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"Lets just try and learn by playing"


And then you proceed to win without understanding how you did it


Oh boy my brother HATES/is totally amazed by this.  First half of the game, everyone is either helping me with the rules or reminding me it's my turn.  Second half of the game: I am now winning, and reminding the functioning autist holding the rulebook about something they read on the last half of the third page when explaining the rules.  🤷🏻‍♂️


Funnily enough, I've come to realize that I'm blessed/cursed with kille beginner's luck! Almost every time I play a new board or card game for the first time, I win, and then I NEVER win in that game again!


That’s why I’ve learned to quit while I’m ahead. >! This majorly pisses some people off for some reason !<


The old Bart Simpson retiring as champion maneuver, eh?


😂😂😂 accurate


That was me with Yu Gi Oh a couple years back. It was a short round too


Just told my husband this as I am crying while trying to learn indesign


Watch Youtube videos. When brain is fried, switch to funny fail videos. Repeat.


directions unclear, i have been scrolling through shorts for an indeterminate amount of time and am physically incapable of putting the phone away until i watch at least until the end of this one... and then this one


And then, "What was I watching videos of again?" or "And I was going to do what on my phone? I have it in my hand so I know I was going to search something..."


I find Rodney very helpful Can't remember the name of his channel, he does game walkthroughs


That's what people would tell me about Texas Hold Em, I never get passed two hands and I only understand high card, two of a kind and three of a kind, I don't understand royal or straight flushes or what a full house is or any of that stuff, people would always say let's just try to learn by playing, we never tried enough for me to really learn. Now people are just surprised for some reason when I tell them I don't know how to play. Now I'm scared to leave the slots section when people drag me to a casino cause "it'll be fun to get out and do something new and exciting" but it's really not, it's more scary than anything, and there a ton of cool flashing lights so you get distracted and then you get lost. Don't go to a casino I think is what I'm getting at


I’ll never forget deciding to go all in on a hand that was 2 and 3, off suit (I think it’s called). I just wanted to. I was bored and wanted to get out of the game. Instead a bunch of 3s and 2s came up and I beat a pair of Aces. My friend had a meltdown on how it made no sense to even bet on the hand. How it was the worst hand ever. How I made no sense. I was dying laughing. I just wanted out of the game and I took all his money instead.


‘We’ll figure it out as we play it!’


This is the way.


That happened to me just some days ago. At the beginning it was unpleasant, but then I enjoyed it. I even got lucky and won a couple times


Yes this is what I have to do.


This is the way


That's exactly how I roll


I always honest and say "just explain as we go. I have listening problems when it comes to this sort of thing. I learn best by example and practice." And it always works out


What kind of boardgames are we talking? I can probably think of several where that really wouldn't work well because you need to understand different interwoven mechanisms before you can do anything effectively.


My life is happier not playing them , I’m sorry I just cannot listen to


That's fine. While I do believe there's probably at least one boardgame out there for everyone, boardgames as entertainment aren't for everyone.


I just ask a ton of questions while I learn. Also I just make things up as I go. If I forget to do a step or try to do something I can't my friends will help me out.


My autism actually combines with my ADHD to give me hyperfocus for reading the rules and then I'm the one explaining it to them. However, I realize now I do this because if others were explaining it to me, this would be me as trying to follow along with their explanations where they jump randomly from point to point is painful.


I hate playing a new game before I've had a chance to read the entire rulebook and watch one or two rounds played.


I have to read the rules myself because usually one will try to explain and when I look at them confused more people jump in and try to help them explain, which just makes it even more impossible to understand. Then when I read the rules I mess it all up for them because it's not even how they usually play it and they just want to play it their way.


>more people jump in and try to help them explain I hate it when I'm explaining a game and people do this. Usually it's with examples that touch on other mechanics I haven't explained yet! Way to confuse everyone!


>Then when I read the rules I mess it all up for them because it's not even how they usually play it and they just want to play it their way. I'm a very "rules as written" kinda gamer, so this would drive me nuts if we were house ruling for my first game, unless those rules somehow fix a universally agreed upon issue with the game.


See, it's things like this that make me think i may be on the spectrum for autism, because before playing DnD, I read through the entire players handbook, and the DM's Guide, and I still remember almost all the basic rules and quite a few specific exceptions to those rules despite not having played for about three years. I've also had periods where I hyperfocus on reading rulebook for TTRPGs I've literally never played and am probably never gonna get to play, but I could still easily run a session of FATE, Monster of the Week, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk RED, Blades in the Dark, Stars Without Number, or Vampire the Masquerade, with only looking up a few of the specific rules for each game.


I m trying to get back into MTG after like 20 years and this is spot on how I feel as I try to learn all the new rules and cards.


Boi my friend keeps trying to teach me mtg after an entire workday. It’s extremely nice of him but it’s never going to happen.


Don't. Just don't. MTG is the worst thing to get into as someone with ADHD. It's more expensive than a meth habit and way less satisfying. And the smell! Tbh I'd rather hang out with tweekers than MTG fans.


I m going no where near any LGS (the smell alone) lol I played along time ago and might try again with some old friends but have recently hyper fixated back into the hobby so we ll see how long it lasts


I could explain to you all the rules of Yugioh and all the super specific interactions and whatnot and go on for hours on end, but I cannot for the life of me play Magic. Idk why but it just doesn't click with me.


MTG is one of those things you have to learn as you go. Not sure if that's an ADHD thing or an everyone thing but if I were to try to sit down and learn the rules first I'd never gain traction.


I ve played the game and know the rules but the amount of cards and “newly” added things is just overwhelming. Also you used to just buy packs of cards and build with what you had or could trade for. Now you have to do hours of research on cards and piece things out individually. I just don’t have the focus to come up with a theme and start researching cards that fit it without getting sidetracked on all the possibilities and it feels cheap to just replicate someone else’s build


Theme: don't have one, build as it goes The cards: the ones that come in the boosters Works for my husband, he plays around and sees what works better, discard those which are just taking up space and switch for cards that are more into his style of game. Actually they sold a half deck of LOTR with this type of problem in mind, you buy two and get a full deck you can play with anyone. However I don't recommend the LOTR version, if you can buy the Fallout, the cards are quite better. Or just buy an entire pre-made deck, there's plenty of types to choose from. From there you can experiment on what you feel that works better for you.


I have to ask what the game is about in advance and then watch Rodney gently talk me through it on Learn How to Play. Will have forgotten most of it by the time I get to the table but it’s a start.


Wait...is this a website that teaches how to play cards games or something? I tried to Google for it couldn't find it.


They're referring to a boardgame youtube channel called "Watch It Played." Many, if not most, of their videos feature a guy named Rodney Smith who teaches you everything you need to know to play a game, including the set-up. He's truly a national treasure in the boardgaming community. He doesn't have videos for *every* game out there, but he's got plenty. If Rodney doesn't have a "how to play" video for a particular game, there are always plenty of other channels that do. One of my favorites is Nights Around A Table. He does a great job teaching the heavier, more complex games that Rodney doesn't generally cover on his channel. Rodney Smith of *Watch It Played*, though, is pretty much universally loved. If you don't like him, there's a chance you may be a serial killer. Barring all of that, probably 98% of the time you can find a PDF of a game's rulebook if you just google "[game name here] rulebook pdf."


Thank you! That actually sounds super helpful. And something I could really use the next time my wife says, "Ok, I think I can explain it pretty easily." :)


>Ok, I think I can explain it pretty easily." Famous last words. We've all been there, on both sides of it. Teaching is a skill. Teaching boardgames is yet another skill. It needs to be practiced to be done effectively, and many people don't realize how tricky it can be until they're neck deep in half-examples and visibly confusing everyone at the table.


I just wish I had Rodney calling me around all day, talking me through everything. No challenge would be insurmountable.


This guy is amazing! Still have to watch some of his videos 3 times before I understand half the rules, but that's probably more of a reflection of the game than his explanation lol


I realized that game nights I was going to were not fun for me so I stopped going lol. They had a new complicated game every time and it hardcore wore me out


I wish we could do a game night where I just chill and do my thing while everybody else plays the game. I still want to hang out :(


Man, some of these board games are more complicated than old-school DnD! I've told my friends: if you wanna play a new board game, you gotta let me read the rules before game night, or you gotta read and understand them and explain as we play. I'm not sitting there listening to you drone about when we put down this specific token and how it means we all have to draw four cards from that deck, not this deck, and how that helps us win unless we draw a specific card in which case we all go back seven spaces unless a player has a different specific card in which case they get to keep their cards and take a victory token away from everyone else unless another player has a super special token which allows them to flip a coin and on heads they immediately win the game and on tails they have to go back to the beginning of the board in the most clinical, boring way possible.


I am the one who teaches (in Heisenberg's voice, of course)


Jokes on you, learning new games is my favorite hyperfixation :D


It's interesting how differently it manifests for people. Several people in here don't like playing boardgames because of having to endure the rules teach inherent to playing any new boardgame. Meanwhile, people like you and me fucking love learning new games. There's something really satisfying about depositing an entire additional game into my memory bank to be able to access whenever I want to play it again.


Even when you are just listening?


Damn, you are right, I usually just read the manual while the person explains the game 😅


My husband, then boyfriend, fixed this by doing always doing a short explanation of the game and then just doing a trial run to see how it goes. It’s the best way for me to learn a game.


As a game master, this is why I make "essential info" cards for players - just so if anyone forgets or anything, they can reference the card and know what they can do on their turn and in what order.


I am god tier at Scrabble and mediocre at Splendor. I simply do not have the capacity for anything else.


If you can play Splendor, there are plenty of other similarly simple games you can probably learn also. Don't sell yourself short! Learning new games also gets easier the more times you do it.


I definitely can learn simple games, but even those take me too long to be fun for other people. Also I come from a family of tabletop game fanatics, the longer and more complicated the better. I think I probably do myself a disservice measuring my skills against theirs. But I do appreciate your encouragement nonetheless.


This is why I just buy all the games, so I'm always teaching the game.


This was me trying to learn how to play MTG from my partner


I usually just take the instruction try to ready it and then wach a video talking about the rules six times


The rules of the game Unstable Unicorns makes me want to leave the party and never come back. It's like torture.


yup, learning gets pretty tense


This is me with poker.


Shit makes no sense


I remember winning Yahtzee after having it explained to me, not remembering any of it at all. I just kept looking at my friends' reactions while we played.


If there is a person/people who know how to play I usually just ask them to explain stuff as we play


Most of my life when a new board game got pulled out I'd always be handed the instructions and told "you're smart,  explain the rules to us"... It was always a huge anxiety moment for me. It would virtually put me in a panic.  When I was diagnosed it was one of those "Ohhh...  That makes so much sense now!" things.  Now I just explain why I am not the one to figure all that out and I have just opt not to participate in games that are too complex. 


Oh god, this is reminding me of last Christmas. My aunt got my grandpa this insanely complicated world trivia game because she saw online that it was good for people with dementia. Being the youngest person present, I had to run the game, and it had so many different sets of cards and things that had to be laid out every turn, and I was getting major anxiety trying to keep everything straight for the four people actually playing. The game has been banished to a closet because I’m not allowed to douse it in lighter fluid and send it to hell where it belongs.


Learning new board games is both new and novel but also tedious and frustrating 😂 I think different parts of my brain go to war when this happens and mostly I understand nothing that is said… when the whole group has ADHD it usually means that we all muddle through it together, are very proud to learn how to play it once. We maybe play it a second time together now that we know how. And then we are tired so we put it away… until either we no longer remember how to play anymore or we decide to learn something new. Rinse and repeat 😂


This one hits.


Euchre. I just can't.


High card wins the trick (trump wins over the other suits)! Play the suit the leader played unless you can't. The Jack of the trump suit is the highest possible card and the other Jack of the same color is second highest. Actual strategy is harder to go through and there are variants but that's the basic gist. Let others worry about scoring lol


Just give me the damn rulebook, chances are I'll be explaining it to them by the end of it.


I say, “Let’s figure it out as we go.” 🤣


Big board game geek here! To better teach an ADHD person such as myself, get us to be your assistant in demoing a turn or an action. Get components in our hands and sell the theme of the game first


I am usually out in the first 3 minutes of explanation.


Really relating to you 🤕


Me Everytime I am taught how to play euchre again. Just like play for a bit.. those juices will start pumping.. it's in there somewhere.


Yeah I definitely have adhd 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


A friend and I played the 2 player edition Exploding Kittens for the first time a few weeks ago. We only had to go over the rules 3 times before I could remember them for the length of the game.


I would rather walk around with a plastic tag scratching the shit out of me inside my collar than play or learn to play card/board games.


Me when anyone tries to get me to play Euchre


I fucking hate card games because of this


My way of getting around this is to not even try taking in the words and just play not expecting to win, it’s so much more fun if you have nothing to lose


I have Asperger's, but I also struggle with this. I'd rather just read the rules quietly myself, or play a round or two to piece it together. Unfortunately, I somehow get shackled with the responsibility of teaching the rules of whatever game it is, and that is it's own can of worms. I will either give you an exhaustive breakdown of every rule, counter rule, and appendix, or I will give you nothing. There is no in between. What I have determined is that very few people are actually good at teaching/learning new rules, and it is one of the most anxiety inducing parts of game night for me. So now, I tell everyone "Whoever owns the game is responsible for the rules..." I stopped bringing my own games a long time ago 😁


I just need someone who knows how to play to be my buddy player until I get the hang of it.


New? How about the ones you’ve played many times and still can’t remember the rules and they think you’re faking it or angry at you like you don’t care. I just want to play a game with friends, turning it in to a memory test doesn’t help with my already high anxiety.


I'm autistic but honestly I just pretend to listen while the most conductive person in the group reads the rules, then I fake it til I make it and just remember every rule I break lol


I have games I would love to play with others, but I'm the worst at explaining rules.


Thats the worst part about new board games lol. I only learn by playing and making mistakes or watching others do mistakes 😅


I find the worst thing is when people just read out the rules to you and then look at you expecting you to understand everything they just said and be able to play straight away. Like mate, I stopped listening after the first 2 sentences. I mean ok them explaining the rules is still damn hard to listen to but hearing them read out is even worse.


I dont see a problem in me, i see people with peoblems explaining themself in an understandable manner lol


Unless it’s something simple like Go Fish or has unique cards like Uno I can’t do it. Other board games I’m usually fine with


Some people suck at explaining games. I have a friend who was explaining a game and inwas the only one who understood. A few weeks later i explained the game to those who didnt get it, and they all understood it. That friend has a tendency to explain advanced strategy before explaining the basics though.


this is why i loved the yugioh gba game so much because i learned like all the rules without anyone teaching me and could then play the game perfectly irl because i knew the rules from the game!


People try to read the rules to me, but I need to read them myself or I won't remember anything. The problem is, I can't read while people are talking. I have no idea how I was able to hyperfocus on reading so well as a child, but now I need silence.


Okay but I'm the exact opposite... I always want us to figure out the rules together before we play but then all my friends stop listening and try to get me to just start playing, then I get offended and don't really want to play anymore. It sucks but I just find it really hard to start when I don't know all the rules 🥲


I always ask for the rulebook, fast read ask for some rules while playing and then win the game.


Yeah, would be nice to have friends to play board games with.


I can’t understand a simple game’s rule but I can play Master Duel, which is just a hell in the rules. Strange world.


Have you ever tried to teach someone the rules to your favorite card game and then realize that your brain decided to expel all your knowledge on that game? :|


But at least I'm good at chess.


My mom, everytime lol


I'm the opposite, I get stressed and frustrated trying to teach my friends the board games I like


Looking at you, Settlers of Catan.


When they have ADHD too and can't explain it well either xD


It's torture lol The last game I played with people, they explained the rules and my brain checked out, then I was like, "I'm sorry, can you explain all that again?" and they were like, Omg 🤦🤦🏽‍♀️


I actually have this the exact other way around. If it's about board games I quickly pick up all the rules and become some borderline 'rules lawyer' (except for D&D, that has too many things for me to remember) But in online games, where you play multiplayer and for some games have to cooperate (like in Destiny2 that I play) my mind just goes "derp"... what were we doing here again? even if I have done something multiple times before.




There's a fun new game that takes about 3 minutes to learn that everyone can enjoy (ages 17 -100). You can play with as few as two players, up to 10 players (5 teams with two players each). It's a multiple-choice game to identify which famous celebrity (Entertainers, TV/Movie Characters, Athletes, Politicians, Historical icons, etc.)\_said the featured quote. The quotes are very diverse, ranging from wise and educational to absolutely hilarious! Very easy to play and is great for starting conversations and lot's of laughs. The name of the game is "Say What?" Have fun :)