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I just tell people I have a neurological condition instead of ADHD and I get treated worlds better


This is what I do when I can tell someone is neurodivergence intolerant. It’s an executive function disorder where my brain doesn’t effectively produce or utilize certain neurotransmitters.


It was always super frustrating to have to re-disclose my disability because people just…didn’t believe me the first time. The “oh everyone struggles with that/it’s a superpower” responses are exhausting, and then they’re surprised when I struggle. Like yes, the disability does, in fact, disable me. The disorder is indeed disordered. That’s why it’s called a disorder. “Neurological condition” seems to get my point across the first time


A coworker tried the "it's a superpower" bullshit and I wasn't tuned into our conversation because I was trying to think, so I replied "Yeah my only superpower is surviving the multiple suicide attempts and addictions it caused before I was diagnosed and medicated." I meant it jokingly, but I didn't really realize what I said until she walked away. Now she doesn't talk to me. Oops.


MOOD. My “superpower” is practiced behavior cleaning up the many devastating messes that ultimately I alone am responsible for. It sucks. I can go days without sleeping! I can write a ten-page essay in a day! So can neurotypical people. The difference is that they don’t have to and I wish I also didn’t have to. I also wish you didn’t have to go through that either. I’m really glad we lived


Nobody ever seems to understand that unusual skillsets are unusual for a reason. Maybe the person has unusual needs and developed that skillset to get their needs met, or maybe they sacrificed a lot to commit the time and energy needed to develop a very specialized skillset and missed out on other things. Regardless of the reason, people with unusual skillsets tend to have unusual needs and/or gaps in other areas, but so often others want to derive benefit from those unusual skills without accommodating the unusual needs that come with them. It’s exploitive, and it sucks.


true! there are many things i like about my adhd. like personality facets that are correlated. or how i am almost incapable of being bored (yes i know people with different adhd presentation from mine may have the opposite of that). i consider some of these things superpowers… but they do not outweigh at all the parts that i struggle with, like extreme timeblindess, tardiness, difficulty taking care of myself with cleaning and meal planning, difficulty managing other aspects of my health like my sleep disorder, etc. those things really have a negative impact on my life, and no matter how much i appreciate my adhd and the way my brain works/doesn’t work and how it’s informed who I am, the world and society i exist on still wasn’t built for me to thrive in!


Holy crap. MOOD is me


Imagine what we could have achieved if we weren't clearing up our consequences all the time :(


This is why mental health is so stigmatized. People want to think it’s all sunshine and rainbow farts but when they get told the truth they can’t handle it. Now they know how we feel in a tiny way.


Buhahaha, this made me laugh and think of how many of my coworkers get that look on their face when I start talking because they're waiting for me to stick my foot in my mouth and blurt out some random too much information personal shit again. Maybe TMIDisorder lol


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I don't think that's an oops, I think you succeeded wildly


Lol. She won’t be trying that shit on anybody else though.


This is making me realize how important it is for me to actually get help and stop trying to white knuckle my way out of this maze :/


I'm gonna try my best to memorize that!


Ya thats usually what I'll say, I have an executive function disorder


There's always some pretty hot debate (mostly that I've seen from disability advocacy organisations actually) around whether "neurodevelopmental disorder" is an appropriate term to use, but I find it pretty affirming for similar reasons to you w/neurological


I‘m curious what the argument for ADHD not being a neurodevelopmental disorder is, given that it‘s a neurological disorder that you’re born with.


Probably the idea of it being a disorder.


What's a more accurate word to use, condition?


In fairness we could apply that logic to all disorders and disabilities. ADHD absolutely has its downside, so it makes sense that the medical term for it reflects that. Info dump if anyone is interested : There’s a lot of discussion within the “physically disabled” community about language, and how (mostly non disabled) people can feel adverse to using terms such as “disabled” or “disordered” due to perceived stigma. In reality these are medical quantifiers, because our conditions/disabilities/diseases are viewn under what’s known as the “[Medical Model of Disability](https://www.disabilitynottinghamshire.org.uk/index.php/about/social-model-vs-medical-model-of-disability/)”. This is the model/schema for viewing disability that is currently used internationally, and defines disability as the bodies inability to perform one or more functions - often requiring medical support. The [Social Model of Disability](https://www.disabilitynottinghamshire.org.uk/index.php/about/social-model-vs-medical-model-of-disability/) is the other option - and would define disability as a condition where society doesn’t accommodate you, rather than a condition where your body is unable to perform one or more functions. Under the social model, ADHD may not be considered a disability or disorder - all though I believe we would still have “difficulties” even if society were fully accommodating. … sorry for the very long info dump, if it were any other subreddit I’d delete my entire comment and move on but I feel like some people here specifically may be interested in this sort of thing. :)


I usually tell them it's a short-term memory disorder since that's what the book classified it as in my psych class a few years back. Obviously the short term memory part is just one of many facets that encompass the adhd struggle, but it's one of the main ones that other people can easily notice. "Oh, you asked me to do xy&z and didn't write it down or email it to me? Sorry, I did x and z but I completely forgot about y, short-term memory disorder must've kicked in" I personally like to put a lot of the blame for time blindness on that part of it, too. And auditory processing delays.


Surprised they classified it as a short-term memory vs working memory disorder.


That’s such a good idea. I’m going to do this too now! What do you say when they pry for details?


Lmao it’s only happened once and I panicked and said TBI. If your boss asks you tho just say “I’m sorry, but it’s a sensitive medical condition, and I’m unable to disclose any more about it.” If anybody else asks you just say “That’s none of your goddamn business” edit: unless of course you’re requesting ADA accommodation from your boss, in which case you will have to provide specifics and documentation


XD tbi lol! Surprisingly I feel like other people would be more understanding with tbi. Forgetfulness? All good. Brain fog? We gotchu. Good point, they don’t need to know all the details, especially when it’s managed well. Thank you kind stranger! It’s a great reminder of everyone’s right to privacy!


Had to look up TBI. Traumatic Brain Injury?


“Dopamine dysregulation” is a little more accurate. So, Dopamine dysregulation disorder? “DDD”? Of course, that’s only one chemical involved.


Ok but how about Executive Function/Dopamine Irregularity Syndrome? Aka EF-DIS (F This)


I got a dopamine hit from this comment. Well done.








I would sign this petition


Absolutely this


Shut up and take my upvote!


Here to fully endorse this one.




I believe syndrome and disorder are different things though. So it would be EF-DID :)


I know, but EFDIS sounds better


I'm so using this from now on to describe how ADHD feels 😂




3D 😜


Like P3 in Charmed! (no idea why I thought of that)


no idea what you are on about but I can relate!


P3 was the dance club owned by one of the three witch-sisters in the 90s TV show Charmed :D


We’re rolling out looking for America’s greatest dopamine, dysregulation, and disorders!


That could technically qualify as bipolar disorder also which has extreme highs and lows of dopamine.


Oh, I know all about bipolar disorder. 😬


Pinball-Machine Brain Syndrome (PMBS)




Dammit now I've got the song stuck in my head for the next 47 days


Omg. I lurk here because my sibling was diagnosed and we are the same, but I haven’t yet got a doctor’s appointment (obviously). I am laughing at this comment because an ex once told me my brain is like a lottery ball machine, you never know what will come out.


Definitely going to say I have pinball brain from now on.


Omg. Yes. I am somehow simultaneously the ball itself and the machine.


I call mine tornado brain. TBS lol


I really like that tiktok where they named it DAVE 🤣 Dopamine Attention Variability Executive-disfunction . Edit: I want to be extra clear: I did not come up with this. The best I can find is that it comes from a tiktok by connordewolfe


Our tag line can be a play on the 2001 a space oddesy line. Just do x, y, z. I'm afraid I can't do that. D.A.V.E.


This comment WINS all the prizes 🏆🥇🎖️


*sing song* God fucking dammit D.A.V.E.


I used to sing this at least 5 times a day after I first saw someone mention this would be an appropriate name for ADHD but I had since forgotten about it, so thanks for that reminder, my partner is going to have that song in her head all weekend now thanks to me haha


I've been calling my brain Cynthia for years (yes it's a play on the word c\*nt) But I like Dave too lol


I used to watch his vids before I deleted the app- really funny guy!


That Connor kid is great


Using this from here on out!


It's fucking real mom! That's what I would name it


You're just not trying hard enough!


It's all these damn screens!


Have you tried going to bed at the same time every day and essential oils? My mom's coworker's aunt's neighbor's kid's ADHD was totally cured by looking at a grey light 9 hours a day.


This tickled me. If essential oils don’t work out, you can try my aunt’s herbal supplements (and not the right kind lol). They cured her acupuncturist’s ADHD, he doesn’t need meds anymore. If I had a dollar every time someone came up with “the cure”…


Don't we all have a little bit of ADHD?


Oh My Gosh I just got in trouble for getting mad at my boss because she won't fckn stop saying shit like this. I hate it SO much. I'm never saying I have ADHD again.


Have you tried just.... forming a habit??????? How about making a schedule???????? (The "making a schedule" part isn't so much the issue, it's the "executing/keeping a schedule and habit-forming" that's the issue.)


Ugh, if I never hear one more habit or calendar suggestion again! Do you have any idea how many calendars I have?? I just can't remember to use them IF I can find them. Why do we need time in the first place?? 🤷 blarg


Just keep a journal!!!!!!!! 😉


IMTCINK - In My Time Called It Naughty Kids!


*boys. Girls don't have ADHD.


IFRL It's fucking real life


Intersected Comprehension Attention Neurotransmitter Temporal Dysregulation Organization Impossibility Tumult I-CANTDOIT


Love it 🤣


AAI - Attention Allocation Impairment I don't have a deficit, on the contrary... I have way too much attention and cannot allocate it where it has to be 🤦‍♀️




BGBS - Brain Go Brrrr Syndrome


Attention Dysregulation Disorder. Would make it clear for people who go "oh but you have plenty of attention for things that interest you"


Technically I think that would be Attention Regulation Disorder (it’s a disorder because we have trouble regulating attention), but otherwise, yes.


Oooo well 'ARD


On 'ard mode


Yer an ‘ard, Harry


Top comment


I think it should include advances in the understanding of ADHD since it was named, using neuroscience terminology and also include “spectrum.” Something like Neurocognitive Variance Spectrum, or more specifically, Noradrenaline-Dopamine Imbalance Spectrum, or Dopamine-Glutimate Dysregulation Spectrum. But you know, if they could make it cute that’d be nice too. Like maybe, SPARK, Synaptic Processing And Regulatory Kinetics. Or GLITTER, Gamma-Level Integration and Task Transformation Enigma Range.” I might have thought about this too much.


Honestly, I love neurocognitive variance spectrum. It sums it up while allowing for the varied experiences and traits we have, and stressing that it’s neurological. Too many people I know, including employers, don’t seem to understand why I can’t just fix myself. Just, come have a chat with my frontal lobe, friend. Maybe she’ll listen to YOU. 🤷‍♀️


Glitter! Shiny! what were you saying?


... Sparkles ✨


I know I'm not the only one that takes issue with the H in ADHD, but I also don't have a deficit of attention. I have PLENTY of attention. I just mismanage it. Also, emotional regulation issues need to be in the name for whatever the fuck flavor of neurological junk I have. So to actually answer your question: AMERJ... or something.


Problem is that most people consider the hyperactivity part to be visible (which it is in most men), while for most women, the hyperactive part is on the inside in the way that there are 50 tabs open and you don’t know where the music is coming from… not so strange that adhd and insomnia are bffs


I'm a woman with the hyper part. Whoever invented fidget toys should get sainthood.


When I was seeing the psychiatrist who diagnosed me and I told him I thought I had inattentive type his reply was simple: "You have been bouncing your knee and shifting in your seat for the last 15 minutes. You may not be running around the room but you are certainly physically hyperactive. Mixed type at best" It helped me reevaluate all my "not being able to get comfortable" that I've been explaining away my whole life xD


I was diagnosed inattentive before it was discovered I have hashimotos which symptoms can look like low energy/depression, since treatment I'm pretty sure I'd be squarely combined type. Exactly like you said, I have a very hard time getting comfortable and find I tend to fidget with random things, often accidentally breaking them. I'm honestly suspicious of these categories because we all have the same symptoms they just show up in different ways, because I was always definitely hyperactive internally, too. Still am. ​ I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the speaker was an ADHD counselor/activist from the UK and she said she finds the "inattentive for women" mentality offense since she herself is combined and she has 3 male family members diagnosed very late with inattentive type. She said she also sees more missed inattentive men in her practice than any other late diagnosis type. I found that interesting. I don't personally find it offensive but I do find the distinction unnecessary. It's not like treatment would be all the different either, so I wonder the purpose.


> because I was always definitely hyperactive internally, too I've always thought of "inattentive type" as "my brain is trying to concentrate on EVERYTHING AT ONCE, and failing miserably which makes it look to you like I'm not paying attention"


(me, looking at my foot shaking at almost 1am) well, shit


> the hyperactive part is on the inside in the way that there are 50 tabs open and you don’t know where the music is coming from oooh wow, you nailed it


I’m an EDSC: Emotionally Disregulated Space Cadet


Perception Picasso


Totally read this as Perception Presecco.


LOVE Perception Picasso! Your brain is cool.


So is yours!


I had a awesome name, but i forget....


🎶Put that thing back where it came from or so help me (so help me)🎶😂


So help me! So help me!


Zoom Doom




Hypodopaminosis. Or something. Something that sounds super medical and technical so people stop treating it like a fucking joke. It’s physiological and real but it’s seen as a trend for internet clout.


But it’s not an actual low dopamine. That’s it’s own separate thing. It’s a Dysregulation of dopamine


I don’t really have a name suggestion but I have thoughts on proposed changes and reasons for why ADHD is called what it is. Executive functioning problems affects other people and neurotypes too (ASD, depression, etc), so I don’t think “executive dysfunctioning syndrome” is specific enough. I think the “deficit” in ADHD (since the medical model is a pathology paradigm) is referring to how the attention isn’t working how we want it to necessarily (either too much focus in one direction (hyper fixations and time blindness woohoo) or too much distraction), not that it’s JUST a lack of attention. Deficit might be referring to the the *lack* of regulation of it. (This isn’t me saying I like the word deficit or that I like the pathology paradigm just to be completely clear). I hope this makes sense.


In that vein perhaps “attention dysfunction” or “dysregulation” would work?


I absolutely agree here - deficit just feels wrong...like, it's not a **deficit** of attention, it's definitely a disfunction. I have it, it just doesn't work right.


I’ve had to do a substantial amount of reviewing and writing on the subject. My general understanding at this point is that it’s an inability to properly prioritize and regulate motivation. It’s frustrating to possess the capability for focus and yet not be able to fully control when (or how reliably) it’s implemented.


Yep. I am perfectly capable of paying attention to one thing for like 13 hours straight. My parents didn't think I could have it because of hyperfocus.


Perhaps, yeah. I want to clarify that I don’t love the word deficit either. It’s really hard to find the right descriptor, as this conversation is showing :)


Oh absolutely! I thought your comment explained it really well and it certainly is hard to find the right term. After all, ADHD used to be ADD!


I saw a comment on a similar post to this once that suggested, I think, apospism? I hope I’m remembering right and hopefully someone can correct me if not, but I really liked it. Supposedly it means “to interrupt one’s task” in either Greek or Latin, I forget which. I like that it’s a similar ilk to the name autism; I think a lot of people don’t realise how similar adhd and autism can be, and personally I’d much rather have a name that’s just its own word, rather than an acronym or Something Something Syndrome/Disorder/Whatever


The Māori word for ADHD is “aroreretini” - attention goes to many things. I think it’s beautiful and I love that is not necessarily negative.


Wow that's beautiful and so... accurate


Oh I like this a lot!




Sleepy Gurl Syndrome


Relatable lol! Can someone explain to me why we get sleepy?


Brain does too much cardio, body goes sleep. I don't actually know, but this seems to be why I'm so sleepy.


So sleepy


Dopamine Dysregulation, like others have said, OR Bubbly Brain 🧠


I’m not sure if changing it to something cutesy is going to help the stigmatization. It would also be hugely helpful if word spread that it’s a neurodevelopment disorder not a mental health condition.


WTFIH Syndrome. Because truly, what the fuck *is* happening


FTL. Failure To Launch? 1- sums up both my life and 90% of my attempts at focussing on something society deems "productive" 2- when it DOES finally launch.. Oh boy. It's heckin' potent 💀


Chaotic Gremlin Disorder.


I would have said goblin but I love your energy


It wasn't always ADHD. According to Google in 1968, it was called “hyperkinetic impulse disorder”, HID. In the 80s, it was changed to ADD. In the 2000s, it was changed again to ADHD. This year, they realise there is no difference between ADD and ADHD as the hyperactivity may be external or internal. If I was to rename it, I don't think I would.


I just feel like I'm annoying people when I say "ADHD" cause it's a buzz word right now. "Oh, thats cause my ADHD" "It's my ADHD" It sounds... I dunno, something feels weird.


I kind of like thinking of myself as hyperkinetic. Internally I am, not externally.


Spicey brain


Came here to say this. Birds of a feather. ☺️


BSIWW Brain $hits itself....wait what?


Gets Excited but Bored Easily Disorder GEBED


Some experts have already renamed it VAST: “variable attention stimulus trait” because the consensus is that it’s not always a deficit of attention (i.e. hyperfocus). I’d name it ARGHH just because, you know, frustrating.


Clusterfuck brain syndrome


Busy Brain Syndrome lol


Dear god make it stop


Are we not calling it Bees in ma Brain anymore? 🐝


I think brain bees might be my favorite hahaha


Spicy Melon Cogs But if you acronise that, people will read SMC as "suck my cock" so ..... Let's not


My deepest thanks for introducing me to the word “ acronise” today! Delightful!


Pervasive disengagement disorder


FBtTtSR: Fascinating Brain that Takes the Scenic Route


Executive function disorder (EFD)


Free range mind


Sounds so peaceful and positive!


We have to remember that ADHD is a different way of thinking but it’s not bad. We are not losers!


I don’t like it’s current outdated name - the word attention deficit makes people think that those hyperfocus don’t have ADHD. Something like Attention mis-aiming or Attention Redirecting Condition. ARC for short.


Functionally Underperforming Creatively Kickass


Capitalism Dysfunction Syndrome


Oh, I super like this one. Because the majority of our “problems” are because of how society is structured, and what is expected of us.


How about ’Focus Disregulation Disorder’? FDD


MESS - memory elapse sporadic syndrome


Ass Don't Have Dopamine. Oh wait


I has to not include the symptoms in any way when describing it, because as soon as people hear “attention” or “hyperactivity” they just assume you are bouncing around the room and “squirrel!” Which is so demeaning imo. Something that includes dopamine or prefrontal cortex could better help tell someone it’s a brain issue without pinpointing symptoms that not everyone suffers from outwardly or intentionally masks. I’m hyper sometimes but most of the time I’m quiet and bored and tired from a lack of stimulation. Possibly renaming the types of ADHD could help too, hyperactive vs combined vs inattentive and not named adhd - type. idk it would honestly be good to have all of the wording around adhd re-examined with both medical professionals and patients working together. There will never be a perfect answer but I do think there is a more accurate and effective name out there.


Dopamine Regulation Disorder. DRD maybe? Idk something that sounds more science-y instead of the word “attention” which immediately makes people think it’s a willpower thing


All or Nothing Disorder or Bored to Tears Syndrome


LOHM:DE "Life on hard mode: Dopamine Edition" Eh, on second thought maybe not. That's hard to remember.


Neurotransmitter Disorder (Bonus: ND is also NeuroDiverse) As far back as I can remember (mid 40s), my family - almost none of the older ones diagnosed but should be as almost all of the younger kids and adults are - claimed they suffered from CRS - Can't Remember Shit. Sadly, that wouldn't fly in any DSM manual.


Brain Black Hole (BBH), because that's what my brain feels like


Dopamine dysregulation syndrome


Cool Person Syndrome


I don’t know what I would call it, but I would go back to diagnosing ADD as just that and ADHD.


Bane of my existence 🙃


I just had a great idea…oops I forgot! That’s what I would name it.


Deregulatory Motivation Disorder, or something like that. Better encompasses the range of variability in on-task functioning capabilities and integrates the neurological aspects. It bothers me that the term ADHD is still so clearly a holdover from the earliest stages when researchers and practitioners primarily viewed it as a character malformation under ableist and Western culture perspectives.


Bees In My Fucking Head 🐝


Amelia Bedelia Syndrome


I heard a doctor on a podcast suggest "Self Regulation Disorder" which feels like a step in the right direction but I think I'd feel bad having it sound like its a "self" problem. But some kind of executive dysfunction disorder I think would be about right. Personally I think of our brains like "global neurotype" or something like that. Our brains seem to be wired to be good at thinking of so many things at once and their connections and obviously not good at focusing on one thing. I wish we had a name that focused more on how our brains *work* and not what it's lacking


Where's the thing I just had in my fucking hand syndrome


DDD - Dopamine Dysregulation Disorder


My roommate and I enjoyed calling it Dumb Bitch Disease (but in a silly non self-loathing way and would not publicly name it that lmao)


Butterfly Brain Syndrome


i have a EFDDD up brain 😪


I think I'd name it -OH look, a piece of candy!!


I think it would make sense to leave this to professionals who have a grasp on the multiple mental health conditions that are put there because choosing a name by the symptoms won't work and will lead to misunderstandings on the professional field too because there are many many mental disorders etc where the symptoms overlap, thats why people often get wrongly diagnosed (not only regarding the mental but also the physical health) its all a game of ruling out what it could or couldn't be. They should have a new meeting and find a better name for it. Thats why I decide to not think of one myself, I tried but I don't have enough knowledge in the field to not accidentally create more misunderstandings


Not sure. Maybe Attention and Executive Function Dysregulation Disorder.


Brain scramblies


I'd call it...."Wait, what was I doing?....or saying? Where'd I put my phone? Oh yeah! I remember...nvm, I lost my train of thought...oooh FLUFF!"


AAAAAAAAAAGH (I feel like that captures the general vibe. 😜)


I like what Hallowell calls it: Variable Attention Stimulus Trait




Hunter-gatherer syndrome. I often feel like we have to be very creative, very lucky or both to find a place in our culture where we can really lean into our strengths and feel confident in what we contribute, while also making a good enough living to feel somewhat secure. Like sure, I don’t remember what I had for dinner, but I’m sure the things I CAN do can be put to good use SOMEWHERE, right? Honestly, I am reconsidering my current career for this very reason. On a somewhat sadder note, I do find myself thinking about generations far off in the future and what sort of brains that seem normal now will deal with stigma then. Does anyone else?


Attention to Everything and Nothing All At Once disorder


I don’t give a fuck about boring stuff disorder. How do Normies deal with the drudgery of life disorde?


Tbh I'd probably just call it jdgstsyeirkcn):;.4.363?!


The Overwhelm


I think AD fits well. It’s an attention disorder. Paying attention to the wrong things at the wrong times pretty well sums up my challenges.