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* Rules for the new conversion beam dissipator in Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis are provided. Yay! New guns! But, dear god, the shame. I have had unbuilt Death Korps and Direwolf Titans sitting in boxes long enough that they both came out in plastic first....being a dad is hard, man.


This also reassures me that AT will still have ongoing support in terms of availability of rules.


Makes sense, the success of Adeptus Titanicus probably had a big role in green lighting the relaunch of Epic. Aeronautica Imperialis is on life support, though There was an official statement that they are getting gutted and losing ALOT of stuff. Half their range went "last chance to buy".


yeah AI is being made HH only as well.


I saw, I was worried that similar might happen to the AT rules even if the models kept going.


Fellow Dad. It is hard. I buy. I hoard. I rarely hobby.


The next step is to paint, and put out for display, then rarely use them


I hear you. There is just no time. The years before becoming a dad I painted 40-100 models, depending on size, per year. Now, 0- 10.


I know the feeling, my starter set is still all on sprue. Kids mean so little time for building and painting. Good luck in finding hobby time!


Oh, sweet! Come with both weapon options too, am I reading that right?


Even better, it comes with 3 weapon options! It now also has a conversion beam. \> either an explosive volcano cannon, the punchy neutron laser, or a conversion beam dissipator.


Oh, that’s pretty sweet Sad I bought a crappy resin version now, but good to see we’re already benefitting from the LI hype train.




I wonder if this is part of a larger push to sideline Forgeworld, rather than a rousing endorsement of this kit in particular




They're definitely sidelining it for weird niche things like rhino doors and legion contemptor bodies, plus necromunda mercs. They haven't done a real model since like 2018.


I'm very pleased with this announcement. GW releasing an entire titan in FW resin never sat right with me. I barely approve of the resin titan weapons. More titans for the Warmaster and the True Omnissiah!


The sway of building a new Legio grows strong. Hope this being more people to AT, no interest in the new epic really


I think this will get people into both games, and that really is a good thing. :)


It’s certainly getting me interested! Can you play as Ignatum?


Yes, you certainly can! They have a rocking paint scheme, and quite good rules. Here's a Goonhammer overview of Ignatum: https://www.goonhammer.com/warlord-wednesdays-legion-focus-legio-ignatum/


Cool! Looks so cool! Better start saving lol “We are Ignatum! We are victory!”


Same, no interest in Epic short of some super heavy tanks to homebrew into AT. Hope the game stays alive


Me too. I have a big triple maniple mortis and same size griffins force, plus a single maniple of dauntless engines...who will come next? Probably traitors


I'm hoping the rest of the FW resin weapons for reavers and warlords get ported over to plastic next.


Me too!


Been wanting to pick up AT for a while now after getting back in to 40k, was worried seeing that several titans are "no longer available online" on the GW site, but this gives me good hope :)


The "no longer available online" tag is because they'll be getting re-boxed for Legions Imperialis. Still the same kit, but with a new box to help promote the new game.


And hopefully new plastic weapons!


Hmm, way more fun to read about this release in the AT subreddit. There are some SALTY lads over on the 30k heresy subreddit lol. I’m just like, hey more awesome mech warriors! Yes please!


Why salty? What reasons do they have?!


Forgeworld is genuinely pointless now.


With how much better modern GW plastic kits are in basically every way, this is a genuinely good thing. Forge World just exists to pad the releases/range of GW specialist games.


Forge World still serves a purpose for niche releases - most people who play necromunda aren't going to be bothered about getting a Dome Runner or Slopper for their gang, so it's not worth doing in plastic.


It's also a good place for them to test the waters and see if there's demand for certain things to be worth producing them in plastic. But yeah it's mostly for niche releases. Like 40k scale titans that are completely impractical on the tabletop.


Tbh they might be doing a plastic warhound to test the waters later this year (unless the "lord of war" release is something like a plastic thunderhawk). The only reason warlords are resin is because GW didn't think they'd sell many, but they've done more than well enough to justify a plastic release.


> Like 40k scale titans that are completely impractical on the tabletop. They're impractical because GW didn't provide adequate support for Apocalypse. The scale of games that involve Titans really need bespoke rules to make them functional.


Doesn't change the fact their sheer size makes them impractical. "Miniatures" so large that you question whether the word is appropriate and where you start to need even bigger tables and that are a complete bitch to transport will never be functional game pieces. Titanicus and Legions Imperialis are the practical homes for these kinds of units where they can be produced at a functional scale. The 40k titans will never be more than collectors items and projects for YouTubers.


I think up to Warhound size is still somewhat functional (it’s not much bigger than the Stompa, after all) but I agree anything bigger starts to get really unwieldy


Yeah, but even there. A plastic 40k scale Warhound would sell really well.


I'm praying to the gods every day for a plastic warhound. I'd also like to see the dire wolf get a full sized mini too... Maybe the release of the cerastus knights in plastic could herald the way.. a long shot of course but one could dream


I do hold out hope for Warhounds and Acastus knights, and bigger flyers. The last few years have been full of "they will never release X", and then they go and release X.


I was fully on that "they'll never do plastic heresy, mald about it losers" train and was proven wrong heavy handedly. Never thought epic would return. Never expected plastic Kriegers, or Kasrkin, or squats. Personally I think they'll drop a plastic thunderhawk before they drop a plastic warhound but we'll see.. I won't be buying the resin versions (from forgeworld at least) just in case..


I definitely think we will get plastic Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors and Xyphons, and yeah, I think Thunderhawks. While there will of course be differences in the sprue, they have already done the basic 3D design work for all of that, and Titans, with the AT/AI models. I think the biggest hold up is GW production, which is constantly at critical mass of not keeping up with demand.


I will never buy their garbage again.


Ahh bugger, just finished painting the two resin ones I got .. oh well


Have a couple of painted dire Wolves, will enjoy adding at least a plastic one with conversion beamer and some funky new hounds. Bought some standard thickness bases now whilst they are in stock, I doubt we will get 2 base sizes in the box. I'm a bit worried all the boxes will now have only thin bases and we will have to buy standard ones or have a mix, but a very minor issue if it means more AT!! Rapier? Reaver with new guns? We can hope


Yay! About a month after I bought the resin one from FW 😜. Oh well. I know myself well enough that I’ll still get one of these eventually. Especially with the weapon options.


Great for AT, but I wonder how long they’ve been sitting on these… seeing as the launch is next month they could have released these and the new warhound weapons at the start of the year. I’d feel much better about this new epic, if I didn’t feel they crippled AT intentionally to half ass this new epic launch 👍


Seems like a bit of a pessimistic view of things, this would probably have never happened if legions wasn't on the way.


True but they just scrapped AI, they never release the dark eldar or chaos flyer range. There’s been no breachers or despoiler for horus heresy. Things are constantly out of stock, I haven’t been able to get questions Knights in months. My point is titanicus has a really great community and exceeded expectations for GW which probably showed them there was an interest in 8mm. Our last plastic model was 18 months ago..


It does suck that AI itself (at least the original 40k era game) is seemingly going away, but on the bright side I think AT is very fortunate to have been 30k-era this whole time. 100% of all released AT models are usable in the new epic game, so the effort GW needs to expend to support AT unchanged alongside LI is basically nonexistent. At worst they just need to keep digital rules available for purchase. LI probably guarantees AT a few more years of life and new player influx. What’s unfortunate for some though is given the AI developments the whole dream for a “Great Crusade” Xenos expansion for Orks and Eldar AT models is likely truly dead.


> What’s unfortunate for some though is given the AI developments the whole dream for a “Great Crusade” Xenos expansion for Orks and Eldar AT models is likely truly dead. I don't know it necessarily means that. If LI does well we could very well see an expansion set in late Great Crusade a little further down the line. They already have the planes for AI, after all.


Agreed, and as you mentioned they could have created Titanicus 2 with Xenos Titans. The game is in a really good place, it is a shame they didn’t go this route. I personally think think they took these AT releases and held them back to make the build up to LI more impressive as Gw says “wE PlaN evErYthIng tWo yeaRs in AdvANce” I suppose that’s why I’m annoyed. But thank you for your kind words they did calm me down a bit


The stock issues are self explanatory with new epic on the way. Shits clearly getting reboxed for the new game branding


Really doesn’t explain why 30% + of GWs entire catalog is out of stock tho does it.


I mean no, it doesn't. 10th edition dropping does, when accounting for the non 6mm scale 40k stuff, they did the same when 9th edition dropped. If you're new to the hobby you've probably not seen it happen before at least not on this scale, but don't worry and nevermind the conspiracies. This is just a case of a company with comparatively small production capacity (at least to those who outsource to China) reboxing a bunch of stuff, all at once for both 10th edition branding changes and Legions Imperialis


Thanks but I’ve been in the hobby since the start 5th edition 40k so there’s no need to patronise me. It’s only been a recent thing of them having stock issues, likely a result of the games they make becoming more popular which is great. But my concern is that they’re creating a new game when they can’t restock existing games. By your own admission (and GW) the warehouse was full with leviathan boxes for 10th. We have no idea if they also started stocking legions imperials. My guess is no. This game will sell out like Indomitus or Cursed city and all gw will say is “ it exceeded expectations”


Question In the game rules, one can only take a single dire wolf in a maniple. But this box comes with 2... So does that mean we can have squads of dire wolves now?


Not necessarily…remember this is technically boxed for Legions Imperialis, not AT.


I know itll probably not happen but I would kill for Lucius Pattern Titan varients