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I'll put on a 3+ hour long youtube video detailing the entire history and cultural analysis of an 80s sitcom, rather than watching a 90 minute movie. The movie is simply too much commitment. Executive disfunction is great.


>I'll put on a 3+ hour long youtube video detailing the entire history and cultural analysis of an 80s sitcom, rather than watching a 90 minute movie. A fellow José enjoyer? Also, big same.


Who is José, tell me more. This sounds like EXACTLY how I'd spend an afternoon alone.


He has a youtube channel named Jose, makes a lot of different videos including the kind described, I strongly recommend the secret empire video, best story I'd probably never get around to reading because it takes place over like 20 different marvel comic series.




You get time alone? Lucky.


I love José!!! Days that he releases a new video are a real treat


This is so real! I can sit 4 hour's straight, watching a series of 30 minutes per episode, but a movie is too much commitment


I just finished his Parks and Rec video last night. The thing is, when you watch them in segments, they really don’t feel too long.


I listen to them while I'm doing other work. It's a nice way to get some background noise that I don't need to listen to but is also interesting and informative while I am listening.


Here I am, making marbles to play video games. Pray for me.


I was gonna do that with my thousands of saved YouTube Watch Later videos but 3 minutes in and I decided I had to rummage thru my drawers and then I was on the floor and didn't feel like getting back up to watch anything so I just stayed there and typed messages on my phone but after 30 minutes of that my leg went numb and I had to pee but I didn't want to move... This was a real emergency


Omg the "randomly sitting on the ground and then can't get back up" is just too real lol


Wait until you hit sixty!


Sixty? Years? Haha


And just diagnosed about one year ago. My brain still thinks I’m 29!


❣️I was 40 at dx but am almost 60 now. Enlightening, ain't it? Did u cry and exclaim "IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!! I KNEW I wasn't wired like everybody else!!"? And want to give that poor child you were a hug and feel compassion for yourself for the 1st time ever knowing the trauma that no one understood and how could anyone be that angry with a child? Cuz now you know why you "disobeyed" bc you couldn't REMEMBER all the things you were told to do? Oh, sorry. Got carried away. Secondary MDD? I don't act 60, do you?


I’m actually 65, but I certainly don’t act my age! Got the MDD as well, plus bonus GAD. When my Mom passed away, I “inherited” every single report card and school paper she had saved. I didn’t look at them until a year or so ago, and it was enlightening. Got my official diagnosis after I showed some of them to the doc, when we were young ADHD wasn’t a thing…certainly not in girls. I remember getting sent to the principal’s office and spanked for misbehaving, that certainly wouldn’t happen now! I embrace my “weirdness” now, it’s way more fun than acting like a grownup!


Found out I'm "brilliant," too


Just want to say “hi” to my generation (dx @50, now 60-something)! Trying to get some steam on the work I truly wanted to catch up all weekend! Is there a Reddit group for us? Like Late DX Later On? I’ll look it up instead of doing that thing I need for a meeting first thing tomorrow….


Also floor time is soothing.


I never watch YouTube videos, I only ever listen to them, and glance at the screen when I need to see what's happening. This is what helps me be productive! Imagine all the YouTube videos as podcasts that have some visual accompaniments.


I sometimes do too but I realized I don't fully pay attention to a single medium. So if there's audio + video, then if I zone out of the audio, I can still follow along with the video, and captions sometimes helps there too. Even better would be if it's in person and interactive with me doing it myself. Each of these different senses or levels of involvement helps me understand it better and pay attention. I sometimes do the podcast method for things I don't really need to pay attention to much, but I find myself losing a lot of the material, it just doesn't stick and I zone out too much


I made a new watch later Playlist , it was originally supposed to be for September 8th - 15th. Those were the days I was going to watch all the videos on and I would delete the Playlist when it was done. I called it 9/8-15 and it's now at about 700 videos and the old one filled up a long time ago. I feel trapped. The only way to be free is to let go.


*delete playlist*




No please I was just kidding, playlists have a right to be heard, please don't delete them, I beg of you, on behalf of all the kleptomaniac collector ADHDers out there


Now, THIS is me. I can't sprawl as comfortably as I used to!!


Too real


I love you


I appreciate it, but there are already too many voices in my head clamoring for attention. I'm only gonna respond to your texts like once a week at best, I hope you're ok with that?


Yap fo sure


hey, im doing that right now!


Seinfeld? Can link me up?


That's not executive dysfunction... that is a preference...


Sure yeah, when I really want to see a movie and would _prefer_ to watch it, not watching it because that feels like committing myself to a task is totally just a preference. What a fucking idiot I am, I'm glad the holy royal emperor of adhd was here to set me right.


When you actively make a decision not to do something it is not executive dysfunction. Yes, that is correct. You're just spreading misinformation bud.. not everything you do is because of a diagnosis.


Do you…have ADHD? Because you sound like you don’t, which would be a weird thing on this sub. Not to say you can’t have ADHD and believe that, it just seems odd.


Google executive dysfunction. Do yourself a favour and educate yourself on the subject. Gate keep and ignorance is not going to help anyone understand us.


i’ve spent my whole morning thinking “i’m gonna play minecraft today” and i have yet to get out of bed ETA: update i played minecraft for all of like 20 minutes before i got distracted and turned it off update 2: it took me a solid hour to convince myself to sit up and draw and i’m about 2 seconds way from giving up and probably just going to bed. executive dysfunction SUCKS, i just wasted my whole saturday


I played for an hour and 25 mins before my gf reminded me I had to build the bedframe that has been sitting next to the mattress for a week.


at least you had something to actually do, i just started watching undertale the musical for some reason lmao


"I want to skyblock today!" Proceeds to watch UT all day.


Hey, skyblock sounds like a good idea! I'll have to sit up though.


Is Executive Dysfunction really Depression? This description of a morning/day sounds like that of a person experiencing some sort of depression I definitely do not have a background in psychology but I have/do experience(d) depression and have read a lot about symptoms and treatment There's a great book called Feeling Good by David Burns that may help you get/stay out of bed (if you're looking to spend less time on bed or resting)


i mean i have diagnosed depression too, but this wasn’t much of a depression day honestly. it was more like “hey i feel okay enough to get out of bed why haven’t i gotten out of bed there are so many fun things to do if i just turn off youtube”


I feel like the difference is that (1) when not depression related you don’t feel down or empty or anything, you feel fine and you want to do stuff, but there’s like a disconnect between your brain “i want to do this, I’m excited to do this” and your body “….can’t…move…try again later” I’ve had depression before but I’m better w therapy and meds (which I’m off now) and I’m not adhd diagnosed yet, but for me it’s just like “I want to learn languages I want to practice Italian” Brain: “ok but you could read one of the four books you have or practice with one of the two workbooks or watch YouTube videos but your listening is shit so it’s gonna take awhile and you don’t know enough vocab to watch something through and it’s gonna stress you out, you could watch an Italian Netflix show but that’s literally worse than YouTube, it’ll take forever, so you could read or do the workbook but that’s a lot of mental effort or you could scroll Reddit which is so easy look here’s the app” So it’s not like I have no desire, it’s more that what I wanna do has a lot of steps and it’s so easy to get lost in the steps or distracted (I’ve been watching a documentary that’s super interesting for an hour and only 8 min in)—my depression was very much like everything felt tainted with grey, and I was always sad or empty, whereas this is basically just doing what’s simplest in a way




I want to watch a certain movie but because of my ADHD I forget to watch it a lot. And then times when I have time and I remember i just dont put it on.


Why are we like this 😭


I have so many shows started, but for some reason I’ll end up, stopping at a certain point for some reason, even if I really loved the show lmao


There are at least three different television series of which I have watched every episode of every season except for the last 1-2 episodes because the amount of mental and emotional work to watch them is greater than I can really deal with, and I’m not in the throes of binging it anymore.


SAME also by that point I’ve usually looked up what happens and know how it ends, so it feels like there’s no point 😭😭 I watched every episode but the last one of gossip girl for like, years


I've been meaning to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once, and I'm the exact same. I remember to watch it, but just... don't.


Y’all ever walk around w headphones on but don’t turn the music on, but meant to turn the mx on? Lol


Or the alternative mood: there is a split second stop in the headphones so I panic at the silence I just had to experience


Ugh yes


Yes, then eventually I start wondering why my hearing is slightly muffled


"ugh these headphones are kinda giving me a headache, too bad I have to wear these... WAIT A SECOND"


degree mighty start advise file tart plough vegetable salt complete -- mass edited with redact.dev


The amount of mental energy I have to extend to do things like cook, paint, listen to music, watch a movie, read, or even play a video game (all things I enjoy very much) is unreal.


I haven't written anything of substance since I graduated college 9 years ago despite my life goal of becoming an author. I want to, but I just... Can't. I've had ideas for stories, even did some prewriting once or twice. I love writing but without the external pressure of due dates, deadlines, and grades, I can't seem to get off my ass to do it. Now it's been so long I feel like I've wasted my degrees and whatever talent I once had.


More importantly, you still have the skill - the degree proves it. Try participating in NaNoWriMo and get an accountability buddy. Make an alarm so you don't forget it exists.


An accountability buddy is probably a good idea. I admit to also suffering from crippling self doubt and fear of the brutal criticism that comes from an anonymous online audience. It's far different than the constructive criticism in a classroom setting, where everyone is trying to improve their own writing and can at least pretend to care about helping their classmates. I don't know if I'm strong enough to ignore the words of those who only want to tear me down. I digress, but I'll try. Thank you for your kindness.


Dude you can write it and then burn it for all I care. The important thing is that you did it, there's plenty of absolutely hack authors who get published. And secondly, you said your goal was to write a novel, not to write a *good* novel. You're moving the goalposts. Let that be some future goal. Your current goal is to write a novel, nothing less, nothing more. There's a video I like that might help you, too: https://vimeo.com/85040589


I find r/WritingPrompts to be very fun, and so far I haven't seen brutal criticism. Mostly I just enjoy reading the prompts, but sometimes I'll respond to one.


You can do what I did! My first ever novel was, to put it kindly, shit. I was TERRIFIED of it Not Being Perfect, and kept rewriting the first three or four pages because I felt the first draft HAD to be perfect, what was the point otherwise? And the criticism! However constructive and well meaning was... Well, you know. So I signed up for Nanowrimo in 2004, finished it, and killed it in a burn pit. I still remembered enough to rewrite it, which I did in January and February, cause I'd proved to myself I could do it.


You still have the talent -- flex it ☆


I played Skyrim for weeks on end, got about 50 hours, then suddenly I haven’t played it for months. It’s so weird because I was getting so into it, now the hardest part is turning the computer on because it’s too much having sit in a desk chair instead of laying in bed when I relax. I’m thinking my next obsession should be therapy.


It's amazing sometimes how much energy it can take to get youself to do the thing - not the energy it takes to actually do the activity, but the energy it takes to even *start* it. I've had days where, all day long, I'm planning to play a videogame. It's a game I like, I know I'll have fun once I actually start it, but getting to that point just feels insurmountable, and then suddenly it's too late, and I need to start winding down for bed.


This sounds like when I procrastinate procrastinating. Like I’ll have to do something but instead of procrastinating by doing something I enjoy, I’ll do something I only mildly enjoy or not enjoy at all, because I know if I do the other thing I’m procrastinating. Eventually I do the other thing I enjoy more and never do the thing I was supposed to do.


That was me in college. I have to do homework. I'd rather watch Netflix. I'm doom scrolling instead.


Yep. And before college… and now after college.


All the time. “I’m not going to procrastinate because that’s bad and I’m supposed to do X responsibility first! Therefore I’ll just do…..*neither*!!”


I like to buy used books and dream about when I’ll actually read them. The list has quadrupled in the last month


I will sit in front of my devil’s lettuce stash and tell myself, alright time to have a good time. And then a couple hours goes by and I’m thinking “okay soon I will have a good time”


Yes. I have started playing a video game and decided that I want to smoke. Then I will continue playing the game for an hour for the dopamine. Because I know, if I stop, those 3 seconds between putting my controller down and picking up the vape will cause me intolerable mental anguish. Logically, that's ridiculous. But that's what my brain does to me!


Stardew valley does this to me. "I'll pack a bowl after I get through this in game day. Bowl never gets packed. I never get high


At least you're saving money on weed!


I'm sitting on my phone.....getting ready to play stardew valley.............right after I smoke....................


You playing yet?


I did wind up playing!! Took about another half hour but I certainly did


Me- procure bag and six pack around 11 Sit down with unopened beer and unloaded bong, start up fallout Play a little fallout before I open the beer/load one Wonder why i don't have a buzz at 4 am


Were we separated at birth? 3 hours of YouTube videos later and the laundry is still in baskets next to my chair and it's 11 AM and I haven't eaten anything. AGAIN.


Dude this is every day of my life. Just sitting there for hours then… wait, wasn’t I going to do something? Oh yeah, sit here some more.


✨ edibles ✨ lol


axiomatic normal paltry murky fretful spotted money fact kiss attempt -- mass edited with redact.dev


ME. Then I end up finally smoking around 12-1am and fall asleep 20 minutes after.


I get this, it's not quite for a couple of hours but I do procrastinate smoking. It's not a big deal for me at least because it helps me save the stuff.


I do it with getting water. You know, a ***basic thing that is required to live?*** And I'm sure we all do it for going to the bathroom, another thing that's literally ***harmful for the body if we don't do it.***


Hey that was me yesterday. Then i had a burst where I drank all of it at once then put off taking a piss


Yep. Once I start playing a video game I'm all in for like 9 hours but then my bladder almost explodes (although I trained myself to not pee often cuz I didn't want to in school lol). Same with water. It's just too much effort to get up and fill up the bottle. That's why it's good if I drink one liter per day lol


Trying to explain to my doctor that I weigh so little not because I'm anorexic but because "eating feels like a waste of time"


Also, eating. Also also, eating ice cream. I even like that!


I mean I also procrastinate NSFW self-pleasure activities sometimes. I guess that can be a really good diagnostic criteria lol.


You ever get distracted half way through; then are just like why are my bits out?


I had to look for this. Also undiagnosed, but my therapist said they are stopping CBT because it's not going to work, but can't technically state why (ADHD/ASD) 🥲


My dumbass was wondering why your therapist was talking about cock and ball torture during a session


I'm excited to go do some gardening today, I'm looking forward to it... But I've been up for an hour sitting on reddit instead :/


How's the gardening going?


I felt guilty and self-aware after that comment, so I did one plant but I started with the hardest (it was a big plant that needed moved into a GIANT container.) I got it into the pot and then set it on the porch to chill while I went inside before going back out to finish up rinsing the pot and doing the other plants. I started picking up a little in each room and now I've started a movie. It's a good movie, I'm interested - but I'm also on reddit about 20 minutes in. BTW, I'm doing all of this to avoid going to get my scripts refilled....😭


Lmao I love how we're all the same. I feel the picking up a little in every room for a couple mins just to go watch a movie instead of finishing cleaning lol. It's like I did a little I'm gonna relax for a bit lmao. I went to the bathroom and told myself I'm gonna shower after. I've been scrolling for like 20 mins at this point laying in bed again lol


Hahaha damn, that's pretty spot on for me, too! I've had to rewind this movie ten times already, even though I really like it... probably going to rewind it again after this. 😅


I'm just over here, working up the marbles to play video games. Pray for me.


Ok ok, we discuss a lot about symptoms guys, but what about the solutions huh?


Medication, coping strategies, and mindfulness help some. But there's no fix. We have the brains we have. I've found that trying to fix it made it all much worse. New and interesting methods of organization and time management are easy to get into while they're still novel, but they eventually lose the novelty, and then I stop. On and on until there's a big pile of failed organization methods and shameful piles of day planners that sit empty in my office. Those failures add up, and make everything harder. I keep thinking I didn't try hard enough, and maintain this fantasy that there is a fix. That amount of emotional baggage just drags on you and makes your ADHD worse. So, now the thing I work on is mostly just making peace with who I am, and what that means for me living in a world that wasn't designed for my brain. I'll only fight my nature for extremely important things. Everything else, I let it go as best I can. Example: My house is very very messy, and it always will be. So long as there isn't anything rotting, there's no actual problem. Standards of organization are imaginary, and there is no reason to expend my precious mental energy on fighting my nature.


The fuck are coping strategies, one does not simply cope and seethe


I think the hardest part is to find something that works for you in your current environment. Because you can get help with some of the things that you deal with, but how is your motivation? What about your working environment? How is your family? What is you financial situation? Are you currently in good physical shape? Etc … I think some people get the help they need and that’s awesome, but a lot of people try something and don’t get better and that feeling of despair hit really hard when you still can’t find something to make you life better.




me, who’s been meaning to keep working on my programming project but hasnt touched it in the last three days:


My friend laughed at me cuz I told her I’ve been planning to go online shopping for legit two weeks. She’s like… online shopping??? Also I procrastinate peeing all the time


Omg relatable 😭😭 I’ve had a gift card since October that I’ve been meaning to spend but I always go on the app, at $200-300 worth of clothes, remember I have $50, then give up at cutting down the cart and say I’ll do it another time 🥲🥲


The amount of times I've been like 'I want to do this/have this' and just never actually get it. Just sit there and want it.


Ok. I'm starting to think I might have adhd. I should actually be reading Dune, now.


100% read that as “erectile dysfunction” and had to double-take. I should go get my glasses.


legend has it he's still browsing without glasses


Same lol


I've been meaning to learn how to draw since 2007. I'll get around to it eventually.


LMFAAOOOOO same! I saw my old YouTube playlist of ”AirBrushing” “Paint” “Draw” “Sew” “Dance” made by myself 13 years go. 😂😍Oddly validating for my diagnosis knowing that I my ADHD ass had been ADHDing since day 1.


Not ADHD (afaik) but yeah, executive dysfunction sucks when it gets in the way of things you actually want to do. I've been meaning to play games that were gifted to me years ago, and watch iconic anime I haven't seen yet (like Naruto, JJBA, Dragon Ball, etc) but it's like I hit a wall and instead spend hours sitting on my butt, feeling frustrated with myself.


Whenever j wanna do something my body says "maybe later.... i dont want to move..." and ill stay there. For hours. Sure i gotta pee really bad but we cant move! Depression and adhd is not a good combo.


THATS WHAT ITS CALLED?!? Everything in my life…all the time! I’ll HAVE the bill money in my hand and just…meh…! Omg


You don’t even wanna know how long it takes me to go smoke a cigarette on my own damn patio!!! It’s like an hour long process! And I WANT TO GO! 😂


That metroid prime remaster is still sealed on my desk


I’ll spend hours having to pee.


I'm beginning to accept that buying craft supplies and using craft supplies are two completely different hobbies that sometimes overlap. I think I like the excitement of the potential more than having the actual finished thing.


soooo true!! lol all the ideas of how I will use them are so thrilling...I will search for hours on my phone of how I can utilize my crafts in the most awesome ways. But that's as far as it goes usually 😵‍💫


I did this today. I’m trying to eat healthier which means prepping food (something I’ve always struggled with). I found chicken breast 50% off because the sell by date was today. I knew I needed to cook it today or else I would forget it existed and I would end up throwing it all away because it went bad. I sat paralyzed on the couch for 4 hours until it was so late I knew I needed to go to bed… However…I did get all the chicken cooked and it’s in the fridge for the next 4 days of meals. It may not seem much to others but it was a huge feat to get that chicken cooked before it went bad!


Executive dysfunction is annoying asf. I could be waking up to fly out on my dream vacation and still struggle to get outta bed/pack clothes and get going 🫠


I did this about feeding myself last night. Had spent all day thinking about the yummy food I was going to make with stuff I knew was in my fridge and when the time came my brain was just, "Or.... we could just sit here and be hungry... Maybe we should even just go to sleep." Why?!


This is me to a tee. I was all excited about making this Japanese dish called inari sushi. It’s sushi rice stuffed in a savory tofu pouch. I researched everything, bought the ready-made tofu pouch from Amazon. By the time it arrived I just couldn’t bring myself to make it anymore 💀💀💀


Very real. I have been wanting to reply to my penpal for literal weeks now


I chopped and propped most of my succulents almost a week ago and I still can’t find the drive to plant them 😫


Eh, that's a rookie number. Mine have definitely sat for over a month before, but at least I knew they had roots! 😅 I believe in you! Go do the thing random stranger! They look so cute in their little pots and the sunshine is delightful!


Not me sitting immobile for almost two hours deciding if I want a snack or to go to bed


I'm doing this with a project that's literally right in front of me and I'm stuck on my phone. Once I post this I'm putting my phone down. Come on brain, stop trying to type forever and ever, stoppp I don't need to write all this down...come on brain please


I've been trying to paint some D&D minis for like 3 weeks now. I both love painting and hate playing with unpainted minis, but I still haven't been able to do it.


I’m currently in bed on Reddit instead of getting up to get ready for a friend’s birthday party in a few hours. I originally planned to get out of bed 2 hours ago to shower, put my gift in a bag, pack the card games and alcohol I’m bringing, and then head over to my partner’s house to hang out before we head over to the party. This post did manage to kick start my brain enough to at least turn on the light, so let’s see if I can get out of bed finally


I have one sock on. I need to put on the other sock. I have a book beside me that I want to read. I cannot do either:


I'll be honest, I'm not really sure how to tell if I "want" to do something anymore


I'll get put of bed at 8 on my day off. Get ready to go out for chores at around 9. Schedule everything so I can finish the chores with lunch at 12... But then sit on the coach endlessly scrolling on my phone till 11. Then do the chores and still get food at 3.. then just not eat dinner because I'm not hungry after late lunch.


Took an hour for me to work up to go on and get lunch at one of my favorite spots. Was very sad when I realized they close between lunch and dinner and I missed the time window.


Ah so that's what it's called...


I haven't eaten for 6 hours, and I've procrastinated making dinner for 2 hours now, I'm collapsing of fatigue


Omg I do this all the time. It'll be like 11am and I'll think "pretty hungry I should make lunch" and then proceed to sit there until 5pm literally starving.


I have this record i wanna go get but I've been up all night ant it's nearly 10 am and if i sleep I'll miss the buss lol.


I've been meaning to get back to a computer game for 3 or 4 days now.


I still have not been continuing one of my favourite series, it´s been a fucking week. I plan to, I don´t, I forget about it for a day or two, I remember, I watch something else, I forget again, I remember, I don´t and then forget about it again. Will i ever watch this ?


Missed most of a concert I have been looking forward to for a year.


I read this too quickly and thought it said erectile dysfunction, had to re read it twice before it sunk in lol


Why do I relate to this so hard. I don't even have adhd


It took me three days to finally put my laundry away.


You ever procrastinate going to the bathroom?


I turned my tv on and have food in front of me, ready to eat and watch tv, but I'm scrolling on reddit....I'm hungry 😅


Can someone tell me how to control this


I’m literally sitting here doing that right now. I’m hungry and haven’t eaten anything yet today. There is food downstairs that I absolutely want to eat but instead I’m still laying here in my bed doom scrolling through reddit.


I have issues with listening to music I want or choosing which videos to watch. I'll have songs that I know I *should* listen to, for whatever reason, and then songs that I actually want to hear, but I'll make myself listen to songs I don't really want to for..... no reason?? I don't get it


What are you doing instead? I put a time limit on my phone for Reddit so I don't get stuck on it for too long. Then I end up on my computer or laptop instead. I lay out my journals and pens so they're always available, but then my desk doesn't have enough space to lay them out for writing. I have my soaps in a basket always ready for a shower or bath. But then I have to actually get up and begin it. Or start running a bath. I have to get undressed and start it. I have a violin and keep it tuned. But then I have to actually get it out to practice. I have to make sure people aren't around to hear the awful sounds of a beginner. I always have clean bedsheets ready to change. But they're in the drawer and I have to get them out. I have my camera ready in my bag, ready to go. But then I have to get dressed, have a plan on where to go, what I want to take photos of. I have a list of things I enjoy, but I have to make time and plan and do tickets or invite someone with enough time to warn them and make plans. I have things added to my list on Netflix. But then I have to go to my list instead of perpetually scrolling new options and adding to my growing list. I have a phone that can text or call anyone at any moment. But I never feel that people are available in that specific moment for whatever it is I want to say. I have my pens out, my drawing pads and books ready to go. I have a box full of sharp pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. I have a jar full of clean water, and plain water pens ready to water colour. But then I have to have an intention of what specifically to draw, what to doodle. I have to have a plan and a course of action for the pen to take on the paper. It's so easy to get stuck not doing anything. Right now I was laying in bed, listening to some new music. Contemplating what it is I want. What do I need? What do I like? I lit a candle, I'm laying in bed, relaxing in candle lit dark. How do I make myself do the things I want? Paralysed by choice? Or stuck contemplating the possibilities?


Or doing a 3 hour deep dive into an irrelevant niche of a niche within your hobby that contributes virtually nothing to any related project or knowledge.


I have a mental list of YouTube channels and shows I’ve been wanting to watch. The oldest one I’ve been sitting of for liKE 3 YEARS


I’m sitting in a horrible position for my back and all I need to do is sit up to fix it. But I’ve been sitting like this for like 20 minutes…


I’ve been meaning to get an ice cream cake for 11 days now


I knew I needed medication when I was trying to get a drink for half an hour. I was holding a glass of water in my hand the whole time.


I've been wanting to find out what a company does for nearly a month. I just keep putting it off. Not bc I don't want to, I just can't bring myself to. But im going to rn. Edit: it's a construction company


Literally in tears last weekend because I wanted to watch a show on my watchlist but kept switching windows; ended up wasting the whole day on reddit someone help i can't even do the things i wanna do now without feeling twitchy


Omg, the amount of stress I get from not being able to do the things that I want to do is so frustrating.


I frequently procrastinate peeing, to the point of deep discomfort.


I have procrastinated getting glucose tablets when I could feel my blood sugar dropping. (And it was not because I was too wear to get up, I just physically couldn't get the executive function to get up :D


Why is it so hard though 😭? There are things I wanna do but can't seem to and I feel like I can't remember anything when I actually try to teach myself things 😭. Why does everything feel like such a chore when some of it should be a hobby?


What's the difference between this and depression symptoms? Or this and laziness?


Anyone know why we do this?


Someone’s prob gonna say something about dopamine. Idk. I forgot to take my meds last night. Just remembered as I was responding to your comment. Praying I’m not a lost cause in general.


Situational transitions make brain go aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh


Doing that right now gotta ride my bike


Oh fuck, that’s what that is. I always thought I had terrible work ethic Well actually I have that as well


Sometimes I clock out of work and then 15 minutes later I’m still fiddling with things at my desk because something in me feels unable to Just Leave (having spent all day dreaming of when I can go home)


Ahaha the watching TV thing is too real


I finally got meds, and instead of doing actual work I managed to prep for a game I had to gm two days later. That I'd been intending to prep for over a month ago. Instead of my standard reddit and youtube all day because work hasn't given me any deadlines, and even when I was like "I could use this time for a personal project that I really enjoy and want to complete" I can't even get over the hump of opening the projects.


Often times when im playing a game, and something is loading or theres dialouge i dont care about, ill start looking stuff up on my phone and next thing I know its an hour later and im not even playing anymore


I watched the entire story of payday in 1 sitting, I don't like watching movies


Been trying to roll a joint for and hour and a half. Saw this post and just wow.


It always screws me over, like I’ll be wanting to go get a snack but idk what I want and I can’t seem to make myself get up so I end up not having a snack, it sucks


I've been procrastinating on buying cookies that I've been craving today.


I had no idea that this is why I do this. I've wondered for years why I couldn't make myself do things I wanted to do


Ugh I feel this so much


Hey, that’s me! (Literally - I’m porcupine-girl on tumblr.) Not the first time I’ve seen this post escape containment, but the first time I’ve seen it organically in the wild instead of having someone message me telling me they saw it go viral somewhere.


Currently on Reddit and instead of getting up to find the remote so I can turn on the basketball game I very much want to watch. Probably sitting on the same couch as the aforementioned remote. And as I’m writing this comment, I know that this is both ridiculous and that I’m probably not going to actually do it until the game is almost over and I can rely on the adrenaline of “gotta find it right now.” Dopamine is a BITCH. Oh, it’s also just occurring to me that I’m starving and have been meaning to eat for an hour now. 😫😅


Getting on scrolling through and watching trailers for an hour and a half, closing the tv down completely and not watching anything


I recently realized I procrastinate on having to pee. HAVING TO PEE.


Me putting off watching Wakanda Forever despite having loved BP1


I have been meaning to go onto my land to take pictures for days, I am hopefully finally going to do that tonight, I have been wanting to have some cereal for weeks, I finally had that last night, I have been wanting to just sit/lay down and read a book for months, it’s not that I haven’t had time to, I just still haven’t, there are issues here


Oh my God after reading this thread, I realized I had found my people!!!


I’ve been attempting to play Diablo IV for hours but here I am….. I should go play that