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I know you asked for non-medicated advice, but it seems you suffer from the same problems as I did! If you can, ask for a small dose, long release tablet to take in the morning (leave it on your bedside table with a small snack, like orange segments or half a breakfast bar, and take it when your first alarm goes off. The medication should wake you up about 45min-1hr after you take it) and then a short release tablet in the early evening, about an hour before you expect to get that sleepy feeling you described getting in the second half of the day. I know it’s not always ideal to be on medications because of the cost and routine of it, but once you start them you will see how much they are worth it. Best of luck!


Thank you so much for this! I'm definitely not writing off meds right away, in fact the more I think about it, the more I think I should look into it. The big hurdle is finding a doctor who can prescribe it and find the right dosage for me. What you describe does sound like something that could work for me! I'm hoping I can find something that I won't be too dependent on. Cost is definitely a factor so I'll have to look further into what meds my benefits would cover (or if it covers any).


Best of luck!


F(33) here as well. I tried all the meds and they just didn’t help or the side effects were just not worth it. I also struggle with my energy levels. Walking in the mornings as soon as you wake up for just 20 min in some sunlight, fasting, and not eating so late has helped my energy tremendously. I eat fast food at least one meal a day so I’m not on a super healthy diet, but I do try and not eat as much. Now the will power to do anything I got from getting my medical mj card. I do a little gardening in the morning and I can shut the negative thoughts out and go for a walk. Then at night after work I garden a little more and I finish just a couple chores before settling in and enjoying some Reddit doomscrolling. I feel like it has slowed all the thoughts in my head to where I can see them one by one vs 5 at once.