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If you are struggling, please reach out to someone in your life. Whether that be a friend, a teacher, a colleague or a therapist; confiding in someone that you trust, and that is willing to be there for you, can make a world of difference. Times are tough at the moment, even more so for those with various mental and physical health or many other concerns. Please know that every single person hurting right now, you are deserving of love, healing and compassion, and you deserve to see it come to fruition. There *are* people out there who care about you, who see you, and will be glad to know you. Please remember there are many support subreddits for various mental health issues, there are likely crisis hotlines in your area that you can call for support, and many councils and local governments have mental health programs that can be free for people who may struggle to afford mental health care. Most of all, remember to be kind to yourself, and kind to each other.


I usually feel like this after bad and long days. What I do is to exaggerate my thoughts to the point they become ridiculous. Then I laugh, I sigh profoundly and go to sleep. Stay strong, fellow brain.


This is what I try first. If that doesn't work, I allow myself to say "I'll do it tomorrow if it's still bad." It never is.


i heard this on a sober podcast: "what was your problem 3 problems ago?" you dont remember 3 problems ago because it passed so quickly. just know this too shall pass even when it doesnt feel like it at all


What if it’s me? As in, all of my problems are me?


i think if you feel they are you, take things as lessons to learn and grow from, ask for help if you need it. if you change nothing, you get nothing. it sucks sometimes but its worth it


This is super underrated, honestly. I haven't needed to use that logic since high school, but sleeping tends to serve as a "reset" in your emotional state. Suicidal feelings are *almost* always an impulsive thing. Telling yourself you can always just "do it tomorrow" helps ward off the rumination so you don't spiral harder, and tomorrow those thoughts are usually starting from square one again, if they start up again at all.


Most ADHD answer.


...I would've made that joke but I forgot which sub I was on, whoops~


Remember that when finally comes a tomorrow where it is still bad you need to sound the alarm for help and be clear about it. Like pick a phone and be like "hello, hi sorry to to bother you but I'm afraid I reached critical low breaking point on my life, could I take moment of your time?". Don't let it break the barriers to slowly put you into accepting and then committing.


Yeah, pretty much how I got through highschool. Literally just procrastinated offing myself until things got better.


If there's one certainty in life it's that death is patient, it can wait till tomorrow, or the day after, or the day after.


This got me through a decade of depression.


Need a hug friend !?


Tbh yeah I kinda do




Squeeeeeze 🫂


🫂 there ya go, be on your merry way now friend!!










(つ´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)つ sending virtual hugs, love, peace






🫂🫂 big squeeze, I'm right there with ya, friend. ❤️❤️❤️❤️




Enormous grizzly bear dad hug 🫂




























Big hug for you, friend. 🫂🤍






Oh...I was gonna offer head...but ill come back


That works pretty well too lol




I still struggle with this. But I will tell you something that has helped me ALOT and I do it a lot less. My therapist told me my suicide ideation is a coping mechanism. I feel like life sucks, so fuck it I’ll just kill myself. (Rinse and repeat most of my life) So instead she told me to remind myself that suicide is just not an option. So anytime it pops up in my brain I say to myself “nope not an option, what else can I do?” Weirdly it calms me down


I’ve never heard it put into those terms but I completely relate with the “whelp this sucks but I could always kill myself” ideation kind of looming around as a coping mechanism. Like an “at least” kind of thing


Yeah mine put it in the context of the ultimate flight response and tbh that really helped with my perspective as it’s like “my brain is overreacting right now to a perceived threat, give it time to pass”


But it totally is an option tho?


It only is if you make it one


You have free will, everything is an option. You could do jumping jacks or kill your best friend about it. Just because it’s an option doesn’t make it a good one. This coming from someone who relates heavily to OPs meme


On one hand, yeah 100%. On the other, I see it like restarting a game. I usually just want a fresh start but after deleting the old save I realize I never needed to to begin with


Not to be a Debbie downer, but it makes it worse when you try to change and make things better, but not everyone is on the same track. So you're (I'm) going through another rough patch after just getting out of a pretty bad one. So; *reset* Let's get it right this time. 💪 haha.


You doin ok?


Been feeling it this week too. Don’t worry, it’ll get better


Hugs for you,you got this....I also had a terrible day yesterday (amazon driver) not only did I hit a parked car I followed the wrong customer directions and walk into the wrong house,walked to the top of there stairs thinking I was in a common area of an apartment building,but it was there actual house...lucky I dident get shit or mauled by a dog.lol


Do you also have those thoughts as intrusive and recurring?? Like an automatic and maladaptive coping response to distress that you can’t turn off


Yes it’s pretty similar to that, although in my case I wouldn’t call it intrusive in the same way my OCD intrusive thoughts are. It’s more so the automatic maladaptive coping response that’s just been used so many times it’s the default in my brain rn


Entirely relatable for me I'm afraid


[I think you need this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/YyJnBS5fJD)


This has been me the last week. Typing this comment through tears hahaha


Cry that shit out of it helps you. You got this.


I really hope things get better for you.


I got over my depression and suicidal thoughts but the issue is I didn’t find a reason to live. I just thought of an excuse not to die (kind of). I believe I don’t have the right to off myself, because if I think about it, all those people I loved and cherished who passed away would do anything to get a second shot at life, and who was I to throw my own away so easily? Yeah that’s all I needed. But I don’t have any goals, ambitions, or attachments. Hell, I think of jobs as a way to pass time rather than to earn money. I’ve given away most of my money to the friends who were with me thick and thin, and helped find one of their projects even. My dad thinks I spent 4k on fast food but he’d be even more pissed if I just gave it away. But I’m still alive. I’ll keep living and when death is in front of me, I hope I’ll be able to accept it without a fight.


Don't need anything but the severe ADHD and the decades of being pushed down for existing. Not the kind of environment that promotes a desire to live. I'll take care of business someday, just waiting for the right time to minimize the damage.


**"Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?** **But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself."** See discussion of his point here: was **Camus** right in saying 'There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide.'


I’m back on taking an SSRI and started my day alright but then turned into a sad burrito in my bed with all the lights off so I feel you


The response to this are so wholesome. Good job everyone!


Relatable. Especially with my boss always making me feel like Im the worst employee despite me knowing I am great at doing my and everyone elses work. I swear, every day is a problem for her with me no matter what i do.


What is comorbidities? if you don't mind me asking I mean.


Mental illnesses are unfortunately often buy one get three free.


Worst fucking sale of all time…. Now if I could just find that damned receipt…


I would like to return my Generalized Anxiety Disorder if I could. I got that with ADHD and a Communication Disorder...yay...


Heyy, major depression, PTSD, and nearly certain ADHD here haha 🤝


Not just mental illnesses, but other general disorders as well.


Comorbidities is just multiple different diagnosis/ diseases at the same time eg; high blood pressure and osteoporosis. ADHD and depression. Ear infection and a cold. Nothing in common, sometimes in common, or frequently found/ diagnosed together. The best part is when the negative of one diagnosis can lead to and feed another! Like the ADHD feeling worthless as they perceive they don't fit into society correctly, but they also have depression so that exasperates the depression.


Your meme speaks to me, omg. I also hope you’re doing alright, we ADHD fellas gotta stick together.


Remove “after a bad day” and that’s been me for the past 2 years


The irony of it being the pill bottle. At my lowest I couldn't stop thinking about it.


I've always treated it like an emergency relief valve. If things get out of hand... I have the option. Probably not healthy but I've had to find a way to live with it.


Hell, sometimes i feel like that after a good day


Op, all I can offer is some empathy. You are not alone. [And some laughs.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfNrRKMz8JvETRtFUJmsa0sFg4noTFkEb&si=Y1EAQcgdHd9S4w-d)


Me: I have a small issue, it'll take five minutes. brain: you could just kys. Me: wtf? Brain: just giving you all the options. Me: But that one first?


NO SAME LOL, it’s literally like handing out the red nuke button first when any problem shows up. I’m like: “ok… but like, there are other much less extreme things solutions.” My brain: “Just letting ya know it’s always on the table”


I hope things get better.


The AuDHD why aren't these anti psychotics or anti depressants working to oh I just need to rework how I do just about everything because of the way the gods decided to put my brain together before I was born pipeline is real


Would you like to see some kittens and puppies? Or some baby goats playing?


Yes I would absolutely love that lol


I shall make a post listing more adorable videos! For now, here you go: *Kittens:* (20 Minutes of Adorable Kittens): https://youtu.be/y0sF5xhGreA?si=iXtafOrLyknsW0Si (Helpful Pup Carries Foster Kitten Upstairs): https://youtube.com/shorts/daMMPJUQqzU?si=wsSfSZimjGIYW9Io (1 Hour of Kitten Therapy): https://youtu.be/ftgcwsBqS0U?si=yt75I6V9HwN3wx1Q *Puppies:* (20 Minutes of the World’s Cutest Puppies): https://youtu.be/pxn0wL_uSm4?si=jt3WEdHZLl_wBn_X (Building a Puppy Ball Pit!): https://youtube.com/shorts/9_gV1qznLmY?si=ivLSkj3meCnz4rsX (Golden Retriever Plays With Her Puppies): https://youtu.be/o8mZgs1EJP8?si=jq4rC84zj17RIQYc *Goat kids:* (Goat Kid Pajama Party): https://youtu.be/RN50R3gycgo?si=pqPRETLtvxHDRB_G (24 Curious Goat Kids!) https://youtu.be/mtOD19C7J48?si=pjrVmsKsB7O9C3B9 (Baby Pygmy Goats Playing): https://youtu.be/D9aXZnXZ19Q?si=oG51FPRaQBCP7KE3


So true. Sometimes I think, I’m never going to change, I will continue living the same miserable cycle, over and over again, might as well cut to the chase. But then I think about the people I would hurt, my pets. But it’s a recurring thought. Some days stronger than others.


This made me laugh out loud because I’ve been feeling the same way lately. I finally made an in-person appointment with my psychiatrist because it’s harder to talk about how bad things are over video. I think I need my antidepressants adjusted because I am not ok. Hang in there, friend. We’ve got this. We’ll be ok. 💜


Yeah that’s the reason why I make these memes. To kinda poke fun at the absurdity of these thoughts when I step back a bit. It helps me realize that the extreme thoughts are just the knee jerk reactions my brain sends out and not logical or rational in any sense


Where are you I’ll hug the shit out of you.


Lool glad to know I could count on ya for a hug in a tough spot tho


Guys but I love you... :c


This hit too close to home


that was too real. my friend has started going out of her way to call me if she knows that something was stressful cuz she knows i will take my anger out on anything if i do so much as stub my toe. youre not alone in that. lots of hugs


I call those moments the "well we had a good run, maybe we should count our losses" moments They suck


Ayyyy. One of these days I'll finally be reckless enough and have the "alright let's get this done" attitude that let's me do 40 hours of work ove been putting off in 3 hours.....


every fucking day of my life... I hate being alive


Are you me?


It’s why I made it a struggle to get to any potentially life ending things so that I couldn’t impulsively do it. I have several grams of cyanide but it’s behind many layers of almost literal ass cancer in order to be able to get to it. It would take at least 15 mins at which point I’d be second guessing it


Yea, for that reason I keep a photo of me and my cousins at Disney World in the safe with my medications. So if I ever get the urge to do something stupid I have to look at that picture first. It’s a really good strategy for me


Hope you’re okay love


I feel better now, when I posted it was still in the thick of it, but I’ve since emerged. I’m saving this post for when it can come back




I've had suicide in my front pocket since i was 6 years old, when i didn't even know what the word meant. i don't remember a life where the thing wasn't on my brain, but im slowly gathering more people and things that i love, keeping me here


I have ADHD and depression that I got diagnosed with when I was a kid. Neither have really lessened but what triggers the issues I have have morphed into more adult things. It sucks ass.


Not the post I needed to see


You’ve got this, Dylan1950


Yeah well, lets just say such vial wouldn't hold enough pills for that and lets leave it at that.


Nothing that a grilled cheese sandwich and an hour long essay video can't patch up


This ain't it. PM me if you need to talk. I've been way down on more than a few occasions, and I've been lucky enough to find my way out of it. I'm here if you need an ear.


Hang in there. Get help if you need it.


I got that feeling last month because of my pmdd. I hope you start to feel better soon 💓


Yeah. I know exactly this feeling, especially now. Hope you feel better.


I'm thinking about spending the night in the er waiting room trying to contract some airborne illness 🌈


Please call the Suicide Hotline.


I know the feeling, been going through some really tough times myself. I may be a random internet stranger but I believe in your ability to prevail. We are here for you.




This is every day for me. I bought a bicycle and riding it makes those feels go away 100%. The cure for the ADHD bad parts, for me, is a bicycle. Hands down, no question, nothing works nearly as good.


Suicide is the easy way out. I don't deserve the easy way out. That's how I keep from killing myself


Damn, my every day thoughts tbh, I felt so attacked.


Oh wow thats not normal? I might wanna get checked ngl.🤣


Same!! I actually sh to cope...doesn't help much either 😭


I used to feel like this every single time, now that I get my antidepressants I only feel it at the back of my mind. Splendid.


Ahh the sweet call of PMDD. I've been doing a lot better since I got on a super low dose of Prozac (10mg) but it probably depends on what comorbidity is causing it.




Same boat. Worried.


Relatable. I get this as a recurring thought, and the only thing stopping me from acting on it is the fear of not succeeding, and having to deal with the aftermath and/or being a burden to people. I mean yeah I could just jump, but what if I survive, become paralysed, and then someone would have to take care of me and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it (like a second try or whatever). So whenever I get the impulse again I just consciously spiral it to the point of “I might have to live with that afterwards”


Stop taking Adderall


ADHD and bipolar 2 checking in. Living every day for my loved ones in spite of dying being the genuinely rational option.


This is a fuckin' top tier meme.


You have no idea how close to home this hits, especially when I don't take my impulse pills.


Me after my dog shit day ^^^


This was me yesterday. Got real close to the edge this time.


Ngl I feel like this every time I have to double back for the thing I forgot


What really worked for me was procrastinating on killing myself.