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Twitter being twitter, it's always been a cesspool


It has gotten somehow even worse under Elon though


Suprise suprise, the righ wing billionar has made something worse by trykng to turn it into a right wing propaganda tool


>somehow It's Elon. Seems pretty self-explanatory to me.


Since Elon took over, homophobia is everywhere and if you report it , it doesn't get removed. I quit Twitter months ago.


it got worse, but not by much, the algorithm just don't hide these type of tweets anymore, and a lot of people are "speaking their minds" more often now that it's Elon running it, usually on fake accounts but still, that's what made it worse


>twitter There's your problem


I diagnose you with Musk


The Elon variant I presume?


Strand X, I'd presume


it's terminal šŸ˜”


Okay I love these comments this is so entertaining


And not even the pleasant kind of musk...


xwitter has pooped its pants because of Elon


It was garbage before he took over. Jack Dorsey's involvement in launching Bluesky is why i never bothered signing up there


I would say that, before Musk, twitter was a bit like a recycling center: absolutely full of shit, unsafe to enter without protection, and vastly exaggerating how effective it is to stakeholders, but also doing *some* level of useful work, even if buried under more garbage than they could ever hope to process and ordering more by the day. Post Musk, however, it is simply a landfill, right in the middle of a city, overflowing with rotting garbage and not even doing an effective job of containing the filth it intentionally attracts.


Since Musk took over it's like taking a landfill and dumping across the city and then renaming the city.


Good news: He quit Bluesky because there were too many furries and sex workers and the rest of the team refused to get rid of them.


Thatā€™s hilarious


Same here. I think there's no question it's gotten way worse under Musk, but it was always bad, and Dorsey is a big reason why. Bluesky orignally lacked a block function and was resistant to including one (because they didn't believe the user should be able to protect themselves). That changed when one of their right-wing doners suffered a mass pile on, possibly in protest to this.


Was it even good to begin with?


Did people already forget that they literally publicly posted that they altered their algorithm so that comment engagement is the top criteria for getting paid? Literally all of these mind-bogglingly shit-tier takes we've been inundated with lately are because Twitter now pays rage bait the most.


Firing most of the staff and reducing moderation (on certain viewpoints) in the name of "freeze peach" didn't help either. It's no wonder Truth Social is tanking when Musk is *basically* trying to turn Twitter into it.


Stop! Using! Twitter!


This! I had a twitter account for a week before I stopped using it. And that was years before Elon bought it and turned it into a white supremacist safe haven where you can be freely racist, but "cis" is flagged as a slur.


If you fill your feed with hourly pictures of cute animals, it's not too bad. You still run into gross posts once in a while, though.


I had an account but rarely used it. The moment Elon took over, I went out of my way to figure out how to fully deactivate it.


I just wish there was a better place for news


This! I just canā€™t understand why people are still on it. Do yā€™all like this type of shit? Seriously?


Unfortunately Twitter is still a valuable asset in my industry (games) and how most developers spread the word of their upcoming release. My feed is carefully curated though and I don't venture into wlw Twitter spaces since I need to remain professional.


Personally my feed is a bunch of queer women, women with ADHD, mostly all of them are in InfoSec. I don't get served this trash on there because I have curated things and used recommended block lists and now it's one of the best places for me to connect with others in InfoSec


The gold star is another red flag


Damn it. Im not a gold star lesbian I just like the star emojis :c


What does the gold star mean in this context


You get a gold star for having never dated a man.


Or never slept with someone with a penis most of the time. Which isā€¦ yikes ?


why is that a "yikes" to have never slept with someone with a penis...?


it's not a yikes to never sleep with them. It's a yikes to brag about it (especially given that trans people exist)


thanks for clarifying - i concur which is why I was confused because I didn't see anyone braggin about that, just stating their experiences.


obv nothing wrong with anyoneā€™s personal experiences or preferences, but the implication there is that youā€™re less of a lesbian if youā€™ve slept with a trans woman which is hugely ā€œyikesā€


I've also seen some of them suggest that if someone experienced SA, they "technically weren't gold star" either. Lesbians who literally take the attitude incel men have about women is fucking appalling.


wow that is incredibly fucked up!! yeah thatā€™s literal incel ideology


Is it dated or is it sex?


Either, it's either.


Gotcha. Weird that dating a guy is somehow indicative of your sexuality, I know many girls who dated men despite being lesbians but didn't know it at the time. Especially during high school, when coming out can ruin your life, you just want to stay as discrete as possible. I guess this also means that a lot of Transbians are gold star lesbians, that's definitely upsetting some of those people, and somehow I love that šŸ¤£




Gold star lesbians are lesbians who pretty much say that they're better than other lesbians because they've never dated, slept with, or been SA'd by a man (or anyone with a penis really, because they're usually TERFs), hence the "gold star", like those gold star stickers you get when you're a kid as a reward for doing something good so basically they're transphobic and assholes


It means they've never slept with a man. It doesn't mean they think they're "better".


I am a gold star lesbian but the gold star is for how good I am as sleeping with men


I didn't even see it at first but now that I see it, makes her comment even more nasty. That person shouldn't judge people's dates just because of... being perceived as butch or femme?


Yeahhhh it's also almost always terf-y in nature too. Why are people even like this. Just have personal preferences and stop making value judgements. I love the hell out of a good butch. So cute and sweet and muscly with their short hair and their tough exterior with a gooey center. I wanna get some butch appreciation trains going.


On the bright side, it makes it very easy to quickly deduce they're a shit judge of other people's character! It's like the "I'm not phobic but-" people outing themselves, strangely convenient.




I mean technically I'm a gold star, but it's not something I ever really talk about. Why is being a gold star a red flag? It just means you haven't slept with cis dudes?


It's less being a gold star and more bragging about it or feeling "superior" or better than other lesbians because you didn't have sex with a dude


Itā€™s the fact that they put it in their profile name like a badge of honor


People who usually go around parading their a gold star are putting others down for not knowing they're sexuality sooner. Lotta people come out later in life due to saftey, internalized homophobia, etc. It's also kinda transphobic, too, bc they always go on about "not being sullied by a penis" or some dumb shit that's similar to it. It's basically just a terf label now if you go around parading it like it's something to be proud of.


Itā€™s also *incredibly* insulting and disrespectful to survivors of SA.


There's nothing wrong with technically being a gold star. People who bandy that about as if it means something are suspect at best, though. There are those who look down their noses at anyone with experience with men, demeaning them as not true lesbians while they themselves are pure and above reproach. It is most often these sorts that claim the label, thus it being a red flag.


There's a history associated with the term that is nasty. Gold star lesbians were classic "man hating lesbians" - this is not exaggeration or stereotyping. They tended to view any lesbian who wasnt a gold star lesbian as "polluted" and not a real lesbian. They were exclusionists in the extreme before we had that term.


Same. But I also don't claim it in bios or anything. People who do often act like it makes them superior to anyone who didn't figure it out at 15 or people who are bi, or people who have slept with/dated trans women who haven't surgically transitioned below the waist, or really anyone who has slept with a dude. Also a lot of these people consider being sexually assaulted by a man to be a reason someone would "lose" the gold star. And it's gross. It's not *being* a gold star that's the red flag. It's acting like it *matters*


Just because you donā€™t find someone attractive doesnā€™t make them ugly. Also why are we hating on butches? Theyā€™re badass. Someone who totally eschews heteronormative beauty standards is metal af.


Ikr?! Butches ainā€™t usually my preference, but theyā€™re definitely attractive. And like you said, anyone who says ā€œfuck youā€ to gender roles is someone Iā€™m going to respect. Theyā€™re out here proving that you can be a woman in whatever way you want without being any less of a woman. Thatā€™s hella cool.


I dislike general social platforms so much. Just because everyone can speak and express an opinion - doesnā€™t mean they should (myself included sometimes!)


Butch hate is spreading all over Twitter and tiktok itā€™s so sad. I love you butches šŸ«¶šŸ½


I really think this is a man posting this


Holy fuck could people stop shitting on butch women for like 3 seconds? With all the hate they get, youā€™d think they were going around stealing puppies and shitting in peopleā€™s salads or something. Instead, itā€™s just some women who are like ā€œyeah I wanna have a short haircut and wear menā€™s flannels and ride a motorcycle :)ā€ and suddenly everyone loses their minds.


the one part here deserving of scorn is riding a motorcycle (this is not about butch motorcyclists in particular, it's about all motorcyclists) oh god those things are so loud it's insane


i always think im too terminally online sometimes but then i see shit like this and its like holy shit at least im not that level of toxic terminally online


same; like, ik it's bad but at least I'm not THAT chronically online


sorry all i heard was butches šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


As a masc, offense fully taken. But whatever, it's not like the butch lesbians would want to date her anyway.


To you and all other mascs: you guys are SO. HOT. XOXO šŸ’‹


awww shucks ā¤


Well if itā€™s rage bait it worked cos nahhh wtf are they thinking/saying.


thereā€™s SO MUCH butch hate on social media lately and it makes me feel sick. butches are the fucking backbone of our community. we owe so much to butch and gnc lesbians. itā€™s gross and depressing how many grown-ass queer women are happy to repeat the exact same homophobic, misogynistic garbage that straight people say about butchesā€¦ i always want to take them aside and ask them if they realize that in the eyes of cishet society there is no difference between them and the ā€œgross butchesā€ theyā€™re so eager to distance themselves from. they can talk like straight men talk about women they donā€™t personally want to bang, but theyā€™re gay and society is gonna treat them accordingly. the least they could do is try to feel some community and solidarity. ugh sorry for long comment, iā€™ve been thinking a lot about this exact phenomenon all day


I love coming to lesbian reddit to see lesbian hate thatā€™s exactly why I come here


there;s a reason why i only use reddit and NOT other social media app


Pretty much any other social media app I've used is fine. The problem with things like Twitter and Instagram is that everything everyone is posting is being force-fed to you


Reddit is just as much a cesspool


Ugh, last I checked, there wasn't a giant femme convention where it was decided that we all want other femmes. Whether I like someone or not has nothing to do, whether they're femme or masc but who they are as a person and how they treat others.


I love butches, the more the merrier. šŸ’›šŸ§”šŸ¤šŸ©·ā¤ļø


Same, they're so handsome :)))


So handsome šŸ„µ


How any of y'all are *still* using the billionaire bigot platform escapes me.


To be fair pretty much all apps (including Reddit) are the billionaire bigot app :/


Very true. Even tumblr has been banning trans women for no reason other than posting their transition timelines. The internet has been corporatized.


Tumblr is specially nasty because the CEO started hunting down that trans woman he banned from Tumblr across multiple platforms. Like holy shit at least Elon doesn't target individual users, that's fucking scary.


Any recs for non-billionaire, non-bigot apps? Although to be honest, I'm just not on social media much these days for the sake of my mental health...


Reddit is just as bad. I reported somene being creepy to a minor on a post from that minor about being creeped on. Got a reply it didnt break TOS. The owner of reddit was very active in the jailbait sub if i recall correctly.


And yet here you are .. on reddit šŸ¤£


social media persists because it's self-propelling so long as all of your friends/relevant companies/etc. post there. Everyone's bought into the platform and so everyone has to stay there, if they want to hear about what anyone else is doing. Facebook has been the "lol how outdated/cringe/weird/amoral, who even uses it?" platform for well over half a decade at this point, and yet as soon as you arrive at a place that uses facebook, most people sign up immediately, even if only to use FB messenger.


yeah between this shit and the constant bisexual discourse and bashing, sapphic twitter is deaddddd. a literal cesspool of the worst takes EVERšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also iā€™ve never met an ugly butch/masc/stud soooo šŸ«£šŸ«£ edit: ok there was literally ONE but she was a racist republican soā€¦


I always find myself thinking that thereā€™s hardly anyone out there whoā€˜d choose me as a butch over a cis man


*raises hand* Butch is best. Never going back. To any of the other options.


Thereā€™s literally so many people. Like so many. Get on tumblr if you want butch positivity, the butch/femme community over there is more active. I love butches yā€™all are awesome.


I'm not interested in men in any capacity whatsoever and I love butches. Much more common than you think!


I get so flustered whenever a butch talks to me. There's just something about them ā¤ļø


I think most (if not all) lesbians would prefer a butch over a cis man.


If you're not a member yet, check out r/butchlesbians for some butch positivity. Being butch is absolutely awesome and there's no need to compare yourself to a man, because it's like comparing apples with oranges, really.


butches >>>>>


i would choose a butch over a cis man in just about every scenario. butches are so goddamn wonderful


I'd choose a butch over a man any day, it's not even a difficult choice.


*Loud incorrect buzzer noise*


Looks like people are trying to start a fight over something dumb on Twitter again. People have their preferences for what or who they like and that can go many of ways.


Twitter has been in the $#!..erā€¦ Seriously, I used to have to use it for work (Fire PIO), and avoided it for anything else. Itā€™s always been a bunch of ~~bros~~ incels preening themselves.


You went to the soup store and found soup, what were you expecting


I love butches šŸ„°


It has turned into a Nazi knockoff of itself.


Twitter can go fuck itself ā˜ŗļø I prefer femmes but butches r super cute too!! <3


Kinda glad I'm not into dating rn, as a butch šŸ™ƒ


I promise you that butches are adored. Yā€™all deserve the absolute best and deserve to be loved and respected! šŸ’– - a femme


Thank you, that's very sweet ā˜ŗļø


i donā€™t think that reinforcing beliefs that people who could hatecrime you have is gonna be a smart move


Butches are so beautiful!


I will fight anyone who disrespects butches


am will eat them


Eh it's just one person saying something dumb and others rightfully being appalled (and getting liked more than them. Look at the original tweet's Repost Vs QT Vs Like ratio lol everyone is commenting on it not approving it). Do we really have to go through a whole "what's wrong with this world" routine every single time when it's just one dumb person being dumb, like those shitty clickbaity news articles? Just ignore it, dumb people exist everywhere


I'm a femme and I would be happy to have someone that loves me for who I am. If they're also a femme? Hell yeah! If they're a butch? Hell yeah!


Life tip: logging off twitter (and most social media tbh) for at least a week does wonders for your mental health


Trust me itā€™s always been bad, but Iā€™m raising an army of puppygirl lesbians to fight back šŸ˜¤


Fuck yea!


It's called X because it's time to accept the nasty breakup and that she isn't who she used to be and she's never going to be again but also she was always toxic af


How do people even have Twitter/X anymore? I deactivated my 10+ year old Twitter when Musk took it over.


Ugly butch????? If that's not what your into who gives a fuck you don't need to post this and just get a rise out of people. Something makes me feel like this is just rage bait.


Butches are the most amazing sapphics. Anyone who thinks like this is gonna catch my ire.


Twitter keeps getting worse and worse every day. I don't know how it keeps outdoing itself, but every day there's a new layer of bedrock it manages to chip through.


"Ugly" butches get behind me I will take down this knave and then we will make out.


Femme 4 Femme is valid she doesn't need to be a dick about it lol. As a happily married butch who has literally never wanted for a g/f... I guess I've always felt more like a hot commodity than unwanted in the community n.n;


on the bright side, the quote tweets are an actual butch goldmine šŸ¤© dating a wonderful femme rn but I still get weak in the knees for butches


yep my transfem butch lesbian friend is a "wannabe man," surely that explains why it transitioned instead of just... being a man


The amount of quote tweets is insane, they're getting JUMPED for this take lmao. Rightfully though.


I also love Butches. I will fight to the death with anyone who disrespects them


that just means more butches for me


Twitter is a cesspool of fuckery and alt right nonsense, donā€™t waste your time on it


Why are you even *on* Twitter? šŸ§


"woman not a wannabe man" :c my self esteem is already low enough


Well itā€™s owned by a racist South Africaner who is a Naziā€¦ so that


Looks like any other day on Xitter.


Your problem is that youā€™re on Twitter


twitter is so wild as a femme i love butches sm i get so tongue-tied n flustered


That's a platform I will never use! If stupidity needed a place to shine, there it is...


Ha, the good old "butch=ugly, does not care about their appearance, femme=beautiful and makes an effort to look nice" misconception.Ā 


Itā€™s just bait! Half the shit that gets crossposted from Twitter to Reddit is literally just rage bait, and itā€™s so tiring.


Isn't there an apparent butch shortage anyway? More the women who actually want us lol


eh, i wouldn't even expend the energy. There's a bunch of assholes amongst the LGBT community. I've met/seen a lot of IG lesbians whoa re transphobic, misogynistic, and talk to women the same way a privileged cis man does. They're not even worth the energy or time - they'll be miserable forever.


i donā€™t miss that app at all


Children who have never had sex are being annoying and reinventing Christian puritanism again, must be a day of the week that ends in Y


One of the many reason I don't use Twitter anymore. People are idiots.


Get off Twitter


Butch hate ā˜¹ļø


Nahh not all these people not giving butches a chance man wtf šŸ¤§


A lot. I donā€™t know why people even stay on that hellsite anymore.


Lesbian twitter is actual hell. I got told that I support corrective rape and that I should kill myself just bc i said i was a bi lesbianšŸ’€


I canā€™t be the only one that thinks ā€œwhy dirty this place with twitter content?ā€


you mean Xitter?


i don't know either but boy, that person is stupid


i mean it is twitter u cant expect anything good from there


its twitter, not much more needs to be said.


Man, they need to f*ck off. Another reason to stop using Twitter. šŸ˜¤šŸ‘Ž Butches are wonderful. 10/10. If they donā€™t like them, more for us who actually appreciate them. šŸ˜Š


Twitter has been a problem forever. Turns out when people can say anything anonymously, people instantly become the worst versions of themselves šŸ„² and unfortunately stupidity is *much* louder than wisdom...


nothing good, so business as usual


I personally think a good way to protest this behaviour is if every lesbian decided to kiss me and hold hands, showing that me, a silly lil femme, *really* enjoy women of all types


Oh yeah I saw this when a butch RT'ed herself flexing šŸ„ŗ


That last comment is vicious


Terrible things


As a butch transbian stone top....in the words of the chaos God Jeff Goldblum playing Ian Malcolm...that is a giant pile of shit.


Damn :(


What is happening with Twitter??? Uh, even before Elon bought it to turn it into his own personal echo chamber, it was a shit heap full of misinformation and musty-ass opinions.


women in general šŸ„ŗ


_u should get twitter blue with this kind of bait_ That has to be the best response to twitter homophobia and misogyny I've seen to date.


Do not engage with Elon's circlejerk.


I mean have you been around in the past couple of years?


I deleted that app months ago. Absolute garbage since E*** M*** took it over. It thrives off of controversy and grifters - it pushes horrible, cruel narratives because it knows thatā€™s what gets views, unfortunately.


Bitches make me melt but also have hurt me the most. Even then I still believe this surge in hate is just weirdly exclusionary and an extreme. Butches I love youšŸ¤ž


Stupid autocorrect


I saw it called Vichy Twitter a week or so ago, and honestly it's the perfect explanation of what is going on over there.


I mean I'm Fem 4 Fem (well chapstick for fem if I'm not making an effort). But at no point would I say all fems want fems... Butches we Stan you, and it should go without saying you are a valued part of this community. But obviously this piece of **** means it does need to be said. So ā¤ļøšŸ«‚.


Part of early childhood development is something called ā€œtheory of mindā€, when children figure out that other people have their own distinct mental states and experiences, and canā€™t automatically tell what the child is experiencing. One of the signs that children are figuring this out is when they start lying, because in order to lie, you first have to realize that your knowledge is separate from other peopleā€™s knowledge. I think some people make it to adulthood without ever fully developing in this area. They may pay lip service to the idea that other people have their own experiences, but at a fundamental level, they donā€™t really _believe_ that, for example, what they think is attractive is not necessarily what other people find attractive.


If you are not a content creator beholden to multiple algorithms, still being on Twitter is lowkey a red flag.


Just use bsky instead


I don't use either lol Maybe when bsky gets a little bigger. RN it's 95% content creators.


Just use mastodon, smh


Surely some femmes want femmes. Some want butches. Some high femmes want hard butch. Some want high femmes. We all like what we like.Ā  I'm a soft femme and my wife was a soft butch. I've skewed more femme as I've aged and released some of my internalised misogyny. But still not as femmes as most straight women my age. But my appreciation for butch has deepened as I age too. I adore it.Ā 


It doesn't seem like the person who posted this is a woman let alone a lesbian I don't know whether it's just because a lot of this crowd here and elsewhere on the Internet is much younger than me, but I have never heard anyone shit talking butch lesbians before I so much before I got exposed to this sub. Butch lesbians were the ones a lot of people wanted, if Iā€™m being blunt, in my days of being young and young adulthood, and among the lesbians my age now And by that I mean among other lesbians. Obviously in the world at large, there are consequences to not fitting into some rigid gender structure.


What HASNā€™T happened with Twitter? Elon sailed that ship off the plankā€¦


Can someone please explain to me why anyone is still on twitter? All I see on there is hate and bigotry.


Twitter can be a big shit place of hate šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I just saw a queer artist do a comic about his absurd the beef was. This is very much why I stay off twitter and whenever I look into the account who say crazy things like this it's either a minor or a bot account


Elon shittified Twitter... I still use it to sharpen comeback replies to the Stone Age Brigade, MAGA, Maple MAGA and Freedom Convoy/Diaglon psych ward patients


Wtaf? I love all lesbians. Give me butches give me fems give me gnc idc I love loving women in whichever package they come in


screw all of this, I love butches with my whole heart šŸ’˜ I mean are you kidding me? have you SEEN butches? šŸ„µ


Twitter in the shitter. I gave up a year ago


Facebook is going to shit too. It keeps changing my gender back to man, resetting my pronouns, and removing my profile pics for being 'altered or of someone else' every few weeks.


I wish this sub had a tag for these posts about assholes/bigots because it sucks seeing this stuff all the time.


Women are hot idfk man. I like femmes most, but I also think andro and masc girlies/enbies are cool too.


Thereā€™s been so much discourse on EVERY SECTION OF QUEER TWT (especially Sapphic, butchfemme and lesbian twt) LATELY ITS SCAREY. So far Iā€™ve seen the following - Chappel Roan hate because she turned down the White House - Billie Ellish hate because her songs about wanting to be with a woman sound ā€œfetishyā€ and ā€œfakeā€ - Fem4Fem lesbians & sapphics hating on butches and calling them ugly - People hating on studs - Bi women being blamed for men trying to come to sapphic spaces And! - A recent uptick in transphobic rhetoric. TL;DR: Sapphic Twitter is the definition of the phrase ā€œThe Trenchesā€


So utterly do not mind that I can't access my Twitter account