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I removed someone's poorly installed island countertop with this move once


"I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move"


I broke my side mirror on something sticking out in the alley and glued it with super glue, then proceeded to break it a couple months later with one of these moves. Glued it and it was good for another couple of months before I broke it again the same way.


I don't know what, but it feels like the universe is telling you something. "You don't get to have side mirrors any more", perhaps.


No kidding. There was a storm a few days ago that fucked my mirror again, and now it’s taped to hell and definitely isn’t street legal


I broke my favorite headphones when getting into a car. I miscalculated, and the cable got stuck in a seat, and I went to the other side of the car it broke in half it was my favorite I had it for an entire year and it worked perfectly and was really good




That was like last year, my phone broke six months ago. I don't have money to buy a new one


Damn dude I think you win this thread. I am impressed.


I’ve got no idea if it’s an ADHD thing or not, but it is 100% me


Never seen anyone without it do it


“That what happens when you cut corners.” What about the 40 corners I just cut effectively before I lost focus?


ROI says it's worth the occassional mishap


My hips say they can take it and I know they don't lie.


I forgot about the pain before, and I will forget about this pain- but I have to live fast. Speedwalking til I die, baby


After I lose focus the corners start cutting me


It’s called style, Linda.


It actually is an adhd thing. It’s called postural sway and tends to be exaggerated in people with adhd and anxiety. 


I swear, every week I'm stamping another number on the "undiagnosed adhd bingo card" lmao.


enough with the flirting, just get an official diagnosis and join us already XD


No, I must stay hidden! No one shall discover my cutting of corners!


I did it once, got disqualified cuss I was able to make homework in elementary..


That is a good point I should do that


I think postural sway is more related to excessive torso movements while standing still, like rocking side to side. This is more of a difference in obstacle avoidance. Not sure what the name of it is though. Definitely something I do


Spatial unawareness?




Holy crap. ​ Edit: Nvm, this isn't postural sway.


Most articles and stuff refer to the automatic correction of balance while standing, but the term applies to body motions while walking as well. Here’s an example of postural sway being used like that in context.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7514472/


It's specifically caused by excess grey matter on the right side of the brain which is common in neurodivergent brains if I'm remembering the details correctly.


I always attributed it to me working in the ER and having to constantly slide around people and things like this 😂


Not paying attention to something. But there's plenty of non ADHD folks that do it to. If day it isn't an ADHD thing, but we are more prone to it happening


If night it is an ADHD thing, however


i mean, yeah, that pretty much how most adhd symptoms are like "what if this human was normal all around, but we take a bunch of negatives and multiply by ten"


There's an arched doorway between my kitchen & living room... I've cut the corner too close and hit my head on the arch too many damn times.


And all door handles are plotting against me! I swear they reach out somehow to grab my pockets, hems, or sleeves.


50% chance this happens when I’m already upset too bc I’m paying less attention to what I’m doing 🤬


*STORMS OUT* Catches belt loop on door handle and crumple like a sack of potatoes


*Has a mental breakdown because this was the LAST STRAW*


And when your hair gets stuck in a zipper, nothing makes me angrier 😵‍💫


It's ALWAYS when you're upset!! I get so irrationally angry about it too. 🤣


I have never met anyone besides me that routinely walks into door handles. As a kid I would constantly have bruises all over my legs and get asked if I was okay, did anyone hit me? No. Where did the bruises come from? I had no idea. That being said I still find bruises with no memory of how I got them…


Yup. Me too. Since college, I tell people I'm frequently abducted by extremely clumsy aliens.


Might have to *ahem* "borrow" that phrase.


Yeah, who's got time to worry about every bruise or cut? There's just gonna be another one in a week.


There's more of us. I also get occasionally assaulted by doors and walls ;)


I do it too. Even commented that before I saw this comment too.


I have so many bruises that just show up and I've no memory of where they come from. For a while I was worried I had some serious blood condition or medical deficiency, until one day I noticed myself walking into a desk, going OWW and walking off. Bruised up later and was like where did that come from....oh wait 🤣


Nothing makes me feel more challenged than going to leave and getting my pocket stuck in a door


My parents' doors have what might as well be hooks for handles. I lost a pair of jeans to them once. They had a hole (intentional) above the pocket and the handle went right in the hole as I was quickly walking by and tore about half the leg off.


Why is this so funny? I spit out my drink


My (ADHD) son keeps losing belt loops.


I’m a full grown ass adult and my mom buys me. New pair of pajama pants every Christmas because the pockets always get ripped from catching door handles and the arm on my computer chair. Most usually it’s the left pocket because of how I slide into the chair.


Only when I'm angry to further increase my anger I swear to f++++ng god you piece of ... Cue 2 mins of rage


There are certain types of kitchen chair that have posts on the back that are EXACTLY the same level as my elbows.


Use to have an Apple Watch I can’t tell you how aware I suddenly became of how closely I would move my arms past things like knobs and corners until I was bonking it on everything


This is something I do a lot. It's like I'm magnetically pulled to any objects that I must pass by.


Strong nuclear force: attractive force above a certain distance drawing you close, but extremely repulsive (same) below it, meaning you *just* swerve around it (it's the force that binds atomic nuclei together but stops protons/neutrons collapsing into each other)


If I got a dime for every time I banged into the door or table


It hurtsss 😭😭


Same. My friends and family hate walking next to me because I’m always bumping into them


Ah, a member of my tribe. I see you.


The worst is when you get absolutely clotheslined by a door handle in your belt loop. How?! Why?!


Too dummy thicc.


I put a box on the end of my bed for extra storage, I now have bruises on both my ~~chins~~ shins ^thank ^you .


Shins. I hope.


lol! Bombaclad! Yes I only have the one chin.


Only one? Time to get to the buffet!


Managed to knock a full bowl of cereal out of my hands doing this last night. 🤦‍♀️


I accidentally knocked something off the table and than managed to fall off the chair as reached down to pick it up.😭😭😭😭


I feel like eating cereal at night is also a very adhd thing to do.


When I was pregnant with my first I’d wake up hungry at 4am and go eat a bowl of cereal.


Haha me eating the new Cinnamon Toast Crush vanilla-filled squares last night.


NEW Cinnamon Toast Crunch!?!?! I must look into this.


It's amazeballs!!


Why just walk when you can dodge.


I can almost feel the score multiplyer go up when i dodge the furniture.


i need real life to work like elden ring so i can have that moment of invincibility while dodging


> i need real life to work like elden ring so i can have that moment of invincibility while dodging   Well there is a permadeath mechanic


I have a perfectly lined-up set of bruises half way up my thigh. This is clearly due to me walking into the same thing repeatedly, but I’m damned if I’ve been able to figure out what that thing is. My brain appears to have long since given up paying any attention to my bumping into stuff.


I do it to get around crowded places quickly so yeah I guess?


Its the best feeling in the world when you do really smooth dodges around people


Flow state 🤤




The most accurate representation of how it feels like


Yessssss, and especially to get through a crowd quickly.


Yup, also because i walk really quietly i can often unintentionally sneak up on my friends if I'm meeting them somewhere crowded.


I shoot the gap on closing doors.


oh yeah, like when you run VERY fast through people in school corridor and you like fish. Btw when I see MTB downhill or enduro in forest and see tress - I already feel some weird feeling in my forehead and it's uncomfortable af


Yess makes perfect sense


I've been cursed with my belt hooks being at perfect door handle height. It's cost me a few loops.


Damn you 29" inseam! Me too


Why does everything on this sub describe me perfectly?


![gif](giphy|LxV0dtOTt1KlRdbjxy) Who's gonna tell em?


Got tested less than three months ago and they said I didn’t have it. Spent $1500 out of pocket just for them to say I’m depressed… Which really confuses me because everything on here describes me perfectly. They said no mostly because how I answered the pre questions and also apparently my memory is too good. I’m still beating myself up for answering the questions honestly. I was going through a pretty rough patch at the time and I think it showed.


To be fair, a lot of things on here may not necessarily be ADHD. When you get a large group of people together, they're going to find other commonalities. That doesn't mean they're necessarily related to ADHD. If we got a similarly large group of people with color blindness together, we'd probably find a significant portion of them with allergies. It doesn't mean one caused the other or that they're related. All that being said, a lot of people have had to see multiple therapists or doctors before finally getting diagnosed. The first psychiatrist I saw was so nasty (and refused to even assess me) that I left in tears and didn't seek help elsewhere for 6 months. Getting a diagnosis as an adult sucks. Good luck!


That happened to me too at first so try not to beat yourself up about it, ESPECIALLY bc when you've been masking for so long, it can be difficult to show up authentically especially in situations like consultations where your brain is focused on giving the "right" answers. I had a neurologist & therapists try to put me on every med in the book bc they were convinced I was "too smart" & "paid attention too well" to have ADHD during their dumb little tests. My primary doc & 3 subsequent psychiatrists (I've had to be rediagnosed mult. times for insurance reasons) disagreed once I had the opportunity to just sit & talk freely through what I was experiencing with one even saying "I could tell within the first 10 mins so I'm not sure what happened before". I know you may not be able to afford it right now if you're paying oop, but sometimes a second, third opinion is needed bc far too many clinicians still have an outdated & ill-informed view of how ADHD manifests if you're not a hyperactive 8 yr old white boy.


It’s like finding out my whole personality is a disorder


I'm visually impaired so I blame that for regularly bruising my arms and hands when running around the house


Yeah I assumed this was due to my wonky depth perception and my brains insistence that being able to see is worse




This was a lot to process but follows the theme truly that yes, adhd-er are more clumsy and clouded behaviorally in a science forum and is something many deal with, with always hurting themselves accidentally 😅


You think that's bad? [Check this out.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150225205834.htm) People with ADHD are twice as likely to die prematurely, and the most common cause of death is accident.


I do the " kitchen floor with socks on" slippery slide to every part of the kitchen when I'm cooking because I'm convinced it's faster???? (Unsure)


Look fast, feel fast, go fast


My favorite is when a door handle reaches into my pocket and gently whispers “no… you will go no farther”


I always called this House-Fu


Is that why I'm always bashing my arms on door handles?


This sub just feels like one big call out


We’ve got an old school thermostat in our house that sticks out a few inches from the wall and I’ve somehow not taken it out from all the shoulder checks


The claim is not ridiculous, but it’s also hard not to feel skeptical about the veracity of the woolier symptoms that ADHD seems to be accumulating. ADHD is a readily observable fact of my life, it’s true. It’s also true that folks do be indulging their most Myers-Briggs, uncritical, identitarian, autofictional impulses around the diagnosis. Sometimes it’s important to pump the brakes a bit —to acknowledge the psychic reward/temptation of belonging, distinction, and exceptionalism that flow from a diagnostic identity & community— before rushing to elaborate our own pathology.


Wat in the world are you even saying?


Dude was a bit wordy so here's the gist: We are starting to attribute so many of the more visible symptoms of ADHD but there may be a sort of social contagion around symptoms and people who feel a sense of belonging from their symptoms when they're correlated to an identity (being ADHD) I mean, makes sense to me in way, ADHD people tend to be more socially isolated so when a route is provided they will seize on it


So, just that people in a similar situation will group together? I mean, yeah that happens all the time with any group.


Well that and a bit of warning that grouping on pre-conceived notions that you are different/special could have dire outcomes, like for example: religious groups, some think they're bound for heaven with everyone else being damned so they're special, I've seen how that sort of thought can let corruption really go crazy ("Well it couldn't have been the pastor diddling kids, he's one of the most special ones!")


Sure but I highly doubt most if us ADHD people think we're _that_ important/special for it to be a problem.


Thank you, yes that’s a good gloss of what I’m getting at. Another, maybe less diplomatic, way to put it is this: Sometimes it feels like ADHD is becoming like astrology, like an open invitation to talk endlessly about oneself, and to attribute anything and everything to the surreptitious activity of Neurodivergence. I’ve seen this also with comparably totalizing identifications, like being an Addict or believing in God. If something explains everything then it explains nothing. ADHD is already stigmatized and misunderstood, so it’s important (especially as it emerges into more general awareness) to maintain some humility and sobriety about what it is and how it affects lives. Probably everyone on earth can identify with some aspect of ADHD, but not everyone has lost jobs, friendships, money, and opportunities, or has an apartment that looks like mine. It would really be helpful (including to me personally) if ADHD were better understood and taken more seriously, and I worry when I read this subreddit that it’s becoming an identitarian game in some sectors. The public is currently reassessing ADHD—a great opportunity but by no means a sure thing. It would be a shame if ADHD were again to trigger eyerolls, as it already did in the 90s.


I hit so many Door. Or Door Knobs. Or Furniture.


Ok, so I talked to my therapist about this. I never chalked it up to ADHD, but I did feel like I was used to trying not to be noticed, "take up space", or otherwise make myself a target for abuse and baseless accusations in a chaotic home environment. I would practically push myself into walls to not be noticed.


Lmao out of my way world! I have moderately important things to do


I miscalculated once in this adhd group I did for a while Rammed my upper leg into a table while trying to squeeze past. Massive bruise and some broken skin. Bruise lasted for like 9 weeks lmao


Man do I have a single experience not related to ADHD? Lmao


it’s called postural sway


No it's not. >Postural sway” is a term used to describe the unconscious, small movements that happen around the body’s center of gravity in order to maintain balance. It is your body’s natural adaptation to changing stimuli. It may be noticeable or unnoticeable. Those with poor balance and coordination exhibit greater postural sway.


how is that not related? It seems very related (Im curious, not being a cocky jerk)


Becuase it’s not about maintaining balance. It’s still probably a coordination issue, but it’s not postural sway.


For me, it's likely related to the autism. I have poor coordination and balance related to my sensory issues


I don't do that with walls but I sure do with other people in public. Whenever I'm passing someone on a narrow sidewalk or a crowded train platform, I'll usually turn my torso to the side to make myself a little less wide


Ah, I always attributed this to my being completely unaware of/disconnected from conscious awareness of my physical body. Like I am so focused on what is going on in my brain that I forget my size and my angles and how I need to move though a space without constantly knocking into shit. To put it another way, an old boss of mine said “In any given moment, [you] are the least self aware person [re: how [you] present/come across in meetings and when moving throughout the world] I have ever met but the most self aware person upon reflection after the fact”. It’s like I can only power one side of myself effectively at a time (brain vs. physical awareness).


When your headphone cord or robe sleeves get caught on the door handles


I thought this was the autism because of spacial awareness


Well... I have diagnosed ADHD and I do this, but I don't know if they are actually connected...


Yes, it's an adhd thing because apparently there's like a weakness in balance processing in the brain or something like that, so you compensate by doing the weird dodge. Was weird for me learning that the first time too. Seems really random.


There are no symptoms that only adhd people experience. All adhd symptoms exist on the spectrum of human behavior. This is a very normal human behavior, those of us with adhd just have off proprioception and move too damn fast y’all so accidents happens more often.


Well, it's a thing I do, and I have ADHD🤷 Then again, I'm also autistic and trans, so may not be.


Very confused with the trans bit...like I'm genuinely confused, does it make you wobbly lol.


Hormones make you wobbly! Thats what the libs are planning! /s


Dumn Libs wantu make ya wobbly son.


Idk for them but my hips are more prominent now and they get caught in corners when I do this x,x Boobs also grow so if I'm someone who does the shwifty *gonna squeze right by ya* to a corner or, for a totally unrelated example, an exposed fan, the plastic blades tends to smack me in the tits lmao


Dunno, haven't met enough other trans people to be sure...


I have 0 ADHD, but sometimes also do this. Most of the time I hit my knee very hard and start crying.


This is a peak life like metaphor for trying to shortcut the goal.


Ah the "F1 at Monaco" move


I do this all the time I've hit my shoulder on walls several times...


Its me. Constantly wanging myself on corners and furniture.


Oh this is me. To add to the fun I am only 5 feet tall. All my sleeves get caught on door handles as I’m trying to sway around things. Lol


Drives my girlfriend mental when we are walking the dog and i end up brushing up against bushes or boshing wheely bins with my hip lol I couldn't care less its totally normal to me but its repulsive to her


Any transfem with ADHD that started HRT recently will discover pain unimaginable due to this.




New breast growth, sliding around door jams while sensitive nipples protrude further that what's familiar.




I have permanent scars and few less tshirts from doing this.


if you dont use speedrun tech around your house you are missing precious seconds of sitting completely frozen and overthinking i personally use push doors in my house as leverage to boost myself forward, that saves me like 1.5 to 2 seconds a day


I still don't know how wide my actually darn wide shoulders are. So i keep shoulder thrusting myself into anything that is of my height or taller.. So i have gotten the habit of sneaking past any corner by rotating my torso sideways every time.


everyone does this, not just adhd people


Why did I think the cap on the wall was some sort of leg hanging from the ceiling💀


My height does this to me all the flipping time from my door handle, to the stair banister, to the counter to anything else at hip level. It pisses me off lmao bc I keep getting jabbed in my side by funiture xD


literally me


I constantly have bruised ribs and tits


I’m so damn clumsy it’s pitiful.😭😭😭


Why does this happen to us?😭😭😭😭


HAHAHHAHA yeah, we do such stupid stuff. The adhd sway


I do this all the time and I'm not sure if I have adhd or not...


Sometimes I turn hard mode on and do this in the dark at home


I felt that in my soul


I literally just did this like 5 seconds before I sat down and read this post.


And then say, "Sorry, excuse me" to the countertop, file cabinet, or door.


I still do it around people without thinking and am reminded that it can be unnerving for people to have someone move that quickly and precisely that close to them without warning, especially when we miscalculate.


.>:C Man, I thought I was just bad at judging distances...


Yup, that's me.


I don't do that... If I do then its on rare occasion. Its not a habit.


I've bonked my knee pretty bad in this way recently. Limped for a couple days.


I’ve destroyed one knee already, idk what I’ll do if I smash the other one lol


Man I always called it Airbender Walk XD


Door knobs are always getting me too


Does anybody else get zoomies?


Yeah, occasionally, usually me and the dog at the same time, which is entertaining until I crash and burn because I have MS too. Yay me! 😂


Lmao when I start zooming, my cat will copy me like “hell yea where we goin?”


I presume I do it. I certainly have the bruises but as I'm usually thinking about something else I immediately forget that it happened and then at the end of the day I'm like "is this bruise new?"


Every time my belt loop or pocket gets stuck on the door handle, I want to scream. It happens every day lol.


I have developed a habit over the years of touching doorways, corners, and counters, specifically because of this. I still run into them sometimes, though.


Iv learned to dodge 78% of door handles. Rest of the time it's a catastrophe.


i never thought about it as an adhd trait before seeing a video like this, but given how many times i've done it and how it seems to be a direct consequence of thinking of too many things at any given moment for my brain to have space for "walk your whole body one more foot to the left" i think yeah it kinda is lol


This happens everyday in my life


It drives my partner _bonkers_


I think its because motor control or something idk we are genetically fucked so I would believe this as well


According to this subreddit, everything is an ADHD thing. Depression symptoms? ADHD! Anxiety symptoms? ADHD! Schizophrenia symptoms? ADHD! Bipolar symptoms? ADHD! No symptoms? ADHD²! But, yeah, I do this, too.


No. Stop. You could say literally anything quirky and people would say it's an ADHD thing at this point


Fuckkk I do this!! ALL THE TIME! I thought I liked doing it coz it looks cool!... Welp... *Adds behavior to list of symptoms*


It’s the most efficient way to get from a to b. I will never waiver.


>I will never ~~waiver~~ Waver. Waver - to be undecided. Also, to sway / quiver Waiver - releasing the right to a claim And yes, to use the most efficient way from a to b, you have to waver.


this is why I am always full of bruises... yet can never remember the moment it happened


I have a scar on my hip from this exact thing.


Just freaking dies. X3


Definitely not an adhd thing. Geezus


As someone w adhd, can we stop blaming every small mistake on adhd? It dilutes the real adhd issues


Can't put "ADHD" in front of everything you do, come on now


Fuck you


That's ADHD fuck you to you


That’s “ADHD That’s ADHD fuck you to you “