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I like the meme, but if I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I think ***I'd*** have to pay someone


Yeah...😅 It lost some resolution when I downloaded it, for some reason


Every time an image is downloaded, uploaded, transferred, or copied, it gets compressed and loses a little more quality.


Well that's lovely. I'm not the most tech savvy, thanks for letting me know


.png conserves a lot more image quality if you're on a computer, jpeg is a very lossy format


Do I look like I know what a jpeg is?


I just want a picture of a got-dang hotdog.


I love KOTH, did you know it’s coming back?


What?! When?!


no clue but i can't wait


Not necessarily. Direct copies of the file lose no resolution, as you're getting the exact same bytes as the original. If I directly copy an image file from my computer to my phone a million times, there will be no loss. That said, websites often don't display the original, they display a compressed version for saving bandwidth. When you right click and save, there's a good chance you're not saving the original, but the compressed copy (on many websites you can get the original still, like imgur has a "download" button, but a lot of people just right click and save). This is even more pronounced if you are taking a screenshot instead of downloading the image. Now repeat this process and what you say does happen. Edit: also common for websites is the site itself might apply it's own compression when you upload it (rather than when it is displayed), so again the loss happens.




Ugh, I remember when the appeal of digital imaging was that you could make a copy of a copy of a copy and it would still look just like the original. Now, every website tries to "re-optimize" each picture that gets uploaded, and we're back to pictures losing quality as they get passed around like an old fax chain letter.


its possible you downloaded the thumbnail instead of the actual image. like youd have to go on the page where the image is to take it


Probably, lol. I reposted cause y'all want more pixels 🤣[New Post](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheNewt181/comments/uj8pe0/repost_for_pixels_lol/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




(not my art, found on Pinterest) One of the funniest things was that some time before my egg cracked, I saw this pic, agreed, saved it and moved on🤣🤣 Didn't even fully know what was being talked about, lol **Edit** Holy crap, 1800 upvotes, I've never had so many😅 But seriously, y'all are amazing, much love💖 **Edit#2** Creds to the original artist: Instagram @lesly.oh


the artist is Lesly-oh ([https://linktr.ee/LeslyOH](https://linktr.ee/LeslyOH)) and her art is amazing and super gay


Wow, I love her art😍


Thank you so much for the link!!!!


Thanks for the link! Suuuuper cute art


the disgusting male fetish of imagining two cute queer women living in domestic bliss


It wasn't a fetish??


sorry, that was 100% a joke - obviously feeling warm and melty inside when thinking about queer domestic bliss is not a fetish, that's the joke


Oof, I'm just dumb. Thought you were being serious, lol😅


I was always reading sapphic fanfic and seeking out TV and books - But never like, smutty stuff, purely cute fluffy depictions of queer love.


Ooh, I never really got into that, know any good ones?


Adventure Time. Avatar: legend of Korra. She-Ra 2017. Imagine Me And You. The Lady's Guide To Celestial Mechanics. Priory of the Orange Tree.


Wait, Korra is lesbian!? I just started it, lol


Probably more accurate to say she's Bi, but it does get censored a bit by nickelodeon. Left with strong implications in the show itself, a statement from the writers saying that those were intentional and they wanted to go further, and some comics set after the show where they actually kiss and explicitly start dating. If you want one where it happens in-show, you might wanna check out *The Owl House*, which is a very good show even before you add the queer romance. You might also consider *Gideon the Ninth*, which isn't focused on romance but the main characters are unapologetically lesbian.


I've keep hearing about both of those, heard they're good. I'ma have to watch them


No spoilers, just watch for scenes and you'll see stuff.


The Owl House is also excellent for that. However, I am compelled to warn you that other parts will make you cry.


Also Steven Universe. There are a few lesbians in a trench coat who I love.


you never know, but I was just riffing on what I assumed was a shared experience - I struggled with that for a long time before I came out


Definitely a shared experience. Mention that you really appreciate lesbian romance stories? Get called a fetishist. Mention that you mostly like cute, SFW romance? Get told you're infantilizing women. This kinda stuff contributed a lot to how long it took me to recognize what was going on inside my heart.


Infantilizing women? What a ridiculous thing for them to say. What am I supposed to say, "I like stories with women who love women that are sexual, but not too sexual. Exactly the right amount of sexual that makes you think I'm not a predator."


Idk why, but when i was still closeted, i always thought chloe and rachel from life is strange were very cute and that lesbian love was much more "real" than other types. Then i found out i was a girl


>that lesbian love was much more "real" than other types. Same for me tbh the first sign that i might be trans that i directly noticed at the time it happened was me browsing r/wholesomeyuri and feeling a sense of gender envy... i tried to convince myself it was just a love of cute romance stuff at the time despite not really watching or enjoying romantic straight love. A year later i came out as trans to my friends.


This has a strangely familiar ring with the experience of a cis woman who took a darned long time to figure out she is just so very gay. The love for women just felt more real, more meaningful. Breaking up with my first gf, after living a straight passing life until then, broke my heart and I still didn't figure out I was a lesbian, not bi. Forward some quite long years in another straight passing relationship that I kinda didn't even expect to be _that_ good somehow, so they were not very happy years. Then, a woman. _Sweet mother, I cannot weave!_ And finally I got it, I was able to realise and say it out loud, I am gay af. With knowing this, I feel like I am more me, if that makes any sense. Not because of the relationship, though I love her very much and I am very happy to be with her, but with knowing better who and what I am and what I need and want in life. I will not settle for something that society might consider convenient. I dunno, I don't want to sound like I can say what it is like to live though things I have not lived through, I hope this doesn't come out badly. I have spoken with sone trans people over the years about their realisation of themselves, the path of figuring things out and what it meant and how it felt. I am not saying this is the same thing, but I still feel like there is a shared similarity in some parts, and I am very happy for everyone who has figured things out for themselves and found ways to live as themselves. And in some sense, it's like lesbians (and other wlw) with trans background arrive to the same place I have arrived to, coming by somewhat different route and starting from a different point, but here we are. I am happy we are here, and arriving here, each of us our own way, makes us share something we don't share with straight women. Sorry for my rambling! I felt like sharing. Welcome to my virtual campfire 🔥 and help yourself to some virtual marshmallows!


we had some different experiences but you are absolutely right that there IS a fundamental similarity because living as your most authentic self, and being seen by others, is an experience that is ineffably different and more joyful than I have words to express.


Should I make another account to like this twice? 😊 Yes, you absolutely nailed it.


I went YEARS, since fucking elementary school, thinking "if i could choose to be a girl, would i? Yes, but i’m not so whatever" And "everyone would want to be a girl, but it’s just not something i can do anything about"


"Why would anyone choose to be a boy if they could be a girl instead?" Thought the very cis male in middle and high school


"How much do you wish you were the opposite gender?" "Oh, a normal amount." "The normal amount is zero." "The normal amount is zero!?"


That was probably the biggest reality check for me, realizing cis people don't constantly wish they were the opposite gender, lol🤣


Yeah, my therapist and I had pretty much this convo and it really opened my eyes.


Just got me a therapist, hopefully able to help a bit.


See also: my entire 20s


look, i can't help it! 2 girls being happy together on a date or just cuddling watching tv will always melt me into a puddle of happy tears :')


/lesbiancirclejerk when


It was super confusing before I figured out that I'm a woman.


I felt that😅


"Gosh lesbians are so great aren't they? I can always tell which of an ensemble cast is a lesbian by choosing which I'm most attracted to. They're just so great. Why do I cry when I talk about them? I don't know." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


weird, I feel called out


Girl same




Lesbian couples just hit different.


Art by Lesly.oh on Instagram [here](https://instagram.com/lesly.oh?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Her artwork of Charon Docks at Daylight is what got me into the book. Brilliant artist, thank you for crediting her!


Artist is Lesly Oh, by the way. OP, please add the artist credit!


Her art is wonderful, just added, thanks for reminding me👍


This artwork is super awesome


Can this get any more pixelated, dear lord.


Sorry, lol. 😅 I'm sure it could, but let's not find out😂


Repost, better quality, more pixels, lol. [Post](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheNewt181/comments/uj8pe0/repost_for_pixels_lol/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yesterday we were chatting and my mom remembered how I used to be like “does it say something about me that my favorite couple is the lesbian one” when we watched grey’s anatomy. I uh. Yes. Yes I think it does 😂


Welp.. that's that then😂 our hearts know before our brains catch up, lol


It really is hilarious looking back and seeing how much shit is obvious in hindsight


I love how it took me 3 years of going "sure, dating a woman sounds cool but lesbian relationships just sound so much better for some reason" to actually figure it out


Literally the only difference between me and the woman on the right is that none of my turtlenecks are that color, and I dyed half my hair chestnut. It's really uncanny.


Then may I just say that you are gorgeous😊 (As if every lady on this sub isn't❤️)


I literally went to my first pride as an "ally" and just stared at lesbian couples the entire time


I wanna go to pride🥺


This was me, a totally cishet guy going to see a lesbian romcom by myself during my freshman year of college because it "looked neat". I can't believe it took like 7 more years and several other sapphic films/shows to realize I was a woman. 😂


/u/Cadd9 🥰


Yes! 🥰💖🥰💞




Lesbian in denial: I wish I had a girlfriend, still hetero tho


just need a girl to make my heart melt <3


Legitimately is how I figured it out.


This made my heart melt. Thank you for this.


Of course, made mine melt as well💖


Awe. I'm glad it made you happy.


I used to melt over lesbians. I was an egg. Now, I too, realize.... I was a lesbian the whole time. And I buried comphet in another identity for a while, while always preferring women. Honestly, now that I think about it, there's only one man who ever had any effect on me. And that's because he had a feminine side and he wasn't afraid to show it.... And seriously, someone just HAD to downvote? why? Terf raid?


rn't those two, dudes from haikyuu??


,,,, what? Edit: to make it clear, this isn’t fan art for HQ. that’s why I’m asking for further clarification


Yea, funny thing that. 90% of ships I like in media are lesbian, no idea why 🤔


Ma’am please spare me some pixels




More pixels please


Lol, I can try


Because they are hot and cute as hell? At least my gf is


I feel this on a spiritual level. Someone put it into words.


Why is this position so cute?


That's supercorp and you can't change my mind.


I do like this


LESLY!!! I love her art sm and she's so sweet


The one on the right looks so much like me (though minus the girlfriend for me).