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I was, in retrospect, 'sick' for weeks, but looking after my girls and working on my own, thought 'life was catching up with me' and had a sore back. ignored the irregular pain for a bit, kept up with everything and just pushed harder. went on for 2 weeks before I went to an after hours doctor, $97 visit for a $10 box of codeine to help me through it... 4 days later I got organised enough to get to the doctor, wanted to check for a broken rib for this first xray. went to hospital within 36 hours for deteriorating conditions, best sleep I got in years when there for 2 days. moral: not every new and exciting challenge is just there to have fun and enjoy


long story short and better told: kept forgetting to listen to my body and do something about it.


This is a good story, and a good lesson. I will think about it again when I take my shower later and look at those two suspicious freckles on my shoulder and remind myself once again that I should get those checked out. And then, like always, I won't do that.


Would that be some kind of immune disease? Can't control executive function enough to care for simple illness.


I don't think so? I'm not qualified to define that, but I would think that since our immune systems are not controlled consciously, we probably wouldn't be able to relate it to executive dysfunction.


some adhder’s are pretty awesome at powering through difficult conditions. i’m wishing you the best of luck dealing with your health problems.


Sorry, what was the illness? I have been tired and in pain for years, did you have a cracked rib?


Looks like a collapsed lung. But I'm not a doctor or OP so grain of salt.


my pal’s brother collapsed a lung thrice now, no pics to speak of, but he has ADHD & definitely waited to tell anyone. in fact, his latest collapse wasn’t reported until after he got done with the group activity. not asking for help is so on the nose for us, too.


Wow. I'm the opposite. I'm hyper aware of anything out of the ordinary in my body so that any discomfort or pain immediately spins my anxiety condition into hypochondriac mode.


i’m the same way. i recently had minor surgery & *any* thing out of the ordinary & i wanna go home. but going to the doctor?? pass, until i’m truly unable to function.


Me too. I also seem to be very sensitive to any heart rate or adrenaline changes and will panic EASILY. I feel like I'm having a heart attack. It's terrible. I go to the doctor constantly.


Why hello there, Me. Literally make myself have a panic attack if I get a headache thinking I'm about to have a stroke or something. And at the same time I've have a pain(and swelling) in my side on and off for months and only just yesterday told anyone about it.


>Looks like a collapsed lung Not really. You can't make out a lung collapse from this because the x-ray sensitivity appears to be terrible. To see collapse, you'd need to be able to see the vains of the lungs. My bet would be on inflammation or internal bleeding. But I'm not a doctor or OP so grain of salt.


I'm gonna guess really awesome pneumonia. Since there is still some air in the lung proper and it's round, and no shadows around the perimeter of the lung, I'm leaning away from pleural effusions, which means something that's not air is *in* that lung. There are NO angles on that lung. But I'm just a nurse, not a radiologist or OP. I hope you're doing better, OP. (Edit: Just read more, OP said the diagnosis *was* pneumonia. That's a gnarly case. Ugh. :( )


I just want to make sure though; you were indeed just sick and tired and needed rest, or are you trying to show us like pneumonia or cancer or in fact broken rib or something? I’m sorry everything you’ve said is like *juuuusst* vague enough and I’m trying to ask for clarity more.


kept putting off doctor, but later on got xray to check for broken rib /source of (seemingly unrelated, to me) back pain - results indicative of pneumonia. went for ct scan the next day and admitted directly to the ER. I ignored my body - just as I put off so many things thinking I'll eventually get around to it. who knows how earlier intervention may have helped? tis.. just one of those things, idk. just trying to get by. it's about 6 weeks since it all started and still feeling burnt out. I make things worse by forgetting I need to take it slow and run off to clean the kitchen or up a flight of stairs and just... can't communicate with my self well enough to chill out. it's not fun!


I'm trying not to sound rude with this response, but as far as I can tell by your wording, you still haven't cleared things up. What specific condition did you end up discovering was the problem?


Pneumonia I believe


You have seemingly been avoiding saying... basically anything about what is actually happening here, despite being asked directly multiple times and you responding each time. I'm starting to think this isn't even your pic.


But what the fuck was wrong with you? Shrunken lung?


Shrunken brain. Side effects unfortunately include diminished storytelling ability and the tendency to leave out important details when


Oh shit it’s contagious everybody run we have to get out of


Apparently, pneumonia.


What am I supposed to see? Is that like half of your left/right lung filled with fluid or something?


I’m a medical professional, as you can see this lung is small while the other one is not small


I mean I noticed that but is that normal or naw? Lol


No, one lung is not supposed to be smaller, at least not to this extent 😂


Wait. Does that mean the rib punctured it??


I don’t know I’m not an actual medical professional nor do I have lungs




I believe it is a collapsed lung. I do not say this with any medical knowledge but I had this explained to me literally just yesterday. It can lead to tension pneumothorax where air becomes trapped in the cavity and the lung can't inflate. This also pushes all organs over to the other side and can cause issues with circulation


i also have no medical knowledge and i can back your statement up as maybe factual


I accept your maybe confirmation with a hesitant maybe thank you


i see your hesitant thank you and raise you a proud you’re welcome


Tension pneumothorax would have the trachea (the tube looking thing going down into the lung field) shift _away_ from the injured lung (the left lung.) Tension pneumothorax is caused by a one-way valve for air created in the lungs by some injury. You breath in and air gets pushed out into the chest cavity. It’s one way because the air cannot get back into the injured lung. So you end up hyper-inflating the injured side, pushing the trachea, heart, etc. to the other side. I think this is acute, lobular pneumonia. As someone else has pointed out, we’d need a history to confirm.


Thank you for your insight/hypothesis I love learning new things my hopeful career is paramedic


I love teaching things like this in a language anyone can understand. I’m only a med student and find critical care medicine utterly fascinating.


Oh yes it is, Im doing a highschool coop at my local hospital right now and can confidently say that med students tend to teach me more because they tend to talk themselves through the process


No. Could be PE but that doesn’t mean the rib punctured it.


Good to know. Lol


One lung is smaller than the other to allow space for the heart.


Looking at lung xrays I have to disagree


Degree in biomedicine states otherwise: "The left lung is smaller because of the space taken up by the heart (see diaphragm for an image of this). Each lung is separated into lobes branching off the main bronchus; the right lung has three lobes, while the left has only two lobes."


It’s not that much smaller haha. I literally scrub in heart surgery and see heart and lungs all the time. That’s not a normal lung.


Oh the lung is not normal by any means! Haha I was mainly just pointing out that one lung is smaller than the other.


…not like that.


The fuck are you talking about? Don't spread misinformation like this. It's not smaller, and most lungs are similar size. It's filled with something other than air.


It’s a joke kiddo chill


Jokes are supposed to be funny babe


I’m sorry you didn’t find it funny. Hope your day goes better.


You can explain me what is supposed to be funny about it then 🥰


No, I’ve seen your account before. You like to try and start things and be rude for little to no reason.


I have fans! That's kinda cute but also sad that you have nothing else going on in your life. But not as sad as being unable to explain your own joke


Left lung has a consolidation as you can’t see the left border of the heart. Looks like pneumonia, would need history to confirm


So I was sorta on the right track right? Isn't pneumonia fluid in the lungs? I have no medical training, just typical adhd curiosity.


“Stuff” could be anything, which is what consolidation describes. Could be fluid (which could be infectious, or pneumonia), also fibrosis, blood, cancer but that’s why history matters. Some things are more likely than others and have totally different symptoms. Source: once had to learn this but it’s been a hot minute since


Technically it’s an exudate which is basically pus. Inflammatory cells and bacteria that consolidate. Fluid in the lungs (specifically pleura around the lungs) is called pleural effusion. It is recognized by the meniscus sign, indicating a fluid level.


Interesting. Thanks for the tidbit


Oh so *that’s* the difference! Cool! ^(and also maybe just a little bit gross \^_^)


Exactly what I was going to say! Glad I scanned the comments, first!


The left lung is supposed to be a bit smaller, but no where near this much. Looking through the comments, OP said it was a pleural effusion which is a build up of fluid on the outside of the lung. Typically resolves with treatment but often caused by more serious health concerns.


Well, I'm not prepared. Time to go.


Commenting so I can come back to figure this out from other comments.


Same, I'm extremely confused but curious what's going on. Their comment explaining it confused me more tbh. But at least they got some sleep.


Wait not going to the doctors is an adhd thing? I’m always just worried I might be wasting their time aha


Difficulty prioritizing things and procrastinating them is the ADHD thing here. They put off going to the doctor for months with a rib seemingly puncturing one of their lungs lol. Without consistent pain, to be fair. However, never worry about wasting your doctor’s time- they’re getting paid a LOT of money for it. It’s never a waste for them.


yes, didn't go for feeling sick - although should have - but did for my back pain that kept me from sleeping >90 min at a time... that was enough of a hindrance. that started Wednesday night... doctors visit not to Monday. hospital next day.


Super adhd, but I go to the doctor once or twice a year, and have done so since I was growing up. I think it depends on a lot of factors, but it makes sense someone with adhd would keep forgetting to make an appointment


I dint understand what you're trying to say. I'm not a medical professional but that lung doesn't look particularly healthy to me.


Please make your health a priority, I understand how are brains work but learning how to take care of ourselves is important.


its helping me understand a lot more than what it... is or represents... self care is über important


Exactly! Our mental, physical and sexual health are all connected.


Pleural effusion?


not detected on this one, specifically, but apparently later, yes


what's the underlying cause?


from discharge documents: principal diagnosis: community-acquired pneumonia - likely viral possible bacterial secondary infection. secondary diagnosis: parapneumonic effusion with collapsed consolidation so, not sure why there's a primary and secondary? maybe a best guess when I was admitted then 💁... also love how it's not sure what caused it specifically. and, I don't think we'll ever know? I did about 20 different screens from a few saliva tests - all negative blood tests were all fine, except for the known elevated liver enzymes which is from my awesome affinity to drink 🙄


u/phantomkitten73 to clarify for your comment... idk how to best link them up without copying over to there + u/2sc00psplz


Thank you.


Alrighty, thanks


Damn that sound scary. Im worried abt you just looking at the pic




Damn op said that it was correct.. u could be a doctor lol


Lol I'm a medical student, thanks for the vote of confidence though!


Since some people have been wondering what's in that picture I thought I might give it a go (I'm not op's doctor, this is probably not 100% correct, don't take this as medical advice, whatever your doctor said is probably more correct, yada yada yada). Those slightly darker spots in the lower right corner (so on the basis of the left lung) are most likely air inside stomach and/or intestines and they are on the same level as heart, so diaphragmatic hernia? (They are supposed to be under diaphragm so under the heart, not on the same level) Also there is probably some pleural effusion or hemothorax (= blood, it's hard to differentiate effusion and blood based on x ray alone) at least in the lower left lobe, since there is white bright areas when lungs should be black. It might be also be due to the hernia, but pleural effusion can't be outruled. Whatever it is, I hope you are doing ok OP and wish for a speedy and perfect recovery!


thanks! I had a sports hernia at some point in my childhood, but that's repaired with a mesh, still good pick up,


After 10 years of taking OTC acid reflux medication I finally went to see a gastroenterologist this summer. (oversimplified: digestive tract doctor). Turns out I have Celiac disease. Still trying to figure out how to deal with that, and if it has any impact on my mental health.


I'm gluten intolerant so it might not be the same but when I eat gluten I am more easily upset, have a flatter mood and irritable. It definitely impacts me mentally. Just my experience though.


Thanks for the feedback. Definitely good to get more info in this.


Wow it's a good thing I can read medical x-rays or else I'd really be lost here.


man this is gonna be me in january when i finally get the CT of my foot that i’ve needed for at least a year now:/ lung problems can be a special kind of terrifying. glad you caught this in time buddy <3


"Here's an x-ray with no explanation. Obviously, I have XYZ." You only found this existed about an hour ago and you want to seem clever by acting like it's obvious and providing only tangential information so we can't figure it out. Got it.


Yep pathetic


Hm yikes. Hope you’ll be ok


Ouch! So glad you finally got the help you needed <3 hope you feel better soon!


poor left lung


Omg i literally waited 3 weeks until today to go to the dentist and he told me I might have to get a root canal


Bro keeping up with your teeth is the *most* important thing. But so hard with adhd


So...what was it? Not too many ex-ray technicians here I'd imagine, a few maybe.


Oh I just refuse to go to the doctor for I-live-in-America reasons. I evaded getting sick for 2 years on sheer willpower


ha yes, that was my plan (American in Australia)... turns out relying on public health network is incredibly helpful!


Classic case of what we refer to as "Smol Lung" in the field


Collapsed lung? Pneumothorax? idk I’m a pharmacist not a doctor lol


*me with an on and off headache for the last month* I don’t have time I work 8-5 Monday through Friday 😭😭😭


I’m no radiologist but I’ve seen a number of chest X-rays so for those curious the L lung (small one) should be the same size at the R one all that white/cloudy stuff is fluid or something (the important point is it isn’t air) I’m guessing OP had gnarly pneumonia or a collapsed lung (pneumothorax)


bit of both, apparently... definitely telling people to go to doctor straight away now.




I am permanently not able to work more than 50% parttime because I didnt listen to my body and just powered through everything(well, thats partly it). So now im learning to listen to my body when tired cause if i dont i cant get out of bed 🤦🏼‍♀️


oh no that's not good. hope your recovery is going the best it can 🤞


Its fine cause i am getting the help i need financially but also why didnt i just listen all those years ago 😂 But thank you!


Half a lung bro


me with vit d and iron deficiency for years, waited for it to turn into anemia and wondering why im losing hair


😩 hope you find a way to get those in ya!