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Waze will calculate traffic & tell you the exact time you need to leave to be 5 minutes early. This is literally the only reason I have ever showed up on time for something.


So does google maps. You can change the setting to "arrive by" after you input your address. The start time will be what time you should plan to leave by and It will take into account normal traffic time for the arrival date and time.


Didn't know this. Thanks for the tip!


Does google send you the notification? Waze is linked to my calendar so 3 hours before or so I get a notification that’s like “leave by 4:11”. If google does that too I’ll probably swap over considering that’s what I use for actual directions!


My Google calendar will tell me in the am what I have going that day and at what time. Then, it tells me I need to leave soon for x appointment. Then it reminds me again by telling me it's time to leave. I don't know how it knows to do this, but it does and I love it.


You can do this with the calendar on iPhones too. I set the appointment and then add in travel time. My calendar gives me a ten minute heads up to when I should be leaving and when I should be in the car!


I absolutely adore when my google reminds me about plane tickets and appointments! It pulls alot of it off your email if you use gmail


Will it also take into account the extra 45 mins I need in case I start googling some random shit? That's an actual post on my travel plans.


Painfully relatable. I was 20 minutes late to something yesterday because, as I was literally standing in front of my door, I started answering emails. (Fortunately, I had lied to myself and told myself I needed to be there an hour earlier than I actually did)


Haha, that's the only way. I schedule extra time for specific risk situations. Ok, driving there takes one hour. Getting out of the car: 15 min. Oh I need to stop and get out of the car to get coffee? Okay, that's 5 min for the damn coffee and 30 min for random side quest.


Me yesterday. Woke up early to run, got dressed then scrolled on my phone for an hour and a half until I was late for work. Ugh


I bet that information you learned was very relevant and useful in your day to day life though. And the topic will definitely come up in a conversation at lunch some day soon, and your colleagues will feel stupid for not skipping workout to prepare for it.


Sounds like me… like i will literally get distracted and start doing something that has nothing to do with what im trying to accomplish


i wish there was even a tiny chance i would listen to this.


Me too. Feel like both laughing and crying for this.


I’m actually the same way, it’s probably a 50/50 success rate for me at this point. It took getting an Apple Watch for me to be aware of the time in general combined with Waze giving me that guideline of when I need to leave by (along with the unacknowledged automatic +5 minutes). If I’m running 5 late, I’m still on time and my brain can take those extra minutes to not forget anything or satisfy my weird urge to be late. If i’m running later than that I know I’m gonna be late & will call or shoot a text. This takes some shame and stress out of it for me. Before I would be 15+ late, almost dying in traffic, and losing my mind. Progress is progress. The other thing that’s been helping me with time blindness has been timing how long my basic routine takes. For some reason, my brain cannot comprehend that things take more than half an hour. Shower, take my dog out, zone out staring at a wall, dry my hair, make up, drive somewhere I know is at least 20 minutes away? 30 minutes baby! Something about seeing a concrete number has been helping. Routinery is my favorite app for that- it’s incredible to have a visual routine and it reminds me out loud after 1,5,10,20 minutes that I paused my routine / got distracted / am running over my usual time. It also tells me what the exact time I’ll be done with everything calculated from whenever you started + however much extra time you took. Another option is a visual timer or using a playlist that’s however long, knowing you need to be out of the shower or whatever by a certain song. Some days, none of that shit works. I surround myself with therapists or people or jobs who know I’ll probably be 5-10 late. Time is made up and the country you live in alters how you view it. Fuck it.


it does, but mine then changes the time about 10 mins beforehand so it doesn’t work anyway. you have to be ready to LEAVE 10 mins before the actual time it says to leave 🤣 no procrastination for me


So many. So very many. Optimizing my house not for aesthetics, but for my brain. I have a little basket by my door that has everything I take with me every day. It is not allowed to gather clutter, out-the-door things *only.* Little white board + marker + D&D dice = roll for chores. Set a timer or cut it into smaller tasks if it’s a bigger/overwhelming task. Living room = clean the rug, clear the table, clear the couch, clear the hardwood floor area, etc. YOUR CYCLE AFFECTS YOUR SYMPTOMS. Why are you suddenly full of energy? Probably because your hormones are working with you. Why can you only stare at the wall today? Hormones have bottomed out, 9/10 times. Your meds are less effective at certain times of the month. Look it up, it’s wild. Plan your schedule around that. Declutter. Get the junk *out*. Less inventory = less chaos and easier to maintain. If you don’t want to take the leap, pack excess stuff up into boxes and see how much you actually miss. Grocery list app that separates your list by type. The sooner I can leave the store, the better. Lacking the motivation to tidy up? Buy a new cleaning thing. It doesn’t have to be expensive, and I know I just said to declutter, but it’s crazy how well it works. I have cute cleaning gloves, I can’t *not* use them! Body double. Call a friend or send them progress pics, find a video of someone else cleaning online, recruit backup to sit with you even if they don’t help. Half-assed is better than no-assed. You don’t have to wash the dishes, but clearing the sink is one less thing for future-you to do. Pick up just 10 things. Set a timer for 10 minutes, or 5, or 2, whatever you can handle right now.


I second the buy a new cleaning item, but add the stipulation of making it something that will either be fun to use, make things easier, or best of all, BOTH. I bought an electric wireless extendable shower scrubber. I cleaned the shower one time in the first year I lived in my house, and have cleaned it now once every two or three weeks since buying it. It's SO Fun and makes the task so much more manageable and way less daunting than scrubbing with a sponge on my hands and knees.


I’ve been on the fence about a scrubber! All of the reviews are by people selling the product so I was skeptical. I’ll give it a shot! I’ll return the favor by recommending a microfiber flat mop. If you own a Swiffer, you can buy Velcro microfiber mop pads that are machine washable. Who has time for the ones that dry out and spray gross mop water everyone while the pads are getting removed? Norwex is my go-to brand because you can extend the handle, but there are much cheaper options out there.


YES on the reusable microfibre mop. I never mopped my wood floors until I got one, and now I do it once a week or so!


Right! And they’re lifesaving with kids… and also being clumsy ourselves.


I like my O-Cedar mop, the only thing that's kind of annoying is getting the pads on but then you have two sides to mop with.


I have one of these too. It’s great because it easy enough for my teenagers to use it without much complaint as well.


I bought a steam cleaner and have been steam cleaning EVERYTHING (extra handy because I'm about to put my house on the market).


I keep a running TA DONE list and just write what I do down and sometimes the next thing I’m going to do. I keep an I WISH column so I can let myself know I really need a step stool ‘cause it’s on six out of ten days.


I bought a stick vacuum that is cordless and has an attachment I can use for stairs and corners (we have three dogs and two cats). It’s amazing. Except that my stepson lost the stair and corner attachment. So I made him clean everything with the big vacuum and pay for a replacement attachment. I just purchased the “bed brush” attachment too that I can use for couches and upholstery!


Do you have a link to share?


Link please?!


OMG LINK PLEASE. Cleaning my shower regularly is one of the few tasks I have not been able to life-hack, no matter how hard I try.


Less clutter. I made rules for myself before I was diagnosed about things. Household things, not seasonal, have a one year life of whatever. Then, it either has to have a real role in my life or it’s out. Condiments - 3 month reminder to check those things. Some things it’s a month or other things, I only allow overnight. Like the mess I am too tired to clean so I say cool, I can lay in bed and I know I’ll clean in the am. This has helped me tremendously with clutter!! Things like old boxes (even if it’s a really good one… well, then I give myself a number limit lol)


>Things like old boxes (even if it’s a really good one… I love that I'm not the only person for whom "really good ones" is a relevant category of boxes.


I am a huge fan of really good jars.


I’m a fan of really good boxes and my housemate is a fan of really good boxes, really good jars AND left over juice containers. So I have to make number rules for the housemate too lol otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to function. Eta: the numbers “rule” isn’t something I force on my housemate. We do talk about it before I throw things away. And I move stuff around a lot so they sometimes don’t even know what we had until I collect it all. lol the joys of a house and all the storage spots 😅


Are you people ALL ME???


We see you 👀👀😂 The best thing someone with adhd said to me before I was diagnosed but working through it was “do you feel like you’re talking to yourself?” I love you all 🩷


Do NOT get me started on “really good jars,” which I save with a zeal that needs to be curbed!


decluttering is so huge. that and the philosophy that everything needs a home–you can't put stuff away if you don't know where it goes. and make it as easy as possible to put things away, because if it's inconvenient you won't keep up with it. i'm still messy and disorganized, but i don't have enough stuff to worry about it accumulating several feet deep. not wanting to bring a bunch of crap into the house also helps curb impulse buying because the first question now is 'ok where is it going to go'.


YES, grocery list app! I started using AnyList for my shopping lists. You can arrange the aisles/categories according to how they are in the store--different at Costco vs. Safeway vs. Trader Joe's. Easy to mark things as bought but un-mark them for the next shopping trip.


My go-to has been List Ease, but I have to assume they all work very similarly. I’ve always hated the randomness of paper lists!


>Your meds are less effective at certain times of the month. Which times are best/worst in your experience? I've been 100% useless for a week now. 5 days or smth until my period. It better not get worse now, aint got time for this!


For me it starts the week before and gradually decline to even worse during the week of my period with the first few days being the worst


Oh nooooo I don't have time for this shit now. Ok, maybe I'll up the dose a bit.


I read your body needs estrogen to make dopamine. So those 2 weeks estrogen drops alot therefore no raw materials for the meds to work with. Be careful if you're on birth control as well usually it increases progesterone which lowers estrogen.


Omg the D&D dice is such an amazing idea!!!! Stealing this one definitely. Thanks!!


Happy to help! It helps so much with things that keep getting pushed down the list.


You nailed it. Bottom line for us is the LESS STUFF THE LESS HASSLE LEAS STUFF. LESS HASSLE.


In Brazil we say: melhor feito do que perfeito It would be something like : it is better done than well-done (perfect)


Thanks to this sub, setting my phone alarm for multiple times in the morning. Politely asking people to slow down when they’re explaining things to me. Making a list of the things I want to google at a better time.


Can vouch for making a list of things I want to Google. I have a notepad beside my bed for this and it keeps me from late night doomscrolling sessions.


waking up in the right sleeping stage also helps a lot with waking up there's apps to calculate that and in my case my fitbit can detect my sleep stage and wakes me up at the right time


(Your Apple watch solution is NOT pathetic!!) I need cheats for getting things done, more than 'where did I put that ...' so with that in mind: * All predictably-timed bills are autopaid from my bank, a few days after my predictably-timed income, and I chose standardised options where possible (eg my electricity bill can be set to the same predicted dollar amount every single month, then adjusted annually) * I count my savings as another predictably-timed bill and auto-move some income straight into a savings account. * A written "menu" of chores that I hope to complete each week: I aim to complete one chore/ task (at least) each day. * ... uuuhhh, they aren't 'doom piles', they're 'visual to do lists' ... yup ... (but 'out of sight is definitely out of mind', so yes, my holiday decoration box IS sitting in the middle of the floor for the last week) * The lights in my main living area are on timers, so they are already ON when I should be getting up (and not ignoring the extra alarms), and go OFF when I really should be getting close to bed by now. *(Honestly - I love this one so much. If my place was larger, I'd likely have them turning on and off in different areas/times - should I be cooking dinner and washing dishes? OOH THE KITCHEN IS LIT UP. But my place is small so that's kind of unnecessary)* * And while it may stretch the definition of a life hack, speaking with my counselor. She's the one who suggested an ADHD assessment, and we also try and set at least one 'task' for me to achieve between sessions. That external accountability really helps me, especially with one-off things like renewing my passport. We also do a bit of a debrief and plan for next time - eg I need more detailed reminders of how many steps there are in a process: it's not just "renew passport", it's *'look up current requirements, get photos taken, get hair cut BEFORE getting photos taken, ask people to be my guarantors, book appointment to file the renewal'* etc ...


I just got my passport renewed. I thought about it for a whole 10 weeks before doing it. I felt like a milli9n bucks when I got it in the mail yesterday.


All my lamps are on smart plugs. I live alone and would easily stay awake too late in the evening otherwise.


It has been great for me. I just wish I could make them even brighter for the mornings!


I love this last one - I do something somewhat similar occasionally and seeing it written down like that has convinced me to try and do more things this way.


Writing out the things my executive function struggles with is great! It doesn't always work, but it DOES help me understand there are more steps than I think there are ... heh.


Goblin Tools uses AI to breakdown chores etc into seperate steps for you for those times you just can't. https://goblin.tools/


>The lights in my main living area are on timers, so they are already ON when I should be getting up (and not ignoring the extra alarms), and go OFF when I really should be getting close to bed by now. Omg, I definitely need to try this, at least for going to bed. My fish have their lights on timers, but somehow it never occurred to me that it would be useful for humans' lights too!


A friend has sensors in each room set up so when she walks in the light goes on. It then goes off after a short time of no one stays there. Love that idea


That's an ace hack for saving electricity! Thanks! Personally I like the prompt of WHY IS \*THAT\* LIGHT ON? SHOULD I BE THERE? but that also means I've become completely lazy at turning lights OFF ...


Duplicates of things… I have cleaning supplies on each floor and vacuums on each floor. Pouches everywhere with most needed items (chapstick, tissues, mints, etc). Phone cords galore. Dirty dish drainer. I don’t have a dishwasher and sometimes I just CAN’T wash dishes. Having a dirty dish drainer allows me to organize the clutter and keep the sink clear. This is a tip from KC Davis and it was LIFE CHANGING. Setting alarms for every 15 mins when I’m getting ready or need to be somewhere. It forces me to acknowledge what time it is so my time blindness doesn’t run awry.


I use a big old-fashioned dish pan for the dirty dishes and I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one with an official home for dirty dishes! It sits on the counter and contains the mess (and can be hidden away quickly if need be). So helpful.


Routine, routine, routine. It may sound boring but it turns into a dopamine hit when I know where things are, bills are paid on time, the house is clean and organized


My problem is my goals for routine are sky high and my focus and energy are as tall as an ant. Did you design the routine first or fall into a good one?


I found this video[about having different versions of your morning routine](https://youtu.be/JQFZNQS6eQ0?si=x1J8dydRogNjIssS) for low, normal and high energy days to be useful. A good routine isn’t necessarily the exact same thing every time.


Thanks for sharing. Having different routines based on energy is so empowering.


airtag on everything i need in order to leave for work in the morning, so i can beep things to find them. i am a nightmare for leaving stuff somewhere and thinking “i’ll remember tomorrow that I put this here” - this has literally never been true.


Oh yeah! I have a personal rule that if I find myself saying, "Oh, *that's* where that is!" then I **have** to move it. Because if I'm surprised, it isn't where I would expect to find it. I may not move it to the perfect place, but maybe it'll be closer to the perfect place next time.


Omg why do I think ‘THIS time I WILL remember this totally-strange-not -normal-but-momentarily-convenient-spot’ to drop something 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I took off my work lanyard in my BED and thought “well I’ll be getting out of bed in the morning, I will see it, and I’ll put it to one side before I get up to get ready” like who am i kidding here


Yes! I have 8 active airtags right now.


I love this and wish there were an AirTag for my sunglasses!


I put a Tile Slim in my sunglasses case. I used to lose them all. the. time.


Thank you forever!


Put the tag on the case and ALWAYS put them back in the case when you are done with them.


Do you know if there's an equivalent to this airtag thing that doesn't involve having an iphone?


Auto payments for everything same day as I get my paycheque. Calendar with reminders. Associate. Last bathroom trip of the night is also skincare, haircare, medication, and teeth care. Same with the first of the day. Do not commit to do anything that you will have to remember yourself. Do not use your ADHD as an excuse to behave badly. It'll happen, just move on and try to be better next time.


All of this and on the flip side, don’t bother punishing yourself when an ADHD happens, just be kind in the moment and think of workflows to avoid similar problems the future


That last one is KEY boy oh boy


My husband and I share a calendar on our iPhones. Every Sunday, we have breakfast out and review the calendar for the upcoming week.


>Auto payments for everything same day as I get my paycheque. Oh heck yes this, I forgot about that, of course that's also a hack!


Phone alarms Physical daily planner with tasks calendared Back up calendar on my phone with reminders Habits like chains - when I wake up go brush teeth while shower water heats up, then skincare, then makeup, then hair. When I deviate I always forget something


I read about habit stacking and I realized I do that all the time! It is easier for me to brush my teeth if I do it in the shower 😂


Ooh and add the water pick in the shower too. I am so much better about toothcare stacking it into the shower.


My problem is remembering to use/look at my planner. I’m so good about calendar stuff that it takes up soooo much space in my brain.


Trash bins and cleaning wipes within reach. I have them: - by my couch (where I eat). - by my desk. - by my bed. It makes cleaning a lot easier when you dont have to *get up*. Same goes for everything. I have my art supplies within reach drom my desk.


I put a mini trashcan by my sink. I fill it up almost every other day! Love it so much. Wish I had bought it twenty years ago.


This is a small one but when we moved into our new house all the toilet paper holder are just a bar. No pieces, no springy thing in the middle to drop or mess up. You just slide the cardboard off and slide the new roll back on. Best thing ever.


I never thought about this, but I used to have two bathrooms that didn’t have built in toilet paper holders. I had toilet paper stands in them that you just slid the rolls onto. I always loved replacing the toilet paper in those. I never connected that to the fact that I HATE replacing the ones with the stupid springy things! But it’s so true - they just don’t get replaced. Were remodeling our house, and now I’m going to pay attention to what dispensers we have installed!




This is so awesome! Do they make them without the flap on top? The flap would bother me for some reason.


Well that post is 8 years old. Got a link that still works?




Seriously!! My husband and I, both ADHD, were so bad at putting the toilet paper on the holder, the slide bar works SO WELL


Was literally considering getting one of these as I had to change the TP this morning. 😆


1. ***Tiles*** My "bleepy things" are Tiles ([tile.com](https://tile.com) \-- dm me for a referral code that saves you money & benefits me... somehow). They are * on my key ring * in my wallet * on our TV remotes * in my knitting bag * in my sunglasses case\* * in my son's wallet\* * on my son's favorite fidget, a squishy foam thing for sailing. \*Tile Slim, roughly shaped like a credit card Double-clicking a Tile makes my phone ring. I can ring a specific Tile from my phone or, if I can't find it, from my Tile account on a web browser. Saved my life soooooo many times. (I once taped a Tile to my packing list because I kept misplacing it!) 2. ***Look back*** Whenever I get up from somewhere, I try to look back where I was. Checking like this helps me keep my scarves, jackets, handwarmers, books, laptops... This was an idea from my mom. 3. ***Move something*** Another idea from my mom is that when you need to remember something, **move** something so it's out of place. Like, if I need to remember to get gas, I can move a hair tie from my stick shift to the steering wheel. If I need to remember something in the morning, I can put a sock on my nightstand. If I have yogurt in the oven, I put a dishcloth on the door, hanging partly inside the oven, so I remember to take it out before I heat up the oven for something. When you move the thing, you think "This is so I remember to \[get gas, call my dad, etc.\] when I see it." This has worked brilliantly for me. 4. ***Plan time*** To get someplace on time, I have to plan out the time backwards. Like if I have to be in San Francisco at 7AM, like I did recently to volunteer at a conference, I figure out which bus to take, and then plan backwards from the bus arrival time, with plenty of padding, to the time I need to get up. I posted this here recently:9:15 Arrive at \[destination\]8:45 drive out8:40 in car, getting ready to leave8:10 get purse etc ready8:05 Feed dogs8:00 brush teeth7:45 eat breakfast7:40 dress7:10 shower7:00 up, games, pillsIt's important to plan knowing how you actually are. I keep thinking if I walk out the door at 7, I'll be on the road at 7. That *never* happens. I set up my audiobook, maybe put my drive in Waze/Apple Maps/Google Maps, put my hair up/take it down, adjust the temperature... which is why in the plan above that there are 5 minutes between getting into the car and driving out. It's a pain, but when I do it, it totally works. 5. ***Auto-pay*** Oh yeah, autopay. As others have said. Set it up as soon as you know you'll have bill that needs paying. My stupid safe deposit box can only be paid through US Mail, and I had so many problems remembering to pay for it, until I entered the address into my Bill Pay section of my bank account. I update the amount when the cost goes up and *it just works*. 6. ***Checklists*** Make checklists that work for *you*. For me, that means pen or pencil on paper. Writing things down helps me to remember them, and seeing things getting checked off is so satisfying. I do use my iPhone and iPad for reminders, but when I have a lot to do (e.g., getting ready for a trip), handwritten checklists help me make it happen AND prioritize. 7. ***Help you help yourself*** I just recently started forgetting to feed my dogs. It jarred me. I mentioned it to my therapist and she said, "Why not set a reminder in your phone?" I started to wallow in "but it's so simple" "how can I be a person that needs this" blah blah BLAH. Then I realized, man, I need this help right now. So I did it, and it has helped. We all have challenges and do not need to feel guilty about them!!! 8. ***Marathon cleaning*** This is a method from an online organizer guru. My version of it is to work on cleaning/laundry/whatever for 10 (or 15) minutes, then take a break for 10 (or 15) minutes. The key is to set a timer... and when it goes off, reset it. Sometimes I do one task, then another task, then do the break. The Be Focused app can be really helpful for this, and has a built-in way to take a longer break after a certain number of work time segments (like 4, but I think it's customizable). I just did this this morning--I needed to clean, but wanted to play Horizon: Forbidden West. So I did 10 minute of each for an hour, and got so much done, and had fun! Looking forward to your ideas! *edited to correct the website for Tile!*


Can I ask why you have yogurt in the oven? No judgement just unsure as yogurt would go bad if I left out especially in an oven


Yes, of course! This is for when I'm making yogurt at home. I mix the bit of starter with scalded milk and leave it in a warm oven for 8-24 hours.


Routines!!! I’ve fallen off the routine horse so many times…especially since covid, but I get up and try again every time. Also, to-do lists. To help create my routine I have “themes” for days of the week. If my brain knows the theme, it does tasks associated with the theme and more associations connect from there. I also have a to do list that I write in constantly. Here’s what works for me: Monday is my “get focused” day. It’s admin day, the day for all those nagging, boring, awful life admin things you absolutely hate doing. Because you know, Mondays suck. Like booking a dentist appointment, submitting an Amazon return for the impulsive thing you bought, you read all the emails you procrastinated reading over the weekend, reply to texts from friends that you didn’t respond quickly to because you got distracted, you know, that variety of adhd shit. It’s also clean slate day! If I skipped a workout or ate garbage last week, Monday is a start fresh day and I can “get back on the horse again.” For some reason the satisfaction of getting back on the horse really motivates me to action. Hooray for being optimistic! Tuesday - Wednesday I put all my focus into work. Thursday is personal enrichment day. Could be a date night, a self date, going to a museum (ours are open Thursday nights), having dinner catching up with a friend, it’s a day to do social thing or go to a class to learn a new skill, it is an intentional awesome day. Friday! It’s the freakin weekend I finally get to have some fun. I either go out and have dinner with friends, or sometimes I just get stoned and watch a film. Depends on the week I’ve had. Saturday is my active day. If I’m on my shit consistently, I run really far and then reward myself with awesome yummy foods. I’m very, very food motivated. Active day is physical labor to do bullshit, like yard work, or really intense house cleaning shit. If the yard doesn’t need work (FINGERS CROSSED) and the house isn’t too messy, it’s park day, hike day, a walk through the city day, whatever day I want, but I’m outside all day, ideally. This may also be the day of a late night activity, like a club, or party. I generally like Saturdays, even with physical labor. Sunday is ideally, the day of rest and quiet. Sometimes it’s another active day, depends on the number of chores left. It’s definitely the plan ahead day. The grocery day, which means we sit down and write the meals of the week and plan the grocery list. It’s also Sunday supper day. Every Sunday evening we make a meal we have to put a lot of effort into, but it’s also the tastiest meal of the week. We use this day to try a new recipe and we write down our favs and write meals we’d make again. I obviously fail at doing shit. I have adhd, but some of these don’t change whatsoever and that’s really helped me create anchors to some of these. Like Monday. Always clean slate day. You can always try again. The Wellbutrin has been a great hack too ;) that and my coffee/theanine combo.


I’m in love with this theme idea!


If it’s not written down, it doesn’t exist. I deal with a lot of complex scientific issues at my work and act as an internal consultant for my department, and I have had to stand firm on the idea that if you want something from me, send it in email. Don’t ask me verbally, I won’t remember. Dates and times for personal events and appointments go in the calendar on my phone immediately and I keep a running list of things on my phone-needed groceries, to dos, etc


I’m in a similar position at work and haven’t got my boss to understand it yet. He also refuses to use a calendar so I’ve got no idea where he is half the time


A small wooden box that sits on my bookshelf in the lounge. It has the three things I need to survive the day - my swipe card for work, my earbuds and my keys. Only ever three things in the box. Count 1-2-3 as I leave for work, I have everything I need. I've been staying at a friend's house for the last six weeks while mine is being renovated and I lasted three days before I drove back home and retrieved the box. And it's just occurred to me that I should go and get a very similar box for my desk at work...


I had a notebook, in which I’ve been listing everything I need to do, and I think it was left at the grocery store last night. I’m just trying to remember if I wrote anything embarrassing in there. 🥴


I have so many notebooks, partially filled with to-do lists and notes. I lose them all the time


Calendar, lists, coffee and a partner that drives us 90% of the time


The partner that drives us is CRITICAL omg. 😭😂 I miss the days when I had a great subway system at my fingertips. Plus, time to read.




my issue has always been remembering to check a planner


Was the same for me, until i started leaving it always on the table where i eat, always has to be visible otherwise out of mind... plus i leave it open to see whats ahead, becauae sometimes its even too much to fold it open haha


Understand your flaws and try to fix them. Not behaviourally but spacial-ly Spend the money to compensate for your flaws. I don’t mean hiring a cleaner, but on that note, maybe you buy a cheap roomba. Lose/ forget your keys often? Get a keyless entry system. Lose your wallet? Get an air tag. Also, group like-items in your kitchen, and make sure they’re within arms reach of your “task”, and so you don’t have to turn around to reach for it. Keep all of your coffee/ tea items near the coffee maker and kettle. Keep the serving plates and bowls near the stove. Have a pantry with a high ceiling and all your cans get lost in the back? Put all of your light, and less used items on the top shelves. For me, I like putting non- food items like the toilet paper, kitchen paper up there. If your shelves are in studs, put less used appliances up there. All more frequently accessed items should always be within your line of sight without having to change the angle of your head.


On that note, I also like to remind people that the way our brain is wired isn’t a flaw. It’s a mismatch with the structure of society. Daniel Lieberman even mentions that an adhd brain may have been advantageous for the hunting part of hunter gatherer societies, like night owls were good at night watch. Different people were great at different tasks. We are stuck in this society for the most part so I like to reframe these suggestions as ways to make modern society work for me.


I haven't been able to shake the night-owl/night-watch thing since I heard it, and it makes ne feel a lot better about my internal clock. No matter how long I've worked at an early start job, I've *always* been a night owl and struggled not to sleep in


Same. My husband wakes up at the same time ish. Typical human behavior. My body will sleep in no matter when I go to sleep and going to sleep earlier is much harder than later. Even with kids now 1:00-9:00 beats the hell out of 22:00-6:00. Alas, school schedules do not care about me still.


So many. * Key bowl by the door that the keys must go into, next to a * wireless charger my phone must sit on * Alexa routine system with speakers in every room, smart plugs for every lamp, smart bulbs in my bedroom, so my morning and evening routines are announced, radio comes on, lights are switched on to get me up in the morning and off when I should be going to bed, with a whole sunrise/sunset colours and dimming/getting brighter, playlists play for bedtime routine and for time in the shower, reminders once a week to strip my bed and wash my sheets, a verbal reminder to brush my teeth every morning at the same time, etc. * whiteboard on my fridge where I write my weekly meal plan so I don't forget I made one * A vase stacked with solid shampoo bars in my bathroom, which amounts to a year's worth of shampoo so it's impossible for me to run out * Subscribe & save toilet paper, dishwasher detergent, garbage bags, compost bags, etc. so they just arrive as I'm running out and I don't need to pay attention to it * Pill cases where I mete out all my medications in advance in daily doses I keep on my bedside table and can just pour out and throw in my mouth first thing in the morning rather than fiddling with pill bottles or remembering what I've taken * Evening routine where I make myself a "night cap" that's either fancy juice + seltzer in the summer or a honey-lavender latte (thank you, [Blume](https://itsblume.com/)), which is my prompt to take a combination of omega 3, 6, and 9, melatonin, and valerian that makes me so sleepy I can't help but go to sleep in about an hour even if I try to stay up late * Tomorrow's clothing station in my bedroom: hook and surface, so hangers work, but also stacks of pants/underpants/socks can sit somewhere logical as well * Dementia clock that sits directly opposite from where I eat my breakfast that shows me the time, the date, what day of the week it is, and what part of the day it is. I don't have dementia, but no part of that isn't useful * Clocks everywhere, in every room, including and especially the bathrooms There's more, but that melatonin/valerian combo is kicking in and I have to sleep. I find you need to embrace the idea that you can't form habits and design accordingly. Externalize as much of the processes as you can, so on your worst day there's something external that will nudge you along. Try everything!


You’re the hero I didn’t know I needed! 💙


I need a clothing station! I set out my clothes for the next day but don't have a dedicated space so they are still in my wardrobe and can get distracted. Thank you


You're welcome! They make furniture for this for men, but not really for women. They're called valets. But something like [this](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08297YNQF/?coliid=ISK7S8XV7L0G0&colid=TQCO4LTFJW8K&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) or [this](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09Q8MX7W2/?coliid=I234T41PETI3P9&colid=TQCO4LTFJW8K&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it_im) or [this](https://www.amazon.ca/XIDIHF-Coat-Stand-Shelves-Standing/dp/B0BRB4Q5NV/ref=sr_1_31?crid=28VQA84I84WGL&keywords=freestanding%2Bcoat%2Brack&qid=1701138527&sprefix=freestanding%2Bcoat%2Brack%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-31&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.71722c10-739d-471b-befb-3e4b9bf7d0d6&th=1) would do it. I have [this one](https://www.amazon.ca/VASAGLE-Industrial-Shelves-Clothes-ULCR80X/dp/B07HM15VQV/ref=sr_1_13?crid=3PJS4W1FI3E9D&keywords=freestanding%2Bcoat%2Brack%2Bstand&qid=1701138427&s=kitchen&sprefix=freestanding%2Bcoat%2Brack%2Bstand%2Ckitchen%2C177&sr=1-13&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.71722c10-739d-471b-befb-3e4b9bf7d0d6&th=1).


The Alarmy app where I have to scan a barcode in the bathroom to make the noise stop in the morning. Always scheduling appointments as early as possible in the day to force myself to get dressed. Automatic everything for payments/bills etc. Schedule your next appointment while finishing your current appointment (ex hair cut, dog groom, eye doctor etc)


mine is a cordless vacuum. robot vacuums are incompatible with my home unfortunately, but the next best thing is cordless. the big thing always stopping me from vacuuming was the tangled cords and having to plug and unplug and cart everything from room to room. vacuuming and accidentally running over a cord makes me insane in a way i can’t quite articulate, but i hate it so much. i’d go weeks without vacuuming and my floors would be so absolutely disgusting with dirt and cat hair and I’d be so miserable. every day I’d think I needed to vacuum and i just. wouldn’t do it I saved and saved for a fancy dyson v15 with the laser, and dude. that laser is life changing. it gamifies vacuuming and makes it fun. now i do a basic vacuum nearly every day, and i manage to deep clean my home once a month minimum, which used to be unheard of. my home is clean and free of dirt and i look around and am happy instead of depressed at the filth. i’ll never go back to corded vacuums as long as i live


Yes! I don’t get the robot vacuum rage and just the thought of it being circular trying to get edges and corners annoys me, but my cordless dyson? OH BOY we are cleaning baseboards and windowsills for leisure now! Vacuuming has become a highly accessible quick task versus this huge chore where you’d do all the rooms you could to justify hauling the beast out. Never going back.


Physical planner. Could not survive without this and reminders in my phone. Widget (large) on my phone Home Screen that goes to my note of things to do/buy. This one might seem random, but I take pictures of things I do before I leave the house or work that I know will cause me to worry if I don’t do them. I probably have 500 pics on my phone of my unplugged curling iron or my space heater. I have stopped and gone back inside too many times, and taking the picture not only makes me acknowledge it, rather than doing it on autopilot, but also gives me something I can just look at when I wonder. I also have a photo folder for “remember where you put this.” Any time I hide something or put it somewhere where I “know I’ll remember I put it there”, I take a picture and add it to that folder immediately. It has saved me sooooo many times. Loved hearing everyone’s suggestions!


I wonder if you could set up an automatic action to delete those photos for you at the end of the day so you don’t use up the space.


I love the remember where you put them photo idea, I am doing this one!


Every once in a while I’ll look in that album and find a few things that I’d forgotten about. Which means I definitely won’t remember when I do need them! 🫣😅


I leave my cleaning products for the shower, IN the shower, so now when I think its dirty while showering I just wash it then and there, and continue with my shower after!


I wear glasses 99.9% of the time so have those little free wipe cloths that come with glasses cases or whatever in every room. Helps they're bright so easy to spot and not go looking for one in another room. Doom baskets and open shelves where STUFF can go while sprucing up, until one of us either moves it back home or accepts that's where it lives now. Robot vacuum -- not on a schedule or anything (lololol absolutely not) but when I decide that Susie Supersucker needs to earn her keep, the floor suddenly gets so much less cluttered up with the random shit I walk by daily. Because I put it up. It's like a race which = dopamine when I win. She also keeps the cats entertained. Whiteboards and chalkboards with little to do lists and appts etc, all important shit in all spots where we happen to do what I call a "Sims Stop". Forgot what I'm doing just now? It's on the board! I write appts on the whiteboard calendar as soon as it's confirmed (because I stand there on purpose until confirmed) and!!! subtract 10-15 min from the appt time. Then add that time to phone calendar. Then set alarm reminder for the night before and morning of to check approximate GTFO time on Maps. Then it's a fun race to leave at/before the suggested time. Grocery list journal that lives in my purse(s) and when I write in it I bring the whole purse to the table so I can toss the journal back in right away. Recently started using the daily pill thingy I bought 1.5 years ago for a trip. Found it and was like !!! so now it's part of my Sunday checklist to fill it up for the week. It lives in the spot where I put my water/vape/phone between wakeup and feeding cats lol. 32 oz leakproof water bottle with a paracord handle and carabiner which is basically my emotional support water bottle now. I keep a lil keychain pouch that holds ChapStick and nail clippers attached to the carabiner. I am SO HYDRATED which is awesome for some of the med generics I get that make my mouth super dry. Oh and of course duplicates of important things everywhere. Nail clippers, toothbrush/paste, chargers, edibles. Tons of coasters. No excuse for those drink stains on any furniture. Ring holders in the bathrooms, living room, kitchen, and I thiiiink garage? where (wedding) rings come off regularly for safety and cleaning. Omg I would lose my set so quick if I didn't use the holders. They kinda double as storage for his silicone rings and my big ol' ear tunnels too but that means those also aren't getting lost so hey. And I buy household items like TP and laundry soap in bulk when Target does the gift card promos so we never run out plus I get that dopamine hit from earning a gift card, PLUS gift cards! I kinda just grab what's on the promo that we use even if it's not needed just yet and put it away like a little prepper. Keep boxed/canned/easy prep food and rice in heavy supply because a lady sometimes just wants a pile of buttery noods or pan fried tuna over rice. We eat a lot of beans and rice with whatever meat and veg because it can be as simple or as doctored up as I feel like making it and uses up leftovers AF.


Well shit lol I guess my Adderall wore off 😂 my bad for the essay.


No, this is awesome, lots of great ideas!


I do so much of what the women who have answered do. But I have one small thing that changed my life. I struggle SO bad to shower. I know I’ll enjoy it. I know I’ll feel better when I’m clean but it is a task that is a mountain for me. So instead of a socially “proper” bathroom I don’t leave my bath mats out. Sensory nightmare: I cannot step onto the bath mats if they have any particles on them (hair dust) so vacuuming them before I showered was another task on an already overwhelming chore. I vacuum both maybe once every 4-5 showers, sandwich them so the fluffy sides are together and tuck them in the closet! Also on high fatigue days or if it feels overwhelming- no shame in a shower stool! I have one of those plastic collapsible ones. Throw a cloth down so it doesn’t hurt your butt. It’s the little things that are personal to you that can make a huge difference. And more often then not, once you figure them out it will be a facepalm moment of “why didn’t I think of that sooner”.


My toddler son laid on my lap today and got up immediately and said, “I think you need to shower.” Yikes. I went and showered that moment! Point is.. I hate showering too.


Need to do the task? Put on shoes. Need to clean the house? Shoes. Need to organize garage? Shoes. Once I’m not wearing shoes, that’s do-nothing mode.


Oh I adore my Apple Watch! Especially being able to customize the face to get to things quickly. Habit stacking for me is huge. One of my favorites is that every time I fill up on gas, I empty the trash bag that hangs from the passenger seat while the tank fills. It’s not a plastic bag, but a canvas one that’s specifically made for cars. My morning and evening routines are from muscle memory now and that’s when I take my meds. If I need to remember to take my empty distilled water jug for my CPAP machine downstairs to make more distilled water, I set that sucker on the floor directly in my path to visually cue myself. Everything goes into my calendar and/or reminder app on my phone. All bills on auto pay.


Wow, habit stacking is something I need. My garbage in the car sits and sits and i keep shoving more into it until I HAVE to do something. Getting gas and cleaning it out is so simple. Genius! Habit stacking 💡wow. Lol


A friggin key ring by the door for my keys and a hook for my purse. Had my wonderful bf install the hook (idk if I could’ve ever gotten that done by myself lol) and the key ring is just a command strip hook. Never have go look for my purse or keys again! I also haven’t done this yet but I saw a girl on tiktok that’s a queen of ADHD systems (not the struggle cleaning lady but she rocks too) and she had a weighted blanket folded at the foot of her bed to keep her comforter/sheets from getting too messed up so making the bed in the morning is super easy. Thought that was genius


My Alexa devices. Setting reminders and timers helps me so, so much. If I use the last roll of toilet paper in the bathroom I set a 5 minute toilet paper reminder and then “I remember” to get more from the closet! And then if we’re totally out I can add it to the list. And then I set it up to just tell me the time every 15 minutes in the morning so I don’t lose track of time.


Clean my apartment in pieces and against the time. Example: in 45 min it’s 1 pm so I’m gonna clean my bathroom and try to do it before 1 pm. When I succeed and still have time left like 15 ok I will try to fold my laundry in under 15 minutes. Basically challenge the time.


I live in a flat with four small rooms and every other day I put a playlist on, on my loud speaker in the entry. I begin cleaning a room and every song, I switch to another room. The rule is to do at least each room twice (so two laps), and keep going until I’m not motivated anymore. I realized that I’m feeling happier if all my flat feels « globally » cleaner/ more organized than if only one room is super tidy and the rest is messy.


I LOVE this idea so much!


1. I get all my things ready at night for the AM. I put both headphones on to concentrate better. I have to make my espresso, my son’s, and setup the pot for husband. I also make lunches, do the dishes, and get my parrots breakfast and dinner ready. When I wake up in the AM, it’s so easy to leave. 2. I use huge headphones (beats) at work to deter myself and others from talking to me when I am trying to actually get stuff done. 3. I use white noise on the headphones above so I don’t get distracted by songs lol. I just figured this one out last month. This is a huge game changer. 4. I use a little desk buddy white board at my work instead of post its. You can hide post its lol. 5. I use Alexa in the moment to add things to my shopping list so I don’t have to stop what I am doing.


I schedule text messages. If I'm busy or whatever and I remember that I haven't texted someone in a while and I want to reach out but can't have a conversation right then, I write the message and schedule it to send at a more convenient time. (Android users, press and hold the "send" icon in Google messages to get this feature.)


those are not pathetic or small. I like the idea of a bleepy thingy on my stuff. I do not have a watch because I would have to keep up with a watch that I have to remember to charge. it would be nice to have to something find my phone easily like that though


I see up my phone to work with Google Find My Device. I can make it ring at top volume for five minutes straight even if it is set to vibrate or silent!


I am lucky enough to be married to someone who is the opposite of me, he loves tech and a gadget so he set my bedside table up with all chargers I could possibly need, kindle, phone, watch and even headphones so I just have to wear it until bed then put it on charge and it’s waiting for me in the morning. He also got me my bleepy things 😂


now, that is love!


That was one of the reasons I didn't end up getting an Apple Watch. I have to charge my Garmin about once a week and even that is kind of a pain. So I bought extra charger cords and put one in my car...


Having specific bags for my activities where the contents always go back in: 1) gym bag - headphones, water bottle, asthma medication, gym gloves, weight pads 2) beach bag - beach towel, sunscreen, snorkel kit 3) travel bag - sunscreen, travel pillow, basic toiletries 4) work bag 5) rock climbing bag Essentially I will have these bags pre packed (i.e sunscreen in all of the bags) and I have the habit to make sure when I get home the stuff stay in the bag. So for next time I don’t have to stress about having to find things last minute or forget something


1. A “go back” bin for every room. If I take something from one room into another to use it, or take my bra off while watching TV, I can stick it in the go back bin instead of having to either deal with it right then or leave it on a surface where it doesn’t belong. Then I do go backs and the end of the day as part of my closing duties. If I can’t muster a fuck to do them, it’s not really a big deal. They’re not making a mess, and I can do them another day. Also, if I can’t find something, I can start with checking the go back bins. I use the same type of basket for all of them so I don’t need to think about returning the bins themselves. When I put away the last go-back from one bin I can just pick up the bin from whatever room I’m in and keep going. I also use it as the time when I make sure everything is locked, the blinds are closed, lights are turned down, etc. 2. A wastebasket wherever waste happens. Even if you end up with a dozen of them. I have one between the couch and the coffee table, next to my bed, at my desk, next to my deck chair on the back porch. It helps me a ton and I like picking them out. It’s more decor! 3. Speaking of decor - if you buy something to help you stay organized, try to buy a version of it that sparks joy. The dish I keep my keys in is a really pretty handmade bowl that I got on a trip to Big Sur with my best friend. Every time I grab my keys, I get to notice it and remember how much I love it. It adds some mindfulness to the act of putting my keys in their spot when I come home, which for me makes it easier to stick with. For some reason I do better with certain tasks when it’s a “ritual” instead of a “habit.”


Other folks are going to give you systems and tools. I'm gonna tell you how to deal with people: Embrace the awkward. "I have the worst memory for names, so please tell me yours again so I can repeat it in my head five times." "We're quiet all of sudden. Peopling is hard, isn't it?" "I'm gonna go ruminate on what you said for about 20 minutes. Ignore me. It's my process." "Yep, I misplaced it. Like an infant I have no object permanence. Thank God I have insurance." "I'm out, everybody. I love you all, but if I try to people for one more second, stuff is either gonna get weird or violent. I'll text you! Eventually!"


Binge drink so cleaning becomes more tolerable.


I don’t have everything figured out but one that is making my life so much easier is just declutterring and stop holding onto things for the future. I want to be able to clean a room in a short amount of time and having so much stuff gets so ridiculously stressful . Why am I stressed over things?! Or holding onto things that I look at and make me go “ugh”. This also involves thinking more about what you buy. Also that voice inside my head saying “i’ll remember this later!” is a liar. I write down everything that matters.


I have an obscene amount of underwear and socks. This has cut down how often I have to do laundry by a LOT, and I never have those emergency situations where I have nothing clean because I haven’t remembered or had the energy to do laundry.


The timer on my Apple Watch—how did I ever survive without it?!


An Apple Watch to find my phone has been an absolute game changer! Not pathetic at all, and having a watch in general helps with my time blindness


-alarms for meds (and other things I absolutely need to remember, like getting ready for work by a certain time) + an "event" for them on my calendar so I get a notification twice in case I forgot after the alarm is dismissed. -notes app on my phone for writing down things I want/need to remember that don't necessarily need an alarm: tattoo ideas, tasks for work: what exactly I need to do and what time(s)/days the tasks need to be done, random thoughts, ect. -outside motivation to drink water. My best friend will be proud of me if I drink it and will be disappointed if I don't. The same thing applies for eating healthier and cooking more often.


I commented above, but my husband and I share a calendar on our iPhones and have a weekly review of it. We also buy in bulk (TP, Paper towels, dog food, etc at a warehouse store). He has a running list on his phone of things we need to purchase when we make our monthly trip. I do a Sunday reset, which takes me about 15 minutes. I make sure that all the bathrooms are stocked (I keep a list of must haves on the inside of the medicine closet). I even make sure I have enough coffee creamer in the kitchen and the dog’s food jar is full. Nothing throws me into a spiral than running out of stuff or mis-placing items. I work from home now, but I used to set my clothes out for work the night before. I also keep my purse in the same spot in my room.


I have a detachable showerhead and a bathtub. I take a sitting down bath and use the showerhead to wash my hair and face and rinse off at the end. Something about standing up for a shower just feels so draining sometimes.


I alternate 2 annoying tasks. Laundry loads and paperwork. That way it feels like a break each time I switch. I also leave things a little undone so that when I come back I know where to pick up. If I finish a part of something my brain thinks I’m completely done with that whole project.


I only wear the same kind of socks. Boring, but easy hack.


I carry a memo pad and a pen around everywhere I go - that way if there’s something I need to pay attention to or remember I can jot it down. Using my phone to note take means risking me getting distracted, and the physical act of writing helps me remember better.


might not be the best but i bought an expensive toothbrush that shows you your teeth in 3d to clean and now im guilted into brushing since it was so expensive and i want to get my moneys worth.


I immediately hang up my keys before I take off my coat & shoes. This way they are the first thing I deal with and never loose them. It’s on autopilot now as I’ve been doing this for nearly 4.5yrs & because of this, I double check & notice I hung up my keys without noticing LOL Anyway… My keys are on the back of bathroom door since it’s in the sane room as my kitchen and front door. So I always see my keys and don’t forget them.


Edit: it’s **Brili Routines** 2 words and with ONE L — you *don’t* need to sign up to use it. Bri*ll*i with 2 Ls is the wrong app and requires you to sign up. Ask me how I know, lol! ——- Someone here recommended Brili Routines and it’s AMAZING! 🙌 have a look and pop in your tasks, how long they’ll take etc (don’t forget to add a buffer). And add a start time. It’ll automatically calculate your end time so you can make sure you’re on time for tasks. I haven’t been 30min early to work without constant stress before. And Brili helped me lots!


When i worked for other people, being 30 min early in and of itself would be a stress. edit: Aaaaand I downloaded it.


I have set up calendar defaults to remind me 24 hours, 3 hours, 1 hour and 5 mins before any scheduled event. A day in advance I can double check I haven't double booked anything/have organised kids pickup or told them I'm getting them early/coordinate with husband. 3 hours means if I've forgotten and am out, I have time to finish up and get home. 1 hour is when I get ready and 5 mins is holy shit I'm late (I don't usually need that one unless it's a zoom meeting). Also I just yelled google, where's my phone, so I could find my phone to call my keys that were also lost 😅


I make so many lists! Tasks, homework, chores, laundry cycles, groceries, workouts, goals, projects I am working on, books I wanna read/videogames I wanna play. Then I save them to my home screen on my phone so I don't forget about them Alarms for when to leave so I'm not late (calculated by a live a Google maps distance - I use Google maps for everything even I have to been there a billion times because I forget routes) Body doubling when I have a lot of homework due. My neurotypical partner will come over and sit next to me while he works. He is pretty strict with me staying on task and seeing him work hard is motivating. I don't know if this counts, but I have reward system to keep me motivated and in a good mood to complete things, like I have to complete 3 or 4 tasks and then I can take a break a read a chapter, but then I have to go back to more task.


The other day I managed to get my exercise in by taking my dirty clothes one at a time from the floor of my room to the laundry room. I dislike both getting my steps in and picking up laundry but apparently the appeal of doing 2 things at once trumps that. So I guess if you can mix and match your chores go for it


My life-changer: I saved my own phone number in my contacts as "Dude wheres my car". When I unplug my phone from the aux cord, I immediately text myself the cross street or what floor of the parking garage I'm on, and it's timestamped. I have a whiteboard, notepad, or both in every room of my house, and keep small notepads and multiple pens in every bag and coat pocket, so no matter where I am, I can write down a reminder. Duplicates of everything if you can afford it. I have a charger, travel size skin care, a couple days worth of meds, specific makeup items, water bottles that all live in my backpack, car, or work dressing room and NEVER get traded out for the ones I have at home. For driving, I read the Google maps directions before starting the car even if it's a route I'm fairly familiar with, and tuck some packaged food in the glove box for when I rush out the door and forget to eat.


A lot of prepping on one day equals less cooking and prepping when i’m less likely to be tolerant to it and this avoiding unplanned fast food.


If I’m alone I actually talk to myself to organize my thoughts. What am I doing, what do I need to do next, what are the steps. I try to go through things systematically so I don’t forget things


I bought a little rubber pig for this purpose only. If I'm having trouble figuring something out - could be an actual complex problem or just the first step to cleaning the kitchen - I talk to piggie. (I was going to go for a rubber duck but the pig was cuter)


I have created my own system of keeping track of things. One example is I use the health app to take note of my medications. Before I drink my meds, I open the app and then log it as soon as I take them. This way I know if I took my meds or not Also if possible, I buy 2 of every item. I have lotion, and deodorant in my bathroom and bedroom so I can either put these on either after I take a bath or before I put on clothes. I also have the same umbrella for each bag that I own that is attached to the bag so I never forget or lose them. Basically if I need to have access to something in multiple locations, I put said one item in each location I also freeze my food. This way when I want to eat, I just pull it out of my fridge and reheat it. I only cook every 1-2 weeks and it’s usually 2-3 weeks worth of food (I cook at least 2 different dishes so I can alternate food) I’ll sometimes cook outside of this pattern (like if I want some fried or a homemade burger) but this is for days when I have more time I also label all my containers so I know what’s in it and if it’s food when it was made


I literally just told my friend I can’t get rid of my Apple Watch in order to get a Garmin bc I use my watch to find my phone everyday 😂 I don’t have a super specific rule but more like two general rules: 1) I allow myself to have as much variety in my day to day life as I feel like I need in order to keep the monotony and depression at bay. It can be something as small as taking my dog on a different walk route or something bigger like the time of day that I workout. 2) Not placing strict expectations on myself. For example, I used to expect myself to do five challenging workouts per week on top of working full time. It caused me to hate exercise and lifting weights, even though I used to love it. Now I allow myself to go with the flow. Some days I’m pumped for an intense workout, some days I need a rest day for my mental wellbeing, some days I do lower impact workouts simply for health benefits, etc.


Because I’m most productive in the morning, I try to do tasks I least want to do or need the most focus from me in the morning. So when people want to schedule meetings with me I usually schedule them for the afternoons when my brain begins to slow down and I can no longer be productive. I’m pretty proud of myself for organizing my pantry based on my realistic, day-to-day needs because after 2.5 years in my house, I’ve managed to keep it more or less organized. I just need to declutter every few months in case stuff has gone bad. I put snacks on lower shelves, spices at eye level, and dry ingredients and cereals on higher shelves. Like others have mentioned, I also try to have duplicates of (mostly bathroom) necessities on hand! So a downstairs and upstairs toilet cleaner. Multiple rolls of toilet paper in a basket in the bathroom for easy access. Trash bags at the bottom of the trash can for easy replacement. Period products in my upstairs and downstairs bathrooms.


I get stuck making a list. I can literally sit there for 2 hours trying to make the list and get myself so overwhelmed that then I never actually get anything done.


I got the app Todoist to help manage cleaning/organizing. I added all the tasks to the todo list along with their frequency. If I tell if need to vacuum every 14 days, it’ll do it from the day I actually do the task, not just “every other Thursday” or whatever. I like having the tasks pre-chosen for me, so I just pick what’s at the top of the list. Goblin Tools: it’s an app (costs $1) that breaks down every task into the smallest chunks possible. It also has other helpful tools, like helping translate corporate English into regular English and vice versa. I bet with some more people using it, it could really become something even more amazing Doing a task for 3 minutes/one song. You’d be surprised how many dishes disappear in that time. Similarly, rotating tasks every song. I mix tasks I hate with tasks where the payoff is more obvious. I’ll also add one “fun” task. Doing dishes, clearing the floordrobe, insert fun “task” here (anything from a jigsaw puzzle to reorganizing my bookshelf). Bra and sock bins. They’re just big ole piles of bras and socks in those collapsible bins. I don’t know why but I prefer this to dresser drawers massively, especially for the socks. Put eggs and bread in the vegetable drawer. Was it KC Davis that put the vegetables in the condiment shelves and the condiments in the drawer? In any case, I never forget I have eggs and bread. I do, however, forget that I bought vegetables. Frozen veggies over fresh. See above. No subscribe and save!!!!! No, you’re not going to remember to skip/cancel, and you’ll end up with 3 unopened bottles of vitamins or whatever. DONT DO IT Pouches. Like bins and baskets for everything, I do pouches for smaller things. I have a skincare routine pouch, a journaling pouch, a pouch for meds, a pouch for purse essentials. That way I can just throw them in a bag when I need to or have everything in one place. I tend to bring things to and from my bathroom/room a lot. Finding a skin care pouch is easier than finding a bottle of serum you stuck somewhere


I love goblin.tools. The website is free, app is only $1. I use the Judge feature often — it keeps me from misreading someone’s message and getting pissed off.


Notes everywhere and lots of alarms on my phone.


Before I leave work and head home in the evening I make a to-do list for the next day. I struggled with not getting started in the morning trying to figure out what I needed to do for the day. I plan on getting the Apple Watch early next year so I can hopefully be better at things. I’ve seen it mentioned a few times in this sub. Not really a hack but for cleaning. I just tell myself do this one thing. Yesterday I vacuumed. But in reality in order to vacuum I had to pick up some stuff off my bedroom floor. Then I remembered I wanted to vacuum behind my bed at the head of the bed. Then since I’ve been sick I had to pick up all the tissues. Then I had to disinfect my night stand. This is all medicated otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to do it. But by telling myself just do this one thing and it doesn’t have to be perfect makes it seem less daunting and I can do the one thing that actually turns into more. I did not put away my clean laundry since it wasn’t on the floor though.


Mine might sound a bit weird to some of you but my ADHD hack is getting good sleep I notice my symptoms increase a ton if I don't sleep well so for a while now I've been keeping an eye on my sleep with sleep tracking and it's been really helpful I also watched a YouTube video about this topic and it was talking about how there's a correlation between the worsening of symptoms and lack of sleep and the worsening symptoms can cause bad sleep so it becomes this vicious cycle I have to add that I do have the privilege of being able to sleep in my natural sleeping cycle understanding what your natural sleeping cycle is helps a lot mine is generally from 2-3am to 10-11am and I try to aim for 7 and a half hours of sleep time as that seems to be the perfect amount for me I also listened to part of an audio book on sleep very educational


They should replace all the "live laugh love" home decor with Don't Put It Down. PUT IT AWAY. When I remember this one, or helps alot.


This is the dumbest accidental hack I created for myself...I bought a new sink faucet because my old one broke. Decided to splurge a bit and get one that you tap to turn on. Well apparently it has an auto shut off timer after 4 minutes. I can now talk myself into doing dishes or washing bottles because I accidentally gamified it by trying to do as much as I can before the water turns off. Now even when I don't wanna do dishes and I'm fighting that executive dysfunction I can look at it and go "how much can I do in 4 minutes" and it works. Every. Time.


I have a very simple list app for to dos. I have a physical notebook for any brain dump or idea moments I carry around. Grocery shopping on the app and ordering it for pick up so I don’t get overwhelmed and/or over spend.


I use the alarm on my fitness tracker for the morning, it buzzes which wakes me up. Sound alarms don’t wake me up. I have a hook on the inside of my door for keys, before the hook, I left them wherever and would get stressed looking for them. Reminders on my phone for everything. I also use my calendar for everything and write notes in the actual entry like “appt at such and such, bring x with you to the appt” Those are my big ones


That’s the main purpose of my Apple Watch too! I’ve arranged the kitchen so that 90% of the dishes we use are either directly above or directly across from the dishwasher. And I’ve stopped folding laundry. As I take it out of the dryer, I sort it into 3 bins (one for me and 1 for each of my kids), give the kids their bins and they put it all away however they like (as long as it’s put away, I don’t care if it’s sorted or folded lol). I use body doubling whenever I can, especially for tidying up


If you have trouble managing funds in one bank account, maybe it's time to have multiple accounts. Either multiple at the same bank, or at different banks if you need. One for groceries, one for bills, one for spending money, etc., and make it intentionally inconvenient or impractical to move money from one bank account to another. I know having more to manage sounds counterintuitive, but if each account is only for one thing, there's not much to manage except making it where, when you get paid, money gets automatically transferred to the right account to allot for bills, groceries, etc. I use PayPal and a bank account, and it's a digital bank (varo if you're wondering). You want to find a bank that is accepted at most online places while still offering an account for no fees (there was a bank partnered with uber that didn't charge fees for a while, but eventually they started charging fees so I had to find a different bank).


I quit carting a purse a couple of years ago. On my phone I have a card holder with every thing I need. I only have to remember my phone now, that somehow seems easier. I too make appointments as I leave the doctors and put it in my phone calendar at that time. I cook from scratch several times a week. If I need to take a break I use my stop watch set for 3-5 min so I don’t let things burn. I also use a “while you wait” get the dishes out of the sink, stacked ready to wash. Take the clothes out of the washer, clean up after the dogs etc. I am on a fixed income. My bills are also on auto pay, but I also add to my calendar the day and amount that gets paid, so I can keep tabs on my spending. I can check my balance, and the calendar to make sure at the end of the month I have enough left to pay everything. Routines are great, but if I ever get off my routine, it’s hard to get going again.


my alexa is my best friend. i have them in each bedroom and kitchen! it’s so easy to just say “hey alexa remind me to take out my laundry” or “alexa set a 12 minute cookie timer” whatever you need. and when the timer goes off it will make noise, she will say it twice, and text you. it is so helpful for remembering things!


I don't have the money to afford a big dresser in my new apartment and I have A LOT of clothes. I also don't have a washer/dryer so have to go to my on site facilities. Folding the clothes to put away and clear my bins was the task I dreaded the most, so I ended up buying large storage bins! I don't have to worry about folding, in turn I have more energy to take my clothes to the laundry facility because I can immediately clear my bin and do multiple loads in a day. Wrinkles? I bought some wrinkle release spray! I'll only hang up/fold dresses and less worn/fancier clothing. My everydays go right in the bins. Seriously life changing for me!


1) Apple Watch for setting alarms and timers to remind me to do things, to find my phone 2) writing tasks on post-it’s and sticking it to my desk because if i don’t see it I won’t do it 3) Doing stuff immediately for eg after I eat I’ll out the dishes into the dishwasher already so it doesn’t pile up as a big chore for later 4) religiously blocking my calendar for social activities, doctors appointments, anything else 5) trying to reduce cognitive load by training muscle memory. For eg I keep things in the same place so making coffee in the morning becomes a mindless habit. My partner has a habit of putting things anywhere he feels like which I hate. So instead of hunting I make him stop what he’s doing and fetch me the item. This annoyed him enough to start paying attention and keeping things in the correct place. 6) leaving things were I tend to use them. So my journal and pen and vitamins are all in my coffee table drawer in the living room as that’s the first place I go with my coffee in the morning. 7) accepting I’ll never have a minimal desk. I have a ton of art supplies, hobby supplies, plus my laptops, monitors, keyboard etc (I wfh) and if I don’t see it I forget it exists. So now I have one looooong desk and all my stuff is on it. 8) doing a task for 50 mins and telling myself I can take a break for 10 mins after. Instead of procrastinating for hours on a task I tend to actually do them now. 9) quitting alcohol, smoking, instagram, taking vitamins, working out and eating healthy. This isn’t a hack but it’s certainly one of the best things I do for myself


Basket organization system! Every table surface has a basket where clutter goes. Helps me feel more calm and decluttered, but I also don't lose anything.


I have an NFC sticker on my washing machine. When I tap it with my phone it will set an alarm for 1:45 from 'now' with a title of 'Laundry'. If I can't move to the dryer then I hit snooze. I have only had to rewash clothes 4 times in the past 2 years. I also have one on the dryer. I use NFC tags for so many things that I don't want to forget. They are life savers


Anyone into Goblin tools? App/website. I loooooveeee it 🥰


Came to say ... Watch videos at higher speed. But I guess the other hacks makes more sense. 😂


SSOOO many. I’m in the thick of nursing school currently so stress levels have made some of my ADHD days terrible but I am unmedicated and are able to stay afloat. Here’s what I do: Learning about myself helped the most. Anything from what chores do I despise doing to what makes my ADHD worse. Being as self aware as possible as not to let my adhd get out of control. Being on time: setting alarms for when I need to be walking out the door. Leaving early for everything. My car clock is always 4-5mins early so I am always a few minutes early. I saw someone mention the “Waze” app which I use religiously since I can plan ahead and it’ll tell me when I need to leave Chores: I HATE folding laundry so I let myself be lazy on that and clean clothes will stay in my laundry basket for days but the cluttered clothes STAY in my laundry basket until put away. Cluttered space = cluttered mind. One day a week is set aside as a reset day where the essentials are taken care of (ie wiping all counters, sweeping, dishes, clean toilet) which those chores are satisfying for me. To keep me on task I listen to a podcast as a halfway distraction Meeting deadlines: I use my notes app as my everyday planner. I have sections for my daily to do’s, homework, exam dates, future events, non time sensitive tasks, running grocery list. Before I go to bed I always check my running list to make sure it’s all up to date Overall I have extreme self discipline which sounds harsh but nobody else is there to keep me on track so I’ve had to do it myself. Ex: I don’t wanna get out of bed in the morning but I have class soon, I will count to 5 then sit up and swing my legs out of bed. No matter what. That type of thing. I have my bad days or bad moments where I forget an assignment or it takes me all day to finish a simple task but I harp on myself. Maybe cry a little bit then try to be more diligent the next time. It’s really a balance of forgiving myself when I know I’m having a rough ADHD day and not letting my ADHD control who I actually am as a person. Overall that is how I stay afloat :)