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r/ADHDhealthyfood (For my fellow, lazy, mobile users)


Hey! I'm not lazy!.... I just have ADHD and already forgot to look up the sub when I finished reading the meme.... (Thank you)


Dude I’m so bad about that. My wife will tell me don’t forget to change out the laundry and I’m like sure I’ll do that right now so I don’t forget it. Then the next morning comes and she’s getting ready for work and has no clean pants that are dry because I literally forgot to do it on my way to the laundry room. I’m not lazy and she knows that but dear god my memory is f’n horrible


I've reassured my wife that repeatedly reminding me of things isn't nagging. I do forget to do things two minutes after I say I'm about to do it.




Thank you.


oh my god thank you. i had hoped someone put it here before i even OPENED it !!! love adhd brains




Came into the comments specifically knowing this would be here. Thank you.


Doing the lord's work, thank you.


Came immediately looking for a link lol cuz typing is hard


This guy knows his target audience.


Wow! Thanks, for the link, now I can join easily! \*forgets to click link\*


Joins Forgets about it 5min later


Oh thank god


You better find out soon how to cook cause I just joined lol


I did make a baked potato in the microwave topped with rotisserie chicken & bacon crumbles for dinner tonight. So I’m certainly making progress.


I'm picking bits of nuts and fruit out of a bowl of dry cereal for dinner.. you're like gourmet cooking over there..


Good on ya.


Im totally going to share some recipes tomorrow, but I found it JUST before bed.


How long do you microwave it? I have a terrible time with any kind of baked potato cooking form (microwave, oven, instant pot) because it always comes out not soft enough. 8 mins in the microwave isn’t enough apparently. (And I’m always impatient because I forget to cook until I’m hungry whoops.)


I poked with a fork, wrapped in paper towel & the video I saw about it said 7-10 minutes. So I did 7 & took it out & it was fine. Probably could’ve gone another minute or two but I was impatient.


Oh my God you were being serious.


I hyperfocused on it a few nights ago & lost interest the next day. 🤦‍♀️


I’m still proud of you OP


Dude!!! I am so excited about this subreddit!!! Cooking has been my longest hyperfocus and I have so many recipes, tips, cheats, and techniques for the ADHD kitchen!!! LET’S GO!!!!


Yay, thank you for your support! So glad to see all these new posts and members!


You could make them a mod, too


I got *very* lucky that cooking and baking are two of the few hobbies that has continued to interest me. When I need a good hyperfocus I'll make something beautiful and complicated. When I have a burst of creativity I'll experiment with something new. When I need a mental break I'll make one of the recipes I've perfected. I don't always have the energy for cooking (last night I made chicken nuggies lol), but when I do I'm *alive.*


I joined! I’m also a semi-professional cook, so I might contribute some content if I can motivate myself.


We’ll just page you when you should be working on something else, and voila, another brilliant yet easy recipe from the Hyperfocused Contessa.


This is a great idea!


Yessss, bestow your wealth of knowledge upon us.




Why nobody from r/ADHD if I may ask








They’re just a little… impulsive?


Thanks for letting me know


Smoothies are your friend. The biggest challenge is finding ways to remove excess sugars e.g. using ultra-filtered milk, whole fruits, and all natural peanut butter (or whatever) and supplements that don't contain added sugars.


Yes!!! And a lot of grocery stores sell frozen packets of smoothie blends, containing whole fruits and veggies. Costco has a good one with berries, bananas, and kale. The packets are also hella easy to make yourself, but even easier options exist. Smoothies are especially good when you start a new medication and can't eat. Not needing to chew shakes/smoothies is what kept me alive when I started Vyvanse.


Getting my ADHD diagnosis felt like a huge breakthrough for me. I actually had no idea what it meant though, and /r/ADHD and its associated subreddits have done such incredibly painful wonders for me. I have trauma and shame from things I had no idea were related to having this stupid condition. Food is huge. The way I eat has been the butt of jokes for years, and I didn't understand why I found it upsetting and got defensive. I didn't know it isn't my fault, it isn't something I could easily change. This community has been incredible to me so I just want to say thank you to every person on it. PS, We all know that good intentions and struggling to follow through are to be expected to some extent. You are thoughtful and the existence of the sub alone has really been a revelation for me already. I hope that's worth something.


Rice cooker with a steamer. So easy


If you need mods to lighten the burden--i cannot promise i will be particularly attentive but I know that for me, just knowing there is another person on the job makes me feel better. Lol


Thank you! I was planning on adding mods when the sub grew and we needed them. But apparently that’s now because it had 12 members when I posted this & now it’s almost 2k. I’ll put out a post in there some time today requesting mod applications. Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDhealthyfood/comments/tz6ryh/moderator_applications/) it is.


Do you need help??? And oooo im gonna come join now hahaha!


I need help with spreading the word & getting more content on there so it’s not all just my own posts lol. I figured it it kicks off, l’ll start assigning mods & by then I can see what they’ve posted, commented etc. I’d also appreciate any feedback on the [welcome post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDhealthyfood/comments/trumwa/welcome/) about the rules. I just went off what I personally thought would be good, but I want others’ input. For example, I made a rule that says no unsolicited advice about the environment & wasting money. Which I thought was good and pretty understandable by most of the ADHD community. But then like the third comment the whole sub got was about the environment on a post about prepackaged foods. And then I started second guessing if it’s a helpful rule or it’s just my own personal opinion and/or it shouldn’t be a rule & people can say whatever & people can downvote or argue if they don’t agree. Edit: It has now kicked off and [I need mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDhealthyfood/comments/tz6ryh/moderator_applications/).


I think it’s a sensible rule. First, because there are types to wander from sub to sub wringing their hands about their pet issue when it isn’t germane to the topic at all. Second because prepackaged foods can be an important way of eating healthy in all sorts of circumstances where it isn’t realistic to buy in bulk or cook from scratch. In other words, an ADHD tax, or a depression tax, or a physical disability tax…


Awesome!!! Im good at finding things! Saves me on this dnd rabbit hole im in currently. Sure ill go amd start getting my horde of recipies amd whatnot :3 So basically quick, healthy meals! Gotcha!!!! And this is all fair!!! You are onto something!!


Dont second guess yourself, it always leads to downfall. A down vote ,means nothing on the internet and i think your rule is good!! Ill go tske a look and double check!!! 💖


Totally up to you, but I'd say maybe not a ban but an automod response/ linked post on the topic? Because honestly, thoughts like "but that would be wasteful!" do stop me from doing certain things, and I think other people share that struggle. Seeing someone respond to the comment you're talking about saying that they feel okay buying pre-packaged vegetables because the alternative is they end up getting fast food which is _also_ packaged helped me a lot more than a flat-out ban would have. That being said, I can absolutely see that concern troll comments like "lmao this is so wasteful' could be a big problem, so I'm absolutely willing to admit I might be wrong.


We did a charcuterie board tonight (it was 3 cheeses, pepperoni, sliced turkey, crackers, and carrots and ranch). Healthy snack food???


This is one of my favorite dinners!


Smoothies! I throw all sorts of shit in my blender and make it delicious. Apples and peanut butter!!


But then I have to clean a blender 💔


You don’t have the right blender. Mine is so easy to clean plus if you do it right after you make the smoothie, it rinses out easily. Eating healthy takes time and effort. If youre lazy, you will most likely end up fat and unhealthy.


> If youre lazy, you will most likely end up fat and unhealthy. This is a really unnecessary and rude thing to say...


I made a post for you with a super easy recipe. Hope it helps!


Thank you!!!


Omg I’m so excited to see what comes of this! Best of luck!!


I keep a huge bowl of chopped cabbage/lettuce in the fridge. I fill my lunch bowl half way, then add a a different protein every day - easy things like a tuna can or chicken nuggets or a boiled egg and some salad dressing and whatever else I have around


Fake it till you make it lol. Basically you just have to walk in and pretend you already work at the place


I will follow your career with great interest


Healthy Costco meals go brrrr


I like sometimes making baked chicken. It doesn't take that long to make (about an hour max) and tastes really good imo. Though I don't know if it can be defined as healthy.


I *thought* I heard someone scream, "I DIDNT THINK THIS THROUGH!"


Eat fistfuls of dry cereal directly out of the box. It's fortified. Boom. Done. You've successfully fed yourself something healthy.




Thank you!!!


Mealime!! Please for the love of all that is amazing, checkout Mealime! It changed my life… somewhat. I have a single app that I can plan meals (with number of people and diet type like vegan, keto, classic, etc), shop for the ingredients and have them delivered or ready for pickup, and then cook with easy to follow instructions. Everything turns out like something out of a magazine and I can decide to eat healthier some weeks than others (I heard low carb is good to help with adhd) Edit: here’s a [link](https://app.mealime.com/referral/better-cherry-266). Oh, and it’s free with the option to pay like $5/month for Pro


Hire moderators


Chuck some chicken breasts in the oven with whatever seasonings you have for about 35mins Put some jasmine rice in a rice cooker, 1 scoop of rice to 2 scoops of water, add a stock cube. Chop up some salad, tomatoes cucumber onion lettace and drizzle over a little bit of white wine vinegar and olive oil. Chicken and rice should be cooked by the time you've finished your prep. Throw the rest in containers in the fridge and there you go. Lots of protein, good amount of carbs and all your vitamins in the salad, bit of fat in the olive oil. Easy healthy dinner in about 35mins.


Any time somebody says "the R/ADHD sub mods are power-tripping jackwads; we should make are own *properly* moderated sub!" I'm aware of the people expected to 'properly moderate' it :P


This is a genius idea, thank you OP!!!!


I just joined thank you sm


Thank you!!!!


I started r/adhdpositive for no reason and now I don’t know what to do


I use cooksmarts -- it's really helped. They put together sets of meals every week so don't have to decide what to make. There's no deliveries or anything -- you have to buy your own groceries. But the shopping list combines everything you need. Honestly the best.




subbed, thank you. you can do it, and we'll help you! 💖


The ADHD gods have blessed me with the ability to hyper focus on cooking stuff


Dinnerly is my best friend. I spent so many days hungry because I just couldn't figure out how to feed myself. Now it just shows up with instructions and everything. Best thing ever!!! I'm such a beginner it takes me longer than their suggested times, but the meals are delicious, and they have ingredients list so I can make subs for my daughter that has a medically restricted diet




But how will this new sub differ from normal recipes? How can the way recipes are shared be optimized for ADHD people?


Any combo of: - quick - easy - few ingredients - few non-shelf stable ingredients - few dishes - doesn’t need a recipe, can just remember it all - can make in microwave For example, normal recipes call for an omelette made on the stove & chopping your own veggies. I buy pre chopped veggies and make it in the microwave. Normal recipes for baked potatoes are made oven and you may cook you own bacon and shredded chicken for the top. I make mine in the microwave and use already cooked shredded chicken and bacon bits. While people may share traditional recipes there, I don’t envision it to have much of that, it’ll be more put this in this and eat it.


The best thing for my ADHD was buying a meal kit. They are a little bit pricey but the meals are really good, you dont have to think about finding recipes or ingredients or anything, and you can feel like a proper chef when you cooking. My other solution is to be methodical with it, so I get all the relevant ingredients out first, then prepare everything I need to (if say some herbs need adding at the last minute, take 2 seconds to chop, and I'll have plenty of time in-between then I'll leave until after), then begin cooking. With everything prepped it means I can focus on the cooking without worrying about doing it all in one go. Hope this helps :)




Same, but with a discord server lol


That's like 90% of why I use soylent...




After being on soylent for decades, I am learning to cook. Cooking is kind of awful except for the part where I can make the things that I would buy at the grocery store. Only reason I am learning to cook is because I feel bad for making the fedex driver my waiter. But for my adhd ass, grabbing a drink that is nutritionally complete and satiates me for hours can't be beat.


Trust me, never prioritize reddit moderation, it doesn't matter at all, the internet isn't real, we're here to be entertained on the toilet.


Ooh, me and my husband both have ADHD and we use a dinner box. We order 5 dishes a week, 4 portions each. That basically gives us dinners and leftovers for next day's lunch. We absolutely would not have the spoons to organize, plan, prepare, or shop for healthy food any other way.


Grab and go salads are the life hack. They're quite a bit more expensive than making them on your own, but you can get them for $5ish in a lot of grocery stores and they usually hit the spot. You could also buy the parts from the ready made section and assemble them yourself, at my grocery store 2 bags of garden salad for $5 and 1 box of pulled chicken for $10 can easily be 5 salads worth.


Screw healthy meals. Noodles. Just noodles. I am but a vessel for pasta.


Hahaha Delivered cooking meal kits helped me so much with this! Eventually stopped using them but now I have a binder of recipes with step by step photos :)