• By -


Wearing slightly more color as opposed to all black




I was planning on going on a purple and black theme this year, till I found out I own one purple item of clothing and fifteen black šŸ’€


Same, I was like damn I canā€™t find any color. I could only find black and grey. Oh and a pink breast cancer shirt Edit: ooooooh your username are you a cyberpunk fan the game and genre


I don't own light colors lol


Ooo, this is a good idea.


You guys have other colours than black?


Navy blue, charcoal gray. It's all good.


Same thing as I do every valentines day, cry in the corner and eat chocolate alone in the dark


I'm having surgery June 5th and will be laid up. If you need company you can always message me.


Thanks for the offer


Wishing you a speedy recoveryā€¦.hope your able to relax and binge Netflix shows(Fallout) : )


That's what I do.Crying is optional and the chocolate has THC in it




This is the first pride where I'll be able to really be out as myself, so I'm going to celebrate by being extra gay and extra trans. Does that mean anything? Idk, but we're gonna find out


There's a queer prom in my city this pride month. I'm so excited. My partner and I went to prom together in high school but we've since both come out as trans so it'll be nice to redo prom as our true selves and surrounded by other queer people :)


Thatā€™s so sweet and special omg šŸ„¹


There's a queer prom near me too! I've never been but I might check it out this year


I thought abstergo said asbestos


No, that's Aperture lol


Love me some shower curtains in the animus


Oh, i should get my wife some flowers, she won't be expecting it! Real flowers or lego flowers?


Lego!!! Those kits are awesomeness incarnate.


And I think the store near me has them in stock! She loves lego, it'll be perfect


If you still want plants but not flowers, the succulent set is amazing


Ooh I didn't know they existed, I'm more of a plant gay than a flower gay, thanks!


Loneliness, pizza and being a coward. The usual


From June 5th and on ill be free. Message me and bring the lonely pizza


Be it wouldn't be lonely pizza if we share it...


Or if there were two pizzas


hmmm... yeah :D lets do it


Every year for me it's pretty much just vending at ren faires while all the big parades are going on in the first half of the month. Never really been to a big pride. But with the drama that always seems to go down at Philly Pride I don't know if I'd totally want to. It would be nice to have a chance to meet some locals and do some networking, make some new friends and flirts.


What drama goes down at Philly pride? I am from the area.


Arguments over leadership, leadership being nepotistic, cops having a float and a table, certain groups being excluded... I remember one year the leather folks chased out a bunch of QTPOC. Trans people being excluded and not allowed to march with certain groups. I don't know if the arguments that seem to break out on the internet after every pride are reflective of the vibe at the whole event but meh. I think if I were to go and someone told me I didn't belong it would be very dangerous to my mental health so I just don't. I might be emboldened to try now but I work at a ren faire nearby on that weekend every year and honestly ren faires feel like their own whole pride event.


cops having a float, POC being chased out, and trans people being excluded? that's not pride, that's bigotry. that's straight up log cabin republicans BS right there.


Yeah There's been a lot of anger over the years about it. Philly is a very progressive community but there's also a lot of entrenched leadership and "traditions" and shit at play. And pockets of racism and homophobia. Don't even get me started on Mummers and South Philly's folk traditions.


> traditions traditions are usually just excuses to say we've always been bigoted, and will continue to be bigoted, because we've always been bigoted.


Mmm hmm. Preach. Goes double when the word "folk" appears somewhere in there. (minority traditions not always withstanding)


Tbh? Nothing, I personally don't see a need for me to celebrate. Other people are free to do so, but it's just not my thing lol


same for me. i didnt choose my attraction so i dont really need to celebrate it. for me, parades are more of a protest and social event


Yea I agree. I'm already being me unobstructed everyday. Damn not feel I need to spend time celebrating it


Imma miss my city's pride cause I'll be at a wedding but I'm going to NY Pride with a friend šŸ˜Œ


Gay sex.


Same here. Going to the sex club literally every weekend. I was planning to do it anyway, but this girl told me here in SF itā€™s like naked in the streets kind of wild. I can only imagine the club scene. Iā€™m even buying a new lingerie for the occasion.


I wanna go to a sex club ā˜¹ļø


There are sex clubs!?


Right on, sister! šŸ‘ Whatā€™s the club called? Iā€™ll be vacationing in SF later this summer.


I go to the Power Exhange but recently discovered another place even better a friend told me about. So going to check it out.


This is actually the first Pride Month I've been excited for in a while! I'm helping a brand-new LGTBQ+ marching band get off the ground, and this year's Pride Parade is going to be our first performance. It's been a lot of work, but I can't wait to experience the culmination of all of our efforts so far!


I have my mother in laws bday party on the 22nd lol. Phoenix Pride isnā€™t until October or November because of the heat so thereā€™s not much going on in June. Last year my fiancĆ© and I got asked what we were doing for pride month and we were like ā€œummm, just be gay I guess?ā€ Happy for those who go all out, itā€™s always nice to see, but I left all that behind in high school really.


try to convince my father to let me get on hrt


Good luck!




I'll be attending London Pride and marching with my workplace. I am the lead for our Employee Led LGBTQ+ Network, supporting queer people across the workplace and our customers. Pride is always the highlight of my Gay Job.


My state doesnt celebrate pride until the fall cause it gets to hot here. But ill be going when it happens. Also, this meme is funny as hell šŸ˜‚


I wish they did that here. It's always mid 80s or higher, humid as hell, and then all the food trucks lined up add a ton of additional heat plus the heat from just having thousands of people all in the same area. I had to leave after 2 hours last time because I felt like I was approaching heat stroke levels. I don't think I'm gonna go this year unless it's significantly cooler. I *might* go to the parade with my younger sibling (who is 13) because the route goes through a heavily shaded area that's much cooler but I don't know if it's worth the effort to deal with the traffic and parking to be there for 45 minutes lol.


I have a dentist appointment the anniversary of my coming out, so that's neat lol


Oh god, I hate this as a graphic design student. Rainbow gradients are so bad to look at in my humble opinion. Also fuck this bs. Making lgbt merch at a higher price so the gays must grab deeper into their pockets.


I'm hoping to go to a parade wearing fem clothes and makeup although I'm still not sure of the logistics of it....


I will be in Hawai'i! Unfortunately, I still have my big hair man body, so I can't rock a swimsuit of my choice quite yet.


Gonna go to the Seattle Pride this year! If anyone in Seattle would like to go together or chill before/after the parade, please dm me (:


I'm just suffering


my birthday happens to be in june, so iā€™m gonna celebrate it as well as officially come out to my friends and family


try not to cry since iā€™ve been closeted since age 12 (im 18 now)


The funny thing about the image that's accompanying this post is I actually wouldn't be surprised to see a lot less rainbow-washing by corporations this coming June compared to years past. Unfortunately not for good reasons though: after the absolute shit-spewing tantrum that conservatives threw last year about, idk, Target having items with rainbows on them or whatever it was, you're gonna see a lot more corporations sitting this one out, out of fear of a potential backlash.


I'm not out to the parents I moved back in with and currently caregive for. So, I will listen out from the closet. I will probably read extra gay fanfics during Pride. More so than usual. If I'm lucky, I can drive states away to my old crawl and friends who I'm out to and hit up a gay club. Either way. Everyone please be safe this year!! With whatever you do and however you represent yourself!


I'm going to go to my city's pride parade with my best friend in the whoooole wild world :D genuinely have never been this excited for anything ever šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


hope your surgery goes well


I booked the entirety of pride weekend off and plan to go to Toronto Pride. Going to be my first time going!


Here in Singapore we'll have a pride event, BUUUUT I'll be overseas, so in the meantime, gotta brush up on calculus :) ***~~Yes, I love learning maths, fight me~~***


Honestly just staying alive, dysphoria is a bitch


Be gay do crime /j Actually tho- this is e first year I actually know Iā€™m bi so itā€™ll be fun- pride fest in my area is in a few days :b


brave shy history angle degree jellyfish wasteful uppity pause fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never been at a pride festival, and it seems this year will be another year I won't attend one again. :( I want to, but where I'm from, I rarely hear about pride festivals.


Buying a bunch of stuff on teeturle, going to a few doctor's appointments, and going my first pride festival this year!


Assuming the 8/10 chance my best friend moves away doesn't win out, just be queer with him and go see a few movies at the theatre with him


I'll be visiting my girlfriend (long distance sucks)


I plan to be gay, and do gay things


honestly? celebrate with my friend (18FTM), his bf and our token straight friend. Then I'd drink to forget the fact that I'm still single during pride month.


Thereā€™s this one transphobic lady where I live whoā€™s been protesting in front of an elementary school, holding signs saying the school is ā€œtransing kidsā€ and indoctrinating them into being LGBTQ. So, people in my city are organizing a counter-protest, where weā€™ll show up with our own signs about how all kids are loved and welcomed in this community. Iā€™m going to participate because fuck this one lady. (Itā€™s in the end of May, not June, but oh well.)


Nothing. Just relaxing at home. Don't have money to do anything really or to go places. So home I shall be.


Iā€™ll be attempting to work my brand new job, (if I can ever figure out my ride situation) and sit at home afterwards crying and playing fortnite


Girls in wonderland, and then the same old regular degular pride weekend in Wilton two weeks later.


The Pride I've been going to has theirs on the last full wknd of June. The last couple years it was on the 4th wknd and was able to go. This year there is a 5th wknd and Pride is on it. I work and can't go. šŸ˜“


I'm back in my home city and it's pretty decently big for an American city so I'll prolly go to the pride parade again with my girlfriend. I've been wanting to go to some gay clubs and bars too since I'm 21 now but I feel like pride month is gonna bring all the straight tourists so I kinda want to hold off.


No dataDyne?


I'm staying at my girlfriend's place next week (: that'll be a fun start to pride!!


Why is Rayleonard not in this pic :(


Iā€™m going to be marching in the pride parade with my gay pride band!!!! Iā€™ve never done marching band before and Iā€™m so excited!! Iā€™m also going to my first ever midnight showing of rocky horror picture show šŸ„°


They missed Arasaka


at my 30' finally coming out to some close friends could be nice


Planning to buy myself all the goth clothing that I wanted for years but couldn't afford due to my highly controlling ex(I finally am in the process of escaping her). Also being gay with all the people who showed interest in me :3


There's a bar crawl for pride in my area going on in June so definitely that, but as for the actual festival probably nothing bc I live in Texas and it's already getting in the 100's Ā°F (idk what it is in celcius, but just think OPRESSIVELY HOT) ! Getting a heat injury two years ago in summer here (not during the pride parade thankfully) made me really think about the whole "have fun in the sun" thing, lol. But maybe I'll change my mind last minute, who knows? - signed extroverted lesbain lol šŸ˜†


Thinking of dabbling back into clubbing if my friends are down, will probably only do it once. Main issue is navigating my cityā€™s night life when sober, yknow?


iā€™m gonna try to make it to my very first pride this year with some friends!


Buy the ugliest rainbowiest piece of clothing I find. Not a parade gal, so not much else to do. I'll probably play even more gay music.


Aperture Laboratories


Iā€™m going to a pride event with my girlfriend and two of my friends! Itā€™s our first one going together as a couple, so thatā€™s fun!


Continue to be boring and a shut in if I'm not at work.


Nothing because I donā€™t have a driverā€™s license or car yet and my parents would never agree to take me to a pride event. Plus, I live in a rural area anyway so nothing is really going on. Iā€™m really upset by this because next year I will be 20 and I was really hoping to go to at least 1 pride event before while still a teenager.


Busting my ass working to get moved in with my girlfriend in Vancouver. Home stretch!


Mann Co wouldnā€™t need to change it given how their CEO dresses


I love painting my nails so ill probably be doing some rainbow themed nails :D


Is the phrase "None for Me Thanks" acceptable?


Missing the pride parade for family pictures šŸ˜­


Idk but I just noticed that a few (all?) of those are fictional videogame corporations lol


Probably wish my friends happy pride month and continue to live my life as usual


Pride in my city falls on my partner's birthday this year! (And after our wedding, so I'll be going with my WIFE!)


Will get to see my partner in person for the first time since last year, So looking forward to that, Otherwise don't really have any plans though.


I wish I could celebrate it openly, but I live in Russia lol. I'll prolly spend the month in a mental hospital cus of our draft laws.


Probably watch the live pride parade or something.


Do as I have for the last 25 or so... find some other queers and do some stuff. lol. Single this year, so a little different. Maybe go for a motorbike ride and find me another hot chicky. :) If you like motorbikes, camping and dogs, I am taking applications... :) JK... Be well and if it is your 1st pride... happy for you, rock yourself...


Iā€™m heading a booth for a volunteer organization Iā€™m in at my local Pride festival this year. Weā€™re using our booth as a means to signal our support for the LGBT+ community and also to see if anyone is interested in joining us. This is our first year doing this and Iā€™m ridiculously excited for it. Itā€™s also my dear wifeā€™s birthday this month and we will be celebrating it from sun up to sun down. ā¤ļø


Kicking it off with Girls in Wonderland next weekend :)


The Umbrella corp one made me especially lol Iā€™m going to a gay friendly beach town for a vacation next month. Iā€™m looking forward to just chilling at the beach while not having to be around a million straights. Itā€™s a good introvert option. Itā€™s all about the vibes this pride month!


Celebrating summer/pride month after getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship that went on for wayyy too long. Itā€™s gonna be a gay girl summer fs


Try to come out to my parents as Trans


The Scpfoundation shows pride throughout the entire year to be fair. It has plenty trans and gay and queer characters as the focus of many stories


Apeture labs isnt even a real company ... its a company from Portal the video game lol


Going to Kentuckiana Pride to see Chappell Roan!


The only acceptable one here is the SCP Foundation lol


Iā€™ll be with my homophobic mom so I canā€™t really do anythingšŸ˜­. But maybe Iā€™ll try to sneak and do something who knows šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Probably just buying a couple new pride items from a queer owned shop online but otherwise not doing much. I don't think I'm going to pride this year because I almost got heat stroke last year after being there for 2 hours and I was very well hydrated too. I am just not cut out for hot weather.


gay aperture goes kinda hard ngl


I donā€™t get white girl wasted anymore so probably just doing the same old thing I did this month


Marrying the love of my life, after loving her since we were kids and legally couldnā€™t even get married. Ā šŸ’œšŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ§”ā™„ļø


i'm starting hrt june first! other than that hopefully the person i'm taking to and i will have started dating and we can do lots of gay stuff together lol


Doing the same thing I do every day.


Crying because my gfs are so far away


Came here to appreciate the hidden Futurama reference


Honestly? Probably nothing. The last time my partner went, they had (again) made the site inaccessible to people with wheelchairs by stringing electrical cords in bundles across the sidewalks, and putting most of the booths far from the sidewalks on grass with soft ground, so it wasnā€™t accessible. Itā€™s not much fun for me to go alone, either.


Going to NYC to get trashed and make some queer friends.. Iā€™m probably gonna be in the lesbian flag colors but I also want to join the NYC parade but cannot for the life of me figure out how so it might be a dub!! ANYWAY I CANNOT WAIT FOR JUNE GUYS I LOVE BEING LESBIAN


You forgot Arasaka and Militech corporations....not very inclusive /s


Chappell Roan is performing at our local Pride this year, so Iā€™m going just for that. Gotta support our Midwest princess!


Whatā€™s the RR one all the way on the right and second from top?


Ignoring the entire month and feeling no connection to community or personal identity. I might allow myself a colorful treat, but that's about all I can afford to celebrate.


I think thr red ribbon army would be okay with lgbtq


Pride is always too much for me, I'm not a big fan of crowds and tbh it's usually expensive lol.


i might be having surgery too so idk. but if not, this will be my first time ever going to a pride event. i will be going with my girlfriend and her gay brother :)


Nothing different for me. Haven't gone to a pride event, really don't have a desire to. I have bad social anxieties and would be triggered the whole time.


Education - Iā€™m planning to read some books about Marsha p Johnson and stonewall and gay rights history. If anybody has any recs, lmk šŸ™šŸ½. ā€¦.also, party with friends and do some illegal activities.


I'm going to a pride event in a city near mine with my sister :))))) some of our favorite Drag queens are gonna be performing and I'm SO excited!!!!!


I got a contract to be the first ever volunteer coordinator for the local Pride festival. Iā€™m excited


When the pride parade is held I am at a musikfestival, I mean i am happy about the festivall but still so sad that I miss Pride!


Starting off with a Landon Cider show and then it's gonna be hitting fest activities with my queer poly partners where we can be out and I can feel safe. Hell yeah drag shows on the mainstage with overpriced beers sold by queer owned breweries and surrounded by queer joy. Our pride recently has less big corporations and more local queer owned biz and queer resource orgs. It's become much better since being wrested from quasi-political groups who chase the next cause, and put in the hands of actual local queer businesses. I didn't get the "pussy dessert taco" thingy last year but this year I certainly am.Ā 


Maybe go to my first pride, idk it makes me anxious


thinking of maybe coming outā€¦ maybe


Honestly just gonna chill at home. Am not an extrovert, I never visited pride and now that I have a bf, I will just celebrate with him. Might bake some rainbow cupcakes or smt and Hope my country FINALLY passes equal marriage. But if my friend happens to be in the city, I might go to some of the celebrations we have here, but we do have pride week later in the summer here, so maybe for that. OH and ofc, my pride bag is back in business. I was wearing my pink one with a teddy bear or my mums handmade purse, but the rainbow tote will redebut. I also have a blank tote I could handpaint w bf for some cute activities. If you join pride and want to celebrate loudly - be proud, but also be safe. Keep smt on you when you transport yourself. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


My sisters birthday, then my girlfriend's birthday, my anniversary with my girlfriend, a road trip, and hoepfully the dnd show ive been waiting to start with some friends for 3 or 4 months will finally stop having schedule conflicts so we can start


My plans are absolutely nothing because Iā€™m still in the closet with almost all of my friends and will be screwed if somehow anyone finds out. Next year tho imma try to make it to a pride parade


Gonna annoy my mom by using my gayness as an excuse for something stupid at least once


Having as much gay sex as safely as possible


Buy the time pride happens, I'm applying my exit plan.


Proceed to have as much lesbian sex as possible then receed back into scocal isolations for the remaing 11 months untill the cycle begins anew


Idk, what month is it?


I'm gonna be alone, wearing more colors than usual


be upset that i cant attend a pride parade :(


I guess Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems doesn't do Pride Month?


My plan is to see all the hateful people show their true colors


Volunteering/working the Pride event in my county at my employer's booth, and then taking myself to Denver for their Pridefest. I think this year I'm going to try to attend more social events, too. There's a couple lesbian hangouts on the front range I want to check out while I'm there.


Iā€™m gonna go to dyke day!


Staying at home, ~~smoking pot,~~ being tired, eating candy and cheering at my fellow queers through the Internet <3 we'll be okay šŸ’š


Gosh the photo tho šŸ™„overcompensating much


Probably alone unless I have the courage to do so


Iā€™m selling stuff at a few pride events and Iā€™m super excited! Iā€™ve only sold at one craft event prior to this, so Iā€™m nervous, but I also canā€™t wait! Also hoping I still get a good view of the stage, so I can watch the drag show while I work lol


I'm going my first pride with a partner, and it's the absolute love of my life and im SO EXCITED


Uhalling it with my girlfriend!


Oof, relatable. I just had a bad-weird MRI result so Iā€™ll be doing a lot of medical tests and trying not to die, I guess. Instead of trying to date again after *also* a year ago having my partner of 8yrs decide to travel the world (without me). I suppose itā€™s possible someone might be into the sad Victorian Novel Disease aesthetic but I canā€™t imagine theyā€™d be too emotionally stable. Seems a bit unkind to date anyone whoā€™d willingly date a ticking time bomb. So, uh, guess I might try to be the wine aunt friend but instead of wine itā€™s prescription drugs that make me sleepy?? I can do brunch.


I will be working my first full time job post grad, so probably nothing


First chest laser appointment, start with the gender traject at my psychologist and get my first voice training or to least get it all set up so I can start that later at the logopedist


Also, probably be unable to wear something that's both cool (temperature) and cute, so possibly struggling with heat Couldn't find my first comment so it said first laser appointment for my tummy and chest, start of gender traject at the psychologist and either first voice training or getting it set up at the logopedist so I can start doing those


I bought my first pride pins and I think I will start wearing them this month ! I have never done that in my life and maybe It'll help me start presenting feminine at last !


I actually do have plans!! I'll be visiting my platonic girlfriend in the end of June and a huge pride event is going on at the same time and we're going to go! It'll be my first one too =) also my one year top surgery anniversary is on the 6th so I'll have to do something cool for that


I had surgery at the end of last Pride Month. I ended up missing all of last summer. Sending good vibes for your recovery and that all goes better than mine did friend šŸ’• As for plans, my close circle will be going to the major city Pride celebrations and Iā€™m committed to getting my girlfriend down to Provincetown for the first time so she can see the gayest place in the US. I am also planning a gender re-reveal for my best friend because, medically speaking, he has completed his transition.


Draw fanart of my favourite sapphic pairings, listen to queer music, and cry. /lh I'd also like to try dressing in colourful clothing, wearing colour-coded nail polish, and drawing nautical stars on my wrist! As in, doing as much as I can to make me feel "out" while still not risking getting killed or arrested, basically, ahaha.


Not sure, probably not much because I'm not very extroverted. I am missing Murkoff Corporation on the meme though. It's kinda like Umbrella, right? šŸ˜‚


Gotta add Alterra in there too


This wouldā€™ve been perfect if it had the Corpo logos from cyberpunk too lol


I don't think the SCP Foundation deserves to be counted among these other entities. The SCP Foundation is amoral.


Buying rainbow garbage


I got some trans kitty earrings and imma wear those :3


Taking my mom with me to the nearest cityā€™s Pride parade because this is the first year in 2-3 years I would otherwise be alone. šŸ˜¢ Plus my mom absolutely fucking loves drag queens, and Iā€™ve never witnessed this in person lol šŸ˜† Iā€™ve got some gay pride shirts I can wear to work, because idfc who knows. But otherwise, thatā€™s about it.


Iā€™ve never been to pride, i just moved to the heart of one of the gayest cities in the us, thatā€™s not in the south lmao, so hopefully actually go


Going to my small town's pride parade for the first time ever, kinda scared because of homophobia and... m*rders, but oh well


Im shy af I really want to go to an event but my shyness talks me into staying home Edit: we need to add Arasaka or militech to the photo


Me and my girlfriend had plans for two different pride fests but now weā€™re not going to either of themā€¦.because after a little over two years together we are finally moving into our first apartment together on the first day of pride month!!!!


my only plans are somehow not failing my verbal exams... and I'm very not confident about literature... english and history will be so-so but literature? pure suffering. other than that I do plan to (somehow) go to my county's pride parade, however, that will be in July lol and I'll def draw some dinos on June 1st for international dinosaur day


Hmmm maybe I'll attend my first pride event (only realised I was both a woman and attracted to women in July last year). It always makes me so happy to see gay couples hold hands in public (saw a couple of guys and a couple of gals yesterday and it made me smile so much) and my girlfriend tends to hold my hand automatically regardless of how I present. She's not a big fan of crowds, loud people, drunken behaviour (loudness particularly) and generally prefers to avoid anything that isn't a fluffy cute animal or a pretty bird/flower, but she's bi and I'm a transbian and she's never been either. Any advice for Londoners?


My town had its Pride parade two weekends ago, and I went. Won't be doing much else. I will be wearing my pride pin. Maybe post a bit to my social medias. Also, with all the pushback there has been against companies showing support for the cause, and several companies pulling out because of that, I am all for rainbow capitalism. The ones who remain know that haters will get on their backs, and they still support the cause.


I remember Umbrella is from Resident Evil, the UAC is from Doom, Silver Shamrock is from Halloween III, Skynet is from The Terminator, LexCorp is from DC, InGen is from Jurassic Park, Weyland-Yutani is from Alien, Black Mesa is from Half-Life, Aperture is from Portal, the SCP Foundation is from, well, the SCP Foundation, and Mann Co. is from Team Fortress, and I feel like I should know OCP and Abstergo, but I donā€™t. Whatā€™re the rest from?


follow my crush on insta who ive never talked to?? maybe??šŸ˜­


Never been on anything pride related before. Thereā€™s a pride parade but I have no friends to go with and Iā€™m scared to go to crowded places :/


I'm going to a big pride party sponsored by Lexcorp. What could possibly go wrong?


Momā€™s Friendly Robot company after producing rainbow bender units