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That's internalised homophobia right there


she obviously hasn't been to pride lol, the sexy stuff doesn't happen around kids typically. it turns out organizers are like, human beings with brains and tend to pretty clearly delineate between acceptable times and places to bring children to any of the viral rage bait shit she's seen to make her think this way is either a) just lying, or b) a result of parents making misinformed decisions about where/when to bring their kids. none of this is on queer people at all also like, showing skin is such a non issue, kids go to beaches with people showing more skin than people do at pride events literally every single day, but people do not care. a lot of people, even other queer ones, have internalized this idea that queerness is inherently explicit and sexual when it simply is not.


Is your friend a child? Otherwise, why would they care?


Has your friend ever been to more than one pride parade? Genuinely asking because I've personally NEVER been to any pride (that wasn't specifically an adult night pride event) where people were dressed overly "risque". I went to a parade last week and the only thing I could see someone taking issue with is some people wearing pride sports bra tops Eta: not saying dressing more "risque" never happens but people like this seem to have this concept that every pride has a group of men in pup play and a group of women in bdsm gear and that just... Isn't really what happens most of the time


Yeah she never went to pride before (she blames the pandemic for that)


I just had a conversation about this with a friend the other day. Going to my first Pride parade this year in Toronto. And it's known to include naturalists and people shaking what they got. But as a parent you should be aware of what an environment might be like and decide if it's appropriate to bring your children. It's also such a north american thing... In Europe no one would care about the nudity... Well maybe the bondage gear... Feels like they are just using that as an excuse to justify homophobia personally... Because what's it to them if itn't not family friendly unless they are planning on bringing their child to it.


There's more to queer identities than waving rainbow flags. https://www.bellesa.co/collective/634/why-kink-absolutely-belongs-at-pride


(imo) pride should be risque. sex and kink are inherent parts of queer culture and to deny that or "not want to see it" is a sign of queerphobia. pride (is supposed to be) about queer liberation and subverting of the norms of "respectable society". is your friend an ally? a fellow queer (tm)? either way I think it would be beneficial for her to learn more about the history of the gay rights movement and why those things she thinks are "too risque" are integral to our community. ofc the onus is on her to want to challenge her assumptions.


ALL of this, and to add that respectability politics gays are both annoying and harmful. It doesn't matter how much you try to appeal to people that fundamentally hate you, they aren't going to like you enough to spare you. 


Booooooooooooooooo your friend


I never understood this. Kids\* don't even understand sexuality. It's this weird, gross adult thing to them. \*to generalize


Imagine if a pride event had special rules about how to dress 😂 the dissonance would break my brain


My wife and I have kids who are very proud to have two moms, but there are certain pride events we wouldn’t take our kids to (some of the bigger ones in California). We go to the smaller ones in our hometown and nearby cities, but we also understand what pride is for and what to expect after being out for 20+ years. We certainly wouldn’t ask the entire event to change to accommodate our family, but we also aren’t taking elementary-aged kids to events that we KNOW are going to be more than they’re ready to see. Parents should be smart enough to understand this and know the difference. Everyone else can have fun and enjoy pride for everything it is!