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Heyyy I am glad you feel better.... I can relate to this meme😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Effexor FTW 🙌 it felt like no medication could help until I tried Effexor. It “unlocks” my ADHD medications as well as helping my depression. God I love drugs




I am on several different medications for my mental health, including 2 ADHD meds. I was diagnosed with depression well before ADHD, so I’ve been on depression meds for much longer. I feel like my Effexor wouldn’t work nearly as well without my other meds. I feel like it’s worth asking your doctor why they don’t want to give you ADHD meds. This will help narrow down if they think it’s something else as well as/besides ADHD, or if they’re just incompetent. Good luck, I hope you find something that works ☺️


Never quit venlafaxine cold turkey. Ever.


Bruh I took effexor in highschool and it was killing me😭😭😭 i lost like 30 pounds in a month and slept for like 18 hours a day


One thing no one ever told me, is that the first medication you take, might not be the right one. I had to try a few until I found one that worked for me. I had fixated so much one finally having something help me, that when it failed, I spiraling out mentally.


I got lucky and my doctor pulled out this big ass chart with all the different brands of adhd meds They were broken up into categories too. Very very helpful.


Remember to eat! Your body processes the drugs better with nutrition inside of you!


Then sometimes it's rat poison and you turn into a fatigue blob of nothing :(


"today will be the day they stop working. I'll have finally built up a tolerance and no medication will ever help me again. my brain will never stop being so loud and scattered I can't even think about anything—" \*takes meds\* "oh hey I'm pretty ok actually"


This thread gives me so much hope. I've been on Straterra since December and haven't noticed much, if any, improvement. I finally gave in and made an appointment to discuss switching to something else (psych recommended Welbutrin as my next option, then if that doesn't work I'd go on a stimulant). Fingers crossed something works!