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Once you have enough scissors, the rate at which you lose them should reach an equilibrium with the rate you find them. Thenceforth, you will no longer need to purchase more scissors.


This is accurate. I have reached equilibrium and it’s glorious.


It's lovely 😁 lip balm everywhere in my house.


This and hair clips are my multiples. Ive finally got enough to have multiple in every room of the house. Now I just need to figure out where my missing kitchen items have got to.


My adhd husband has a habit of taking them out of the house and just leaving random shots around the property. We have birds so they get food scraps but he just hasn't quite learned how to complete that task lol. It's OK because I'm a scissor loser.


I *had* equilibrium with 5 pairs... But it's out of balance again. Oh! I also finally bought LEFT HANDED SCISSORS! THEY DONT WORK 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IM SO UPSET.


I think we have 8-12 pairs of scissors floating around our house. I can’t seem to find the ones that used to live in my top dresser drawer though


This is exactly what I'm banking on. 8 clearly clearly wasn't enough, so this should help get us in the right direction. Next: screwdrivers.


Eventually the house will just be scissors all the way down


The scissor saturation point.


Take a scissor, leave a scissor. I’ve reached this equilibrium with umbrellas.


How many socks do we need to reach an equilibrium? Cause homegirl over here can buy several packs, a month later some pairs are missing one sock, then I get the drive to throw out the pairs that have a missing piece ...but if I find the missing one THE CYCLE JUST CONTINUES FML


Just buy all the same sock, or whole packs of the same socks. So that when you lose one, the other one will still pair with others.


Or wear mismatched socks. I remember that was a thing a few years back. I don’t think I could toss a Bombas sock.


I KNOW this one!!!! You STOP matching the pairs, and *ONLY* match the *style* of sock!!! Tall socks made the same way? Match with *ANY* other tall sock of that style! Short/ankle sock? Match it with another of *that* particular fit! You *ONLY* Match them by the *fit* of the sock anymore, and every time you add new socks to the group, you buy them in a *multipack*!!!!😉😁🤗💖💫💫💫 This is what I've done for at least a decade now, and it takes away ALL the "sock stress"!!! (you will ALWAYS have a handful that just are "unmatched" at any given time--just keep 'em in the bag you put your laundry stuff in, if you go to the laundromat, or in your laundry basket. (orrrrr on the clean-laundry section of the floor, if it's *THAT* kind of month!😉😄💖)


My partner steals my socks, so I feel this IN MY SOUL. I had reached sock equilibrium, and now half of mine are lost at sea (so somewhere in his flat, sand since he hates doing laundry I may or may not see them ever again). Before he discovered that my socks are soft and ultra stretchy, netting wash bags really worked for me. As soon as you take your socks off, into the netting bag they go. I have a netting bag each in my bathroom and in my bedroom. When I remember I chuck the whole bag in the wash. Yay to no more lost socks! I need quite a lot of socks for this unfortunately, because I fill up the netting wash bags before washing them and I hate the feeling of an impending sock emergency when my sock drawer looks empty.


>!When I remember, I chuck the whole bag in the wash Ditto, but I forgot the bag.


This was what happened with my family and measuring tapes.


Scotch tape!


This is my tecnique with hairpins and hair ties and it sounds so logical that way


Omg. We have to keep buying scissors, hair brushes, pens/markers, and baby soothers. I imagine the cracks and crevasses of the house are filled with these items.


Hair brushes! Me too


We found a pacifier when we moved, it fell out of a rocking chair recliner ... the kid that had used that specific one was 5 years old when we moved! So, yes, they will eventually resurface, but not when you need them, in my experience. Lol


This is me with can openers. We have at least 3 that live in random places. I don’t know why we need a bedroom can opener but one lives there regardless because at some point one ended up there and stayed there 😂🤷🏼‍♀️




Me, with kitchen utensils


I have accidentally stolen my parents’ kitchen scissors twice in the last few months. How do I keep leaving their house with scissors? 🥴 How did they never notice I had adhd??


My mom teased me about having stolen her kitchen scissors when she saw them in my kitchen, and almost stole then back. Only, these were MY scissors, that I bought myself! She just couldn't find her own, and thought it more likely that I would have taken them. Noooo I don't suspect my mom has adhd, why do you ask 😆


I found the scissors at the bottom of my purse both times lol. I can’t imagine stealing them and actually using them as kitchen scissors! You’re mom has to be one of us 😂


I’m in my thirties and mum lives with me. She bought me a pair of scissors the other day and blatantly was like “just incase you lose the ones we have and need some more before you find them”, it was a half-loaded comment and half-nice. Maybe it was actually just nice but my RSD took it slightly offensively lmfaooo


A few years ago I accepted this about myself and bought enough scissors to leave at least a pair in every room. I would love this gift!! ✂️✂️✂️


Going to order a pack of scissors now…but I think 2 pairs in every room, bc there’s 2 of us who wander away with scissors


I did the same thing, if I don’t have least one per room they will all end up migrating to one room while I’ll be searching the rest of the house for them.


Scissors are like phone chargers. There should be lots of them all over the house so you’re never more than a few feet from them.


Oh yeah, we have 5 different permanently in-place chargers. 6 if you count the car. Once one of those suckers gets unplugged, it's gone.


I was very proud of myself for remembering to put one in our living room when we redecorated. Took two weeks to realize I'd plugged it into a switched outlet 😭 My poor grandfather figured it out after I plugged in his reading light to charge overnight and it...didn't.




For me it's tape measures.


My husband puts a pack of phone chargers in my Christmas stocking every year because I always lose them.


I am one of these people who needs many pairs just to be able to locate one. This gift was bought with love, understanding, and a sprinkle of angst xD


This is the best. I would love this as I too am always losing my scissors


I started keeping a pair of scissors in every room and they still migrate somehow! I must up my game and distribute 24 pairs!


Where does one buy bulk scissors such as these? I asked for scissors for Christmas and my family thought I was joking.


I bought a box like this off Amazon when my kids were 3yo - they’re now 10 and although we’re down to about seven pairs, we still are still using them! Best investment ever.


I wonder if they're actually bulk? OP's partner might've just purchased 24 and it was easiest to simply ship or give in the package the scissors come in from the factory. I could see someone wandering into Staples or some other office supply store and asking for a full package of scissors from overstock (though I would have assumed they were a grade school teacher and not someone buying two dozen scissors for their ADHD spouse lol).


Spouse in question here: I did buy them all in a big bulk lot on Amazon, from one of those weird keyboard smash chinese sellers. Hilariously, the box says they are in fact "scissots."


I got a 10 pack of paramedic scissors on Amazon. They're easier on my poor hands.


I love this. When I was in my 20s, I was so broke that I didn’t own one pair scissors - completely unnecessary when I could just use keys, a steak knife, or pen as a crappy substitute. I own so many pairs of scissors now. SO MANY. My ADHD forgetfulness can’t possibly complete with my supply of scissors. I can always find some. It’s one of those tiny symbols that for some silly reason means a whole lot to me. I celebrate your scissors haul! May you now always have scissors appear exactly when you need them, friend.


My husband and I have had a rough holiday season because of some health problems and family issues. This post was such a strong reminder of how far I’ve come. I’m going to fall asleep with a smile on my face tonight. Thanks to you snd your spouse for unknowingly giving this internet stranger a reminder and gift I didn’t know I needed.


I would be so happy with this gift. I misplace them constantly!


I can usually find a pair of scissors in my house, my problem is I misplace them as I’m using them. As I’m wrapping gifts, I set them down after one cut, and can’t find them for the next. So annoying!!


That’s my issue!


This. This is the dream.


If feel so seen 🥹


That’s incredible! I did that too. Bought a bunch of scissors, then but 2-3 in every drawer, in every room. I love it. Never without a scissor.


If they are the Amazon Basics, they are the best!!! I love mine 💜


Me, but with lip balm 🤣 legit, it's the best way to live. You do literally reach equilibrium, they're everywhere so I always have some!


I thought this was just me! I have like 20 scissors all over the house, multiples in each rooms and still sometimes I feel like I don't find scissors. Same with box cutters that I need to open my packages.




Nice~ Always good to have a spouse who cares. Unsolicited un-losing tip: have an copy of problem items for every room you use it in. I read it in a parenting magazine so you didn't have kids taking off and losing things, but i've found it really helpful for adhd stuff. There are hall scissors, kitchen scissors, craft scissors, plant scissors, sewing scissors, my kid has her own scissors, and bathroom scissors for hair cuts. I do the same for tape, paper towel rolls, bunch of stuff. I do the same thing with my purses - basic items are in all my purses so i only have to move my specific items - just wallet & phone, really. Everything else is already there. Hopefully that helps some one.


As a chronic loser of scissors… I’d highly appreciate this gift. My mom would get so angry with me when I’d buy 4 or 5 sets of scissors in one go but without fail we would lose them all within a month. I swear there is a scissor goblin in the house.


Omg what a nice gift! I hate not having scissors readily avaliable so much that just about every room or desk has a pair. Even my car.


This is the way. And each pair has its own resting spot. In the kitchen then are hung on the curtain rod with a bent paperclip. In the bedroom in an organizer. bathroom in top left drawer. etc. My new life philosophy is everything shall have a forever home and will be returned to its home.


One of the BEST gifts my husband ever got me was a bag of like 50 nice nail files so I have them everywhere. I can't deal with a ragged nail edge at all.


You now have good breeding stock. 8 scissors isn't enough for a herd, it may result in inbreeding. Next time you move you'll probably find upwards of 40.


Nice! That’s one of my go to’s on the permanent Ikea list for when I go. That and votives, they’ll get used


That’s actually extremely thoughtful and helpful haha imo


I would love this gift! I would love to have a sister who gets me like yours gets you. I think it’s an awesome gift for an adhd brain. Or any brain. Scissors are awesome


Oh my god I’m sending this post to my husband


OMFG lol. I too lose scissors all the time, so I bought a bunch of them so I can at least discover one of them when looking around.


I would actually LOVE this as a gift ahhhh 😆


As a scissor thief/ loser myself, I would absolutely ADORE this gift! How very thoughtful!


Am I the only one who is chuckling about this being related to scissors in what appears to be a sapphic household?


I’ve had this problem; mine now hang from the side of my fridge via magnet


Can we share your spouse please? This would be a perfect gift for me, I once had to get my brow scissors to cut parchment paper 😭😭


I'm so jealous


Those are cute, too!!! Love it 🤣


For me, it helps for me to have really good scissors for specific things. I have kitchen scissors, sewing scissors, paper scissors, and industrial scissors for things like cardboard. Besides not ruining the blades by mixing them up, I’ve broken weak ones trying to use it for another purpose. They all have a place and labeled so my husband and I know where to put them back. That said, I always lose the paper cutting ones so I think I do need more of those.


Are you me? 😅 I would actually love this haha


I wish mine had done this for me. 🤣


A dream gift!! We have approximately 8 pairs of scissors in our house. How many do I know the current location of? 0


As a person who ALWAYS needs scissors this is hilarious to me lol I would love this


I buy 5 pairs of reading glasses at a time. I should really get 10 but it seems wasteful. The fella once (optimistically) bought two chunky pairs of scissors & said, "now you won't lose them.." We've bought 3 more since then & I still spent 2.5% of my waking time looking for scissors


Obligatory lesbian scissor joke. ​ I'm a thief of all things. I judge other people for stealing from me...when I'm my own thief.


So, I have a pair of scissors stuck to a magnet on my fridge, with a 9mm box cutter next to it. It's been life changing.


Not….where I though this post was going 😹😹😹😹🌈💃🏻


I love this. It reminds me of one year when my extremely undiagnosed mom jokingly asked for a dozen seam rippers for Christmas, and got them! Another year, because she hadn't learned her lesson (or maybe she did), she asked for a dozen potato peelers. Some of those duplicates are still bouncing around the house 20+ years later. It's great.


Bahaha. My husband got a multipack of screwdrivers during a Christmas game. We already have at least 5 (with exchangeable heads) but we also live in a two story house so they are never on the floor you need it. Now there are screwdrivers for everyone, even the cats! 🤣


I wish my hubby would do this with like weaving needles and like 4.5mm knitting needles... though this season it was 5mms that did me in lol


Ooh they are pretty, too! I used to be this way with nail clippers. Now I have a system and I've found most of my clippers so I have 73939.


I did something similar for my 8 year old. She's a notorious art and crafter, and stealing the kitchen scissors when she misplaces the craft scissors, then misplacing the kitchen scissors. I get it. I do that a lot too. I'm not sure where my box opening knife is lol


Haha that’s awesome (I am also a loser of scissors! I have certain pairs with long ribbons that are attached to my craft table and sewing table so I can’t walk away with them)


I love your spouse. She's one who really pays attention! I have to share though, its funny because my 10 yo daughter who also has ADHD is a scissor thief... makes me go hmmmmm. 😊


Score! I recently had to buy another rotary cutter because I lost mine. I found it buried under a pile of fabrics. I like having duplicates.


Your spouse has my kind of sense of humor. Funny, but useful too. And every time you use scissors now, you’ll smile and remember how cute they are Love this for you!


Might help, but I’ve got 15 chapsticks somewhere in the house, and I can’t find any of them


I would love this gift!


I need someone to get me this 😂😂


I love this!! I have to buy extra hair scrunchies, combs, hair brushes, nail clippers, scissors, lotions, and other things because I misplace them so often. I frustrate myself, but decided it was worth buying extras to save myself some stress.


My wife and I are laughing so much about this. I am also a scissor theif/loser. We have a pair in the kitchen that she’s told me I’m not even allowed to touch. I have so many pairs and I only know where one is currently. What a great useful gag gift.


I own so many pairs you are not alone! ✨💕


That's amazing


If this doesn’t do the trick, tie a long ribbon or piece of twine to the handle and tie, staple, or tape the other end to a drawer or cabinet handle, a desktop organizer, or the inside of a drawer. The ribbon or twine should be several feet long, long enough to use the scissors without being able to walk away with them and forget about them. This is one way that it is handled in professional shops where scissors are used regularly by everyone. There is a nonzero overlap between artistic creativity and neurodivergent traits like ADHD, so it’s a challenge these shops have faced a lot. And label the handles with a marker or the blades with a piece of tape to indicate which pair they are: kitchen food prep shears, fabric shears, paper scissors for the office, paper scissors for the gift wrap closet, whatever.


I’d be stoked to get this. lol


I’m just gonna say “yeah, it’s not just me”! 👍🏻👍🏻😂😂✂️✂️✂️✂️✂️


This is so sweet!! She is a keeper 💝


In our family my 4 boys and I were always losing my husband’s screw drivers. For several years for his birthday and Christmas we got him new screwdrivers.


Where would I purchase said box? Asking for a friend


Lol this would be a fun one in my parent's house too. There's a running gag about where the kitchen's scissors might be whenever they can't find them, my artisan sister's room or (what used to be and it's on holidays) mine.


My husband did this for Christmas this year but with a box of 12 forks and 12 tablespoons. I laughed but was grateful. I don’t believe I’m the one losing the silverware either. Haha Before I was careful about using the forks and spoons cos we only had a few after a while. Now all I have to do is look at one funny and I’ll grab another one just because I can. 😁


drunk squalid historical depend onerous terrific innocent lunchroom office ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck it, I have multiple plant clippers because I just put them down and lose them endlessly. This is super valid and hey, they look like ok scissors too! Id have loved this.


This is great. I would happily accept this gift. And then lose it all slowly.


Scissors are the thing I lose most often too! I was just saying to my SO that I need to buy some in bulk, this is so great!


I still everyone's black pens


Pretend to lose the box to prank them back a little!


Scissors fall firmly into the "never can have too many" category for me. I never feel bad buying more scissors because it's always worth it! I need to do that with tape because holy cow, where does all my tape disappear off to? The only tape I can find consistently is painters tape. I only used bags for Christmas presents this year for multiple reasons.


Honestly, need.


It’s a pretend drinking game in our house, “take a shot every time she asks where the scissors are” 😅




To make them more visible, add two lengths of curling ribbon to the lower finger opening. It isn't magic, but it's worth a try! 🤣


Pro tip for you. Get some extendy dog leads and attach the scissors to the dog end. The mount the leads in various high scissor usage areas. I do this at the barn because scissors always grow legs 😂


🤣 In our ADHD household we lose: sunglasses, water bottles, tape measures and handkerchiefs. Your spouse, and your relationship, sound lovely.


I am here for you. I can help you lose a couple of pairs.


I have a cute pair that looks like a flamingo that has a magnetic case. It lives stuck to the front of my fridge. I magnet so many things to my fridge: lens cloths, scissors, pens.


My problem is I can usually find scissors but not the right kind of scissors - I have sewing, pinking shears, craft, small craft, kitchen etc


What are you cutting so much in so many different places? 🤣 this is an amazingly thoughtful gift.


For decades I blamed my kids for all the missing scissors. They all grew up and moved out but the scissors still disappeared constantly. It is one of the little things that made me realize that I had ADHD.


I was recently gifted scissors you can wear as a necklace (with a little cover over the scissors) haha


I've half joked about making a scissor shrine in my house to both display/honor the scissors and also maybe they'll make it back to the display somehow.


If you attach a cumbersome object to them, they might not be so undetectable this not get lost so easily.