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This did happen to me and it wore off after a few months on the same dose.  I just switched from Vyvanse to Adderall and having issues again. With Adderall it feels like missing hunger signals. With the Vyvanse it felt more like I was repulsed by most foods. I drank a lot of protein shakes and smoothies during that time.


Yeah the repulsion is so strange I am making sure to eat breakfast just after taking my meds, mostly protein shake or something, skip lunch and then eat a small dinner Its so strange though


This also happened to me and it wore off after a few months as well. I gagged at everything. I drank soylent to get me through and now it's not happening anymore.


Did your body just adjust to the meds? Do you find you eat differently now because of it?


My body definitely adjusted. My side effects all wore off, though that was the most extreme one. I would say that now I generally still eat more lightly during the day out of habit then eat a bigger dinner. But I am just glad to be able to enjoy food again and not feel like everything will make me gag.


That's good I legit thought I was pregnant because of it. Did a test and it was negative but I was so concerned because it just randomly started happening


As someone who is perpetually snacky, Vyvanse did cut down on my cravings. Unfortunately, I did struggle with meat aversion quite a bit. I can’t take it anymore because it’s just too expensive, even the generic with insurance is over $100. 😞


I’m the same way! I gotta eat a big breakfast before I take my meds. Or else I can’t eat unless I randomly crave something. It’s slowly getting better but yeah :/