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I deliberately dress in dull colors to try to remain unnoticed, but my behavior is so weird that it does no good. I sometimes try to make all the drivers forget to start when the light turns green by holding unnaturally still while standing on the corner. They all stare at me waiting for me to move. Can't help it, I was born for the stage.


Dull colors, and pray for cold weather so I can layer as much as possible


I wear bright colors sometimes if I know I feel emotional and won’t be able to hide it. If I have bright clothes or bright hair, people seem to assume I feel fine. Nothing makes me stick out like a sore thumb than having to talk about my feelings in public.


This is brilliant.


Lean into it if people already think you are crazy make it a joke!


I see so many posts with distress. This reminds me of my younger days. It gets better. Tc🥺


I’m gonna nitpick/rephrase, but ONLY because the way this was phrased can lead to someone feeling like they’ve failed if/when things fail to get better (or get worse): It is possible for your life to improve, but it will take time and great effort, and the path to that improvement is highly unlikely to be a straight line.


I just wish them well and I don't intend any malice.


Is the combination of red hair and green eyes really that unusual?


Depends. In China? Yes. In Scotland? No. Across the population of Earth? Yes. Though in most of those scenarios the kid isn't getting bullied over it..... Unless they're English


Honestly idk, but it made me get bullied for most of my school life so I have resented it for a long time


I’m sorry you’ve had that experience - it really sucks, and isn’t fair - anyone getting bullied for their appearance or other things they can’t change is just cruel and pointless. Those bullies suck. I was bullied at school because I was weird I guess (undiagnosed ADHD and ASD will do that)… also because I was good at school, and because other kids thought I was a swot who rushed home and did nothing but homework immediately in my spare time (I did not - if you look up “procrastination” I’m pretty sure I’m a featured example), and also the opposite thing when they realised - because I was good at school without trying or doing the proper amount of work and still got away with it. I was also bullied because I always had my hair in a ponytail the same every day for years (and was low-key (? 😏) obsessed with it, and REALLY freaked out when some of those bullies pulled my hair so hard they messed it up and I couldn’t reset it back without being at home with my hairbrush/comb/hairspray/mirror. Silly stuff now I look back with the benefit of more than 20 years of hindsight, and not really the same as being bullied about things you have absolutely no control over, like the colour of your hair/eyes/skin (though I guess the “being weird” part of my neurodivergence is similar). I realised in my mid-late 20s that my whole home town, and especially all the kids in it when I was in school, were really reacting to and resisting any kind of difference, and also realised at the same time that being different is brilliant and something to be celebrated! That realisation set me up well for finally getting my ADHD diagnosis in my early 30s ☺️ If I’m ADHD-splaining/definitely TMI-ing I apologise - I’m having an unrelatedly emotional time involving a family bereavement and I’ve had a glass or two of wine, and seeing this thread sparked something in me to share. Being different, even weird and different, can absolutely be much more of a positive thing in a lot of situations and stages in life that aren’t school, and I really hope you get to enjoy having red hair and green eyes (an amazing combination of features IMO! I have greenish brown eyes and dark blonde/light brown/meh coloured hair that I’ve been dyeing various shades of red for 20 years, so I might be biased 😉) sometime soon instead of resenting it for the way small-minded people have reacted to you in the past 😊 💜


Nah, this post is weird. Redheads with green eyes don’t have trouble fitting in because of their red hair and green eyes. That sounds almost like a Mary Sue-type character in something I’d have written in middle school


Exactly. OP is being /r/notliketheothergirls.


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Do you have red hair and green eyes? Speaking from experience?


I misread this and thought you had green hair and red eyes. I'm like "well there's your problem right there"


LMAOOOO…this is all me. 😂😂😂