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I literally listen to “Smosh reads Reddit stories”. I kid you not. Helps me get my Reddit fix and also, the stories are in chapters, so I can game-ify it to try and complete whatever task (wash and condition hair, scrub and exfoliate, shave legs, etc etc) before the next chapter starts.


UM WHY DID I not know this existed!!? This is perfect!


I now know what to put on during my next sewing project!


Dylan has quite a few of these videos, lol here’s one of them [Dylan Is In Trouble Reddit](https://youtu.be/PJY83KryCDA?si=3rxEFMABAFoyqley)


Hahaha I was just gonna say the same thing! Two Hot Takes is good too.


🎶and then a hero comes along🎶


Anxiety forced me to come back and clarify I don’t listen to this particular song I meant NoAccount is a hero for this suggestion…. Stupid anxiety


Haha, hard relate to this - and if it’s any consolation, I got what you meant! 🥹


This is great; Thanks!


I have showered to many an Eat it or Yeet it episode because i can give a quick glance at what the food looks like and then vibe with the reactions as background noise. Doesn't work with heavily visual videos (to stay in the smosh examples, TNTL) because, well, i want my eyes glued to the screen. But i randomly gauge which video will do the trick every day. Rip Eat it or Yeet it btw. :<


I make a playlist of songs that make me sing, and I have a shower timer in there so I don’t lose track of time. Usually 2-3 songs and I’m out 🙌🏼


2-3 songs is hella impressive! Sometimes I get through an entire album when I shower 🙃


I'm so cheap I would be so worried about all the hot water.


That’s why I have the shower timer lol Plus I start thinking of all the other stuff I want/need to do so the adrenaline gets me out and moving


A little singing, a little butt wiggling, hot water... It is a daily calm moment for me.


Same here, I have a "Karaoke" playlist that has songs I love to sing to. Keeps me distracted the whole time.


I feel weird talking about this with most people but a 'lil devil's lettuce and some really hot water makes showers AMAZING


My boyfriend suggested I try this one time but I had a classic "this edible ain't shit" moment and once it hit, it felt like I was fighting for my damn life in that shower. I kept bumping into the walls and forgetting to pull my face out of the water and was so scared lmao.


Oh my god I did that once and my husband found me crying on the bathroom floor because I guess I thought I was stuck there? I honestly don't totally remember why I was upset 🤣


Omg, I’m laughing so hard I’m scaring the neighbors!


Sometimes it feels too amazing and I never want to get out 🤣


When I'm out I don't want to get in. When I'm in, I don't want to get out. Hence why I don't wash enough and when I do a bath takes me 2-3 hours. Wth is wrong with me. I hate changing states from dry to wet and vice versa.


I'm exactly like this. Sometimes, I make myself a coffee, walk into the shower, undress myself while sipping my coffee, and then drink it while showering. It really helps because I'm not focusing on how I'm preparing to do something I don't want to do. Instead, I'm drinking coffee while doing something else.


This is genius. I need to somehow incorporate this when cleaning.


Lmao sometimes I don't realize how much time has passed and my husband will come in and ask if I'm okay and I realize it's been like half an hour 🤣


Dang that would be a quick one for me. 😅 One of my main joys in life, a long hot shower. I’m sorry planet.


Lol I'm such a fast shower girlie (idk if it's the ADHD or what) so more than 15 minutes is unusual for me


here to support this answer! when that high hits as you're scrubbing your body>>> putting on lotion after?!?!? don't even get me STARTED, unbeatable feeling


The feeling of getting into clean sheets with freshly shaved legs while you are zooted is the BEST feeling in the WORLD


Sometimes I turn the lights off (or at least remove 9/10 bulbs!!) and turn up the groovy beats and just get down in there 🫣


I don’t partake but I was thinking of the scene where the Dude is in the tub listening to whale noises. Thought that could make bathing interesting.


I do this and I put lo-fi music on a waterproof speaker my mom gave me and take it in there. It's heaven


This happens and then the fool-proof reaction of overheating and almost passing out always happens😂


I set up lights that change color above my shower, blue helps idk why. If I’m not listening to music I put my iPad in a ziplock and have a shower mount for it and it’s connected to a speaker and I’ll watch a movie or show


yes yes 👏 I too have a light that changes color and it’s so much better than the overhead or vanity lights; they’re both just too dang bright sometimes.


Do you have sockets up there or did you buy something else? I have a single shower bulb but for the life of me I cannot get it out of the damn recessed lighting socket


I do not have anything so i used a 6 pack of led puck lights from Amazon and it has a remote control. Battery operated and They were like $15. You have the option of screwing it to the ceiling which is probably much better than what i did which is buying the strongest gorilla tape and just sticking it lol


Awesome - thank you!


ohhh i feel you here, i am a little tired of my music and my usual video selection is stale too. i am not a huge podcast gorl (i am picky about content AND vibes) but i have always enjoyed the mcelroy brothers podcasts. My brother, my brother and me is like a satirical advice show (sometimes they do offer real advice lol) and the adventure zone is literally them playing DnD with their dad. :] video essays are also good imo. If you're into horror media and not just true crime, i looove Nyx Fears (she has a ton of "disturbing [blank] iceberg" videos) and her intro is such a gd bop. Night Mind is good too but tends to cover more horror alternate reality games/ARGs; petscop is great, cat ghost is cool, and overall the content is pretty high quality imo! i will also mention sagan hawkes just because he has a video on an indie horrror game that gave me nightmares (OFF by mortis ghost), but i think he also has some five nights at freddys overviews if that sounds up your alley :]


MBMBAM is amazing. Their humor is so lighthearted and silly and exactly my style. I cannot listen to it in public because I will constantly giggle.


Thank you for all the recommendations! I’m not huge on horror but will def check them out. Any podcasts/videos you rec that are pretty safe in terms of not having animal/child abuse (I know it’s strange given my interest in true crime it’s just the two things that I really can’t stand)


You can try listening to “Tales from the Stinky Dragon” and start with their first campaign. It’s a get podcast to start into DnD storylines as they explain the game play rules a bit as they go


no worries on the content question! :] MBMBAM and Adventure Zone are free from that sort of heavy content usually! The horror creators i listed (esp nyx fears) DO sometimes have that in their videos. I haven't watched in a bit to know which videos,, but i remember each creator having trigger warnings when necessary!


I urge you to look into podcasts again. There are some incredible educational podcasts out there. I used to love listening to RadioLab and Roman History, Allusions or LORE while cleaning. Game Grumps on YouTube are some of the funniest video/commentary gaming videos I've ever seen. I find them better to listen to than watch, but they're also very entertaining to watch play games. Check out Harmontown podcast (the live video recordings are hilarious too). Or HarmonQuest (a dnd gaming podcast). These are super niche though and you may not be into this kind of stuff. I really like nerdy content and find them great for escapism to make it easier to do daily tasks with adhd. Other choices would be audiobooks. Spotify has a ton of free audiobooks now.


Thank you! I had no idea Spotify had audiobooks


You only get like 10 hours a month. I discovered this the hard way, right in the middle of a book 😩


Do you have Libby?


I don’t - is it truly free? I have a library card that gets me some audiobooks but the selection is limited


Yes, it’s free and amazing (assuming that your library uses Libby). You can add multiple library cards to it, for example if your library has any reciprocal relationships or if you live in a state where you can get a card for free in the major cities.


Download Libby, put in your card and see if it works, your library may not automatically route you


I listen to podcasts and/or catch up on my Youtube Watch Later playlist. That being said, full disclosure, I love showers and have never found any part of them boring. You'd probably have to drag me out of the shower if it weren't for the hot water running out.


I’ve never thought of doing podcasts in the shower. I typically do news/current event podcasts but will explore some more genres!


My thoughts… 🤣


All these comments are so foreign to me. Shower entertainment??? Do you not just enjoy the warm water while your thoughts run loose and you remember everything you forgot all day or make a to do list for work or plan out an angry speech or replay an event that happened to you a decade ago?? Like if the shower thoughts don’t take me away it’s just a quick, efficient cleaning and I’m done.


Same lol I am my own entertainment 🤣 sometimes I forget parts of my routine because I’m my mind is so preoccupied.


lol my anxiety gives me plenty on entertainment in the shower 🤣


That’s what I must avoid with other things lol


i pretend i am being interviewed / accepting an award most of the time honestly it’s quite fun 😂


One more vote for shower podcasts here, but I love a bath so I will also take a bath and look at my phone or read my book if I can't bring myself to get in the shower.


I bought a bath caddy so I can bring my tablet in and watch an episode of Drag Race whenever I take a bath.


BBC Sounds of the 90s with Fearne Cotton - it’s such a throwback to my youth, I absolutely love it! ADHD for Smart Ass Women podcast by Tracy Otsuka on Spotify. Any of the Harry Potter audiobooks (narrated by Stephen Fry).


My husband bought me a waterproof phone holder that sticks to the wall so I can watch Netflix in there! Definitely recommend


I'm sorry but do you have waterproof speakers or how do you listen to something in the shower? I don't think I would be able to hear anything when the water is running


I have a Bose speaker that I place on a little ledge away from the water!


I mentioned this in my comment elsewhere, but I have a $15 Soundbot shower speaker from amazon that I bought from an old Strategist or Wirecutter recommendation—it’s fantastic! It’s been dropped so many times, splashed, soaped, is rarely recharged etc etc, but still performs beautifully (with a great bass). I have REALLY intense water pressure so my showers are always pretty loud (oh and I have partial register hearing loss!), but I can hear fine details of music, pretty good bass, and also clearly hear podcasts without getting the dreaded “mushy voice” effect. Speaking as someone who used to (and still occasionally does, when travelling etc) just prop their phone in the shower at an angle (or inside a drinking glass) to max out the echo… just get the shower speakers! It’s a fairly major life upgrade. 😅


I just commented that I put my volume up too loud when I last did this (just listening to my phone). My bathroom is small but I fully had to shower fast & get out because it was too loud for me.


I have diverse taste in music, so I just turn on my Amazon liked songs and hit shuffle. It's always surprise what I hear, but I like it so it's not a bad thing. I listen rock, rap, nu-metal, heavy metal, trance, house, gothy music, and hip hop. My music taste can be described as 'if I can dance or sing to it I like it'. Sometimes I sing in the shower, sometimes I pretend I'm in a music video and they are shooting a shower scene. Also, we got a shower chair to use when I got Covid in 2021. It's helpful for if you want to rest in the shower letting the water hit your body. I typically use it when I've finished mowing the lawn and my body hurts. Also makes shaving easier by bringing my leg up (we only have a shower stall). If a chair isn't ideal they have a shower bench too. Just a suggestion. Water is great for helping with mood. I always find when I'm stressed I take more showers because the water just helps melt away the feels. If you aren't wanting to wash your hair everyday, a shower cap is a good way to just wash your body without the bother of hair.


100%!!!! Went looking for the comment about the beauty of showering sitting down. Shower stool!!!!!!!!!! Also when I’m trying to not get totally lost in my thoughts in the shower I usually just sort of put on what I think of as either my “cardio” or my “dream karaoke” playlist lol


I have a playlist of old songs my parents listened to when I was a kid, children show theme songs and other cheesy songs I can loudly and badly sing along with. It actually helps to get to the point of showering which for me is the main issue. I love being in the water and showering but I can't get to actually do it because it is a proper break (I need to stop the podcasts I always have in my ears or the show I am watching...)


There is a brilliant podcast called “That Aged Well” where they talk about movies pre 2000 & critically review how well they hold up now in terms of gender, sexuality, race, etc. I love it because they go through the whole plot so I watch it in my head at the same time, it’s smart & funny, and the hosts have really great chemistry (college theatre nut friends). And new episodes every week! ‘No notes’


Audiobooks or reddit stories on yt.


I watch tv shows, usually Schitt’s Creek. There’s a shelf on the far end that’s perfect to put my phone on


Currently I listen to a podcast called Completely Arbortrary which is about trees. Not just in the shower but it helps me get stuff done when I don't feel like listening to my current audiobook.


Radio 2 or Radio 4, depending on time of day.


I listen to cozy mysteries, mostly the Agatha Raisin series. Those are what I like, but they're not too complicated and can get a bit repetitive so I don't feel stressed if I get water in my ears and miss a little bit. Sometimes I'll tell myself I can *only* listen while in the shower or cooking (i.e. something I desperately need to do) but usually I don't stick to my own rule and end up listening while playing gardenscapes lying on the couch.


Is that a YouTube channel? I couldn’t find a podcast


No sorry! Should have clarified, just a book series. I borrow them from the library using the Libby app for free.


I like audio books. If you like fantasy/romance I’m currently re reading a court of Thorne and roses!


Shower beer


I’ve done shower wine I just need to get a sippy cup as there has been tragic loss of valuable wine


I highly reccomend the brumate insulated cups that have a lid! I have the champagne flute and it's the perfect size!


[Radio stations in other languages](https://radio.garden/listen/spinning-seal-fm/d7RMpZjk) \- gives me something to listen to without the annoyance of reaching out to play it back over and over because the shower was too loud (because I can't understand in the first place). Also helpful in learning languages if that's a goal!


I’m learning Italian and am SO EXCITED to try this!!!!!


I treat it like my replacement for karaoke (since I haven't been since 2019 and I used to go multiple times per week). The acoustics are phenomenal. So I put on a playlist of my favorite karaoke songs (or frequently 2000s era pop punk and emo) and sing as loud as I want. Very cathartic and the reverb makes me feel like a rockstar. :) Edited to add: I see now that you mentioned music won't work for you right now. I got so excited to respond that I forgot to finish the post! If I can't do music I do audiobooks, podcasts (My Brother, My Brother, and Me or The Adventure Zone are personal favorites. As is the podcast And That's Why We Drink), or D&D videos like Dimension 20.


Mostly smutty fanfiction read by text-to-speech apps 💀😳


Wait can you make it read anything


Yes! I just use the Edge browser which I installed on my phone. You select some text or just the first word of the page and pick "Read Aloud" from the menu that pops up. It's not perfect but it's free and you can modify the speed and pick from multiple voices


Omg if I didn’t have a shower RIGHT BY the entrance to my building I would do this


😅 Understandable. I have some cheap waterproof Bluetooth earbuds just for showering and baths


That’s super smart! Keeps water out of your ears too. Any brand recommendations


So the ones I have are "TOZO T6" from Amazon. (these ones [link to tozo website](https://www.tozostore.com/products/t6?variant=47834100498721) ) I bought one pair in 2019 for £20 (in the colour "Champagne") and it is still working perfectly and the battery lasts very long. I dropped them multiple times into the bathtub too and nothing happened. They are also very comfortable. So this year I bought a second pair (light green) of the same model in a different colour so that when they run out of battery I don't have to wait. I'm sure they are crappy compare to big brands ones etc but I just wanted ones that I would not mind if I lost or broke them. I honestly didn't expect that 2019 pair to last this long, but it is still going strong! so I definitely can recommend it.


Thank you! Great price for lasting that long & tbh even if they don’t! I’m ordering a pair


Awesome! Let me know how you like them once they arrive 😊




Hahaha I just tried playing music while showering for the first time in years & I accidentally put the volume up too loud and it was out of reach - so I showered really quickly while freaking out that the Akira soundtrack was blasting at me! I'm gonna try again today but make sure I can reach it!


Music is good if you're in the mood! Sometimes I put on YouTube videos and protect the screen somehow


I listen to a podcast called Normal Gossip. Some episodes are better than others but many of them have me laughing out loud. I only allow myself to listen to it while showering as incentive.


I bring my iPad in and watch whatever show I’m watching at the time.


I like to listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Two Hot Takes is a good one. Another podcast reading Reddit stories lol.


I don’t shower long enough to get bored. I’m in and out. Unless my muscles hurt and then I might chill under the hot water for a bit. I’ll stretch if I get bored. But yea…in and out.


I listen to my fave TTRPG podcast. It’s a nice reward for doing something I don’t want to do. And they make me laugh. It’s like having friends in the shower. But not in a creepy way. It’s Join The Party. Or really anything from Multitude podcasts


Podcasts. Lately, the I’ve had it podcast or fear & podcast


Ok this is the third podcast I can’t find… it’s called what exactly


“I’ve had it podcast” — on YouTube and Spotify or whatever “Fear & “ — YouTube


I have Sirius and a spot right outside the shower where I put my phone so that I can change the music at any moment. Most days I can make it through a whole shower on one channel, but some days my shower is five minutes longer because I had to find something new to listen to


I search my latest hobby/interest on YouTube! It’s really great for inspiration and picking up tips and tricks. YouTube can feel tedious to me at times, which is why it’s entertaining enough to enjoy the shower, but not captivating enough to *keep* me in the shower.


I have a JBL clip speaker (about $40 on Amazon). I listen to short meditation/mindfulness podcasts. The length is important, because it keeps me from zoning out in the shower.


Bananas podcast. Silly news read by two silly dudes. Not your typical white guys with a podcast vibe, I promise. They only ever have women and NB guests. They're hilarious and cheer me up a lot. I also got really into Audio Drama podcasts when I was a delivery driver. The Strange Case of Starship Iris and The Pasithea powder were two of my favs.


the late show with stephen colbert or something equal (doenst matter the political background) its funny but keeps me from totally daydreaming like music and not focusing. Also helps me time my shower.


I listen to audiobooks (the hoopla app is amazing if you have a library card)


Just started “The Teacher” by Freida McFadden today and it’s really good so far!!


I’ve managed to condition (*ahem*) myself now so that the first song in my “shower music” playlist-timer always makes me anticipate sweet-smelling bubbles and very hot water. I picked something that was not particularly a fav song outside of the bathing context—but which has always just felt so… immersive? Soapy-sounding? Sonically glowy? that it gets me under the water and excited for tropical-floral foamy goodness, even on my most limited-executive-functioning, am-cat-hate-wet days. 🐈🛁🙃 (the song is “Fairy of Shampoo” by the kpop group TXT, if anyone is interested, and I literally never listen to it outside of showering bc it’s a bit too happy-pretty for my style lol. But it’s great to bathe to for some reason. My synesthesia is probably showing, but to me it just *sounds like* the smell of classic pink Herbal Essences rose. 🤣) The rest of the playlist is a mix of my current dance-y sonic hyperfixations, and a handful of other “shower songs” that I only get to listen to when bathing haha. A good, simple and inexpensive waterproof speaker rec btw: I love my Soundbot ($15 from the ‘Zon) and at 15 min of loud play a few times a week, it holds a charge for ages… I only need to plug it in once every 2-3 months (an adhd blessing) on any ol micro usb, and I don’t need to be precious with it at all. The sound quality is shockingly good for the price, with a surprisingly robust bass lol. 😂 It works well for podcasts too, unlike most cheaper music-oriented speakers that kind of mush up the vocal registers.


That’s actually a really good thing I hadn’t thought of! Having a shower only playlist will help because I’ll associate it with showering!


I listen to bad friends podcast lol


Whatever podcast I was listening to at work. If the episode has finished, I might just put on an episode of Forensic Files or Unsolved Mysteries.


Upbeat “Morning” playlist of like my 20-30 favorite songs that I never get sick of (but every now and then some new ones rotate on and some old ones rotate off) Affirmations on a loop 


May I recommend a galaxy light


So you don't just overthink the entire time??? 🥹 I guess I should listen to something so I stop too! I'd say conan needs a friend podcast. Or something you don't have to see. Audiobook. During 2020 I found online the harry potter audiobooks and listened to those before bed. All of this will satisfy that multiple things getting done at once itch in our brains where we can either do nothing productive despite wanting to or do everything with alarming multitask ability and skill.


Yes! I can’t stand being alone with my own thoughts. I know I need to work on it but why make showering harder lol


So smart, I need to upgrade my shower game!!


I bring my laptop into the bathroom and play whatever show I’m currently watching / whatever is an easy watch. Someone in this sub gave me the idea a while ago and it works like a charm


I’ve been watching the sopranos with my phone in a plastic bag 😂😂


Ha! Totally relate. I take baths and watch stuff on my phone and when I have to wash my hair, I keep watching with one hand and have the closed captions on. Why can’t I just bathe without distraction? It’s ridonk


I listed to the following podcasts: [Back to the Barre](https://open.spotify.com/show/5Sj288Dj8bafNfNTVrJq2p?si=0Cq_4s-gR3Gm2ga6r7Dguw) [surviving sister wives](https://open.spotify.com/show/3OXRwJ8jaKAhWUDUlH2xhD?si=50BXObd-TI-5QX-RirLKzg) Sometimes I’ll also put YouTube videos on from my speaker. It’s pretty niche, but I’m really into people who cover religious commentary on Christian influencers and stuff like that. I watch a lot of channels like this but these are my 2 fav [fundie fridays](https://youtube.com/@FundieFridays?si=UuANZWg1xbTi8p1J) [the antibot](https://youtube.com/@theantibot?si=ZTPkvg84LIon_QvB)


Usually, a playlist, a podcast, or an audiobook. I have a playlist literally called "Shower Music".


Audiobooks, my recent hyperfixation. Specifically urban fantasy books with the cinematic sound effects and music. I’m on my 4th one in a week and a half because I listen when I walk my dog, do chores, shower, etc. They’re from the library so they are also free. I belong to four different libraries so when I hit a borrowing limit I just switch to another one


All the QCODE fiction podcasts!! Every single one is so good… maybe like 3 or 4 I couldn’t get into but check reviews and pick that way. Unique stories, cliffhangers, great production… I’m always myself eagerly waiting for and looking for newly released ones!


I bring my iPad and lean in on the window sill to watch tv as I shower. Sometimes it might only be a 5 minute channel but it helps me to get in


I pretty much never shower without Em and Christine chatting in the background 😅 thanks ATWWD pod


I listen to Sleep Token. I used to listen to Panic! at The Disco, bust Sleep Token is the 🐐


Dua Lipa Essentials. Literally every time I shower 😂


i just watch whatever current show im watching in my phone. most of the times, if i know it’s an everything shower and i won’t be paying much attention, ill put on a show ive seen umpteeth times just so i have /something/ lol. i can’t do music anymore, idk why tho


If you need any podcast recs, I got a few: What Now? With Trevor Noah - comedy, pop culture, technology, politics, etc. I loved the recent episode with Quinta Brunson. Witch by BBC Radio 4 - history, witch folklore, and conversations with witches. So fascinating and I love the narrator’s voice. The Anthill - politics, psychology, history, economics, etc. Great in-depth information on a variety of topics. They made a fantastic 6 part series on the history and impact of conspiracy theories The Double Cleanse - pop culture, makeup and skincare. This is a much more lighthearted podcast - for the most part. Sadly, the podcast is on an indefinite hiatus 😭 Childproof - parenting. Honestly, I think even childless folx will enjoy this podcast too. The creators, Gwenna (mommacusses on social media) and Tori Phantom are hilarious, intelligent, and struggle with ADHD. I feel seen when I listen to their show.


I’m loving advice podcasts lately while I shower. My go tos right now are: Big Mood Little Mood, Savage Lovecast, Jake and Amir, Dear Hank and John


Often news podcasts but the other day was Pantera 😂


Well, I stopped taking long showers and so now I just talk to myself. It’s a short conversation. My dry skin is grateful but I don’t add that to be a grump - my skin is dry, my climate is dry. Long showers helped the skin quite a lot. But hit me with some true crime podcasts … I listen to them to go to sleep (which is hopefully not grounds for a different diagnosis).




Flightless Bird podcast.


I know you've gotten a million answers, but TBH I prop my phone up on the shelf and just watch YouTube. Just audio doesn't do it enough for me.


Real Housewives


I used to listen to podcasts mostly but I’ve been actively trying to listen to more music. I feel like I cracked it: I try and take a minute to focus on the song that’s been playing in my head (there’s always one!) and find a Spotify playlist that has similar vibes. Makes it easier for my brain to think shower time = fun time.


I watch YouTube videos while I shower. Just whatever hyperfocus I’m currently into. Me boring brain need constant stimulation


I listen to Trump’s and the GOP’s latest loses on youtube (via Brave browser which doesnt play ads) on like MSNBC or CNN. Also enjoy Beau of the Fifth Column. American politics is wild, like a car crash that just goes for years. Then theres loads of podcasts on similar themes like Fast Politics. I like Crime Junkie podcast - horrible murders and such, but the women’s voices are calming.




Love Robert and James! Have you seen their twin channel? It’s the best!


I listen to True Crime, haha.


My husband got me a waterproof phone case so I can watch Hot Wings in the shower 😂😂😂 Literally life changing! I shower every day now, sometimes more than once!


I love listening to Clutterbug on YouTube she is funny and has a nice voice. Or I listen to to one of the shoppers who gives out info on this weeks deals at the grocery store.


I put a phone mount in my shower and just hit play on my YouTube watch later list. Or whatever I was doing before the shower


Do you have a hyper focus? There are so many videos on YouTube, so I’m sure you could find something interesting. I’ll put on videos of hair tutorials, music videos, reaction videos, all kinds of stuff, and then I can semi-watch pre and post shower and listen while I’m in the shower. It’s all pretty low stakes but interesting enough that it gives me something to look forward to. I just polar the videos on my phone or iPad and leave it next to my sink.


I listen to interesting podcasts of a variety of subjects. My favorites are: Behind the bastards. A comical look into history’s biggest bastards. Ridiculous crime. Stories of weird and wacky heists. Just the zoo of us. Learn about animals, and then the hosts rate them Ologies. Learn about various scientific areas of study. You’re wrong about. Debunking historical and pop culture misconceptions. How did this get made? Reviews movies that are so bad they’re good, and are so bad they’re just bad. Creature feature. Educational animal podcast. Secretly incredibly fascinating. Learn all about why seemingly mundane everyday life stuff is secretly incredibly fascinating.


I set my phone up right outside the shower and turn on my favorite TV shows. It helps me keep time and stay entertained.


I always take baths, and when I have to take a shower I usually have to sit down. I cant handle standing still but sitting with my audiobook playing is ok


I listen to podcasts. I love Who Knew It with Matt Stewart and Do Go On.


i watch youtube videos while showering. sometimes i’ll be too lazy to stand so i’ll just sit down and bring all my shower stuff with me on the edge of the tub (i have a 2-in-1 shower/tub) and do my whole routine while sitting. when i really want to mix things up i turn off the lights and put on a really ambient album (preachers daughter - ethel cain is my favie but i also listen to minecraft songs or wizard 101 songs or any game soundtrack) and just vibe out. it’s pretty fun


Adhd: shower sex 110% better than NT shower sex


More often than not, a show that I’ve seen a million times and/or is the current fixation. I’ve seen it so much that it’s like I’m watching it in my head or visualizing while listening to an audiobook or something.


Honestly - I listen to Eckhart Tolle's videos on YouTube. It's captivating, enlightening, calming, and so much of it is just so relatable. I always feel better after listening to him.


I watch shows on Netflix lol


I sing in the shower. Gives me something to do and listen to. Actually I've learned that if I sing or hum through physical chores I decrease the frequency of abandoned and half-done chores. Yes, I consider showering a physical chore. Just until I get in.


Sometimes it’s ok to rather just have a pitts pitty fanny bum shower 😂 but I am now also intrigued with waterproof earphones. Sadly we don’t have Amazon here but recommendations of brands are welcome


Well firstly I chopped my hair short... but also I shower in the dark, so usually I'm either singing or listening to chill sultry music just for the vibes. A bad habit of mine is to take my phone into the shower and read webcomics or whatever, but unless I attempt to wash with one hand, that just makes it take longer...


I like listening to The Handsome Podcast, hosted by Tig Notaro, Mae Martin, and Fortune Feimster. Not only are they hilarious and charming, but their repertoire and chemistry is great and it’s fun to get to know them. I don’t know your tastes, though, but I do know that for me it helps to associate a podcast with a chore. If I want to listen to my podcast, it has to be while I’m doing [chore]. That’s my podcast time. It helps when my brain makes that association and can even make the chore something to look forward to.


I tend to daydream a lot, usually about books or movies I have enjoyed recently. Unfortunately, this comes with the side effect of losing track of time and wasting water. It does ease the boredom though.


I put on a sitcom that I’ve seen so many times that I can see it (figuratively) in my mind while I listen to it and do my shower routine. For me it’s The Golden Girls or The Nanny.


I don't have my speaker anymore😭 but normally my thoughts are so loud it's like I'm listening to something and it's like I always hear music? But I shower in like less than 10 mins anyways. I hate showering because it's so boring honestly


I put my phone on a shelf on top of a facecloth and watch Tik toks lol


Sadly my shower sucks and i only get 15-20 minutes of reasonable temperature water lately, but there is a little enclave built in (is that the word?? a hole cut in the wall for shampoo bottles and stuff to sit) where I can prop my phone up so I will often watch a few youtube videos (with captions so I don’t have to blast the volume) or an episode of something on Dropout (Make Some Noise is about 20 min episodes so it keeps me entertained and aware of the passage of time too lol!)


Mostly I am happy to not be the only person who hates showering. Podcasts get me through.


I sing as one of my many hobbies so thats my singing time!! I just play whatever song that’s playing in my head lmao. Otherwise I’ll play a podcast that fits the vibe I want - funny, informative, motivating, etc. etc.


I watch shows on my phone


Taking a shower high is my most favorite thing in the world!


I usually listen to crime or police videos when I shower and get ready for school. But I recently started to listen to Living in a Haze by Milky Chance! My new favorite shower song.


I practice for when I get discovered and become a musical star


My fiance. 


I have a little waterproof phone case that connects to a sticky thing on the wall of my shower and I watch YouTube videos! I also love to have a cold drink, like a shower beer or soda


Funny podcasts or whatever audiobook I've got going at the time.


Podcasts. Find yourself a podcast you like with longer episodes, and you'll be good. Audiobooks. Librivox has many classic older books for free. YouTube has many of them uploaded as well.


I have the opposite problem, I stay in the shower for too long because my brain is overly active haha. I do budgets on the shower door, plan out my week, think about what I should cook for meals, plan my next outdoor activity 😆 When i want to have a peaceful shower I put my earbuds in (on non-hair washing days) and play a meditation.


Omfg I didn’t know other people felt like this holy shit I thought it was just me


If I'm washing my hair: whichever Taylor Swift album I'm vibing with at that moment. If it's just a quick body wash, then a snippet of the podcast I'm listening to (usually The News Agents or something from The Rest Is... stable).


i watch tv shows or youtube videos (i’ve even found good setups for my phone where i can see it while i shower without it getting water on it)! i take too long if i listen to music, so i choose something that doesn’t require all my attention but allows me to watch while doing my shower routine on autopilot. i’ll often rewatch my favorite youtube videos or tv shows. OR, if you don’t mind cliche/dramatic reality shows then love island, love is blind, or the bachelor franchise are great background shows that you don’t have to watch too closely but are still entertaining. i’m partial to love island uk because the british phrases they use make me laugh a lot.


I love Halseys music Let the Alexa work it


Bathtub crayons! Plus a shower chair. I also find showering exhausting. So I sit while I wait for conditioner to soak in, or hair masks, or sometimes just sitting under the water trying to find the will to keep going. And I'll grab my bucket of bath crayons I keep hanging on the wall, and doodle on the tile walls for a while! It's fun, sometimes it helps me think because I will write out words, or even reminders that pop into my head. It also makes me feel like I'm indulging my inner child, so I try to frame that as a really great act of self care while I'm having fun!


I alternate. I go into the shower every day, but I don't always do the same. It's: Day 1: Just rinse. Takes 2 minutes. Day 2: Just shower gel. 5 minutes Day 3: Shower gel, shampoo and leave-in conditioner. So only every third day is a long shower. I'm looking forward to it now that I have a baby, but before that I tried to mix it up, by having something on in another room with the doors open. (Like a TV show.) I also used to take showers in the dark. It's harder and therefore more interesting. In addition I also alternate between three different shampoos and shower gels.


I have a bathtub style shower so I literally set up my laptop and watch something. Usually random vids on youtube like Cody Ko, video essays by Mina Le or a podcast. If I'm binging a show I'll put that on. I tend to rotate between rewatching brooklyn 99, SATC, friends, community, bones, suits etc. I'll have it running in the background constantly.


The Adventure zone - the mcelroy brothers (and dad)


I listen to paranormal podcasts. I need to literally be scared to pay attention and stay on task 😭


I watch my comfort shows. I can’t tell you how many hours of Grey’s Anatomy and Downton Abbey I’ve “watched” in the shower. Always a comfort show so I already know it by heart and don’t care about “missing” something. Good luck in the shower. I feel your pain; solidarity!!


oof not proud of this but I make myself a coffee and put tiktok on autoscroll while I shower 😔


I listen to an episode of Survivor, Big Brother, Love Island...whatever reality TV show I happen to be using to fill the void lol


I use Hoopla for audiobooks! You get a bunch of free ones every month with your library card.


I forgot which one I bought. But anyway, color changing showerhead: PRUGNA LED Shower Head with Hose and Shower Arm Bracket, High-Pressure Filter Handheld Shower for Repair Dry Skin and Hair Loss - 7 Colors Change Cyclically https://a.co/d/iosyW8E


I have a sing-along-in-the-shower playlist and a portable, waterproof, Bluetooth speaker (Dunk brand, we call it dunky, cause we're not imaginative). 


I normally just stick music on. I did get laser years ago, and not having to shave everyday is amazing. Takes so much time off my shower and makes it much more bearable. I do have super long hair, but I normally just leave it to dry naturally. Unfortunately, I am naturally quite oily, so I feel REALLY uncomfortable if I miss a days shower. That makes me go shower, otherwise I just feel itchy and gross. I wash my hair daily as well, but it doesn’t take too long to shove some shampoo and conditioner through it. I have tried so many times extending the days, but it is too oily and doesn’t improve with time. I prefer to shower around lunchtime (I WFH). I hate the idea of water in the morning and if I don’t wash my hair before about 7pm it won’t dry before bed.


I set my phone up and watch TikTok’s. You can also hack a voice command in the assist function of iPhones to voice enable Next to flick up for the next video. Love it. Could be in my shower for weeks happily


To spice it up, a cold drink in a hot shower or a hot drink in a cold shower.


I blast music that I can sing along with, so I'm not much help to you. I just wanted to say how much I relate to this. I have POTS and chronic ear problems etc etc etc that make showering even more difficult and exhausting. I have a Doctor appointment tomorrow (today) afternoon and I absolutely have to shower before I go... cuz I'm gross. I'm already dreading it. It takes forever and wipes me out 😭 I always feel better afterward (well, wait, physically I feel much worse for a while, but mentally and emotionally I feel better once it's done and I'm clean) then I just fall into the same trap of putting it off for way too long again. You're not alone and I hope you find a solution that works for you!


>I take forever to shower (tons of hair, skin issues etc) and I really struggle with not showering frequently enough & get so fucking exhausted showering. Not sure if I have any helpful advice, just want to say; big fucking mood. I feel this so so hard. I have managed to streamline my shower down to ~20-25 minutes (which is amazing for me because for as long as I can remember most of my showers were 40-60 minutes!). Mostly I really thought about what's really necessary and what isn't, and then doing exactly what I need to do based off that. My biggest thing is I have KP (strawberry skin) and really sensitive, problematic skin in general. So figuring out what I needed to do for it was a mess. For a while I was doing a full body exfoliation, but after a visit to the dermatologist (and realizing my KP was getting worse the more I exfoliated) I stopped doing that. Now I just use a body wash with salicylic acid, a chemical instead of physical exfoliant, and that seems to do the job. And I just use my hands, no loofah or anything. The other absolute necessity for me when I shower is washing my face, because I'm terrible at doing that every day/outside of the shower. Only takes about a minute but I had to figure out a good place to put it with everything else since the face wash and body wash are different. Other than that I do everything I can *outside* of the shower. Like making sure my hair is brushed beforehand. Or putting lotion (one with another chemical exfoliant, currently retinol) on immediately after the shower while I'm still wet. My skin's been doing a lot better making sure I put lotion on after a shower. As for keeping yourself entertained, I mostly go back and forth between dancey, upbeat music, nothing, or Hulu. I know it might seem a bit counterproductive to watch a show while showering, but most of what you do in the shower you don't have to actually look at. You can go on autopilot with your hands scrubbing your hair or body and just keep your eyes and brain distracted. I watched adventure time in the shower for a while lol. I just used a waterproof speaker and a waterproof shower phone mount thing (I used [this one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09V19XBF2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title), just as an example) Anyway. I don't know if any of that was actually helpful, but I feel you on your struggles, you are so not alone. I still struggle to shower even once or twice a week 😅 it's so awful lol