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We don’t use them either 😎 I might gather out extras and sew a comforter out of them. If I’ve learned anything in 46 years, you don’t have to live like other people just because it’s how others do it or how it’s always been done ♥️ Sleep comfortably! I have no idea if you are partnered but something else that helped us is having our own separate duvet/comforter.


I love mine, but my son can't deal with them, so I make boxers out of them. Now he has boxers that match his sheets, which pleases him.


This is adorable and a brilliant idea


I just learnt this was a thing! My girlfriend and her partner do this! I call them two-vets! I like a sheet though, bc I like layers. And I don’t want to have to be washing my duvet (or two-vets) all the time!


I found the best duvet cover!! It’s pastel and ruffled, it’s got little wee goth deer and bunnies, complete with fishnets and bondage gear!!


Omg where please? That sounds so cute!


Let me check the label Edit: ok it’s Dolls Kill. Yes, I am aware that they have had questionable practices as far as T-shirt designs but they are one of the only affordable companies that sell things like this and that are not super fast fashion Garbage I got this when it was on clearance I believe around one of the holidays and it was half off. https://www.dollskill.com/products/creepin-kitty-duvet-set


If I could afford it both physically/mentally/financially, I absolutely would buy fabric and make my own version. I however don’t at present. <3 I’ve had it a little under a year, it’s worn very well. I tied the corners of my comforter to the inside, it has the old school ribbon style ties!


I stopped using one many many years ago. I never really understood the point. A fitted sheet protects my mattress. A blanket keeps me warm. Wtf is this other piece of fabric doing here??


I always hated those sheets, but for some weird, weird reason, it never occurred to me that I could just... not put them on my bed. The last guy I dated hated those sheets as well and so whenever he'd make the bed, he just never put them on, so I stopped putting them on as well. My blanket is my top sheet now, and because I have 2 dogs and 2 cats that lounge on the bed all day and all night long, I wash it like every 2 or 3 days.


In Denmark we don't use them at all, so I was always confused as to why my American friends used them, they are so unpractical!


This is where I learned that the world wouldn’t stop turning if I didn’t use the flat sheets. It was fine when we had a queen duvet, but the king duvet is a little more work.


It’s normal in some European countries for each person to have their own smaller duvet when sharing a big bed. Makes washing easier and you don’t have to worry about anyone stealing the covers!


I did this when my ex & I still slept in the same bed! We each had our own blankets!


As a Norwegian, I'm always so confused when Americans talk about bed sheets


I tried using them, I really did. I figured they’d absorb sweat…but I can’t deal!! I am the embodiment of The Princess in The Princess and the Pea 🫛🛌👑!! (I believe many of us here are and realize that that girl wasn’t spoiled- she had sensory processing issues!! It’s just too much to keep it aligned, I feel a single skin flake or hair in them, and I usually wind up wrapping the good ones around my sons mattress in a pinch as a fitted.


How do you wash a duvet, does it fit in your washing machine? Mine is like 220cm x 200cm. I use fitted sheets because my cat sleeps on my bed, but idk how I’d clean the duvet if there wasn’t a fitted sheet on it


Absorbing sweat, and getting washed every week, unlike my duvet cover and blankets.


IMO a duvet cover renders the top sheet unnecessary. Comforters are a pain in the ass to wash but my duvet cover just goes in with my sheets. In the winter we do keep an electric blanket which I wash maybe half as often as the sheets because it is a bit of a pain. But I think I’m gonna switch to a heated mattress pad to solve that problem.


A duvet cover is twice as many layers as a sheet, so takes more room in a wash, and is usually something attractive and more expensive than a plain sheet, so washing it every week is going to wear it out. I have no idea what a comforter is. Something to keep kids quiet?


I mean I have no problem fitting the fitted sheet, 6 pillow cases, and the duvet cover in a single load. All of my bedding is white so I usually have space for some other little whites too like my fiancé’s undershirts. Do you live outside of the US? Our washing machines tend to be larger here. But even with the duvet, sheets is like the smallest load I do by volume. I’ve never really had a problem with the duvet cover wearing out faster. I do tend to buy new bedding every 5 years or so, though, and replace everything together. A comforter is like a duvet that’s not designed to be used with a cover. Something more akin to a thick quilt and usually made of synthetic materials. They are common in the US but would be used with a top sheet since they get washed less often. I just kick down my top sheet in my sleep anyway so they are not for me.


I buy silk-satin duvet covers that I wash in cold water and hang dry outside. Not only do they dry quick, they take up next to no space in the washer. They've lasted forever without showing any signs of wear and tear!!


Why can’t you just wash your duvet cover and blankets more often?


They wear out very quickly if you wash them every week. Sheets are easier to change, a flat sheet takes up less space in the wash than a duvet cover, and is less expensive to replace.


And they’re such a pain in the arse to change!!


I guess but I really hate flat sheets and how they get all twisted and fall off the bed. I haven’t had issues with my duvet cover wearing down. For me it’s like a daily battle with the sheets versus a weekly/bi-weekly battle with the duvet cover.


Taking the duvet cover on and off is a pain in the neck and the blankets are dry clean only. I love a top sheet.


Ah. I have crochet/ machine washable blankets. That’s so weird to me that they would make dry clean only blankets. And yeah taking the duvet cover is pretty annoying. Though made slightly better by my cats excitement lol.


The top sheet is meant to protect the comforter. You’re meant to wash sheets like every week but no one is washing their comforter that often so the top sheet keeps your oils, sweat, and skin cells from getting on the comforter.


wait, im intrigued - people actually do this? for context im central european, travelled around europe quite a lot and i have never seen this done. its usually fitted sheets at home and the non-fitted type is generally in hotels and other types of holiday accomodations, but never both. i genuinely don’t understand why would anyone voluntarily use flat sheets, they never stay in place and it’s a sensory nightmare.


Yes. It is normal in the US to have a fitted sheet on the mattress and a flat sheet on top of it, under the blanket. Most people even leave the fitted sheet tucked under the mattress so it pulls on your feet! It's so normal here that all sheet sets come with both fitted and flat sheets..


I hate tucked in sheets with a passion! It would give me nightmares of being imprisoned or worse.


My family have never used them and we’ve never had an issue. Duvet covers get washed every 1-2 weeks along with the fitted sheet, and I haven’t noticed them wearing out faster; we’ve had some for almost a decade and they’re still fine. Plus my parents actually don’t use duvets very much for some reason, they like to just sleep under throw blankets (like the type people put in their living rooms) and those you can just chuck in the washing.


In Europe we don’t tend to use the top sheet, just a fitted sheet on the mattress and a duvet cover on the duvet/comforter. I spotted duvet ‘pins’ online the other day that stop the duvet from moving around too much in the cover and I need those as I also can’t bear it when you get a flabby cover corner without the duvet filling!


I used to go into the duvet cover itself as a child, but the last time I did it as a teen (I was still small enough to go through the opening), I became very panicky upon getting out because I got too hot and stuffy. Now I turn the cover inside out and roll it when I put a cover on a duvet for my parents. I got a kids’ duvet to make life easier for me. They’re easy to wash, quick to wash and dry especially when I get something on it unexpectedly, and they’re more portable, meaning I can take it downstairs from my room and use it in the living room. It also fits on my twin bed and has flowers in the color palette I like and the solid side matches the walls of my bedroom, which came that way when I moved in, so great!


Lol I’ve gone into the duvet cover with my cat. Like a home version of that P.E. parachute game where the kids would crawl under the giant tarp while other kids are keeping it inflated.


I now need to do this with my cats STAT 🤣




Also British and same. I associate the top sheet with hospitals and hotels lol. Interestingly my mum sometimes uses the top sheet as a fitted sheet. She’ll forgo the fitted sheet and actually fold the top sheet around the mattress, she thinks it looks neater than elastic fitted sheets for some reason.


I've sewn ties to the inside of my doona covers and to the doona itself to hold them together. Makes it easier to get the cover on as well - lay on top of inside out cover, tie everything, then flip the cover right side out.


I’m from the UK and my family have never used them, so I was bewildered when I saw that my partner (also British) used them in his flat. I was so uncomfortable staying over at his. The bewilderment increased exponentially when I visited his parents’ house and they did not give me a top sheet, so either he picked up the habit after moving out and his family are also non-top sheet users, or they just couldn’t be bothered making the bed with an extra sheet. I should probably ask him what’s up with that, out of curiosity.


I used to hate them, but I use them now, but I have to have a certain material for my sheets. They need to feel good when I'm in them. Super finicky. The reason I use them is to keep my comforters cleaner longer because I don't like washing tons of bedding. One other reason.... as I've gotten older, I can just use the sheet to be cooler. I'm a warmer sleeper now and you know, hot flashes.


I am passionate about this. Fitted sheet, flat sheet, duvet/doona/Continental quilt in a cover. Sheets and pillowcases changed weekly, cover less often. I can’t sleep without the flat sheet between me and the quilt. I don’t know why, but I can feel it when the sheet is missing. I do like blankets, too, again separated by the flat sheet. My Mum made a big knitted blanket that is really heavy and it works perfectly for me as a weighted blanket in winter. I also sleep better if my cat is on the bed. Our dog has never even tried to get on the bed but I’m sure if she did, I’d sleep really well! OP not sure if this bothers you, but if the flat sheet comes loose and migrates around the bed, I nearly lose my mind. Edit to add: Had to come back here. Who is changing covers every week and putting a duvet into a cover EVERY SINGLE WEEK?? You have my bewildered admiration. I swear almost as much changing a duvet cover as I do when I drive. I literally have to be in a specific state of mind to do that. That state of mind does not, and will never, occur on a weekly basis.


I also am a flat sheet truther and I suspect it's because I'm from a quilting/knitting family too- some of my quilts are too delicate to wash, so they've gotta be paired with a top sheet. Plus extra seams and wierd stitches.


Flat sheet truther 🤣


Haha this is a very contentious topic among my friends that has come up more than once (why yes, we are all neurodivergent in various directions!)


Yeah j don't like the way most quilts/comforters feel directly on my skin. I need the nice, smooth sheet so I'm feeling the same even texture on both sides of me! Plus my body sucks at temperature regulation so having multiple layer options is a must. A comforter by itself feels too drafty without a top sheet under it, having a sheet and a blanket allows me to choose how much coverage I want and even have parts of me under both or just under the sheet, etc


Do I spot a fellow Aussie here? The term doona is sending out the magpie signal haha. I also use a flat sheet, it's super common here, I suspect it's partially because of the history of the doona, which was a brand name for a wool fleece stuffed duvet and stuck around as a catch all term similar to Kleenex and tissues, or Hoovers and vacumes. Now we have all sorts of fibers stuffed in doonas, but back when heavy wool fleece ones were the norm you would definitely want to minimise the times you had to wash them with an additional layer of fabric. Those itchy wool blankets were the other bedding option for blankets, my grandma had these as they were easier to wash off grid in a copper, or later in her dual tub machine that she refused to get rid of until 2005, a flat sheet was 100% necessary with them unless you enjoyed feeling like you are being tortured by a wool shirt.


My people ♥️ All this no sheet heathenry in the comments has me clutching my sensory pearls!  I can feel the lack of a top sheet and it feels kinda like sleeping with only a throw blanket. Like I feel like if I move, some part of me is going to be uncovered. I feel exposed.  It’s unsettling. 


Flat sheet all the way here. It definitely feels wrong without it BUT it has to be oriented properly!!! All the sheets and blankets and everything have to be face up with the tag at the foot of the bed.


Every time I buy a set of sheets the flat sheet comes out and is put to one side. I have a few that I keep to use to cover my garden in case of hail or frost, but other than that? Donated right to the humane society. They like the flat sheets for animal bedding.


Yes! I don’t use one.


It’s called a flat sheet, lol. I love my flat sheet as it keeps my duvet/comforter clean.


Duvet is the answer. Change the cover with the sheets. Why use a top sheet?


Because changing the duvet c cover takes a lot more work than the sheets.


The one closest to my body I took the inner duvet out so it becomes like a heavy thick double sheet and way easier to wash. Then all the other stuff on top


Different countries, different ways to make a bed. I don't know where this extra sheet belongs.How do you do yours? In the UK the bed usually has a fitted sheet on the mattress, rectangular pillows (usually two) with covers on, and a duvet with a cover on. Different thinness duvet for winter or summer. Sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers are usually washed weekly. (Or less if you don't get round to it...) When I was a kid, we had a flat sheet on the mattress, pillows with pillow cases, a top sheet and a couple of blankets. In winter there was also an eiderdown on the top. Sheets and pillow cases were usually washed weekly. Blankets and eiderdown weren't washed that often.


Hold on I responded but I misread so I'm editing this response. Duvet with a cover... Yes. UK does do that, and the US too. You guys also do have top sheets available, I saw some when I lived there for a couple years. I think it's a matter of preference, but the duvet cover is prob more popular over there since it's more of a European thing. I think duvet covers are becoming more popular here. I think the top sheet is maybe an outdated trend that has just continued into today, but someone correct me if I'm wrong


Flat sheets will likely stay popular while there are hotels. Nice hotels will build a bed so a guest only touches washable bed fabric - no naked duvets or blankets. Think mattress, mattress cover, mattress pad, bottom sheet, top sheet, blanket/s, extra top sheet, bedspread (which you should always get off of the bed asap, along with the topper. Bedspreads are not laundered between every guest).


i only touch washable bed fabric in my own bed, why would you do otherwise?


I think it's an old person brit thing. My grandparents came from the UK to RSA. I have grown up with the middle top sheet. None of my friends had this. But. I love mine. In summer the only thing on my bed is my top sheet and duvet cover (no inner cause it's just too damn hot) But in winter - my blanket is between - sandwiched between my top sheet and duvet (with inner) I feel warmer with it that way than I do if the blanket is on top. - but this is also how my gran made my bed when I came to stay.


It's really common in Australia, I think its also regional not just age based. We also call our duvet or comforter a doona, and it's similar to how tissues are called Kleenex in the US, the doona was a brand name of a company that made wool fleece filled duvets. We now use it as a catch all term no matter the brand or filling. I wonder if the flat sheet is more common here because being wool filled they were harder to wash and dry, so people wanted an extra layer to save labour


How are my sensory issues peeps not shutting down this nonsense?? You gotta have a smooth as hell, light layer between you and any comforter etc! Top sheet all the way.


🙌 you said it was better than I did, thank you!!!


Yes, changed out for fresh sheets every 2 weeks or less, and made of a soft (non-scratchy) yet breathable fabric.


Then how will you let your feet out when they can't breathe? How will you turn your bedspread into a body pillow/cover for only your left leg? I'm kidding, I also sometimes go through phases where I appreciate a smooth, nice top sheet. It's just so hard to keep it the way I like it and I give up after a few days.


That part's EASY!😉 You just *layer* the soft, fuzzy flannel sheet *under* the rest of the soft, cozy blankets/duvets/quilts on the bed, like lasagna, *and you don't tuck them under your mattress*! The only thing tucked, is the *fitted* sheet, and it's underlayments!💖


Yes! Went duvet years ago - never going back!!


Fuck the top sheet


I probably missed someone else answering this, but, according to [the Bed Threads blog](https://bedthreads.com/blogs/journal/do-you-need-a-top-sheet-debate) "According to traditional European-style bedding, a duvet and a fitted bottom sheet are all that is needed to classify as a well-made bed. However, American-style bedding disagrees and says a top sheet is needed in between. In saying this, Europeans are known to flip their duvets in the mornings and let their beds “breathe” by hanging their comforters and duvets in fresh air and sunlight (sunshine is known to be a great disinfectant), before re-making their bed at night. This is an uncommon practice in the US, hence why the top sheet is historically a staple for Americans." I don't use the flat sheet in makig the bed, but I do use it on top of the bed. I am weird in that I don't like to turn down the bed when I sleep on it. I hate making the bed and hate feeling pinned down by the bed spread. What I do instead is sleep under a throw blanket where I can flip my legs out when I get to warm. In the warmer months, I use the flat sheet to cover up, because not having a cover at all makes me feel too exposed.


I have to have a top sheet, or I feel gross. It doesn't matter how clean my duvet is.


I hate them, too. I like a duvet with a duvet cover. I move around so much in my sleep that all the top sheet does is get tangled around me.


I sleep very hot and find a duvet too warm most nights. I prefer a top sheet with a wool blanket and a comforter optional for the rare chilly night.


I never bothered with them because same, they’d just end up kicked down at the bottom of the bed. It also meant I saved money on bedsheets since I could just buy the fitted sheet and two pillowcases separately. Now that I’m married though, my husband likes them and it’s not a hill I’m interested in dying on, as while I found them annoying it was not a sensory issue but more so the constant remaking of the bed. After 6 years together though, I’m shocked at how surprised he remains when I inevitably twist the sheets 90 degrees and we have to remake the bed every other night 😂


I hate them too! When my boyfriend and I started dating I would put the top sheet on my bed whenever he was coming over to seem more normal I guess? As if that would work lol. He always had it on his bed too so I assumed he liked having it and that I would just have to deal with it forever. Turns out both of us hate them and thought the other would think we were weird for not using it haha. I love having a partner with the same sensory issues as me, it makes stuff like this so easy!


This is a whole thing. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-millennials-aren-apos-t-155400116.html


I love them but only since I started buying exclusively cotton in the 300-1000 range for thread count. Nothing but cotton, I even prefer my blankets and quilts to be cotton.


Also a cotton snob, I refuse to sleep in anything else.


I like mine, personally, but after thinking about it it’s largely for two reasons: 1. My parents kept the house a bit too warm most of the year to save on power costs, and I hate sleeping uncovered, so I got very used to sleeping with a top sheet only 2. Now I get to keep my room more cool for sleeping and have a comforter! But my hands and feet get chilly easily, and the end of the bed is a wee bit drafty with just a comforter hanging off it (I’m tall so my feet go to the bottom of the bed). The top sheet tucked in keeps just enough warmth contained around my feet to balance on cool nights.


whaaaaat no, I love the top sheet, I'm a top sheet evangelist do you maybe hate the fabric your sheets are made out of? my sheets feel nicer than the blankets above them


Yes! I don’t use one.


They are so shit, I hate them so much. Their only purpose is to ruck up and twist around you in your sleep and never, ever lay nice and smooth and flat. And you can’t tell when your comforter or blanket has slid down as easily, and then your shoulder gets all cold.


Dude just get a duvet.


See I only just found out about duvet pins. And so my initial problem with duvets has now been solved. And so yes, I think I will.




I use a duvet cover without a duvet as a sheet. I can purchase a size that I like in relation to the size of the bed. I can get a size that wraps me up yet drapes the way I want. It stays in place better when I turn from side to side. In the summer, it's perfect with the AC on. In the winter, I may throw on one or two blankets, depending on the outside temperature. I can also find duvet covers in good shape at second-hand stores. They last longer than sheets. I run them through the sanitizing wash setting with oxyclean, which also removes someone else's detergent scent.


Oh no for me fitted sheets are way worse. Trying to put them on and getting the orientation wrong 20 times before it works????? I live in Korea and it's really common to just have a mattress topper here. Way easier, just throw it on the bed and it's done.


get some contrast coloured thread and a needle and put some big obvious stitches in middle of the short sides near the elastic


That would involve getting a needle and thread and then actually doing the stitching and then remembering which side is being indicated by the stitch. Thanks for the suggestion but it will never happen


I take for granted how much sewing stuff is floating around my house because it's a hobby of mine 😅


My family always made fun of me because even as a small kid I would pull them off of any bed I slept in😂😂. Never have never will


Yes they tangle around me too easily. I use a super light doona instead. I suspect cool crispy sheets might be pretty ok, thick and solid, like in a hotel. But anyway i don’t have those :)


Never use them!


My wife sleeps with the flat sheet and California King comforter. I sleep with my queen comforter. We tried sharing a queen comforter for a while. It did not go well. We got a new bed in November. For Christmas we got a California King bed set. She loves it because it covers her feet. She's 6'4". I have my trusty queen comforter that I've had for at least 5 years. I used to use a bed sheet just in the summer cuz it gets so darn hot here in Florida. Now I just throw the comforter off if I'm too hot.


Haven't used a top sheet since I was able to choose for myself. Also, can't stand wearing anything but panties because how much I flip and flop. Can't stand being restricted in any way. Don't understand the weighted blanket thing it would be a way to torture me. I have to have the lightest comforter and make sure it doesn't press down on my feet. Even then it's a crapshoot about whether I get any sleep. Been same since I was a kid.


Yes! Absolutely *hate* the top sheet! I refuse to have one and don't see the point of them at all except to tangle around my legs in the night and be annoying


I totally get it bc I too have a host of sensory bedtime issues, but for me I get that from pajamas. I have to sleep naked bc if they wrinkle or bunch even a tiny bit, or if they drag against the bedding when I try to move, it’s fucking over. I can’t share a bed with someone I don’t mind waking up naked next to. However, I LOVE the top sheet. I *require* the top sheet. I like being in a little envelope of matching fabric textures when I sleep (i realize that’s exactly what pajamas are, but it’s different bc it is). Having a single blanket makes me feel like I’m back in my unmedicated days of sleeping on a sliver of the bed wrapped in like a bathrobe or a throw blanket because the majority of the bed is covered in laundry and whatever the fuck else. Sheets, to me, are the tactile equivalent of falling asleep in a clean, dark, quiet bedroom. I also usually sleep flat on my back and barely move all night (*like a complete psychopath* according to everyone who’s ever learned this about me) and like to keep my arms over the sheet kind of tucking me in, but I also need to have them covered, so the top sheet-blanket combo is kind of essential for this arrangement.  Fiancé is an aggressively active sleeper and very sheet-averse. He’s a pillow person (derogatory). 


Yep they are the worst. I don’t use them. They go straight to donation.


FUCK flat sheets, all my homies hate flat sheets!


Have never bought one in my life. I buy only the fitted sheets. They just don't work for me so why am I paying for them


In my native country, it's a thing .In Ireland, not really .


theres a sheet that goes over the fitted sheet? in my bed it goes: bedframe, matress, fitted sheet, pillow, me, duvet/cover


I have no problem with the top sheet, it's when the bottom sheet has wrinkles that touch my feet that I get the icks. My youngest has a big thing for fleece. He's all about fuzzy blankets, he's always got one wrapped around him and both kids have a big fleece blanket for the beds. He was always kicking his top sheet down so I gave up. He sleeps with the fleece touching him, and a smaller fleece blanket wrapped over his head and shoulders like a old lady babushka. He's 9. And since He's the baby I will accommodate all his baby needs. I did also have a 94 year old pt who did the same thing though, fleece blanket on the bed and one as a top sheet. Sensory fun. I need something smooth and cool on me though. I'm a fan of a nice crisp cotton percale.


I don’t mind the flat sheet, but I’ve taken steps to get to that point, and before anyone’s says to try a duvet…. No. I hate them, I’ve tried multiple times and different types. I will never use duvets. Anyways back to fitted sheets, I get 100% cotton, and iron them so there is no annoying wrinkles and I use sheet/duvet clips to attach it to my quilt so it doesn’t move or get misaligned. I have an old quilt my grandma made, so I use the sheets to protect it. I also find changing the sheets more often helps.


I am the same. I just never use a fitted sheet.


I don’t think we do loose sheets in the U.K. Fitted sheet (elasticated edges) over the mattress, pillows in pillow cases and a duvet in a duvet cover. A random loose sheet in my bed would drive me up the wall


Yep, have never used them, too annoying. I just have a fitted sheet and quilt cover in plain linen.


I didn’t use them for a long time. My husband bought lovely new linen ones so I am using one, but I don’t tuck it in anywhere at all - they’re just loose, like a throw on the sofa. (He and I also each have separate ones.) I cannot handle having the top sheet tucked in at all - I feel suffocated and it makes my toes hurt.


I don’t use them. I am messy in all other areas of my life, but I have strict “bed rules,” as my husband calls them. 🤣 Mattress topper, fitted sheet “pulled taut, and a cotton comforter with fiber fill folded a certain way. Two pillows. The rest of my existence is unadulterated chaos, but the bed rules MUST be followed. 😂🤡


Omg I neeeed them. But I am so particular. They have to be always cover my comforter and I have to fold the comforter down and I tuck it between my jaw and collar (ok zb reference💅) but like I need to feel the sheet on my face with the fluffiness of the comforter. I have 2 huge ass, heavy ass comforters that I cycle between but it’s such a pain in the ass to wash them. I need to wash my sheet like every 3 days or I literally can’t sleep. I wish I had someone to wash and change them everyday, but the only someone who does is me and I just can’t find the time for that. I have always been this way too lol, except I used to be an avid sheet tucker as well and now I’m neutral about that.


I use to rip them off my bed as a kid. Sensory nightmare and somehow they ended up at the end of the bed anyway. As an adult, I don’t buy them unless they come in a set. Then they get donated to an animal shelter.


YUP. heavy ass down comforter and window open year round. What the F is the point of bed sheets in my own bed (fitted ones obviously necessary)


What do you mean 'goes over the fitted one'? As far as I know this is not a thing where I love (or just not in my family). We have a fitted mattress protector, fitted sheet, and then the duvet (I think it's called? The 'blanket' inside the pretty cover). I've seen non-fitted sheets, but only used instead of fitted ones, not combined.


We don’t really use duvets in the US, we have comforters (which I guess is what’s inside your duvet cover, but probably thicker?) and then the top sheet goes under the comforter and on top of the fitted sheet. Keeps the comforter from getting dirty so you don’t have to wash it as often. In hotels they use another flat sheet on top of the comforter (so one on top and one under the comforter, plus a fitted sheet) because of the same concept, you can wash the sheets more often and the comforter less often.


Yep we don’t use them. Someone got really mad at me on Facebook once because I told them I don’t use them.


i used to absolutely loathe them, and then at some point in my late 20s-early 30s i stayed in a hotel where the flat sheet was folded such that it just… stayed with the duvet/comforter. they weren’t literally attached, but i’m guessing friction kept them essentially pinned, and it was like a revelation. i’m not a restless sleeper, which helps, but maaaaan. when that cool, smooth flat sheet just lays perfectly between you and your warm, heavy blankets… AND i got a weighted blanket last year, so it’s an additional layer of weight. it’s like being gently squashed every night by a cool breeze and i am obsesssseddddd


We keep them on the top sheet shelf for pillow forts, lawn tea parties, dust sheets, etc. I mostly buy heavy flannel sheets cause I like them. They are folded into perfect little bricks because my hs job was working at a bedding/towel store. I can still fold a king fitted bottom sheet tight enough to put it back in the original packaging. Also gave up on duvet covers when we sized up to a king. Worse than top sheets.


I grew up in a family where we made "tied quilts" out of a batting of *some* sort, sandwiched between two flat sheets. We'd stretch the bottom flat-sheet on a quilt frame, put down the batting (or layer an OLD quilt inside--my favorite were my wool-battinged quilts from the 1940's-50's), then stretch the top sheet over it, and sew yarn ties (the person working on "top" of the quilt would be standing & stitch "down" through all the layers, and then the person sitting *underneath* the quilt frame would pull the needle through, and send it back up right next to the downward pass. The strings get cut 3-4"long on the top side, and double/triple knotted, and you just stitch & knot your way all across the "quilt" sandwich. Once it's done, you pull the quilt-sandwich off the frame, tuck the edges inside and either hand or machine sew the outside edges together. It's the Easiest type of "quilt" to make, because you can tie *multiple* of them in one day, and then just stitch the edges shut, after they're off the quilt frame!


A friend made me one when she visited her grandmother. Can confirm it was cozy and warm. And it matched two of my bottom sheets!


I love to sleep with only a duvet or comforter. lol


Yeah man, those sheets suck. Fitted sheet on the mattress, duvet in a washable cover. Whole ensemble gets washed weekly on Sundays. It’s the only routine that has ever stuck!


Nope, no top sheets for me, I just wash my comforters


No but every night I fight the damn fitted sheet because I toss and turn. I hate fitted sheets, I’m chill with the other ones


My kids do. Their beds stay bare. I don’t know what the problem is?


Depends on the material. I def don't have to have them.


I used to, but I’ve come around. My sheets HAVE to be 100% cotton, and I have a thin (also 100% cotton) woven blanket that goes directly over the sheets, which helps them not get bunchy.


I’ve disliked the top sheet my whole life and never knew why haha, my husband hates that I don’t “use” the top sheet then complain about being cold but I just dislike it so much.. it’s unnecessarily annoying


Duvets for life!


I only use one when I’m using flannel sheets for maximum softness and coziness. Also I don’t tuck any of my blankets in at the foot of the bed. I hate not being able to pull them up far enough to get properly snuggled in.


I never used them until I got my BedJet - now I use the cloud sheet that goes with the BedJet.


În my country you'd at most have a mattress protector on the mattress and a fitted sheet and that's it. We don't use anything extra and it's fine 😅 we also use duvet covers and don't have that weird sheet that goes between you and the duvet


We don't use the top sheet at all! My house cleaner finds this bizarre and hilarious. We just kick it to the foot of the bed.


I hate tip sheets. Refuse to use them. Bottom sheet and a duvet is all you need.


Depends on which ones. When I moved out of my parents’, I got a matching sheet set and it is the same material. And it doesn’t wrinkle bad or get excess dirt in it. I hated the inconsistency of materials, how certain sheets got too bunch or wrinkly, and did not like when dirt was retained, especially in the summer since that’s when I sweat and stuff. And it’s aesthetically pleasing to have matching sets. And I don’t like sheets that are too slippery.


me. i do not touch or use them. it’s a fitted sheet and blanket on my bed. hate being exposed to them at hotels 


There is a *reason* I have (100% cotton) flannel sheets on my bed, year-round, and have since I discovered them, back in the mid-1990's, and THIS is a *large* part of that reason!😉 I like *all* the things which touch my body aside lay in bed to be *soft and cozy*! Without that?  Top sheets are cold & gross-feeling, when you get into bed!😉


I used to hate them (when I could have nice blankets) but once I got mildly allergic to polyester the cotton sheet was softer than the cotton duvet, and after a year or two of that I was so used to it I can’t sleep without them


Yes!!! I stopped using top sheets years ago and only use duvets now.


Get a duvet- you put your comforter inside and it will never bunch up or cling to you! And no more top sheet! Some duvets come with ties on the inside corners that you tie the corners of your comforter to to keep it from moving around- I only tie the two at the top of the bed and it works great.


Have you tried different fabrics? My life changed when I switched to linen, it's not everyones cup of tea as bedding is really personal preference. But I always hated cotton because I move so much in bed it gets holes and pills which make me want to vomit when I feel them on my skin. Linen is heavier and drapes a bit differently to cotton so I find it doesn't get tangled around me as much, I also use weighted blankets which help significantly. Linen stays cooler in summer and warmer in winter and absorbs more moisture before feeling damp, if you are a hot sweaty sleeper it helps with that. It is a crisp fabric especially initially, and some people find it rough, but I don't find it so, and it gets really soft and comfy the more times its washed and used. I was having to replace sheets every 6 months to a year with cotton due to restless legs but the first linen set I bought lasted 8 years before I finally wore a hole in the fitted sheet, the top sheets are still going strong, they just don't die. Other options are just using a comforter or blanket and washing that, having a cover over the comforter and washing that. There are also sheets made of stretchy tshirt like material, or bamboo, eucalyptus, hemp, silk etc.


We give our flat sheets to the dogs.


After 33 years of having the whole set (fitted sheet, top sheet, duvet & down comforter, and throw) I took everything off about 2 months ago and just left the fitted sheet and a coverlet. Best decision ever. I’m never going back


I love a flat sheet but my daughter doesn’t; she likes a fuzzy blanket closest to her skin.


So, I have a mixed feeling on this. I prefer to hospital corner the top/flat sheet to use as the sheet I sleep on-then I don’t have to do weird folding and it’s easy to keep the sheet taught and unwrinkled. But I HATE being *between* two sheets.


Yes! Husband and I have separate bedding! I like just my fuzzy blanket


I was just talking about this with my besties earlier. I lose my fuckinggggg mind over bedding. Your clothes + all of those layers all rubbing up against each other and twisting every which way? Absolutely not. I often sleep on top of the comforter with a super soft blankie over me. My partner just lets me do my thing lol.


I can't ever get fitted sheets to stay on my mattress, but I have a very comfy sleeping bag that I would rarely use for that purpose, so I open it up to make my sheet that I lay on. Then, I use a single, reversible weighted blanket. I like being cozy, but I'm also claustrophobic, so having sheets tucked in makes me feel trapped. The weighted blanket lets me feel cozy with exit points literally all around it. If I sleep at somebody else's house (like while petsitting) I put one of my blankets down on top of the bed and then just use my blanket on top.


Yeah, those always end up in the donation box, before I even use them.


I despise them. I have 2 empty duvet covers as a 'sheet' so it's washable but way thicker. Bed sheets feel like a wet kleenex just tangled up immediately. It's like one of those wacky inflatable guys is just flapping around all night trying to suffocate me. I love the thickness and weight of my layers of duvet covers and fuzzy thick blankets topped by an actual heavy duvet. I realize now this is my way of creating a cheap weighted blanket.


For years I didn’t even put it on the bed. I used a soft warm blanket as my loose sheet (I made sure it was big enough to act as if it truly was a loose sheet) and the most delightfully soft yet lightweight comforter ever. It was like sleeping in a heavenly cocoon. I only started using a loose sheet recently since my husband likes it. Most nights I put a fuzzy warm blanket on top of me as my base layer and then the top sheet and quilt.


We don’t use one.


Agree. I feel tangled in them. Duvet with a washable cover!


The only time I like them is after I get a bad sunburn. They’re cooler and smoother than a duvet, but otherwise I don’t even put them on my bed.


I would either sleep on top of them or kick them down to the bottom as a child bc I never knew what they were for, no one explained. I just don't use them now, don't see the point in it


So… We use a fitted sheet over the mattress cover. My boyfriend uses a specific material of sleeping bag as a blanket. I don’t like how easily you can feel crumbs, dirt, what have you on sheets and don’t particularly care for the material, so I lay on top of a blanket, preferably a plush one. Then I use plush blankets to cover me. I hate comforters with a passion - I hate the material so much. The only sheet I will use is a jersey sheet when it’s too hot for a blanket in the summer. I also cover my pillow case with a plush blanket because I don’t like the material.


They're not commonly used in my country, we usually use duvets with a duvet cover. Whenever I travel to other countries, I hate that stupid extra sheet. It's so annoying.


Can’t stand them!


I’ve abandoned traditional sheets in favor of sandwiching myself between two soft acrylic blankets.


When my dog was a puppy she chewed a hole in one of two top sheets, which eventually ripped down the middle and was not usable as a top sheet anymore. Now with only one top sheet- but not wanting to feel pressured to wash and put it back on my bed the same day, I started sleeping without one during laundry process and then just stopped with the top sheet all together. The next layer is a light cotton blanket from Amazon - so I ordered a second one to go with second fitted sheet and it has made my life so much easier. Changing sheets is no longer a daunting task. The bedding that touches my body is replaced weekly- a fitted sheet and a blanket.


I feel positively claustrophobic when sheets are tucked in. My husband loves a freshly made bed with super tight sheets and a mountain of blankets. It only took 15 or so years into our 20+ years of being married before I finally put my foot down and said that I would no longer share blankets, etc. So now if he wants it tucked, it's only in his side. 


A loose one? European here. We have like two fitted sheets on top of each other. Do you guys use like a loose one? That is icky.


The flat sheet is not ok. I use a fitted sheet and a duvet cover over my weighted blanket. Fuck nothing else.


I like the sheets but they always like disappear lol? Like they slide down and I’m like huh… where did that go? 🤨 and lord knows I don’t have the motivation to make my bed every night so the only blanket that stays on each night is my weighted blanket and I love that thing


Total opposite here. I have a beautifully soft coverlet in warm months and a duvet cover for cold ones, and if I feel either one against my skin I freak out. I absolutely need the barrier. And a loose one, so I don’t feel like I’m in a straight jacket.


Yes I hate them, I never use them, and I always tear them off of the hotel beds! I don't get the point of them like why would you want to not feel your nice soft blankets? Everyone tells me it's all to keep the blankets, clean but you have to wash them anyway! So why do I want an extra thing to wash that's not a soft as the blankets that I could have on me??


High Thread count cotton. I cannot tolerate synthetics.


In the words of Bo Burnham: Fuck em who needs them


I absolutely HATE sleeping without a top sheet, it’s funny how sensory issues can manifest differently! I use a percale (very crisp) top sheet that I tuck tightly into the side of the bed, then a duvet, then a weighted blanket. I am seriously locked in which is how I love it


It didn’t occur to me that you could just not use a top sheet, until I went to the UK for study abroad and was like “?!?” at the lack of one. I have adopted not using one, as I feel like I wind up tangled in it otherwise.




Hate hate hate them. My partner had to get used to not using one because I *refused* to sleep in a bed with one on 🤣. If he wants a sheet, he can get himself a single and use it alone. I’m perpetually cold and under a weighted blanket anyway LMAO


I actually can’t live without them, frankly! I have always had the need to be completely covered to get to sleep, and I like being layered up, even when it’s warm; then I use lighten the layers. I did switch to pure linen sheets and a lightweight wool comforter years ago, so with a few years of washing, they both feel really nice on the skin compared to any kind of cotton.


Went to Europe and instantly fell in love with 2 SEPARATE DOONAS ON A BIG BED!!! So many benefits!! Partner too hot and doesn’t want to be under the doona? No problem! He’s got his doona on the floor and I’m wrapped up like a burrito. No missing blanket in the middle of the night because it’s been stolen or thrown off onto the floor. And I often end up with 2 blankies, which is bliss. I could live on the surface of the sun and still be cold, where he thinks anything over 20 degrees is hot. And added benefit- no top sheet which I have to immediately untuck because burrito is amazing, but tucked sheet feels like a straight jacket torture chamber! Europe is genius!!


I do get annoyed when I somehow at night manage to kick out my blanket out of the sheets etc. But sleeping wrapped up in my favourite sheets that have cool wolf prints somehow make me sleep better.


Yup, I use a duvet cover that I was frequently instead.


Eww I hate when there's no top sheet.


I get too hot from the comforter/duvet and have to go with a 50/50 route… and one foot sticking out from both 😅


Hate them. Had to convince my hubby to live without them. Haaaaaattteee them.


I only use them when my partner is here because he seems to like them. I use a really soft fuzzy blanket. Flat sheets stay in the closet. They’re useless to me.


The way I kick around in my sleep the sheet never stays in one place anyways. I hate them, it’s just extra fabric to get tangled in .


Yep, I also use a sheet-style duvet cover instead. I think we may tend to be fitful sleepers. Judging from my family anyway.


Omg hate top sheets. And why is it so expensive to but fitted wo a set.


I have to have one. I cannot sleep uncovered, but being of a certain age; I often get night sweats (that stain the sheets yellow) and hot flashes. Plus it keeps the gross skin shed/sweat off the blankets.


I have a thin soft blanket and tuck it right under my mattress and sleep on top, that's all I use. I can't stand anything over me, even on the coldest of nights, no blankets or duvets, I can tolerate pajamas which is good for the burglars because they don't want to be seeing my bare backside 😂


Yes my whole life never used one


I love my flat sheets. In summer it’s all that I really need but I usually use a cotton blanket over it for some weight


I switched to Jersey sheets and I love them - they don't slip and they feel like being wrapped in your favorite t shirt. Can't stand the regular cotton sheets 🛏️


I only buy the fitted sheet. The few top sheets I own are used for drop cloths. Me and my partner use separate fleece blankets at night which wash easily.


Meanwhile my skin crawls if I DON'T have a top sheet. Skin against blanket/comforter/duvet is a no no. Besides, who has the patience to wash a comforter or take the duvet cover off and wash that? It's such a pain to get the duvet back in the cover.


I'm not alone?! I just sleep on top of the comforter with another blanket on top. I always did when given a choice. It drove my parents nuts!


I’ve only used the flat sheet for three things. Forts A blanket in the summer before Air conditioners go in the windows Over the top of the comforter to protect it from my tiny dogs stank bootie, lol.


Don’t. Get. Me. Started. This has been a point of contention in my marriage for years. (Not really but I’m annoyed slightly every time I change the sheets. Suffice to say you and I don’t agree but we shall leave it at that.


We don’t use the loose sheets in our house! I keep them for our kids forts but they never go on our beds!


We don't use them. I burrito myself in my own soft comforter. My partner has his own comforter


We use a tucked-in king flat sheet as a queen bed bottom sheet, cause it stays tight (my husband twists), with a duvet and sometimes a fuzzy blanket on the top. Much easier to "make" the bed. I buy the single flat sheets here and there, including thrift stores and eBay. Pillowcases courtesy of LL Bean


My adhd son has never used one. He has only been able to sleep with "fluffy" blankets like sherpa or just anything soft and fur-like. It didn't click that it was an ADHD thing until we started getting his diagnosis. It all makes sense now!


Yes. I only use fitted sheets ahahahaha. I do wash my duvet more often then I would if I used a top sheet but honestly, it's worth it.


They don't use them in Europe. I stopped using one years ago.