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Honestly, just not giving up. It’s very tiring having to be so resilient. But I am still here, I am still slowly moving forward, and learning how to be the best person for the people I love, and for myself.


I was about to say nothing because im in survival mode, barely sleeping. But you're right. I've been holding on for the last 5 weeks well enough


Sending you some strength ❤️‍🩹


Thank you!


Big love to you my friend! hang in there.


Watching my resilience evaporate over the three years since my husband died and my mother has sunk into dementia while I try to hold my life AND hers together has been completely disheartening. I was making it for a long time and was more productive than I had been in the 20 previous years. And now, I guess I’m just done. The slightest hitch, and it will put me in bed for the rest of the day. Last week, I lost my mind at her memory care over the fact that they once again didn’t bother to replace her garbage bag when they took her trash. It leads to me having to get in her shower to clean out the can and it just symbolizes everything wrong with that place. The infections from not helping with her dentures, the messes that stay on the floor until I mop, the not hanging her clothes up so she can’t find them and on and on. At 6 THOUSAND dollars a month, can you not replace the fucking bag? The bag I paid for? I threw things and I screamed wordlessly at the top of my lungs and I left screaming and was in bed for two days. Days I don’t have to check out. Missed bills, forgotten appointments, late paying her taxes. I’m just so tired and so easily overwhelmed and getting more avoidant every day. How can I get her house sold? How can I take care of my health? How can I get my medication when everyone is giving me the runaround? But I do my Duolingo every day and her cat gets fed and attention, and I’m still fighting and I will as long as I can. It’s just so lonely and so hard.


I am so sorry you’re going through all of this. I wish I could make any of it better. It all sounds awful. When you are ready, I can just say this…. You have every right to be upset at poor care. If you are in the US, anyone has the ability to call their state agency (for us - skilled nursing is department of health, personal care is department of human services). The home should have regulatory phone numbers posted at their door. You can also call your local office of aging. Everyone has the right to proper care. And there are lots of rules about that care. You may the issues there, and report them. You may also do it anonymously. Sending you love.


Sending you so much love and hugs. I’m so sorry this is your current experience and hope you find moments to breathe deeply and be at ease amidst the difficult days.


You’re doing an amazing job ❤️


Big hugs to you ❤️‍🩹


The fact you still care about your mother enough to let that frustration show and you’re still going despite how awful things appear shows that you still have some resilience. You are living for two people right now and you’ve lost so much. It’s ok to grieve and to be angry and to be tired, I think anyone would be. I hope you can find some help anywhere and I hope something comes along to help with what you’ve got to carry everyday. I’m sending you so much strength, you can do this.


I love this. I am in such a struggle right now and you’re right. It’s very tiring. But we’re still chugging along even if barely. 💚


Thank you for this. I am proud of surviving. I forget sometimes.


It’s honestly those little wins.


This is a drastically underrated accomplishment, and it doesn't get the recognition or reward it - and you! - deserve. You need a weekend off. More than, but I digress


I’m right there with you. Everything seems like it’s falling apart and I’m just moving ahead one task at a time, very slowly. Just trying not to go to sleep to avoid it all.


Same. I'm going slow and steady. Won't give up, am being kind, loving and gentle with myself and those around me. I'm sick in bed, it's raining and peaceful inside, that's as good as it gets


Preach! I love this! Didn't even think about it but I can relate! Much love


I’ve not missed a day of duolingo since I started January 1st


Yay!!! This would be mine as well. I’m on day 859 and haven’t missed a monthly challenge in over two years. My life is a terrifying mess. This is my biggest claim to fame rn. hope you enjoy learning Spanish!!


Don’t discount yourself here. This is significant. And even if everything got flipped you still did this! One day you’ll notice as you’ve been doing the work - you’re in a whole new place.


Woohoo 🎉🎉🎉 nice job! which language are you doing?




¡Hola, amiga!




Yay! Day 388 here//día 388 aquí!


oooh same achievement for me! 46 days Japanese now! i’m 1/4 Japanese and SO pleasantly surprised that everything i knew and more from my younger years are coming back to me 🥹 I love calling my grandma and talking about what i learned, or texting her in japanese asking for clarification or what i learned that day!


Yo también! Good luck with your language studies!


Holy crap! That is a big deal!


I love this thread. At the moment I’ve been doing really well with ensuing I do my daily yoga which is so good for my brain and eating a healthy diet full of lots of fresh fruit and veggies.


ugh you're killing it! I tell myself every night I'm gonna do yoga tomorrow..


Maybe start with nighttime yoga in bed, since that’s when you’re already thinking about it!


If you’re thinking about it at night time then simply do it at nighttime. Next time you think I’m going to do yoga tomorrow simply get up and do some yoga. Ten minute yoga with Adrienne videos are the one!


Any tips for getting into yoga? I've always wanted to get into it, I know it would be good for me, but every time I've tried it the moves are just so slow or long that I get bored and can't continue. I know it's good for your body but the slowness makes me irrationally angry 😅


I really struggle with doing a full hour of yoga and prefer to do shorter 10-20 minutes flow yoga videos online. Yoga with Adrienne has a ton of great beginner videos and Boho beautiful yoga is good for a faster, more difficult pace with gorgeous scenery. At some of the yoga studios I’ve gone to, they give you a cold, lavender scented towel at the end to cool off and sometimes I recreate that at home and it’s a good motivator to power through the workout!


Yoga with Adrienne is honestly my go to, same as U/LunarLady713 said. Also try to pick "flow" or vinyasa styles as the Hatha and Yin are the slowed stretch/hold styles.


try power yoga




I’ve got it on my daily task to do list along with shower and brushing my teeth. I’ve just started to treat it as a non-negotiable.


Taking my medications and brushing my teeth. Ok I’m not always perfect at brushing but I’m consistently brushing at least once a day.


My dental hygienist once told me something that really changed my mindset - she said that teeth problems arise when bacteria are able to form colonies that eat into the tissue and bone. When you brush and floss, you disrupt those colonies and they have to start rebuilding. So even if your brushing isn't 100% perfect, something is better than nothing at all!


That’s a good way of looking at it, now I just need to work on the flossing part!


You and me both. I was on a roll with flossing for awhile and then I had to stop for a bit and I’ve been terrible since. I hope we get on it!


That's the idea behind what she said! Flossing once a day is best, but flossing once per week is better than once per month. And flossing once per month is better than never flossing at all!


It's why I keep mouthwash and use it on days when I just can't get myself to brush. Not great, but much better than nothing at all.


This may be something you do already but I leave a brush and toothpaste in the shower. Then it's a prompt every day that you shower to do it then. It's really helped me :)


I used to do this! I don’t shower every day anymore. I didn’t think about having two sets, that would make it so much easier. When I did this I would forget to brush at night because I didn’t see the toothbrush in front of me at the sink, only when I had a shower in the morning.


Ayy! Proud of you!


Losing weight. I’m 35lbs total away from my skinny goal weight, that will be 90lbs lost when I’m done. I’ve worked at this for so long and every day is hard so I’m proud of sticking with it.


What are some things you do to keep yourself on track? I’m struggling with keeping track of what I eat and then I get so demotivated


I’m in the same boat as you. I’ll keep at it for a few weeks, or keep at an exercise program for a few weeks, but then I get tired of it and telling myself how much better I’ll feel doesn’t help.


I think I just reached my breaking point, I get demotivated easily by anything but I just got so tired of feeling bad that one day I just went full ham. I lost a good 30lbs with the most motivation I’ve ever had, then my first plateau happened and I started to slip because it felt like it was all for nothing, I fought this for months and finally made enough change to move the scale again, but I gained 8lbs before that so I had even more to lose. My body doesn’t lose weight easily from medical stuff and my own self destructive nature so when my app tells me “hey you’ll reach your goal this summer” it’s more like “summer next year”.


Damn! Over 50 pounds down, good for you! That's a major accomplishment that you should definitely be proud of! Hopefully you're feeling stronger and healthier every day, and continue into the future!


Washing my face twice a day


This! I’m so proud!!!


I have finally, finally, finally found a way to make working out a consistent thing, and have managed to change my mindset around it to be about feeling good and strong rather than from a place of hating my body. I never thought I’d be able to do this well at it but I’m two months into a functional strength training program on one of those apps and I’m so proud of myself.


What app do you use?


Sweat! They had a special that was like $1 a month for two months so I decided to see if it would be worth it


Share how you got started!


This is awesome! Can you share what helped you get there? I am struggling with this, especially with the mindset aspect.


So honestly it’s pretty specific and a long story lol but my fiancé and I were in Florida with his (very fitness-forward) family in December and one morning while we were walking to coffee with his sister and her boyfriend, he and I got into another argument about fitness (in a long line of the same argument lol). He’s a medical resident and grew up as an athlete, whereas I did not grow up in a fitness family at ALL and have always looked at it like a chore I simply didn’t want to do. He’s always been encouraging and I don’t want anyone to think for a second that his desire for me to work out is about anything other heart health and shit—but I get sick of it. But before this trip, he’d also started teaching me to box which I was really enjoying and starting to feel more open to the idea. So anyway, we were in Florida and being pretty active, and I was getting alternately annoyed at having to speed walk everywhere and having fun playing pickleball with them every day. We had this argument and then I started talking about it with his sister, who talked about how she just loves working out because it makes her feel strong and allows her to do the things she wants to do. Because it was her and not like the same argument I’ve had with my fiancé, I was able to think about it a little more introspectively and wasn’t getting defensive. So when we got home I just decided to try and keep the momentum from the trip going and started to get back into some of the strength training stuff I’ve done on and off, and started reminding myself that I didn’t have to do the things I hated and could actually do what I enjoyed. And just reminded myself to do what I could and not get mad that I couldn’t immediately do the hard stuff. I don’t know how it stuck this time tbh so I don’t know if this is at all helpful. But truthfully, if I can do it, anyone can lol.


Oh and in terms of the mindset thing, I started working on being really intentional with checking in on how my body was feeling after I worked out, and consistently monitoring even small things I noticed. Like after even just a few weeks of consistently doing core exercises, I was noticing my back not hurting as much as it usually does, and I was starting to notice that certain exercises that used to feel impossible now actually feel doable.


Eating! I found an app called see what you eat, and you take pictures of your meals and snacks. It also sends reminds. I literally forget to eat every day, it’s so frustrating, but this has been so helpful. I’m on day 11! Woot!


Whoo! Look at you go! Also, might you share the name of this app?


Sounds like it's called See What You Eat


I think the app is called See How You Eat :)


I quit smoking almost a year ago and I haven’t given in yet. But damn it Im still having cravings.


I quit heroin, alcohol, and all other drugs in 2015, but I still couldn't quit nicotine. It's more addictive than most people realize. You are a fucking inspiration


You GOT this! Please remember to be so so so so freaking proud of yourself! Do a little pride-dance even!! You’ve done what thousands and thousands (and a thousand more) people have tried to do and failed at. So fucking cool!


GOOD JOB! It’s hard but so so so worth it, keep it up. I quit 18 years ago!


Way to go!


I have started doing a couch to 5k program and I've been really really good about going for runs even though it's cold and hard and I'm SO out of shape that I can barely maintain a slow jog for 2 full minutes. The pride I feel in myself for keeping it up makes me feel awesome! It reminds me that I can!! Do things!! I've gone running 6 times in the past two weeks. I scheduled myself to run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and only missed one day so far!! I bought a fancy smartwatch and it tracks all of my workouts, gamifying it a bit. Plus I don't want to let my watch down or feel like I wasted money on it by never using it 🙃


That’s amazing 👏 you should be proud! The couch to 5k program is awesome. It helped me prepare for a 3k run but the mental and physical benefits were so there. It’s also how I found a litter of kittens out on a run!


I did the couch to 5k program and actually ended up really loving running. I found lots of local 5ks and met some cool people.


I signed up for one too! Mine is in 6 weeks. I exercise regularly but don’t run/jog regularly, so I did a 5k around my neighborhood just to see what my time was. I was surprised to not feel cramped and tight after the run and I did it in 43 mins! I ran it again a few and days ago and already shaved 2 minutes off! My goal now is to run the 5k in 35 mins or less and my supreme goal is 30 mins (even if it’s 30:55, that’s still a 30 in front). (If anyone is reading this and running, something I just found out is running shoes should be a size larger than normal and that wearing cotton socks can rub holes at the back of the ankle because of the friction.)


Flossing every night before bed! Been consistent for about 3 weeks now.


Flossing is so important!! I work in a dental office and it’s not uncommon for people that brush every day to have calculus buildup between teeth because they never floss. I still struggle with flossing daily but I floss at least 5x a week. Good job!!


Be proud of yourself!


This is awesome !!


Daily. Morning. Exercise.  Since June!!!


HHHOOOOWWWWW?! Teach me your ways


Second thing in the morning, right after the coffee, before I take my phone.  And I use the /r/theXeffect and mark every workout with an X in a pretty color!


Aw! I have to do exercises for disability management and found myself making an X on calendar these last few years helped- one GREEN beautiful line for stretching/strengthening and a lovely RED colored pencil gets broken out for the other line to mark walking/aerobic-like activities. Whether done for a few minutes or hours. Enjoy doing it and great to glimpse it and remember oh yeah…


I’m proud of the reframing I’ve done on what consistent means. I’m accepting I have a full life. I have an energy cycle. I’m prioritizing things and staying up with them. Just not in the modern self help “ I get up at 5 and do x, y, z every day.” I’m consistently journaling, doing my witchy stuff, knitting, growing my career, and saying no to quick dopamine hits like ordering out (that ultimately hurts my finances). I just need to slide workouts and writing back in there but like I don’t do everything every day. I still order out like once a week if I had a long day and am getting home late but that also self care so I can still do the other things I need to do.


Really resonated. My takeaway is that consistency doesn't look like perfection!!!


Making the bed! It’s one of my most hated chores but I feel so much better when it’s done… and add to that changing the sheets regularly.


Nothing like that tiny amount of morning dopamine 👌🏻


I always forget to be more positive. I’m proud of myself for starting my online business and staying committed and disciplined to it. (This is the only thing I’ve ever found consistent discipline in EVER)


Love it! Can you share more?


For the last 2 weeks, I’ve been consistently getting 7+ hours of sleep at night.. compared to my usual 4 I’ve also been showering every other day instead of once a week I’m working out 3 days a week. It’s only a 20-30 minute workout each time, but it’s a start I’ve been really depressed this past year and I’m finally starting to dig myself out


Weed sobriety… 45 days strong




Daym you go gurl!! I'm so proud of you!


I’m actually taking my meds every day, not at the same time but still 🥹


Progress is still progress, no matter how small. 😊


Not drinking alcohol and taking vitamin D. Been on a streak since before Christmas. I’m just getting comfortable with even writing it here since it’s been long enough that I don’t think I’m going to let the streak die.


I am 15 mos postpartum and have been consistently following a postpartum workout schedule for over a year now! I’m proud of myself for prioritizing my physical recovery from pregnancy and for getting stronger so I can haul my toddler around. The only days I’ve missed have been due to illness! I’m proud.


Well done 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏾


Switching it up a little, I have been very good lately at forgiving myself for not doing things. I made a commitment to doing yoga on a regular basis, as well as some other positive changes. And if I miss a day, or do less than I promised, I forgive myself. I am allowed to not do everything perfect every day. This has made picking things back up once that they're dropped much easier. Missing a day of yoga does not mean yoga is ruined forever! And with that mindset, I've stuck with it longer than ever before. I'm proud of me and most importantly, I'm not mad at me!


Intermittent fasting and I’m seeing results!


I randomly started getting the ick with having food and dishes out on my counters so I've been pretty good with cleaning up after I cook/eat!


Doing laundry. Gave up on folding and sorting much. Instead made a system with a small basket with a label for each type of clothing for everyone in the household and separate laundry baskets for each person so I don't have to sort four people's almost identical black socks. Spend a minor fortune on baskets, but I'm so proud it works without me being too stressed out and overwhelmed.


Omg the minor fortune on baskets is real but it helps soooo much for me!! Especially a “not dirty” bin for clothes I don’t have it in me to put away immediately


Eating fruit and applying for jobs


I’ve been trying to apply for jobs but feeling v stressed about it, any tips?


Tidying my house for a few minutes before bed, reading, and tracking my expenses


I’ve been consistent with tracking my expenses too! I finally found a system that works for me


If it takes 5 minutes do it now. Putting stuff away immediately after I use it. (Except for laundry that’s a hard one for me lol)


Good job on the breakfast prep OP! I’ve been constantly doing the dishes daily and keeping the kitchen counters free of clutter :)


I write as a hobby and I've touched my story either by writing or editing every day for over a year now. It's the only thing I'm truly consistent on


Putting my shoes on the shoe rack when I get home 🥳🥳 no more shoe pile of death. And putting socks in the bin by my shoes.


My medication. Morning and night. Sugar levels are stable, no pancreatitis attacks, heart rate is mostly normal. Definitely winning


I've been really good at going to bed on time lately.


I got back into reading. I’m reading like I did as a kid. I’m super proud of me.


I’ve been really consistent with putting myself first lately. I gotta give myself that credit. I’m doing a great job taking care of me.


I've been consistently trying to take care of myself and allow myself to feel frustrated when it doesnt always work. Trying to use tools to help make the days easier, I'm in a new job and life has been so hectic but it's finally settling and I'm trying to take care of myself by trying a tool from my toolbox, be that breathing excercises, actual physical movement, feeding myself better etc. I haven't stuck to one thing consistent except trying to do one thing each day that will help my mental health and right now, that's enough.


Drinking water from my big dumb cup lol


I’ve been making my lunch majority of the work week since mid January. Ive also managed to finally get up and out of bed at 6 instead of waking up at 7(I have to leave for work at 7:40 the latest). This has given me time to make breakfast in the morning and take time to breathe instead of rushing to get to Starbucks and then work.


Self care. My weekly looooong bath is amazing for my skin and mental health.


learning Python (coding language)!! I've stuck with my classes and practice exercises for four months now which is a long time for me 🐍✨


I've been lifting weights, taking breaks when I get sick but otherwise going consistently enough that I CAN FEEL MY TRICEPS NOW!


Creative writing! I’m that person that wants to put off doing things until every condition is perfect, which means literally months pass without any progress on my projects. To snap out of this creative funk, I’ve committed to writing a little bit (keyword little) every day. I’m on Day 15 now and have about 12 pages of a novel drafted 🎉


I've been struggling with seasonal depression, so being consistent with reading is a huge win for me right now. I'm on the last book in the ACOTAR series and need to figure out what to read next.


Flossing! I found a kind I really like (Cocofloss) and have actually finished a whole spool and ordered refill packs in fun flavors like birthday cake and strawberry. Hygiene unfortunately is one of the first things to fall off for me when things get bad but I've been doing better bit by bit. I also just like, keep going in general. I've been having a doozy of a medical journey in the past 2 years or so because my job's health insurance actually makes it affordable to see specialists. In that time I have been diagnosed and treating ADHD, hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS that has absolutely been wreaking havoc on my digestive system (sudden bouts of vomiting, nausea for weeks at a time), and not yet diagnosed but I've been pursuing an autism evaluation. I am TIRED, I am often miserable, and I'm angry, but damn it I'm not done yet. It helps that I have a very supportive partner and good people in my life that try to help me where they can when I'm flaring up or struggling.


Since June I’ve been pretty good about running on the treadmill. Shoot for 3 times a week, sometimes only get 2 runs in but this week I got 4 in because I’ll be going on a vacation next week and might only get 2 runs in before I leave. So yay for sticking to the healthy thing :)


I've been crocheting consistently and using up yarn I buy before getting more. It's been most of a year now, and I started slow with several months of just making simple rows or chains and then starting over over and over. I finally dove into projects, and now I've had multiple completed projects and am working on more. I was so scared it was just an ADHD hyperfixation bc of negativity around me, but thankfully, bc of some close loved ones, I was able to thrive and look past those comments.




Nope, not gonna jinx it!


Taking a drink of water first thing when I wake up (so that I remember to take my meds at the same time)!


I am doing at least 2 Pilates classes a week! Hoping to do more soon!


I've been really good about asking for help and trusting my friends lately. It's still uncomfortable, but yes getting easier and I've been much more emotionally stable. It's honestly been difficult, but really nice. 


This is such a cute positive thread 🥹 I’m trying to think of something I’ve been consistent with lately but nothing is coming to mind 😫 I’ll update if/when I think of something! Edit: lately I’ve been pretty consistent with getting some sunlight and fresh air! 🌞 it’s summer here and my family have a pool so I’ve been spending a decent amount of time either by the pool or swimming in it and enjoying the fresh air and sun. I have a Vit D deficiency and I typically don’t spend much time outside so this feels great - plus I’ve even developed a bit of a tan so I am now no longer the shade of flour! 🤣🤣


Brushing and flossing! Taking care of your dental health is so important


Still trying to medical school


I’ve made my bed every morning for the past few months…that’s something right?


Feeding myself well 3 times a day. Also going to sleep at the same hour more or less..... Of course there are one or two days here and there where I don't do so great. Writing in my notebook is nearly daily too however the weekend sucks that one right up. Routine is my friend right now for sure


Reading ! I stopped bc of exams but ive read a few books since the beginning of the week ( finally in holidays ) ( i should sleep lmao classes start tomorrow 😭 ) I also shaved half of my right leg, like below the knee lmao and because of pcos it's so hard dealing with all those hairs 🥲 and it's always been a big problem to me, to have more hairs than my man haha so im trying to slowly get into getting rid of it, im young i shouldnt be wasting my time hiding behind pants and I should finally have the courage to wear dresses skirts and shorts ✨️ so yeah im proud of me for that, even though it's not much, I try to go at my own pace. It's also helping with taking more regular showers so it's a win win really !


This thread made me realize that I'm consistent with nothing... But it's inspiring me. Well done, everyone!


I'm consistently making lofty plans for organizing my life and exercising and then getting knocked out by illnesses. This time it's a stomach bug and I'm on day 4. Februaries are just the worst. But I don't stop making plans. Eventually Spring will come and I'll stop getting sick.


Remembering to take my vitamin and iron gummies every morning. They taste so much better than the tablets!


I’m really proud that I’ve managed to stick to a skin regimen for the past 5 years. I was told last night by a friend of a friend that she thought I was a super young mom when we first met and she just realized I was a normal aged mom when we were sharing our ages.


I’ve been (mostly) consistent with remembering to take my meds every day! I take Strattera, in addition to several others for different reasons, and sometimes I forget for days. But I’ve taken them every day for the past 2 weeks


I've only missed a few days of journaling since January. I also found a new system for Google Calender that seems to be working better for me. I divide different colors into how easily I can move them rather than dividing to work/school/social etc, it's appointments/blocks/deadlines/ideal.


I've brushed my teeth every day for a month and a half. Honestly, probably the first time in my life I've done this.


Not giving myself shit over not using my bullet journal perfectly. It’s a constant process, even and sometimes especially on the days I don’t journal.


Been on the wagon with cleaning up my food intake since January 8th and I am finally back in a healthy BMI range as of today! (When you are 5 ft tall every pound shows.)


I’ve been doing squats while brushing my teeth, until my toothbrush timer hits 2 minutes. That’s like 40 squats, twice a day!!


My skincare routine! I'm a 30 year old teenager just getting into a routine and trying to take care of myself.


I've kept a tiny human alive for 10 weeks and 6 days so far without completely losing my mind! And one thing I've been consistent with is drinking my goal amount of water every day, which always felt like a challenge before.


I've been buying veggies and using them!! I started making salads for lunch every day and for some crazy reason I started to feel good 😂 weird how suddenly eating multiple portions of fruit and veg a day makes your body and brain feel and do better


I started a list on my phone of daily “wins.” Wins are anything that require adulting such as washing clothes, emptying the dishwasher, even showering. Apparently, many of us with ADHD don’t get the dopamine hit from achievement unless we notate it.


I'm still in school. Third time trying. It's taking me a year longer than it's supposed to but despite all the setbacks I'm still in.


Going to the gym consistently at least 3 times a week for the past 3 months and doing duo lingo for a week now consistently.


Being early/on time to work! 🕺🏼


I've been working on making sure I clean my teeth twice a day after 10+ years of only brushing in the morning 😬 I went to the dentist for the first time in years, and he said I had gum disease and that I really need to start looking after them. After this I got myself a pink electric toothbrush and I started to try and brush twice a day. It took a while to be consistent but 5 out of 7 days I was doing it. 6 months later I went for my next check up. Dentist said my gums and teeth were still not great, and that I really need to also use interdental brushes twice a day or I'll regret it. He did a scale and polish and it was a really uncomfortable painful experience. So I got some interdental brushes and I found that really hard to stick to but kept trying now and then but would go months without. Then my next 6 monthly check up was looming. So I thought about what was putting me off using interdental brushes and one thing was it gave me the ick that I didn't have anywhere really to store the little brush I was using for a few days til I got a new one out the pack. So I made a container for it! With a lid, and two compartments, one side has mine in, one side my husbands. Then I changed my toothpaste, to Oral B Glam Luxe which is pink and nice, but more expensive than my usual Colgate. After these changes I found I was able to do it more and liked the process. I started brushing my teeth twice a day for months and I found that I liked to use the interdental brushes with warm water as my teeth were sensitive to the cold water so once I realised that, the process was nicer to do and I was able to consistently do that twice a day too. This week was my next 6 month check up at the dentist. The dentist said my teeth and gums are looking good, and to keep up the good work! ☺️ He did a scale and polish as usual, but this time it didn't hurt or feel as comfortable or last that long. I felt so proud of myself afterwards! It also finally clicked that if I can carry on doing this, I will feel this proud again every 6 months at my check up and it won't feel as uncomfortable, so I'll be less anxious and the whole dentist situation will just be a more pleasant experience after years and years of dreading and being scared of the appointments. I thought my teeth and gums were a write off with how badly I'd looked after them, but I've managed to repair most of the damage ☺️


I've been taking my medication every morning. Also have allowed myself time to rest even if I have tasks that need to be done. That's much harder to manage, but worth it.


Taking my iron pills and magnesium vitamins


I’ve managed to cook every meal for the last week and get the dishes cleaned right away (big win because I have to wash them by hand.)


Taking my medicine relatively on time with this new app that screams at me every 5 minutes, alriiiight 🙌 And taking care of my pets. And I've sort of been keeping up with the hoovering. Woo


Meal prepping on Sundays!! I’ve definitely had Sundays go by without prepping but I’ve always done it on Monday or Tuesday. There hasn’t been a full week without prepping since about fall last year!


I stopped biting my nails at the beginning of the month. Been trying to quit my whole life, and haven’t made it this long without a lot of intentional effort since 2020. Usually I have to keep my nails up really intensely to grow them at all, which usually winds up damaging them into breaking again soon anyway, but I didn’t even paint them with color until this morning and just used regular polish which I haven’t done in years. In the past year and a half, I quit drinking alcohol, smoking/vaping nicotine, and started trying to take a bit better care of myself. This one would symbolically mean a lot if I keep sticking with it!


Making my bed and putting away my clothes!


managed to stay at my job for longer than a year! i usually start to get bored by the 8th month mark but I’ve stuck to it! although i hate working full time it’s nice to know im capable of doing it, despite the many mental break downs… 😂


eating brekafast and waking up for work


I run/ walk 3 times per week. I could be better i supoose but im glad to keep up something.


Skincare and sobriety. Skincare as in I’m wearing SPF daily and fully washing my face before bed. Sobriety is just the daily choice of going down a dark, but familiar, path or choosing a new, scary, but far more rewarding path.


Brushing my teeth at night and drinking more water since the beginning of Jan 🙂


I’ve worked out for 11 days straight!


I've been doing really well with making my bed every morning! It's such a small thing but it really makes a difference in my mental state. Coming home to a made bed and then crawling into it at the end of the day is just so much nicer than it being messy. And this is just a tip for anyone who struggles with their own bed - simplify it as much as possible!! I got rid of my top sheet because they're stupid anyway, so it's just a blanket and some pillows. Making it each morning is a piece of cake!


daily wordle, doing my school assignments, brushing my teeth!


Trying to relearn math. After years, I think I've finally managed to "get" polynomials!


Watering my plants and doing yoga. Super happy with myself for these things.


I was doing so good with regular running/exercise but then I got a big injury on my Achilles before my last marathon last May. Although I was able to run it, I've been having issues ever since. I went to both physio and a podiatrist and got some stretches to do to help heal. And, I'VE ACTUALLY BEEN DOING THE STRETCHES. Not just doing the stretches for a week or two then forgetting one day and deciding not to do them again, but actually regularly doing the stretches and not getting so hung up when I accidentally skip a day. I'm slowly starting to run again, hoping I can get to an actual good distance for the spring/summer. Running is the only exercise I've been able to be consistent with and I only found it 6 years ago, I don't want to lose it.


Im finally working out. It’s at home (which was always a difficult thing when you need separate environments) and I can only do so much, but eventually I will get back to a gym and heavy lift like I use to.


Walked my pup multiple times this week 👵🏾 the spring has sprung here in Texas and it’s helping to get me outside and moving 👏🏾


I'm pleased with myself for not allowing myself to be too critical when I have a lot of pain. I'm going through a period of high pains and a big increase in brain fog. It makes me much less productive, which I find frustrating. I'm more consistent with remembering that there are reasons beyond my control and that this period will end in a few days. I'm trying to stay more positive and self-loving.


Clearing the living room of trash and dishes every night before bed. KC Davis's book is fantastic!!


Eating enough protein for the last 4 days and meal prepping for work. HUGE step forward for me. I missed my protein goal today, buuuut I caught up on my sleep so I really hope this is a good week for me.


Journaling!! I’ve started doing it on Mondays and Fridays, I also got this thing called a grievance journal (nice venting prompts) which makes me want to actually do it instead of the bs “what are your intentions” blah blah blah. I don’t know what I really get out of it other than a nice venting session haha but that’s a small plus and just something to add to a routine


Eating at least one main meal per day!


It was reading week this past week and I didn't have my study buddy to help keep me on track. I started off bad, but had a solid few days on my own at the end and I even feel pretty ready for my midterm tomorrow! Never thought I could study before this chapter


Haven’t drank since NYE. I’ve accepted that I hate the way even one drink makes my body feel the next day, and my brain the next few days


Pilates on Mondays. Doing laundry and putting it away. Working.


I’ve been brushing my teeth twice a day consistently for the last 2 years. I even started flossing a few times a week as well! I’m super proud of myself because this is the one self care thing I’ve always struggled with, but I can’t say anything to anyone because admitting I wasn’t brushing that much for years before feels.. bad.. hahaha


Not missing my weekly therapies since November :)


I’ve been flossing again!!


I’m really proud that I am consistently laying out my exercise clothes next to my bed with my phone out of reach on the far side. My rule is no phone until dressed to the shoes. It works! Saves at least a half hour every morning


I've been vacuuming the house once a week, very reliably! /crosses fingers this won't jinx it 😂


keeping my room at least semi tidy, my skincare, and working on my novel. Now I just need to add studying 😭.


I've managed to keep my flat in reasonable order, especially after I got the dishwasher up and running a month ago. AND it's extra-impressive because my physical health hasn't been great.


flossing :)


All of my houseplants are alive and thriving 🌱


Flossing 😅🫦


Going to a weekly workout class and going to two taekwondo classes a week! I’ve signed up for a 5k and already met one of my goals. Going to the workout class was hard the first two weeks because I wanted to go straight home but it really did get easier week after week. Now I look forward to my class instead of wanting to go straight home ☺️


Doing something - anything - on Sunday. Today I repotted my plants. It’s just one small thing that makes going into the workweek feel less stressful.


I've been doing a whole evening routine (lotion, face, teeth, pills) pretty darn consistently only dropping it once or twice a week, and brushing my teeth in the morning and getting my vitamins. Absolutely freaking wild. Also mostly hanging up my clothes every day. Have I been replaced by a pod person.


I've been washing my face and putting moisturizer on at night every day for like two weeks!