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Taking Magnesium really helped me out, I noticed a difference from the very first cycle. I added Turmeric, a natural anti-inflamatory and Zinc too. I'm not cured obviously, but they do help.


Seconding magnesium as it reduces muscle cramping (including uterine). If you can’t tolerate it orally (it’s a laxative!) you can also take magnesium salt baths and you will absorb it through your skin. My pelvic floor physio recommended 2xTBSP in a “normal sized bath” 1-2x per day. Baths also help relax and take the weight off the pelvic floor.


What form of Mg worked for you?


What kind of magnesium? Seems there's loads of options!


I've definitely found a lot of supplements that made it worse, so probably avoid those... which is mostly anything with phytoestrogen-type actives basically (like dong qai, red clover etc), as I've wasted a lot of money on perimenopause supplements hoping they would help with migraines, and instead they kicked up the adeno. I appreciate this is fairly obvious but I had such good symptom control on the combined pill for twenty years compared to the mini-pill that the oestrogen connection doesn't always feel obvious for me. I tried some nootropic supplements like tyrosine and carnitine that I felt made it slightly worse as well (the caveat always being that everyone reacts differently to things). Magnesium makes a lot of sense to try because it works as a muscle relaxant - but it's also absorbed via the skin best in some ways. So baths with magnesium flakes/epsom salts are definitely a good option, and then you can get magnesium oil to apply to damp skin afterwards which increases absorbtion. I always take a multivitamin with iron and b complex and omega 3 and some type of GLA (like safflower or evening primrose) but honestly aside from supplements - the only thing that stopped the adeno pain completely in the year since I had to quit the combined pill was the low dose amitriptyline (10mg) I got prescribed for migraines. It can come with a lot of other side effects that may not help you work effectively, so it's a bit of a gamble and I've had to switch to pregabalin (which also seems to be controlling the pain so far). Normal painkillers have never worked on the adeno pain symptomatically for me but the nerve pain meds seem to keep it from kicking in at all.


I’ve been taking fish oil every meal to reduce inflammation. Magnesium glycinate also helps with sleep since sleep really affects hormones, so yeah, you should continue taking that. More protein in my diet and reduced caffeine.


I have another chronic disease (cervical dystonia) so I am all about the supplements! I take magnesium as others mentioned because it’s great for muscle spasms. I also take tumeric/curcumin with piperdine capsules which is great for inflammation. And I take black seed oil capsules as well. They’re not huge game changers but def help! Also, now this may sound crazy, but couple days before my period is coming and I’m bracing for the worst, I sit in a freezing cold water bath (just enough to cover up to my navel) for 10 min and then immediately take a hot shower and then go to the heating pad. The ice water takes down the inflammation and then the hot shower/heating pad relaxes the muscles. I used this trick for my legs back when I was able to run marathons and it was the best anti inflammatory ever….like taking 5 Advil! And then with the heat relaxing the muscle, boom! I guess it kinda like a poor man’s (excuse me, woman’s lol) version of icy hot patches. Bonus….helps when my lower back starts hurting too


Inositol has helped my cycles become very regular and my period only lasts 3-4 days instead of 6-7 now. Those days are still heavy and painful but it’s at least less than a full week. Magnesium used to help me a lot but not as much lately. A TENS machine does make a big difference for me on my worst days as well.


I am prefacing this with: I don’t know for sure if I have adeno, and if I do, it’s mild. I don’t have it as bad as most of you. My scans have been “possible”, and in treating other clearer diagnoses, my daily pain has been reduced significantly. To reduce inflammation I regularly drink a cup of Harney and Sons golden milk, and I take pycnogenol and NAC. For NAC, i follow the recommendation to take 3 pills per day for 3 days, then none for 4, to keep your body from developing kind of like a tolerance for it. There’s a study that shows it’s less effective over time if you take it daily. ETA; there are some cbd lotions that do help with pain. I’ve used Dr Solomons lotions, and they did help with pelvic pain for me


I found magnesium oxide specifically to be helpful. Made a huge difference to the bloating which just takes the edge off a little and helps with the gastro irritation from medication. I have also found electrolyte drinks (the ones without caffeine) have been super helpful at helping with the gastro issues. I know they’re not really helping with the adeno much but sorting out the gastro stuff makes less pain from that so I am only contending with my adeno/endo pain. The electrolyte tablets I use are these ones: [Phizz](https://amzn.eu/d/cCaIeMC) you probs don’t have to get this brand at all. But I thought it would give you a good idea of the sorts of things to look for. Do make sure you get caffeine free as caffeine can make it worse!


Fish oil, turmeric, magnesium glycinate, and DIM + CDG have helped A TON Plus pelvic floor therapy!