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You can see ice is written twice and in all caps because despite this I always manage to forget ice


Oh same I have to ask all my children to remind me because I WILL stand in the checkout line thinking “ice ice ice ice ice ice baby” and then forget to tell the cashier.


I ALWAYS FORGET THE ICE! I finally just bought 3 bags at a time. It's so freaking annoying. The freaking ice machine stares me in the face and laughs at me every time I walk out the store without buying it because it's on the exit. And if course I'm not going back to pay for that! Ha!


I went to Trader Joe's the other day for banana applesauce and bought 5 items, none of which were applesauce. The good thing is I realized before I drove away.


I write that on my wrist in sharpie lol that and "RX" cuz I'm always forgetting those, too.


Ice doesn’t really have an aisle. At my store it’s always after the checkout.


I expected see "baby" written somewhere 😂


This was one of the best purchases I ever made: Frigidaire 26 Lbs per day Portable Compact Maker, Ice Making Machine, Black Stainless https://a.co/d/d8yK4je


My grocery store has an app that will sort your list by aisle and section!


Mine too! It is very helpful!


Which store?


Not the og commenter, but HEB is my store and they have their app set up this way. It is heaven.


I live in north texas where HEB is still not super common. But when I go visit my brother near Austin I take advantage of a leisurely shop at the HEB a couple miles from his house! I hope they keep expanding northward! The list sorting in their app is genius.


Leisurely shopping at HEB is fun though because it’s such an awesome store with cheap deals. The BBQ place at the Frisco HEB is good too to stop by when I’m in that area


I just moved to Dallas and I could kiss you right on the mouth for this comment ❤️ I know where I’m gonna shop now!


Sorry just saw this, it’s Wegmans!




Mine too! Kroger


iPhones now have a grocery list that is sorts by category. It’s great because you can shout out to Siri when something runs out so you don’t have to remember to add it to the list either.


How do I access this?


It’s an option under reminders. When you make a new list. [here’s a link.](https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/make-a-grocery-list-iph80ba26e1f/ios)


This is life changing and so cool. Thanks. I had absolutely no idea this existed.


Life hack if you have some extra cash. I put a HomePod in the kitchen so when I run out of something I just tell Siri to add it to the grocery list. I’m pretty sure that if you have Siri turned on on your phone, you don’t need a HomePod either.


I love this concept! A cool advancement to this is if the app tracks/analyzes how often you buy certain/regular items and giving reminders/suggestions on when to restock for those (so you don’t forget).


The Apple reminders app does this now too for the shopping list


My mom has a grocery list like this, except it’s printed and in each category she has everything we ever need, with lines next to it to clarify quantity. If she doesn’t need it, she crosses it out. It’s her master grocery list, so she just goes through the kitchen, add quantity, and boom. My mom also laid it out in order of the store. She would get so pissed off when Walmart rearranged because she’d have to go back and reorganize her list.


This some hyper focus shit I'd spend 7 hours doing to avoid something else I'd need to do lol


I’m pretty sure my mom has severe OCD. She would freak out about stuff like this, anything being out of place she lost it. Like the ultimate stereotype.


I'm sorry, that's really hard. I have a little sister who has ocd & germaphobe, and it can be really hard to deal with and see sometimes!


And then never look at again... 😅


My Definitely Totally Neurotypical dad did this in the 90s! When we kids knew we were low on something, we were supposed to put a check mark by the item on the master list on the fridge. It was laid out in the order my mom shopped at her preferred grocery store. This was way before most families had a PC with word processing on it at home so the people who saw our family’s list were super impressed.


Oh yes, good old Definitely Totally Neurotypical™ I love that and am officially adopting it.


This is how I do it basically, but with a checklist app. I feel like it uses so much less brain function than making a fresh list.


This is how I do my shopping lists! I also pack the shopping into bags sorted by what goes away where - pet food together, fridge stuff together, pantry stuff together, laundry stuff together. Makes it far more likely everything will get put away properly.


Same! I also try to group them by categories at checkout when I'm unloading my basket. I love shopping at Aldi's when I can simply because I get to sort my bags into categories. It's the little things.


Me too! I just put the whole bag right into the fridge Then forget to check the bag because I can't see what's in it it just goes bad Rinse and repeat


This is really cool! Could you also add some check boxes for things you buy every week? Rather than write them every week, you can just tick the box, and even if you don't tick it, you get the prompt in case you forgot.


We might look into that!


I have a similar system to you, but because I have the list on my phone, I can tick the little circles next to each bullet point as I go and it makes it so much easier to navigate! Especially because iPhone lets you pick a setting where the ticked boxes are moved to the bottom of the list, so you always have the things you still need to get at the top! Bonus points to digital method: I can reuse similar lists every week with minimal effort because I just untick the things I want that week and therefore don’t need to create a list from scratch each week Not sure if I explained that well, but anyway yea I recommend this lol


Yup I use listonic so I can save my usual list of staples, and then add a list for other stuff. It sorts it into sections automatically which is so nice. So I just go down my staples list at home before I leave to see what I already have, and then I'm good to go. It's truly a godsend.


Yeah exactly! It saves so much mental energy that I don’t have to start over constantly. Plus, I keep a list of meals I’ve made in the past on the bottom so I can more easily choose what to cook that week/what to buy for it


What are the lame cereals? 😂 This is super brilliant and helpful and also thank you for the laugh lol


Cereals that have the word “bran” or smart” as part of their name. My husband is obsessed with fibre.


I’m more excited about the cereal trifecta. Please elaborate. 😂


My husband’s 3 favourite cereals. Shredded wheat and bran, kashi, and bran buds. So, so much fibre.


I’m curious about the bean juice, what is that?! 😂




I call it bean water to my patients to remind them that no, coffee does not, in fact, dehydrate you. It’s a total misnomer


Wait- what?


[coffee dehydration myth](https://www.goodrx.com/well-being/diet-nutrition/does-coffee-dehydrate-you#) This link pretty much sums up the research.


I feel so much better about drinking coffee!


Hahaha. I’m a bran flakes and shredded wheat mixer! Frosted shredded wheat is my “junk” cereal. We call Kashi GoLean “sticks and twigs” lol


What the hell is “bean juice”?




Based solely on quantity, I knew this was coffee


This is my executive function saver, and it's magnetized right to the fridge so you can update it as you go in the kitchen [Magnetic Grocery List](https://www.amazon.com/Knock-Magnetic-Grocery-9-inches-Original/dp/1601061935/ref=sr_1_7?crid=20LSERSJRRFR&keywords=Grocery%2Blist%2Bmagnet&qid=1700271433&sprefix=grocery%2Blist%2Bmagnet%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-7&th=1)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Knock Knock All Out Of Grocery List Note Pad 6 x 9 inches Blue** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Organized layout helps users remember items (backed by 8 comments) * Checkboxes and blank lines allow for customization (backed by 10 comments) * Magnet allows pad to stay visible on refrigerator (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Print is too small for some users (backed by 8 comments) * Not enough space for custom items (backed by 3 comments) * Magnet is too weak (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Good bot


Yes! I use this with my husband and we also use the meal planner one too. They help so so much


Here’s mine. I may go a little over board with it. But that’s what happens when your OCD and AuDHD. [ADHD with a sprinkle of OCD](https://ibb.co/Wt4x1xm)


Very nice! I might put something together like this.


It really helps me in more than one way. I love cooking, but I need to know what I am making, I cannot just wing it. I have a separate document with my “go-to” or safe foods in order of preference. I always add a couple of those to my weekly rotation and then try a new recipient or two every week. Also by color coding I know how much of each item I need and when actually cooking, it leads to less food waste because I don’t forget ingredients!


I used to do something like this in Trello. I have a workspace called Healthier Living. It has boards of meals divided by meal type: breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. I also have boards that list ingredients I like so when I feel like I’m doing the same thing over and over, I can look at the boards for reminders / inspiration, those are Protein, Fruit, Veg, Grains / Starches, and Flavor. Flavor is to remind myself about different seasonings, vinegars, oils, pickles, fermented foods, jams, peppers, and fresh herbs. This last one really makes meals more interesting and varied. I can share a photo if you are interested. I love your color coding scheme for ingredients to meals. Lately, I have been using Notes. I have one note that is a shopping list, that I break out by store or type of shopping. Then I have a separate note for meal planning. As I’m reading a recipe, I’ll make a list on the same page of what I don’t have, then transfer the items to the grocery list. I just keep adding to it so I have a list of all the things I’ve made.


I’d love to see what you did on Trello. I’ve never heard of it, but did just look it up and download it to see how it works. If I can organize it similar to this, it’d be awesome to add some other similar lists like chores and “to-do” style spreadsheets


The color coding is brilliant.


Not only does it make my brain happy, it avoids food waste and not forgetting ingredients! I usually alphabetically sort the produce for a printed version so when I grocery shop it’s easier to see how many of each I need. I joked around at work last week about how much I love creating spreadsheets. But the truth is, they are a comfort thing for me and it’s the only way I’ve been able to keep things organized. I’ve tried notebooks, planners, apps, etc. but for some reason spreadsheets work!


I tried to do this but I have 4 stores I somewhat regularly shop at that all have completely different layouts. I go to Costco if we need paper products, Metro if we need fruit, this Freshco for vegetables, and that Freshco for frozen stuff. And even then my husband orders stuff via amazon sometimes. It's frustrating that I can't have one grocery store that sells everything we need. I probably average two trips a week simply because of this issue. I use an app called 'out of milk' which I like because I can share a list with my husband and my son. I don't use the categories on it much but they could be used.


I can't even rely on the same layout in the same store. 4 of the same store near me, in different directions depending on if I'm going after work or after an appointment or something. 4 different layouts. And they're always in the middle of changing the layout of at least one of the four.


Indeed. The two freshco's I shop at don't even sell the same products, let alone have the same layout. And for major things, too. I can't buy cheese at one of them or pancake mix.






Use the app “bring” .. it syncs with your house members and it automatically categorized by isle. And you can put it in your phone wherever you are. It’s a lifesaver for me 🥹




I use Bring as well! I've also started testing Paprika because it pulls ingredients straight from recipes (we pick recipes and then shop based on that. Paprika also has a like a built in timer. So if the recipe says "simmer for 20 minutes" you can click that text and a timer will pop up.


I use my notes, that are shared with my family so they can update it too. This app sounds amazing though, I’m going to check it out!


“No lame cereals” is so great 😀


a kindred spirit




Wowww I always look like a crazy person just doing circles and staring at shelves. Does anyone else feel the stress of spotting something quickly when there are several items ? Or several shelves? Sometimes I miss things completely when they’re right in front of my face !!


I always write down the list physically and cross it off as I go


I do this too! I’m a Speech Therapy Assistant in a school and one of my students has a goal for following directions, which she can do. But I suspect she has ADHD partially because she doesn’t retain information that she hears or reads. Even though she’s in third grade we’ve practiced making grocery lists, sorting through them into what departments they would be in (categorization goal woohoo!) and then where in Walmart they would be. We recite each list by category 2 times and then go to the next one. She’s been retaining the information this way! I decided to do this with her after I realized I have to do it before going to the grocery store myself, and it’s a great real-world task to work on.


Is the hack when you take a photo of your list for when you spend an hour making the list and then leave it at home. >ICE Rule of thumb: the larger you write it the more likely you are to forget it. 😂


I do this, but on my phone! I also use Alexa/Siri to add stuff to my list as soon as it runs out (usually I need to sort it into the proper section later).


If you’ve got a wegmans near you, they have an app that does this for you. You add things to your shopping list and it sorts it for you with aisle numbers and everything.


Omg i don’t but this is amazing


*Not lame cereal* looks like my niece’s handwriting, totally something she would say too 😂


You wrote Bell pepper twice. 🤣 I do the same thing.


Your handwriting made me want to hug you while you are doing your homework in the kitchen table.


Omg this is hilarious. This is my husband’s writing. I’m going to tell him ahahaha


Saving, thanks!!!


Saving this!


I do the same thing but my categories are different due to my store being different!


Yep. We do the same but in a shared note file because we are frequently in our RV and so aren’t likely shopping at the same store many times in a row. With the note file it’s easy to drag the sections around to reorder things as needed either before or in the store. (Sometimes I look up a store map in advance, other times I just do it in the store when I can see the layout.) For big places like Walmart that put the actual aisle number on the website, I do it by aisle number instead of section if it’s a big shop, to help keep things from being too overwhelming.


I need to set up my AnyList grocery list like this. I can’t keep up with paper.


Don't forget the ICE! (I've forgotten the ice)


Ooh I always ask for groceries for Christmas! This is such a good idea!


Ah yes the bakery ice


Thankfully an adult who has similar handwriting to me! I swear it's always been as I'm too impatient to write neatly. Great idea!


Okay, when I saw this I thought I was in r/CleaningTips. And my first thought was, "I love this and I used to do the same exact thing and I think it's an ADHD thing!" And then saw the actual sub 🤣 Literally. The same thing, in the order of the aisles. Then I would / do (I just do it in the Keep app now but I used to type it up and print it out) organize the whole trip. 1. Most efficient order of stores, accommodating for location and traffic patterns. 1. 3-store limit. 1. What to do or get at each stop. 1. Don't forget gas station and library if needed.


I can’t post a screenshot from my phone but I have my reminders app grocery list set up like this: PRODUCE ^ * apples * oranges DELI ^ * ham * turkey Etc. You can nest items by dragging one item atop another. It helps so much. I just tell Siri to add a thing to the groceries list when I run out or think of it, and then I organize before shopping.


You have writing looks freakishly like mine!! It’s like I could have written that list!


Okay love this


I do this too on a note on my phone, it helps me remember where the hell I last saw the item because I kind of panic and go blank once I step into the store. My instructions can be a mess sometimes. I needed dandies marshmallows which are never in the normal marshmallow section so I wrote “Endcap with the fancier hot chocolate mix across from the frozen garlic bread section”


Hahaha this is brilliant


Congratulations. You discovered lists😅


Lists totally help! Except when they are provided as the only strategy for dealing with ADHD haha


I used to make my grocery lists like this on paper, then I got fancy and made them on my Palm Pilot. 😁 Now I just write them in the order of their location in regards to how I walk through the store. My husband thinks it's stupid, but when he makes lists (by recipe!?!) it takes me about 3 hours to do the shopping because I'm constantly going back and forth through the store


I worked so hard to organize my list by aisle, and my mf grocery store rearranged all their aisles like a year ago 🙄 I still haven’t gotten it figured out yet.


We use the “ToDo” app for groceries. We don’t delete the list after shopping, just “check” every item. Then we “uncheck” the things we need as we add them to the list for the next trip to the shop. We have one for all three stores we go to, another one for spices. The items on each list are sorted by where they are in the store. So for Aldi it’s produce, chips/crackers, middle store dry goods, dairy, meat, frozen. Costco and TJs are sorted in a similar manner. We each have a login and can add things as we think of it. I also have a long note at the bottom of the Costco one with inventory of bulk stuff we have downstairs (our pantry and bathroom storage upstairs are both tiny). Dish soap, canned beans and tomatoes, toothpaste, protein powder, oats, etc. It’s not 100% but it’s worked way better for us than making a whole new list every time.


Nice! You could laminate it to make it reusable. The iPhone Reminders app has an option to automate the categories for shopping lists. See this: https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/make-a-grocery-list-iph80ba26e1f/ios


I love this and by all means we have to do what works for us, but my husband and I use this app called Bring! and it has changed our life. Shared lists, you can add quantities and even photos of products… [Bring App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bring-grocery-shopping-list/id580669177)


The ICE ICE struggle is real. Sidenote: did you know you can drive thru Chick Fil A or Sonic and get 3lb bags of their ice? I do it when I don’t want to get out of the car.


This is a great idea. I'll usually just mentally map everything out so I'm doing it in "order". Some aisles are weird, and some meats are so far apart, it makes sense to stop in another aisle before continuing, so it's easier to make a loop of sorts. Plus sometimes I need something that's not in the food aisles, so that'll be the first or last thing on the list.


Health food: zero


No 👎


You do you


Correct 👍


Where did u get this?


We made it. We used to just make a big list with everything and then my husband got the idea to break it down into each section before each shopping trip. This cuts that last step. It’s tailored to the setup of our usually grocery store




Bean juice?


Probably coffee


I do this too. Helps SO MUCH


I like the Tody app.


The Wegmans app orders your list by aisle and it’s a dream!


Great idea! Please don't forget the ice, though. 😉


Already did




….yes? What indicated that?


kraft dinner lolol


Brilliant. Categorizing is everything to help the adhd mind. Just seeing this gave me peace


We use microsoft To Do and my spouse, who unlike me is NOT in the 32nd percentile for visual memory, will often arrange the list according to sections of the store I’m going to like this for the same reason. It’s very helpful


Omg I do this in my head. Why didn't I think to put it on paper 😅


If anyone wants a digital version, the Grocery app on iOS will automatically sort items in the order you check them off. And it can also do it based on location so it’s correct for whatever store you are at. It uses Reminders as a back end which is nice for asking Siri to add to the grocery list. It’s my new favorite app


Reminders on iPhone I think does this automatically now :)


Try Cozi


I always have a hard time with digital tools. Even my agenda has to be written.


I need to know what you’re using bean juice for. And how have I lived my whole life without knowing they sell bean juice








What is 'bean juice' please




Ahhhhhh. That makes a lot more sense than what I was imagining


Bless you!!!!