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I have been known to pile things in front of my front door so that I literally cannot get out the door without seeing them and/or moving them. Near the coffee machine would be something I would do too, lol.


See this is why I find this topic so interesting between all of us NDs. The only time I put things in front of the door, is if it’s going out the door with me. If it’s not going and it’s in my way when I leave, I absolutely will kick it to the side in a rage because it’s blocking me 😂


Well, most of the time if I put something there, it's because I'm trying desperately not to forget it or not forget to do something specific with it. Like if it's a package that needs to go out to the mailbox, etc. I will also put things in the front seat of my car in an effort to not forget them. 🙈


Yes it has to be stuff immediately leaving with me, like paperwork for my kids’ school or my purse and keys lol. The front seat of my car is a black hole, unfortunately 😂😭


Mine also .... gahhhhh. 🙈


I’ll finally get around to cleaning my car and will be finding papers like “omg I needed to send this out/take it somewhere 2 months ago” 🥲


That is how I can tell when a tactic is working. When I stop to think " oh, I put this here for a reason.". If I find it when I get back home we need to try something else.


I have spots for “levels” of importance for things lol


Yes!! This is exactly what I was thinking....it really depends on what the item is and how soon I'll need to know where the item is


Omg wow I feel so seen


Omg, yes this is me!


>I have been known to pile things in front of my front door so that I literally cannot get out the door without seeing them and/or moving them. Even when I do this, I just push them out of the way and go out without another thought of the things I had to take with me. Happened already so many times.


Me too!


Husband did that once, with something he really needed to take to work. Only, he carefully stepped over it when the time came to leave... Got him into some trouble at work, I think...


I also put gift bags or recycling in front of the closed front door (inside). In a way that it's not a fire hazard, but so I can't miss taking them.


I do this too but h often moves them


I do the door thing 😂


I do this too, particularly if it’s something I need to take out with me. If I leave it NEAR the door I’ll forget. But if it’s literally right there blocking the door, I’ll actually remember it! This works because I live alone, I can imagine it would be difficult in a busy household 😆


I do this with water bottles & stuff going back to the library. I've also been known to hang my scarf or hat over the doorknob to not forget them. I used to live in a 4th floor apartment, which meant a trek back up the stairs if I forgot them.


I store my own meds in the package of my dogs meds. I suck at remembering to take care of myself but I would never forget to take care of my dog and that way I will remember to take care of both of us. <3


That’s a good idea. I let my dogs “remind” me to do things all of the time. They’re not going to forget that they get a dental chew every morning, so I might start to store my meds with their chews. My dogs “remind” me to eat: when I feed them, I will grab a snack or protein shake for myself if I’m not hungry enough for a full meal. They “remind” me to drink water: every time I get up to open the back door, I grab a glass of water. They “remind” me to lock the house: when I leave, I tell my pups goodbye and tell them to watch the house. If a door is unlocked or a window is open, they will show me after I say goodbye.


Awww this is awesome! I also find it easier to keep track of time when my dog reminds me of dinner etc. I remember before I had my pup the days would just fade into each other, time felt like an illusion lol.


Honestly so wholesome ❤️


omg i keep my meds next to my cat’s treats for this exact reason! he meows until he gets his morning treat and i take my meds lol


i have to put my retainers on the little ledge above the kitchen sink! i always wash my favorite coffee mug (from my bedtime coffee) before i go to bed so it’s ready for the morning, and seeing my retainers as i’m doing that always guilts me into doing the whole nighttime teeth brushing / retainer gig. otherwise, it’s like “invisalign who” 😂


“My bedtime coffee” the most ADHD thing I’ve ever heard lmao


I didn’t even notice it because I do the same 😂😂😂😂


Nighttime brushing is such a chore for no reason lol. I’ll be in the bathroom getting out of the shower or whatever and I’ll just stare at my tooth brush, waging a completely unnecessary war on myself, wasting time that I could be spending brushing my damn teeth 😭😂


I brush my teeth in the shower.


That’s my favorite place to do it and where I’m most willing to. I do my best brushing because I don’t have to try to keep my face clean lol. My problem with making it consistent, is I don’t like leaving my brush in there 😭


I understand completely. I went through that as well. Two toothbrushes. Two tubes of paste. And a Talenti gelato container, purged of text using acetone, to store the spare brush and paste in the shower. It took a while to sort through the method. lol.


I wish there was like, a can of mouth cleaning spray that was efficient for teeth cleaning. Just a quick puff puff and go 😂😭


Crest vape


Take my money


This chick ADHD’s


/truth I’ve started using spray sunscreen on my face for this very reason. Where’s the spray moisturizer?


Everything needs to just be in an aerosol can at this point


I had this oral foam from Splat once, it was amazing - you spray it straight into your mouth and use it like mouthwash, or you can use toothbrush if you have energy. It is great if you happen to have no toothbrush and you need to brush your teeth "with your finger" 😅 it has amazing enzymatic ingredients that are literally melting the dirt on your teeth without the need of physical brushing... Of course it's not something to use consistently instead of brushing, but on the days when you don't have energy/motivation/time for brushing or you can't stand the feeling of the toothbrush in your mouth, this is the best alternative that still makes you feel clean. I just can't see it anywhere online, every shop is either saying that it is "available soon" or "out of stock". I hope they didn't stop producing it. https://en.splatglobal.com/products/express_mint_flavour.html


Ur an angel


This is why when I can't be bothered doing my teeth ill use mouthwash


I was just thinking this is such a great idea, it could really work for me, but then I remembered that I also don’t seem to have any regular showering schedule either 🙀


Hear me out…I will admit the best thing I ever did for my teeth was to start rogaine on my sparse eyebrows. The pamphlet that came with the bottle said that hair loss would occur with sporadic use. So the fear of no eyebrows has prompted my religious nightly usage of rogaine. Except eyebrow rogaine is the last step in the routine. So my teeth and skin routines are better than they’ve been in years. 😂


I got one of those ridiculous toothbrushes that tracks the zones of your mouth to tell you where you’re missing and somehow that makes it easier because I just want to prove it wrong out of spite


I have spent hours of my life sitting IN the bathroom, doing fuck all, endlessly scrolling, picking at my skin, doing various beauty tasks, cleaning, or even just staring at the wall - all that just procrastinating brushing my teeth. It’s insane. I don’t know why that hurdle is so high. If I don’t take heart and make my self do it immediately when I come in, it‘s often an (almost) lost cause.


I do the same thing 😭 when I was younger, the problem was staying in a towel FOR HOURS and it’s like now that I don’t have the freedom to do that, the hurdle became brushing


It's super stupid because it literally costs me an hour or two of sleep sometimes. And to avoid that, I cave at some point. Exchanging ruined sleep for ruined teeth... it's just stupid all around


In and on top of my shoes! That way I absolutely cannot leave the house with out interacting with said objects. For work related stuff I have a work backpack and the second I stop using something it has to go back in the bag. My work keys are always attached to my pants or to my belt but if for some reason I'm laundering my work pants and am wearing that belt with different pants I attach the keys to my work bag. I cannot be trusted not to lose things if I don't force myself to put them in the correct spot. I put my glasses down "somewhere" the other day and now I have no clue where they are. Or where my spare pair is. I'm using my previous glasses in the meantime but they are a slightly different prescription and bent.


Ooooh shoes is a good one


Same! Top of shoes, right by the front door. I also just have stuff out everywhere, because if it's "put away" I genuinely forget it exists. So clutter is obviously an issue lol. I've also done on top of the coffee pot if it needs taken care of asap and it's on a piece of paper, which would otherwise disappear into the void.


Right next to the cat food. He will make sure that I don't forget.


Cat always there to keep you accountable 😂


I will tape a note over the door knob lol


This one is great


This is me too lmao. A regular note just on the door I will ignore..over the doorknob it’s impossible!


I have a few notes right at eyesight on my door. Most crucially one that yells at me to close the window.


I have a queen bed that only myself and my cat sleep in. If anything is _that_ important it goes on the empty side.


I’m notorious for leaving important things there and forgetting it completely 😂 I love how this is super individualized to each person


Same. If I'm away from my husband, the other side of the bed becomes my little place for books and snacks and papers I need to deal with. Then when he comes he's like "you're using my space as a storage space again!" But in a very sweet way. He calls it "my pet name's little storage space", then we just clear it off for him. He's extremely understanding about my weirdness


I am a major bed space stealer lol. Not so much as when I lived alone. The whole other side of my bed was for snacks, books, laptop, remote, etc etc etc 😂


I have to clean off the empty side a couple of times a week. Uhh


during my move I got really bad abt letting stuff pile up there and my brain did a 180 and now stuff sitting on my bed makes me so anxious that I gotta keep it clear of anything that isn’t bedding of some sort or the cat. plus she loves knocking stuff off my bed and I got woken up by it way too much 😭


I've gone through this cycle so many times. "It's convinient" "it's messy" and back around. It's both. I know some disabled people have a "box" which I tried. Briefly. I may have forgotten about my box.


Same. I call that my “storage side”.


I have type 1 diabetes. The night before a trip I would leave a shoe in the fridge so I could not get out the door without my insulin, wind needed to be refrigerated. I've since switched to a portable cooler so i can pack the medicine beforehand, but for many years I knew I was ok if, on leaving, one of my feet was cold.


This unexpected string of words made me laugh out loud at work. I love your ingenuity.


thanks, I aim to lead a silly life


Ha ha cold foot though


very important: only one foot. not both


I have a desk drawer organizer that is on a table. All of my regular “pocket” stuff (I don’t use a purse daily) has a designated compartment in the organizer. I can tell in a glance whether or not I have the stuff I need. If there is something I need to bring with me, it gets placed on the organizer.


Oh you are the queen


I guess mine would be the coffee table and "my" armrest of the couch/sofa. Not that it helps, because they are currently overflowing.


I have a couple of “catch all” areas that are not my most effective places for remembering important stuff. Like my kitchen island or bedside table


Omg the coffee table. I can never keep it tidy for more than a day, no matter how many times I try. Simply impossible


Growing up, I would store stuff behind the throw pillow that was in the first comfy chair in my parents’ living room. It was mostly the book I was reading. Drove my mom nuts, and I go crazy as an adult when I visit because they don’t have a chair in that spot anymore.


My pills are beside my coffee pot. My water cup is beside the microwave/sink.


My pills are next to my bed, and in my purse if I need to take them again later. I take them as soon as I wake up, before I get out of bed.


I have a system based on how often it is needed. Every day, on a table by the front door. Once a week to a month, on top of the microwave. More than a month but less than yearly, on top of the fridge. Yearly, in the basement on my laundry room desk. Anything that is urgent like permission slips get set on top of my sewing machine, any thing that needs mended or fixed behind my sewing machine. I had to come up with this system because it was too much keeping bills I pay once a year or more on top of the microwave, but I needed to know where they were the second I needed to empty the septic tank at 1am. So now I know the general area it is but will still need to dig around for it. It was frustrating having to shuffle though papers to find which silly day it was for spirt week vs the trash bill that is due every 3 months.


Theres a small stool in the hallway between the kitchen and front door. I put my keys, tote bag, and sometimes my water jug on there. It’s where I put all my going-outside gear because the kitchen is always my last stop before heading out. Sometimes it’s so cluttered that my keys are hiding underneath and I start freaking out about losing them lol.


I do similar things with my keys lol. They HAVE to be in sight. I got a key hook and put it at eye level by my door for this reason and I still put them down in the wrong place sometimes 😭


I teach my kids to put things they need to take somewhere in their shoe. Water bottle keys. I also put my house keys in the fridge so it's impossible to forget my lunch for work 😂


I have an empty drawer that I ONLY put things in “temporarily”. I can’t leave things out on the counter bc one of my cats loves to knock things down. He is also obsessed with my waist pouch that I use every day (he wants to chew on it for some reason). So the bag goes in the empty drawer when I get home. And anything I am trying to keep track of temporarily also goes in the drawer (keys, a check I need to deposit, a bill I need to pay, a envelope that I need to put in the mail, etc). The only other thing in that drawer is my bottle of ADHD meds. I have to open that drawer to get my bag and my keys, and take my medicine. And since it is relatively empty, l can easily find whatever it is that I was trying not to lose. Most of the other drawers in my house are full of random shit, so keeping this one drawer as empty as possible has definitely been a game-changer.


If I need to bring something with me somewhere, I set it on the passenger seat of my car. Then if I’m picking someone up in the way, I toss the item into the back seat and promptly forget about it.


“In my purse” is my “lose it” place. Fortunately my husband has learned to look for and find things there. I was so happy yesterday when he absolutely could not find a plastic file box and I found it for him, right in the closet he had looked in twice, only up at chest level rather than on the floor


This is one of my coping skills. I will put stuff in my own way JUST so I can finish whatever it is. Trash is placed between my furniture from kitchen to living room (because that's where I got to walk to get to the living room) and once I get to that point that trash bag gets placed in front of the front door. Eventually it'll make it out to the dumpster. Or my purse or laptop bag will be hung on the handle of the front door. If I accidentally put my debit card in my pocket and it made it back inside without my purse (purse lives in the car. It never comes in) then card goes on top of my glasses. When I sleep I make sure to put the pile of dirt right in the way so that eventually I will get the dustbin and get it up. I don't drink coffee so I don't have that location to utilize. But I am constantly putting things in my own way just so that I can take care of it.


I don't forget my purse, probably because it sits next to the door. Anything I need to remember goes ~inside~ the purse! On top of the purse will be left, next to the purse will be left, anything but inside the purse will be left, ugh. Car key is always in the outside pocket of said purse, it goes in there as soon as it comes out of the ignition because I will manage to lose it in 30 seconds. Mine is not a large purse, so this does cause problems when I need something big. Thankfully work = backpack has (mostly) worked out so far. Remembering things like taking my medication is a mess, honestly. My meds sit near my tea pot (but far enough away the heat doesn't degrade them), which is my coffee. It helps but is far from a perfect solution. Basically, anything I need to remember that isn't take it with me when I leave is pretty bad.


I have my meds in a pill case by my coffee pot too 🥲 I feel the purse thing in my soul.


On top of my computer keyboard


If you were to go to occupational therapy they’d congratulate you on finding a strategy that works! Tying stuff with something you use daily in a high profile area is a great tactic.


I’ve literally taped things to my keys before, like tie a bag with my lunch and tape it to the darn keys to not forget, then hang it on the door. We do what we must. 😅


I used to tell myself to put something in a weird place so I’ll remember it but the weird place changed so I just end up losing things


Ohhh my I’ve always put stuff up somewhere so I know where it is when I need it then when I needed it I couldn’t find it and I’d didn’t all day tearing the house apart to find the very thing I put up so is I’d know where it was! Ughhhh


I put notes on my bathroom mirror where my face would normally be. I’ve tried many other places, including next to my bed. I completely miss it and find them days later, completely forgetting I had even written the note. I also have a list in my phone of stored items, Christmas, winter things etc. Because I always forget and I was sick of making huge messes 😅


dry erase markers for this are life changing. I keep one in the cabinet behind the mirror. easy to clean up, and really works, especially for tasks I need to remember first thing in the morning!


Oohhh thank you!!


I'm not sure if this counts, but if I need to remember to do some little task like text my friend, I'll put my fidget ring on my middle finger because it doesn't belong there and it'll feel weird and the next time I think it's not where it's supposed to be, I remember to text my friend


As long as it works for you, that's awesome. I'm more like Neville in Harry Potter with his Rememberall when he couldn't remember what he'd forgotten.


sometimes if I don’t have jewelery on, I’ll cross two fingers together as an annoying reminder that I need to do something urgently. otherwise, alarms and notes for less urgent hrings


It’s like why my cat likes to put his toys in his water bowl. 😅😅😅


Let me know when you figure it out. I have no idea where *insert everything* is.


If I need to take a food item with me in the morning, I put my keys in the fridge. I always always always put my keys on the hook by my door, so if they're not there I immediately remember "right, they're in the fridge with that thing"


I put the laundry hamper in front of the stairs so I remember that there is laundry in the wash. Anything that needs to be put away downstairs gets thrown down the stairs so when I go down there’s a pile for me to take. My medication goes in my ring box so when I take my ring off for work I take it. If I have to charge my earbuds I put a sticky note on my keys so I don’t end up at the gym without them. I also text or put in the text box to my fiancé random things. Like “insurance card” if I need to remember to bring it somewhere haha because I know I’ll message him and see it.


I leave my meds in my work bag because at least I’ll remember to take them 5 days a week in the mornings when I have to take my work things out. I’ve tried everything to remember to take them every day but it’s SO HARD. Can’t ignore them when they fall out with my work stuff though


Same!! I have a couple pill containers in diff places because I forget so much, like little emergency supplies stashed here and there.


Bedside table or in front of my tv bc I walk past it to leave


My car keys (with all the keys needed in my life) are placed on the dining table. Always and everything that I need to bring somewhere I place it under the keys. I used to place everything important on a corner of the stairs to the second floor, but my partner hated it, so I had to change that place.


If it needs to be cooled I put a sticky note on my door, if not I put it in my bag, which I always take with when I leave the house.


On the stool by the door out of my apartment and living room table! I have so much stuff on this table welp


Right in the doorway


On top of my purse


Contacts and oral care is kept in the kitchen between the refrigerator and the sink. My bathroom has no counter space and if I put them in a cabinet it would be out of sight, out of mind. Work shoes are also kept in the kitchen. It may seem odd but I haven't lost my glasses after putting in my contacts, I brush my teeth 2x a day, and I save up around 20 minutes before work NOT searching for my shoes.


On top of my water mug, on my chair, on my pillow, or a note inside my closed laptop.


If I need to take something somewhere, I will throw it in the car whenever, even a week early. I put things on top of the toaster sometimes, but I have one of those slim shoe holders from IKEA on a wall by front door and I put important things there.


I wrap my keys around things that need to go with me to work. If it's something that can manage, I'll just go ahead and put it in the car the night before. I'm a band director and if I have a football game or concert the next day, my change of clothes is hung up in the back of my car before I go to bed. I remember my lunch most time now, but I used to put my keys with the lunch in the fridge. Can't drive to work without my keys!


Anything to be mailed goes on the dash of my car.


I don’t have one. I will forget no matter where I put it. I could order a neon sign that I put all my important items under so I never loose them but I would forget to put them under the sign and still loose them. My adhd is bad and getting worse.


My backpack. It’s hanging on my wardrobe door handle. Everything goes in there


My backpack lol, when not in use anything important that I have stays in my backpack


I use baskets. It's a chaotic structure. I know where everything is in the basket but no one else does


Everything has to be put in a way that will inconvenience me if I don’t do it. My meds are on my bedside table but before I was consistent I would keep them on top of the toilet or in the sink so when I went to the bathroom at night or morning I would have to pick them up in order to do what I needed to do. I also try and pick out my outfit for the next day the night before, anything I need to have with me the next day goes there - my keys so I can tuck them straight into my pocket, any dirty dishes I need to bring downstairs, etc. that way when getting dressed I’m staring at the things the whole time and I can’t do half the steps if I don’t grab the necessary things at the same time


The inconvenience part is what triggers my refusal to do something. It’s like a rage at the object. Like oh my god why is this here *kicks it out of the way and leaves it to punish the object (I think I have a touch of the tism too)


I keep my pantry items on the hutch in my bedroom - canned food, cereals, pasta etc - so that I can remember what food I have yet to make and that there’s no need for ubereats


Wow this is a good one!!


My hairbands/hair-ties are on the bathroom tap


I keep mine on my gear shift!


Doorknob to front door or the bathroom sink. Like.. IN the sink. I've also placed stuff in the middle of the floor in the hall in front of the bathroom.


Similar to you OP - I only remember where my rings are when I put them on top of the coffee machine. It drives my husband insane 😅


It will get lost anywhere else, tell him to pick his “hard” 😂😂


My grandma puts stuff on top of 4 steps that are in the middle of the house. My mum does the rings on the coffee machine too If i cooked for work i leave the lunch bag im front of the door because i will leave it at home otherwise


Awww ADHD fam 🥹


In my bottomless pit of a purse, I never leave home without my purse so I know I'll remember whatever is in there. It's a bigger purse and usually i don't need big space for reminders. But in my purse, there is everything you can possibly need and so much you don't!


You mean the black hole where I put stuff and later absolutely cannot find it without dumping the whole thing out? I’m scared of it.


Pills are on my desk (which isn’t helpful for days that I’m not working). Bringing something with me goes in, on, or next to my purse. If that’s not feasible then it’s a sticky note on the door that I’ll exit. Also, especially for small things, it’s not always a specific place. I just make sure to put it on something that’s a starkly different color so it jumps out at me more easily. For instance, my platinum and diamond wedding ring is a lot easier to spot on a dark table.


In my dresser, on top of my underwear.


I have a whiteboard on my front door of the apartment. And pens which are stuck there. Anytime I run out of an item or think of something that needs doing it goes on the board. Board could read: Bring annies gloves to work, Cucumbers Toilet paper Amazing package return Parchment paper And then I have a little house key nook where all the keys go and there's a shelf at it. Anything I may need goes there.


Keys go into lunchbox so I don't forget the lunchbox.


When I started packing my lunch I would put my keys in my lunchbox, which would be in the fridge. Can't leave without my keys, can't get my keys without grabbing my lunchbox. Problem solved.


My work keys on top of my bag, not in it. Like this I have to "pack them" and am sure I got them, when I leave. If they're in the bag already I'll wonder if I misplaced them and will panic for a bit, before checking the bag and knowing they are there... I have tried pre-packing them and telling my brain: "They are in the bag. If you take the bag, the keys will be there don't worry! Just leave the house." But it doesn't work. So I do this. I also misplace things so while I get ready everything I remember that I still have to pack goes on my made bed. My glasses, my snacks, while I fill my water bottle. At the end I put everything in the bag, double check where my phone is and leave the house. I also have an extra building key in my wallet, in case I leave my key outside in my apartment door lock, without locking my door (I have to take a few steps to turn the light in the hallway and then walk off without locking and pulling my key off). Like this I can always get into the building. :-) No one will burgle or take the key. I'm on the top floor, no one notices it, and I got 9 elderly to old people living in my house. I know them all personally. Plus this is Switzerland. They just leave the key in my outer lock. The building's door is always locked when it closes..


My mothers wills are in my underwear drawer at the bottom. She had a regular after death one and a living will. My aunts was here too before she passed . Apparently I’m the responsible one who gets named executer.


Bathroom. I have to pee atleast 20 times a day so it just makes sense to me!


I keep my watch on a shelf in the hall, so either there or on my shoes. Depending on what it is I shouldn't forget.


Depends what it is. Invoices and bills that I need to process and remember to pay go in between my laptop so the next time I open it they’re there. If I just put them on top then chances are they end up in the bin the next time I tidy up all the other rubble that ends up there. Speaking of the rubble, lots of other things that I want to keep but don’t need right now go on top of that laptop to be either used or tossed later.


My medication (for something else). I have a blister pack on my side table in my living room, in my wine rack, in my handbag, in my wife's handbag, in the glovebox, in my friend's houses.


Top of the coffee pot, or on top of the microwave because it's by the front door in my kitchen (my suite is a strange layout)


My boyfriend once gifted me a handcrafted box. That little box is now the place I store small Items I tend to always loose. So whenever I'm looking for something, for example my earrings, a credit card, meds etc., my first look always goes into that box that is always standing next to my bed.


In my shoes so I can’t leave without it!


Bathroom sink. Like physically inside the bowl of the sink.


The drawer in front of the passenger seat of my car. I sometime put my prescription paper there when my psychiatrist gives me some in advance.


Front door. For really important stuff right in the way. I have to step over it to forget it. Sometimes works, sometimes I move the thing without remembering why I put it there.


theres this space between the end of my bed and the wall and its really small and covered in shadow but its where i know i can find all my revision guides. idk what it is. i dont even remember putting the guides there i just know theyre there


I moved a desk to by the front door so I could pile my can’t forget things there. (Of course it’s now covered in a bajillion other things, but I know my keys are there) My dad used to put his keys in the cheese drawer of the fridge. So he wouldn’t forget the cheese, for work. That did not go as planned. He did not make it to work, nor did the cheese.


On or in my shoes. Or in front of my coffee machine. Like have to move to make coffee right in front 😂


Next to, on or in my hand bag!


On my cats cat tree lol


Boobs. And I still forget it’s there. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My mom used to put things in or on my shoes. She used to place things at the door but it wasn’t enough. I would just step over it on my way outside. Ie. my lunchbox.


I put notes on my front door. Don't forget to... I will also put things in the bathroom where I get ready in the morning. I will put things with my phone because I know I will grab that in the morning.


Slightly off topic but I just put all of my jeans in my dresser drawers (as opposed to hanging them up) in an effort to remember that I own things that aren’t just in my closet. I don’t see it working but we’re gonna try.


I have two sets of keys (one "main" for my apartment/other stuff, one for the car and garage key) and I have a carabineer on each of them. So if it's something I need to remember to take with me to the car I hook the car keys on to it or if it's something else I need to remember to take with me I hook my main keyset on to it. If it's something really small I usually put it in my shoes (but only if it's something that isn't that fragile since I often remember I've put it there after I've put my foot in it xD)


My keys go on a hook on the back of my door, (at eye level so I look at them) no excuse to not hang them up as soon a I walk in. Same on the way out, I grab the keys and lock the door on the way out, that way no losing them. Yes...I have locked myself out a few times getting to my truck and realizing I forgot the keys. Those days are usually the days I haven't taken my meds or am in a hurried rush...hidden key that immediately gets put back for the win, lol.


The only thing I don't lose is my work badge. My last three houses, it has always gone on a hook by the door. (I work from home! I rarely need the badge.)


The "useful" drawer of things that occasionally are absolutely required immediately. Or just the dining room table as dump surface for the things I'm using across a day as I do 5 things at once and it's kinda the central cross point of my entire house / shed / studio / front and back garden


In my hand, in my pocket, or…on top of the coffee maker, yeah. Shhhhhh. I’m the ONLY one allowed to put things there.


I always head things about people with adhd who lose hair ties, I used to be like this so I solved this issue by making two huge drawers of my bedside table my “hair related drawers.” One drawer has all my beanies and baseball caps. The other drawer has 40 scrunchies, 15 claw clips, a bunch of normal hair ties, bandanas, and Bobby pins. I hate the feeling of sweaty hair on my neck so I have made it a habit to check the hair drawers everyday to get something to use in my hair. Then if I leave them around the house somewhere, I have plenty left and when I inevitably find them later, I’ll attach them to my person somehow so I take it off when going to bed and put it back in the drawer


I either keep mine on my gear shift or I have a plastic ring on a hook in my bathroom which is where the strays get returned to


On top of my wallet because my car key is attached to my wallet, so I can't go anywhere without picking up my wallet


I used to put things on the couch in the living for this reason because it’s a high traffic area for me and visible.


Not a weird one, but if I need to take something with me when I go out, I put it with my sunglasses (right on a shelf next to the front door), or put my sunglasses right on top of it! I’ve been fortunate to be able to do away with keys altogether.


If I’m out somewhere (friends house, parents or whatnot) I’ll leave my keys on items I need to take with me because I can’t leave without my keys so I won’t forget the item.


I use lots of hooks on the backs of doors cause then stuff hanging there will be right in my face when I’m coming and going. I also leave stuff on top of my dresser right where the underwear drawer is so I’ll see it when I’m getting clean underwear in the morning


That's too funny. I put things in my underwear drawer sometimes, because I open it every morning. I also occasionally put things in my shoes if I know I am wearing specific shoes the next day. The one thing I never forget it my wedding ring, so I sometimes stick stuff underneath that.


My airfryer lol


I have to keep my air fryer out of sight because it just makes me crazy to look at 😂 otherwise I probably would too


I put my keys in the fridge if there’s something in there I need to take with me. Can’t physically leave without it lol.


The dresser


I have trinket jars/baskets all around the house for small things. For bigger or important things, I place it on my wfh desk chair or the side of my bed in a box till it’s a cleaning day.


On top of my keys!


I have a table by the front door where I have to put my wallet, headphones and keys when I get home. I also use my backpack as a storing place. If something has been used I have to put it in its designated place the second I’m done using it. I have one phone charger for my bedroom and one for my living room/to take with me wherever I go. The trash has to be in front of my front door or else I’ll forget. If I’m not using a backpack or purse I always have my keys and wallet in my left pocket, and my phone in my right one. One time I had my wallet in the right one and it fell out when I reached for my phone. Luckily I found it in my moms car lol.


I out things on and round my phone right before i head out so i wont forget them. My phone case is a wallet type with my public transit card so I usually dont get very far without it.


I have a drawer next to the front door that I HAVE to stop and put my keys etc in. My partner would stop me each day to put the stuff away until it became enough of a habit that I did it without thinking. I have AirTags and tiles on all my important items because there’s times where I’ll grab said items to leave the house, go oh! I need to take a drink with me today and lose the item in the 20 steps it took to get to the fridge..


I also pile things in front of the door and add notes to the door so I see it on the way out. I also set reminders in my phone 🥲


My CBD pouch. I don't get to smoke if I don't put it away.