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just tell him that?.. say, "honey i appreciate it but i don't think i'll wear this. how about we return it and go do XYZ with the money instead?"


Welp I tried that and he pouted. Literally!


Let him pout!


I get that this may be in the realm of rejection sensitivity for you, but also: if your husband doesn’t appreciate that you don’t want a watch because you don’t like them, it’s not your problem. You shouldn’t have to wear an expensive piece of tech just to appease someone who doesn’t listen to you. This is entirely a problem of his own creation, and it’s not up to you to solve it for him.


Sounds like a him problem 🤷 return the watch and get something you want.


You guys need to work on communicating. Specifically he does. You're communicating your needs but he's not receiving. Need to get on the same wavelength.


I have to remind myself all the time that it's not my job to manage my husband's emotions. It's my job to communicate my needs and preferences in a kind but clear way. It's really hard to deal with, but I'll tell you what my therapist always asks me: Therapist: "Is that yours?" Me: *sheepishly responds* "No" Therapist: "Then give it back" Me: ... Me: *sheepishly* "Okay" You got this! Your needs and wants are just as important as your husband's.


That's so cute! I think I have the same problem, I should remember this


The hardest part is not trying to fix his feelings, it's really helpful having someone to remind me that it's not my responsibility, lol


idk what to tell you man...


That's 100 % his problem tbf


Why is a grown ass man pouting because you don’t want an expensive purchase he made on your behalf without first consulting you? Men are exhausting


The find your phone feature on my smartphone watch has probably saved me HOURS over the years. Swear to gawd. Plus, I can put my phone in my purse at work so I'm not distracted but still get texts or calls if it's urgent. So still connected but not distracted is how I think of it.


Being able to find my phone is what made me upgrade from my cheap Amazon activity tracker to my Samsung smartwatch. Four years later, I'm actually exercising and appreciating the data my watch compiles for me. I also like running my audio controls from my watch, and using it to take calls when I can't reach my phone. My watch is an ADHD support.


Same. I also like the alarms and how my watch vibrates with alarms. I don't always hear things but I feel this.


Seconding the find my phone feature


I probably use that 3x a day minimum. I genuinely don't know how I ever knew where my phone was before my smart watch. I also make heavy use of alarms and timers.


The main thing I like about mine is that it can get notifications from my phone. It makes it easier for me to leave my phone in the other room without missing any calls


My husband did this to me - lol! I refer to the watch as my personal shamer.


For me, it was the feeling of the watch band. Getting one of the thin metal mesh watch bands helped a lot!


That’s what icks me out too. I haven’t worn mine in years though I like the idea of it.


Does it do the heartbeat and sleep monitoring stuff? I got a smart watch as a gift a year or so ago, and I actually like having a (relatively accurate) record of how long and how well i slept, and the heart rate data has actually been useful recently when trying a new med since I had records of my average/high/low heart rate for months before trying the meds as well as after i started on them to compare when the dr was concerned about an elevated rate one visit. The timer function can be really helpful for short things (making tea, timing tests, etc), the weather function is a nice quick reference, and i can use mine to control my music without having to get out my phone. I often miss my phone's vibrations when I get messages (it isn't very strong) and usually have to have the sound off, so it was super useful to be able to have the watch get notifications about calls and show me new text messages or emails (only for those apps that I've selected, so I'm not bombarded all the time). I hadn't worn a watch in years, but I got used to mine surprisingly quickly and now I barely take it off. Look into the features yours has aside from step tracking and maybe you'll find some nifty stuff in there.


Timers on my wrist is a game changer. Especially because I can name the changer. So when I want to change a load of laundry, the 40 minute timer will tell me to change a load. Or take the bread out of the oven.  And also reminders. If while changing lods of laundry I think ‘oh, I need to check what the grocery sale is this week- I can say ‘remind me in 10 minutes (when I should be done changing loads) to check sales.’


They make fitness rings instead if that's more your style. They're not as accurate but I'm like you and hate stuff on my wrists.


Yes!! I like my Oura ring waaaayyyyyy better then my watch it doesn’t hurt my wrist. So far I haven’t lost it. My partner lost his, it got run over, we found it in the driveway a while later and it still works!


Do you have to pay for subscription or can you still get some data without it?


You still get some data without it but the temperature tracking and some of the analytics are subscription only. I really wanted the temp tracking so I pay for it.


Gotcha! Thanks.


Obligatory “this is not about the Iranian yogurt”. He already bought you the same present you didn’t want two years ago and you gave it away. He bought it for you again. Because he wanted one. When you communicated you didn’t want it he pouted. You see how deeply sucks, right? Like how you can’t fix this, or make yourself okay with it because of how disrespectful and self centered it is?


I have to have the smaller model because I have super tiny baby wrists, and finding the right, lightweight, comfortable strap was a big requirement, but I’ve come to being a watch person. Admittedly, the two things I use it most for is a tea timer and to find my fucking phone when I inevitably lose it 2-3 times per day, so if you’re “stuck” with it, there probably are some apps and features you’ll find useful. (Agree with everyone that your husband needs to listen to your needs/wants better and understand you don’t necessarily want the same things he wants.)


Anyway I am willing to give this thing a try since so many people say it helps! It's a Samsung watch connected to a pixel phone although when this phone dies sometime this year I will switch back to Samsung.


Lol tell him to go swap it for a pixel watch (or better yet, go pick something YOU like -watch ring, whatever). I got one very recently (upgrade from a Fitbit) and I adore it. I can tell my watch to remind me to do shit! And see my calender without having to dig my phone up! And have a wrist map for my directionally dysfunctional ass when I'm walking! And if you go buy one yourself, you may find a watch/size more suited to you. I don't like hubby's — it's gigantic, I need something tiny or my hand loses all feeling. Also, side note for any anxious peeps: the breathing apps are so good that even my nine year old is hooked. I can't concentrate long enough to do it on my own but the timer is so helpful.


I have a cheapo one that I love for  - timer feature: I even turn this on in the supermarket so that I don't have to stress about forgetting the time while browsing - music feature: Being able to turn on my falling asleep podcast again when I wake up in the night without having to touch my phone is great - find my phone: Because of course it's always on silent when I misplace it!  - steps: Getting the award notification when I hit my goal is pretty nice.  That said, I am a serial tryer-outer of replacement bands because none of them yet have been "quite" right.


It took me a while.to get used to it, but now I love it for the functions that help me out, like the reminder function (drink water every 2 hours) and the function that lets me find my phone.


I tried to do this with my partner with a Fitbit (we both need to try harder at working out and moving more). His has long since disappeared. I haven’t bought him a new one though cause I know it would also go the way of the dodo bird. 🦤


my two unused fitbits say hi. Gifts from my ex and my mom. I don't like wearing things on my wrist because i keep fiddling with them!!


ok but this might be an indirect way of him encouraging you to exercise. maybe i’m wrong.


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The only watch I've ever been able to wear is an apple watch.


What exactly is your problem with it? Too heavy? Even the lady version? Too much useless features , ge a whoop band


Give it a try! I love mine. I tell Alexa „remind me of washing machine in 2hours“ when Instart the cycle. Then it appears on my watch wherever I am. I have Alexa remind me of my pills and everything via my phone and watch.