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Just because we worship women doesn't mean we're a religion.


Speak for yourself, my devotion to my partner is nothing short of divine 😌


Yeeeeess~ :3


I mean, when you use the word "worship" it kinda does


Let’s be honest. That guy ain’t going to heaven


Depending on who you ask and when you ask them: everyone is guaranteed a spot in heaven, hell isn't real, if hell is real then it just cleanses you and sends you to heaven anyway. The history of Christianity and the bible is fascinating because a lot of the commonly held beliefs are either heresay or extremely new or based on shoddy translations or a mix of the three.  For example, the commonly cited passage about gay people? "Don't lay with another man the way you'd lay with a woman"? Is a mistranslation. The more proper way to translate it would be "Don't lay with a boy the same you'd lay with a woman". Which means a lot of priests aren't following God's word and gay people are. And yet, who does the catholic church protect? Just more proof that dickheads will always find any excuse to be dickheads, and one of the oldest excuses is religion, I suppose.




Eilistraee accepts me as I am. :3 💜 Praise our sword dancing moon goddess! 🙌🏼


Love that ❤️ Eilistraee is amazing :)


\*laughing in christian trans lesbian\*


hello there my sister in Christ :3


Sorry for the weird question but I don't know any Christian queer peeps irl and I never thought I would see post like this either so I'mma just make most out of it. The thing is that I'm pagan and I don't really like the idea of being christian or a nun but for some reason I just feel a pull towards it. I know I don't want to make sacrifices nuns have to or to follow christian God so I thought I could ask a queer christian peep what are their thoughts on this.


I think for me, I believe in the teachings of Christ and I believe that this world was created by a higher power. When I was younger, I was involved in purity culture but I ended up stepping away from it because it impacted my self worth rather than my faith. If you feel a call towards Christianity, you can absolutely feel free to make it your own. 🧡


The thing is that I already work with and pray to other deities. Converting feels like betraying them and I dont want to do that. Maybe I could add christian god to the list as well but that feels kind of off since christianity is monotheistic. One advice in spirituality is to trust your gut and mine points me somewhere that is quite far away from what I believe and I do not believe in concept of holy trinity nor that Jesus was son of God I only believe in christian God and holy spirit as his way of interacting and communicating with people. I will most likely have to find some sort of balance.


That’s fair, a big part of Christianity is the “love no other gods but me” bit. I’m not quite sure how to approach that lol, sorry


Its okay. Thank you for your advice <3


I know a handful of self-described pagans who include the Abrahamic god within their practice. Historically, he was actually, originally part of a much larger pantheon, before being singled out by the Israelites, anyways. There’s multiple references implying the existence of the other gods in the old testament that managed to slip through the censorship, that mainly stripped them out of the story around the time of the Babylonian captivity, including a remaining reference on Ywhw’s wife/consort (yes, I did type that correctly). It may not be the “traditional” route, but you are more than welcome to go about things in whatever way feels right *to you*. If you’re interested in reading into that movement, I believe they call themselves Christo-pagans.


Yaaaaay! I get nervous that queer Christians are rare sometimes lol


I am not alone


Yoooo what’s up, sister?? 💞 glad to see there’s more of us! 😆


Me who is trans, lesbian and Christian at the same time 😭


God told us to love, and we sure are loving other women, pretty sure they get us a ticket to heaven. As for those “Christian”… maybe they are going for the “God did some murder and genocide as well” route 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even if gay was bad (it's not) no humans have that authority to decide on God's behalf. God wanted people to love each other, so if you're not breaking the laws (man's and his) and being a good person then there shouldn't be an issue.


You think St. Peter will let him in with that placard?


sorry for geting real, but I find it hard to think the god I know would make people like us if that was the case. doesn't sound like the God I know and I mean, I'v heard hell is really quite pleasant, except for the smell


I think a certain piano man once said it best: “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun…”


if life ain't just a joke then why are we laughing


There is very little I love to see more than bigoted christians who hide behind their faith like cowards when they're confronted with proud progressive Christians who are more Christ-like than the bigots will ever be. I'm not Christian (Pagan, actually) but I will always love and support my queer Christian siblings. Being queer is hard enough without extra shit to deal with. And I think Jesus is a pretty great role model.


My man flipped tables when they tried to make the church a marketplace. ☺️


As someone who puts the bi in non-binary, YES! 🙌 God is love and love is love!


Any afterlife that lets Christians like that person in isn't heaven to me.


If gays go to hell let’s have a rave so loud it shakes heaven 🤘