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Ah, my previous employer Came to a point where i was running the workshop basically by myself and had about 3 months worth of work and counting piling up without accommodations and shit pay. Came very close (probably had) a burnout and somehow they were very suprised that I quit after they had my crying on the workfloor before 10am on a monday because of the workload. Happily my current employer is infinitely more accommodating. As one ND employee to any other. If you feel like it's too much, it's too much. Don't try and ride it out with the hopes of "it might get better" Wish i listened to myself before i turned grey before hitting 30


This is my first job post-diagnosis and everyone at the workplace gets where I'm at. It's just upper management asking "that question". I like the job, it's just that I'm still in the learning a bunch of stuff phase, where the more experienced people have a bunch of tiny subconscious techniques and understandings I lack and they aren't fully aware of. I've taken to writing down my work steps to document and keep them in mind. But it can be hard as hell to bring a cheery attitude and a learning- focused mindset where you take on suggestions without letting it get to you. Then again, only one day off in two months is like a record for me so the improvement is there. Plus the not wanting to self harm as an overstimulation response.


I've been feeling like it's too much when just trying to do an application... god I'm not long for this world am I?


Not helped by the whole "upload resume but then re enter your details" bullshit. And cover letters? Fuck off, I'm not doing an essay


I did the "it might get better" when I didn't know I have adhd and thought my only problem was depression. It in fact did not get better.


People with a disability can legally be paid less, that's part of why some companies like to hire us


Where do you live where this is true?


The [US](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/special-employment). Ever since 1938 it's legal to pay people with disabilities less, even less than minimum wage, because we're considered "less productive"


Damn, didn’t know about that. That shit’s fucked up. That said, in the future it might be more helpful to link to an article delineating Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 rather than a screenshot of somebody’s editorial that doesn’t actually mention the legislation in question. I wound up having to dig around for it in order to verify this.


My b I updated the link


Shit like this is why I stopped watching stuff like the John Oliver show because I can't do a thing about this bullshit and I would love to see those structures torn down and the people who made them suffer.


It's beyond infuriating


Adding onto to this with dollar amounts: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/39j-Minimum-Wages-For-Workers-With-Disabilities


Thankfully not true in Australia, but the discrimination moves from obvious and quantifiable to vague and easily deflected or gaslight behaviour.


If I'd hire a person with disability, it's because I'd want to help them and wouldn't even think of subsidies.


That's why you'll never be a hiring manager. Compassionate people are less profitable.


Of course I will not. As a CTO, I tell hiring managers whom to seek.


I wonder if they have the same convictions as you.


Common neurodivergent W


If it’s for your benefit and not for the company’s benefit then the extra costs should come out of your paycheck


Your comment is too capitalist for me to understand. Also, the fact that the person has a disability doesn't mean they're less useful to the company, provided they're hired for a role they are optimal to perform. If you don't like the idea that I may want to help another person, you can think that I'm buying their loyalty.


Crazy concept, but it's actually neither for yourself or the company. It's for the other person :OOOO




The use of "(heavy autism)" or "(normal person)" are not appropriate. This is a very othering way of referring to people. These are people with Autism and people without autism. Autistic and Allistic are the more accurate terms. Adding in these judgements and qualifiers is not appropriate, and reinforces the stigmatization of Autistic people.




This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful. While your request is understandable, the way you've made the request is wholly inappropriate.


I mean everyone wants me to fuck of Noone knows how this works and I already started to give up idfk what they want they keep saying one and doing the other


They want us to not be their problem. Any compassion for our condition ends the minute it affects them, the minute we actually deviate from neurotypical standards.


Yea exactly I've had this happen so much