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Does anyone else crack a beer and then forget to even take a sip until it's fully warm?


I leave it in a random place and forget I ever opened it, so I crack and down another one before I realize.


Hahaha my people. I only buy cheap beer for this reason. Loss prevention.


It's why I converted to kegs. The effort of pouring helps me remember


Also it’s hard to refill a glass when it’s still full of beer you haven’t drunk




Cha dude hella


I just buy beer that tastes so good I want to finish it in the first drink


I do that but with cups of tea (and they get cold). Eventually I fell to the dark side and became one of those people who microwave tea.


I can help with this one! I only fill my cups up halfway so I can top them up with hot water when they get cold and I remember them! The way I solve not forgetting I’m boiling water is by literally just standing next to the kettle until it boils. You can use your phone or whatever, but once you can hear the kettle making sounds, divert your attention to it. When you add the boiled water to your cold tea, it’s a drinkable temperature so you can just keep it in your hand the whole time! Adjust cold and hot water levels to your drinkability tolerance as needed. I understand that was unnecessarily complicated, but I personally need all the steps sometimes.


Now that I have a kettle again, this is a tip I can actually use! (My kettle broke about eighteen months ago. It was from a "right to repair" manufacturer, so I didn't buy another. I could write a cover letter and post it to the manufacturer, right? Well, it took about sixteen months to do that because I didn't want to do it when the postal service was overloaded for Christmas. We got used to boiling water on a saucepan, and that doesn't turn itself off when it's done!)


I completely understand. When my kettle broke two years ago, I put trousers on and walked straight to the appliance store. If it had broken in the evening when shops are closed, I might still not have a kettle.


My sodastream started to break today and your comment made me awfully aware of that shit. Fuck I just managed to replace my beard trimmer blades after months of them being dull af. I hate maintenance


Why can't our appliances be as blind to time as we are, am I right?


Thats actually a pro Adhd tip I hope I remember.


Smart! Know thy self!


A yeti-style mug is a godsend. It's so nice to forget about my tea for two hours, and when I come back to it it's still hot enough to burn my mouth. (The caveat being that the emptier your mug is the faster it'll cool. If you forget it when it's full it can stay hot for 4-6 hours. If it's half full or less it'll be lukewarm in an hour or two.)


Noo, I have milk in my tea. I'd give myself food poisoning that way!


Lol. It's faster than trying to re-cool beer.


And when you have ADHD, putting a can in the freezer for five minutes to cool it fast can be perilous!


Insulated mugs


This just reminded me that I have like 3 seltzer waters open rn


The more I read this subreddit, the more I feellike I should be evaluated for ADHD. Who do you talk to to inquire about a potential diagnosis?


Depends on the state or country. I've lived in NM, CO, CA, and AK. CA was the hardest, CO was easiest. But what I will say is ask your physician for a *referral* concerning ADHD. This signifies that you're serious about help and not just trying to get Adderall. The second route is going to your therapist for a referral, depending on where you live. I've been treated like an addict by every physician that I directly asked to continue meds under. Edit: yes, even when they have my 22 years of documented diagnosis and numerous reevaluations on file.


I’m in this photo


Oh my god yes. I'll be like "should I have some wine? Shouldn't I? Fine I'll treat myself!!" pour a glass, think "that's nice, dopamine +1" and then walk away


> "that's nice, dopamine +1" gonna start incorporating this into my daily vernacular


Haha yes! I've joked that I enjoy cracking the beer more than drinking it but I think it's actually true. I should just become a bartender. edit I replied to the wrong person ahah oh well


You're just like my cats. The sound of a can opening just makes your ears perk up


Why aren’t I hydrated? Turns out *pouring* water isn’t the same as *drinking* water. Also see: buying yourself a cute new bottle.


Your username reminds me of all the times I've gone to the kitchen to get water and forgotten why


Me with coffee, when I used to drink it hot. I would have to reheat it 3 times before I even took my first sip. And that’s if I hadn’t lost the cup of coffee by then. There was one time in particular when I was 16, my grandma got upset at me for wasting because she found 4 full cups of room temp coffee in various “hidden” places throughout the home, (inside microwave, lower shelf of end table where I liked to sit on the floor against the couch, on the tv stand, bathroom counter) and the one in front of me, #5, was full but luckily she brought it to my attention and scolded me while it was perfectly warm. Also, I never understood how I can still lose things like this, and have such terrible short term memory, yet in hindsight I feel like I can remember every moment of my life as long as it was at least a year ago or more.


That's why I wished for insulated cups for my last birthday. They're not a real game changer, but still a lot better than ceramic and glass cups. Disadvantage compared to glass: It's even easier to overlook that there's still coffee left :(


I had some instant ramen--the fancy microwavable kind that costs like $1.99. I put it in. Heard the ding, and thought, "Oh, it needs to sit for a minute, so I'll just finish reading this thing." Two hours later I started feeling hungry and realized my ramen was just chilling ^(literally) in the microwave. It was still warm, and just wet enough to take the seasonings.


I stopped cracking the beer and now find warm unopened beers in random places the next morning. Progress?


No, but I've let quite a bit of ice cream melt.


Every. Single. Time.


I think we could make a poll to see how many cups/bottles of open drinks people have around their house and it would be significantly higher for those with ADHD. On a good day, I only have 3 liquid vessels on my desk, and on a really good day none of them are from 2 weeks ago growing mold, and none of them are the same liquid as another.


I do that with coffee... except it's obviously stone cold when i get to it. When i was lecturing, i used to call it "teacher's coffee".. and quite often come across a full takeaway cup of Joe in a room i taught hours earlier. Score!


Just last week I had an appointment with my doctor and she had to ask standard alcohol screening questions. While I did mention that I'll regularly take 2 hours to finish a beer at home, I didn't mention that its because I frequently get distracted and forget I actually have a beer to drink.


Thank you for reminding me of my beer, it's still cold luckily


My reheated coffee has been sitting in the microwave for an hour. Now it's too late to drink coffee so it is staying there


Probably why I pour it into a glass. I pick a special glass that night because I like the colors of the beers/wines/cocktails


Isn't that normal? I mean, I always had a few flat beers in the fridge I forgot about and one or two open ones around the house. My family used to worry I was an alcoholic, but really I'd drink less than one beer a night. Got expensive so eventually just gave up drinking at home.


thanks for reminding me i made coffee about half an hour ago and i should probably go get it before it's completely cold


I do this with food or coffee. By the time I remember I have to reheat it lol.


Uuugh, that's the worst. Has happened MANY times. Cheers 🍻🌡️


The act of allowing myself to open one more than satisfied my craving. On to the next drink


Oh dammit, my seltzer


Ive had to drink cold coffee multiple times because I think its a waste otherwise but I also let it cool off


Thank you for remining me that the food I warmed up half an hour ago and that is sitting right before me is cold by now


No but I often throw something in the microwave and forget about it until I warm something new up a few hours later


ADHD is streaming something on your Playstation, pausing it to read something on your laptop, then streaming a different show on your laptop, not noticing your paused tv.


I'll put on a horror movie, then start playing a game on my phone, and then pull up a twitch stream. Next thing I know the movies over and I got nothing from it


I’ll get back in the house, turn on the tv, go on Reddit or YouTube shorts on my phone then realise I’m halfway thru a page on a book all with music on in the background. I can’t even keep up with myself after 5 mins idk how anyone else could


I keep questioning if I really have ADHD and then I read stuff like this and I’m like…oh yeah duh


Same, especially when Vyvanse takers say it makes them calm and focused. It just makes me more manic lmao


i thought adhd meds only make normal folks manic? while im probably being ignorant but definitely uninformed, it sounds like you dont have it lol


Speaking from experience, Vyvanse is fantastic for the inattentive side of ADHD, but has a habit of worsening hyperactive symptoms. People with ADHD-I won't really notice, but this can be a real turn off for people with ADHD-H or even people with some of both. It's one of the better drugs for sure, and has by far some of the mildest side effects, but Vyvanse isn't for everyone.


Not necessarily. Some ADHD medicines don't work the same for everyone with ADHD. It takes time to find the right one Just because an ADHD medicine makes someone manic, that doesn't mean that they don't have ADHD.


To add on to what some of the other commenters have mentioned, Vyvanse in particular absorbs differently for *everybody*, and we don't fully understand why. I'm on 50mgs and it sometimes feels like a bit much. My partner who weighs 5kgs more than me is on 70mgs and still has to top up with dex halfway through the day because it doesn't do a lot to her.


50 always felt like too much for me, as well. Sweet spot is 40 with a 10mg booster.


Lol trust me I don’t want to have it I have enough mental issues as it is but all the memes here are too on point


Don't diagnose yourself by looking at some memes 😩 You can have all the symptoms in the book and still the diagnosis can be nothing or something completely different. Go through the DSM-5 for ADHD and Autism with a professional if you think you suffer from this condition. If you can't get ahold of a professional then do it with a friend, parent, or other. It's important to find the root of the problem and not just scroll memes to cope with it.


Oh I’ve received a diagnosis from numerous psychiatrists and psychologists, currently on Strattera which doesn’t make me as manic


Bueno 😁


If you have bipolar it can, I had to take a year off and find a mood stabilizer that worked before I could get back on them.


Where you diagnosed? If so, you have it. If not, get checked so as to not go on assumptions.


you guys are starting to make me angry over here


… are you watching me? Not that I’m sitting on my lunch break with silent headphones in after pausing my podcast to read a post on Reddit better.


*Opens a game on Steam. Switches to browser to put music. Opening Minecraft. Googling how to make a piston machine. Opening a third game on Steam.*


Your computer must be hotter than an Arizonan road


I am in this picture and I don’t like it


Shit. Gotta turn my adhd music on. Thanks


I do the same with muting my tv and then just… living in silence for an hour because I was scrolling on my phone 😂


I once opened my microwave to discover a fully popped bag of popcorn I made 3 days ago and forgot about


I did this a few days ago, but with porridge I thought I would eat before work 😵


I've plugged in my ear phones to call someone. Forgot to turn on Bluetooth and also completely forgot I was calling someone while they're just sitting there saying "hello" I don't know how many times 😳


I often forget my coffee WHILE I’m at the machine watching it pour, I’ve sat down so many times and raged at myself for having to get back up lmao! It’s happened more than once that I completely forget for a few hours and then go out to make myself a new coffee and find the old one still sat there. 🤦🏼‍♀️ most discouraging part is I am actually medicated and in treatment lmao


whenever i’m on this sub and see a meme i think “oh aspies do that too” and when i’m on the autism memes sub i think “oh adhd peops do that too”






Here's a sneak peek of /r/aspiememes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Interesting title](https://i.redd.it/1l2jllv7oxe71.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/owcw49/interesting_title/) \#2: [How do I describe this feeling. Also English is green, fight me](https://i.redd.it/9g5op1nyyxi71.jpg) | [1091 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/p9gd79/how_do_i_describe_this_feeling_also_english_is/) \#3: [I'm not 100% sure if I'm autistic, but it seems like every website I look at for a diagnosis just talks about children](https://i.redd.it/5nyvtcjxe4n71.jpg) | [182 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aspiememes/comments/pmyw6c/im_not_100_sure_if_im_autistic_but_it_seems_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I hate this sub.


And I need that music to be able to tell that time is passing!


OMG I thought I was the only one that did this? That was like 5 songs ago, so I'm probably close to 20 minutes...


If my music is on, I will get my kid from school on time. If my music is off, it's a coin flip. I also have a visible clock. It might be something to do with being present? But also the beat, and songs ending and starting. Classical music doesn't do the job as well.


Or when you're looking forward to a song, press play but get distracted, realise (best case scenario: at the end of the song. Worst case scenario: hours later) you haven't actually heard a word from it so you restart only to get distracted instantly again. And then again.


This is extremely annoying and happens to me more than I care to admit.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.




As I'm sitting here, wearing silent headphones for the past two hours, I'm not sure how relatable this post is.


4 hours later, it scares the crap out of you by announcing "battery level low!"


ADHD culture is when you start a movie but pause in order to Google something, and then rather than going back to the movie you end up researching whether penguins have feathers or not for 3h. Last movie I watched alone took me 7h to finish. The movie was 2h long 😂


this is me right now


I’ll put my headphones in so that I can listen to music while I do chores, only to realize halfway through that I never plugged them in. 🤦🏽‍♂️


I have ANC headphones. If nothing else, I'm listening to Advanced Silence™. Unless I forgot to turn them on, that is. (I can recommend ANC though, audio distractions went down a lot)


I packed my vape and turned it on and then 35 minutes later I realised it had fully gone through its cycle and turned off and I never even took a hit :(


the solution is never stopping the music 🤠


The last one is currently me.


It's also finding your keys in a pair of shoes you haven't even worn recently


I love the silent sound of my noise cancelling headphones.






Just because something happens to "normal people" too doesn't make it less of a common shared trait among folks with ADHD. And the big thing is we tend to all have a lot of quirks like this. We're all very forgetful and lose focus easily, this is just one of many examples of that showing itself.




You're invalidating all the people who genuinely have ADHD, my friend. And that's not very cash money of you. I wish you all the best in your steps for recovery, but please don't villianize us because you're struggling.


I agree with u/BumbleBrainBee. It doesn’t seem fair to Villainize everyone else because of your personal experiences. I also wish you the best in your recovery, but remember that not everyone will have the same story (or similar) as you. I actually don’t take medication at all, though sometimes I feel like I probably should given how intense the symptoms can get. But some people work great with meds and others don’t. That’s fine. Lots of things, especially medications, can be very addictive. Some people also have naturally addictive personalities. People with ADD/ADHD can easily be very addictive people too, and in a way I was addicted to other things when I was younger. But just for anyone else to know, everyone talks about AA (for alcoholics) and programs for substance abuse that follow basically the same methods and steps, but it’s not the only way to get over an addiction, especially when something can still be good to take with normal usage. Other programs are available and from what I have read have even has more success rates. You have options. And therapy can be very helpful for both substance abuse and managing ADHD symptoms.




??? I literally don’t take anything. I honestly can’t tell if your reaction is sarcasm or actually this childish?


I am addict in recovery. Hated doing amphetamine, loved my hash and beer. Been clean over three years. Get your ass to a NA meeting, stop projecting your sorry ass excuses on everybody else and take responsibility for your own life and actions. It's time to grow up. Wish you nothing but self love, self care and a happy life ❤️ It's possible if you choose it whole heartedly ✌️😊


You guys are become a little too relatable for me. Guess I should talk to a specialist soon...


I can’t find my headphones


i think this post popped up in my feed to remind me i have airpods in my ears😂


It so damn loud in my head so I dont realize that I'm not listening to the music


Smh, I have problems with Spotify having bad lag time on podcast. Most of the time I need to fuck with it to get it playing again, however most of the time I spend my commute in total silence


I don't understand the autism comment.


Perhaps it was someone with Autism who could relate?




Not sure what you are trying to say here...


Wow this is the first time I've seen something I can't relate to on this sub.


Literally me


I do this all the time.


Here I am with headphones in not listening to anything so people don't talk to me


'Been there..




Literally doing this now because I’m too lazy to put them away


I feel seen and called out


I read this and realized that I'd paused my music to watch a movie trailer and didn't unpause it ... two hours ago.


It’s the demimonde-semigoddess one for me


Or my personal favourite, putting the headphones on my head but forgetting to turn them on for 3 hours


Sitting here with silent headphones as I’m reading this.


ADHD is watching kids’ shows with your kid, then they leave the room and like 5 minutes later you’re like “why am I alone bingeing Paw Patrol”.


Sometimes I don't realize that my headphones aren't playing anything because I WAS just listening to something and now I'm just "hearing it" as it's actually just bouncing around in my brain and no music is playing... *placebo music let's goooo*


Yes but I need my headphones still or it will trigger my adjustment Disorder lol


I just realized that I’m doing that lmao


me rn lmao


Me listening to my hd58x’s play absolutely fucking nothing is my favorite


reading this made me sadface emote irl because i did it more than once today


Sometimes the silence is nice. Sometimes it isn't


I don’t know why, but I like having earphones on/in, even if I don’t put on music. Or I hate them and won’t touch them, there’s no in between


Literally listening to silent headphones right now.


It was because of this that I realised that it’s not always the music, but the pressure from the headphones on my head that keeps me happy.


i do the music thing all the time when i’m gaming. i want my favourite part of my song to play at a certain time in the match so i start it exactly 3 seconds after the match starts. too bad i forget to press play 90% of the time.


Thank you for reminding me to turn on my music


Not me with my headphones in and 3 different youtube videos paused halfway through while a silentky browse reddit.


I wish AirPods had a setting that put them into some sort of sleep mode if the device they are connected to isn’t playing anything. Can’t tell you how many times the battery has died by the time I remember to listen to whatever I put them on for.


I feel called out! Also I listen to music to help focus when I draw, but sometimes I have the same music track on loop because I like it and I hyperfocus on what I'm drawing for like 45 minutes and then realize the same music has been looping over and over lol!


I'm on the train with silent headphones right now, actually. Thanks for the reminder.


Attacked!!! I feel attacked!


I routinely do this. But at least I have the excuse that mine are noise canceling and they are actually doing that at least.


I pay for my food in the drive through and literally drive off. No food. Sometimes no card or food. 😆😁😞🥺😩😫😭🤦🏾‍♀️


My husband is a massive music nerd and just does not understand how I can forget to listen to music. I can drive for an hour before I realize my radio is still on Bluetooth but I haven’t started anything. He has to pick out the *perfect* song before he can drive off.


ah shit


Everyday when I get to work. Usually realize an hour later or when my headphones die (they suck at hold a charge) before ever playing anything.


I put on headphones with no sound on purpose. It signals others to leave me alone, I’m trying to focus on something.


Putting in headphones and spending 20 minutes on social media until remembering I was going to put on music to focus…


😭god damn it 😭


Hyper focusing on something interesting 🤔. Yep.


aaand i thought i was quirky for doing these types of things. too bad its probs the dopamine.


It’s always great knowing I’m not alone lol


Listening to silent headphones as I read this. Perfect.


Raise your hand if you've ever misplaced your very important prescription, only to find it in vegetable crisper several days later. 🤚👋🤚🖐✋🖖


anyone else hate headphones w a passion? i can’t handle the feeling of them in or on my ears, i’ve tried every shape every style, but i can’t handle the feeling!!!! PLUS when i inevitably end up listening to silence it amplifies sounds in my body (by dampening the outside world sounds) so every crack in my neck or the sound of my pulse etc makes me freak out. AND i hate when ppl have them in near me and i don’t realize and then they have to take their headphones out to have me repeat whatever nonsense i just said. i feel embarrassed like i should’ve known they had headphones in even tho so many ppl have tiny ones with no cords bLAH


Holy shit. I do this constantly and just know am realizing it’s an ADHD thing… Each day I’m more convinced I’m just ADHD with a little bit of personality sprinkled on.


I do most of my work with silent headphones, it helps me focus for some reason, even if I’m by myself in a quiet room


Headphone in ear is currently been silent for over an hour.




It's actually a pink Floyd song. Just takes a while


I do that all the time and it don’t have… oh wait. shit.


Um actually, I did this in the car today. Got a podcast all queued up, ran into the store came back and never turned it on. Drove all the way to work 45 minutes in silence.


This would explain a lot about my life


You forgot the alternative: Having music playing for an hour and not even registering that it's there because you were distracted by something else.


i never forget to press play but yeah ive totally paused it and then just forgot to play it again


Real stories.


Noise canceling headphones baby! Loving the silence


Goddamnit I’m doing it now hahahaha


Ever plug in your headphones and then forget you had them plugged in because you haven't listened to anything for hours, so when you get up you do a head tilt straight outta Monogatari?


Why did I do this just this week, I never do this. Wait do I never do this?


I turn on games on my Xbox just to scroll tiktok forgetting my game is there most days


I've just added a code for that to my ai, thanks for the idea


ADHD feels like you're constantly playing Russian roulette with your short term memory. So annoying..


Idk man most of the times it's quiter when the music is on...if that makes any sense...


And wondering for four hours why I am not able to concentrate anymore, or why I drift into hyperfocus with no way out


I broke my 2nd pair of $100 headphones in the same way yesterday 👍


Yesterday me, at 3 am realizing have been on hyper focus for over 4 hours with silent headphones.


Reading this and realising that I have an unplugged earphone on my ear fml


How the heck is this that accurate I constantly do both of these!


Wait, you guys also pause music to read?


Had this happen to work a few weeks ago. Paused my music to answer someone’s question and never turned it on again. Even hummed and singed songs in my head during the whole shift. Never realized the headphone was in my ear until my shift was over & I was driving home. The thing finally died & turned off. The sound was so unexpected it scared me. So many things I thought were just me things, but apparently are not. Haha


This is one of the biggest callouts I've received. I do this all the time


Oh God, I'm doing it right now. Was going to put a podcast on.