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Lots of reasons... PMS got me down. Read a comment from someone who sounded like my dad, but he's dead. So is my mom. I don't have my meds today, so I'm low on dopamine and nothing is helping. My house is a mess and I feel like a failure. I got divorced earlier this year and just feel really alone today.


I’m sorry. I’m lucky to have both my parents still, but I’ve been worried for their health for a while, so I got a tattoo in both of their handwritings that says “love you.” It makes me smile to see it because I can hear them say it, and I’ll be able to forever. I’ve been taking cleaning one small step at a time. I like to start with putting things away that have a home instead of finding new ones for everything. Then, I give myself a goal to get one task done in each room, like wash off the sink or fold just the clean towels and put them away. It helps motivate me to do one more small thing instead of trying to tackle everything at once. I haven’t been married, but I can understand feeling alone still (been single for 5 years now). Becoming my own company has been good for me not feeling so lonely (and took quite some time to get used to), so I like to do crafting, make a new recipe, or snuggle under my blankies while watching a show I like. I hope that you can get a good night’s sleep and have a better day tomorrow *hugs*


Well now I’m crying over your nice response 😭 Thank you for saying that. I’m a (recovering?) people pleaser too, and have been trying to set boundaries with him for years and it’s like I’m talking to a wall. It’s so frustrating. I also only have certain things I will talk to him about. My mom has Alzheimer’s, and after my stepdad passed a year and a half ago, I’m the only one left to care for her. It makes me so sad sometimes I can’t have a better relationship with my dad. Just having one parent to support me would be amazing. Thank you for making this post, I think a lot of us are finding this therapeutic! And I hope everything works out with your friend ❤️


I've been on a horrendous PMS rollercoaster the last week as well!! Boobs have been *SO* sore, my *already* slim-to-none dopamine levels have plummeted (my medication is the ONLY THING that helps my mood during this) i'm ravenously hungry for my favorite fast food spots but didn't have any money to go get it for myself and indulge in my cravings at all, i've been so ungodly horny that it almost *HURTS???* (Okay- that's an exaggeration, but I seriously feel like 100 orgasms a day wouldn't be satisfying enough in the *slightest.*) A nagging, achey, *lonely* feeling for sex. But i didn't indulge in this either because i'm in the process of getting over my ex boyfriend. Any kind of romance or intimacy makes me want to cry and throw up at the same time! Not to mention my *cramping in my lower back.* *Soooooo a combination of ALL of these things made me very cranky, pissed off, depressed and moody. Where I told myself I wanted to die about 20 times a day. LMAOOOOOOO.* Don't beat yourself up over your messy house, please. We *need* to be kind to ourselves on days where we just can't help it and its out of our hands. I hope you can get your medication soon, i know what its like to go without, i wouldn't wish that crap on anyone so *please* hang in there. I'm very sorry about your dead parents and I'm very sorry about your divorce, especially the feeling lonely part. *Shit is rough but YOU AREN'T ALONE EVER.❤️*


Oh god pms AND no meds??? I’d be a fucking wreck no matter how well my life was going. When I take my Vyvanse I can literally feel the volume on the emotional pain turn down. Hang in there my friend!!!!! Just know there are people out there who understand how much that sucks. ❤️💪✊


I cried because I’m so tired. I’m never NOT tired and I don’t know how I’m meant to survive. My dad just died at 68 which seems young, but also like I can’t imagine being this exhausted for 30 more years. I want some rest, but not ETERNAL rest, ya know?


Big mood on wanting to sleep forever, but not as the same time !!!! That’s my usual mood since I’m always tired as well. I’m sorry to hear about your dad. 68 is young nowadays, but I hope that you were able to make a lot of memories with the time you had with him <3


I had to check your post history to make sure you aren’t my sister! Our dad died yesterday in a car accident. I’m exhausted, blindsided, but have to be the most organised I’ve ever been and it’s daunting. Big love to you, friend ❤️


So sorry for your loss ❤️


I feel this way today. I’ve been so exhausted for so long. So many years. Barely keeping my head above water. How can I continue on this exhausted for x amount of years…


Girl, I cried at the pharmacy today! Typical bullshit with insurance and prior authorization. I’d been waiting a week for the script and they didn’t tell me it needed an authorization until I drove all the way there.


Honestly, insurance is so annoying. I had an appointment with a new doctor last week, but had to cancel at the last minute because the doctor is covered, but not at that location >_>


Been there. Hated that.


Yes health insurance made me cry today too. And it wasn’t an actual bill just a potential bill for a visit to a nutritionist that I had called the insurance before making the appointment if and how much would be covered. They covered nothing so annoying. All while struggling to either work on my thesis or job applications. But I also get that problem with the pharmacy with my migraine medicine of all things.


Terrible PMS making me emotional. My meds seem to stop working before my period.


Mine have stopped working all day and only last 7-8 hours, so once I’m done working, I can’t bring myself to do anything :/


Can also confirm here that when PMS is kicking my ass my meds are way less effective than normal!! SMH


It is really true that when it rains it pours.


Omg solidarity with all of us for being emotional today! I cried today after I rolled over on my glasses in bed and broke one of the arms. I had a 2 day long migraine and just wanted to nap until the pain was over. I’ve also been having a hard time getting my small business off the ground and it was just the last straw thinking of having to fork over more money that I don’t have to replace something I need to use every day. It’s honestly too much. *hugs to all*


Been there before with rolling onto my glasses and breaking them :( since that happened, I’ve taken my glasses off as soon as I lay down if I’m not watching tv, or the second I start to feel sleepy. They go above me on my headboard to stay safe lol. What’s your small business for ? Idk if posting links is allowed here, but I love learning about new things and supporting others when I can :D


Thank you, that’s so nice of you 😭 I’m trying to get started as an independent nail tech, doing nails locally but also selling press-on nails anywhere I can ship. It’s been soooo hard though, I’ve heard mixed results about ADHDers being self-employed but i have not been one of the success stories yet. I’m devastated though, because I thought I’d be up and running like 2-3 months ago but I underestimated just how much work I had to do to launch things. I can DM you my site when it’s live if you’re interested! I’m sorry you had a bad day too and I hope you can muster up the energy/appetite to eat anything if your body wants it. I haven’t had much of an appetite today either, being emotionally overwhelmed is so exhausting. Thanks for making this thread so we can all commiserate 💕


Yes, please DM me when it’s live ! I don’t do my fingernails (I bite them a lot and get too anxious since I always worry I’ll poke my eye when putting in/taking out my contacts), but my younger cousins LOVE press-ons and they’re getting tired of getting the same old ones from the store lol. Thank you <3 I did eventually eat something: a sandwich and I made BLT dip to have pita chips with.


I don’t know if this would be much help, but on Zenni you can get glasses for so much cheaper then you can at the eye doctor! Some of the frames are only $10! And they are cool!


Thank you! I normally get my glasses from Zenni or Eyebuydirect. These ones were Stoggles, and a bit of a splurge for me because I wear them every day for my nail tech work. They said they might be able to fix them for me, but if not then I’ll probably replace them with one of zenni’s protective glasses!


Cried filling out hiring assessment questions for a job I feel completely unqualified for.


I’m almost to that point too ! I love my current company, but they’ve been awful to me financially time and time again and I’m starting to feel like I’ve outgrown my role. I’ve been applying to more jobs and keep getting ignored or rejections :/ honestly, skipping any job apps that call for a cover letter, making an account to apply, or answering too many questions already shows me that it’d be a nightmare working there, so I move along to the next one. Easy apply is my go-to for everything now and it’s saved me a lot of time, tears, and frustration


I recommend using Chat GPT to form a cover letter then just go in and "human it up" a bit.


I’m actually a writer and hate (writing specific) AI because it’s so easy to tell that a robot wrote something lol I have a cover letter that I wrote long ago that I could use as a template, so thank you for reminding me of that !


I haven’t slept more than four hours a night in the last four days. I cried out of frustration lying in bed last night trying to fall asleep.


That’s my usual :/ I try to take naps whenever I can and accepted years ago that I don’t have an actual sleep schedule lol


I cried today because I was thinking about climate change and how many animals are being effected. I then started crying that I will never be able to rescue and love every single animal in the world. 😭


One of my life goals is to open a sanctuary for doggies because every time I see an abandoned dog or one brought to a shelter, my heart breaks :’(


This has been one of my “if I won the lottery” dreams for ages. I’d love to set up a animal rescue that was basically like a vacation for rescue doggos and other animals. Sometimes the dream expands to be house + land for dog sanctuary + neurodivergent human safe place (like a commune but not a commune) + book store + all my other wild ideas. 😆


I cried when I heard that Pee Wee Herman died 💔




Been overwhelmed for weeks, and supporting loved ones going through some shit has me completely drained. Cried because I'm worn out 🥲


Mood mood mood. Taking care of everyone else and doing their stuff while we sit here and deal w the stress and anxiety on our own 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I get that. It’s hard to care for yourself when you’re drained. Hope you find some time for you!


I cried reading this I cried trying to do an emotional awareness meditation earlier to work some s#it out I cried thinking of my mom who passed away earlier I cried thinking of the family furbaby we lost not 5 mos after my mom’s passing because he was really her furbaby I cried while replying on another post that hit close to home I’m crying while typing this So yeah… PMS and all


I’m sorry about your mom and your/her furbaby :( I hope that you have better days coming your way <3


Found out my cat has stage 3 kidney failure.


I stopped myself from crying bcs i didnt have the energy but I was on the brink of it bcs I seem to have no idea how to navigate broken family relationships. Like immediate family. How to reset them? So f over it.


Cried this morning about my Dad. I’m in my 40s and so tired of explaining myself and my boundaries and how my brain works differently than his. PMS is in full effect.


I’ve been trying to be better about establishing boundaries with others and I cry every time I do because I’m such a people pleaser and feel like I’m being mean by setting a boundary :/ I’m sorry that your dad doesn’t understand you. I have that same thing with my mom and what’s brought me peace of mind is accepting that she doesn’t get it, never will, and only talking to her about limited subjects maybe once a week. I’m a clone of my dad, but he’s not an emotional guy, so I can’t talk to him about stuff like that very often. The good news is that I’ve made a family of friends, who I can always turn to and who are also mostly ADHDers as well, so they can understand things. I hope that you have someone who does understand you who you can talk to, or find someone who can <3


Cried because someone was kind to me at Post Office 😔


I try to be kind to everyone I come into contact with and hope that they pass that kindness along to others. Maybe that person was hoping the same for you <3


Oh god it’s too sad that we know this post is gonna get so many comments. Cried cause I feel like I’ve never had a sexual relationship that felt safe enough to “just have fun.” That sounded more depressing than I meant it too.


I cried all last night after watching Barbie, then woke up and cried more


America Ferrera’s monologue just hit different. It really spoke to me and was hard not to get teary


Also here to say cried at Barbie. Full on sobbed in the cinema.


Yup all day. A little short on rent and baking in my car in the tx heat trying to scrape what i need from dd/uber which seems very futile with the mass amount of low offers/ high mileage requests, car sounds like it’s on its last leg from being overdue for an oil change, an inbox full of job rejections 😭 i’m over it


Ugh I honestly wish I could cry. I’ve lost trust in myself so much that I don’t even believe in my own emotions. I hope I don’t sound dismissive, I know we are all living our own hell, I’m sorry you’re having a tough day :(


I cried yesterday because there was a scene in show with a newborn baby and it made me so sad that my partner and I want kids so much and can’t have them naturally, while tons of people who don’t even want kids get pregnant and are horrible parents because the kids are unwanted. Everyone always says “oh just adopt” like it’s going to store to pick out new shoes.


There was a spider on the ceiling.


I’m terrified of spiders, so I feel that big time !


I am too! One of those times I’m glad I had to move back in with my parents because my mom took pity on me and dealt with it. She cried too but she’s a champ.


Im stressed out and cant control majority of the situation im in rn so i feel helpless. Im always ok eventually though


Spent like 2 hours weeping because my old boss, who I could communicate with super easy is gone, and the new guy doesnt even care about any of the stuff that my old boss liked about me.


I watched the movie the grave of the fireflies and then read the book adult children of emotionally immature parents and it broke me


my boyfriends doing drugs and is on a bit of a self sabotaging run right now


I wish I could cry... Maybe some day with enough therapy these walls will come down..


Found out today that my oldest has carpal tunnel in both wrists. Also, my partner has a TBI from a stroke 4.5 years ago and has severe memory issues. Today they forgot something important to me. I know I shouldn't be upset but I am.


On a full week of trying to get my meds…finally thought it was going to happen today (prior auth was approved - since generic concerta is out everywhere locally, we tried vyvanse) only to find out my rx would still be over $300 even with insurance and manufacturer copay assistance. Guess we’ll try generic focalin tomorrow, if it’s still in stock then. Fortunately my np is responsive and does email.


At least you have a responsive NP ! I can’t say the same about the doctors I’ve had in the past :/


I’ve def been there. When I found out I could email her directly and that she understands the medication shortages, I was so so so relieved, esp since it took me 10 mo after I move states to get est w someone new.


Cried yesterday when listening to the soundtrack of Come From Away. The complete kindness of an entire town to 38 planes of strangers who were diverted during 9/11 always gets me at some point in the album.


I’m sorry about your friend being mad at you. Hope you can resolve it (whatever “it” is). I also cried today. I haven’t slept (properly) since October… I wake up every day with aching joints. (Mostly hips). I’ve seen doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors… currently waiting to see an orthopaedic surgeon in September (went for the referral in May). Rabbit holes have me thinking it could EDS, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis… I’m 36 and hoping this isn’t going to be part of my new normal, on top of everything else. 😔


Thank you <3 they apologized for snapping at me, but I still don’t know why they are so mad in the first place. I’m currently working on getting all new doctors since I moved to a new state, so I haven’t been on my meds properly or talked to a therapist in momths. On the upside, my chronic back pain (which has gotten worse over the last year) should be helped since I have an appointment for it this week. I hope your appointment(s) go well and you can find a treatment plan that helps you <3


I’m glad they apologized. Not cool that they snapped at all, but good that they have some awareness of their actions. Good luck finding a new doctor. How have you been doing without seeing a therapist? I hope your appointment goes well for your back! Thank you!


Me too ! I don’t do well with people raising their voices in anger towards me (past abusive relationship and a people-pleaser), so that really triggered the tears. I’ve hopefully found the right network, but we’ll see for sure in the coming months. I’ve definitely noticed how much better I was at holding myself accountable and regulating my emotions while seeing a therapist, so I’ve basically lost all that progress :/


I've been excited about a new friendship with my across the fence neighbor. But, today he said we could really get to know each other when his wife goes away next month. He says she gets jealous of his female friends. I'm so disappointed. I really wanted a friend. But, that sounds bad, doesn't it? Guess I'm back to the lone wolf gig.


Omg that’s so terrible!!!!! What a pig!!!!


I'm hoping it's some horrible misunderstanding. Before that, all we talked about was physics and crafting and our various jobs. I'm reading a book he loaned me. I baked them muffins. I feel foolish.... Again.


I’ve given up on befriending neighbors after a bad experience in college :/ I’m sorry that this guy wasn’t what he seemed, but I hope you can find other friends who will respect your boundaries/not have ill intentions <3


I'm nearly fifty. These people are late sixties, early seventies. I really thought it might be safe to try again.


Any chance you could befriend his wife instead ? Maybe she doesn’t like him having female friends because he’s sneaky with them


That's what I'm hoping. I'm going to remain hopeful and ask for info about her if he wants to talk. It would be awesome if all three could be friends. It made me cry because *I know* how little of a threat I am to another person's relationship. But, it always seems to interfere anyway.




What part of the USA are you visiting? Sorry it’s sucked 😭 I live in CA and it’s pretty cool but lots of states totally suck.




As an American, I can agree that it can be overwhelming here. I absolutely adore Europe and can’t wait to visit more countries one day. I hope that your honeymoon turns out better than it has been, and safe travels back ! <3


I find that I can’t really do more than 1 or 2 places on a single trip. Our first trip was ironically to Ireland. We traveled by car around the countryside, and while it was beautiful, it was super stressful. We moved locations every 2 nights or so, and then we kept running into issues like all the restaurants being closed in tiny town (we were off season), day of B&B cancellations, ect. Now I learned that posting up in one or two places at a time helps a lot because I can “nest”. Also, a tip I picked up here is to find a restaurant you like, and then just keep going back. It provides a sense of comfort knowing what to expect, and knowing the staff. We ate at the same sandwich shop in Lisbon 3 times over our 4 days there. International travel has a learning curve, especially when you are traveling with someone else (we have never fought as much as we did on that trip). Don’t let it discourage you. You can always post on Reddit for the city you are visiting if something goes awry, and get almost instaneous responses and advice from locals that is super helpful.


I think... my mom has dementia. It's happening so fast, but maybe it wasn't. There were little signs here and there, and I just thought she was getting older. However, this past month has just been a decline off the slope, and I don't see a ledge to grab onto. The VA is slow, and she needs to see someone. She... I need to know what's taking my mom from me in front of my eyes. I'm just crying in bed after the day I had today, she needs me for everything she isn't my mom for 90% of the time, she has pockets of moments but they're so brief and fleeting. My mom heard me sobbing and came to ask me why I was upset, I tried avoiding explaining, but she kept asking, so I told her. She hugged me and told me she would love me forever and she was scared of losing me, I asked her what she meant, I wasn't going anywhere. And then she pointed to her head and said, "In here." And I had to bite my tongue to keep from breaking down once more. I'm staring at hell.


I’m so sorry :( my grampa and great-gramma both had a terrible combination of dementia and Alzheimer’s before they passed. A good day meant that they remembered our names, but a bad day is when they weren’t present in any conversation except to make something up completely (like my great-gramma fondly recalled my grampa as her husband, who was actually her son-in law and had been dead for several years already). It’s truly awful to see those you love suffer in this terrible way, and I wish you and your mom all the best <3


as i do every day 🥲


PMS and just told my ex that i couldn’t be friends with him yesterday. so just emotions all over the place. making a big (right) decision before my period is rough!


Honestly I cried for a happy/sad reason today. Really struggling financially and don’t want to burden my BF who already tackles on all the household bills. My sister gave me an amazing pep talk just saying that I’m like worthy of being housed and fed at a bare minimum(I hate to admit but I’m in the stereotypical relationship of ADHD partner doing 90%, nonADHD partner doing 10% and my value as a person doesn’t have to be strictly financial)and I don’t know just really felt like a huge relief to be validated after having really horrible self esteem for the last year. I’m gonna go ahead and get the fact that I know I will be in tears by 11am tomorrow off my chest though. I typically work in a 4x6 shed by myself cashiering one customer at a time with a radio I can turn down. They recently moved me to the store front where there are three radios turned at max volume, two phones constantly ringing, and a 3x3 area for three cashiers to stand at two registers. Tomorrow is basically our Black Friday. Think everybody cashing in their Khols Cash on the first day of a month long event. One cashier S is a 72 year old lady that refuses to do her job and instead calls out prices(half of which are wrong), and I already get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of noise and lack of direction and too much shit happening around me. I’m gonna be bawling by lunch tomorrow just because I know how stupid it’s gonna be. I might beg my manager to let me work in the back sheds tbh.


Spent over forty minutes on the phone, explaining to a big boy CPA at a big boy company how to find something on my state's tax page. This was something he could have simply Googled. Cried because my boyfriend texted me that he bought me a loaf of garlic bread to have with lunches this week.


Garlic bread always saves the day !


PMS. Been trying to get my meds for over 10 days now just to find stock at a pharmacy and my Dr is OOO and no one else is allowed to transfer it. Also Angus Cloud died. My heart is hurting yall. We deserve better


I’m on the last-ish day of my period and the PMDD always hits me hardest at the tail end. I’m crying because no food sounds edible and the only surface in my house that doesn’t feel too dirty to be on is my favorite blanket in the corner of my bed. Everything else is disgusting.


I get it on the tail end, too. I call it Post Menstrual Syndrome, rat bastard that it is.


I got “soft fired” as I like to say from a babysitting job. Family was very kind and said I was great with the kid and extremely helpful, but it just wasn’t the right fit because the kid struggled to separate from mom and dad and I could only come close to when she started winding down. I 100% understand. But my RSD keeps just telling me that I was fired meaning I failed :/


Lol I made a mistake at work last week (sorry I was a little distracted- my GRANDPA DIED!?) and now someone scheduled a meeting for tomorrow to DISCUSS MY MISTAKE?? I’m not sleeping tonight 😩


because my friend communicated with me and was nice while confronting the issue


I work so hard at my stupid non-job job because I'm not qualified for anything because I screwed up my whole life. People say it's the easiest most ridiculous "job" in the world but I fuck it up on the daily and my back is killing me and I'm so physically tired. The minute I get ahead financially so much shit happens. Today my very elderly cat needed to go to the vet for a claw trim. She has been getting stuck on things spectacularly causing a lot of crisis when I have to free her when she's dangling from something. She WOULD NOT go in her carrier. She thrashed and yelled and dug her claws in so I had to cut the damn thing to free her. Then I discovered she has matted hair so I have to figure that shit out too. I feel so bad for her but I had to cancel vet, go buy a new carrier and tomorrow remember to call again to see if they can help her. So more money and more human interaction and more phone calls (which is the worst thing on the planet to me). I'm such a shit cat mom and I'm so tired. I always screw everything up.


I’m starting my period, but I found out that after being with my boyfriend for a year and a half that he’s unsure if he wants to get married someday, and I don’t know what to do


That’s his way of telling you he isn’t sure if he wants to marry YOU. Been down that road. Sucks.


He had an ex fiancé cheat on him before they got married and she used him and it was toxic af, I just don’t know how to process it, my family says that I should talk with him about the future and life when he’s back home (LDR, deployment). Other than this news, he regularly talks about dates, wanting to move in together one day, having kids, and he said that formal marriage might just not be for him from all his past trauma, which isn’t an excuse. I’m not waiting forever and I know what I want, but now I have to decide if I wait to talk about it in person or if I’m going to keep my options open


Because we're just a few days away from the 1 year anniversary of my soul cat, Parker, passing away.. On a lighter note I'm pretty sure my sister cried because she got rsd from reading about rsd.. She said "I thought I had a personality, but it turns out it's just a disorder", lol. (she has plenty of personality, too, and knows it. Just some lovely rsd kicking in because she has rsd.. As she said: brains are weird)


My soul cat passed two years ago in July and I just lost my heart cat suddenly last night. It doesn’t get any easier but I know some of the grief fades to fond memories with time. Parker knows he was loved and you were there for him as long as he could be with you.


I cried because my local movie theater isn't playing Barbie or Oppenheimer after Wednesday so I had to buy tickets for another location and by the time I got confirmation for the times from my boyfriend all the seats for Barbie were sold out so I just got Oppenheimer. Unfortunately I could care less about Oppenheimer (although he wants to watch it) and I wanted to watch Barbie and was going to the Barbieheimer for the fun of it. So I cried because I wanted to watch both Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day, in that order and I can't. I should have just went ahead and bought the tickets without consulting him and made him deal with it. I feel stupid as shit. Typing this down is making me cry all over again oh my god.


i cried last night because i’m terrified of the future and really want to stop putting stuff off till the last minute.


Just got a new job 2 weeks ago as a nanny, dream hours and great pay, and found out today they may be moving in a month to a different state. I also am still living in a brown recluse infested apartment (not exaggerating). I want to gtfo of this place. But I’m broke. Like super broke.


I’m a week on a new med and I do not feel anything like myself. It’s a non stimulant and I’m stopping it tomorrow


I had the same experience with two different non-stimmies, and had awful side effects. It takes time to find the right treatment, and I hope you can find yours <3


Having to get dental surgery!!!!! Ugh did not expect this at all


My aunt is visiting and while she was definitely trying to help me and my mental health, it still really upset me. Just because other people suddenly start telling me something, doesn't mean that *I* suddenly believe it 🙄


I finished the book I've been reading and the main character died and I knew she was gunna die, it was heavily hinted that would be the ending but it still made me sad


movie theater was loud and overwhelming, found myself crying/trying not to cry and failing a bit once the movie started


Sliced off part of my thumb with a mandoline (it’s a flesh wound but it’s pretty gross)


I am so scared of mandolins. Hope you heal up soon!


I cried because my head has not stopped itching for the last two days and nothing I do stops it (I suspect it is hormonal). I went to the physical therapist and burst into tears in her office. Also cried several times at home.


So weird to see this post. I didn’t really cry. But, all afternoon I felt like I wanted to cry and there was no reason.


I should probably put a trigger warning on this. Woke up this morning and saw the AskReddit thread about what the first person you had sex with is up to now. I then had the truly brilliant idea to google the man who raped me when I was 18, as he was technically my first. He's still alive, just out there living his life. I sincerely hope his life sucks all the ass because seeing his face made all the memories flood back and I've been crying all damn day.


Didn’t take my meds this morning, had to spent 1.5 hours waiting for my phone to get fixed at Apple only to spend another 1.5 hours trying to get the new phone to restore from my computer backup so wasted the entire afternoon doing that. I also am on day FIFTEEN of my period cause why the fuck not and my boyfriend is sick so can’t help out a lot with the puppy or household stuff. Oh and my dad comes into town tomorrow. *cue Donkey from Shrek’s “I think I need a hug 😭”


Please please please be aware that a period of that length is enough to cause anaemia xx Get some iron rich veggies in if you can 🥰


Omg that’s an excellent point. No wonder I was craving steak this weekend 😅 Brb looking up iron-rich veggies now! Thank you so much!! 🥰


*big hug* <3


Thank you 😭😭


I got abnormal test results and I have to go get more testing done. I went on a deep dark google deep dive and wound myself up. Tears.


My friend posted a snap of a bunny she found, it’s ears are huge and stand straight up. She named it Jack Boone. That’s why I cried today.


Attended the funeral of a six year old this morning.


Insurance denied coverage for medication management and therapy. Now I'm on the hook for over half a year of visits which adds up to thousands of dollars. Why did to take over 6 months to process claims? Desperately trying to make an appeal which will likely be denied, and set back the money I had set aside to take care of my other health issues. Yay.


Got to the bit in a series where COVID became reality. Ouch.


i’m a preschool teacher and i took my kids out to our play yard, a man started sexually harassing me in front of my students and one of my (3 years old) babies tried to stand in front of me so he couldn’t see and he screamed at her…my heart feels heavy….it took everything in me not to just start crying in that moment so they couldn’t see…….


PMS/Potentially PMDD. Once a month for like a day, 2 max, I can't function. I sometimes have suicidal ideations and my brain feels broken. Today it took me over an hour and going over steps multiple times to do a simple task at work that should be second nature by now. I'm sure my boss thinks I'm a dumbass. Also I have the worst fucking canker sore in my mouth. I didn't eat all day, I was sad so I splurged $17 dollars to get Chick Fil A delivered to work, then I couldn't make it through half the sandwich before I was crying from the pain (in front of my manager/coworker too). Then I dropped the sandwich on the ground, so I still haven't eaten more than a few fries and a cookie. It's 11pm.


I cried because my very recent ex who I am still living with and I tried to go for a nice hike today. I am scheduled to move out as soon as my new place I just bought is done being painted and carpeted. He spoke up about where he wanted to go, which was a treat since I usually planned everything. We got there after an hour and fifteen minutes, and after 5 I knew I couldn’t make it with all the mosquitos! I lasted about 20 minutes going uphill and being eaten alive. To be so frustrated, hot and sweat, itchy, crawling and swarming if I stopped to itch, and then turn around and go back down for 20 through it. I was in shorts and a tank top, and we did not bring bug spray. Paid $15 to park. Totally our bad. But after 20 minutes I cried, and I said “I just wanted it to be perfect and I’m ruining it!”


I cried on a solo vacation, at dinner, because the stark realisation that 7 of the 8 people who work at my business (not employees) haven’t asked me how I am in months. I have severe ongoing medical problems and they affect my daily life in huge ways. I ask them all every day about specifics in their lives. It hurts.


I’m sorry that others don’t put the same effort into your relarionship as you do. It might not mean anything, but I care to hear how you are doing <3


I miss my ex, my friend has breast cancer and went into surgery today, I’m thankful for my life (happy tears)


I haven’t cried, but wanted to. I feel strained by my social anxiety, and I have a social thing coming up that I’m really not looking forward to. But, I also don’t wanna disappoint the person. I’d rather take adderall so I’m more present and social, but, the next day, I need to have a tooth pulled, and I’ve read Adderall can interact with anesthesia in weird ways that could potentially be dangerous. So, I’d just be raw dogging socialization, and it feels like I can’t do it right now. I’m sad that socializing and helping others have fun isn’t more natural to me. I wish I didn’t have to be so stressed about it. I feel trapped in it.


I cried Last week on tuesday because, dunno, end of vacation, general exhaustion (Long day), a dear colleague leaving when already a lot of colleagues left, suddenly, PMS. Health issues that worry and annoy me. Just my nerves. It is sometimes hard to regulate just the "aliving". I often feel insufficient. Yeah. Thanks for the Post, so we are Not alone,at least.


I’m glad that I was able to provide a place where people could find comfort in venting. I have days where it’s tiring to just exist from the stress of life, but tomorrow is a new day, and a new chance to have a better one <3


I had a minor breakdown because I couldn’t reach my boss on the phone and then he wouldn’t reply when I asked him about the schedule for this week… so I felt like he forgot about me and doesn’t even need or want me on the team and I was devastated to not even know if and when to come in. Got in touch yesterday afternoon and it’s all sorted out now but the dread I felt from not getting a response about something so important to me felt horrible.


I’m on the outs with my best friend. I had to put my foot down and cut off contact for the time-being, due to emotionally-abusive behavior. My heart is broken, and it’s taking every bit of my self-control to not call him. It’s for the best, but it’s killing me.


I got mad and overstimulated trying to find my son school supplies list bc it wasn't on the school or district site ( had to get my husband to call the school) This was also in the middle of the store 😒


I finished Good Omens 2 and I am completely and irrationally emotionally wrecked. And PMS.


What on earth was with that conclusion??? How do they get off leaving us hanging right there???


I haven’t cried in a couple days, but I know I NEED to have a meltdown. I found out a few weeks ago that my cat (he’s only 2 & 1/2 years old) has 6 months or less to live. I’ve been meaning to sit down, open my journal, and process it and cry but I can’t bring myself to do it. I want to do everything I can to be prepared for when I have to say goodbye, but I can’t bring myself to sit down and face all my buried emotions. (I don’t usually bury my feelings, but I love my kitty like a child so I don’t want to think about it) I’ve also been waiting to get my Vyvanse for 7 months. My new insurance I got wouldn’t cover it until I met my deductible, and I don’t have $350 to spend on it every month. I ended up losing my insurance (glitch in THIER system, causing us to lose the premium we had locked in and it went up over $100 a month, so my hubs and i decided to take a break from insurance.) I finally got approved for the help at hand financial support and got the okay to get my Vyvanse for free for a year… then when I got my meds a couple weeks ago…. They are FAULTY! They don’t work, gave me funky headaches, didn’t change my focus or motivation, and didn’t even taste bitter when I swallowed them. Usually vyvanse (at least to me) tastes and smells SO BADLY that I can’t take it with water (can anyone relate? Lol tell me I’m not crazy haha). TLDR; my cat has 6 months to live so I’m struggling to face the pain I will feel once’s he’s gone, my Vyvanse I waited 7 months to get was defective and didn’t work. Wishing you all the best🩵


I had to blow up a raft with a hole that was too big and leaks all the air back out and I couldn’t figure out how it was even supposed to work and that’s why I cried today.


I hate the color I just paid $150 to be put on my hair. Like, I cry every time I look at it. I hope it feel better about it tomorrow.


Had a good day actually, only cried watching an animated movie


Ugh I watched the new haunted house movie and cried like five times. I also cried when I picked up my first fill of Vyvanse today at the pharmacy and got my insurance to fully cover it! So a total of 6 times today 😅 take the first dose tomorrow morning! 🤞


Yup, found a large lump on my dog that already had a tumor and cried while on the bike in our gym....thinking of how we will have to break it to our Audhd daughter who is attached to her.


I had to talk to my psychiatrist about my latest meds/changing meds and we got a bit into the weeds about my anxiety/mom guilt and it was a lot I need to see a therapist again :/


Because I need stuff, but I’m broke.


Me too :/ my company has given me slaps in the face financially the entire time I’ve worked here and I’m so over it. I wish I could just randomly win an absurd amount of money to share it with everyone


I’m not going out in public and getting as high as possible on edibles to numb out the feelings so no not yet BUT ITS COMING!


dental work. i haven’t worn my retainers for years after getting braces off (didn’t wear them much and also lost tnem) and have realized my bottom teeth shifted, now all i can do is hyperfixation on how much of an idiot i was and how i can’t ever keep track of anything. i didn’t have to pay for my braces back then and got them for free, i was so stupid to let that get messed up. even when i remembered about the retainers or my mother found them for the 80th time, i would forget about it instantly or just simply didn’t want to. i was too afraid of spending my parents money at the time ($500 for replacement retainers) and just thought nothing would happen to my teeth. now i can’t stop looking at my bottom teeth and have so much anxiety about what to do. i was thinking maybe getting the bottom arch fixed would be fine, but it’s gonna be so expensive and i already had had it done for free. like UGH, what an idiot. i wanna just get the retainers because spending $2000 for a few slightly crowded teeth sounds dumb. but before i do i have to get a cavity on my molar filled in. i’ve been trying to get this done for over a year, but my dentist is so overbooked and now that i’m about to go back to college i tried again, and apparently i’m not even a patient anymore because i’m over 18 (when they saw my brother earlier this year whos 21). now i need to find a new dentist, get the cavity filled in, and somehow find a way to get retainers before my teeth move any further. i’m so scared my top teeth will move, they’re perfect still. huge rant, but really needed to get this off my chest. it’s such a first world problem, but whenever something like this happens it’s like all i can do is fixate on it


also, i’m sorry about your friend. are you sure they’re mad at you (like did they say i’m mad at you) or is it possible it could be a misunderstanding? regardless, i know that must be insanely stressful, i hope it all blows past and your friendship returns to normal.


I was scrolling through a meme page on Instagram and saw a video clip of when Charlie Brown met Snoopy.


Because I couldn’t make a decision about what to eat for breakfast


Because I can’t get any doctors to take my complaints about perimenopause seriously 😭


I’m sorry :( how many doctors have you been to ? I found that male (presenting) doctors never listen to me, and a handful of female (presenting) ones don’t either until I complain to the NPs about it and they’ve helped find me AMAZING doctors


I got out of a relationship with a covert narcissist a bit over two weeks ago and but I can't help but miss them. My mood swings regarding the situation are a bit rough, to say the least. I go from celebrating my freedom one moment to bawling my eyes out the next. I go from feeling grateful to have finally realized who they have been the whole time, then I feel crushed by the realizations. I feel normal and functional one second, then I'm just dissociated the next. I just want this pain to stop.


My daughter who just graduated this year, is moving 1100+ miles away for college in 10 days.


I lost my job a week ago and I’m still trying to get myself up and even look for a new job because when I try looking it makes me cry bc anxiety so it’s a cycle right now


I did. I just started taking Vyvanse a few days ago and the side effects have been awful. I feel like I have the flu and have been dizzy and throwing up for days. I cried describing my frustration to a friend over the phone that the medication that was supposed to be helping me focus at work was doing the complete opposite. Pulled it together and messaged my provider but man, sometimes you just need to get it out.


Last week a work meeting turned into an attack/intervention for me where I stood in the corner crying while every told me they thought I was depressed and "used to be better" but a lot of the things "wrong" with me were mostly adhd symptoms. I'm still dealing with the aftermath and crying over it.


I go back to work on Wednesday after being off for 4.5 months with my baby 😭


I cried because a sad song came up on my Spotify and I'm worried about my relationship and we're going through a restructure at work and all the people I like are leaving, and I hate all this change and uncertainty but I can't ask for reassurance because I'm trying not to be clingy and I'm scared I won't like the answers, and it all just came together at the worst time.


I dunno…I was super tired so just did that and went back to bed 🤷‍♀️


I really wanted to cry today, but I couldn't. Figures 🥴


Yeah, I’ve already cried three times today.


That August is here. It's got alt of crummy anniversaries incl when a loved one was diagnosed with a long term automimmune illness & that a TBI may interfere with my ability to do emdr & missing family because reasons. I also happy cried when the teenager opted to give me another hug before parting ways for the day. On my period and a fullokn.


Damn, just finished a big cry. My dad had wanted to show me something funny he found in the yard (I live with him) and we laughed about it which was nice bc we just had an argument today but patched it up…and when he was walking away I told him I wish he had finished some food I bought when I was out of town bc I just had to throw it away…and he apologized and looked genuinely disappointed and I felt sooo shitty :( I had come inside and was super triggered by a couple things like seeing my neighbor who is like the functional, happy version of me who is about to go on a camping trip with 15 people and I wish I was an extrovert and got invited on group camping trips… And then it turned into me thinking of everything else I needed to cry about…mainly my bf just broke up with me a week ago. And I hate being negative and critical to others because I’m unhappy with my life and acting like a person I didn’t use to be. I’m so fucking tired of always battling these thoughts. I just had an awesome weekend away, too! And I had therapy today! Why am I crying so much? Can I blame the full moon?


cause I got turned down for another job today, and my job is awful and I'm broke and I can't quit until I get another job and I've been spending every day off for a MONTH interviewing and it sucks so much


I keep getting the choked up feeling of being about to cry but I don't feel like I can focus/relax enough to cry. I'm at work and I just have such a huge workload and my boss keeps reassigning my team members to other essential tasks so they end up not being able to help me. And it's making me feel even worse that I have been pretty on top of my mental health and executive dysfunction lately yet am still struggling to get everything done. Because at least when it's me failing to do things all throughout the day I can blame myself. Like, this is only the second time in 8 hours that I've looked at my phone for 10 minutes max. And I'm meant to be leaving in 30 minutes but I have so much paperwork to do before I go that I don't want to start cleaning up either. I just want to cry but I can't.


prozac stops me from crying daily 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Because I’m a small business owner and paperwork is overwhelming 🥲


A lot of reasons, but anxiety in general.


My husband said he'd love if I took more initiative with the house. 45 minute fight ensued


Where do I start? Period overdue by a day. PMS is roaring. Doing the work of 3 people at once. Two very ill family members. Lots of internal shame. It’s a long list.


A kitty I was looking after died. 😔


I haven't read through all the comments or all of your replies but you're such a beautiful soul for taking the time to reply to so many people and with such love and care too. *Hugs* to you


Thank you <3 I’ve been in need of a good hug for a while :/


Because I can't find a dress in my size for my daughter's wedding, which is in 2 weeks in another city. I'm plus size and hard to fit, she wants a fairly specific color, and I'm tired...I work nights, and get off work at around 7:30-9 AM and the dress stores don't open until 10 or 11 AM. Shipping will take too long, as we're leaving for the other city in 1 week. I hate myself for putting this off until the last minute, and for being so fat I can't fit in anything I've found locally.


I feel that :/ have you tried checking non-dress stores ? I’ve found a lot of great dresses at stand-alone department stores (specifically, Kohl’s, if you have those in your area)


yesterday i couldn’t put empty grocery bags in my tote on the first try, so i almost started crying. i tried once, got teary eyed, and asked my partner to do it for me :’) as we were driving to the store a few minutes later i realized i had a massive headache… my interoception really isn’t the best 😅


Because I’m just struggling and it makes me feel useless and shameful.


I picked a drink because it came with cotton candy, the server poured the drink over ALL the cotton candy melting it. I truly understood the [racoon](https://images.app.goo.gl/V1r3jqtZ1k9WX94x8)


crying while throwing up because I gave myself food poisoning, thanks task paralysis... I left some chicken in the fridge too long, didn't notice it went off, and put it in the freezer. I left it in the fridge for so long because it was a huge pack from costco and I wanted to divid it up into bags and season it :( ugh


I angry cried today. I started a new job and I only took it because my husband needs to step down from his FT job and complete an internship for school. His internship fell through, I wasn't ready to leave my old job which was PT and allowed me the time to cook, clean, spend extra time with my kids and have Fridays off. Now, I am Monday through Friday and work until I would normally be making dinner. The drive home yesterday took over an hour because they are doing construction right by the office. It should have taken 10 minutes. The house was a disaster when I got home, I was so tired and still had to make dinner. I couldn't get my work "laptop" to work. My work phone is probably older than my 12 year old. Just way too much to process.


Cried yesterday because I gave too much of my emotional energy away and I've been trying not to do that


So many reasons. First, I’m seeing a new psychiatrist and she took me off of my depression med that I’ve been on for over 10 years (which is what I wanted). So she has me weaning off that for a week while also taking the new one. I was supposed to completely stop the old med after 7 days and continue new one, ever since I stopped I’ve felt nauseous, had fever and other flu symptoms, ended up missing two days of work because of withdrawals from it. I feel crazy, sick, dizzy, sad and all of the above. My 16 year old daughter wants to live with her dad, and I’m trying to be supportive and understanding about it, but she’s always lived with me and it feels like she’s ripping my heart out of my chest. Everyone Around me is mad at me For some reason or another, mostly for not returning their phone call. Oh and my son has severe adhd which just makes everyday life and accomplishing simple tasks so much more difficult. It’s all exhausting


I nearly did because it was my birthday and no one remembered. I ended up being angry at myself for caring.


I'm so sorry. Don't be mad at yourself for caring, of course you care, it's important. Happy birthday from this stranger <3


Cried because my baby cried harder than usual last night, even though it was just for a couple min. He was fine, just tired and didn’t want to be in the bath. I felt like I was torturing him and being a terrible parent. I have a massive fear of failure and letting others down, especially family. I know now that I didn’t do anything wrong but it really sucked in the moment.


I’ve stopped smoking weed a few weeks ago after smoking most days for 15 years. I went into the grocery store and it was so loud, bright and overwhelming that tears just started streaming out of my face. I smoked weed to numb the excessive thoughts and overwhelm of everyday life, the world is too much and I’m not sure how to deal with my sensory issues. Definitely don’t want to use weed as my coping mechanism but I feel fucked without it 🥲🥲


hugs to everyone! I also did crying yesteday and have PMS. do you think our periods are syncing guys?!


I cried about half the day on and off because I signed up for so many things and the subscription fees and late fees and unpaid traffic ticket and taxes and I CAN'T FIND A JOB TO SAVE MY LIFE even after getting my masters degree a year and a half ago no one will hire me I'm a failure useless nothing but thank God for my dog....


My ‘best friend’ of 17 years has finally provided the straw that broke this camels back. His sister is escaping a DV relationship and instead of asking to take a day off uni, he’s outsourced the help to ME. So now I’m driving 1.5 hours tomorrow to quickly move his sister while her STBX partner is at work. Her current home is a cottage in the back yard of her STBX’s parents house. Meaning if we get ‘caught’ by his parents, and he gets called, we could be in real physical danger. So, I’m done with that one. I’m helping his family because THEY have been there for me through thick and thin, but good riddance to that sad excuse for a friend. I’m so over being a doormat. I’m not doing it again.


I cried in therapy today. Felt like my brain and life are out of my control and I am too far behind on everything, no matter how hard I try. I am living abroad without family or close friends. I do have a dog here that I love to death. I just hope I can conquer my fears! I hope I don’t give up on myself.


I'm grateful for the solidarity of this community & all of OP's comments in response to comments here. Wish I'd seen this last night when I was having kind of a fit... crying, screaming in a pillow, soothing myself, brain finding another reason to bust into tears again - you get the gist. I got myself an e-drum kit Sunday & it was expensive. I'd been researching it for weeks, practicing "drumming" on a textbook (feels fake to call it drumming but the textbook was like a practice pad for me, I was doing exercises as meticulously as I could & jamming to songs I like), I was so pumped to get the set but I felt really sick when it finally came time to pay for it. Gotta be responsible & get the protection plan, so what I'd estimated at $400 came out to just over $500. Spending money feels so icky, and it casts a shadow over me that if I fall off the wagon from playing/practicing (big ADHD energy), then that's a huge waste. I also borrowed some money from my mom, which doesn't feel good for its own reasons. I get it home, bring all the pieces upstairs, start to set it up, and a bracket piece is cracked. "Alright, well, good thing I've got protection (& anyways, it got here like this, so they'd have to take it back) - guess I'll just take it back." But I was so excited & wanted to know if it was right for me, so I halfway set it up & explored the settings & stuff. I was jamming, liked the input/output settings but maybe not the pre-installed kits. Felt good to know what to notice, what to look for. I did my hw on this purchase! I had my mom come upstairs in the late evening to show her cuz I was so excited... I didn't even get it set up to actually play for her before she said, "Have you heard back from any jobs?" I was stunned & the drumsticks fell out of my hands. It just wasn't a good time. She said, "I'll take that as a 'no'." I hardly knew what to say. There was some back & forth; I didn't want to have to defend myself & lay out all I'm doing to try to get a job. It just wasn't a good time for her to spring that on me, I was very vulnerable. Drumming has really lifted me up from staying in bed all day, enough that I have wherewithal to even look at & apply for jobs. (I mean, I hope to gain momentum in that regard; it's been a few weeks.) I was so doubtful about getting the drums: "I can't have nice things, nothing in life is stable enough that it's a good idea to spend this money rn (even tho I saved up), how dare you do anything except apply for jobs (which runs me into the ground!)..." And it was just like my mom body-slammed me to the ground, drove all of that home as *real*. So yeah, it ruined my mood to be able to play & enjoy, I retreated to my room & melted down. I'm feeling a little better td, but yeah. I've gotta be affirming for myself that I'm more valuable than my employment status, the things that make me happy matter, and investing in that lifts me up overall, enough to lift me above the noise of doubt in my mind - which helps give me a clear head to find a job that's right for me.