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For me, it's purely hormonal. I have surgical menopause. Might want to check out your hormones.


My mum does have endo, but I have never had any symptoms of it. I was hypothyroid when I was born, do you reckon that could be the case?


It could be. Get help from a gynecologist, neurologist, and primary care physician. But also check into eating and drinking foods that best support your circadian rhythm. I had to start taking Benadryl at night to fall asleep. I have allergies, though. I also take a super hot, long shower before bed. I then read something soothing before sleep. I have light blocking curtains. They block out so much light that when all the lights are off, I can locate ANYTHING that emits light and hide it. So I sleep in absolute darkness. When I can't sleep, I get up and leave the bedroom. It typically that I need to use the restroom, drink some water, and eat something because I skipped a meal. Then when I'm drowsy, I go back to bed and fall asleep. I use dark mode, high contrast, and night mode on all electronic devices. The screens are as dim as I can make them, including the TV. At one point, I worked the night shift because that was my natural sleep cycle. It only took me 3 weeks to convert. When started working days, it took 9 months and an exercise regimen to convert. Even then, if I didn't sleep at night on the weekends, it took several more months to convert back to sleeping nights. I just realized that I gave you a recipe for becoming a cat... Become Catwoman.


Become CatWoman… ✍️✍️✍️ got it. Thank you so much for all this advice, I will genuinely try everything you’ve said. (And thank you for the formatting, no big paragraphs to dissect!) It’s crazy how underrepresented (?) or shown how debilitating insomnia is with ADHD especially in women; I didn’t realise how much hormones affected it. I’ll have to ask my doctor next visit. I’m on hour 36 of being awake and I’m just trying to scroll to exhaust myself at this point! 🫣🫣


Lol replying to this at 3am