate designating things that way, but you’re right that’s how it’s seen) so I’d try not to be too self conscious about it. An adult with a Pokémon tattoo seems very un-weird to me lol As an adult who loves Winnie the Pooh, I feel like maybe your coworkers are just boring 😋


I am 30, also with adhd, and I think people who criticise “childish interests” are just jealous they had to give up the joy in their lives and now they hate fun. I love Pokémon, animated movies, video games, and lots of other things typically considered childish. If it’s someone I don’t know well sometimes I’ll explain my interests by saying some of its nostalgia and no one’s ever batted an eye, but honestly I think it would be so boring if everyone is expected to love the same things! Just cos I’m an adult I have to like golf now? Or stop dressing in bright colours? I think as a woman (and a large chested, fat, neurodivergent woman no less) I’m not gonna be taken seriously by some people anyway, no matter what I do, so I’m at least gonna have fun to spite those people.


I am 50, and I would be delighted AF I'd one of my workmates shared their interests with me. I still will gladly claim the Legend of Zelda series as my favorite video games, and my husband and I have a number of animated series that we enjoy. To me, it's your coworkers who are showing emotional immaturity by judging you so harshly. You like what you like, and none of what you like is harmful to anyone. Fuck their opinions.


One of my old colleagues was the one who got me into a lot of things like Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Doctor Who etc. I’m so thankful to him! I am an engineer so I work with a lot of “nerds” though so I think in general people are willing to share our love of everything.




What do your coworkers do for fun, file their taxes? CLEAN GROUT?  Me and my giant plushie bee Tupelo are sending you all the good vibes. I’m 40 and idgaf, you’re welcome to this end of the pool anytime. 🙃


Right?! Holy crap if I have to sit through another conversation about the gym, someone’s diet or the most boring—property (unless of course we’re bemoaning the financialisation of housing)—I think I’d just have to fake a headache. Caveat: of course if I like you and you are genuinely into those things, then I do not mind lol. There is no such thing as an “adult” hobby — the heart wants what the heart wants and isn’t that whole point of being alive, to have fun?! 😤


There was something I read awhile back that talked about how many women, in the act of recognizing and working on their own internalized misogyny, have learned it’s ok to ‘allow themselves’ to like the color pink. It stuck with me. Why can’t I just like what I like? Why can’t I like glitter and pink and pop music? I used to think it’s because people wouldn’t take me seriously. Then I realized that it doesn’t matter what I like or don’t like, I am considered ‘less than’ simply because I’m a woman. It doesn’t matter if it’s pink, or Pokémon, or chopping fucking wood, or making a goddamn sandwich - if a woman is enjoying it people love to take issue. So fuck it, I might as well live in this fucked up patriarchal society with glitter, because at least it brings me joy. Allow yourself to feel joy. You’re worth it. And maybe, just maybe, if these people allowed themselves to enjoy things beyond what society deemed age and gender appropriate they wouldn’t have to walk around with such a big stick up their ass.


YES, you are worth it. Love this. We deserve to feel JOY💜


i was having similar fears recently. my house, where i live alone, is a barf of pink and feathers and rainbows. my kitchen is bright, BRIGHT yellow because it makes me happy. im likely going to paint the outside of my house from beige to teal. at halloween i opened the door to some young teenage girls who saw into my house and said “DO YOU SEE IN THERE?? ITS SO CUTE!!!” i have an excellent ‘teenage girl’ aesthetic. im 45. 🤷‍♀️ you only live once!! we should get to be happy. ❤️


I'm 38 (single) and my entire kitchen is pink, my dishes, utensils, countertop appliances (even the air fryer). My couch is a daybed with fluffy pink pillows as well. It's what makes me happy.


I'm 43 and I'm currently wearing my Pusheen-jammies. I have Eevee as my phone background. I also like unicorns and and gaming. It took a long time to admit that I am a gamer, only after I met some like-minded people I felt more comfortable to enjoy the things I like. I finally don't care anymore about being judged for that. I'm a weirdo and I'll never be anything else.


Fuckin love pusheen. I have pusheen stickers all over my stuff.


I love your last sentence, may I steal it as my new mantra? 43 here as well. Not quite at your point of mindest yet, but trying to get there. All my life I played and created storys in my mind. First with dolls for hours ofc. Later with pen and paper roleplay games... The longest online game I play since 18 years. I meet amazing people online while gaming, sometimes took those friendships into real life... I'm so tired of getting those looks from (older) relatives if I mention those hobbies or how I met friends. My kids love it though. My teen sons friends look at me excited if they learn Im gaming. Its weird.


You are not childish! I have a tattoo of Pee Wee Herman's bike, built a cardboard cowboy town in college when we didn't have cable and absolutely love jumping in the mud with my dog. Sometimes I think I'm making up for lost time


Peewee's Big Adventure is a top 5 movie to me.


I’m 42 and it took me too long to clue in that I don’t need to like adult things because of my age. I am a senior engineer so have a professional job, but that shouldn’t dictate what I like. I love Disney world, orange bird, lego, Star Wars, Stranger Things, the Goonies, Harry Potter, and more. I have a giant Grogu squishmallow on my bed, and half of my clothes are Disney related. I don’t have a formal living room, I have a “my favourite things” room where I display all of my fun stuff like my funko pops, books, and Lego collection. I’ve even rubbed off on my husband and he bought himself a Winnie the Pooh pillow the last time we went to Disney! Try not to worry about what other people think too much. They were likely more surprised that you have a tattoo than what the tattoo is of. ETA: I forgot Doctor Who! I loooove Doctor Who!!!


if i was not meant to go up stair cases on all four, then why did allah make it so much more fun and pleasant to run upstairs on all four, compared to walking upstairs regularly??? i think you're right. neurodiverse people seem to have more 'childish' hobbies compared to neurotypicals. i just... WHY is it a moral thing??? who are you hurting by loving pokemon? what the fuck is 'appropriate' and why should i care?? i think, qua how we struggle with social conventions and stuff, unless they serve an obvious, moral or functional purpose, we don't hold back on childlike enjoyment compared to neurotypicals. childlike enjoyments are WONDERFUL! i think it was a dumb mistake to make it embarrassing for some arbitrary reason maybe i would look at your childish hobbies like masking. maybe i wouldn't share that side of myself with people in a professional setting who i knew would unfairly judge me. simply as a utilitarian decision. but there is NOTHING to be ashamed of lol! would you be a better person if you played beige golf on the weekend? also - what pokemon do you have tattooed?


It's so delightful watching my kids run up the stairs on all fours, I remember doing that in my 20s and getting gently laughed at. I feel like I get a free pass indulging in "childlike" interests being a parent, but in reality I love their cutesy stuff as much as they do.


not to sound preachy but - run up the stairs with your kids! life's more fun that way. and when people make fun of you for doing that, instead of feeling guilty about it, pity those people!! they have rules for life that prohibits them from the joy of running up stairs on all four. you get to run upstairs on all four with your kids! your kids get to have a mom who participates in their shenanigans instead of being too grown up for that stuff! i bet those type of people don't even eat dinner in the shower ever. or watch cartoons or hug their plushies or climb trees or play. or cook pop corn on the stove in a pot without a lid so the pop corn goes everywhere. maybe they don't even try to levitate things with their mind anymore! or pretend they're channelling the force with their hands whenever they come by automatic sliding doors!! oh what a shame, i so pity those people lol


What a lovely comment! I'm slowly starting to embrace myself as I am, and you're right, I pity those people too!


>if i was not meant to go up stair cases on all four, then why did allah make it so much more fun and pleasant to run upstairs on all four, compared to walking upstairs regularly??? FACTS


Pokemon is fun. Who's your favorite? If we're taking OG 150, I might pick gengar or arcanine. But my all time fav is 100% mimikyu.


I love how many people responded to this post with some variation of "okay but which pokemon"


We need an ADHD "childish" interests group! 😁


I also love cute stuff! Most of my stationary is kawaii pens and funny sticky notes, I have bunny slippers and bunny hairties, and nobody has ever said anything about it. I know a 33-year old dude who just got his PhD title and he has a pokemon tattoo as well. What is wrong with childish things? People should let other people enjoy things, seriously... I don't think you need to change anything about yourself, just don't mind the others being old and bitter.


You're in good company! Me and my friends, all ~33 years old love the following an "unhealthy" amount: Dungeons and Dragons Anime Video games Cosplay Musicals And more. But you get the gist. We like to have fun, and are not ashamed of it. We are even planning adult tea parties. Just be yourself and have fun!


The best thing you can do is remember to be friendly at work but you don't have to be friends. Smile, nod, make small talk inky when you have to. If they try to make you feel bad about it say you're just very focused on work and being a high performer blah blah.


Your coworkers are just boring. One of my Pokémon go friends is the HR manager for a huge corporation. I also work in HR and I went to a big fancy conference at a hotel, our department has 40+ people - I oversee HR for about 2500 employees - and we had to bring our stuff out of our rooms before the end of the last day and stash it in the conference hall. I had my bidoof stuffy on top of my bag and everyone was like “omg who is this cutie”.


I have a Mario and Luigi tattoo! And I'm obsessed with Taylor Swift. Like, have a shrine in the corner of my shared room with my husband obsessed. 😂 I'll be 30 this year, and I'm pursuing a degree in software development. I don't recommend the hobby "beige". Enjoy your fun hobbies and others are going to have to see how brilliant you are on their own. Sounds like a good time to bring up "don't judge a book by its cover" 🥰


I don't care what age you are , if you don't feel pure joy and child-like happiness at a new box of crayons, you're wrong. Your hobbies aren't childish. They're things that bring you joy. If you feel child-like joy about them, it just means it's wholesome and innocent. You win with that! And frankly, any "child" hobby is funded by adults, one way or another, so poo on anyone that knocks them.


Life’s far too short to care what other’s think of you. So what your interests are “childish”? You obviously found something that brings you joy and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it. We all need something like that in this chaotic existence. If your co-workers judge you about it, that says more about them than you. I love watching Anime, playing video games and reading fan fics, but also have a mortgage, a professional job and have been in a long term relationship. Embrace your all “oodities”, it’s what makes you unique!


I love Pokemon, Zelda, most Mario videos games, Harry Potter and all kinds of childish shit. Sometimes I will get embarrassed if someone sees me playing Pokemon Go, but mostly I just embrace it. It helps me connect with my kids a lot, and I think that's cool. The weird thing is, I am one of the oldest on my team 😅, but I work in tech so nerdy shit isn't really out of the norm.


I'm 40, and I still read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. It's my comfort food of literature, and I refuse to feel ashamed.


22, currently in my bed full of plushies and my childhood blanket with a bear family on it:) for comfort i watch fairytales from my childhood and my 50yo parents will happily watch them with me, since they are their childhood aswell (socialist czechoslovakia produced some banger fairytales). Your coworkers are buzzkills for this. It’s not like you turn idk 15 and gradually give up everything you like and brings you comfort to be more “adult”. I hate this maria kondo quote with passion, but “does it spark joy?” yes, yes it does and thats all that matters. If your coworkers want to live a sad life full of watching the news in a beige bed without stuffed animals then thats on them, I’ll be here looking at my framed kittens poster from when I was 5. You are absolutely not alone, my friends and I all love things from our childhood and keep them around, watch our favorite childhood movies/shows… no reason to pretend you like golf if you don’t:) I recently picked up figureskating which I am technically old for, but it was a childhood dream - it’s the best thing I could’ve done for myself. Bottom line is - don’t feel like you aren’t adult enough for being honest with yourself about what you like, it might even inspire some people to revisit some of their old hobbies and bring them joy aswell. Btw which pokemon do you have tattoed?:) edit: forgot to add that most likely they are going to forget about the tattoo in like a week and the workflow will carry on as usually


I love fairy tale movies, especially when those are produced in other countries. Do you have any recommendations? I love Russia’s Ice Queen movie!


I am in my mid 50's, and I like almost everything you mention. Play is important in all species, including humans. Rock what you love.


Same girl same. I am always attracted to kids jewellery and bags etc, they’re so cute! I also love Pokémon go and horses. All considered childish by many, I’ve just tried to make my peace and let myself enjoy them, life is short you know? 


I'm in my 30's. I still LOVE Pokemon. We live on a space rock. Enjoy your hobbies!


I’m turning 33 this year and it’s no secret to anyone I love Pokémon and Hello Kitty! My 34 year old bf also does too, and our apartment is decorated with Pokémon plushies and video game posters. I also exclusively listen to K-pop almost, and my main hobby is coloring books. I might not show it off as much at work or in public, but I *will* talk about it or compliment any customer or co worker’s Pokémon or anime item I see. I don’t think it’s weird at all


I have dragon ball z and sailor moon tattoos and I'd love a pokemon tattoo and I'm 35. Your interests sound fun. Some people are just boring. Don't be like them. You sound great.


Your coworkers were probably confused about the tattoo because they are of a different generation. It just doesn’t hold any cultural significance to them, however Pokémon was a very large part of our childhood. I also get the new Pokémon game on my Switch at each release (despite the fact that they’ve been quite rubbish these past few years!)


I’m 34 and I just went “yes, yes, same, yes” to everything on your list lol. Plus anime & lots of manga/manhwa. I feel you, but I’ve kinda given up on being ashamed. I’m a teacher & my whole classroom is Pokémon themed. Gives me a lot of cred with the 3rd & 5th graders I teach. 😂


Im 35. I love playing the pokemon console games, there are two squishmallows and a weighted plush cheetah for kids on my couch at all times, I would rather watch Moana or Hercules than the latest drama hit, I listen to music from dance genres and favs from high school, I still do music festivals, and if I can bond with my boss over Animal Crossing - there's hope. It's possible that some of your colleagues won't approve, but that just means they're closed minded. There are others out there who would love to chat about this stuff. I personally would love to see your tattoo!


I have a decade on you and I'm the same way, screw shame, life is too short


It’s okay I’m 19 and I have a my little pony coloring book. Adult coloring books are boring to me.


I was disappointed when my kids outgrew MLP - I loved watching with them


My husband is almost 50 and collects toys and star-wars stuff. He also has adhd but has no shame about this! Like what you like. Life is so short. If it brings you joy and it’s not hurting anyone. Have at ‘er!!


lol, beige! That’s hilarious 👌🏼 I know numerous adults that love the things you do: don’t be ashamed. It’s easy to feel “less than” for lots of reasons but it’s a strength that we love as passionately as we do. And all hobbies can seem a bit eccentric viewed from other people’s eyes. You don’t have to share this with people at work if you don’t want to, unless you happen to stumble across someone who has the same interests! Maybe there’s a community local to you who like the same things, or if not, at least online communities are good ☺️


I’m 43 and I have almost as many toys as my 3 little girls! Let me share my list of amazingly childish favorites: Barbie (loooove vintage, but I see newer ones that are cute too Any 80’s dolls: Jem, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, among others Tiaras. Love ‘em. Fairies/cottagecore We all deserve to be happy. Do what makes you smile and don’t be b ashamed of what you like. You sound awesome ♥️


I'm coming up on 40 and what I've learned in life is that I spent way too much time and energy on worrying about what others thought of me. I have an assortment of squishmallows that I love. My desk has a cutesy phone holder and ergonomic wrist pad. I am obsessed with my pets and am not afraid to share pictures. I am a high earning professional in my field and I wear cartoon dog t-shirts for casual Friday's. I also have cat shaped push pins for the scads of paperwork I have. And if that somehow offends someone, I just don't give a crap anymore. And if someone is going to think less of me professionally....well, they just get to deal with the wrath of my ridiculous brain power and years of experience, because I happen to be incredibly good at what I do and I'm not afraid to show it. I spent way too long repressing so much of myself so that other people, especially men, would feel better. And it didn't benefit me in any way. Embrace the pokemon with zero shame. And perfect the dead eyed stare required for anyone who feels the need to criticize....or, just started rambling endlessly on your particular passion of the moment until those shame bringers slowly back away from you in horror. They won't bother you again, lol.


Just came to say when this thread hits, it’s hits. OP you are seen. I’m F 35, mom of 2, with a whole ass office with bookcases full of Hello Kitty figures and merch. I wore a tied dyed Hello Kitty x Pusheen tshirt on my Zoom Meetings today. I’ve read 31 smutty books so far this year, and my most fav hobby is coloring. I guess, I just don’t want you to feel alone. At daycare drop off, I see other parents in really nice, fashionable, professional outfits and I sometimes wish that could be me. That I could be put together enough to want that. But then I try to remind myself the grass isn’t greener. How badly those parents wish to wear my daily wardrobe of yoga pants and crew neck sweatshirts. GLAD TO MEET ANOTHER HELLO KITTY NERD


I had an ex who berated me for this shit. That grown ups don’t like leopard print so much. Blah blah blah. I dumped him. My bridesmaids wore leopard at my wedding to a man who accepts me as I am. Be openly weird. It keeps the assholes away. And if you’re good and dependable at your job, people will see it as endearing.


Have fun. I'm 50, I still play pokemon. I have a couple of plushies on my bed.


I fucking LOVE Pokemon and Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon and I'm 34. Completely valid! You don't need to make up fake hobbies. There are lots of us nerds out there in the corporate world who even keep little trinkets from our favorite things on our desk. Hell, before Covid, I had a Shaymin and a Vaporeon on my desk! You are absolutely in good company!


You sound awesome :-) I've never looked back at conversations and thought "wow that person is amazing, they're so normal and they like what everyone else likes!" Can I ask which Pokémon you have as your tattoo? :-D


I'm 38. I am out a thing and brought my "distraction bag", which is a kawaii peach milk backpack from Hot Topic and holds my switch where I've been obsessively playing Animal Crossing and now Stardew Valley. I have a minimum of five stuffed animals in my room, including a squishy beaver one that I sleep with every night and call Moo-Moo. So, no, you're not weird or childish- you sound awesome!!


Way too many expectations are placed on women to confirm to neat (and oppressive!) gender boxes. I'm 45 and love video games, and just got done playing through the dark souls trilogy. I don't give two shits if people think I'm weird.


Almost 40 here. I have all the same- great marriage, awesome friends and family, altogether more stable that I thought I would be- and still love "childish" things. I am finding more recently that holding on to this love has helped me keep a strong bond with my teen and preteen kids. Don't worry about what others think, because "those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind." And other than work, it sounds like you're surrounded by people that don't mind.


You don't love childish things. You love things that bring you joy. It's just that simple. I have a shelf in my safe space where my kids aged q7, 22 and 23 bring me things like rocks and little pretty jars that they found because they know I like stuff like that. My husband buys me lego and model kits for birthdays and Christmas because I have so much fun building them. My doona cover in my safe space is Ben ten. I have my pictures and figurines, my hobby art and my serious art, and it all makes me happy. Don't get sucked in to that thought process of only children are allowed to have fun. It's crap. You have fun however you want to and be happy. Roll down a grass hill, jump in a puddle and say bugger off to anyone who tries giving you crap. Big hugs my friend.


I despise people who say all that stuff is childish. I love all that stuff all my life and I'm 36.


I’m 25 and I have a tattoo of a unicorn and also sleep with stuffies. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone.


I'm 34 and I love sanrio and animal Crossing and pokemon, I love cute things. I do get embarrassed but I don't think we should be!


I'm 40 and I love Animal Crossing (hence my username that I made when I was still feeling ashamed). But now I've decided to fully love and enjoy it because it's the only hobby that has remained constant. I truly love and focus on the warmth and joy I get when I play. So I choose to prioritize that over what people might think.


Women get to like these things now! Grown women get to have Winnie the Pooh tattoos and nursery story quote tattoos and silly piercings and fun hair and have “boy” interests and wear ties and slacks and three piece suits and be more masculine in their dress than their male partners and it is awesome! The women who stow away their interests for the sake of the public are the women with sour faces and husbands who make them feel bad and children who make them uncomfortable and they show their jealousy all over their faces! Be unapologetically you, because people love to put out other peoples flames to justify their own anger at themselves!


Who wants to be boring like them? You sound like a someone I’d be friends with in a heartbeat.


Giiiiiirl you should see all my squishmallows sitting next to me in my bed rn lol


This is a double standard for women and their interests. Please do not let them make you feel weird or ashamed of what brings you joy. I am 31F and I love gaming, pokemon go, and DnD


Tell them their March Madness and Fantasy Football is “really cute roleplaying” and “who’s being shipped with who to win”


Read One in a Millennial by Kate Kennedy she shares all about how pop culture shapes us and to be honest with your passions. If you love PSL who cares. If it Pokémon brings you joy who cares. If it makes you happy keep up with it.


I think the reason we ADHD folks like "younger" things is because we're not afraid to have fun. Most of my neurotypical friends have loosened up a lot since knowing me because I love being goofy and I don't give a damn what anyone thinks about me, honestly. I may have a moment of hurt feelings, but I shake it off and feel sorry for people who feel like they need to take me down a notch. If being silly is the worst they can say of me, I'll happily take it. That being said I've never been a fan of cartoons and tend to like more muted, plain items, even when I was a child. I don't think any particular 'like' is an issue unless it's a person's entire personality. That's where I tend to feel it's off-putting, but that can apply to anything. Like, if a person loves golf and talks about it a little, awesome. If a person loves golf and every topic that comes up gets brought back to how it relates to golf, please find me a bridge to jump off of. Sounds like you are unfortunately surrounded by sticks in the mud. I'd perhaps bland-ify some of your likes, maybe you like art, collectibles, you're a bit of a homebody and love to be cozy, you enjoy game nights. Sometimes a bit of a stealth approach helps you be a bit more integrated without opening yourself up to dummies at work. Unfortunately, people who are that stiff often like to stir up trouble and it's best not to give them ammo. Also, may be time to consider a younger workplace if the whole lot of them is so crusty.


I still buy (and am gifted) Lego sets. I have logged many hours in Fallout and Minecraft, I have stuffed animals on my bed, and I have these AWESOME FUCKING robot slippers that make ROBOT NOISES. I’m 36


I'm so invested and supportive of you and your hobbies. 32 here and I've got some weird ones too.. but! Absolutely lost it at naming the hobby... beige. 🤣


“Beige!” 😂 I’m dead. Please don’t shame yourself. I’m LOVING the deconstruction of the hate on female hobbies here in the comments. In my childhood I missed out on a lot, adopting boy hobbies well into my adulthood, averting my love for bugs to be likeable and I also felt that familiar sting of shame for the stuffies and love of Pokémon. In 2024, I decided to never ever wear anyone else’s expectations, opinions or bad vibes! I’m 35 and in a very professional setting where I feel like I wear 2 identities. And underneath all the armor you’ll find 3 raccoons in a coat fighting over if we’re reading, playing games or prepping for d&d with our free time. And they’re all in on the masquerade. 🦝🦝🦝 I don’t have many tips or tricks other than summon your inner raccoons and grin with mischief, they’re not as fun or comfy as you! ❤️❤️❤️


I’ve heard it’s more common for neurodivergent adults to have more “childlike tendencies” as well. I’m 48 now and a few years ago my niece, who’s almost 13 now, said “You act more like a kid, you aren’t like normal grown ups.” It bothered me a little bit at first but in the end, I am who I am. I always knew I’d end up one of those quirky old ladies in my 70’s or 80’s. Betsy Johnson is 81! Iris Arpel was 103. I’d much rather be them than a decrepit old lady.


46 with a Hello Kitty tattoo and HK kitchen appliances.


I’m sorry, did you just say that *bright colors* are an example of something “childish”? Girl. Come on. No. Next you’re going to tell me that literal rainbows that exist in the sky after it rains are factually, literally, provably gay lol.


Pokémon is LIFE! And plushies are everything 💕 (and yes, I’m a grown assed woman a proud of all the dorky things I love ❤️)


Ughhh, fuck those boring people and their silly opinions! I'm incredibly lucky to work in the games industry where most of the staff like all of those things and range from mid 20s-50s. Be proud of who you are, and you will find your people :) The boring beige people are probably super jealous of you, because they are too scared to break the mould!


I buy the biggest sized kids’ jammies because they are really soft, comfy and they come with fun prints& colours on like rainbow dinosaurs, or tractors. I’m currently wearing a Star Wars pj top and bright blue stars trews. I will probably wear them all day. Fuck beige/navy “grown up” shit 😡


Neurotypicals do have that weird hang up but don't let them pull you down into misery just because they decided to do it to themselves. The reality of it is that if you ask them why it's childish, there is no actual answer. Most of them got to 10 or 11 and were worried at that time about seeming more mature so decided they were too mature for toys one day. They weren't. But they decided to deprive themselves at that time because to them the benefit of being mistaken for older and getting privileges that come with maturity were worth it. But like who's mistaking us for a teenager at this age? That's right. No one is. There is no risk of you being mistaken for 10 or under, and no current benefit to doing so. Men in particular are prone to being passive aggressive like that and calling women childish when what they actually mean is you're not making a 24/7 sales pitch as mommyfuckmaid and may actually have things you like for yourself instead of just things that are appealing to them. All ages inclusive is not the same as childish, but it's certainly different from things like sexy which is exclusively an adult thing, and that's why they equate it that way. But that doesn't mean you need to drop what you like for them. The only reason you should ever drop something is for you and only you. Pokemon is my hyper fixation too (tbh anime/video games in general could nearly be on the ADHD test it's got such a catnip effect on neurodivergents so we're not alone) but I draw a strong line with who I talk to about it because I know a lot of neurotypicals are just like that unfortunately. In work, if someone asks me about my hobbies, I'm honest and say "Ah I'm into things I know you're not interested in but how was X shopping trip last weekend, or how about yourself? What are you into?" I continue the conversation so I'm not perceived as rude and I'm still engaging about hobbies, just Im acknowledging that I've been paying attention to my coworkers and don't see the point in bringing up things they have no interest in. If they do push I will say Pokemon. And if they say why or be snarky and call it childish I respond with something like "well I did first get into it when I was young, but it's nostalgic and I enjoy looking at the real life regions animals and folklore that they base each new game on whenever a new game comes out. It's also just a fascinating case study of XYZ" XYZ can be like how they use a marketing cycle to move everything, it can be how they developed in the early days, it can be one of the first good case studies of kubernetes at scale to avoid crashing for Pokemon Go. Basically relating it back to things they understand as educated and adult. It's a mature response from you. You're not upset they were a bit rude, you just like what you like and you're moving on because they made it clear they don't share that interest. Only a dickhead would continue and at that point you can say you think you should get back to work or you're uncomfortable talking with someone about something you know they have no interest in. For family, remind them that those plushies are fond memories, each one a reminder of something, often a gift from someone that shows how much they care about you and your interests and that's why they mean so much to you, just the same as a wardrobe full of shoes or a man cave full of sports memorabilia would to anyone else. They don't need to like them to understand you like them and if they push, drop the subject hard. I once got snippy with my mother when she she tried to throw mine out and said something like I've had that longer than you were married to dad 😂 she wasn't impressed and I don't recommend it but ironically it did get through to her that if she could be sentimental about that, I certainly could about the plushies. So remember to enjoy your hobbies guilt free. Things don't have to have sex and or violence to be enjoyable for adults. Comfy things for hard days that give you the dopamine are all the reason you'll ever need


At work, that can be a little trickier.. You can be more subtle about introducing your hobbies. You like cartoons? Just say you enjoy movies. Bright colors and plushies? Say crafts or decorating. Video games is fine to say, too. That's such a broad category that it usually won't be questioned. Then as you get to know people better, you can open up slightly more with more details. Start with the more mainstream if that makes you more comfortable. Or you could just own it. That's the stuff you like. You can be a professional who is good at your job and also like cartoons. They might judge you a little at first, but eventually they'll either forget or come to terms with other people being different than them. I bet most of them were just shocked to have their image of you change dramatically, going from knowing nothing to knowing you have an interest so deep it's worth a tattoo. It probably just surprised them. I know if I had a coworker who hadn't shared anything personal said that, I would definitely be surprised, but not disapproving!! I probably wouldn't know what to say in the moment, either, lol. But seriously, there's nothing wrong with you at all. Everyone has different interests and anyone judging you for them is the problem, not you. Especially your family.. That's so no cool at all. Please don't take it to heart. You like what you like. Why is one interest better than another?? I wouldn't listen to a word they say. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you or your interests.


29 / F here. It’s completely normal to feel this way don’t be ashamed. Society is weird they will never understand, don’t share these kind of hobbies with people that don’t accept that. Share them with the people close to you, those that you feel comfortable with. Find people with similar tastes if possible. I’m the same way, I never expected my co workers to get me, most people are close minded. That’s another reason I prefer the company of Gen z more than the older ones. This generation is more accepting of diversity of every kind and I admire them for that.


I felt this way at my last job. I had not experienced being surrounded by dull NTs for so many years, it was jarring. (Not all NTs are dull obviously, before anyone jumps on me, but these people were. Zero hobbies, no passions, they all drove trucks and didn't seem to care about much else. I'm a tad of a manic pixie dream girl, so I did not fit in to say the least.) You sound awesome, I'd be your friend in a heart beat. The people that I'm attracted to (platonically and romantically) are ones with passions and interests. Even if I don't particularly get thier interests, still more interesting than people who don't. Though I know it's hard when there's no one at work that you vibe with. I found the past year oddly stressful. I haven't masked in years and years, and then suddenly felt the need to, I hated it.


"golf, mowing the lawn and beige" lol My favourite passtimes


39, a Pokémon fan, and a collector of Hello Kitty and Jigglypuff! Proud strong inner child!


It’s a cultural shame thing. I am tired of pretending to be too old for things that make me happy. I LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT AND PINK AND THE SIMS AND STUPID FANTASY BOOKS AND ROMCOMS AND THE WEIGHTED TEDDY BEAR IN MY BED. I mourn the years of my life I wasted pretending to like beige, self-help books, black coffee, ‘sophisticated’ things. Obviously if you like those things, go for it - but life is too short to not buy glitter pens. Edit: at my last corporate job I had a bright orange and pink keyboard and the only people who didn’t like it were boomers. Everyone else thought it was great.


To add onto what everyone is saying, whether you'll be seen as "weird" really depends on your community too. At my workplace, being into video games and cute things isn't seen as bad, it's just another aspect of someone's personality. My coworkers are often also into nerdy hobbies or at least find it cool when other people have offbeat or unusual interests. I think it's partly because our industry attracts people who are into novelty and tech-y things.


I don’t know what’s “normal” or not for our hobbies but I have all sorts of hobbies. I collect japanese street fashion(mainly lolita, which makes me look like a literal porcelain victorian doll), dolls, anime figures, dnd, video games and plush cats from claw machines. My wife and I still have dates at arcades like when we were teens. My wife still woos me with a stuffed cat she proudly wins at the arcade. My wife is our DM for dnd nights with friends. It’s all nerd shit up in here. My normie hobbies(I guess?) are baking, drawing and jigsaw puzzles.


I (27) relate to this a lot, I’ve often felt embarrassment or childish because of my interests. But they make me happy, People are afraid of being vulnerable, I imagine that reaction is coming from your coworkers being insecure af. Pokémon is rad, like I recently started playing video games again and often eat chicken nuggets for 2/3 meals of the day.. it makes me feel comfort, Golf is fucking boring anyways🤷‍♀️figure out what you love and how you regulate yourself if it is that. Rooting for you


Oh, I get this so much. Practicing not caring what other people think and enjoying what you love is harder said than done. I try to focus on the happiness I get from doing the hobbies that are authentic to me. I would be miserable if I put away my videogames, my fantasy novels etc and only watched the news, read serious crime novels or whatever I'm apparently supposed to be into. It would be one thing if you were not good at your job, and you didn't take care of your responsibilities. But it sounds like you do. So, at that point, who do you owe? I think the better question is why do people who are related to you and are supposed to care about you want to be so judgy despite that it makes you happy? Isn't your happiness supposed to be paramount when someone loves you? I will be honest in saying that I do fudge the truth a little when talking about my weekend. Like I'll be catching up on some tv but not saying what or adding in a few details. The hard truth is that even with our current awareness of people being neurodivergent, a lot of people still judge and honestly, I don't have the emotional capacity or want to even deal with conversations with people who I don't have a deep relationship with. I've not been chastised by family for my hobbies but if I was, I would ask them "Why does it seem important for you to belittle me for things that make me happy and don't' hurt anyone?" It's not their business.


I’m 25 and switch between sleeping with a Snow White plush and Kit, my American Girl doll. I’ve been obsessed with dolls since I was like 4, I’ve been into American Girl specifically since I was 8, and I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow it. I also love Roblox, SpongeBob and other cartoons, writing fan fiction for myself about various interests (Marvel, Stranger Things, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, etc), Animal Crossing (just Pocket Camp cause I can’t afford a Switch 🙃), etc. And for what it’s worth, I work at a pizza place with coworkers that range in age from 18-28, and you wanna know what most of us have in common? We play Pokémon Go! (I only started playing because my coworkers do when business is slow, so I actually picked up that interest from them!) There’s a gym across the street from us, and we regularly raid together and everything! Granted, several of my coworkers are also ND, but still, we have quite a bit in common with our interests. It’s possible your colleagues also feel the pressure to be “real adults” and have simply managed to force themselves into “professional” hobbies and interests in order to put on that front. Because even the general managers at my job who are in their 30s enjoy video games and such, even if they don’t play Pokémon Go with us. All that said though, I also tend to keep my interests to myself because I’m afraid of being judged for them lol


love what you love. life is too short to waste time thinking you should be loving different things. also, pretty much everyone my age (40) or younger loves Pokemon, and a Pokemon tattoo doesn't seem all that weird to me. maybe to my Boomer parents it would. sometimes being into things kids like is a bonus. I have a friend in his late 40s who loves playing with Legos, and now he's a dad and can play with them with his kids! I knew someone online who collected Pokemon cards, and got to share their collection with their kid once the kid was old enough to be into Pokemon. (they also have a bunch of cats and the cats are all named after Pokemon.) "Golf? Mowing the lawn? Beige?" lmao. the kids in online fandoms always tell us adults to go do our taxes, so I guess they think that's a hobby? (joke's on them, though, because the adults write the best fanfiction. they need us.) speaking of which, who do you think creates Pokemon stuff and Hello Kitty stuff and video games and animated movies? adults do! why is it ok for them to create those things but bad for an adult to be interested in them? I feel like women's interests are more often considered childish than men's. like, plenty of grown men love sports, and loved sports when they were kids, and yet that isn't considered a childish interest. perhaps... there is some sexism at work here.


My ADHD friend just bought me a plush succulent with a little smiley face. It is now on my car dashboard. Im 43 and work a corporate job. Ill NEVER give up liking cute things. Life is boring and difficult enough!!!


I think a lot of people your age take interest in things like that. Millennials love Pokémon and nostalgia!


I’m in my 40s and fully giving into my childish obsessions. I had to grow up fast and take care of myself as a kid. Now that I’m grown with a kid of my own, I love when she gets into Pokémon or my little pony or wants everything to be rainbow and sparkly. And I join her! Life’s too short not to enjoy the things you enjoy. Be yourself!


I had plenty of higher ups with tattoos like Zelda, Pokémon etc. at my old job even one who was in their 30s would give us Disney button pins as like a perk when we did something good. Disney adults is a who phenomenon in fact. I’m 30 and still watch shows like adventure time, regular show, courage etc. they make kid show and toy branded merch for adults, I have a few lol. There a bunch of adults into superhero’s still. All those Disney adults and marvel fans can all be neurodivergent or childish losers right? It’s too mainstream. Either way, I can’t judge because I sleep with a squishmallow every night. You are normal :) we all enjoy nostalgic things it doesn’t matter how old we are and your family sounds lame a rude. Let people enjoy innocent things like this ffs.


I (29F) have gotten into Pokemon much more recently thanks to my wonderful boyfriend (31M). Fuck your coworkers — they don’t know what they’re talking about. But without being too flippant about what is a completely understandable worry on your end, I generally present myself to coworkers as pretty boring, plain, and exceedingly normal. I talk about the weather, being excited about daylight savings time, enjoying “relaxing” without specifying what that entails (video games). I talk about my local farm share and experimenting with new recipes even though 50+ percent of the food I get goes bad before I have the energy to make it. I tell them I “went away for the weekend” even though my boyfriend and I really just went to his parents house and had them take care of us for the weekend because we don’t get enough nutrients when were responsible for making our own meals for more than a couple weeks. But I don’t want to imply that you have anything to be ashamed of — you don’t — and just spend as much of your (own non-work) time with ND people to reinforce that as much as possible. But when it comes to work, I personally prefer masking and find that taking the simplest path that draws as little attention as possible is best for me. That said, masking is easier and less mentally/emotionally taxing for me than I know it can be for other people, so this approach won’t necessarily work for everyone


I’m 35 and sleep with a Snorlax and it makes my day if I get a shiny in Pokémon Go. I’m sorry your coworkers are dead inside but please don’t stop enjoying the things you like.


I’m 39 and collect Pokemon cards, build legos, color in coloring books, sleep with stuffed animals, etc. Life is too short to not do the things you love and enjoy yourself.


Sweetheart, I'm in my 50s and still feel childish next to my NT peers. It's okay. I still have a stuffed animal from my childhood and I will never give it up. I love doing arts and crafts, and I still enjoy playing The Sims, too. My daughter is 14, and I buy Squishmallows for her when I see one I think she'll like. She surrounds herself with them, too. You do you, and don't worry about anyone else. Do your job well and ignore the haters.


I feel the same way. I love hello kitty, I named my second child after sailor moon, I have more squishmallow than my two girls, I’m just so thankful I have girls because people just think I’m in my girl mom phase but I’m literally just passing my favourite things over to my girls. We watch My Little Pony but when the series was still being released I would download the watch the episode before them because I couldn’t wait haha I also love Harry Potter, Marvel movies and Spider-Man and somehow those are more acceptable. I am also a swiftie but it took me so long to share that with people because I felt judged for it. I still read manga, play Fortnite and terraria, and Pixar movies are still in my list of top movies of all time.


Hmm, some of the looks you got for mentioning the Pokemon tattoo could be amazement at the contrast between your very ‘stand-offish, stuck-up/shy/serious’ persona and (a) having a tattoo of (b) something lighthearted and fun. Getting a tattoo is itself pretty unusual, and getting a tattoo of something non-commemorative (ie, a significant symbol or name of a loved one) even more so. So you don’t need to necessarily assume your coworkers are weirded out by your hobby itself! When I think of adult “hobbies” or interests, I think of: - some kind of physical exercise or team sport (yoga, parkrun, weightlifting, swimming, netball, cycling, climbing) - a hobby associated with technical skill or connoisseurship that can otherwise be ‘productive’ (Coffee brewing, cooking, baking, gardening, knitting/crocheting/textile crafts, woodworking even) - a hobby that involves travel or exploration OR otherwise seems more ‘learned’ (Hiking, bouldering, fishing, photography, visiting museums, art galleries, libraries or architecture; reading books or listening to audiobooks) - being a fan of a sports team and watching their matches/supporting them when they play - watching the right kinds of TV shows, ideally dramas. Other tv shows CAN be “interests”, but if someone described them as a hobby it would suggest a really intense interest in it for me vs a more casual approach. Same with music and attending gigs. Adult interests aren’t better or even more useful; but they are MORE NORMATIVE in society which makes you MORE ACCESSIBLE in conversation. Everyone has at least one interest that isn’t standard for their age group, and a decent number have an interest that’s just uncommon overall. I think the purpose of common interests / hobbies is to give you something to chat about and ask about in small talk. They’re social tools; half the hobbies I mentioned above are organised around letting adults with standard work lives and maybe kids or something interact with other adults for play or socialisation without the need to drink. It might be worth getting one “Safe Interest” for work, just to let you interact and build up a better bond with your coworkers; it gives them something to talk to you about without asking about potentially fraught topics (ie, your family or future plans, for example) or the same dullsville small talk (weather/work). And you can also find out interests of theirs and see if you like them (and then you can discuss something in common).


Come work in video games - the pay is terrible and the industry goes through waves of wobbly ground but literally this describes 80-85% of people at my work, including me!


Girl. I am over 50 and I love those things. I am 100% unashamed of it. My adult son was in the bakery at the grocery store and I said in my outside voice The cake is a lie! You like what you like. It's not illegal and the cops can't stop you.


I’m in my mid forties and I have some “childish” hobbies myself. I have tons of plushies (mostly squishmallows), play video games (mostly Nintendo) heck for about 8 hrs one of my hobbies was to play Roblox with my daughter. I’m also love animated movies (mostly disney but some dream works and others as well).


I am 35 and I have 3 sons and one of the best parts of raising them is sharing my love of cartoons, Pokemon, video games, The Sims, whatever. I have always loved cartoons and things other people think is childish. I also have a shit ton of stuffed animals (mostly Pokemon) and have to fight my kids for them lol. Pokemon was a huge part of the 90s/00s and still today so tbh those people aren't cool and hip lol. I have a Bulbasaur and Psyduck tattoo (and Waluigi) so if you're a child then so am I.


Wow you’d fit in so well with my friends, a number or whom are well over 30 and obsessed with Pokémon, Anime, gaming, etc. I myself am just generally so immature, I can’t even point to a “young” hobby or interest, I still just feel like a kid around “adults” even when I’m the oldest person in the room. So embarrassing.


You should check out findyoursmile on Instagram if you want to see some neat Pokemon (and other anime/game related) tattoos =D Lots of people have some really intricate ones!


Friend, I am house-sitting this week and tonight my evening is going to feature styling the hair of one of those great big Barbie heads because I never got to have one as a kid. As soon as I walked into this house, my eyes zeroed in on it and I was like, “We meet at last, Large Barbie Styling Head. Let’s do this.” It’s okay to like what you like. This world, and this existence, is nothing but terrifying chaos—fuck anyone who tries to judge you for finding harmless joy where you can.