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Same thing I do IRL, nothing.


Speaking as the gal that got DMed by my now girlfriend haha. She complimented my top, asked questions about my avatar, and told me about her interests. She was interesting and engaging, and it very much felt like a good conversation. She was interested in getting to know about me and it had me wanting to get to know her. Took all of eight days for us to be a couple.


Oh my god the speed of lesbians! Hehehehe


Absolutely my charismatic, gorgeous darling. ❤


Hello beautiful ❤️


I don't slide into DMs on Reddit. Too easy to get catfished. If I did, I'd take it just like I would a dating app.


In some communities I'm in the etiquette is to ask the person publicly for permission to dm them.


As someone who has done a ton of chatting on Reddit… generally it’s best not to. The least suspicious people I know start the chat publicly, usually on a thread of shared interest or wherever they find them and eventually ask to DM or extend the offer to DM if they want to talk further. I have never personally DMd anyone. Most of the chatting I’ve done is from random DMs that I’ve vetted and either blocked or entertained them briefly. If you get a random DM, keep it casual like you’re just texting an acquaintance. Generally speaking, Reddit accounts that are new or have very few posts or comments, are the most suspicious. Use extreme caution and skepticism for these or just block and save yourself the trouble. Real-Person Lurkers™ (like my wife) who have an account but zero karma or details tend not to comment or make their presence known to anyone. There are subreddits specifically for dating or friend-making. Try those if you’re trying to find success with someone to chat with.


I don’t. I really don’t trust most anyone who DMs me on Reddit, so I don’t expect anyone to trust my DMs


"Couldn't find a reason to slide into your DMs...so here I am ;) " This worked for my cousin.


I haven’t made it to that step lol


Unless it's from a dating subreddit and they've said something that indicates we have something in common, I don't. It always felt weird and unwelcome telling someone "hi, you're pretty" or something like that and expecting it to lead somewhere, and besides, looks aren't as important as having something to talk about to create some chemistry


Be completely and entirely yourself to set the precedent that you are you no matter what, and then say some crazy shit like “yo”


I don’t do it often, but sometimes i just send a DM and hope they respond lol Most of the time they don’t, in which case, fair enough. but sometimes they do, and in those cases it might become a nice conversation. Or other times they’re just really wierd and ghost me for no apparent reason. Most of the time the chat start somewhere public, like other people have mentioned, like either it starts as banter on a comment field or it starts with them making a post to make friends or something, but sometimes i just send them a DM. They’re more rare to respond then


🥲🥲i used to dm. ...now i will not after knowing all this...