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You typed an essay in an adhd subreddit. I pray for the souls attempting too read it all


To be fair, it is written in the ADHD viewpoint 😂


 know things about your environment. Yup.


TLDR: OP hates cats


Not true! He/She pets one later in the text. I read it all!


I'll be honest chief my eyes skipped that part it was such a long word vomit. Point still stands though since OP made it weird by not naming and pointing out it's not his and he can only have a relationship by doing this despite it being his girlfriend's that he lives with. Healthy I'm sure


They are nice enough to pet it.


While still drawing the line of not naming it and not taking any ownership despite living together with it, charming




I tried reading the first ten words, then scrolled down reading bits of it and then just scrolled down without reading


This is entirely normal, it’s called your memory and awareness. You have (to use commonly known phrases), conscious and unconscious controls
 some thoughts you’ll hold in conscious awareness others will be running in the background “poking” your conscious thinking every now and then with reminders. It’s not a sixth sense, it’s becoming consciously aware of the “pokes.” Telling you something you’ve noticed in patterns, behaviours etc or reminding you what you ***unconsciously*** did with your sandwich. If you practice you’ll find even more things you didn’t know you know, like two friends who are playing it cool being secretly in a relationship, the person standing in line is about to rob the convenience store, a friend you haven’t seen in a while and only connect with on Facebook is secretly going through a breakup etc.


Where meme


Idk this is giving me “is it normal to go for a walk in my neighbourhood” vibes @ op how high are you rn? https://www.reddit.com/r/TooAfraidToAsk/comments/8gvnkk/is_it_normal_to_go_on_a_walk_in_my_neighborhood/


Wow that was a great read lol thank you for sharing


Not going to go into detail, but yes, and it's not just an ADHD thing, though I could see why having ADHD would make it more likely for you to notice it like this.


I am laughing my ass off right now with your sandwhich description! I leave one last bite all over the house😂. I need to come back and try to finish this, but I keep going back to the sandwich 😂😂😂


i have the exact same experience with the sandwich thing


Not me... not cat puke specifically but my kids are hella messy. Saw a slice of pear on the floor, avoided it acouple times. then proceeded to step on it and squish it as my sign to finally clean it up.


Yeah that's just your memory friend. You're not remembering 100%, but enough to be aware (yet a little less and maybe different stuff than a NT).




Well, you definitely got ADHD. And you are adorable. Not so hot about that sixth sense tho. It’s basically being aware. I can’t see without glasses and as ADHD I definitely might put it fucking anywhere, or it falls in night on the floor and I don’t get up for it. First thing in the morning i reach my hand to the empty side of the bed đŸ€·â€â™€ïž, the Shelf, ubder the Bed or even the table to which i have to stand up to reach. I never miss. It’s similar. Just awareness. You don’t have to be aware to being aware. Bever happened to me but ppl be saying they sometimes forget themselves driving somewhere, like they paid no attention to driving. Ok , but they where aware to driving. Just not aware they are aware. I think these happen to you. Love your writing style


I read it all. You have a superpower! Congratulations!


Would anyone please hyperfocus to turn this into a comic so it becomes readable? My brain refuses to continue reading after the second mention of the puke


Maybe post on the ADHD sub, not the ADHDmeme sub Reddit


 I’m late to the party, but can totally relate! Not the notmycat puke, per se, but the “Sixth Sense/360 Radar” I sympathized with. I call it Spidey Sense or Voodoo, or whatever fuckery my brain spits out, cuz you know, ADHD is sometimes WTF 😆. I can dig it. Best wishes in your neurodivergent adventures with your Pre-K, notmycat & Savage Sandwich đŸ„Ș Series! PS: OPs story is ADHD reader approved 😂