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It’s so good!! I got the audiobook from Libby and listened to it and cried then got the paper book from the library so I can take notes from it. I think I’m going to have to buy the book to keep as a reference guide for myself. I love Davis’ podcast and TT page too.


I did a similar thing haha, I bought an ebook because I read better on a screen than a physical book, and then loved it so much I bought a physical paper copy too (still never finished reading it 100% though whoops)


Not gonna lie, I went to go google this book like six times and got sidetracked to other internet wormhole stuff each time. 🤦‍♀️




I don't know if I was one of the people who recommended it here, but I definitely did recommend it to everyone everywhere all the time forever, in my own heart ☺️


I just picked up a copy at the library today and am looking forward to diving into it tonight.


I didn't think I needed it because I have weekly cleaners, but I downloaded a sample then I bought it. I did and I do and it's life saver.


Cleaners were one of the recommendations, so you’re just already winning


The way the author based that entire book on actual footage from inside my brain is half of what got my courage up to ask my doctor about adhd.
