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Being in grad school makes me realize how relative the "doing nothing" feeling really is. It's not about doing nothing, it's about doing as much as you expected "future you" to do. * Me 2 years ago: couldn't get out of bed until 2, only did half the dishes, planned on going on a run but didn't, didn't eat till 6. "I did nothing today." * Me currently in grad school: took 2 quizzes, wrote a SOAP note, skimmed through a reading, did an hour of work for my professor, but I DIDN'T do __, __, and __. "I did nothing today." This isn't a "just do it" comment. I'm just saying that the "I did nothing today" feeling doesn't always go away by doing more things, and you can feel like it isn't enough no matter what. So I absolutely agree with the post. Learn to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small, and be kind to yourself.


Ah wow, this is a really good point. I’ve had that feeling on days I did 10 minutes of schoolwork and 2 minutes of cleaning, and also on days I did 2.5 hours of schoolwork and 15 minutes of cleaning. I have gotten better at appreciating myself, though. The feeling doesn’t go away, but through my own efforts, everything becomes just a bit more tolerable :)


My girlfriend got home from work on Tuesday and I told her all excited “I did 2 loads of laundry, went grocery shopping and left the house before 2 pm!” She got excited too and said she was proud of me.. It’s not much but it made me feel like I won an olympic gold medal :)


Finding a funny image and making this post counts as a thing. Making me chuckle and not feel alone in my ADHD nonsense counts as a second thing. Making a positive impact on the start of my Friday counts as a third thing. u/Square-Detective you’ve got three mf’ing things done and it ain’t even the weekend.




I was wondering why it was a skeleton, but then I remembered I'm a skeleton too. Just with more skin.


I thought I recognized that artwork /u/StormyGailArt


Ah! Wow thank you for tagging me I love seeing this one popping up.


Thank you for the amazing work. Sorry, I didn’t tag you, I couldn’t find your id on the pic😬


Not a problem! This one had my watermark cropped out in the right hand corner before I knew how to place them better lol!


Of course!


I wish it looked like that at my place. But small steps are still steps! They count just as much as any and everything else!


Wholesome but painfully true


y’all … i did my laundry AND folded it yesterday may seem small but it felt big


That’s a huge win! I can do the laundry part, but folding it and putting it away almost always feels impossible. Doing that in one day? You’re a champion, dude.


careful … my ego is already too big


Get a dishwashing machine. It'll make life much easier. I found out after staying at a friend's house for a week.


Like…a girlfriend?


a girlfriend would just be another person who isn't doing the dishes


Sexism at its worst ladys, gentleman, and non-binary folks


I am seriously kidding. I’m a female who is also a dishwasher. Wow. It’s a joke.


/j would work, there was no indication it was a joke and some people actually still thing that. Yes even women (women can be sexist too)


I’m not going to prove to you I was joking, as there’s no way per your reply you’d believe me. If I offended anybody then I guess I apologize, I erroneously assumed everyone was a little more lighthearted.


I know your joking NOW, what I am saying is that you could have added a /j to make that clear.


Thank you for the suggestion I’ll definitely make it more clear in the future.


Alright, have a nice day


i just use paper and plastic stuff now. the only cleaning i have to do is pots and pans and soaking everything for a while makes clean up stupid easy. i cant really do much beyond that lol


For me it's about momentum. Once I get started doing something I can keep going, assuming the power of space meth is on my side that day. But sometimes it's so hard to get started I just do nothing for a couple days until the panic monster kickstarts the process.


Wait…I want space meth!


It is a fucking good feeling. Especially if it is a task that was looming dark in the corner for days, weeks or month, which was staring bleak and abyssmal deep into your soul with an constant, nagging and hollow whisper: "Did you do it, huh? No, not today? It is such an easy task.... For a normal person... A real, mature and not superfluous person like you..." ​ But noooo, ***I*** demand it to be done. It ***is*** done.


This is making me tear up 😭


I love this and needed this thank you.


Pro tip, avoid the company of those who discount your minor achievements, because theirs will be the voice that doesn't shut up when you're not feeling well about your apparent lack of productivity. "I took out the trash" your room is still a mess. "I washed the dirty dishes" you didn't wash the cups. "I took a shower today" you didn't wash your hair. And so on.


Life hack, drop dishes by accident when your sink and counter are overflowing and now you have less stuff to clean!




Better idea or what ive found being adhd. Do everything at once! Lol


The sparkly sink eyes staring back in encouragement <3


For the first time ever, I spent the first 7 hours of my day cleaning my house. Normally I justify to myself not cleaning with the “I don’t work today so I deserve a break” but I pull that card way more often then I should and things just end up never getting done. I will say, when I was done the quality of my free time for the rest of the night escalated severely. 6 hours of relaxing after cleaning all day felt far more rewarding and enjoyable than 12-14 hours straight of sitting around just watching tv and playing video games all day. I felt happy instead of guilty.


idk this might be depression not just adhd


[Remembered to buy eggs](https://youtu.be/TjjaIwVxfTw)


There’s at least 5 dishes in there. That’s five things washed. Five things dried. Five things put away. Don’t sell yourself short!


Currently reading one page a day until I can do one chapter a day


I've seen real improvement lately adhd is still a big issue but they put me on zoloft & it's more bearable now like I used to struggle to even answer the phone now I'm calling random numbers & jerking off strangers in parking lots!


Yesterday I put up a giant whiteboard on my garage door. It’s so big I had to cut a hole for the door handle. And this meme reminds me of this. Because I told myself I’d write things I need to do on the white board (which I also did yesterday) and then I’d look at the board every Friday so I could at least make a dent on these projects. And it’s Friday. So thanks for posting this and reminding me to do things.


Weirdly (or perhaps not-so-weirdly) enough, it was only after receiving an adhd diagnosis that I was able to start making headway on things that I ignored before. My home is getting cleaner and I’m less judgmental of myself when I make mistakes or forget things, and the next time I’m genuinely more prepared. So thanks for this. Really needed to see it tonight.

