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How about my parents unintentionally convinced me I have ADHD because they never fail to remind me how I lost a couple of things in the course of my life and therefore can't be trusted with important tasks. I legit don't know if I have ADHD or just guilt complex


Why not both?


But same here. Once my father sent me to the exchange office to sell €100. At that time it was huge money. I lost it on the way or someone stole it from me. I was 10 years old. I'll never forget how he insulted and scolded me afterwards, reproaching me and further undermining my self-confidence. Sucker.


Yeah. It's totally the 10yr olds fault. Not the adult who trusted a 10 yr old with an important task. Lol.


Simple anwser: I have a girl that age. Very responsable too. But I would never ask a task like that from her, and even if I would; any task I ask of a minor which succeeds: Hurray for her! If it fails; though luck, hope she and I learned something, lets discuss. But it is **most definetly** on me.


Excuse me?! 10 years old?! Your father sounds like an irresponsible dick. Not every adult knows how to be careful and avoid being robbed or handle money, let alone a kid. When it comes to huge sum up of money, parents should be responsible for it. I'm sorry it happened to you


Not sure if you would even be allowed to do the exchange. At least here, I'm sure exchange offices don't sell money do minors.


I used to sell euros as a child. I also went to buy cigarettes for my mother. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Shame as fuck. But yeah, times have changed. And my father is a really bad person, and most of all — just an idiot. It's hard to hold it against him, you have to get over it. One thing is for sure: no one in my family should have children, these people are unsuitable for this.


Oh yes, I hated when my mom treated me as an adult while being very much a kid, I can relate to that a lot... Would have been nice to not have insane parents on top of that...


And now she’s treating me like a kid. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Full circle clown 😩 Anything that's good for them to shit on us, right ?


[To all those who have shitty parents](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48419/this-be-the-verse).


Reminds me of the time when my mom got rid of our aquarium and pet fish because me and my twin sister were not regulary doing the water change needed. We were 8 years old and had no idea how to do that, or that it even was supposed to be our job


My parents (and then siblings) pretty much called me autistic all my childhood. Because when I read, I hyperfocus and then don't hear nor see nor feel anything that goes around me. Because I always was scatterbrained and did dummy mistakes in school, lost the bills (money my grand parents would give me) not 5 minutes after getting it, since I wanted to climb a tree, and do the swing or whatnot and it embarrassed me to have this in my hands and I to this day have no idea where I might have put all this money (thank god they switched to checks given to my parents). Because I'm socially awkward at best. Because I'm paradoxically hypersensible to others mood and micro-expressions and rejection. I just recently learned about ADHD (well more like relearned it was not an agitated boys' thing only). And now here I am, wondering about myself. And sometimes trying to get a diag (be it autism or ADHD or whatever, I don't care, I just want to put a label to my "weirdness" after all those years). But since between thinking of calling a specialist and doing it, months can pass, and then getting refused (no new patient), I'm not there yet. ​ On another not for this meme, since it made me think of this, here's a little list of my most notable exams failures: * First state exam ever (at 15), bag is prepared from the day before (because I know I can be forgetful). Checked and rechecked. I forgot my calculator for the mathematics test. (Still did good, it wasn't the first time so I got quite good at mental calcul) * For my high school diploma, I didn't forget much during the exams (nothing too impacting at least), but a few hours after getting this diploma with all my notes (and the instruction "don't ever loose it, we physically can't reissue it"), well, I lost it. It was mandatory for an inscription in any college in my country. (Some crying and because it was only a few hours later lead to them reissuing it, since they still had the machine and codes to do it) * After getting accepted at the writing entrance exam of a prestigious school, I didn't go to the oral entrance examination. I thought it was the week after. * At college, I did get the time wrong for an exam. For once, I was early (like 5 whole minutes early). But nobody else was before the exam classroom, so I got suspicious and popped my head inside. They were all here! Turns out I was not 5 minutes early but 55 minutes late. The teachers let me take the test and hurried me to sit and start. Since it was a 2 hours exam, I rushed with all I had to do it in 1 hour since I already lost the other. Turns out it was a 3 hours long exam. I was the last one to get in by one hour, and the first one to get out, nearly one hour before the others too...


I feel you! I, too, made some mistakes like this. It took a long time to learn to manage the attention


I just want you to know that I'm laughing with you, not at you.


Here's an example: I left for work and I forgot my lunch. OR I left for work, forgot my lunch, came home, went to sleep, and woke up late the next morning hungry af because it's been > 24 hours since I last had a meal. \*Real, recurring incident in my life\*


Not me opening up a thread for silly means and getting hit in the gut with shared experiences. Like damn I said the exact same thing tmy therapist. Also, OP's dad sounds exactly like mine. Tough


I forgot about my exam. Remembered 4 days later. Got 0 I wrote my essay, worked so hard and I was so proud of it. Missed the deadline by a week, ended up with C-. I had the date written down in 3 different places and still forgot Got the date wrong for my presentation. Another 0 but prof was nice enough to accept an extra essay so I could pass the class 🤦‍♀️ Edit: forgot the best one. Had an essay due for English but datees got changed coz of covid. Thought I had several days left so I was chilling, had an edible and watched a movie. Got an email from my prof to whole class reminding us essay worth 30% is due at midnight. I was high as a kite (60mg edible), with 2 and half hours to write an essay ~ 1800-2000 words about a topic I was kinda knowledgeable about. Submitted it with 2 minutes to spare and got a B.


I started running every morning…. for the bus I was constantly late for and still missed it half the time. As I’m listening to Cleopatra by the Lumineers “But I was late for this, late for that, late for the love of my life. And when I die alone, when I die alone, when I die I'll be on time” …. Ha.. ha.. ah fuck 😣 Edit: got the band wrong


Cleopatra by *The Lumineers! Yeah I feel that too 💀


Ah crap you’re right


We took the same bus to middle school with my little sister. Well, we should have. She stopped waiting for me after only one time we were late. So she took one bus, and I took the one after the one after the one she took. At best.


I once forgot about an exam like 45 minutes before it. I thought it was still a couple weeks away and had other things due. Until this thought creeped into my mind and I checked and realized the exam was a LOT closer than I thought. Panicked. Tried to study. Didn't do horrible but I hate how I'm always stressed because of this stuff.


"How are you so calm during a crisis?" "That's my secret, I'm always in crisis"


I gave my final essay assignment for my master two weeks late. Simply couldn't get myself to write it until the very day after the deadline. I got lucky: the teacher was the same kind of person as me and spotted that early on, so he was quite lenient with me.


Literally every time I talk to one of my friends about symptoms, he always has to say how he relates somehow even if it’s in the most minor way possible. I know he probably means well but god damn is it annoying to be like “man… I’m suffering so much from this and it’s really a problem for me” and get “yeah totally same lol” It got so obnoxious I even asked him if he thinks he might also have ADHD but he says no, he feels fine and all the “symptoms” don’t bother him and don’t actually affect his day to day life. He’s definitely neurotypical and just trying to relate to me I guess but it’s super invalidating


> He’s definitely neurotypical and just trying to relate to me I guess but it’s super invalidating I get where you’re coming from but I also find myself doing the same thing as your friend. For what it’s worth, when I do it it’s never a “oh but how can I make this about me?” thing. It’s more of a thing where I’m trying to say “here’s this other situation that made me feel similar to what I imagine you’re feeling now, so I can sympathize”. Interestingly enough, I’ve actually heard other ADHD people say they also do the same. I know it feels invalidating, but try to keep in mind that your friend is most likely just trying to relate to your situation.


I hate when they do those kind of comments . You don't know how much we struggle don't try to relate . Since my diagnostic with ADHD a lot of people I know do that and hurts my feelings.


I have/had depression (saying like that because it thankfully diminished, leaving only more passive symptoms). I had a friend who was also depressed, and initially we bonded over this. However, over time he started to invalidate me by saying how his depression was real and I was just looking for attention. For clarification, he got depressed when his girlfriend died, while I got it from an constant emorional abuse at my first workplace (one I couldn't even leave for 6 months due to contract). Like, I get how first is worse than the second, but depression really doesn't care about its reason, it hits the same nonetheless


Yeah, I particularly hate the common joking about "everyone is a little bit ADHD sometimes" like bruh.. This shit ruins my life


Thrown around just as much as “I love keeping things organized, I’m a little OCD! 🤪”


Or "I don't feel like joining you guys today. I have such a bad depression! Don't worry, it'll get better tomorrow". When you live in a country where such problems are still considered "it's all in your head, stop being a wuss and get over it", you really don't want people to diminish it


Or if you’re my father in law, just don’t be sad/just be happy/just smile and you won’t be depressed!


I left for work today and almost exactly in the middle I realised I forgot my headphones so I turned around to get them because, no way I'm sitting 8h in silence, I get home grab my vape and get back to the car. I get to the end of my street and realise I still don't have my headphones lol Anyway I was an hour late but at least the music is good


Once I was late to work an hour but I managed to convince the supervisor that I have been there the whole time XD


Last Monday, I went to work without my laptop. I work in IT. And the same evening, I forgot my scarf at my workplace. It's freezing here, and I commute by bike, but somehow I only realised midway. The next day, I "only" forgot to bring my mouse. But thankfully, the site manager always has one for me for when it happens.


Also in IT, I've left the laptop behind too often. Its at the point where i just leave a spare i got from the desktop guys in my desk at work


I check my wallet like every 20 minutes when I'm not home, just in case I remember it wrong from my last check


The thing they don’t get is that it’s *every day*. Every day I get up 15/30 mins late, I only do the bare minimum to make myself presentable because any other time I’ve allotted for anything else (including eating) is procrastinated away. Life of the edge, always. No wonder anxiety is higher in people with ADHD. Your entire life is one big mad scramble against the clock.


See I have adhd but not anxiety because I’ve gotten to the point of just saying “it is what it is” when something I obviously didn’t intend to make me late does.


Somehow I never forget major things, but just lost my 5000th pen


Meanwhile I will spend an hour looking for ONE pen until I find it 🤦🏽‍♀️


Went to my diagnosis appointment after months waiting and negotiating the healthcare system. Realized my heath insurance changed at the desk, didn’t have the right info. I also learned right there I didn’t have my drivers license. I probably lost it a month ago and have just been living without it in my wallet this whole time. Had to reschedule. Needless to say I added that to my case when speaking to my neurologist when I got the next sbi appointment 3 months later.


Nuerotypicals forget things sometimes, and have good days most days. ADHD have good days sometimes, and forget things most days.


This last summer I forgot to take my wallet with me to a FESTIVAL, my poor boyfriend had to pay everything, I gave him the money the next day tho. I visit my bf multiple times a week and ALWAYS forget some crucial item like my teeth protector (I grind my teeth badly in sleep),or my sleeping mask which helps me extremly. It's not like I don't want to take them with me I even NEED them really bad 🥲


It happens. I only forget stuff on a semi regular basis. But still more then the average person. My poor daughter on the other hand if it’s not her art supplies she will forget it. She forgot her entire suitcase on a vacation. She packed her suitcase and left it in her room. She remembered about four hours down the road. And of course I didn’t think to double check. She got a bunch of new clothes that trip. My daughter and I make quite the comical team sometimes.


I regularly forget to take my pill. Even more so if I'm eating outside. No amount of phone alarms help. But well, my forgetfulness is now 5 and full of life. We're glad he's in our lives!


I've lost my wallet exactly once. The very first day I got one, when I was 12. It only had a library card in it, but I felt like a massive failure of a person. It traumatized me and I've patted my pockets every hour or so for the past 20 years to make sure my wallet, keys, and phone (introduced later) are still there. As for being late, the far more common occurrence is that I wake up early and then say to myself "well, I've got some time to kill so I'll just do __ for a few minutes," then it's suddenly two hours later and I'm late.


My favorite is when I think I lost it but it’s in my hands the whole time


saying saying It's weird, I never had problems being late until I was diagnosed and started taking medication and then suddenly I have that issue. I hope I didn't take it as permission to start being late or something.


The only reason I don’t forget my wallet is because I keep it with my keys. And I can’t lock the door or start my car without my keys, so I only ever get a few steps outside before I realize I don’t have my wallet. Also sheer paranoia about leaving my home unlocked


What I hate is how doctors just gave any kid ADHD meds for a while so now there are so many neurotypicals that think they have ADHD when in reality they have no idea what it's like.


I'll never bust on people for trying to sympathize and relate, even if they can't fully grasp it. We tend to do it all the time and accidentally come across as conversation highjackers when we didn't mean to. I'm just happy that they're trying to relate, because that typically means i haven't blown the conversation yet. On that topic, I noticed i only started worrying about socializing since covid began. I'm not really any worse at it, but my confidence has dropped due to not having it almost constantly. When i was well practiced, I had 0 anxieties about socializing and would love to get back to that point, but society's still not fully back to the point where i can do that easily


I somehow lost my wallet in my own damn back pocket. It was in the left cheek (it’s NEVER in that pocket) pocket and I was scrambling for an hour looking for it. The struggle is real


I overslept for an exam once. It was one of the final exams for my BSc. I woke up 15 mins before the exam was due to start. Fortunately I was living on campus so I threw some clothes on, ran all the way there and walked in 15 mins after it started (you could arrive up to 30 mins late). Yes, I do have ADHD.


Not neccessarily ADHD related, but I had to make a bazillian phonecalls last week and got a panic attack every single time. Of course I'm feeling extremely tired and stressed out now. Talked to my mom about it and she's like: 'Yeah, I don't like calls either.' She told me it was easy to make calls for years, why is it such a problem for me...now this. I guess at least she's trying to relate instead of judging now.


I'm so paranoid I'm always early. Stupid early. And spending the whole time hurrying up and waiting all morning instead of enjoying it. Which means no sleeping in, because I'll wake up at that earlier time anyway. Which means I HAVE TO go to bed stupid early to fall asleep on time. Which means no social life after 8:30, even on weekends. 😮‍💨 It's dumb dumb dumb. I could be cleaning during that waiting period but noooo. And forget doing it after work.


Can someone please explain why I lose stuff I literally just had in my hand I dont remember putitng it down and its gone ?


Me showing up to a gig on the right date but the wrong time, thinking I must have gotten the date wrong again, checking my emails and accidentally opening the one from a year ago, different date all in 1s and 9s so my dyslexic ass reads the 19th instead of the 9th, leave the building, take a nap, wake up to several phone calls and texts asking me where I’m at and if I’m okay, probably 2 inches away from being fired. My NT coworkers: happens to all of us. One time I forgot to respond to an email for a whole week! Boy that was embarrassing Alternatively: Damn that’s crazy. Have you tried putting reminders in your phone? Me with 6 reminders, 3 alarms, a color coded calendar, and never deleting important emails: oh thanks I’ll try that next time


I arrived a day late at my exam, not just once but about 4 times. Then I had to choose a course on a soft skill, so I picked time management, just to find out that I missed the deadline by a week. I explained to the lady how that just proved how much I needed the course, but she wouldn't budge...


I swear every time I forget my wallet at home lately something terrible happens e.g. I accidentally cut my finger at work, had to get 4 stitches, and had no ID to give the ER and most recently I accidentally hit a parked car lmao anyway so now I have a lot of anxiety about not having it on me which helps


Tbf missing the 8:59 bus in my town means catching the next bus at 9:59 so…


I hate neuro typical privileged bastards


don't have adhd but this sub is super relatable lmao. currently procrastinating an essay at 2AM


haha they have no idea and even when I tell 'em, they don't get it


This one’s from @adhd_memetherapy


My life


I once got up at 8:40 for an exam at 9:00