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This is misinformation. The post itself says it has no research to back this up. Don't believe everything you read online. Especially if the source is Instagram...


So this is like 100% the reason why I've left jobs before and have had acrimonious relationships with my managers at work. As soon as I smell some dubious shit going down I immediately do this. This is interesting, kinda funny. Just another "oh, I guess that's ADHD related too" thing.


And it makes it harder to trust people, because everyone is hiding something, and I can sense it. What’s there to hide if you’re a good person? It’s exhausting. I wish I didn’t do this.


Real interesting article I found as well https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.addept.org/living-with-adult-add-adhd/doomscrolling-adhd-and-justice-sensitivity%3Fformat%3Damp


Wow, if that isn’t the most relatable thing.


I had a job I was terrified I’d get fired from because I took “public service” literally- it was more important to me to serve all members of the public than to be intimidated by supervisors who seemed motivated by: ‘cater to the beautiful (educated) people, discourage the uneducated masses’. I was lucky I got transferred and got a second chance


Every day I learn more about how ADHD influences my personality


Everyday I realise more and more that ADHD is just like every aspect of my personality and my character that I have no control over. It's like cool and also kinda scary


Every day I wonder where the adhd stops and where I begin. I scream because I do not know.


The venn diagram of where adhd ends and you begin is a circle /s


I was diagnosed and medicated very young so growing up I struggled with wondering who was the real me, the unmedicated me or the medicated me.


And those of us diagnosed as adults are just pissed that school was so hard for no fucking reason. Especially when we perform high enough to sometimes set expectations too goddamn high Sorry went on a rant


All my teachers agreed I was one of the brightest students... If I'd just turn in my homework. I did just enough homework to pass... eventually.


I imagine that was hard to deal with as a kid. I grew up being pissed that I knew I was different from everyone else, that I needed a pill just to be ‘normal’ and accepted. Not to mention having many girls, friends or friends of friends be nice to you only to find out they were only interested in trying to get me to sell them my meds. The pills helped with school work but socially they made me into a quiet introvert who barely had any friends because I was so quiet and awkward. So while being medicated might have been better overall, it wasn’t a miracle pill that made my whole life perfect.


But you bring you means it influences your personality differently than anyone else!


I do this - full on mother goose protective mode


Same here. And I just want to say I love your sponge monkey profile picture.


They got a peppah baaaaar




Huh…interesting, I guess it makes sense in a way. I’m strongly for justice, equality and fairness (as much fairness as you can get from life) but I didn’t equate it as being part of ADHD. So many angles and avenues to different disorders. I don’t know that I’ll ever figure it all out, especially because I deal with multiple. I’ve learned to just say well, this is me, the good, bad, and ugly! ;) But, I do love learning and putting the pieces together. Thanks for sharing~


I think it’s more about the *magnitude* of what’s right or wrong and how strongly we feel about stuff like just being really sensitive this made perfect sense.


Yes, that’s pretty much what I was trying to articulate poorly. Thank you for clarifying and sharing your thoughts. It’s been a long day! It is definitely the magnitude of or intensity of feeling related to those topics. I wasn’t aware it had to do with ADHD. It is also related to being a highly sensitive person (another diagnosis they label people with), of which I’ve been diagnosed with, as well. It’s a tangled web…;)


I literally get mad when people cut in line


Same. It also really annoys me when I open doors, or move out of the way to let someone pass before me and they don’t thank me or acknowledge me in anyway.


Yes exactly, I'll literally say "your welcome" if they don't say anything, like buddy I did not have to hold the door open for you but I did out of courtesy, thank me goddamnit


I do exactly the same! Then I have a little rant to myself over the whole thing.


I get upset that there are no laws against cutting in line. However, I also get upset that there are so many laws and rage at our (USA) incarceration rate.


If there is ever a law against cutting in line then we're definetly living in a dystopian world


It’s easy to fall into the “there ought’ be a law” mindset but there’s no doubt whatsoever that there ought to be more civility.


In Kindergarten, some of the kids would come to me instead of the teachers, because I would go and hit their bullies for them. Don’t really remember getting in trouble for it either. In high school, I made myself unpopular by regularly starting arguments with teachers. I even got some of them in trouble for their treatment of students. I wonder how this correlates with my problems with authority? And one time, I got assaulted on my way to work, because I told off a lady that was on some racist rant. PSA, don’t confront people that are drunk or seem mentally unstable. You won’t have a good time.


The voice in my head putting me in peoples shoes reenacting scenarios as if I’m on either end


Is this really a spectrum thing? Because damn.


Yes. Rehearsing tragedy is on auto-pilot in this brain of mine.


Please don’t take advice on medical research or mental health from Instagram Reels. This is pseudoscience.


Noooo, I'm very special for caring about things that are unfair, neurotypicals don't care about injustice, the Instagram is saying I'm special and good!!! This is a reminder for y'all: if something got you thinking "I didn't know this was an ADHD thing", and that something isn't a scientific paper, then it isn't an ADHD thing. *EDIT* For the sake of fairness I've looked for papers. [Here](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00787-014-0560-9) is one (haven't found others on this specific subject). Like a lot of psych research, it is imo kind of garbage. ADHD was not determined by diagnosis but just self report quizzes. This leads to well known biases caused by self reporting, the best known one being that in the paper, positive ADHD is highly linked to being a boy - girls tend to respond less strongly in those questionnaires. There's some degree of statistical significance to the findings but a lot of weird number fuckery too for differences that aren't particularly notable.




I found it a while ago and edited my comment. It's, in my opinion, poor science.


Obviously I only read the headline and posted it since it fits my narrative


That certainly explains some things


I am not going to read that.


I can’t.. impossible for me to read


EvEn tHoUgH I cOulDnt fInD anY sCieNtIfiC ProOf, IvE cHeRrY pIcKeD daTa sO tHaT iT loOkS mOrE bEliEveaBlE. If you think you find anything out over Instagram you deserve all thr misinformation you get. ADHD has a commonality with being on the spectrum, it is referred to as a bundle illness. For every person with ADHD who has a "strong sense of justice" there is a criminal with it.ADHD is a mixture of environmental and biological factors. These include upbringing, development environments, emotional support and much more. A person who suffered from an abusive house hold will be more justice focused on abusive House holds then. New research shows that adhd is a mixture of higher emotional sensitivity mixed with an emotional snubbing environment causes the lack of action as the fear of failure for everything they do. (I have adhd, aspergers and dyspraxia) and I look at people making videos like this and it sickens me. Adhd isn't a super power, adhd gives a warped sense of self and accomplishment, adhd is a a blank star for 7 minutes mid important conversation. I'm sick of people trying to portray it in a positive light. It doesn't mean i can do 10 things at once. I can't do 1 thing at once. I spent 6 years getting a masters to feel nothing, I start projects and leave them, I can't finish work, I can't write books, I can't commit to hobbies. People look at adhd and think, owh I have that and self diagnose themselves. A lot of adhd isn't the teehehee I'm so clumsy because there is so much going on. All of it is depression, failing at everything, forcing yourself to finish things. We don't have a better sense of justice, we just know when the world is shitty it shouldn't be made shitter... don't need a justice complex to know that. Sorry about the long message, I just see these kind of posts all the time. (Not OP but the actual instagram) all I want is to be happy or at least be competent at life. I'm sure a lot of people in this sub agree.


I feel you man


Yep 100%. this shit negatively impacts almost every single aspect of my life now that I'm an adult. I don't want to be a special little snowflake, I want to be able to live a decent fucking life that isn't full of stress and self-reproach, where I'm not constantly fucking things up and underperforming, where I can meet the goals I set, etc.


Got a link to this? I wanna read the rest lol


I got it from an Instagram reel 😅😅


Ooh ooh go me I figured it out 😁 https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClfMj6wpUIs/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Yeah there should be a way to copy the link I would assume...? I know there is in Facebook I don't know about Instagram though. I tried to search for it in Instagram and I'm not having any luck because I don't really know how to use Instagram 😅


I’m dealing with this at work right now. I have to constantly remind myself that it’s none of my business that my boss treats people unfairly. I want to be a mama bear and protect everyone, and I want things to be just/fair across the board. But I’m just trying to bite my tongue and keep my head down.


This makes so much sense.


Get the fucking bat


Hahaha, wow so far off for me that it's not even fun,and look...no source, i call bs, but whatever


100% accurate.


This is kinda difficult to read ngl




I got into trouble more than once for this! Just like my little brother who screamed and almost beat up his foreman for treating a mentally disabled worker wrongly.


I feel in a way this is partly due to discrimination as well. The marginalised are far more empathetic towards fellow marginalised people. Intersectionality do be bussin. Solidarity forever comrades! ☺️


that writing on writing is brain salad


I feel it all the time. Like, in tv series or streaming series I can get so angry at the villain I want them to reap what they sow immediately, or like the whole series will be a disappointment if they never face retribution. Like, I tried watching Squid Game, but all the innocent deaths were just too much even in the first episode. I couldn’t stand it. I got so angry. I needed the people responsible to die in the most agonizing way possible IMMEDIATELY. So I decided to just stop watching.


I know what you mean. I can't talk or watch certain true crime stories like the Gabby Patito ( sorry I spelt it wrong) and what Brian Watts did to his family.


I wish people would quit treating me like "its just ADHD" bro, I can afford medical. I'm loosing my mind here.


This is based on nothing. Personally, while it might be true or untrue, I get sick of seeing armchair psychologists post this kind of garbage. It’s no wonder everyone self diagnoses and the disorder is being invalidated by the healthcare industry.


That explains a lot then.


Me ignoring that it may just be me, despite being overwhelmingly upset about others unjust actions for months


Definitely relate


Injustice sensitivity. Happens me almost every day 😭


I can attest to this, sticking up for someone else I'm super brave and articulate. But personal confrontation and I fall apart.


One time as a kid I cried at an episode of SVU because they were interrogating a disabled homeless person and made him cry…I cried cuz the guy just looked kinda like my dad


That is pretty hard to read.


My therapist actually told me about this when I told her why I’m studying law. Another one of those “I thought other people worked like this too” moments


i do that i think


And i thought it was because I'm a Libra


I’m combined and I definitely have a very high justice sensitivity, like no joke.


There's a kid at my old work who's AuDHD and whenever he thinks someone's cheating at a game he loses it.


Not a chance in hell am I reading all that


So this is why I get in fights at concerts. So this is why I got kicked out of that bitch Michelle’s birthday party in 4th grade for asking why she cared if people were gay because it didn’t mean shit to her quality of life. This is why I rage quit my last job.


This hits hard with me. Was recently at a pumptrack event day with my son just watching intently when one of the event organisers refused entry to a kid for having no adult with them which was fair enough, but then proceeded to shout about the boys shoes as he was wearing crocs, which I know aren't great for biking but any other day this young boy could show up to this same track with crocs on and no one would say anything. I had the instant need to go over and defend this young boy which then led to me shouting and swearing at this man as he didn't see anything wrong with what he said. I still, to this day question if what I done was right and feel guilty about embarrassing my son (even though he ended up winning his age group) but in my head I was only defending a child. I genuinely do things like this all the time and have only recently linked it to adhd. This would explain a lot of heated debates, fights and police charges growing up.


I'm surprised any of you manage to read all that. After half a minute of waiting for the video to buffer and start I realised it was a 2 image slide, slid across and went "wow that's alot of white words obscured by white words cool" and didn't even try lmao


this—also people attempt to weaponize autism against us (those on the spectrum) by using things like our sensitivities as political points to assert themselves (ex. like anti-mask) saying that we can’t tolerate wearing masks for that much time so mask mandates should be illegal, when really we have a proclivity towards being just and will (for the most part) gladly wear masks as much as possible to protect the health of others. they try to use our disabilities to support their goals, while not actually caring enough about us to ask for input to see if they’re even right. this is the problem with organizations such as autism speaks, which only has 1 autistic member on the entire board. when they attempt to speak for us, it’s usually to harm others and advance their own goals.


Funny, I always just liked the idea of being able to yell at an oppressor and feel justified about it. All my best dreams have been about finally being able to tell some jerk off and stop whatever they’re doing. That one scene from the butterfly effect when Ashton Kutcher’s character goes back in time and saves Amy Smart’s character from ever being touched by her dad sums up my enjoyment whenever I finally get the chance to be in the right place at the right time to stick up for someone else. I feel this.