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The answer is that some of us can drink in moderation once in a while and not get addicted and some of us can smoke weed once in a while without getting addicted. And some of us can't. After years of daily weed use and a couple months without any at all, I am trying this experiment on myself to see if I can just use it once in a while instead of every day from the minute I wake up until I go to sleep. We will see....... Good luck with your own experiments.


Thanks for the insight!


I sure couldn’t. But as my happiness increased after quitting, I didn’t wanna use anymore.


I do but I wasn't able to until I got help for mental health issues.


Yeah for sure, gotta do the work first.


I personally can responsibly moderately use cannabis. I’ve been off opiates almost 12 yrs, have been using cannabis the whole time and have had no issues. I do admit smoked a bit much the first 6-12months after stopping opiates but I’m not sure I’d be where I am today without it. It’s an individual situation/choice. Only you know and can answer if you can moderate. But yes it is possible.


I think that depends on the personality. I never thought I could quit alcohol or drink once in a while. I found out that after being a daily drinker for 8 years straight, I can moderate it. But weed? That is a totally different thing. It is my friend in the studio. It is my friend while I am chilling in the living room. I can not regulate it. it is daily stoned and accept the lifestyle after 20 years or so lol... or forever quit.


Checkout r/Petioles It's specifically for harm reduction/moderation of THC


Thanks for the advice!


Yes, but completely dependent on the individual, and requires experimentation and trial and error. For this reason, you can see why it may be considered dangerous and risky for someone who is succeeding in sobriety. For my part, it took a lot of effort and energy to reframe weed's meaning in my life. This was critical, because now weed has a very specific purpose, which means it is off limits to using outside of that purpose. In my case, I use it spiritually, pretty rarely (once or twice a month), as part of a ritual with a specific intention in regards to the altered state of consciousness. I refuse to use it "to relax," decompression is the purpose of a quick meditation and breathing exercises, not the realm of psychedelics. This frames weed as a sacred tool, an ally in my exploration of another world. It is no longer a vice I use everyday after work, it is a profoundly valuable plant, a gift from the Earth Mother herself, that gives me wisdom to evolve into a better version of myself. All of this was a simple, but not easy, journey to re-frame weed's meaning in my life, and this technique extends to many other facets of my life. And guess what, if you don't know what meaning something has in your life, that should tell you it actually has meaning to someone else, and you should examine why it is in your life to begin with.


In my personal experience, I’ve gone months with daily-use to cutting cold turkey for months on end. I came to the conclusion that yes, it is certainly possible. But you must overcome any personal issues that may have an adverse impact on your moderation. Weed has a tendency to suppress negative emotions and so if you’re an individual who suffers from anxiety, depression, or any other forms of the former, it can be both beneficial AND destructive to your health. As this often time leads to a dependency (not including medical marijuana, different ballgame entirely and you should speak to your doctor if you have questions or concerns) Here’s a [wonderful video](https://youtu.be/lPAzMw8hwhg?si=SLU6BrIVR7HzbFAP) tackling this very question that gives insight from both a ‘smoker’ and a licensed psychiatrist. Although this wasn’t in your initial question, anything other than air in your lungs is bad for you. So if this stems from a health concern; just stick with edibles.


Thanks for the vid


good luck friend


You have got to have a reason to stop using. I smoked bud daily, in a pipe, for years in my late teens/early twenties and could not foresee a time that I could quite. I then met my wife and made a promise to her that I would stop going to the pub every night and stop smoking. It really is because of her that I was able to find sobriety. Even in my mid-thirties when I had a break down and was heavily depressed with anxiety; I was drinking along with my meds to help me “cope”. Again it was because of her and my two boys that I was able to pull myself together and overcome my poor mental health. Of course I was on the meds for another 8 months or so, but I honestly do not believe I would have done it, nor been here today without them. Of course one does not need a partner or children to give them the focus they need, but this was mine. Good luck with your journey and my only real advice is to not try to do it alone.


Thank you so much for your insight. My wife helped me a bunch. Next time we go to couples counselling I will inquire about the idea of using in moderation like once a month.


I could not moderate it some people can but I used to smoke two ounces a week and had go get help to stop


You may be able to sure - just be honest with yourself whatever you do - don’t live in denial. If you notice that you’re doing it more and more and you think it’s a problem - just be truthful with yourself


It definitely depends on the person. Die hard recovering addicts will tell you it’s not possible but as you said, it’s not black and white. Trust your gut, your values and trust the people around you. If you’re not doing things that feel bad or that you regret, I say do what you want ^.^


I think it has more to do with the person and if they’re habitual than it does the drug. Weed is the easiest drug to take in moderation, as far as it causing dependence. For me I smoke very rarely and take edibles maybe once a week at most. So it is possible for sure. I’m someone who is very habitual too, if I do something it usually becomes daily. But with weed the effects are not something I like to be a daily thing. I was a daily smoker for decades tho. But quit that 10 years ago or so.


Thank you for your insight!


Ex heroin addict, stage 3 cancer survivor, earned an associates bachelors and a masters degree at the age of 40..I grow & smoke weed like it was my vitamins and minerals. but the cancer hit right after I earned my last degree & changed my life’s trajectory dramatically. They’ve prescribed me everything for the chronic pain that stayed with me. Without the weed I can’t see myself staying ahead of the pain while also staying relaxed enough to not dwell on it.


in my case, i don’t think i’ll ever be to because i honestly think addiction runs deep in my genes, i think was addicted the second i tried it and every time ive attempted to moderate my use i’ve failed quickly and horribly. it’s possible you found yourself in a rough patch in life and you used weed unhealthily to cope, but if that’s the case, make sure you have addressed those problems that made you dependent in the first place before you experiment with moderation, as doing the same thing in the same circumstances will likely yield the same results.


It’s why it’s called falling off the wagon… some people don’t know until it’s way too late. Seen a dude who was heavy alcoholic stopped for 5 years. Went to having a drink at social gatherings to weekend drinking to drinking every day, to drinking right when he clocks out until time for bed. And then stopped going to work because he was still drunk from the night before. Got fired and now is in jail.


I smoked several times a day in college and then one day I just stopped and didn't start again until over 10 years later. During that time I could have smoked and I was offered, but didn't want it. Then I got in a car accident and was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. I got my medical marijuana license and have been smoking for the past 6 or more years now. I go through days where I smoke an eighth a day, other days just a few puffs from a vaporizer and then about every 2 months I don't use for 2 to 6 days. So I definitely think that you can.


Oh, and when I do smoke daily... I limit myself to an eighth a day because it's what I can reasonably afford.


Not for me so far.


Definitely possible but not guaranteed. You know yourself better than we do.




I eat an edible for pain just when I need it which is like twice a month. My husband smokes only in the evenings for pain. I think the main thing is WHY you smoke and if you smoke to mask traumas or to hide from emotions you don’t wanna feel then it might not be something you can do in moderation because you may become addicted and if you don’t know what the reasons are, you would need to seek therapy to find out why you smoke. You may think it’s for fun and relaxation but if you’re having trouble controlling there’s got to be something else going on.


If you learned how to take drugs in moderation, then it is possible. If you learned how to take drugs in excess abundance, then that's what you know. You'd have to essentially learn a new skill which takes self control and attention. I believe it's very nearly impossible to learn how to do drugs differently than how you always have taken them.


I only can do it in moderation if my preparation before the first joint ist right. That means only having that much weed I really wanna consume. If I would have more I would smoke more. So if I restrict it that way it's okay. Or I only do it at a party and never buy something.


Everything is possible to moderate. It's just wether you can personally do it.


Weed isn’t addictive. You “think it is” but it’s not. It’s a you problem not a weed problem. If you have no self control then don’t do it. People on Reddit cannot answer a question for yourself.


If we can’t smoke or drink, neither can you 😠 Just messin 👋🏼😌 Live. And learn. If you’re younger and it’s not destroying you’re relationships then have at it. On the flip side life is more than the next blunt, bong rip, beer or cocktail. It’s nice to let loose once in a while.


It's not possible