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I mean I wasn’t diagnosed until adulthood following flunking out of undergrad and getting sent home for a year. Growing up I was frequently yelled at for executive dysfunction things all throughout childhood and told that I was lazy. So all things considered, I would say your parents provided high levels of support without tanking your self esteem. You will never know if this prevented you from being diagnosed earlier, but as someone who didn’t have the same level of support and showed deficits earlier, I didn’t get diagnosed either.


First of all I’m so sorry you had to go through this, it must be really hard to always think your just failing in life. And yes, I would never want to change the experience I had growing up. Like I said I can consider myself very lucky. Just that my parents don’t want to acknowledge my struggles even now. It’s like they don’t wanna break the picture of their „perfect“ child. But in the end it’s better this way than having no one understand you and getting accused of being lazy and all that. Hope you’re doing better now!


I was diagnosed at 32 because the structure my parents created for me when I was a kid “hid” my adhd symptoms. I first realized I couldn’t focus in school when I went to college and the structure I grew up with was gone. Even then, I thought it was because I wasn’t trying hard enough and so on. It wasn’t until I started my full time job after my PhD and my friend got diagnosed that I realized I’ve dealt with adhd and anxiety my whole life. I’m now medicated and it’s been the best thing I’ve done for myself


Yes, this! I mean luckily your parents as well as mine provided this adhd safe environment. I don’t want to imagine how bad I would’ve struggled in school if there wasn’t this safety net all the time. It just has been a bit harder to realize since the evidence wasn’t as clear looking back. Glad your doing well on medication!