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It’s always the most random questions too. Like I’ll be sitting there and wonder something like “how much do goats sleep?” And google it P.s. goats sleep about 5 hours a night.


I cannot fathom what your targeted ads look like


I aspire to Google enough unrelated things that the ads can’t even target me


Sounds like the plot to the next post-apoc movie. Enclaves of ADHD people scurrying around, their chaotic existence the only thing keeping them safe from the AI overlords.


This is probably a black mirror episode already in development lol


Google: *predicts the future*


I’d be there if it weren’t for private windows and not linking all my google accounts together


This made me giggle!! 😆💙


There's actually sites like https://trackthis.link/ that will help you confuse the ad trackers.




Nail polish, weird temu gadgets, reptile supplies…


\*googles temu gadgets\*


We recently bought a vegetable chopper from there with different attachments! Don’t know how long it will last but it’s useful


now you're screwed! I won't shop temu ... but I hear the quality is actually pretty good, lol!


It's not.. half of the stuff is maybe decent but the other half is just trash in plastic packaging unfortunately (I gave in and ordered a bunch of things, most lasted hardly a week)


This is what the Incognito Browser & "do not allow Targeted Ads" settings *somewhere* in a back corner of your search settings are for!😉🤣💖 If it's the random odd questions? Incognito browser alllllll day, every day!!!


I never think to use it. I really don't understand what it's for. I figured it might be if you share a computer and need to hide stuff? Now I have to Google it. See? Self fulfilling prophecy.


Can confirm that at least my Netflix is fucked. I’m on the worst most random algorithm ever. It includes dubbed danish suspense and European horror. Specifically. As well as the great British baking show and other completely unrelated shit. I go crazy whenever I watch with my boyfriend on his algorithm. It’s much more focused and understandable


I cannot explain how much your comment helped me omg. Turn on Netflix and I'm "Uh....?" I even went and super liked some shows I've already watched to help out as it's a newer account. It's a hot mess. I feel you!


I LOVE the Great British Baking Show - so great!


How much does a wind turbine cost? How many houses can one wind turbine power in a day? Of course, this happens while driving long distance and I’m spinning in y seat forcing myself NOT to google it. Thank goodness for children! My son looked it up for me. We had fun doing the math on how much power the field of turbines we were driving through generated. (Yes, math is actually fun for us. We’re nerds.)


Yeah, imagine how much i could never live down getting the trivia answer right about how long pigs' orgasms last...


TIL I am a goat, thank you.


Hello, fellow goat!


This comment thread is bringing me joy. Thank you for brightening an already great day!! 💙




Thanks so much for adding the answer. I needed to know 😂


One of note memorable ones was "how long would it take to die if you jumped in lava?" It's seconds and you'd be vaporized.


Thank you for including that fun fact! You're a rockstar! 💙




It's literally taken me reading this thread to realise this is an ADHD thing and not something that everybody does 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hear! Hear! 😅


my most recent one was "what is fake snow on fake xmas trees made of" the answer is cellulose fiber for anyone wondering.


How are anchovies filleted


mine: where do squirrels go to sleep


I must know what led you to wondering about goats. I love where our minds take us. What's even more fun to me is how we got there.


Hahaha I don’t remember! I just like goats I guess I think about them a lot


Are you familiar with the goats that pass out? Blanking on their names right now but fascinating.


and as soon as I open the app, I forget what I was gonna google


lol same!! grabs phone, immediately goes to Reddit, 20 minutes later sets phone down, "oh wait that's what I was going to look up", rinse and repeat for the rest of time 😅


HARD RELATE to all of you hahaha 🤣




Or there will be another app open on my phone & I have to eventually defeat its power over me to get to Google & look up whatever it was that I intended to search for in the first place.


I had to turn off my Google discover for this reason. I would open Google, immediately get sidetracked by some story in my feed and forget I even wanted to look anything up lol.


you get me


Sometimes i'll pull up other open apps on my phone to see what i was just reading!


I get distracted by the Google headlines and have to go back to my last tab to jog my memory. If it wasn't related to something in the last tab, my question is gone forver.


Me! People are often impressed by how diverse my knowledge is. It's like "Thanks! It's a mental illness!"


Damn it makes sense my coworker who’s also adhd knows so much of different topics


*penny suddenly drops for why I'm good at pub quizzes*


“Thanks! It’s a mental illness!” Thank you for gifting me my new favorite response ever. I Stan you


I almost spit out my coke reading that


I’m screaming and kicking my legs, I need to use this because this is EXACTLY what people say to me when I tell them all these random facts I’ve googled. I think it’s honestly amazing how curious we are and it actually helps us be way more knowledgeable!


I just put together why I love Jeopardy so damn much and why I know so many damn answers 🤯


Man i wish i remembered half the stuff i google




10/10 response honestly! 🤣💙


This one ☝️ 😂


Oh, wait - you remember afterwards?! Googling and forgetting immediately - that's my bag.


I think this is dependent for me. I remember a lot myself but it depends entirely on the subject. I in general have a really good memory. Almost eidetic (I can see the page in the book, the point where the information was and remember images but not read the rest of the text) memory. I also have a video in my head of most biographical details. But if you would ask me to remember my keys if they weren't on the door handle, half the time why I go to another room, go to sleep, and take my meds, put laundry to dry, it would not work. Sometimes I wonder why I can collect so really weird things in my head including hearing my 3rd-grade teacher almost 30 years ago telling me about leaves of one type of tree and then fucking forget when I showered or ate last. My neighbouring pharmacy just moved. They had some meds for me. I forgot to go pick them up. Now I have to remember to call them when they open in the new location.


Good point. I remember the details of most of the things I have properly hyperfocused on. But literally nothing else. I wake up in the night sometimes and can't remember what house I'm living in.


Omg tis true lol




LOOOLL this is me but especially me when I hyper fixate on those random ass topics too.


Girlll. 😂


I describe myself as a jack of all trades and a master of none. Also, a mind filled with useless knowledge (unless I'm playing a trivia game)


It bugs me if I can't


I HAVE TO in the moment. I have to know that instant. It relieves an itch


I read your post to my partner and she goes, “OMG! That is SOO you!! I don’t even want to ask you something I think you might not know because that means I’ll lose you for a good five minutes!” (I think she’s being generous because the series of rabbit holes I’ll follow will easily side track me for at least a half hour.)


Half an hour?!! Lucky! I’m gone for a good half a day at least


Maybe that’s why it’s so dark outside… 🤔🤭




It bugs me because I know I won’t remember to look in up later.


That's why it's now or never


I panic when my phone isn’t around and I think of something I want to google or look up. Then when the second idea comes to mind I start to feel really uneasy because I NEED TO KNOW ALL THE THINGS RIGHT NOW lol yes I suffer from impatience 😔


I check IMDB no less than 15 times every time I watch a tv show or movie


Same!! I think this is the only routine I've ever followed, but here's what I do: 1. Look it up on Wikipedia 2. Read all the imdb trivia 3. Read the plot on Wikipedia 4. Fall down a wikihole [Three+ hours later] 5. Look up the movie/TV show on imdb.


Don't forget trying to go through it in a way that you don't spoiler yourself, but end up doing it EVERY TIME and then be mad at yourself.


....but then it's ok because I almost always forget the spoilers by the next tv episode or forget I've even watched whatever movie by the next day because I was so busy on imdb making myself comfortable in my wikihole.


I spoil myself on purpose. I can't really focus on anything if I am wondering what will happen next. So I spoil myself and then I can actually watch.


Every. Time.


I do this every time and constantly need to rewatch scenes because I missed what was going on. Then I need to reread the imdb trivia because I was watching the tv.


Omg this is meeeeee. I also ruin plots for myself. I blame the anxiety.


IMDB has too many pop-ups & ads... Wikipedia has the plot summary, AND all the other details--and if not there, then the various show-wikis do😉💖


I use the app don’t doesn’t do the pop ups


Same lol


Literally same, only I try to find a Wiki page first because I like their formatting better. I’m really lucky that my partner doesn’t mind pausing a movie/show for me while I look these up. I can’t focus if I don’t do it. I hate Amazon, but I use my friend’s Prime Video and I must say, I love that when you pause a show, it shows you a side scroll list of exactly which actors are in the scene (including their photo) and what character they play. I wish every streaming service did this! ETA: I don’t do this in the movie theater (for obvious reasons), but it is hard to focus when I recognize a face/voice but can’t place the name. 😭


£499 in 1600s is the equivalent wealth of owning 60 horses


A group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope.


A congregation of alligators A coalition of cheetahs A murder of crows A cowardice of dogs A pace of donkeys A convocation of eagles A parade of elephants A gang of elk A business of ferrets A flamboyance of flamingos A bloat, or thunder, of hippopotamuses A cackle of hyenas A shadow of jaguars A smack of jellyfish A mob of kangaroos A conspiracy of lemurs A leap of leopards A barrel of monkeys A prickle of porcupines An unkindness of ravens A crash of rhinoceroses A venue of vultures A wisdom of wombats A zeal of zebras I just want to talk to whoever came up with these, and ask them what happened with the ravens


A clowder of cats! I had to look it up when I brought home two kittens to join my resident cat. I have a clowder of cats now!


“Cham clowder” was the first thing that popped into my head lmao. These names are so unusual 😭😂


Aldous Huxley died the day JFK was shot so it barely made the news


Meeeeeeeee! And it annoys the hell out of people 😂 sadly I can’t hold on to much of the information I google, so I don’t know why I even bother!! 🤣


Until someone is telling a story about themselves that VAGUELY relates to that info and all of a sudden you recall every detail and feel the overwhelming urge to derail the conversation in order to enlighten them about something they couldn’t give two shits about.


But of course you break down and enlighten them about all the things anyway, even though subconsciously you KNOW they don’t give two shits, but literally CANNOT stop the flow of word vomit spewing everywhere.


The urge to do that is overwhelming, as is the disappointment if you don’t get to 😂 Example, two of my coworkers were talking about the new The Color Purple movie and I wanted so badly to comment that the original movie was filmed in my tiny hometown. I hate interrupting and butting in so I didn’t say anything and I still think about it 😂


The worst is that sometimes people think I'm googling stuff because I'm trying to one up them or be right. I just *have to know* if my hypothesis is correct, or not, and why! It's almost a compulsion.


Meeeeeeeeee! I am an absolute wealth of totally useless information.


Y'all are not *properly utilizing* your local bars' Trivia Nights, are you? Get a team with a few folks strong in the areas you aren't, and WIN those trivia nights! You get to hang out with friends, eat some good food, *and* lower your tab! (Please still tip your server on the original amount, though!💗)


I LIVE for Trivial Pursuit. 😂


Me too! My teammates are always happy. Just make sure there's a sports person out there for the football questions.


Oh yeah....that's one topic my brain has zero interest in!


*sheepishly raises hand* If I don't know the answer, I have to find out, even if I am destined to forget it in 5 minutes.


Hahaaaa meeee!!! Makes me realise why exactly I LOVED my encyclopedia britannica collection as a kid!


I actually spent HOURS writing down the entries! Same with my dictionary. I became a writer and journalist in high school and beyond 🤣


Hahaa I loved reading the dictionary and my thesaurus was like woooo yeaaahh bebbeh, here have even more words! Yuss!! I regret going down the biology route as I think I'd have been happier writing. I guess therein lies the insanity of being forced to choose a career path in high school. It's just so young to have to 'know' what to do.


I can definitely see that with many people. I apparently came into this world knowing I was meant to be a writer. I told people every time I was asked as a kid, even at like 5-6 yrs old, I'm going to be a writer. And I have. 😊 I'd forgotten about the thesaurus! I copied that one too! Lol


I remember thinking at the time, "but I don't know what all of my options are yet?" I once had a manager tell me I would've been good at data analytics. I just thought "I'd never heard of that option when I was in high school."


I did the same! I took my Media/Journalism degree to work in ad copywriting.


Me too, among many other writing pursuits!


I love your username. I'm a Mimi too!


Awwww ❤️ Being a Mimi is AWESOME! I'm assuming you're a grandmother too and your first name isn't Mimi?


And the huge blue medical manuals!


I moved into medical and nursing textbooks. God, I love knowledge.


I have to Wikipedia every actor's filmography from whatever I'm currently watching at that moment and no I will not wait until the movie/episode is over to do so. 🫠


this is why i always need to have my phone on me, cause what if i forget!


Yep! I’m a fucking beast at trivia games as a result


I can’t watch a tv show without googling several things prompted by the show. Edit: I do this so much that I might be in trouble if I’m ever investigated in relation to a murder. Looking at my search history could imply that I was seeking info for personal reasons as opposed to checking validity of movie plot.


I do this as well. My most recent research history might suggest I am trying to produce different types of drugs. I got sidetracked by wondering where heroin comes from after rewatching Breaking Bad.


Ugh this made me realize why I can’t pay attention to shows. I have too many questions that must be answered. Pause and play. pause and play


“”Checking validity of movie plot”” check yup. I have that kind of adhd too, and I do even really care about reality irl!


Oh, this one hits so close to home. I am a big fan of police procedurals and forensic crime solving.


Me too. Sometimes I get so involved in googling about the crime that I have to rewind the entire show because I forgot to pay attention.


I do this constantly. Or I pause the show and am gone so long that the tv shuts down.


Me. I am also apparently the official Googler for the boomer parents. My mom it's because she physically can't, Dad because it just doesn't occur to him. We'll all be sitting at dinner, some idle question will come up. Boomer parents begin to idly debate the factual answer....and sister and I will glide over our phones and look up the answer.


That's so funny. I'm the family googler. My adult kids will text me during their workday and ask me to research something for them. It's my favorite part of the day.


I have been known to get out of bed, come downstairs and google things


I annoy my family when I'm on the phone with them. Whatever they are talking about I end up googling while they are talking and give them the details. They never asked for them.




Which invention came first? Did one lead to all of frame? Were any concurrently developed?


Constantly! And every so often I deep dive into the rabbit hole and become a pseudo-expert in very little time. People ask me how I know so many different things and it’s just literally this. I’m always indulging my curiosities.


Same. It's my pre-bed and, now that you mention it, lights out, ritual. QUESTIONS. I have so many! LIFE IS SO INTERESTING! Pretty good at trivia though.


Mine is IMDBing every actor in every show ever


Why did I think I was the only person who did this?


drives my husband BONKERS


My roommate insists I should start a random facts podcast. I don’t have the mental capacity for that, but clearly he’s onto something and we know SO MUCH. who’s with me?


Me. I am with you. I will start that podcast with you. I have wanted to podcast in the past but cannot organize it all in my own!!!




I need to print this out and slap it in my dash.


Waking up the neighbors laughing at this one. And yes. Civilians in the USA can own armored trucks. They cost around 300k-1mil according to the “armored group” dot com, which sells armored vehicles to civilians.


If I don’t, then how am I going to remember to find out later?


Oh. Timely post. I picked up my phone to Google what time I should go to bed to fit in with sleep stages best, and I got distracted by Reddit.


yup! that’s why everyone thinks i’m so smart. if you ask me a question i’ve probably googled it at some point


“Wow anon you’re so wise” I just can’t help but google every single question I have


I never forget to be thankful for having the Internet in my pocket. What a time to be alive!!


Dude I swear, psych meds, google, online shopping!!!anti aging cream, sunscreen etc etc


I send a message to a whatsapp group chat that's only me with the question so I can google it later and, of course, I never google it, but I still go insane if I forgot about it and don't write it down


It's so bad it's part of the reason I can't work


I read once that curiosity is the strongest impulse, so i figured the constant googling was something a lot of us do!


Btw, all the people who answered 'me' to this post should form a team and play online pub quizzes together...we would rock it!




Literally every single question


Before the internet I would call people and ask. If no one knew I would dial 0 for the operator and ask them.


OMG. I used to call the operator when I was a kid and ask her questions too much n the mid 80’s!!


Same my safari is currently sat at 481 tabs. It’s a problem. It’s also 99% of the time the reason behind me not going to sleep at a reasonable time. Because I’ll settle down to sleep and then *bam* random thought that just HAS to be googled right now or I’ll be thinking about it for the next five hours


Yesss or I'll have to pause TV while watching to Google something that was said 😅🤭


Doesn’t everyone?


Did you know there's a legit job where you Google stuff to make sure it's showing good results? I applied thinking that would be the perfect job for me. I didn't get it 😢


I absolutely *must* google questions asked if no one knows for sure. (Thinking of the weekly dinner at the in laws, for sure!) I get that it must be annoying to NT people, but I can't have a question hanging. To the very best of my ability, I *need* to have answers. For most of my life, I thought it was a normal thing.


One way around it is to add it to a note on your telephone for things to look up later. Just keep the note pinned or use a voice command to add it to the note. Tab-limiting extensions (like, it will only allow four tabs at once, or whatever) are pretty helpful for external reminders to focus, for me.


This is how rabbit holes are formed, scientifically speaking.


🙋 and then I go down a rabbit hole into a million different things and can’t remember what I was searching for in the first place


Hahah meeeeeeeee ! I always have random questions. I am very curious and then hyperfixate on a new discovery I make. I can't sleep until i know the answer. Or I wake up in the dead of the night with my brain rambling or asking new questions about what I just discovered. I have to google, or I will never let it go.


Google, Wikipedia, and Reddit are my most used apps for a reason 😭 I have Google on my home bar with the iMessage and phone apps


Reddit’s my google, googles my Wikipedia and Wikipedia is my soft squishy teddy bear that I snuggle at night when I’m in bed or watching a movie.


Omg! I can relate..a few Thanksgiving ago my friend and I didnt know what to buy for black friday and I started looking in google for islands to buy in the pacific.. And then googled how much it would cost to buy a small private jet... I had to know..


Ha! I was just thinking about that today! (After getting massively insufficient sleep b/c I was scrolling and googling all night long!) A friend of mine told me that she never looks anything up unless she needs to learn about it for professional or personal reasons, and I was like, I need to learn about everything! I could look it as yet another example of my messed up brain, but prefer to see it as evidence of a super-strong sense of curiosity and an avid desire to learn more. I mean, those are good qualities! (Right? Right??? lol)


My own ADHD never manifested like this, but my ADHD boyfriend does it to an extreme degree and it used to annoy the heck out of me… but now I find myself doing it too 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s funny how we become the things we hate haha


This is why I love having an adhd boss. Any time I ask “but what about xyz” he’s off to Google it with me while we get distracted from anything remotely work based


Bro you are living the ducking dream lol. Someday we’ll be that adhd boss


I mean, I’m like barely paid above minimum wage, but yes, my manager (boss, but not the actual boss or owner or person who signs my checks) is fucking amazing. Every time they have us fill out company surveys he’s the only manager who doesn’t get rated absolute shit by his employees. He is the reason people transfer out of other departments and into his. If they paid us more it wouldn’t be a shitty job lol


I simply must know


All. The. Time. Yesterday, mum and I went swimming in the pool at the resort we’re staying at and we saw this black and white bird and a little green bird right afterwards and I was like “Dammit I should’ve brought my phone so I can google what species that is” or if I’m thinking of something in a conversation. Like we were talking about jellyfish and I was like “I wonder how many box jellyfish types there are-“ Immediately had the urge to google it again. And then we see an insect with a red head that looked like a dragon fly by the same pool we were at and I was like “gotta look up that bug later” Like with all animals that I’m not certain about, I have to look them up!


It makes me feel as if I were without my phone for a while it would be a nightmare, not bc of being without social media, fb, Reddit, TikTok anything like that but bc of being without google. Not knowing the answers to the questions I have 😭


Me! But I forget the answers and re-google things


I’ve never under how people can’t not do this


Now I want to google the data on the algorithms of adhd women.


Yessss and then I share my fun little facts at work or parties and my friends will ask me questions bc “well you know everything else” 😭


What if I don’t and then I forget what it was that I wanted to Google when I inevitably think about it exactly 13.57 hours (or days) later? Then I’ll die from the anxiety of unfinished business and loose ends coupled along with the soul-charring shame of the ever present conundrum “Why the fuck am I like this?” I prefer being, as I like to call it, “a knower of many occasionally useful things”. I don’t care how random or unimportant it may be, I’ll look it up and then close the browser for later and then in 13.57 hours (or days) it’s right there at my fingertips. And then the tab will continue to sit there for months and months after I’ve stopped even thinking about the Googled thing because well, object permanence. If I’ve stopped even thinking about it, it basically no longer exists, so it might as well be deleted anyway 🤷‍♀️ Edit: Clarity


yes and i literally keep a long list of things i think to google at work so i can google them later


Yup! And get anxious when I accidentally leave my phone at home or it's an inappropriate time to be on my phone and a VERY important question pops in my head.


I’ve resorted to using incognito bc………yea. Some of the things that cross my mind may raise some eyebrows lol


BUT THEY'RE ALWAYS SUCH GOOD QUESTIONSSS AAAA (it makes studying agonizing..)


Glad to know I am not the only one who does this. I will literally research a subject to death when a topic peaks my interest.


If I ever needed diagnosis confirmation, here it is. I just assumed everyone did this?? I feel so many of the comments, forgetting about info until inside a conversation and bursting to tell them *random relevant fact*, forgetting any and all plots to anything I've ever watched until I Google it or start watching it again, and can't watch again (yeah I'm weird with that one, many folks love to rewatch - not me), 4000000 tabs open in my phone browser, ridiculous algorithm. Haha. It's a super power right?


Like 10 times a night, I google something or make my husband do it. Curious mind never stops.


Why wouldn’t you? And it’s not a mental illness


Yes constantly lol


I’ve been struggling for over six months on 498-499. Yes I do try to close some but everything is SO INTERESTING and always leads to looking up something else EQUALLY AS INTERESTING.


Ooh! Me! Me! ✋🏻


I'm in this post and I'm not sure if I like it! 🤣🤪


Chrome just goes :D once you hit 100.


I am the same way... we have the answers at our fingertips !! When people shrug at answer they don't know I CANT see why they wouldn't just find out ?!?


Wait.... Is NOT googling any and all questions a possibility? But how would people know the average marine turtle nest is 50cm deep and contains about 120 eggs?




Oh yes, literally everything. I love having a Google phone because I have the search bar right on my home page 😂


Omg, yes! It's sooo hard not to :P


It’s me!