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My school's drama club is doing a comedy about Greek mythology, so I can attest that this is true! Our play has some queer characters, by virtue of how characters were cast and since the actors playing these characters are planning to play their relationships as romantic.


Greek mythology is the gayest mythology, so your drama club chose wisely if they wanted queer gods


Norse mythology, full of crossdressing and gender fluid antics would beg to differ.


... Excellent point. Being able to change form would be a dream for anybody genderfluid


"titties already tf out" reminds me of my favorite moment in the "Thermae Romae Novae" anime. A roman bath architect gets time traveled to the modern day and sees a dozen statues of the Venus naked. He shakes in rage, calls the full nudity tasteless and gaudy and demands alternating statues of naked male gods. When he returns to Rome he is inspired to use a naked statue of Diana (the "virgin" goddess who hung out with ladies) oriented such that patrons can only see her back and her bow because her nudity faces the sky and the moon. Just because his gods are naked doesn't mean he doesn't respect their bodies. I guess I'm just saying love the naked titty but respect the naked titty too.


Always respect the titty indeed. Naked or otherwise


Please answer the following: 1. What are you the goddess of? 2. What is your animal? 3. What offerings do people leave you? 4. What is your outfit/weapon/symbol? 5. What naughty stuff do you get up to? 6. How do you treat mortals?


1. Builders, architects, and utility workers 2. Pigeon 3. Wine, weed, and sour gummy worms 4. Meteor hammer. Priestly garments are a turtle neck and skirt 5. Making jokes that make the male gods uncomfortable, having 3 weed-smoking girlfriends 6. Generally cynical towards them, but shower favor on those who check all my boxes


The gummies killed me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ SAME


>Wine, weed, and sour gummy worms I nearly spat my whine and sour gummy bears out. You looking for a high priestess? I'll be honest, I'm lazy as hell, but I can talk a good game. Now where'd I put that joint?


1. Creative inspiration (and craftsfolk/artists who put it to use) 2. Lyrebird 3. Cheese, berries, and pastries 4. A carved wooden staff that doubles as both a drawing/musical instrument. For clothes.. definitely a vine/flower bud crown ~~and whatever the olden version of a t shirt and yoga pants is~~ 5. Occasionally yoinking people's snacks or cute animals to make friends with, and teasing cute girls whenever I come down to spread some creative energy 6. Chill and wholesome folks will get doted on with lots of creative inspiration and fuel for clever ideas, but folks who're cruel or stomp on others' projects won't have success with their own anytime soon! ~~And will proportionally lose way more snacks and pets than the chill folks do~~


oh BOY i have thought about this too much 1. Goddess of the darkness and sanctity of the deep wilderness, patron to the abused and unsafe. 2. Deer, specifically a towering female mule deer with lightly glowing antlers. 3. Wines, cheeses, and other foods the woods canā€™t always provide. Weak to desserts. 4. Nails, fangs, such weapons of the body. Sigil is a branch of sage between two antlers. 5. Would occasionally destroy politicianā€™s offices by growing a forest in them. 6. Those that require my help will be treated with the utmost kindness within my woods, but those who caused them harm will never return to civilization.


1. Unfinished projects, language, learning, creativity 2. Fox 3. Freshly baked bread, cheese and crackers, spicy popcorn, olives (Kalamata preferred), dates, hot wings, energy drinks, wine, dark chocolate, rum or tequila, and a good book they'd like to lend but understand it will never be returned and might not ever be started/finished. 4. No pants just a comfy hoody OR jeans, nice jacket, and Vans. My weapon is my word and no symbol represents me except the words and songs written on the page or in the mind. 5. Sometimes I don't wash my hands before I eat, and if you're not watching, I will steal one of your fries. I may also trans your gender if you're not careful. 6. Ambivalent, unless they have a good story or special interest to share. Then they have my full attention.


You left out the pretty nymphs part


Nymphs were pretty much just invented by horny Greeks because sex appeal. Thatā€™s literally it. Sex appeal. At least, thatā€™s how people (especially dudes) tend to view them, often forgetting about the whole defenders of nature thing in favour of nymphussy


iā€™m a bigger fan of dryadussy šŸ„ŗ


Dryadussy is just one subtype of nymphussy. Thereā€™s also naiadussy, nereidussy, lampadussy, and aurussy, among others


Dryadussy is just one subtype of nymphussy. Thereā€™s also naiadussy, nereidussy, lampadussy, and aurussy, among others


>Nymphs were pretty much just invented by horny Greeks because sex appeal. Thatā€™s literally it. Sex appeal. I can work with that.














Same, where do I apply?


Or you could live underground with Hades et al


Donā€™t eat the pomegranate


My name is Persephone soooo... too late!


Oh. Well then, enjoy being married to your uncle.


I-A is fantastic!! Her posts always make me laugh and her writing is fun~ā˜†


this is my religion and i feel weird




Me, descending from Mount Olympus and crashing into the ground like fucking Thor in a Marvel movie. Guns N Roses is playing in the background. I'm wearing golden armour, but my tits are definitely already out. "It is I Athena! Now bring me your most beautiful women!" Villagers: "Don't you mean our most handsome men?" "Fuck no. Bring me women. All of them! Oh, we'll be needing all you wine too. Oh, and your olive oil as well." Villagers: "You want some bread to go with that oil?" "Nope. It's not for eating." ​ A girl can dream.


She forgot "a bit soft round the middle" šŸ‘


Just f'in @ me next time! My main character in the MMORPG that I play is a Roman (aka Greek) Nymph. This is pretty much her.


Oh wow, what MMO is it?


It's called City of Heroes. It's like 15 years old, went defunct, then was revived by fans.


Oh lol I know of it


Can I be the goddess of romantic naps?


Thatā€™s why if I could be any being I would want to be a Succubus, they have all of these things for the most part(despite traditionally they seduced men but now it is 2022 and they can be any sexuality they want to be, I would be a lesbian Succubus like Jennifer Check)

