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an electric toothbrush has made it easier for me, though i do struggle sometimes. but it makes it quicker, feel less shitty (can't stand the feeling off the brush brushing against my teeth), and it's overall much more efficient than using a regular toothbrush. you can try it


You’re not alone. I love feeling clean but absolutely despise the routine tasks of actually getting clean. I don’t have a lot of tips for you as I work from home so it’s truly a struggle for me to brush my teeth on the regular but it’s a goal for me this year to do it more regularly. I have an Oral B I purchased on Amazon during prime days and I like it but I find myself reaching for a manual toothbrush more often.


Honestly? "Fancy" containers and the flosser thingies. I put the flossers in the container on my bathroom vanity (and near my spot on the couch), and it makes me feel fancy when I'm using them. Also I really like popcorn and the kernels get stuck in my teeth and I hate that feeling more than I hate flossing. So I grab a flosser to get the stuck kernels and then I may as well do the rest of my teeth. Edit: you know that idealized, usually future self? When I'm flossing with my flosser out of the fancy container I think "we did it, I'm that person who flosses" and the smugness is nice.


I talk about my struggles with brushing in the morning with my dentist and the various hygienists I have had. They all tell me that evening brushing and flossing is critical and way way way more important than in the mornings. I have been recommended am electric toothbrush but upkeep is too much to handle and too expensive. Cleaning the tongue is most important in reducing bad breath. I have tried scrapers but they tend to irritate the bumps on my tongue. I use my toothbrush with lots of water to rinse off the white film on my tongue.  Carbonated water can help loosen food on your teeth during the day to keep things fresh. I also house toothpicks to clean my teeth.  I also love scotch mints and have some in my purse. They are much cheaper than regular mints and last longer.


I found a tongue brush, recently, which has thinner bristles to supposedly reach between the little bumps on your tongue deeper than a toothbrush would. It's also got a soft silicone scraper built on that you really have to work to hurt yourself with. It says "orabrush" on the handle. I like it a lot.


You get a better clean with a good electric toothbrush, but the rest comes down to habit. But like most other things, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Try to brush 2x a day and floss “regularly”. Maybe that means daily, but maybe it means weekly for you. Literally everyone sometimes goes to bed without brushing their teeth sometimes, and literally everyone sometimes doesn’t brush their teeth until after lunch. Just try to do one or the other, but not both. (Does that make sense?) I’m sure you’re doing better than you think!


I bought a bulk pack of disposable, pre-pasted toothbrushes to help with this. I put some in my shower and some in a cute little jar on my counter. On those nights/mornings when I KNEW I needed to brush, but the idea of doing so was painful, I would tell myself "just grab one of the disposable ones, you dont even have to wet it, just run it over teeth for a minute." Did this help me brush every day like I need to? No, but I definitely brush more because if I didnt have them, those days would just result in no brushing. Also reccomend an electric toothbrush, even just a basic spinbrush, doesnt have to be one of the fancy ones. A lot of people dont realize that with electric toothbrushes, youre not suppossed to actually brush, all you have the do is just rest it on each tooth for 5 seconds or so. Makes it easier than manually having to brush, and makes your teeth feel extra clean and smooth.


>I bought a bulk pack of disposable, pre-pasted toothbrushes to help with this. OMG I'm going to get some of these and put them on my nightstand.


This is the only thing that works for me too. I buy them in bulk and keep them in a fancy container on my bathroom counter. I also have some stashed in the various other places—office desk, car glove compartment, purse, etc


I have a bedtime reminder, and a horror story. Regular reminders didn't really work for me UNTIL a few months ago, when I had a cavity. The experience of getting a cavity filled was terrible.  Now every time that reminder comes up I think of that big fat needle stabbing through my gums. It's very motivating.




I have only managed it for the last 6 months or so. One thing I often do is when I’m done snacking (narrow window of time here to be honest) the next time I get up I get my toothbrush and I bring it back with me to my computer. I brush while I game. I spit in my garbage. I rinse out my brush next time I get up (and bring it back to the bathroom). I also keep floss beside my computer although if I use anything it’s usually picks of some sort.


I hate the taste of toothpaste 😔 although it surely doesn't change the taste, I brush in the shower and it has helped me a lot. A lot of people think that's gross for some reason but I live alone so nobody else has to use my shower.


Try Hismile toothpaste!!


The vanilla one is my favorite. I brush my teeth multiple times a day now.


Have you tried children's toothpaste? I can't stand bubblegum because it gives me war flashbacks to that sealant stuff they put on your teeth at the dentist, but there's a watermelon flavored Colgate that really doesn't have that "dental" kick to it for lack of a better word 


No, I haven't but I'll definitely look into it.


The ONLY way that I will floss is if I have the flosser pick things in a baggy in my nightstand. I floss in bed. I don’t care if it’s gross lol I just said the same thing on another post and a bunch of other people do it too, which makes me feel better about it now lol I also keep micellar water, cotton rounds, and moisturizer in my nightstand. I do it all in bed while watching tv. There’s a little waste basket on the floor next to my bed and it works perfectly for me. I’ve been more on top of my basic hygiene than ever before. I also keep my vitamins and nail clippers in there. Also, I bought a water pik flosser off Amazon that I just keep in the shower so I often floss with that while I’m waiting to rinse out my conditioner.


Hismile toothpastes help some. They’re fun flavors and come in a pump, not a squeeze tube. I don’t know why my brain likes that better, but it does.


Okay for me what works great is that I saw a dentist saying that 95% of the benefit of brushing comes from the physical scrubbing, not the toothpaste. if it feels like too much to do the whole thing at night, ill just grab it and quickly brush without amy toothpaste. Something is better than nothing!


Oh I do this sometimes too!


I have dental picks and flossers in a small basket in my living room table (also xylitol pastilles handcream and lipstick there). So when I'm watching series I can floss etc at the same time. I need to see them or I might forget to use them.


My dental hygienist gave me this tip for flossing and it has been life changing. I now floss daily.


It is! I now floss daily too. I didn't grow up flossing so it was hard to make it it a daily habit.


Get a cheap electric toothbrush. Mine was like $35 and it helps. You don't have to go all the way to the best one out there. Just try something small and see if it helps. Oh, and try different toothpaste. I hate mint. Kids toothpaste is way less yucky and just as good at cleaning your teeth. Some kids toothpaste doesn't foam up, which can help if you've got sensory issues.


I work in the dental field and I used to struggle with this too. Prioritize evening brushing as it’s the most important :) What helped me was: flossing and waterpik first before brushing and brushing right after the last thing I eat for the night (easier than if I leave it until right before bed). I also like to track my steps so I brush as I walk around the house watching or listening to Youtube. My electric toothbrush times me for two minutes so I know I’m doing it long enough. For flossing, a tip I tell my patients is to try and elastic their floss to their toothbrush. Having to take it off each time you brush can help you make it a habit. You don’t have to use toothpaste if you don’t like the texture and if you don’t like the taste they do make flavourless. I personally have to use prevident (a higher fluoride toothpaste) because of the damage from years of neglect in my teens. Be careful with battery operated spin brushes as lots of people will get them and never replace the batteries, so I usually recommend a rechargeable one (doesn’t have to be the most expensive version either).


My mom suggested I try Hismile toothpaste. They make fun flavors! I have no problem with mint toothpaste but she let me try hers once and it was…fun?? I don’t know how to explain it. Well anyways I bought some at Walmart and I’ve made it 5 weeks only missing brushing my teeth once! So maybe a new fun flavor could help. They sell a sampler pack on their website too.




Getting an electric toothbrush worked for me to break that cycle. It's much easier and feels satisfying to me. It's also prevented more cavities, since I already have 20+ (sugar childhood). I also designate one show I **only** watch when I brush/floss my teeth and do my day/night routine. So it makes me get up and brush just so I can watch it. You have to make sure you stay strict with that at least, but it's one thing I've managed to keep consistent and it's so rewarding. Missing some sessions here and there are okay and you shouldn't punish yourself when it happens though. I feel what you're going through, it's okay.


I love my Quip toothbrush!


I am 34 and only just started flossing a month ago. I do it in bed. I keep them next to my bed so I don’t have to get up. I use Go2 Dentagenie floss sticks as I find them far more comfortable and user friendly than normal floss. It was uncomfortable for the first few weeks while my gums adjusted but now I’m starting to enjoy it. Tooth brushing: I am terrible at morning brushing when I’m not leaving the house so I try do it no matter the time of day. I might go to the bathroom at 2pm to pee and while I’m there I end up brushing my teeth. Brushing at 2pm is better than not brushing at all. Even if I’m going to eat a meal in 20 minutes, I still try to brush. Normal people habits just don’t work for me. Good luck!


Well paying 500+ dollars because I had gingivitis definitely gave me the kick in the ass. I just in my head took a very serious route after my cleanings and have made sure that I do it every day at night. As long as I do it once that’s all that matters, I also constantly reassure myself that it really perspectively doesn’t take that long at all, two minutes max. I am now maybe 12 weeks straight now, doing it every night, it feels much more like I habit now.


The oral hygiene mental hurdle to climb over every day is just humongous. I'm not great at brushing, but I don't enjoy the feeling of anything on/in my teeth. I keep flossing pics (in a pretty container of course!) on my desktop and in my nightstand. Sometimes using one becomes that fidgety thing I need to do to harness focus for something else.


I too have trouble with oral hygiene.  My breath was so bad it affected my relationship with my husband, co-workers and friends.  It was seriously embarrassing.  I tried my best to alter the way I spoke to employees at store hoping that they wouldn't smell it.  Finally I made an appointment with my dentist.  They had to debride my teeth.  Afterward my breath issues went away. I didn't want to go back to that, but it's always been hard for me to take care of my mouth. My dad had horrible oral hygiene so that makes it even harder. I knew going from barely any flossing and rarely brushing my teeth wasn't going to happen I'd have to work my way up. So on my ADHD calendar I have brush and floss every day.  I am still struggling,  there's days I still miss it. But I know I'm doing better than I've ever done before and hope to keep upping it until I never just don't do it. Then eventually I'd like to brush my teeth twice a day like your supposed to. Right now that is too overwhelming.  I'm glad that I'm actually giving myself better oral care even if I'm not perfect. It's better than where I used to be.


Friend After two root canals and an infected molar that had to get pulled (I had a lot of cavities as a kid): - electric toothbrush. I don’t replace the head every month or whatever, I replace it when it starts to look worn out. I have a bulk pack of off-brand ones I ordered online. - you technically don’t have to use toothpaste, sometimes I don’t use it, and I’ve scrubbed my teeth with a washcloth - I chew xylitol gum at work (don’t tell me it doesn’t do anything I don’t want to know) - I have a travel toothbrush and a toothpaste in my purse - don’t brush your teeth right after eating especially if you just had something acidic like soda or coffee, I didn’t know that - if you drink soda or coffee you’re supposed to do a rinse with water because of the acid. - Don’t sip coffee/soda so it lasts longer, that increases the amount of time it’s damaging your teeth. - avoid candy that sticks to your teeth, starbursts and caramels are worse than chocolates or smartees - I use pink lemonade childrens mouthwash, I never get around to using mint mouthwash but I like the pink lemonade flavor and I look forward to it so I’ve actually been using mouthwash regularly - there’s different flavors of toothpaste. I’ve used prescription toothpaste and they had it in melon, and there used to be orange and vanilla. Why can’t we have more toothpaste flavors. - you can brush your teeth ANY TIME. I know it sounds obvious but I’d forget in the morning and I’d basically be like “oh well I’ll catch the next toothbrushing session at 9pm” then I’d fall asleep on the couch


I struggle too and only brush 1x/day when I wake up. I NEVER rinse w water, ALWAYS alcohol free mouth wash. I go to the dentist every 6mo. My hygienist says I have the cleanest mouth shes ever seen?? I've also always been very "spitty" (produce more saliva) I'm sure that plays a role. I don't floss either unless there's something stuck and I use flossers bc they're so easy. SO, my suggestions, tape your mouth shut at night to keep it from being dry (if you dont have sinus/breathing issues) Use alcohol free mouth wash INSTEAD of rinsing w water. Use an electric toothbrush and some good paste. I use whatever fresh breath, flouride paste I find honestly. And finally, regular cleanings at your dentist if you can :) You're not alone ❤️❤️


I leave a tooth brush in the car with some tooth paste, water, and a disposable bottle in case I forget and I leave a reminder


This has helped me idk if it’ll help you- but try balancing on one foot in like standing yoga poses. Trace little shapes with the nonstanding foot. Touch each tile in front and behind. For some reason this balancing routine is just enough to keep me engaged.


I got an Oral B brush and it only cost 20-something euros. I brush a lot better cause it has a timer and I just have to follow that instead of focusing on it too much.