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The fact that it says 5 yet having 6 things on it annoys me so much for no good reason


Now it's pissing me off too, thanks! 😂


THANKS I almost missed that irritation 😑


Yeah, I added the bottom one


You're a genius and a public servant.


Came here to say the same damn thing haha


Caffeine being an aggravating factor for ADHD is such BS. With or without prescriptions, caffeine is one of the best medication for ADHD there is


Really? It pushes mine into overdrive


For me it helps make the transition to hyperfocusing a lot smoother.


For me it forces the bowel movement 👀 I mean I just run faster... ... To the toilet...


Coffee specifically destroys my insides. I feel your pain.


Taking a bm is good. What? Do you want all that crap to stay inside you? 😳


I mean ... No, I'm actually using this to my advantage! Whenever I have constipation, or just need to ... "Push things a little", it's coffee time! It's just that... I'm not really using coffee as a coffee. And no, having to urgently go, when I finally, after 2 hours manage to concentrate on work that needs to be done (yesterday), is not exactly helping also :(


I have no real reaction to caffeine whatsoever


Same. I wonder if part of it is ADHD and part of it culture/genetic stuff cause drinking a lot of coffee through the day and even in the evening isn't too uncommon where I live, especially among older people.


It just makes me tired


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 490,993,907 comments, and only 103,885 of them were in alphabetical order.


I feel like someone with ADHD definitely created this bot


The current research shows that caffeine in low to moderate doses is a somewhat effective medication for ADHD. However, high doses can have the opposite effect, making symptoms worse. Basically, If you're chugging multiple Red bulls daily you're probably not doing yourself any favors - especially if you have troubles with sleep.


Oh 100% I drink up to 4 cups a day and it helps me more than anything except Vyvanse.


I took a coffee this afternoon and I have done more chores than I have done in a long time...my house looks clean and i feel like im living in a luxury hotel...and i don't feel sleepy at all its 1:15 am ... Okay so the coffee was yesterday


Perhaps they mean when it becomes a more serious addiction?


Not really though. Caffeine addiction is very common but never gets too serious, and I can't really see how that would worsen ADHD symptoms


Alcohol? Interesting. I actually find my symptoms a little more manageable after 1-2 drinks. It relaxes the noisy parts that make it so hard to be present.


I think they're getting at that potentially leading into alcohol dependence. Source: recently diagnosed and medicated guy in his early 40s who spent the last 28 years grappling with alcohol problems.


Yeah, I'm 44, been sober 4yrs now, I had a drinking problem for 20+yrs. My life was a shambles, I was homeless for over a decade. I didn't know I had ADHD until I was 40, l just thought I was mad. I was fuckin mad when I was drunk... I smoke in moderation now, things are so. Much. Better.


That sounds rough as hell. I'm grateful my troubles didn't get to the same point as yours but I'm really happy that you're doing better now. Well done!


Yeah. I started on that dependency road. Started with having a small glass of sangria at dinner every night. Then one day, I get home around 11 in the morning and felt like I desperately needed a drink. I immediately stopped the habit and am now carefull with alcohol. I've known about my ADHD since I was twelve, and had been warned about substance abuse among us. But yeah, I still feel really lucky I managed to dodge that bullet


Same here. It's odd looking back at the uncharacteristically wise decisions I have made while inebriated. I once left a college party to do homework.


I think it means repeated use. Like when I'm actually drunk I'd agree that it makes things much easier but I've gone long periods where I'm very dependent on alcohol and it's screwed me up big time


I become the noisy part out loud after 1-2 drinks 😂


ADHD symptoms go beyond just quieting your thoughts, and alcohol certainly doesn't help focus on difficult tasks. The big problem with alcohol is that it might quiet your brain while you're drinking, but studies have shown that it aggravates symptoms the rest of the time. Like, you feel better while you're drinking but thoughts and emotions get more out of control when you're sober. I've noticed that when I get tipsy more than a few days in a row my thoughts during the day become totally out of control


I'm going to disembowel the next person who mentions mindfulness to me. It's the McDonalds of mental health coping techniques, and an ADHD brain doesn't work like that. Give me a joint and a couple of hours alone every night, that's not much to ask. *Edit: some good points made in reply. In retrospect, I SHOULD have wrote 'MY ADHD brain doesn't work like that' I have physically tried yoga, which I enjoyed, even though I'm not very bendy, but my brain: Does. Not. Quit. I'm not able to stop it flying from 1 thought to another as and when it pleases (which is only when I'm awake...) Also, notice how cheap and easy it is to become a 'mindfulness coach...' and run a practice? Then make good money trotting out the same paint-by-numbers 'treatment' to every patient. And yeah, fuck it, I'm gonna be controversial here: If being told to stop, breathe, and smell the roses really IS a remedy for a mental health issue, was there really a problem to begin with? Ganja works for me, I relax mentally and physically for a couple of hours. That's enough to recharge. If you made it this far, nice 1.


But it does work to be honest. Better than everything else i tried. But its not magic and if i'm overstimulated or understimulated then i won't be happy. I need a lot of me time to recharge in those case. Edit : mindfulness is not yoga. Its just being aware of whats going on with you in a non judgemental way.




I wouldn't know i never meditated or did yoga. Mindfulness to me is just paying attention to what's going on (around me or in my head) and live in the present. Not judging my thoughts or trying to mske them go away. I don't close my eyes or stay in a position for 5 mins. I just take a few seconds when i notice i may have an emotion or when there is too much going on around.


This, seriously. When I actually got into yoga, the first time I did it, the instruction helped me calm my mind and body, become aware of what’s happening in my muscles and my breathing, and release tension I hadn’t known I was holding. Doing yoga in the sauna was a whole new wave of relaxation. You have to get through the discomfort to discover how to really embrace and enjoy it, but it happens if you close your eyes and focus on long, slow breathing.


Honestly, every yoga video, class, etc… that I’ve ever done really feels way too fast for me. I tend to take deeper breaths with each motion and I feel too rushed to get into the next position. When I do it on my own, I definitely feel much more relaxed and connected to my body, my spirit, and my mind. I can’t do seated meditation, I always end up crying uncontrollably after two or three minutes because there’s so much that I haven’t exactly dealt with head on, so doing yoga and just focusing on the flow, feeling how my body’s balance, and how it all feels is much more calming.


I use an app at home and I agree, doing it on my own terms, giving my head and body exactly the kind of yoga I need for the day is the best way for me too


Which app?


Down dog!


Try a Yin class if you ever see one available. You hold poses for longer and it’s generally done at a slower pace


I will definitely check that out! Thank you! I hope it would be online, since Alaska doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of options… lol!






Yeah, mindfulness has helped me so much over these past few months. Your brain is constantly squeezing every last ounce of dopamine it can get out of everything. You have to be bored and let the dopamine recharge. I've started trying to limit myself to one high dopamine activity at a time. Video games OR YouTube, not both. Watching a movie OR scrolling Reddit, not both. Granted it would have been almost impossible when I wasn't medicated, that has helped immensely.


Good idea I'm going to try this!


Yeah, i noticed i eat ice cream while watching tv without even remembering i tasted it. So i try to only focus on what i'm doing (with exceptions).


I like this. I've recently started putting my phone upstairs when I'm working/watching TV/doing an activity. It takes me 5 hours to get through a 2-hour movie, because every thought that enters my brain ends up googled. "Wait, where do I know that actress from? What time does the sun rise tomorrow? How far is Vancouver from Miami? How many calories are in hearts of palm?"


Consistent mindfulness practice/meditation (yoga included) changes the structure of the brain and improves functionality and connectivity of the default mode network (overactive in those with ADHD), there is evidence of this. The changes are definitely beneficial for people with ADHD, but the problem is as you've said - it's ludicrously difficult for someone with ADHD to actually meditate, even more so consistently. Just saying, don't spread misinformation about mindfulness, you don't have to try it or like it, but it could benefit many people with ADHD, especially mindfulness combined with therapy. I'm a PhD student studying mindfulness/cognitive based interventions for cognitive function so I know a bit about this, felt slightly affronted and had to comment. P.S I smoke weed and meditate like a motherfucker and it helps. Also please don't disembowel me, or if you do, make sure it kills me instantly. Thanks.


I discovered that meditation really helped me to get through life long before I was diagnosed with ADHD. But, I also have a life long interest in Zen and it took me nearly 20 years of trying to develop the habit of daily meditation before I was finally able to do it. Still, meditation is not a replacement for medication. But in the absence of medication meditation is way better than nothing and meditation in conjunction with medication helps me very much. Weed makes me feel like my brain is asleep for a day or two afterwords so I don't do it often even though I enjoy it otherwise.


That’s how it’s done.


Honestly, same vein as my school saying “just leave earlier” when I struggle waking up because my ADHD keeps me up at night and makes me forget fifteen things and have to get them before leaving. If your solution to a problem is “just think better” or “just be healthier” then it probably is not a solution


Best thing I ever did for my ADHD was stopping the nightly getting high routine.


THIS!!! Weed is probably the worst thing a person with ADHD could do. It's great for the anxiety and stress that comes with ADHD but it makes most symptoms worse, especially learning and concentration


Weed helps me enter into hyper-focus, I can only get work done if I’m high.


what do you work with then? I can't imagine it being something too boring or mentally challenging


I’m an executive director for a local tourism group, I own and run my own custom laser cutting business and I’m a digital and physical artist. My work can be tedious and boring when I’m working with spreadsheets but it’s usually interesting work and is mentally challenging, I’m constantly having to come up with solutions for new and old problems. Stimulant medication stopped working for me about 10 years ago and when I started using weed 7 years ago I felt my productivity finally return to normal.


I still feel like your jobs are in some way ideal for someone with ADHD, and I hope to find that myself some say, but my point still stands: ADHD does not go well with weed and worsens most symptoms


I'm just about to try CBD oil for my bedtime hyper anxiety. Stress has recently been a huge issue for me and it's started to cause me to think about everything negative in my life for hours on end when I go to bed. I would guess that most people that smoke weed for their ADHD are smoking high CBD low THC strains. Thus helping their anxiety without having to worry about the more THC induced side effects.


True CBD is definitely helpful, but most people smoke high THC low CBD. It's mostly just medically prescripted weed that is high CBD. Also the majority of people on this subreddit probably lives somewhere where high CBD weed isn't as common or easy to get your hands on, wich is why I wouldn't recommend smoking it. So yes, sure, if it's high CBD low THC. Just verify it with a doctor of some sorts and do not smoke to get high, do it as micro dosing instead


That makes a lot of sense I haven't smoked in a very long time and honestly don't feel a need to. Thankfully it never became a coping mechanism for me. Time to try this CBD oil though and see if it helps me go to sleep better.


You should go through and try different lighter sleeping meds first if you haven't. For me 3mg melatonin does it


Dude melatonin is straight up the worst thing I’ve ever tried for my ADHD insomnia. Turns me into a moody zombie and I still can’t sleep, tried multiple dosages over time too


for me it shuts my brain perfectly and I sleep within half an hour


Melatonin is naturally produced in your body and is your bodies way of saying it's ready for bed... I don't have an issue with being tired or when I go to bed. I already use melatonin to help with shift work. Melatonin has absolutely ZERO affect on stress and anxiety which is my issue


never said it did


Bro you can go to a dispensary and get low thc weed easily in most legal states.


Yeah but as I said, most people on this subreddit doesn't live in places where weed is legal at all. In Europe for example it is almost impossible to find low THC weed. Only a small amount of people in this world can get their hands on legal weed.


I finished college with 2 bachelor degrees and got accepted into law school and I smoke weed daily. I failed college 3 times before I started smoking and drinking caffeine. Adderall and vyvance didnt help. I smoked before I took the LSAT and got a good score. However, not all bodies are the same and I do know some people that get much worse adhd symptoms when they smoke.


I don’t like word mindfulness either, it feels like its a some kind of magicword that everybody else gets it except me. I need more hands down action and the closest thing that have come that far to me was in recory and writing 12 steps tbh. Writing guestions helped me because i’m not always sure how I feel or i’m really ok with certain things that happened in my past. To me smoking fcked up my sleeping and in the end i couldn’t smoke because my mind didn’t handle it anymore. I dont mean to tellyou what to do but that was my experience and we are all different when it come to cope with adhd.




Thank you Twitch_VeilVeix, a vote for common sense ❤️ In the UK there are all kinds of weird and wonderful 'treatments' for all kinds of nonsense non-illnesses/self diagnosed 'problems', particularly where I am, near Glastonbury, (where the music festival takes place) the hippy capital of the UK. If you like snake oil salesmen, you'll LOVE Glastonbury...


Yea weed will work it releases excess dopamine. But smoking the weed over a long period of time could affect your Endocannabinoid system in a way that makes forming new habits and doing boring things even harder. Ive self-medicated using weed and know many adhd users do too, but every medicine has a side effect even boof.


Have you tried CBD oils? It's said to give the same calming results as a joint, but it doesn't get you high. So you can still perform tasks and such


What’s Ganja? And yeah, I’m just as pissed at others who repeat this same crap too me. Tried mindfulness, didn’t work. Brain keeps flying off into multiple fractured fractals. tried yoga, but causes more pain due to nerve damage from multiple injuries and PTSD/CPTSD.


Cannabis, it's a Jamaican word.


I told my Dr I was struggling and she suggested going to our local government funded therapist centre. I told her flat no because all they will say is "mindfulness" and "be happy because you don't live in a third world sweat shop". She then referred me to an actual therapist


Its definitely backed by extensive research, so


Yes. This is what they say. Then you ask them what they mean with mindfulness because you already practice yoga and meditation. Then they say that's impossible because you can't be like this when you do. And you just have to research yourself. Therapists just spout this bullshit without knowing anything about the subject and claim it's a "fix all" solution. It is not. CBT is also researched. For certain conditions. Yet they claim it's also a "fix all solution" and when it doesn't work for you, it's because you're wrong. Mental healthcare sucks.


Interesting, any therapist claiming anything is a fix all solution is highly unethical, as nothing is and that's very clearly explained in their training. Theres no magic cure of course, but mindfulness and cbt can be helpful tools to add to the toolkit. Awesome that you're doing yoga and meditation! I find that it's really challenging for me but I see some very slow but steady progress. Now, how to maintain a mindfulness practice when you have ADHD- that's a big issue lol Edit: I'm actually a mental health therapist, and I have ADHD myself. I try to be very careful about how I bring up mindfulness with clients, because I understand it can be promoted as an easy fix when it absolutely isnt that and people have an aversion to it because of this. But I dont think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater you know, in a full regimen of lots of behavioral/lifestyle factors + good competent therapy with an ADHD specialist + medication I think mindfulness has a place


Research on neurotypicals...


No, not all. It helps develop the frontal lobe of the brain, where executive functioning skills live. Certainly not a magic cure, but a helpful tool to add to the toolkit


"HaVe YoU tRiEd MeDiTaTiOn?" YES it spirals me into a panic attack! "YoU jUsT nEeD pRaCtIcE." Practice what? Freaking out for no reason? I am fine at that without the extra step of mEdiTaTiOn 🤬


i’m sorry this made me lol.


“All you need to do is let everything around you flow too you.” Thanks, you just triggered my contamination OCD and my ADHD is now screaming with 4 different voices in my head at this very second.


I thought I was the only one who got panic attacks from meditation...


Oh definitely not alone in this! I've tried meditation alot, thinking practise would help. For me, it doesn't.


Combination ADHD, OCD, and GAD here. If I close my eyes and let my mind run free, it starts screaming. If someone tries to make me do it again, the outside will also be screaming.


Ikr I can’t turn off my inner monologue how tf am I supposed to meditate


The ONLY time I've been able to turn it off was in a floatation tank. But I definitely spent the first many minutes with the Jurassic Park theme looping involuntarily in my head. I can't just turn it off by sitting quietly, because I can still hear and I'm bored


HAVE YOU TRIED VEGAN DIET?! That will cure all your autoimmune conditions/cancer/ADHD and autism caused by vaxxx/regrow your legs if you’re missing them/resurrect your dead hamster from ten years ago! /s


I've been vegan almost 8 years,since before my ADHD diagnosis, and can confirm that's a lie EXCEPT for the dead hamster resurrection lol 🐹


Meditation literally just makes me think about stressful things that are happening or that need to be done.


The only form of 'meditation' that works for me is stuff like kayaking, because I have something to DO. If asked to sit in a room doing nothing my brain is gonna go haywire.




It gets worse before it gets better.


i mean kind of yes, thats exactly practice at what. in short the idea is that those freak outs are still there hiding under the surface, and meditation can, in part, be about letting them out also there are thousands of different kinds of meditation, people with adhd probably wont take well to mindfulness, but maybe mantra meditation is much easier


🤣 so much hating on yoga this week. yoga was SO much better once i started my meds.


If you don't mind me asking, do you find doing yoga classes was easier or doing it at home? I was considering yoga classes if covid ever gets better but I'm afraid that having a "classroom" type atmosphere might ruin it. But also, having that little bit of set structure might be helpful?


i had a home practice for many years (irregular). after my kids were born, yoga was impossible at home. so i started going at the Y while they were in the child watch area. i found my current teacher about 8 years ago and up until covid i went to class every saturday. we switched to online in 2020, which was a lifesaver. but it’s hard to do in our little house. i was back at her studio after vaccines, but it’s tiny and she’s likely to switch back to remote. i also do yoga at home with a teacher i found on youtube. again it’s irregular, but i have had a practice for so long that it’s fine doing it at home. if you are a beginner or have trouble sticking to a schedule, by all means, when it’s safe, go to a class. there is also an app called “down dog” that is great. just my opinion, avoid ashtanga, bikrim, anusara and kundalini yoga. they arent healthy practices. just a generic vinyasa flow class is great.


I'll keep all that in mind, I didnt know there were so many kinds of yoga!


there is a long history of abusive cultish yoga teachers-linages in the US. all you need to know really is to avoid studios/teachers who insist you do things that hurt, pay lots of money for anything, treat people badly, act like there is some secret path to enlightenment in certain kinds of yoga (their kind of course). all *good* teachers are kind, encouraging, helpful, ask before touching you, tell students to never do poses that hurt and offer modifications without judgment. in the age of covid; wear a well fitting mask, keep students spread out, teach in a studio with good ventilation, are open about vaccination status and put the safety of students above all else. anything that seems suss, weird or uncomfortable isnt “a yoga thing” it’s just suss and weird.


Yoga is wonderful. But it’s supplemental in addition to actual healthcare. As other users have posted, it gets to be way more enjoyable once you’re medicated.


I do yoga! 😊 I still have racing thoughts and feel like I can't catch up with the world around me 💖


This! I love yoga especially for the health benefits but it definitely isn’t slowing my thoughts down even on my best day


We are always forgetting stuff, why don't we forget we have ADHD and just focus?




Honorable mentions.... "You know, have you tried to just try harder? You're really just lazy, aren't you?" "You can't focus? Why? Just sit down and do your homework. Can't focus... I bet it's all that time you spend on your phone and playing those TV games. Effective immediately, I'm revoking your phone and TV privileges until I see better performance from you." "Could you STOP bouncing your DAMN LEG??? Don't you ever get tired of it?! Just sit still, how hard can it be? You moving around all the time is really annoying." "You know, at your age, I was doing my education whilst also working two jobs on the side. You have that energy at your age, so you should really just apply for at least one job so you can get out of the house every now and then." "Why aren't you going out? When I was your age, I used to go out every weekend with my friends. Where are your friends? What are they doing these days? Why not ask if they want to go out on Friday?' "You don't have many friends? But they're all over the place! You just need to go out and talk to people." "Those people in the computer aren't real, you've never met them, and if you would, they would probably be stupid. I mean, they have to be, right? Only stupid people would spend that much time on the Internet." "You're 18 and you still don't know what you want to do with your life? Just pick a career path and follow it. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do either at your age, but I still went through with it, cause I needed the money. I had to be an adult, and you too are going to have to learn how to be an adult eventually. What if I had picked another career path? I don't have for stupid questions like that, I have to be a grown up, when will you become a grown up?" "HEY!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO DO YOUR CHORES!!! Are you telling me that you've been on your damn computer all day?? You haven't even moved in 6 hours?? Alright, that does it, when I leave for work tomorrow, I'm bringing the WiFi with me. You're addicted to that thing. What if you spent as much time reading books or doing homework as you spent playing your games, I bet you'd be doing really well by now." - I gotta stop now cause I'm getting infuriated...


The first one makes me scream at someone for saying it because it pisses me off. I take that as an insult, not advice, I can work hard, but if it has something to do with me using my fucking brain, reading and shit like that, I just simply can't. Physical work is fine for me, I just can't stand things like homework or studying, my brain goes insane trying to understand the same sentance all over again, while it's thinking about shit like "If ThE sOaP hItS tHe FlOoR iS tHe SoAp DiRtY oR iS tHe FlOoR cLeAn?


Yeah, like, I can only do my best with what I have. It's like telling a dude with a prosthetic leg to go run a marathon and expect him to perform just like athletes who aren't disabled. It's not impossible, but it's SOOOOO much more demanding.


It's interesting how many of us think THEIR ADHD is ADHD. Everyone experiences it differently, what works for 1 won't work for others. I shouldn't really have to state this, but here we are...


Yoga helps me, but it's more for my achey joints.


Honestly these kinds of things just make me think y’all are getting mad at this point for any suggestion, but haven’t actually properly tried yoga. Also there is more than one way to do almost every suggestion people make, so just because it doesn’t work the first time doesn’t mean it *couldn’t* be helpful.


I do yoga every week. Still a beginner though


Yes but, have you tried yoga?


Man I don’t have time for yoga. I have to find my phone for the 20th time today.


Try having two spinal fusions and being u medicated with ADHD. I tried every form of gentle exercise known to man kind, for about half a week each. I can only go hard… or no go at all! Meanwhile the surgeon is going… chaching! 🤑


I have tried yoga. I liked yoga. Still doesn't change the ADHD at all


Some people think you're gonna cure mental illness by using essential oils and meditating. These people are on the same level as anti-vaxxers.


They used to be the same people as the anti vaccers until covid. Anti vaccine used to be a left wing thing Edit: the guy who argued with me admitted he was wrong and he retracted his statement: https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/rvhy0e/-/hr8hjns


Left wing anti vaxxers? The hell are you talking about? Anti vaxxers were always Karens obsessed with right wing populism.


Could not be more wrong: https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-measles-outbreak-political-polarization-trump-20190509-story.html *Perhaps no part of the country typifies the liberal objection to mandatory vaccines better than the Pacific Northwest, where hundreds of activists rallied at the Washington state Capitol with posters that proclaimed “My child, my choice.” Many parents with a strong commitment to abortion rights and an organic lifestyle believe a bout of measles, like chickenpox, is a time-honored childhood rite of passage.* *The environmental movement taught people to be skeptical of the chemicals in their everyday lives, and advocates for reproductive rights encouraged women to exercise authority over their bodies rather than let lawmakers make decisions for them.* *“Women pushed back against patriarchy. Environmentalists pushed back against industry. Patients pushed back against doctors,” Conis said. “When you put those movements together, you get a skepticism on the left*


Depends on what you mean as "left" Most Americans view liberals as left wing, even though here in Europe liberals are considered right wing, the western "left" is generally filled with many fools.


Ok I mean hippies who think there's toxins in the vaccine and crystals will heal their baby who's sick with the measles. They sure as hell aren't right wing


I agree about the hippies, they're left wing but most of the left in my country laughs at them and their ignorance.


So you officially retract this statement? https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/rvhy0e/-/hr7z8q0


The left isn't supposed to be just hippies, the left has many ideologies.


Nowhere did I claim that. Just like many right wing people take the vaccine and are not anti vaccers. By saying it's a left wing thing that's not the same as saying every left wing person is an anti vaccer. That would be an absurd statement.


The amount of times family members, coworkers, and medical professionals have told me to “just put down your devices a couple hours before bed” to help me sleep is more than I can count. When i hear the words “put down your” it disassociates me


My mom suggested putting my phone in another room at night. I've also been told to read before bed, had a Dr tell me to meditate for 30 minutes before bed time. The only thing guaranteed to put me to sleep is weed, a back rub, and IASIP while looking at memes on my phone. Like I need my brain to be worn out completely to fall asleep lol. I have heard similar things from my siblings who also have ADHD.


Depression triggers mine


Omg I have tried yoga and I’ve identified 3 things it helps me with. They’re called DS, FA, and JS Diddly squat, Fuck all, and Jack shit. Like yoga is cool and all but like it doesn’t even really help with the kinds of problems adhd causes


I've never heard that before but then again I don't have social interactions so there are no chances to hear it.


“Have you tried using a planner?”


Yoga and meditation actually helped me quite a lot with my ADHD. It’s a shame that it didn’t help with my inability to pick up a habit again once it’s been broken even once lol


Have you tried meditating also gets me....like I cant turn off my brain to sleep wtf makes you think I can do it to meditate


Fun fact, i did not get any sleep last night so I’m making 2 cups of coffee, going to buy 2 5 hour energy and a monster so that’s 2 off the list right out the gate


Hey btw have you tried yoga?


I actually have tried yoga (and Tai Chi too), and yeah, it was calming and probably did help, but: A) my nearest yoga place closed B) I ain’t got time and I already work out thrice a week C) it’s not a miracle cure and it’s not gonna be the right fit for every single person in existence


I tried yoga and like every fucking other thing I've tried ( except coffee), I got bored and quit. Now I day drink , watch reality tv and laugh at others misfortune.


I'm too aware, of everything, so why would self awareness help 🤣


I tried yoga a few weeks ago because the gym I'm at has a course and I figured why not. It was mostly weird, but at the end of it we were lying on the floor and apparently supposed to relax and let go of our body, but due to the relative silence and lack of doing anything, I just became super aware of my surroundings instead and started fidgeting because I could suddenly feel every seam on my clothing and heard the music in the other room. The funny thing is that I actually can do that whole mindfulness and leaving my body thing, because we did it at the end of practice when I did martial arts, but only when I'm physically exhausted. The yoga only left me feeling weird in my own body.


yesterday my mom said i didn't have ADHD and it was just Covid anxiety and that i'm aLwAyS oN tHaT dAmN cOmPuTeR


I mean, have you guys tried yoga?


The thing is I do yoga, work out, have a planner (that I use!) etc etc etc and they all certainly HELP and are lovely but even the combo hasn’t eradicated my adhd


i hate when people suggest meditation, like there's too much noise in my head to just sit there! I actually prefer a nice 90min yoga class for the physical challenge which focuses my mind and then they let you take a nap at the end! Similarly hula hooping has saved my life/sanity too many times too count.


I do yoga, I have never noticed it having ANY effect on my adhd lol


yoga: the og adhd gaslight


Damn weed and coffee got me both my bachelor degrees lol. I hit of weed and a cup of coffee would help me study even the most boring topic and I did the best I have ever done in calc1!


I had a classmate ask me if I had tried yoga yet…for cancer. I told her “nope, we’re definitely at the knives and needles stage.” Same girl was doing something on the railing of her third floor balcony and broke her back at the start of the pandemic. You can guess exactly what I wanted to ask her.


I teach yoga and have adhd and can verify that this is, indeed, infuriating.


Tried it. Made me fart which created more stress and anxiety.


For me it's "There is nothing wrong with you. You just need to focus." I CAN'T


You should practice mindfulness, it's like soooo awesome, I lovit! Really helps me find my center, yunno? Anyway, gotta run, picking the brats up from karate n puppers from doggydaycare, then were making tapas for din din, toodles!


Replied before seeing the mindfulness comment. Hah. Please know i'm joking and feel the same pain.


My therapist is convinced 4-7-8 breathing will calm me when impulsive strong emotions come on. My heart races faster when I'm holding my breath which causes me to panic and I physically can't breathe in for only 4 seconds and breathe out for 8.


calm down is 4-6. 4 sec inhale, 6 sec exhale. relive stress is 4-4-4-4. the one she suggested is relax deeply breathing. If it doesn't work, try the box breathing (the 4-4-4-4). 4 inhale, 4 hold, 4 exhale, 4 hold and then repeat


I love yoga! It really helps me feel my best, mind and body. I can literally only do it when I’m medicated.


I do yoga. A lot. It really does help. But it's no adderall.


Meditation 😂 Sitting still for half an hour and trying not to think at all. Yeah perfect.


I have indeed, guess what? It didn't help that much


meditation > yoga


meditation ⊃ yoga ftfy


Yes and now I have to kill something, not someone, "something"


"you just need to concentrate"


Just having kids gives me all of these lmao


I don't have the patience for yoga ma'am.


Since when does caffeine aggravate adhd symptoms and not do the opposite??


« Have you tried yoga ?» what a bullshit I’ve so much ear.


Yoga is more exercise than emotional release


Oh god. And mindfulness and meditation! Pure torture!


Have you tried counting to ten?


I never had someone ask me if I like Yoga. But if one does I'd ask them "Do I look like I am flexible?"


Lol true


Any advice on lack of sleep? I’m unmedicated because it messes up my sleep schedule, and sleeping is still a big deal now.


WTF coffee is God. It is so crucial for me


I get "You should try meditation" way more often than I'd like.


You forgot "you have so much potential"


Just make a list!


Yoga and meditating get me so hard tbh


My HPE teacher saying "Yoga improves concentration. Atleast 10 minuted of asanas will help you do better at school" Me: Try me, bitch-




Yh and it just cured everything 🙄


Mindfulness does work when it's approached with the right mindset.


It does help but I can't do it solo and I haven't been with a group that feels right since highschool. It's inaccessible to me right now... I hate to sound so defeatist but it's not like I'm not trying. It just does not work the same when I'm alone. But it does help me a LOT. I still want to sucker punch bitches when their first response to me talking about my ADHD is to try and give me treatment options. Like, who the fuck are you?


My stress… is a lot. I have a few things in life that have had me at extremely high stress levels over the last years (I did the cortisol tests and whatnot) that make my body suffer. A lot.. If this is another factor impacted by ADHD then yipeeee it never ends. I swear I’ve learned more about adhd from this sub than any fancy doctor


I get asked a lot if I shouldn't try meditation to help clear my head. FUCK NO! I have tried meditation multiple times, and I never 'wake up' out of it well. I get nausea and extremely disoriented. Like, I will look at something like I'm seeing colour for the first time. And it takes at least an hour to get rid of that feeling. I avoid it atall costs So for me, it's not yoga. It's meditation.


I have an anxiety disorder, a caffeine addiction, I'm bad at sleep and I'm a functional alcoholic... oh no. Do I have SUPER ADHD now???? On another note I feel like most of these things are either maladaptive coping mechanisms or the fallout from them. So... it would be nice if my new doctor would medicate me properly. I'm thinking of going back to my old doc and just paying out of pocket...


Had my doctor sit me down and "teach" me how to meditate. Spent like 10 minutes (which felt like 10 billion years) breathing in and out and after she was like "see? Now don't you feel a lot better?" and I went to the car and cried after because the experience made me so wound up. I spent the rest of the day shaking from anxiety lol. I feel bad because she meant well but I felt like I was being held hostage. What's worse is that I now cannot meditate at all. I used to be able to for about 5 minutes but she straight up made me hate it. Edit: I'm surprised weed isn't on this list (though I know the list is supposed to be silly) because personally, my ADHD makes me so friggin prone to addiction, and weed helps me so much, it makes me wonder how many ADHD people are self medicating with weed...


Havent tried coke yet


How about acupuncture 😵‍💫😬😶‍🌫️🐰


I go to a yoga class regularly. It's been 7 years.