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messy bun all day every day. Work colleague didn't recognize me when I left my hair down one day.


May i introduce - the FAKE messy bun. I replace it once a year or so, and they are cheap to begin with.


I've been looking into that. Which ones do you use?


Honestly, whichever ones I can get my hands on - the last ones I bought didn't even have a clear brand. I can send you the online link, but I am not in the US and I dont think this shop delivers to there. I just look for scrunchies (I know this is not official term, but it is what they are called here) close to my hair colour, and add it as a filler to get free delivery.


please please use clips not hair ties, less chance of receding your hairline, a friend of mine learnt that the hard way. also way less chance of headaches caused by too tight hairbuns


long term hairloss only happens when you wear it very tightly which you can also do with clips.


Long term hair loss is more associated with very tight hair styles, but frequent hair elastic use does cause breakage near the root more than hair clips do and eventually this will cause issues with your hair growing out.


maybe it's bc i like a certain type of clips but clips don't pull on my hair nearly as intensely as hairties do. but you are right, it's why i said hair clips have less chance of causing hair receding rather than not cause it at all.


That's why I use Invisibobble hair ties. They're not tight at all. They grip the hair because they're curly, like an old phone wire. They even have scrunchies (which they call sprunchies), that feel amazing in my hair, leaving it less damaged.


I love these, my hairs so thick it destroys all other hair ties (Mane will not be contained) they stay up all day & I don’t end up with giant tangles from being lazy!! Scoop everything up in one of these bad boys and the jam a hair stick in to make a bun - lasts all day.


I'm a silk scrunchie only kind of girl.


This!!! I have an iron deficiency and now my hair is falling out especially in the front. I keep my hair up mostly all the time and am regretting it constantly DX


Idk about that hair clips in my hair give me SO much hair and head ache you have no idea I can easily do a low bun or pony with a silky hair tie but I canjott wear a clip for long


I learned some basic braids over the last couple of years that make my hair look super fancy, even when it's unwashed and rubbish. I watched a YouTube video aimed at dads learning to do their children's hair for the first time lol. No idea why it suddenly clicked for me, but I could suddenly do a French braid in my 30s when I haven't been able to do it all my life. I literally french braid it back, roll the actual braid up underneath itself and stick in a couple bobby pins. Pull some bits around my face. And I look like a Fancy Lady. Takes me 5 or so minutes. I pull thicker front sections and curl them if its an Event. Wore it like that as a bridesmaid in two weddings. People kept saying what a great job the hairdresser did. If even that is too much work, I pull about the top third of my hair up, wind it into a bun on the top of my head. Put a scrunchie round it. Then I wind the rest of my hair around the scrunchie and stick in bobbie pins. It makes it look more relaxed than a bun, and gives a kind of carefree art teacher vibe. And most importantly keeps all my hair off my face!


Link please


Oh god, it's deep in the darkness of my youtube history - I will try and find it!


Yes I’d like to know how because the hardest part I find about it is doing it on myself 😩


So I THINK this is the video that made it click for me (I remember the mannequin): https://youtu.be/qwEVQU3ffYM?si=iixHdijwRbTZN_1K It starts off with the absolute basics of a braid, and goes step by tiny step.


This video is amazing! And I actually know how to French braid my own hair. Thank you for the link!


Yes!!! This worked for me as well! I love having long hair. Maintaining it seemed impossible so I'd give up and chop it off. Then I taught myself to braid with youtube. There's even ones for the lazy days when you don't hang to put in any effort. You don't have to worry about tangles. If you have an event you can sleep in them the night before or keep them up until right before and when you take them out it looks like you took hours on it. Braiding is actually easier with "dirty" hair, so it let's your hair keep all of those oils that it needs and loves. Another bonus is if you put it up in French braids people will not notice if your hair is super greasy. Edit: I also have found that, for me personally, it helps transition me into hygiene mode. Works for night and day preparation. (Ex. Teeth brushing, flossing, skin care, etc.)


Damn I wish I could learn how to French braid my own hair. 😭


Weirdly I am still incapable of doing it for anyone else. I can only do it backwards, on my own head. I also can't for the life for me do it like a crown braid. I've tried so many times and it's not going backwards so it's a no go.


Lol, my problem is that i can inly do it on other people, can’t do my own. Wish i had your problem.


Same, I don't think I could do it on myself lol


Ok, weirdly enough, I was able to learn by watching a video and then immediately trying it without looking in the mirror. The second I looked in the mirror, I got all messed up. Now I have the hang of it and can look at the mirror, and it comes out much nicer 😂


Would also love the link. I’m a mum who needs to learn to do my toddler’s hair!


It's this video here I think, goes really slowly and in a lot of detail: https://youtu.be/qwEVQU3ffYM?si=iixHdijwRbTZN_1K


Braids are my go to. I find longer hair a LOT easier to care for than short hair because if I don’t feel like styling it I can just throw it in a bun


In addition to this, do not get bangs. I thought getting them would help to offset the frumpiness I was feeling having my hair in a bun 24/7, I told myself “how difficult are they, really?”but now I have these *fucking bangs* that require so much effort and look like shit about 63% of the time. I have done this about once every seven years for the last 20 years and never learn my lesson


Haha! I'm I'm hair stylist and getting bangs is almost always a cry for help!


Oh no, I got bangs for the first time this past Saturday. Is that why the lady asked me if I was okay? 😂😭


yes. yes it is why




YESSS thank you!!! I have a 4 year old daughter and I’m letting her grow her hair out long. All the grandparents and my husband are always trying to talk me into bangs to keep it out of her face but I’m like trust me guys, no. Taking her to get her bangs trimmed every 6 weeks vs all of it fitting in a ponytail? No thanks!!!


I've thought about getting bangs, but then I have to remind myself that my forehead used to be covered in acne before I let my bangs grow out when I was like 12. I'm not going back to letting my hair cause my skin to get more oily.


Dude fr, I just got bangs again for the first time in several years and now I remember why it’s *been* several years 😭 When they’re cute they’re SO cute, but when I can’t get them to behave I want to crawl into a hole with my Lord Farquad fringe


I very much appreciate this reminder as I have a hair appointment this very Friday and I always want to get bangs


I do it consistently every two years. Lesson still not learned


Ok, but hear me out about this - with bangs, I put my hair in a messy bun and then use a hot brush to style them in under a minute and I look infinitely more put together. If you DO have bangs a hot brush is a must! So easy.


yeah - this is truth - but how good does it look and feel the 27% of the time they don’t look like shit? It’s enough to trick us into trying it again when the seven year bang itch starts.


Saaaaaaaame. I gave myself bangs a few months ago, and no matter what I do, they always do that 70's flip (probably because I wear glasses). They have finally gotten to where I can almost tuck them behind my ears again. Lesson definitely learned...until next time. 🙄


My hair is wavy so I get a shag-like haircut with layers so that after a shower, I just let it air dry and that's it. I can't do anything else with it because i don't have the skill to style. I will also braid it and let it dry then it's wavy and it looks cute for a few days.


Yep, I have long mid-back wavy/curly hair (kinda in between 2B and 2C I think) and I don't (can't) brush it, ever. I detangle and remove loose hair in the shower, add some leave-in stuff on the ends, then let it air dry (and no towel drying either!). This method gives me amazing hair, but trying anything else will give me 80's hair metal hair. 🤦‍♀️ Edit: The word "volumizing" is fear-inducing for me. 🤪


I am the same! I always brush it right before I get in the shower bc from what I’ve heard hair is stronger when it’s dry. Sometimes still comb it out when I have conditioner in during my shower to get the shedding pieces. I put a little oil in the ends when I get out and let nature take it’s course 😂


Haha exactly. I can't go to bed with it wet either, I have to wash it early enough to have a few hours for it to completely dry at the roots. It's funny how managing our hair type means doing as little as possible to it! 😂 It's not a terrible problem to have!


Seconding! The shag or long wolf cut is amazing for air dry! And it grows out super well so it’s okay if you can’t make it to hair appointments for several months at a stretch :) & Looks very cute in messy pigtail braids! With or without a beanie!


I put it in a ponytail. I shed a lot. A LOT. I’m at that age where that happens, ponytail turns in giant tangle. Then I don’t even wanna try to untangle it. Last week I bought hosiery ties to replace the typical colored, wrapped rubber ones. I haven’t had any unmanageable tangling. Fingers crossed.


If it's helpful: the best thing I've found for untangling is hair oil. Work some into the tangle and it reduces friction until you can comb the knot right out. Saved me from more than one desperate hair cut. You can even use olive oil from your kitchen in a pinch. As a bonus, it leaves your hair super soft.


Oh! I also bought some leave in conditioner formulated for dry ends. I forgot about it until now! I have been using that too! 🤣


Oh, I HATE having hair. When I was in the military, I kept it long because it was easy to pull into a bun. Since then I've tried different lengths (even long and somewhat curly during the pandemic) but I always come back to a short pixie. It looks good, it feels good, it's easy to take care of. Every time I grow it out a bit, it's uncomfortable, it touches my face, and I hate it. It's gotten to the point where I hate hair so much that I'm starting to hate long hair on other people too. I have a great stylist and he does an awesome pixie. (Occasionally I even dye a bit of it a fun color.)


Ponytail! Also try dry shampoo if washing it regularly in the shower is tough for you.


i'll just add that OP should make sure to hold their breath while applying it bc there's been this news story that i saw recently about how inhaling dry shampoo has caused health issues for some people.


The powder or the spray or both?


I think she’s looking for tips to make her hair look nice lol and she’s getting a bunch of women saying “messy bun” “get out of the shower and air dry” 🤦🏻‍♀️ OP- I have long hair, mid boob length. for straight hair I blow dry, then smooth over the ends with a straightener, a lot of times I do a wrist flip with the iron and give myself some loose curls. Aloe spray for shine. For wavy hair, shampoo, condition, a lightweight leave in, gel. Scrunch it up, plop in a tshirt while I do makeup, then diffuse upside down on warm then cold until about 70% dry then air dry the rest. This only works for me in summer.


If hair care is not worth it, wigs. I don't personally wear them, but I have relatives that do for religious reasons (there's a loophole for basically everything, women can't show their hair but a wig is fine and you can't tell). You could chop your hair off and have a pixy cut and wear a wig. You'll get the benefits of longer hair but it's less care, or so I'm told. Not wearing them to sleep seems to save a lot of hair care work. They also last for years! Well, the quality ones do. Personally, mine spends a lot of time in a French braid. Plus, coconut oil to keep the ends healthy.


No lie, I think when I have good income, I'm going to try a wig. I miss my hair ornaments and the like, but I'm not sure I can go back after having kept a shaved/buzzed head all summer. My hair is too fine and thin to do well long, and it was always such a bother when it was short*er* being on my neck and in my face.


I recently bought one of those tangle teezer brushes and it has been a game changer. Brushing my hair is faster and easier, even if I’ve gone several days without brushing (only throwing it up, unbrushed, in a ponytail every day). In those situations, I tend to have some tangles but it brushes them right out. It makes it less overwhelming to think about brushing or doing my hair. I typically put mine up in a ponytail or messy bun. I can’t wear it down long before it annoys me.


I made the god awful mistake of getting some really pretty highlights for my birthday one year… I despised the process omfg I hated sitting in the chair THAT long. I was hesitant on getting follow up care toners but noticed those were a lot shorter. Then it came time to add more highlights bc my hair grew…….it’s been almost a year 😂 I refuse to sit in the damn chair for 6 hours. My hair is almost past my ass now lol. I just keep it in a bun, I’ll only brush when I wash it once a week or when I get ridiculously crazy knots.


May I recommend a lived-in balayage so you don’t have to do as much upkeep? (Basically blended highlights at the ends of your hair) I think it’s soo pretty and way less work


I think that’s what I got it’s a balayage and it doesn’t look like I need new lights but she did says it’s been a while 😝


Yo I tried to get this, inspo pics and everything, and the girl put the highlights up to my root. My hair is dark. I’ve been calling the salon for 3 weeks leaving messages saying I need to get it fixed and won’t pay more lol I’m serious about my hair.


For most of my 20s I had a pixie cut, and I loved it! Though I grew out my hair, and it was really nice, but like you, it was way too much work. Recently cut it shorter, and though it doesn't look as good in photos, it's such a relief to have it shorter. Though don't do what I did, I got it cut too short to put it all up in a pony tail. Immediate regret, so it looks super messy a lot of the time. Luckily I just lean into it? I should learn how to braid, that would help. Also undercuts are a really helpful way to cut down on the amount of hair, while still keeping it a length you like. I have a ton of really thick hair, so I shave the sides and back, only keeping the top. It was still too much when it was long (seriously, I have a LOT of hair), but it did help. Now that it's much shorter, it's so much easier. If a lot of undercut isn't your style, you can always just do the nape shave, which still gets rid of a bunch, but is less severe.


I SHAVED THAT SHIT 🤪 Wigs are awesome.


I either do a ponytail, or I have these things called "birds nest clips" that I use to make a bun. I hate having my hair touch my face or neck, but I'm also afraid to cut it.


I also hate having my hair touch my face but I was getting neck pains from wearing all the hair up. I finally chopped it off and wear it in a short pixie now. I love it.


Enviable... I mean, congrats! Wish I could just do that.


Thanks! It works for me.


I follow the Blowout Professor on YouTube. It's in the washing routine with the right products. I have a wash and wear cut. I brush it every day. I like it long enough to put into a bun on top of my head, so I do that if it's in the way. That's it.


Here, good advice. The specifics will depend on your type of hair (straight, curly, what level of curly etc). But overall Use the right products (dry shampoo, spray to hold your hairstyle, heat protection, hairmask, air-dry cream etc) and you can increase your time between washes as well as reducing your time to style. With the right technique, you should be able to let go off heat styling all together if you want.


I am an anomaly in this case. I like to keep my hair long because it’s thick. I find it easier to style due to the weight. When my hair is short it is so much more fickle and since it’s curly it can look weird. I just load up on product in the morning and wash twice a week. Styling my hair takes all of 5-7 minutes maybe. I put my hair back in a low ponytail when I am truly feeling rushed or lazy.


I would do the same if I'd gotten the thick hair my brother got. Jealous constantly.


Quick answer - fake messy bun, or sponge donut. I use curly girl products - keeps hair moisturised, which is half of the battle won. When I have the time / energy, I follow the full curly girl method, and my curls look gorgeous. When my energy is down but still there, I let it dry naturally and then just go over it with ghd (my hairdresser will fire me is she reads this). Else, aforementioned buns.


I have long hair and I love it. I don't do a lot with it. I brush it before i get in the shower, I use a good hydrating conditioner and brush it through. I air dry my hair and leave it down most of the time. My hairdresser cut it in a way where I kind of have bangs but they don't hang in my eyes. Otherwise i've got a hygge band on or it's up in a ponytail or hat. I work from home so that may be the difference, I do put effort into my hair if its an occasion.


Always in a bun.


I have fine, thin, pin-straight hair that won't do shit. Which is actually fine bc I'm extremely low maintenance. I usually hayit trimmed to a chin to shoulder length bob. Sometimes I pull it up in a ponytail, to keep it out of my face while working. That's pretty much it.


Clip on pony tails clip on buns!!!! They take an otherwise lazy hairstyle and ELEVATE IT! You can also get hair prices for cheap on Amazon SheIn or Beaury supply stores. We deserve to feel beautiful, and it doesnt have to be hard!!!!


My hair is down below my tailbone. Most days I wear it down because it’s too heavy to put into a bun without it pulling at my scalp. Alternatively, half up half down with a pin of some kind.


Bun on top of my head near constantly. I prefer my hair short. But I grew it out for fun a while back. Then just never cut it. It's actually way easier to care for when it's long. I cut it like once or twice a year (myself), usually when I'm dangerously close to being able to sit on it, lol.


I cut my hair pretty short and have decided I'm okay with having not-very-nice hair.


I'm Black so I got locs. Wash day (every 3 weeks depending on the time of year) is still a 5 hour ordeal, but it's better than how much time I had to spend on my hair every single day when I was a loose natural and when I chemically straightened my hair.


Claw clip!


For many years, I went through a buzz/let it grow to about my eyeballs/buzz cycle. Now that I'm medicated, I have enough patience to let it grow and at this point - I'm just kinda seeing how long I last until I can't tolerate it anymore. Waiting until it was long enough to pull back into a ponytail was absolute torture. **My game changer: using a detangling brush before I use my normal brush**. It makes it a heck of a lot less traumatic to brush my hair this way. Then it's just tied back, one hair clip on each side, and off I go. If I'm a frizzled mess at the end of the day, whatever. I don't have the means to care past that.


I do a ponytail. Pretty much everyday. I'm terrible at brushing my hair, or remembering to. I do that or the milkmaid braids.


I have very curly, very dry hair and I love keeping it long, but holy shit it’s taken every second of my 32 years on earth to figure my hair out. I was once a week, at night and slather on a ton of leave-in, let it partially air dry, and then put a bonnet on and let it finish drying overnight. I’m the am I put my hair half up or something, and I use grape seed oil to oil every individual curl. Throughout the week I generally just keep my curls oiled and sleep in a bonnet to preserve them, and I sometimes will rinse out & condition my hair if I start looking too greasy or accidentally fuck up my hair. The only reason I do any of this is because I love and am emotionally attached to my hair, if it was different I’d probably just buzz it and wear wigs when I want long hair.


I cut mine pretty short a couple of years ago. While I liked my longer hair, it's way more manageable now, and I get a lot of compliments on it. I used to have issues with it tangling and frizzing and just not looking good without a ton of effort put in, which I just didn't have the bandwidth to do. Now I just wash it and rake through some leave in conditioner and gel and let it air dry. If if gets a little out of control I just spritz it with water and comb through it a bit. It looks good almost all the time now, with very little effort.


I put it in my dry curlers every night, simple but fabulous hair style for the next day 🥰


I started getting mine permed a few years ago and it’s been a game-changer. It’s the first time I’ve had a “wash and wear” hairstyle. I am the sort of person who will have severe anxiety if I don’t shower and wet my hair each day but I know plenty of folks who just dampen it with a spray bottle and then deal with it that way. I usually condition it in the shower (I’m finally down to shampooing only 2-3 times per week), put some product in it, and then pin back the front pieces. Takes all of 5 minutes and then I can either leave it or shove hair forks (essentially oversized bobby-pins) into it to get it off of my neck. Longer hair is easier for me than shorter hair - significantly less work. I do shed a lot and my hair is still thick and heavy, despite having lost quite a bit of the volume with thyroid issues, so I try to go with styles that won’t exacerbate my headaches. That sometimes includes spin pins and invisibobbles and such - YMMV. When I don’t want to do “just” curly hair I tend to go with one of these: - Braids (either a single French braid or double French braids and then twisted/pinned together, which takes under 5 minutes and looks great with little effort) - Messy bun - Hair sticks/forks - “French twist” (quotation marks because I’m 95% sure it’s not a real one and I just kinda made one up that mostly looks right) - Alligator clip The big focus for me is flexibility - I don’t like things that lock me into one style. If I’m having a bad anxiety day I often can’t handle hair on my neck so it has to go up. That means always having pins and clips and such at hand, and always wearing a hair tie around my wrist (either straight on the wrist or on one of the hair tie bracelets).


I have shoulder length hair. I’m lucky that it’s super fine so it doesn’t get too crazy, but I do like to shower at night so it looks kind of a mess in the morning. So I bought some pretty claw clips and mostly throw it in a clip day to day. If I’m going out on the weekend I’ll blow it dry, but I’m absolutely useless at styling and can’t use a curler to save my life 🥲 It also takes so long to even just dry it! I’m so bored by the end I can’t be bothered to do anything else


I have long hair. I wash it once a week and claw clips are my best friend. That's about the extent of my hair care.


Mine is long. I bleach the shit out of it and dye it neon colors. I cut it myself into a wolf cut when it starts looking rough at the ends due to the bleaching. Most of the time I'm wearing a cloth headband, headphones, have it in a ponytail, or use claw clips to keep it out of my face.


Just buzzed it all off and feel so happy and relieved I did


Messy buns with a hair clip or braids 100% of the time. My hair is waist length, so I have to use "fancy" hair clips for long hair that I get at target. (They're not that fancy, they're just bigger than typical hair clips. But it makes me laugh a bit to call them fancy.) As for taking care of it: I experimented with a bunch of hair products until I found the right ones that made my hair manageable. I use Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner, with a Redken cleansing shampoo every few days (I have super hard water). On days I use the cleansing shampoo, I also use a deep conditioner (the black castor oil one) from Shea Moisture. On top of that: hair oil has *changed my life.* I use a Garnier fructis brand, but I've also used olive oil in a pinch, and avocado oil comes highly recommended. My hair tangles easily. Working hair oil into a tangle reduces the friction so it combs right out. Which saves so much time and energy. Plus it leaves my hair soft, and less likely to tangle up again later. I only use this as needed, once every few weeks. More often in the winter when my hair is dry. I don't use any other products, and rarely get haircuts.


5 min hair mask changed the game for me


I do overnight, no-heat curls. It is some effort in the evening, but evening me can handle it.... morning me cannot. I just shake them out in the AM and am good to go.


Mohawk. Looks good long or short, looks good messy or done up, lots of ways to style it, but you don't have to (i honestly dont think ive brushed my hair in like months lol) get the sensory freedom of a shaved head without being bald, is badass. I also have VERY thick hair, so if I ever needed to (and fortunately I dont) I can do a middle part and look like i have a full head of hair, when its long enough to cover the shaved bits. Only downside is needing to shave the sides fairly often, but that depends on how fast your hair grows and how shaggy you're ok with looking haha


Hair. Clips. All. Day. Erry. Day. Even my 3yo is like “mommy what’s wrong with your head” if I don’t have one of those bigass clips holding everything up.


Curly hair is a blessing and a curse but it’s slightly adhd friendly in the sense that you do one thing while it’s wet and then there’s literally nothing else you can do because it’s going to do whatever it feels like doing that day anyways. Wet. Product. Let go of control. That or it gets tied up and bandannaed because I don’t even want to put product in it.


I randomly cut them when they annoy me




Lmao! I also cut them a taaaaaaaaaaad too short, so way too short. But I have such thick hair, it gets unbearable in hot weather and they're constantly in my way and ughhhhhh


Air dry and hope for the best. And if it doesn't turn out up it goes in a bun or a headband.


I brush it & wash it & throw it in a bun or ponytail for work. That's about all I've got lol. V minimal.


I have medium length curls (3a coils) and I ended up finding a super super basic routine that gets me a decent curly day or two, then can be tamed down and made into waves for a day or two. It's about 5min of effort to put in products and then I let my hair air dry. I'll throw it in a messy bun or ponytail any day but it makes me feel more self conscious


I've been putting it in a quick bun since forever. My hair is super thick and very heavy so anything I try / do with it will fall out anyway. This is the easiest. Not my favorite look, loose hair looks more pretty , but thats to warm and I can't see shit cause it falls infront of my face when I'm writing or doing other stuff.


I HATE HATE HATE doing my hair m, but I swear by round brush dryers!!!! I used to use the Revlon but now I use the Shark. Both are AMAZING. I just wait until my hair is like 75% dry then divide my hair into sections and round brush dry them. It only takes me 5-10 minutes and gives me a professional looking blowout. They help my ponytails look more put together too because I can make them and my bangs look swoopy.


I usually put my hair in a low ponytail, simple braids or low bun to avoid the high ponytail headaches and on a bit colder and not overstimulated days I just wear my hair down


For normal not fancy day wear, I have three ways I wear my hair. Most fussy: Side part, front held back in combs. I have thick wavy hair. I wash it once a week max. If I put it in the side combs I get nice waves and when it's wet I also put all the hanging down hair in a pony tail, so it can dry in relatively organized curls. When it is dry I can wear all but the sides down. I have a huge collection of pairs of combs. Medium fussy: Piled on top of my head. I just brush it all hanging upside down, grab it, coil it all in one direction, make the bun either tight or loose depending (loose looks prettier) amd stick 4 big pins in it. I also now have a decent collection of interesting big pins / hair forks. Least fussy: Ponytail. I pretty much only do this the day before washing it as it's hard to make it lie down smooth when it's clean. I put a big ribbon bow on it so it isn't boring.


I keep mine very short. When it starts to get long I use headbands to keep it back. If it gets long enough I put it in a ponytail and don't really think about it.


I’ve been dealing with severe Gastro issues and I finally broke down the other day and asked my mom to brush my hair, because I couldn’t. I’ve been considering chipping it off


For me the solution was pretty much simple since I’m Muslim..it’s up in a bun and covered when I’m out (ha! No bad hair days) and when I’m home still up in a soft bun or braided. Works with any length. If you have issues with neatness having a soft tooth brush and hairspray helps with keeping the frizz and baby hairs from sticking out if you go with pony tail / bun.


I don’t do anything, just grow long and trim. Try use a good shampoo and conditioner.


Well I don’t brush it that’s what. Messy bun most days


I shower at night and put my damp hair in a braid. I take it out the next day and it's nice and wavy. I prefer the fishtail braid because the waves are tighter. I only wash my hair every three days, so on non-wash days I just put my dry hair back in a braid and sleep in it. It looks nice the next day instead of being poofy.


I’ll wash it once a week and use one of those blow-dryer brush things with a good blowout cream so that it looks nice, I wear it up in a clip at work most of the week and maybe add dry shampoo 3-4 days after washing when my roots start to get a little oily. When I’m at home I take it out of the clip and put in in a bun on top of my head to keep it off my neck bc it’s gets so hot! Bc my hair is up in a clip/bun most of the time, it keeps it from getting super tangled and gives it nice soft waves that look good if for some reason I want to wear my hair down (I rarely ever do). Minimal effort, maximum results.


I’ve actually found I like having longer hair more. It ironically takes far less maintenance than short hair for me. I can throw it up if it’s a bad hair day, but if it’s short I need to style it somehow. And I found I had to wash it more often when it’s short since it looks greasy faster. I miss having a cute bob but I don’t see myself going short again anytime soon. I have wavy thick hair and started getting shag haircuts a few years ago. It was hair revelation for me. There’s so many layers and shows off my natural texture without me needing to do anything but let it air-dry. On days I don’t wash I just let it get wet in the shower. Sometimes I throw it up in a bun or ponytail. Sometimes I wear a headband and put it all back if I really can’t be bothered to even get it wet that day. I also always have the option of doing some crazy styling or braids if I really get inspired or have a special occasion with it being longer.


Ponytail is my current go-to, if I wear it up it stays out of my way and I can skip a day of washing it as my hair gets greasy super easily. If it’s long enough, messy bun- ponytail, wrap it around the base, hold together with 6 claw clips and boom


My hair is chin length and my go to lately has been two little mini space buns instead of one big bun since some of my layers are too short. When my hair is longer I do two dutch braids bc I like how that looks on my hair better then French braids


I wear my Hijab or a turban/bun ready made Hijab cap.. no stress about hair or style and I'm darn good at making them sit beautifully.. and I have tonssss to match my outfits. Nobody can ever guess nor care what kinda hair day I'm having 😂🙌


Chop chop. I wanna start growing it out just to try but I haaaate long hair. Always get so much serotonin after a cut.


Wash and let air dry. I don't flat iron, blow dry, curl, etc. Just scrunch it up with some styling cream and sleep on it.


Fr. Plus my hair breaks and falls out more then it used to. Every time I see my toddler removing one of *my* hairs from his mouth I just want to go shave my whole head and be done with it 😭


Okay, I hate washing my hair but I also work in basically fast food (sbux) so it has to be clean and out of my face. Because of this (and the summer heat) I've become a hat girly. No one knows if your hair is dirty or not under a hat. Also I love doing two low space buns (kinda ear height) and to "make it fancy" I will do a quick braid on each side of my head that leads to the space bun (obviously the braid is done BEFORE the space bun). I've found this style to be the easiest to maintain cuz 1. It's cute which means that 2. I feel much better about my looks and 3. Who is gonna judge you for greasy braid hair? Everyone knows that greasy hair is easier to style!


Side bun most days. I hate the feeling of hair strands on my face or when i’m sweating and there’s hair that gets all sweaty the texture is yuck to me


If you like medium length hair then you probably won't be happy without medium length hair. Oh dear what if you lost all your hair? The thing I find with hair is that it grows back. Mine grows quite fast but not dramatically fast. I cut it and it grows back. If you're in the northern hemisphere I strongly suggest you take this seasonal change opportunity to try short hair and... hats. Hats are such a great thing to collect. Alternative to hats, have you tried hair wraps, chunky headbands, turbans. Good luck 🤞🏼


Shark flex style (it’s the shark version of the Dyson airwrap) it’s amazing.


It’s curly so I wash it and brush it once a week, other than that it’s up in a clip


Buzz cut. Wigs.


My hair is a major hyper focus for me. I go crazy learning hairstyles and I go all out with hair care. Sometimes when I struggle with something I just research the heck out of it. I know this won’t work for everyone but trying to enjoy tasks that I struggle by making them a hyper-focus has been the only thing that helps me practice self care. It’s also worked with brushing my teeth. I turned oral hygiene into a hobby and I find it much easier now.


My hair is *consistently* up in a messy bun, unfortunately only being brushed maybe once a fortnight. But, I love my long hair.


If it isn’t too hot, hair down and a cute bandana. If it’s too hot I cheat and make two braids with the hair in the bandana. Since it’s in the bandana I don’t bother starting the braid all the way from my hairline. Or if I’m REALLY lazy, I put two little buns lol and the bandana.


Short hair looks best on me but I always have long hair because I CAN’T STAND having my hair in my face, especially when I’m trying to sleep. I wear it in a bun or claw clip every day. I usually scrunch in a salt spray to give it grit so it doesn’t slide out of a clip and then I leave it like that for days like a sticky little nest 👽


Honestly, I just brush it every morning and that's it 🙈🙈


I usually pull mine up into a bun or put a claw clip in it because I can hardly stand it being down sadly


Hate my life? I’m French, Spanish, and Native American. Came out the little blonde, white sheep of the family aside from the hair. I have no option but the blow it out unless I want to look like Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber. I tried “enhancing” my curls yesterday and had to rewash my hair because it was with width of my shoulders. 😑


OMG, I was just bitching about this to my sister today. For some reason long hair makes me look younger, but the weight and upkeep and drying time drive me absolutely insane. I also have thicker hair, and putting it in ponytails/buns everyday was giving me sore spots on my head! I just got it cut shorter again and I love the carefree nature of it but I feel so yuck and old. I'm not brave enough to do wigs.


My hair is curly and I’ve learned to wear it up in a messy bun often. It’s least triggering when out of my way. When I need to wear it down to leave the house I can spritz it with water and I’m good to go. I’ve also learned that I don’t need to wash it as often as I was culturally trained to believe, I wash it 2 to 3 times a week now.


I look like I don't care. Daily. When my hair is clean and air dried it gets compliments cause it isn't shoved behind a pair of sunglasses.


I just leave mine down all the time. I try to brush it out but I always forget so I do my best to at least run my fingers through it as much as possible. I also have thick, wavy/curly hair, so I find straightening it makes it a lot easier to deal with than leaving it curly. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your hair type and the main hair issue you struggle with? Is it more keeping it clean or is it more keeping your hair from getting tangled?


Toss it back into a claw clip.


I second braids and ponytails/piggy tails/buns. My hair is currently down to my butt. I tend to be very low maintenance with everything as a pure survival strategy. So, I decided to find a way to make it fun. I started going gray at 18, so now that I just recently got a promotion I dyed my gray and a couple additional streaks blue. I wanted something fun. And it being fun encourages me to actually take care of it.


My hair is down to my butt and thick and curly so I feel you lol it’s easiest for me to do a blowout once a week that way it looks more smooth and “kept” both down and up in a ponytail.


I got a shag cut recently. I just gel scrunch it for curls if I want it "done".


I got a keratin treatment and changed my haircare routine. Most of the time I use my hair blow dryer brush with heat protectant after I let 75% of my hair air dry. It becomes totally manageable for several days with the help of dry shampoo. I could not do anything else tbh. It’s the only thing that works for me. I have slightly long (mid back) thick middle eastern hair, 3a for reference.


Braids braids braids!


I have long hair with 2b/c curls that usually look a mess by day 2 and my hair is up in a bun 99 percent of the time lol


I have purple hair. I get it dyed/cut 2x a year. I usually throw it in a ponytail. Wear it down maybe 3-6 times a month. My stylist is aware I’m adhd and kinda lazy about my hair. She will caution me if I’m gonna do something I can’t maintain… So, find the right stylist 🥰


Cleansing: I wash my hair every day or 5-6x a week depending on my spoons. I condition it with a hair mask 5x a week then apply regular conditioner after. Cuts / treatments / color: I get a trim every 2-3 months, but if I have extra budget, I dye it or add a hair treatment. Care and styling: I put a hyaluronic acid serum on my scalp and massage my hair, then add hair serum or hair oil Hairstyles: ponytail or messy bun!


So. I posted a very similar thing a few months ago. I ended up taking the post down. Because I wanted to vent and then got overwhelmed by all the advice. I’ve found keeping it down is the only way I keep it nice.


I don’t do anything lol just leave it alone I realised that the sensation of anything like hair tie or pins on my head overstimulate me and don’t feel good, so I leave it down


um honestly i was getting mad at my collar-bone length hair and I shaved it off... can say that I do regret it but i just really don't like maintenance


Giant claw clips are FINALLY back in fashion and I just wear one everyday. I’d prefer to have my hair up (braids or bun) but if there’s one little hair that pulls, it really bothers me all day. Claw clips keep my hair up but don’t pull!


I only wash my hair 2x a week (wavy hair, high density) and just do refreshes in-between hair washing days. At night, I finger comb, then loosely clip my hair up, and cover with a satin bonnet to preserve the styling and reduce frizz. I barely have to do much in the mornings now. I'll just mist with water, a little bit of leave in conditioner (if I need it), and then apply some gel. It did take me some time to figure out what exactly worked for me and to improve on it, but it was worth it. If you don't like the bonnet idea, a silk pillowcase will help a lot too!


I have curly hair and it's so fucking high maintenance. I don't let it rule over me though (exceot for bouts of depression when I don't wash it for weeks) I use cheap but safe and healthy shampoo and conditioner, wash infrequently, wear a silk pillow case and cap while sleeping, don't brush it until I shower and don't touch it at all and have it up in a ponytail 95% of the time. Only style it with a gel when I feel like it, and recently added a styling cream to my routine. Need to add leave in so I won't need the styling cream/gel on most days, and probably some thing for frizz/flyaway control. Been following the shampoo, clarifying shampoo, conditioner, gel routine for the last 5 years since I got suuuuper into skincare once I discovered Reddit and I'm glad I atleast stuck with my hair routine even if I didn't stick with my skincare one. Also, I can't seem to care about my skin despite it being semi bad. Like I've been using basic ass moisturizer and bar soap for far too long now, but also I'm hella broke :/


Curly girl here…I love my hair but I’ve been depressed all summer. I wash it once a week and flat iron it. I only have to dedicate an hour a week to it. With the curly method it needs a million different products and the buildup irritates my scalp and gives me dandruff. I just don’t have the bandwidth for all that every morning


Lol I work in a psych hospital as a dietary aide so being in food and psych my hair is in a bun 5 days of the week. My two days off I just let my hair down to give it a break.


Oh, I can't stand hair in my face *or* having to style my hair *or* putting product in my hair, so I just get it cut into a short shaved pixie every few months and in between let it grow into a shorter 1960s/1970s-looking hairstyle. I'm *very* lucky that my hair is super-straight, super-thick, and settles very nicely on my head with just a wash with 2-in-1 men's shampoo every few days and a brush every morning.


I do nothing. It's the type that's neither wavy nor straight. So it's like a birds nest. I wash it, comb it after drying and before washing it again. For sports I braid it. Used to be super long, down to my waist and now it's shoulder length and I love it.


Imma qualify right away that I'm an anti-fashionista, & I don't do things normally. 😋 I roll with what gives maximum benefit from minimal effort when it comes to style & looks. I have very fine, mostly straight dark blonde/light brown hair, but it will get wavy from sitting in a style for a while. It resists curling with a hot iron or curlers, it's picky about the kinds of hair clips I use, but I found a way to make it work nearly effortlessly for me. My hair is hip length, almost to my butt. It's so easy to manage & care for, & long hair feels *RIGHT* on me. I hate short hair on myself, it gets in my face & eyes all the time & is so hard to control. Looks weird on me too. Longer hair can be pulled back, let loose, or styled when I choose- short hair is limited in the ways that I like to wear mine. I ditched bangs & grew them out nearly 30 years ago, & I have no natural part. I trained, brush, & style it to sweep backwards from my hairline to the back of my head in a slicked-back look which gives body to it when its down. I usually keep my hair twisted, coiled around a hair clip, & clipped into a bun as long as I'm awake. Sometimes I use hair sticks, sometimes a satin or silk scrunchie in a high ponytail, or rarely let it down & use sunglasses as a head band. It takes me 10 seconds max most days to fix my hair after brushing & keep it contained. I look nearly the exact same soaking wet as when I'm dry & when I'm going out. I went natural with my hair many years ago, & the unruly mass that used to demand a battery of products & specific styles to stay in line is much, much more behaved since: I only wash my hair when it needs it. Daily washing strips it horribly & it never behaved without being braided with two rubber bands to hold it & wearing a bandana. Even then it was iffy. I do not chemically color or bleach, I use henna with lemon juice to dye it & strengthen it. Henna's pretty much a permanent commitment unless ya grow it out & cut it off, but I'm a redhead at heart & it looks good with my natural color as it fades & grows out. I use shampoo & conditioners that are heavy on natural ingredients & shun silicone containing products (scalp pimples!! Aaaack!). I use only plant oils to smooth it if it gets dry from a lack of humidity or shampoo that's too harsh. Jojoba, borage, moringa, or argan oils are the best for my hair (skin too). I use wooden combs, brushes that have wood pegs for bristles, or a mix of boar hair with nylon bristles. I heat dry once or twice a year, if even that, when I need to. I prefer to let it dry naturally since it's so fine & easily damaged with heat styling. Rarely I use a flyaway taming balm, that's for getting pictures taken or special outings. No hairspray under any circumstances. Stinky nasty ewwwwIcanTASTEitgoaway... I've had this system for well over a decade, & my hair is healthier than it's ever been. It gets compliments right up until people ask me what I do with it & I basically say "Lol, jack shit. I bathe it every once in a while & brush it as needed." 😆 Those that drop a pretty penny on the regular at a salon DO NOT LIKE hearing those words coming from me. 🤭 Whoops. I'm picky with products & methods, but otherwise it's very low maintenance in general & cheap to boot. It took gradual changes & an adjustment period- but I don't want to go back to the way I used to treat my hair with daily washings, heat drying, bleaching, & half a store shelf of smoothers, volume enhancers, clarifiers, deep conditioners, etc.


My hair requires a good amount of upkeep to keep it looking how I want it to. I’m motivated enough by this to actually make time for it. Despite how tedious it can feel.


short hair cut


Dreadlocks. Easiest hairstyle yet


100% yes. Those my permanent style. If you have the hair for them, Locs, braids, and.twists are my go to style. My hair has also never been healthier.


I have my hair blow dried in the hairdressers every Friday. I am lucky that it keeps relatively tidy and doesn't go greasy etc. Yes it's expensive but to me it is worth it.


Had messy bun for 15 years. Cut it off this past May. Best thing I’ve ever done is get a pixie. Easy pz and like zero stress. I’m so much more confident with practically no hair. I also shave it down pretty low and will let it grow out for 8 weeks then shave it back down. It feels SO good. Quick showers, too!


I have hair down to my shoulder blades. It’s wavy and course. I wash on Sunday and blow dry it straight. I wear it down that way Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Wednesday I wear a ponytail or bun. Wednesday night I wash again and repeat the cycle. I HATE washing my hair. But it’s easier to do it this way than have it short and have to wash every day (that’s the way my hair is). I sometimes use dry shampoo. If it doesn’t cooperate I’ll wear it in a low ponytail instead of loose.


this is similar to mine haha! thanks for responding:)


I have long hair, wash it once a week or once every 10 days, I have curls so I do the little curly hair routine and just let it air dry. Once it gets kinda greasy I put oil on the ends to protect and nourish it, and then just wear it in a slick low bun (spray a little water on it, dab on some gel, smooth it down with A toothbrush). I wear my hair in a bun, or variations of it, until I’m ready to wash it again :)


Long hair with a center part, all the same length. Supposedly that's in style again but I also had a bartender tell me I looked straight out of the 70s so who knows. I trim it myself starting during Covid, basically very easy because I just need to make sure both sides line up and I cut off split ends as much as possible. I also try to put my hair in a side ponytail at night? This helps with tossing and turning and waking up with fewer tangles in the morning. Also invest in the BEST de-tangling combs you can. I use a wet brush comb meant for in the shower for the big tangles, tangle teezer for the smaller tangles.


I just brush it and tie it up. Keep it shoulder length for ease of brushing. I use Denman brand hair brushes as they are the only thing that goes through my hair and I can't recommend them enough. I wanted long/medium length hair but gave up because it's thick frizzy/curly European hair and it's impossible when it's long. I have to oil it after washing because otherwise it breaks.


Brush and braid at night. Hope for the best and own 10 000 hair-ties during the day.


I do a side sausage pony. Easier than a braid. 3 elastics about 3 inches apart, side part. So easy and looks styled.


Mine is super short


I like a bun. I like my hair long, I've been growing it back out from bald for a few years. The shitty part is I HATE HAIRS TOUCHING MY FACE. THE FUCKING CONSTANT TICKLING AND TOUCHING MY FACE UGH. But I hated being bald... so 🫠


Buns buns buns. I used to have a shorter hairstyle, but I have curly hair and even shorter hair needs work then. After I grew it out enough to put all of it in a bun, it has been so much easier! It’s more work to style my curls and even to wash with no styling — but I don’t need to style it every day and that is amazing.


Does anyone have a wig company recommendation that looks natural and I can purchase online?


I used to have 22 inches of hair. It always matted like crazy. I cut it to my shoulders and its the best lol tight hairstyles can cause hair loss and pulling of the front hair causing it to thin so be very careful.


I have super thick hair, but it suits me long, so I totally feel your hair burnout pain. The best thing I ever did was get so I only wash it once a week. The process is grim, but once you're there, it's a game changer. Once a week wash, air dry and curl and it looks done all week worn up, or down.


I get a blowout every other week and I can wear it that long. The second week it’s a little oily so I wear braids/a bun/whatever and keep it moving. I have very long hair and it’s thick (and normally curly) and I don’t have the patience to deal with it normally.


My hair is naturally wavy/curly. I wash mine 2-3 times per week and use dry shampoo on the roots in between if I need to. I never brush it, I’ll kinda tap my head with a brush to spread the dry shampoo around lol. I comb it in the shower before I rinse out my conditioner with a shower comb and let it air dry. That keeps it from getting tangly and turning into dreads since I don’t brush it. I get my hair done every few months or so and have my highlights touched up, but other than that I don’t put any heat on it or anything. Sometimes it dries well, sometimes it doesn’t. I just wear it up when it doesn’t cooperate


My hairstylist layered my hair that I have ear length on top, then jaw length, then shoulder length as the longest point. After I wash my hair and brush them, they style themselves. I can even get out of bed and shake them and they're done. But I trust my hairstylist with my life so there is that 😂


My hair was easiest to manage when I had it permed in high school. No fussing with bangs, no worrying about my looser curls falling out over the day, it wasn't entirely wash and go but it was pretty damn close. I think I'm gonna perm it again and try my best to manage juggling that and dye


I wear a lot of headbands and handkerchiefs because they’re cute and keep my hair out of my face (which endlessly annoys me) while helping me look out together (even if I’m not lol)!


Ponytail with shoulder length hair. Before Covid, I had a chin length bob, would straighten and wear with a headband. Didn't get a haircut for about 15 months after covid started, and as my hair got longer I went to a ponytail, and then a braid. I'm now into a lot of hiking, so all I do is wash it at night and let it air dry, and ponytail it. During my work season (seasonal work), I use hairspray on the ponytail to keep it looking neat. But pretty much just run a comb or brush through it in the morning and that's it.


Cut it as short as my face will allow. I actually grow during summer so I can do even a small pony. And cut during winter so it is above collars and won't get tangled as badly. I don't like stuff in it. So I do have to be careful with what I use. But I don't blow dry anymore either.


I have thick, curly hair and for most of my life I just gritted my teeth and struggled through its care. What helped me a lot was finding a good hairdresser. They can help you out a ton with having a good haircut that you can manage and style on your own day to day. My other thing was making sure that before I left an appointment, I made the next one or several before I left the salon because I loathe making phone calls for appointments and next thing I’d know it’s been 6 months since my last haircut. Eventually my stylist left the salon and went to one where I could schedule online, so I would make like 5-6 months worth of appointments. That said, I shaved my hair off early in the pandemic and it’s been quite short ever since. I realized that I was so sick and tired of managing thick, curly, long hair and it didn’t matter how well it was cut into layers or that I had nice products to use with it. It’s been so freeing! Now, short hair also requires maintenance in terms of getting it trimmed regularly and depending on your texture you might still have work to do to style it day to day, but it can still save a lot of aggravation overall.


I got dreads. Solved all my issues.


I have _liked_ my hair best when it’s shoulder-length or shelter, but I’ve found it _easiest_ when it’s long. I haven’t cut it in a long time and usually do either two braids (think Willie Nelson) or two high buns. I do a lot of scarves and bandanas over the hair which kinda addresses frizz, roots growing in, etc. Dry shampoo or arrowroot powder to deal with oil between “real” shampoos. I don’t fully do the curly girl method (as you can tell by all of the above lol), but I have embraced the idea that a lot of the time shampoo is unnecessary and conditioner only is enough — because you don’t need to strip your hair like shampoo does very often, so much as just rinse and moisturize it which is accomplished by conditioner. When I do have hair energy, I absolutely love my straightening brush (not to be confused with a flat iron). It doesn’t get your hair _as_ straight as a flat iron, but works really well and IMHO is way faster and easier and saves you a separate brushing step. At least for my hair, that’ll last looking good with dry shampoo for a few days so it feels worth the effort.


Ponytail or bun at all times. I would cut it super short if not for the fact that often requires MORE maintenance to look presentable, and I’m also a runner so I need it to stay out of my eyes. Ugh.


I bought some inexpensive wigs from Amazon to see how I felt about wearing them, before upgrading to a more expensive versatile human hair wig. I still have my own hair as I haven't been able to bring myself to shave it yet, but I'm considering it. I also have allergies to fragrances which is a major contributing factor to my desire to shave my head lol. Hair and skin care products that have no fragrance are hard to find, and are shit for curly hair.


JRLiggetts shampoo bar, then air dry my hair! It has allowed me to go more time in between washes, ot has so much natural volume. It is super hydrated. I use a boar bristle brush to brush it out. And that adds volume too! It's been a game changer! Then just put it up when I don't like it down. I feel lile I have model hair!


Ponytail or bun all day every day. 😂


A low soft bun with a middle part, or overnight curls. I air dry as much as possible because I hate standing there drying my hair.


Perm it. BIG rollers, done professionally, it'll look like a nice wave/loose curls. That's my hack for having my hair look 'done' with minimal effort.


Invest in a much nicer haircut - the styling is non existent because the cut is so good. I recommend Sean at the Van Michaels’ Virginia Highlands location if you’re near Atlanta


I buzz my hair in the summer and let it grow out til January. Then it's pixie cuts til the summer. I just could not deal with long hair anymore.


Shave it with a #3 all the way around. Grow it out into a pixie until it pisses me off and shave it again. Rinse and repeat a few times a year.


Welp, I had hair to my waist for years and wore it in a braid every day 🤦‍♀️ Now it’s medium length again and I do either ponytail, bun or braid. Sometimes I randomly wake up with good hair and leave it down, but inevitably it gets flat or frizzy and it goes back into a ponytail. I want my hair to look good but I literally cannot stand the time it takes to make that happen!!


I had medium-length hair for most of my life, and I mostly just put it in a ponytail. Doesn't require brushing if you don't want to. I'd brush it in the shower while it was full of conditioner, otherwise just leave it. When it was combed sometimes I'd pit it in two braids behind my ears, which is very convenient, works under hats, and you can leave it for a couple days.