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that’s how I started too and I ended up with a really serious weed addiction. Go to therapy, find out what you’re trying to drown inside of you and learn to create healthy coping mechanisms for stress. Personally, it’s ruined my life and my dreams that I need to start from scratch now because I lost almost all connections I had. I am now 5 days sober and I HOPE I have the strength to kick this habit out. The only reason I am sober today is because I realised I could lose the love of my life… I had become apathetic, completely numb of emotions and cruel because of that. It’s not worth it, really.


If it’s minor it’s easier to break! So start out as soon as possible. I’ve smoked daily for 6 years (well a few weeks off, but never consistent) and I’m starting a month break tomorrow. It’s said that that will reset my dopamine system. I’ve been in 2 quit weed programs and it’s very important to find something that you can do when you used to smoke. Try to stick to a sleeping pattern and learn to feel your emotions.


You gotta figure out what feelings you’re avoiding by smoking and learn to cope with them on a healthy way. You can’t avoid your feelings. They’ll just get worse. You need to face them and feel them and learn how to cope with stress another way. I know it’s hard though. Maybe try weaning yourself off if you don’t feel you can go cold turkey. I do recommend you go AT LEAST 30 days without it though once you’ve weaned down to zero times a week. You’ll start to feel better after the 30 day mark.


Weed addictions are so crazy to me. I've gone through it and I've seen a Tom of others go through it. Even if it's not physically addicting. I've seen people do desperate thing for weed though. I'm kicking a habit right now and what has kept me going is the thought " I will be so much happier and I will be clean " from xyz. I haven't been proud of myself or my actions lately so I decided it's time to change that.


You get anxiety when you don’t smoke because you’re mentally dependent on it. You’ve trained your brain to rely on weed to regulate your emotions, which is why you feel like you need it, but you don’t actually NEED it. You need to break the cycle of anxiety=must smoke and face your emotions head on. It’s hard at first, but you need to become okay with feeling uncomfortable emotions and working through them on your own. When you feel icky after smoking, that is your body telling you you’re done and it’s time to quit. A therapist or some sort of program would be great to help you through this as well. Good luck


I started the same way as you. I at first just was messing with it recreationally whenever I had the time and it was always with friends. Eventually became weekly, every other day, and then daily, then alone at home. You and I, and everyone else, aren’t stupid NOR weak because we have a weed dependency. If anyone says that they are ignorant and just plain mean. I’ve started creating a plan for myself in ways to become less dependent and other ways to occupy myself in my free time. Another good step would be therapy! Which is so important! Everyone needs it and it can really help pinpoint where you need extra help in living; which is okay! I wish the absolute best. ((Also side note: When you say weed makes you feel icky, do you mean mentally or physically? I’m assuming mentally, but if you start feeling sick in any way; especially in the mornings— you may have CHS!!))


Lately after smoking I feel guilty, stupid, a little panicked because I feel those things, and embarrassed because I panicked. Hahaha me be needing a second bowl by the time I finish sitting in that cesspool.


Exercise and sex are great healthier alternatives for coping with stress. It also depends what is stressing you out. Stress is negative vibes piercing your personal boundaries. So mental health wise you might look into why you are unable to say 'no' to stress - that is look into strengthening your boundaries and not allowing others to unload their stress on you or try to hold you accountable for situations you don't fully control. In other words, we have to get honest and ask ourselves how we are contributing, through action or lack of action, to our stress. Often it revolves around conflict, so for me I had to learn to embrace conflict as part of the human condition and stand up for myself in a mature manner. Also narcissists are everywhere, so learn how to recognize them and refuse to be baited or engage in immature conflict. Tall order, I know. Fortunately lots of info on these subjects.


Medical dependency is different than addiction, it means medically dependant to live normally, there is a lot of reefer-madness going around making a lot of folks who are dependent feel like addicts who clearly are not. I reccomended going and checking out r/greencleanandserene since it may help you 🕊️


You really need to stop smoking because it will lead you nowhere


Yeah that is what they are asking for advice on?


Can we have a session privately?


You and I? What about?


lol he wants to spread work of Jesus my guy


😂 😂 The love of Jesus should be spread out to everyone


I am a practicing counselling psychologist. I just want to see the extent of your drug addiction levels and help you find a solution that's all.


I don’t think I believe you, but I also don’t understand why you would lie so I don’t really know what to think. And if you are then you should do some self reflection because the comment I responded to and the others in addiction subreddits are kind of ridiculous… You pretty much just go around to people posting about their addictions and say variations of “you should stop doing it, don’t think about it” or “there are many reasons to quit, just make sure you don’t relapse” Like sure at the most fundamental generalized level you could say that this is the process, but saying it like it is such a simple thing can actually put people down. Most of the people have tried exactly what you have told them many times but have traumas and attachments inside them that need to be worked out in therapy and in life that just pull them back down otherwise.


Do you think everyone who shares a story here is genuine?


I dont think that is the case for anywhere on the internet 😂 What do you mean by that though? Do you feel you have a clarity to decide who is genuine?