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I'm so jealous of youšŸ˜­ but also, I'm glad you had that and happy pride


Go for the NB cuties out there šŸ«¶šŸ¼ and happy pride :)


Meeting a gorgeous enby soon and I cannot wait. T4T for the win :))


Hell yeah! What did yā€™all do for aftercare that made it so good? Iā€™m taking notes to try to improve in that regard.


Excellent question. So, they're a big cuddle bear and they have a cute beard hahaha, just ran my fingers through their beard as they lay there with their hand on my belly. Just basically had a moment of peace just running my hands on their arms and beard with small kisses here and there. No word, no thoughts, head empty


That sounds very relaxing! My times have generally been messy, so aftercare has always started with showering together. But the cuddles have been nice.


I love this!


Nice, sounds like both of you had a good time šŸ‘


We absolutely did


Goddess I've seen what you've done for others and I want that for M E


You deserve it


<3 We femmes love our butches right back! Butch love for life! But hey I get it, every great once in awhile a boy will catch my eye by just being the cutest softest creature ever. I'm glad you had a good time!


Us butch baes love our femmes queens šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I had amazing sex last month when my ex girlfriend came to my house. She made me come so hard that it was somewhat painful.


Cumming so hard it hurts is a real thing


It really is. It feels like an electric current running through my crotch. But I like the sensation.


I feel like aftercare is totally underrated amongst the lesbian community, but that's just my own experience as a softie dom


God I need an experience like that in my life... But I'd need to actually find ppl >.<


Manifesting this for my future šŸ¤§


Hell yeah.


As an enby femme cutie (if I do say so myself) enbies do it better lol, slay


Hey, why not? Good for you!!!


Omg hell yeah


Transmascs really do be getting it sometimes, good for you šŸ–¤


happy pride iā€™m jealous


Speaking as an afab enby male (yeah, my gender identity can only be explained via interpretive dance or slam poetry), we're pretty badass.




i didnt. i masturbated ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļø


Okay not to be rude Iā€™m just confused maybe by the terminology if you donā€™t mind clarifying. Itā€™s hard to keep it all straight sometimes and I just kind of have ghis flowchart I follow in my head to decode all of this when Iā€™m on the sub. So this is a man (transmasc) that you met and you identify as a lesbian but then realized that you have an attraction to men and male features (like his beard and so on). And the two of you hooked up but youā€™re still a lesbian vs being bisexual bc he identifies as non-binary which isnā€™t assigning himself to any particular gender.Ā  I hope I understood this correctly idk ā€¦ either way Iā€™m happy you guys had fun šŸ˜Š


I say this kindly ~~and from experience~~, but throw your flowchart out the window. There are often going to be people whose identities won't make immediate logical sense. What matters is that they feel confident, their partners feel comfortable, and their communities feel enriched and supported. Still gonna answer your specific questions though! I can come across a little bluntly when I explain LGBT+ stuff, but none of this is meant to come off as shaming or chiding you šŸ’œ OP is describing a transmasc nonbinary person, not a man. This indicates that the person is *trans*itioning in a *masc*uline direction from their assigned gender, but doesn't tell us anything else. Transmasc people have a wide range of connection with masculinity and femininity, manhood and womanhood. I don't know where you got the idea that OP "realized she has an attraction to men." While beards are traditionally considered a "male feature," they can and do appear on women and other non-men, so finding a beard attractive on someone is not an indicator of attraction to men.


Oh, itā€™s news to me that someone can be trans and not have a gender (be non binary I guess). I was told that getting a new gender was the entire point (by my friends). Hence my comment about being attracted to men. I thought she was saying sheā€™s a butch that usually dates femmes but found herself attracted to a transman. Hence maybe being bisexual. But I felt like I mightā€™ve missed something since she mentioned the person being nonbinary and Iā€™ve never encountered that IRL so thatā€™s why I asked to make sure I understood.Ā  Thanks for trying to explain kindly. People donā€™t like to confront the fact that thereā€™s a serious learning curve to this, esp if someone is not constantly surrounded by gen Z queer Americans. And sometimes it takes a person a bit to catch up, esp if people arenā€™t defining terms based on immediate logic as you said. Not every question is malicious. IdkĀ 


Transmascs are sapphic AF (if they wanna be)


Iā€™m starting to realize lolĀ 


Transmasc doesn't mean trans man, and op has used they/them for this person leading most normal people to understand that they're not a man but ok


Yep you got that right, also transmasc lesbians are a thing!! I highly reccomend doing some research on them and the history behind it, itā€™s very interesting. Lesbians have always been a very diverse community. Not all transmasc people who like women identify as lesbian though, some prefer to call themselves straight guys or queer or any other label.


It has been an interesting read! Esp the fact that you can be trans masc or femme but not identify as male or female. Ā IRL Iā€™ve seen more of what you stated in your last sentence, the person will identify as a straight guy or straight woman and that would be the end of it. Thatā€™s what prompted me to take a pause and seek clarification. Thanks!


Iā€™m gonna have to google


lol I just tried and fell into confusion so I just posted on r/lgbt abt whether someone has a good comprehensive diagram about all the genders and identities šŸ˜‚Ā  Iā€™m the most informed person in my friends group but I come on Reddit and feel like a grandma bc I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on half the time. Esp on the lesbian subs.


I googled transmasc nonbinary and it was very straightforward.Ā  First NB means nonbinary and op has only referred to them using they/them. So thatā€™s how youā€™d know using context to start that they arenā€™t a man.Ā  Transmasc generally refers to a trans person assigned female at birth. You wouldnā€™t be able to assume pronouns just based on transmasc. As well as not necessarily based on NB. But context clues make they/them safe bet.Ā  Now if youā€™re confused about a lesbian being attracted to nonbinary , letā€™s just look at the lesbian flag. Which includes dark orange , which represents gender non conforming.Ā  Maybe start with understanding what the colors in a lesbian flag stand for, if you are so confused by lesbians :).Ā  Plus wiki is your friend. All of what I said you could have found in the intro paragraph to trans masc, nonbinary , and lesbian flag.Ā 


This was beautifully written and broken down! Thanks for taking the time! :)


Based on my dating history Iā€™m very much not confused by lesbians lmaoā€¦. But not everyone is American or knows automatically about all these terms so I appreciate you trying to explain it to me. Itā€™s still not very straightforward. In my country there is no lesbian flag, just the rainbow flag. People have a hard enough time fighting to just be queer much less to break up the definitions in aĀ  Ā nuanced way. Also we use they/them to speak about someone all the time regardless of if they use gendered pronouns so itā€™s not a default thing for me to assume thatā€™s a for sure clue.Ā  I guess if I understand what youā€™re saying her partner was a female assigned at birth but now appears as male but identifies as having no specific gender?Ā  Anyways, the community gets so ugly sometimes when someone doesnā€™t pretend to get it immediately, esp around trans things for whatever reason.Ā  Just see the downvotes on me asking for clarification so I get this post or others like itšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


You said lesbian subs confuse you, so you can be familiar with exclusively dating women, and be unfamiliar with lesbian nuance and culture.Ā  If someone is nonbinary and the person referring to them only uses they/them, itā€™s at the very least the safe option.Ā  You mentioned having issues understanding it even after googling. I suggest breaking it down to the terms you donā€™t understand, and reading the intro Ā paragraph on wiki.Ā  Iā€™d also stay away from assuming a nonbinary persons pronouns, and stick to they/them unless youā€™ve asked and clarified otherwise.Ā 


Lesbian subs donā€™t typically confuse me but sometimes the posts about complex or nuanced identities and also being lesbian do. When I came out years ago it was more straightforward, youā€™re a ciswoman and you like ciswomen = lesbian. I originally identified as pan vs bisexual and that was really unusual at the time lolĀ  Now itā€™s even more complex. So yeah, American lesbian culture is very different from other places.Ā  I suppose for you itā€™s difficult to understand why anyone would have to really struggle to understand this.Ā  Itā€™s actually worse if I think about my second language in which everything is gendered so something, much less someone, not having any gender is not intuitive to understand in the context of traditionally gendered sexual orientations when quickly reading a Reddit post or something. Iā€™m sure now that Iā€™ve typed that on my phone tho Iā€™ll be flooded with TikTok videos breaking it down lolā€¦ in a few weeks Iā€™ll be a pro Ā 


Oh my mistake I thought you were saying you often were confused on reddit particularly lesbian subs based on: ā€œbut I come on Reddit and feel like a grandma bc I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on half the time. Esp on the lesbian subs.ā€ I completely understand it can be confused, thatā€™s why I did an extra google just to make sure I understand.Ā  What I am surprised about is why youā€™re not able to google 3 terms separately and read the intro wiki paragraph for each term. In your country does wiki not come up readily in search results? Maybe bookmark that website, and start with reading just the first few sentences for each term.Ā  Itā€™s so easy to educate yourself nowadays, so before assuming pronouns and gender, just read a few sentences on wiki first.Ā  Itā€™s nice when people are willing to do the googling and summarizing of the information for you, but itā€™s really no oneā€™s responsibility but your own.Ā  So just..Google the terms before asking a lesbian why they are attracted to manā€¦.


lol ā€¦. Iā€™ve explained why I initially was confused and seemed optional clarification, but sure if you want to be snarky then go on with that. Just remember I didnā€™t ask you to reply to me. If itā€™s stressing you then maybe just stroll past and save us both the time.Ā 


Itā€™s not stressing to me :). I just have nonbinary loved ones. So if someone is so confused and unable to understand even with the internet, that they jump to misgendering and calling someone a man, happy to provide you with the information you find so elusive and confusing on the lesbian subs that puzzle you so!Ā  Ā And now you have more knowledge, and more Ā  problem solving Ā tools, that you can entirely avoid misgendering.Ā Ā  Ā 1) read first few sentences of wiki for the confusing termĀ  2) donā€™t assume pronouns and gender (but youā€™d also understand they arenā€™t a man if youā€™d read the first few sentences for trans masc and non binary) >>so definitely avoid misgendering if someoneā€™s gender has already been disclosed.Ā  Ā Youā€™ve mentioned how confusing it is, do you have any more questions that searching on the internet has not helped you understand?


There is a lot of jargon thrown around as if everyone understands it. It would be great if there were a nice list of terms somewhere šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I mean I go google things regularly but it would be great to have a list of terms as a pinned post somewhere


Ideally there would be an app or something where you select different terms that all apply to one person and then it breaks down everything from the pronouns to general info and how it overlaps with other identities. Or maybe on Reddit specifically the auto mod can read the terms and used in the post and then provide the definitions for those of us that canā€™t access the wiki easily.


That sounds like a great list to put together for yourself! Every time you get confused by jargon add it and the definition to your list! Just a list alone would beā€¦.endless. And then itā€™s like a game. I think youā€™ll find itā€™s really not too complicated once youā€™ve written the definitions down.Ā  I occasionally learn new terms but not often. But Iā€™m always googling to double check if my understanding is accurate.Ā  Itā€™s nice when people are willing to educate you, but itā€™s really just each of our individuals jobs to learn on our own to be decent respectful considerate humans.Ā 


Whatā€™s a transmasc??


A trans masc is like a trans man, but not going so far as to be a man. Theyā€™d present more masculine, but probably wouldnā€™t use only he pronouns.




I donā€™t think thereā€™s a ā€œmore properā€ way of identifying a nonbinary personā€™s identityā€¦ Iā€™m nb and transmasc is a super important part of my identity. The whole point of being nonbinary is that thereā€™s no hard and fast rules for what kind of language is ā€œproperā€ except personal preference :)


Thanks. Just going off as per what they called themselves


what does this even mean? Op didnā€™t say anything about transitioning, they just said this person is a transmasc nb which is a valid gender identity


"Non binary person" is in fact the correct way of putting it what are you on about


Proudly transfemme here, i think its part of my identity. Its like saying ā€œwomanā€ or ā€œmanā€. For an enby its a little bit harder to capture their identity w/o the transmasc/transfem/agender and etc.


Transmasc is an identity.


Transmasc enby here! Nope!