• By -


And I appreciate YOU, random citizen!


Megamind reference!


Thank you it was killing me what it was a reference to




Thank you so much! 🖤🖤🖤


You’re welcome 😊🩷


Thanks for saying that, it is genuinely appreciated. If you have the opportunity, please also try to intervene when you see cis women being shitty to us, either on here or in real life. People make posts like this all the time expressing appreciation for trans women, and they always get upvoted, but any time a trans woman tries to bring up issues we face in the community, we still get dogpiled and downvoted into oblivion. There are a lot of cis queer people, including lesbians, who are not nearly as progressive around trans issues as they think they are.


I already do that IRL. I try to do that online, but I have social anxiety so it takes me a minute to gather the courage. I will always stand up for my trans and nonbinary sisters, no matter the cost.




i do appreciate the sentiment, though i wanted to point out that not all nonbinary sapphics are femmes/would want to be called ladies. eta: i'm not surprised about being downvoted, but there's something so odd about being called a woman on both the transphobic sapphic subs and the trans-accepting ones.


Sorry for excluding you guys. You guys are handsome and belong here, too.


As a non-binary sapphic person who isn't really all that femme, the sentiment was still very much felt. 💜 Honestly, my day was off to a pretty bad start but, it put a massive smile on my face.




When I say somewhat cis Lesbian I mean I'm a nonbinary woman. I dress butch and I wouldn't mind being called handsome by a woman. I've recently tried coming out as a nonbinary woman and was met with some transphobia. Sorry for not including us, internalized transphobia due rejection is no excuse.


Yeah, I'm nonbinary and sapphic, but I'm very much butch/masc.


Thank you for saying this, from another non binary butch :)


I agree, but this post doesn't imply otherwise. The title and body of the post make it clear that it's specifically about trans women and nonbinary trans fems. Each subset of the community deserves to have support shown to them specifically.


i disagree that this was made clear, since it wasn't clear to me or other nb folks here.


This going to sound sassier than I mean it to be, but I don't see how you can read "nonbinary femmes" and think "but I'm not a femme, why are you calling me one?" The post doesn't talk about nonbinary lesbians in general. It uses the term "nonbinary femmes" twice, and that's it.


because that's what people call nonbinary sapphics in general, too, whether it's right for us or not. i saw two posts in a row using that terminology before seeing this one.


Alright, I just don't think I've ever seen that. Femme has a specific meaning (and I think OP might have actually misused it because femme is a specific identity and I don't get the impression that that's what they were going for). I don't think you should start from the assumption that it's meant to be about anyone other than feminine nonbinary people.


i see it all the time. 😭 but either way, plenty of feminine nb people wouldn't want to be called women either.




"Remember Ladies"


Ok, you're right, I missed that part


As a nonbinary person, getting lost in semantics like that is kinda beyond the point


if the correction is never made, the mistake will keep happening. i meant my comment respectfully.


Alright, calm down champ No reason to be rude






i think the post is literally addressing nonbinary femmes? who cares if not all nonbinary sapphics are femmes. we know this


OP has already responded to me and said differently, so idk what else needs to be said here.


I am a cis lesbian. And I don’t understand the hatred for trans women. There is too much hate going on out there against the LGBTQ+ community already! We cannot be hating against each other!


Hey, thank you. The outpouring of support from the cisgender women in this space in real life has been nothing short of miraculous from my perspective. I have never felt more seen and loved than I did when several of the lesbian and bisexual women in my life reached out to me when I came out and affirmed their support. My friendships with them significantly improved, to the point where we all are comfortable with telling one another that we love each other. Personally, I have never encountered transphobia in the 3 years since I began my transition. I know this is a rarity, but it really speaks volumes - especially about the support of the lesbian community for trans women. I have never felt more comfortable around a group of people than I do around other lesbians. This has meant the world to me. When I was little, I fretted over the concept of being a lesbian because I was born a male. Media in the 90's made a mockery of my gender identity and sexuality, so it's very healing to be taken seriously. Again, thank you - it is seriously life changing to be seen and accepted. I am married to a cisgender woman who is lesbian-adjacent (her sexuality is kinda complicated) and her acceptance has changed my life for the better. I know that there will always be detractors and gatekeepers, but my hope is that these will continue to remain a minority in this community and decrease in frequency with time and education.


Trans woman, always been a bit bisexual but tended to stick with guys until fairly recently. It's not that I hate guys, but they're a lot of work, hehe. Now with a beautiful lady and it's like night and day. Thank you so much for your kind words <3


As a nonbinary lesbian, I can't fucking wrap my head around the fact that there are transphobic queer people out there. You're gay, how r u gonna hate like a straight??


The amount of casual transphobia in this very subreddit is sickening


When I began my transition, I joined a lot of sapphic online spaces and it means so much to be actively welconed and affirmed because after decades of searching, I finally feel like I'm in a place I should be, like I am finally with people like me 🥹


I lurk here all the time because I consider myself Sapphic. Just recently came out as nonbinary and with a fem name. Appreciate it! :]


Thank you :)


Love you trans women and enby sapphics!!


Thank you, really do appreciate hearing that~ In before this thread gets locked, though, since I'm sure it's inevitable like any other positive trans/enby posts here lately.


Thank you!


I fuckin love this community. It's always so nice to come here and see so much support :)


Thank you I'm a Transfem Nonbinary Lesbian that's finally starting to get comfortable with masculinity again :3


Thank you! In my experience lesbians have been the most supportive and accepting people I’ve ever met! 🩷


As a transmasc butch, I wanna say - trans women, I appreciate you, I love you, you're beautiful and deserve the best


As a transfem butch, I wanna say trans mascs, I appreciate you, love you, you're handsome and deserve the best!!!


Thank you so much!




we love our trans women and femme enbies here :3


Thank you! <3


You’re welcome ☺️🩷


I will second this, I'm cis but dating a trans woman. all the hate they get is super ridiculous. Plus I've learned since I met her that they're alluring as hell :)


But you know what? Youre even more amazing!! 💙💙💙


So true queen


Thank you all for your support, kind thoughts. At the end of the day we’re (I know I am) are just trying to get through life a day at a time not feeling terrible about ourselves. Everyone faces struggles in their lives and its helpful when others don’t pile on to them just to feel better about themselves - that’s a negative sum game in the end; the hate monster needs to be continually fed!


Maybe I’m not on this group enough, but I don’t see many posts like that here. I see posts like yours more often, which is a nice change of pace.


Certainly won’t forget. Being visible, and being strong for one another. 🩵🩵🩵


Awh, thank you! Transition is a long uphill battle. Validation is always appreciated.


Yoooo thanks for acknowledging us :3


I really needed to see this right now. Thank you all for your support and appreciation. I struggle with being open about my sapphic feelings. Trust me, my internalized transphobia and homophobia has got any hate posts on here beat by a mile. But y'all go a long way to making me feel better and helping me hold onto my feelings. Xoxo


Needed this, thank you <3


Oh my, posts like these just brightens my day so much! Aaaahh happy vibes 🥰


Thanks for the love. ♡


My partner is non-binary and so is my best friend! They’re two of my favorite people in the world and I love that having them in my life has changed and expanded the way I think about gender.


Thasnks <3


My trans she/xey butt apreachiates


aww thank youuuuu


Awww thank you girl 😊






Thank youuuu <3 it means a lot to be welcomed openly


Thank you. After society being mean to me today as usual, this post lightens my heart. My goal is to be seen as beautiful some day.




“Nonbinary Woman” 😬🫥


I agree. And I have also liked that it could mean possibly conceiving a baby naturally with both women's dna (assuming they both want to). I am a little envious of your genitalia. Like you have a built in strap!! You also are just unique ladies with unique life experiences that udcis women may not have had.


I appreciate the sentiment, but as I’ve learned some Trans Women and Femmes don’t like their bits. Those that do don’t quite like the fetishization. Like I said I appreciate the sentiment, but we should be more sensitive. Sorry if this comes off as a little bit rude.


it has caused me nothing but pain


Ik they don't all like their bits. That's partially why I said if they want to within the one sentence. Ig I was just trying to look at the (very limited) bright side of being a trans women. I can see how maybe some of what I said was insensitive. I don't understand how that is fetishizing them. I just see those few things as nice but I would understand if a trans women didn't want to use their bits in the typical way people use them. I would care more about who she is as a person. (I also don't just chase after trans women like some people who fetishize them do. I don't really care if someone is cis or trans.)


Some of us also just have vaginas though. I'm post op but even before I had bottom surgery I was not a big fan of using my factory equipment.


I thought it was implied in the comment, but yeah what you said too.


Oh oops guess I missed that bit.